THE MORNING ASTORIA N. WEDNESDAY. DKC12MUER 3 t Telephone, Mala CO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by ma'l. per year JS.W Cent fcy mall, per month SO Berved by carrier, .per month .... M 1 SEMI-WEEKLY. Beat by mall, per year. In advance fl 00 . The Astorlan guarantee to its ad' verttoers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River. THE ASTORIAN PUBLISHING: CO.. . ADVERTISING. Recently the Satem Press club en tertained the leading business m?n of the Capital city, that newspaper mak ers and advertisers might be afforded an opportunity of exchanging views on the best methods of getting trad". . The gathering, it is needless to relate, ' was most interesting, anil, the expres sions of the advertisers were Indeed a flattering tribute to tne work the newspapers are doing nowadays for the live business men. With few exceptions, the business men of Astoria do not employ adver tising to the extent that it should be employed. Advertising is a necessity an expense that has come to be as regular in other cities as rent or In surance. It Is a money-getter, when properly employed as on agency for the attraction of trade. Mr. Wise, The Astoriun's most extensive, advertiser, attributes his large business entirely to advertising. Without ttie assistance of the newspapers, his business would dwindle to nothing, he says. He has tried out the merits of advertising, and haa found that his business show ed a material decrease whenever he ceased advertising ''for a time. There is no sentiment in Mr. Wises's adver tising It Is a cold-blooded business proposition with him. He uses news paper space because it nets him returns. Advertising Is an, art, and the mer chant who does not thoroughly under stand it should leave the preparation of his announcements to the, man who make It a study. " His advertisements should not be overcrowded common error among Inexperienced advertisers and they should contain statements that would attract and arrest notice. Constant changes are absolutely es sential to success. Many merchants In this city adver tise merely as a contribution to the newsparr, This is about as unreas onable as anythiffSr could well be. It would be just as sensible for a news paper man to go to a store, buy a pair of trousers for 16, walk around the corner and throw- the purchase overboard, and explain his action by saying that he merely wished to pat ronize the merchant. The man who advertises in a newspaper for the sake of contributing to its welfare is, in 99 cases out of 100, very foolish. He Is throwing his money away in doing so. If young girls would look ahead it would sometimes save them from serious collision with the men they marry. It Is here that ignorance is almost a crime. The young huslwind cannot understand it when the wife changes to a peevish, nervous, querulous woman. And the young wife does not understand it her self. She only knows that she is very miserable. If ever there Is a time when nature needs help it is when the young girl ii adjusting herself to the new condition, of wifehood. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It promotes regu larity, dries debilitating, drains, heals in flammation and ulceration, and cure, female weakness. - Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All womanly confidence arc guarded with strict pro fessional privacy. Write without fear or fee to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. I will ilrop you t ftw lines tovday to let you know that 1 am fcelinitwall now," write Mix Anole Stephens, of Belleville, Wood Co., Wert Vs. I reel like new woman. 1 took aeveral bottlei of the t-'aKirite Prescription ' and 'Gold tn Medical Discovery.' t have no headache bow, no backache, and no pain in my aide any more. No bearingMiown pain any more. I think there ia no medicine Uke Dr, Pieree'f yseiliclue. I thank you very much for what yon Bane done for me your medicine has done me o mnch good" Dr. Pierce'. Pleasant Pellet, cure bU Nusness and sick headache. Look Ahead, The live busineiW man employs adver tising as a meaiis of Increasing his trade, or of holding that which he en joys. If he understands the art, he demands and pays for the very best Apace, He does not content himself with "two Inch double-column" In an obscure part of the paper, but he buys W or SO inches "double column," and insist that he be given good space. He buys his advertising In the same manner that he buys his srocetits demands the best and pays the price asked. Th." merchant v.ho wishes to find out positively whether or not advertising pays should take; a good space and print In his advertisement a coupon whioh could entitle a purchaser to some small be-tetit The number of persons who return to his store to take advantage of his ofT'r would be ample proof to him that his money was not wasted. But there is no need nowadays for tesU -)f this kind. Every live ad vertiser knows vhat printers ink will do for the one who employs it In a proper manner. Is It possible. Is it even thinkable. that the bo.-ough of Brooklyn Is being steadily and rapidly depopulated? Is the day atwut to dawn when the chance visitor to that region will find there nothing tangible to remind him of the existence of a former nice of inhabitants except the constitutions and by-laws of their whist and pro gressive-euchre clubs left behind ? Look at what the figures shows, say, the New York Commercial. The Brook lyn Rapid Transit company reports of ficially that Its lines of cars carry acres, the Brooklyn bridge to Manhat tan every day an average of 163.2$: per sons, and carry back again only 144,015. The company also states that the con gestion at a certain time In the morn ing is greater than at any certain time in the evening. Between 7.30 and 8.30 a. m. 40,626 passengers are carried to Manhattan, whereas between 5:30 and 6:30 p. m., the heaviest hour in the ev ening, only 10,528 passengers are car ried to Erooklyn. In brief, about 20.000 more persons come over to Manhattan from Brooklyn every day by the rapid transit lines than ever go back again. Of course, there are ferries, and It may be that Brcoklynites coming over by the cars prefer to go home that way. But it is not hi evidence that the fer ries carry more passenegrs back than they bring over so what becomes of this surplus of 15,337 Brooklyn folks? A reasonable explanation might be that they spend all their money here In Manhattan and walk home at night over the bridge, the rapid transit tab keepers losing track of them al together. Mayor Low, however, ought to set Captain Titus and nls sleuths at work on the cas at once before any more bridgis or tunnels-tire completed. The Impression is growing thiough out the state thit we are to have a session of the legislature devoted to business and the enacting of n-ttled legislation, without wrangling or tie up over the election of a senator, says the Portland Chronicle. Those seeking that honor have come out openly and the republicans, upon whom the re sponsibility rests, have decided that they will elect a senator without any fuss and go to work for the people who elected them. All this will be pleasing to the people of this state, who have become tired of legislative holdups and scandals. It is highly creditable to the republicans of the leg islature that this resolve to attend to business exists, and not only creditable but pleasin? to Mr. Fulton, whom the majority of the legators have chosen for his fidelity to his slate and to his party to elect senator. There will be not tie-up, no scandal, no boodle; Ju.n straight business in the affairs of th next session of the legislature. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. This signature Jfrftf ft on every box. 25c. ""rt ASLI2K? AMID FLAMED. Rreaklns Into a blazing home, sunn firemen lately dragged the sleeping in mates from death. Fancied security and death aear. It's that way when you neglect coughs and colds. Don't do it Dr. King's New Discovery foi Consumption gives perfect protection against all Throat, Chest and Lunp troubles. Keep It near, and avoid suf fering, death and doctor's bills. A teaapoonful stops a laate cough, per sistent use the most stuborn. Harm less and nice tasting. It's guaranteed to satisfy by Chas. Rogers. Price 50c and 11.00. Trial bottles free. . STARTLING, BUT TRUE 'If everyone knew what a grand REPORT OP THE CONDITION OP THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business November !S, 1903. RESOURCES. Loan and discounts 2T0,5S1 22 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 8,052 H U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 12,500 00 Stocks, securities, etc 121,105 4 Other real estate owned.... 6,160 45 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 2,110 87 Due from State Banks and , Rankers 54.514 31 Due from approved reserve agents 167,213 13 Internal-revenue stamps .... J06 10 Nates of other National Ranks 110 00 Nickels and cents 52 26 Lawful money reserve In bank, vis: Specie $125,400 Legal" tender notes.. 40 125,440 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of cir culation) 625 00 Total $762,576 79 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 50,000 00 Surplus fund 25,000 00 ! Undivided profits, less ex- penses and taxes paid 37.911 03 ! National Fank notes out- ! standing 12,500 00 1 Due to State Batiks and j Bankers S9S 30 Individual deposits subject to check ,.$IS1,776 26 Demand certificates of deposit 154.4S3 20 636,269 46 Total $762,576 79 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, sa; I, 3. S. Gordon, Cashier of the above, named tank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of November, 1902. C. R. THOMSON, Notary Public. Correct attest: W. F. McGregor, G. C. Flavel, W. M. Ladd, Directors. medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills is," writes IX H. Turner, Dempseytown, Pa., "you'd sell all you have In a day. Tivo weeks use has made a new man of me." Infallible for constipation, stomach and liver troubles. 25c at Cbas. Icogers' drug store. A FINE LIBARY. Of 144 volumes Is found on each of the Northern Pacific's "North Coast J Limited" trains. Don't forget that i these are the only trains operated In the West that are lighted throughout hv electricity. Dr. T. h. Ball DENTIST. 624 Commercial 8tnM Astoria, Ore. C. (fl, Barr, Dentist Mansell Building. S78 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED 2061. C. J. Trenchard Insurance Commission and Snipping Agent Wells Fargo and Pa cific Expross Companies. Cus tom House Broker. nci i a lvtr!' Klectrical Works 4 21 BOND T . We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing ordeis for all kinds of electrical Installing and Repairing S p lies In s'ock. We s-II tl e celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone 1161. H. W. CYHUS. . Mgr ANDREW LAKE Mtr hant Tailor New Goods, Winter Samples, Per fect Work, Prices Reasonable and Work Done With Dispatch. tS2 Commercial St - Astoria. Ore. Central Meat Market 642 C( MMEt-CIAL ST. Your . id m for meat. Iioib FRESH AiCL) SALT Will he prumiitjitrand tana ac'orlly attended to - 3. W. MORTON, Prop. Telephone No JI21. "The Biggest Sensation Everywhere," LJLJPUT tolupsaMo INu kot SttrtwioApjrn(ta The smallest stereneope with the trong,t optical effect. Highly fin ished In dlTarent colors with rich gold ana stiver decorations (mountings-. Including SO V. P. Photographs. Views of art (genre). Price only $1. Sent everywhere prepaid In letter form. AGENTS WANTED. Llliput Steroscope Company i-vkkkst BLDO.. Philadelphia. The filUG SALOON P. K. PETERSON, Prop. Finest Win?, and Liquors Corner Astor and Ninth. Pennyroyal pills H,-ei'"V..,.''ii .t ! u,ai, T-T.Tfc Vrf ladle. .')! VI VH "I iikvi i.i;-,-, : I.s "NJ.S la Kl II ., I t,M .. .ilk. iiiiuMi,). I . .1 ka-r, K. IW nnvir,.iM Snk.iltntUw mm Imlla. It.a. ttj ..r tour tci.i. m wft.i 4. i, l",MI-l.r I'MlanlaU bv-l "Krllf-r r-.i- Ladl,.,. rw. 1U-W MaiL I It ltlfl l..(lm..Bi.l. !..;., k. all ,... . .... ' M.inti.ii, ll u.. i-iiii.ITha 1 KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER Bottled or Itt Kck Free City Delivery I North Pacific Brewing Company. Astoria KM Hi St'HIMrrr, ;ntriil Mmiuiror. wwawwwOMOwwtww'ww4wt Steamer SIE H. EOI0P.E The Largest, Stauuchest, Steadiest, and most seaworthy vessel ever on the mute. Best of Table and State Room Accommoda tions. Will make round trips every Ave days between. Astoria and Tillamook FARE $3.BO Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Co. and the Astoria ft Columbia R. R. for Portland. San Francisco and alt points Last For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore S Co, General Agent, Astoria, Or. or to B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Or. IA. ft C. R. R. Co. Portland, Or. WILLAMETTE '." J. II. COLKMAN, Pmdtleiit, .Sali iii, College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medi cine, Music, Oratory, Theology. Business PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT open to students completing eighth grade department-lower grade In preparatory department. Resides afford ing profi-HSlonul training, the University seeks to give a ;horough piacthal cduent'on to all who ace aware of the value of a trained briln. THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT off,-rs a thorough course In the theory and practlce'of teaching. Meets all re nnlrements-of state school law. Its teacher are In constant demand. t7Catalog-.ii upon application. rxixxxxxxxxxxxicxxxxxrxxirxxiiixixxxxxxxxixxixxxxxj R ...THE CITY OF -ASTORIA... It Notl'd it till' In M;iiiiiru - tiir CutbirtlTs Creosote Shingle Stains . The Most I'uihIiIc, I'reHi-rviitiv.', ami lLiinlnoiiie .SliiiiiH on li.e Mnrket. Nothing keeps out the etjer like cIiiiiI(ih on Hie hIIh. tirewrveii mi, I nullifies wliineli s like Cn'Lirlh's Mniim ( uthirtli also iinikn the bent COITKJ: PAINT fnr Hie bottoms' or a I voter i-nift. 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXI PACIFIC C0ASI COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed. DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. Let the COW DUST (JUOSSMAVS PATENT WIUTINU KIM) The most lmiortaitt Improvement of the age In the art of pen manship makes the poorest writ er a splendid penman In a tvvf weeks by the use of this ring, Kn doroJ by prominent college presidents and boards of education In Kuropo and America. Sample dmten assorted tdsea sent post paid for ft, single sample ISo. When ordering a single mi state wiu'iher for man, woman or child. PEIW MFG. SUPPLY CO. 119 S. FOrUTIl ST.. Philadelphia. THE WALDORF C. P. WISE. Propr. Astoria's principal resort. Pine lienors and c-Uurs. Foley's Kidney Cart nukes kidney and bladder rM. O. R. ft N. Co. Portland. Or. UNIVERSITY Ore. IMiH WlK'I't! - l.,. Nothing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxJ TELEPHONE AUIN 661 twins do your work' Who Fcor.'of All f rains Is the' PttmouN Nnrt western Limited dally between Mlnne npolls, St, Paul and Chicago ....via.... rMJ.'j.i..-Bi Without cxici'Otm the llucst Mini most luxurious train In lliu world, You will rt-ttlUo wlui t comfortable traveling Is if you on this Unions train. l-'ni' full Information uddrvaa O, J, tilt.vy, 11. U .SI81.KU, Trawling Aut-ut. (h-ncrul Agent. I'M Alder Street, I'oitliiud, Or. TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points East VI 5H0RI LINE TO st pai'u Dt'Lrni. Mts.frtAPOua. CHICAGO AND POINTS EAST. Throush I'alnr, anil Tourist Mi i-pi-ra. Dining and ItuITet Mmoklng Llbiary Cam, Dally Trains; fast time. Kor rate. MUra md full Informa llott reg irdlng th ket. routes eie.. call on or addriMia J W. PHAUIN. If. DICK BOM Trav I aas. Aft. City Tlok.t AL 123 Third Srrert, p-tund. A. H. C. Dl-.NNISTON, O. W. P. A ill Plmt Avenue. Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC 'l'iiiif Curd ot Tritltm PORTLAND. Leaves Anlvr, Puget Sound Limited. 7. 25 am t.ii pm Kanaa Clty-Ht. Ixuls 8p lal a m 6 45 p tn North Coast Limited J 30 p m 7:00 m Tacourn and Seattle Night Kxnresa it:4a pm 1.05 p m Take Pugn Sound Limited or North Const Limited fortlrny", Harbor point Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym pla direct. Tako puget Sound Limited or Kan sas Clty-8t. Iula Stclal for point on South llend branch. Double dally train acrvlc, on Gray's Harbor branch. four train dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. A. I). CHARLTON. Assistant General Pneneg,r Aft., zrs atnrnson t Portland. Or. Oregon Shoiu im akd uwion Pacific TIMB SCHKD LI, ICS Depart Arrlvi From Portland. Chicago Portland Special t:00 a. m. via Hunt- Inifton AtranHo Kxpreas t.fiii p. m. via Hunt- 'nicton Ht. Paul Kast mall 8 p. rn, via Spokane Hall Lake, Denver, Kt, Worth, Oma ha, Kins,. City 4:30 p. rxi Ht. I.-'U.i, Ciilcjco and K'Ht. Salt Iike, Denver Fl. Worth. Oma ha, Ksnsit, City, 8:10 a. n Si. Lhuis, i hic.ig and Kst. Walla Wallu. l'wiHinn, Ron. kin-. MiiineHpli, Si. P;iul, Duiulh M.lwuikie, Chi c igo nj E,Ht 7:00 a. m "2 hours from P -nl.uid to ChlesaL o Change of Cars. O'-KAN AND RIVER 8CHKDULK1 Frum Astoria Ail sailing dale subjert to change For Kim Prum-I,-;o every five days t'olumbia River To Ponland anil Way Landings. exo. Monday 7 a. m. Dadv ex cent Sun. 4 a. m, Stumer Naheotta leave, Aatorla orl w thriTn'"; ",W,,l0' "nectln there North i 1 h"" U,?K. Beactl' T1"K " Hi L, l",lnt,, burning ar rives at Aatorla same evening. O. W. LOUNSBKRRT, Agent. Astoria, A. L. CRAra, General Pawenger Agent, Portland. Oregon FRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone JZL DRAYING AND EXPRESSING An food, shipped to our ear. Will receive special attention. No 538 Duane St. W. J. COOK. Mgr. NORTH COAST LIMITED, Is only run by Ui, Northern Psolfl, between Portland and Mlnn.apolls and Ht, Pnul. through Taouina, Heattlo, Hpokano, MhtMiul. Uutto, Uvlngaton, lilllintts, IMsmark and Kargo. Klght of llieaa train. ar on tt run dUr. four Mat and four wat. Kauh la a solid vwubulod train, carrying .tAd aid Pullman tourist rider,, dlnlna tar, day ooaohea, mall, ,(prMi and baa-KKW oar and th. riamwtt obra llon car. Knch train I. brUllantlf llghUxi with over loo llafcu and Ik. txiauiv of It all I. rou can travel just a. cheaply on tills trala as on any other. All mpmaeataUvc. wIN k, Klad to gtv, you additional Informa tion. A. n. Ctiarlton. Aa.lsta.nt Oe rral Prer Art. tU Morrison St. Portland, Orctton. "WIUCIIB TO HUNT AND riHII." . Northern Paclflo's new gurne book Is now ready for distribution, llluair. i urn. of live Kama a particular feature. I'our full pna-r-s from Betnn-Thomp-' drawing, mad, specially fur thla Ixiok. Mend addreaa with U cent, and hook will tn mailed to you by Chaa. 8' V"' A T- A ' H- ''". "Inn. IAICK IN THIUTKI5N. Hy Mending Iblrtioii mill, Wm. Hplr.-y, of Walton furnace, Vt got a Uu of lluckliit'a Arnica Hmv, that wholly curvd a horrible fver aunt on hi, lea: Nothing else could. Pout llVvily cuurr, llrulsc, felons, IMi-ef,. tiiuptloii,, Holla, Iturna, Coma and Pile. Only tU (Jturntiteed by Chaa. ItoiixTH, ttru tlst, Andrew Asp. U4M Islrr, Blarbniti i,4 tmnlMr fllVrr-OLAHH WORK AT REAHONAUIJC l'tllCl NaaM Spell Altnllon Olvn to Bhlp ,rd Hinaniboat Rnpalnng.deiieral HUt-k-HiiltUlng, K1r.(.a, U,.ro. Bhoalag, aic ! rOHNQH TWBUfTU AND DUANC ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. KAVR I'OKTUNll AHKIVI 00 a m I Portland I'umn pm, I n 10 T0-iw for A .tori, and Way (Mam L.!'0"" L . 1 ..... A STOMA '-.. I " I'orttand nd Wiy i It a at NKAMIU IHVIHION alurtator Warrfiiihui, tii-rft. Kurt M Mm l in i" Aakirta (or Warrmiliiii, I 7 0 a r I lilt, , m J SU in llammmiA ami Aslnri. t0 ka i hyaaM lut taarrv'iliiu, 1 11 Ad , at Mar,!, llaanB -iiit, .'on 7 a p at ! and Aiu.rla I jssl m Bunday only. All train, mak, oonrtn-tUiru M Gobi, with all Northern Paoirio tmln. to and from the lout and Round point,. J. 0. MA TO, Oon'l fralght and !aa. Arnt Tl,l ! ..forlland - fcloria loufe. STR. "BAILEY CATZERT." !! round trtp. acpt Hunds-. TIME CARD Laavs Portland , ; . Aatoria A t p. JU: Through PtrUand oonneottona with IfMlM M.kAMta . ., . linf llemc Ilnta. " WWta ColUr Un, Uekau Intar. tjungimble with O. R. N. C. and V. T. CO. tickets. The Dalles Route STR. " TAH0JHA," and "METLAKO" Dally trip, ttctul Sunday. IIMt CARD Str. "TAHOMA" Leave Portland Mon , Wed., Trl., I a. ra Uavo Dalle,. Tue... Thur.. Bat., 1 a. ra' Sir. "METLAKO" Lv, Portland Tuo. Thur., Bat., 7 a. m. Lv. Illc., Mon., Wed., Pr 7 a. ra. Landing at foot of Aide Sin-et, Port hind Oregoa. Ilulh Phone. Main 851. AGKNTS. J. W. Crichton. The Dalle,, Or.aoa A. K. Fuller, Hood River, Oregon. Wolford A Wyen. White Salmon, Wn. Henry Olmatewd. Craon, Wn. John W, Tottoii, Stevenaon, Wn. J. C. Wyatt, Vancouver. Wn. Tayl"r' Astoria. Or,. K. W. CRICHTOM, Portlnnd Oret.m! A familiar name of ih chi.n MIIWRukCft A ft. Iftii nillwav all over the Onion as the Oreat Rallwwy running tho "Pioneer Umlted" train, every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and CWcairo "The only perfect twin In the world " Undeintand: Connection, are made with all transcontinental line,, ecurtn to pnascngers the test itervleo known. Luxurious conrties, eleotrln light, .team heat, of a variety equaled by no other Una, Bee thut your ticket read, via "Th. Milwaukee" when going to any point In the Uulted State, or Canada. All ticket agent, evil them. For rates, pamphlet, or other Infor. matlon, addeas. J. W. CASTCY, Trav. pis. Agt.. Portland, Ore. C. J. RDDT, I n- Agt. Portland, Or Scott's Santal-Pcpsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Yor Inflummntlnii or OaiarHi ol lli lllnd-trr al ,r,rrt KlJn7. No nira le par. Cuns onlolilf and I'.ruia rJptitljr ths worst fakm of .Joiiurrhne.t and Ulr(, null- r..f hnw Ions "land-'"if-. Almoliitrlr liaraili-sa. Bold by dniKptnU. rrl- II. o, or hy Bull, uostoala, 1.00, 1 boiea, W.JJ. THE SANTAl-PEPSIII CO, lUIPONTAINB. OHIO. Sold by Chaa. Roa-nrc 4EA Coramsral. al Street, Astoria, Oretron.