i I I tt.h .MUKMMG ASRJKL.N. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10. Kh)J , rt &tofolt, , 1 ' POLITICAL ANNOUNCEAIENTS I .17t"nditiom oi I armmp amid wuMmT". Telephone, Main ML TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by maH, per, year.."..,... 1N Bent by mall, per month .......... M - Brvd by carrier, per month .... Q SEMI-WEEKLY. . Brat by mall, per year. In advance II 60 The Astorlan guarantee to Ita ad- TerUsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia: River, THE ASTORIAN PUBLISHING CO., forthcoming for an rtnuorate tquare of j imperial embroidery in gold, The same amount was a-ked for a small blood stone vase, and also for a larger one In cloisonne dating from the Chlng Th dynasty. Beautifully embroidered Im perial robes and skirts averaged from 30 to 50 taels apiece. Among the num erous josses offered, the largest, a mas sive brass Image, was sold for 50 tnels. 45 ttUes secured a magnificent tiger skin, while a couple of leopards, so far from rivalling their cousin In value, were knocked down for two tads apleo Historical Interest as well as intrinsic btauiy brought seven uels each for four porcelain plates belonging to the Chlngloong dynasty. Other Imperial relics Included a white "jade seal and a brass cup of the Gobi dynasty, each of which realis d IttJaels." Republican Ticket For City Attorney F. D. wioton; Councilman, First Ward K. M. LBATU.tRS. Cauncllmcn, Second Ward JAMES V. WELCH JAMES J. ROniNSON. Councilman, Third Ward t A. LKIN iJX WEHKR. Henry Clay Frick, nt one time a part ner of Andrew Carnegie, Is animated by a desire to do something which will thro Carnegie's library scheme In the shade. Mr. Frick realises the impos sibility of outdoing Mr. Carnegie in his chosen line, and consequently has con centrated his gift of moneyon a sin gle institution. He has declared his intention to found a university with a capital that will render It Independent . of the public. , The Frick University, - if it Is ever built, will not be compel led to select a president noted for his success In convincing millionaires that a donation to a university is not only a wise investment, but one that appeals to men who have an ambition to figure in history In some other capacity than as a mere money-maker. The condition upon -which Mr. Carnegie founds li braries Is likely In the not remote fu ture to obscure his fame. The library he founds will bear Carnegie's name. but It will be supported by the public. Twenty years from date the public will have given twice as much to the li brary as Mr. Carmgle, but it will still bear Carnegie's name. At the begin ning of the twenty-first century people will wonder why a library that is main talned at public expense Is spoken of as being the gift of a single individual. If Mr. Frick is Wise he will elude the trap that Mr. Carnegie has pointed out He will found an institution that can live on its endowment. Such an lnsti tution may properly bear the name of Its founder. It will provoke no ant mosities. No one will question the right of a man to give his name to an institution to which he has given so much money that it can live on the interest of the original investment AH good republicans will support the regular ticket nt the polls today. Bet ter men for city attorney and the coun cil could not possibly have been nam ed, and thorj is no tvason why they should not be cleoiid. Republicans must lurn out and vote th ticket THE NORTHWKST PRESS. Evening Telg.-am: Portland business meu will do well to be alert with ref erence to the possible change in gov ernment transport business between this country and the Philippines. If the business should be turned over to private hands, Seattle, with the Boston Transportation company and Mr. J. J. Hill pulling for it, expects tc secure this very valuable commercial acquisi tion; but if the business goes away from San Francisco it is by no means certain that thes vwple and Seattle can secure it nil. Portland has some very Important advantages that Se- atle does no iwssess. Among these are: Proximity to needed supplies; a fresh water harbor, larger wharfage accom odations, and elose by the best quar ters In the Unite! Stat?s for returned soldiers. As to objections that Seattle will raise, th!y are not serious, and such as they are will soon be obviated. Work on the improvement of the mouth of the Columbmia will be begun next spring, the channel this side of As toria, already sufficient, will be farther deepened, and we will have a capacious dry dock. VOTK FOIl- ALBERT M. SMITH Cltiito-Labor Cnica Candidate lor City Altoraty vote roii- JOHN SVENSON CltiicifLabor Union Candidate fur Couodlraan In Secoisd Wyd VOTK FOlt- GCORGE KABOTH Cltlieo-Libor I'uloa Candidate for Counciitnaa la First Ward VOTK FOK- K. M. LEATHERS Regular Republican Nomine; ' for Couaclmm in First Ward KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER Bottled or In Kcr Free City Delivery North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria i SCHIMI'lT, Uvnrrnl Miuiiiw. I WILLAMETTE 7 UNIVERSITY J. ..II. COLKMAN, President, Sulm, Oi. College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medi . cine, Music, Oratory, Theology, Business PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT open to student completing eighth grade department-lower grade in preparatory department, ltesldrs afford Ing professional training, the University seeks to give a thorough piactlcal education to all who are aware of the value of a trained brain. TUB NORMAL DEPARTMENT offers A thorough course In the theory and practice of teaching. Meets all rennlrenwnts of state school law. Its teachers are In constant demand. trcntnlogiM upon application. CIXIXXXnXXXXXILXIXIXIIXXXXXXXIXXXIXXXXXXKIXK g ... I MfcS UITY OR ASTORIA... 1.4 N'otl as f lie IMhcw Where 1,4 Manufactured... - m. ANDREW LAKE Aurchaiit Tailor New Goods, Winter Samples, Per fect Work, Prices Reasonable and Work Done With Dispatch. 482 Commercial St., Astoria. Ore. STARTLING, BUT TRUE 'If everyone knew what a grand medicine Dr. King s New Life Pills is," writes D. H. Turner, Dempseytown, Pa., "you'd sell all you have in a day. Two weeks use has made a new man of me." Infallible for constipation, stomach and liver troubles. 25c at Chas. Rogers drug store. NORTH COAST LIMITED. An auction sale in Shanghai of some spoils from the Imperial palace at Pe king shows that there is no mania for curios In the Celestial empire. The . 'account Is from the North China Her aid, and a tael is equivalent to 60 cents or no, according to the price of alive: "The imperial sean chair used by the emperor on his way to the temple of heaven was one of many curios offer ed. Appeals to the patriotism of the Chinese purchasers brought a price of 11 taels only for the chair. A Bet of beautiful drawings, said to have been made bv the members of the lmp-H; family with their finger nails, found a purchaser at 60 taels, while 50 taels was r- j, r 1 if. . . in I "Ooi oi sorts." Nothing tastes jjood. Nothing gives pleasure. The nuud is dull and slug- Pisll. Til u-ill wtilr Tiffin fliinortt cause preat irritation. What's the mat ter r iac probabilities are mat tne stomach is deranged and the liver in- ii wiveu.. , Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes a man who is run down and dis pirited feel like a ucw being. It cures Diseases of the stomach and other Or leans of digestion and nutrition, stirs the sluggish liver into action, and increases tile activity of the blood-making glands, so th.it there is an abundant supply of pure, rich blood. Mr. Edward Jacobs, of Marengo, Crawford Co., Ia.iiuiiH, write : After three years of suf fering with liver trouble sud nutans I ftsve op sll hopes of ever getting stout again, the last hanct was to try your medicine. I had tried sll the home doctors and received but little relief. After taldnir three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Jlawi Medical Discovery and one vial of bis V leauiit feuds' I am stout and hearty. It is ue entirely to your wonderful medicines." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing 1008 large pages, in paper covert, is sent free on receipt ef a i one-cent stamps to pay expense of maiiiiiir aula A,l.lr tW R V Piarr. I liuifttio, n. y. . Oregonlan: No territory should be brought Into the Union nor kept out upon ihe grounds of partisan gains or loss. The lives and fortunes of hun- dredU of thousands of people cannot honestly or decently be made the foot ball of political ambitions. Tet every body knows that Just this discreditable thing will lie done Just so long as we have territories to supplicate, in the future as it has been done in the past. The pitiful thing about It is the near sightedness that has to do duty for political presci.-nc. The objection to Arizona and New Mexico Is their un fitneos. and not their political affiliation with the democratic party. The view ihiit the western comrnuniti" the irrigation and immigration, rail road and mining development that even now are beginning to make their way over Into th Utahs and Oregons.will re main democratic for any considerable length of timj is precisely as fatuous an the similar view concerning Oregon 44 years ago. j -aroma News: . San Francisco Is making a desperate effort to retain the transport service, but her efforts are" doomed to failure. Government business is conducted with sufficient regard for business principles to make it impossible to comply with San Fran cisco's demands. The transports are to be abandoned and Ran Francisco cannot successfully compete with Pu get sound in the handling of the traffic by contract with private lines. Is onl v run hv tho vnwi,an t,aiaa between Pnrrlanri and uinnao St. Paul, through Tacoma, Seattle, oponane, Missoula, Butte, Livingston. Billings, Bismark and Fargo. Eight of these trains are on the run dally, four east and four wast. Each la a solid vestlbuled train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourist sleepers, dining car, day coaches, mall, express and baggage car and the elegant observa tion car. Each train Is brilliantly lighted with over S00 lights and the beautv nf It all ! a cheaply on this train as on any omer. An representatives will be glad to give you additional Informa tion. A. n. Pharltnn liilnt,,, eral Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison St. z-uiuuuu, uregon. A FINF! T.TRAPT Of 140 VOllimpa la fonnH nn maIi f tne Nortnern Pacific's "North Coast Limited" train. Don't tnraa h the are the only trains operated In mo wesi mat are lighted throughout "v electricity. CutbirttTs Creosote Shingle Stains The Most PtirAlilo. Preservative mill SlisiKltioMie Stains tm the Market. Nothing keeps mil the wenllter like sliinglos on (tin waits. Notliiiiij M preserves niid btnutitlis sbiny-les like Cniliirth's stains. I utbirth also makes tin- best OUTER TAINT for Hie bottoms of all rater eruft rXKiraxxxxxxzxxxxxxxxxixxxxixrtxxxixxKxxxixxxxx3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Astoria, In the State of Oregon, At the tlose of business November 16, 1003. isresQuncKd. Loans and discounts. .., ....IWO.tSI 12 Overdrafts, secured and. un secured ,w 1,062 M V, 8. Honda to seeure cir culation ?., 13.600 00 Blocks, securities, etc..,,.... 131,1011411 Other real estats owned.... .d.160 ii Vua from National Hanks (not reserve agents),, 1,110 87 Due from Htat Hunks ami Hankers ,. 54,514 Dl Rue from approved reserve agents w.m n Internal-revenue stumps .... J0 10 Notes of otlter National Hanks 110 00 Nickels ami otitis 63 it Lawful money reserve In bank, vis: Specie ..,..,1126.400 Itfgul tender notes., 40 126.440 0 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer t5 per cent of clr- rulntlon) O W llreaklpg Into ft biasing lumio, sunm firomon tatoly tfraggsd the Bleeping In mates from death. Fancied aocurlty and death near. It's (hat way whtm you iiegloet cougha and colds, Don't do It. , Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption gives perfect protection agalast all Throat, Cheat and Lung troubles. Keep it near, and avoid suf fering, asth and doctor's bills. A teeapoonful stois a lato cough, per slattnt im the meat atuborn. Harm less and nice tasting, It'a f uaranteed to aatlsfy by Chat, Roger, Pilee COo and 11.00. Trial bottles free. . Andrew Asp, Waft. Ittsr, lladuilU iH IsrwisMT WnOT-CIJlSH WOltK AT . HEABQNAfltJt I'lticai. Husoiai Aitentinn Oivs to Hhln ard Total 1763.67 7!) UAitii.mios. Capital stock paid In f 60.000 00 Surplus fund- 23.000 0 Undivided profits, less ex penses an I tsixes paid 8T.M1 03 Nntlomil Hunk notes out standing , 11.600 00 Duo to State, lunik and Hanker 894 90 Individual tli.posHs subject toehe. k ..i!fl.J7ti it Demand certinates Of deposit 1S.4!3 :0 638.;69 4 Mtsambost Rspalriog.Oensrai Ulaok iniminsi, fim-usH iionss- Rioelng, ate t'OrtNUn TWEI,JfTU AND DUANB ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. UAVK IMKTI.AM j A K K I V St jtoo ail pat UA Vtm tfcput lilAt ?0wwj nAifHi uil Rr j Ms in '4-tt,j top.,. J AJTt)KIA "y it I'Hiilautl nd I'elltt It Warn ItfWptt Post-Intelligencer: The Portland Ore gonian thinks Roosevelt's message would have been improved had it been edited In its office. It holds similar views In regard to Shakespeare and iToly Writ. "WIIERE TO HUNT AND. FISH." Northern Pacific's new game book Is now ready for distribution. Illustra tions of live fi".ime a nnrt(riilay fa,tnM with ' Pour full pages from Seton-Thomr son s drawings made specially for this book. Send address with si cents anr book will be mailed to you by Chas S. Feo, G. P. & T. A.. St. Paul, Minn! LUCK IN THIRTEEN. By sending thirteen miles Wm Spiriy, of vValton Furnace, Vt., got a box of Bucklen'B Arnica Saive that wholly cur-jd a horrible fever sore on his leg. Nothing else could. Posi tively cuures Bruises, Felons, Ulcers. Eruptions, Bolls, Burns, Corns and Plies. Only 25c. Guaranteed by Chas Rogers, drulst "The Biggest Sensation Everywhere." LILflPUT The smallest sterencopB with the strongest optical effect Highly fin ished In different colors with rl h gold and silver decorations (mountings Including 20 V. F. Photographs. Views of art (genre). Price only $1. Sent everywhere prepaid In letter form. AGENTS WANTED. LHipatShroscope Company auua., Philadelphia. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. This signature fW t, on every box. 25c. ''-"tf'Wfca' Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation arCatarrh of the bladder and Dlteaced Aiuneys. no aura no pay, Ourrs oolcklj. and Perma nently U wont ets of voaarrSara and rt, no matt' rot ham innff lnr. Absolatrlf barmleia. Kola bf dnwiita. frtct ui oj man, postpaid, . v Boxes, 2. id. . " wflTHI SAKTAl-PEPSI C0 '- V?"' aSUSSOMTaiNS, OHIO. Sold by Chsvs. Rarer. 4SS Hnmrnvrni. al Street Astoria. Orearoo. r i Steamer SUE H.EOIORE The Largest, Stannchest, Steadiest, and most seaworthy vessel ever on the route. Best of Table and Stat Room Accommoda tions. Will make round trips every Ave day between. Astoria and Tillamook FAREH$3.50 Connecting st Astoria with the Oregon Railroad 41 Navigation Co. and the Astoria t Columbia R. a for Portland. Ban Prmnoiaco anil all point East For freight and paenger rate apply to Samuel Elmore 6c Co. General Ageut, Astoria, Or. Ia. A C. R. R. Co. Portland, Or. or to B. C. LAMB. Tillamook. Or. O. R. A N. Co. Portland. Or, Total 1762,670 79 State of Oreiwi, County nf Clatsop. i I, 3. 8. Gordon, Ciittii r of the above, named bank, do aulemnty swear that the above statement Is tru? to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. 8. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this J6th day of November, 1803. C. It. THOMSON. Notary Public. Correct attest: W. F. M .Oregor, O. C. Klavel. W. M. Ijitld. Directors, UKArlPklilVlMIOH tUirUti.r Msiieiiiuw, 'j" i to a "is on n vveaji, I 4 10 p tti and Aalorls IU4 m IS , m 4akri I..r V II sat I I1el, Vort M)u I Kainuiohit an Sunday only. Atl trsiliiii ttmk 4na nAnfMltna Mi (loblo wttli alt Northern rawlfle train to and from the tfeat and Sound lulnts.- J. C. MAYO. QfB't Flight and Paaa. Aget , FOUNtlED X. O.I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OS LONDON , THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. C""h Aaeta ... Sii.sooooo Casirt Aaii.t. In United Htatoa. s.oir,,Q1s C. A. Henry & Co., General Agents Dr. T. It. Ball DENTIST. (34 Commercial Btrt Astoria. Ore. C I Barr, Dentist ManseU Building. tit Commercial Bt. Aitorta, Or. T1 1.1 1 tltllf A.tn SMaasaa. - - nun b, new JWL C. J. Trehchard Insurance Commission and Snipping Agent Well Fargo and Pt clile Expr Cnmpanle. Cut torn Honse Broker. 215 Sansome Street RELIANCE Electrical Works 4 21 H ON D HT. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimate and executing ' order for all kind of electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies In ator-k. We s ll tfce celebrated BHELBT LAMP. Call up Phone 1161. San Pram-lsco. Cut SAMUEL ELMORE & CO.. AGENTS IfW CY I UH. - Mgr PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed. DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST TELEPHONE Mil 661 FFMEL & COOK l"RANSFE COMPANY. Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our car Will receive special attention. No 538 Daane St. W. J COOK. Mgr THE WALDORF . F. WISE, Propr. Astoria' principal resort. Pine liquors and clars. TbcRIUG S4L00N P. K. PETERSON, Prop. Finest Wines and Liquors Corner Astor and Ninth. Samuel Elmore & Co., Ap;ts. W ZEALAND FII1E MM COMPAW Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS' Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two yean Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Your Mrib ra fur at, twili FKESII Au't) SALT III lit- prMini.tlv Hurt ns s'orlljf siU'iiclril ui a. W. MORTON, Prop. TpIkI'Iiiiuh Nii itn. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO Agents. Astoria, Ore. "Let t'ssCOLD BUST twfas do your vior!i' Luxurious Travel Tht'NonhnfHiopr, iulji ...... 'let-trie lighted thMughou'. ooth i-isid. u uui, una steam heated, are with- Aril bHt ilea tat unmrn. . and luxury ver offered tb trvsllln oubllc. nd altoRether are the n.rs coniple e end eplsndlil oroluon , f th. cr builder"' a,f(. These splendid Tram Connect With , The (irest Northern The Northern rHi-lfle and The Canadian I'adflc AT ST. PAUL FOB J Chicago and the cast. No extra acommodatlon and all i-lasss of tick- oi ror passtg en iht ,1, , H, 'nl lln Protwtsd by th nierlocklng Eioos eytrn. W.H. MKAI, H. L.SISLBR Oener Agsnt. Trsvsllng Art Portlsnd. Oregna. WHITE COLLAR LrWE ..FoFlIand fcloria loote.:f 5TR. 1 BAILEY GATZERT." 1 i! mlty round trip except ftundsy, - TIME CARO lro Portland 7 a, m., Ueawi Aatorla, 1 p. m. Througti t'orUand connections wttk steamer Nakoott rrom Uwsoo and Long lltaosi 1'oinU. WMU collar Line Uckat Intr4 chsngeajjle with O. it A N. C. and ' V. T. Co. ticket The Dalles Route i STR. " TAH0MA." and I.ETLAK0,, Daily trip ticevt Sunday. TIMb CARD Str. "TAH0MA" Imv Pari la n1 Um wa rrt : . Uae Dallas, rv,M Thur..' Bat i'j , sa. Str. "HETLAKO" r - p. t vs i bs L. Dalle, Mon.. Wed., rM., 7 a. m. Landing tit foot of Aider Street, Port , - tnou urfrpNa, Oot ItioaiM. Uatn 131. invtM-ra J. W. Cilotilon, The Dalle, Orego, n. jv. sruiier, iiooa Hiver, urcgon. Wolford & WVSM WhllA ftalm.,n W. i ioiii y uiinausia. John W. Tottsn, J. 0. Wyatt, A. 1. Ysvlitr. K. W. ( memos. Portlsnd OrW ssj MicMfTtsi(s rnai.ikrf4 f EHNYppYAL PILLS M lilt IIKM Ml", I.M.I.IHII M IIKII mA u ..... , . . 1 hl.,M. TatrnaalSrn Hrr... II..H. Ru, nf .nt., r,..u.i. u.tl. mim.vm 1-uil.a.i.T Csreun. Wn. Stevonson, Wn. Vanoouver, Wn. Aatorla, Ore, 1 , IJItONH MAN'S I'ATHMT WltlTINti UINU The most Important Improvement of the age In the art -of pen manship make the poorest writ. er a splendid penman In a few week by the use ot this ring. Rn. dorsod by prominent college oreslde-nts and board of education in Europe and. America, Sample doscn assorted Its sent post paid for It, single sample Hio. When ordering a single ring stats whether for man. woman er ohlld. PENN MFC SUPPLY CO. Ill B. FOURTH ST., Philadelphia. Who Peep ; of Ml f rains I the Famou . Nnrtwcstern TJmlted dally between Minne apolis, St. Paul and Chicago i,.,vla.,, Without exception the finest and most luxurious train In the world, Tou will realize what comfortablo traveling la If you rid on this fumou train. For full Information addro.a C. J. GRAY, H. U S1SLER. Traveling Agonti Genera! Agent. . Hi AJdof Street rortland, Of;