Hit AIOKNLNU ASfOlUAN. TUESDAY, 1)K(XMBKU .J, 1!H)J i Telephony Mala est TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. . DAILT. Pent by ma'l, per year.. JIM Bent by mall, per month SO Served by carrier, per month .... to ' SliMI-WEEKLT. eat by mail, per year. In advance Jl 00 The Aatorlan guarantee to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River. v THE ASTOIUAN PUBLISHING CO, THK CROWN PR?NCE OF SIAM. The liminutive mind of the crown prince of iam marks him a genuine subject for sympathy. As a rule, al mond eyed monarchs are the veriest chumps, and it would not have been reasonable to expsct anything better of th. self-important little represen tative of a few million heathens. He is more to be pittled than blamed. Th crown prince is the son of hi: puflft-d-up papa. The governor is hold' Init down his job ori the divine-sue cession proposition, and his thick- he ded subjects actually believe that the good Lord arranged to have him rule. The king practices all the bar barities Imaginable, and has more wives than an ordinary man could shake a stick at The sawed-on prince is one of something like 250 aboriginal boys in the king's household, and he is blessed with so many sisters that names for all of them cannot be found. The old man still sticks to his white elephants, which are the most abom- ' Inable looking things on earth, and he sways his rule with all the lack of good sense possible. His kingdom is a joke from start to finish. The chip off the old block who in flic ted Portland with his presence Sat urday Is a silly little fellow who needs a spanking. On his arrival he an nounced that he did not care to see the mayor or other city dignitaries. perhaps believing that the governor and a retinue with white elephants and a long train of vassals ought to be on hand to receive him. Were it not for the Impertinence of the little imp one would be Inclined to laugh loudly and long at his conduct; but the thought that he came 3000 miles across the country just to snub Port- . land's mayor Is hardly a laughing matter. It really looks ase though it were a put-up job on the part of Se attle or Tacoma to humiliate Portland, but the probabilities .ire that even the weighty influence of the sound coun try could not move this missing link to action of any kind. Some of us are inclined to complain at times because the churches send millions annually to educate the heath en, "jut after this performance of a subject the complaint will probably cease. The crown prince Is an abridged edition of the king, and we ought to heartily congratulate ourselves that Doctors not sel Join give up a case, but a mother never does. Wlii.e lite las s, while there is a spark of vitality which love's labor may Ian into a ilame, she toils u-ttiringly for the child she brought into the worli'l. And sometimes where the doctors fail the mother succeeds. She has no prejudices. Any means she will use which will save her child. The mother's prescrip tion given below is a case in point. Her daughter was given up by physi cians as suffering from an incurable disease, called wasting of the digestive STgans." The mother pre scribed Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery and Favorite Prescription, and had the happiness seeing her daughter restored to perfect kealth. Dr. Pierce's Golden Me lisal Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and oth er oreaas of di gestion and nutrition. It is a nerve nourishing, flesh -forming medicine m&kin new blood and new life. "Golden Medical Discovery " contains no alcohol and it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. It is a true temp-rance medicine. "My sister (of Arlington, Wmsbinirtoii Co.. ifebr.,) vra-4 uictrn vrrv hiclc and kiid fleverai i'Klan,' ril Mrj.C.'t,. Harbison, of Hlk City, liouglaa Co., Nlr. Tbty could not do her any food, and told my mother they would not come any more, aa no doctor could help her, that she could not yet well. She had ' wasting of the digestive orifati.' My mother said to my sister: ' Well, I almost know that Dr. Pierce's medi cines will cure her ' So she bought six bottles three of 'Golden Medical IHscovery1 three of itavohte Prescription,' and some of the PeP lets;' and bow mr slater is a well woman. We thank you for your medicine." Dr. Pierce' 1 Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay 1 expense of mailing only. Address Dr. j R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V.j "A the maiii guinea himself did not carry out his original threat to come to the United States. FULTON THE CHOICE. Pen Ileum Tribune. The occasion of the assembling of S00 prominent cttliens In Portland a few days ago was a favorable oppor tunity for politicians. Governor Goer, C W. Fulton, Sol Hirsch, Jonatnnn Bourne and others were on hand to un certain the trend of public (minion on the senators-hip. Though l-rigatlon questions were eagvrly discussed there was no small amount of political gos sip about the hold coiudors. .M.icb of the talk was superficial, but a num ber of pf-rsons alike on the same point showed at least the direction events were taking at the present time. What may occur betweeu now and the con-1 vening of the legislature is not easily j determinable, but present conditions will probably hold for two or three weeks anyway. It has com-; to be taken that H. W. Scott's name will not be presented to the legislature as a candidate. He will, at least, not be" known as in th race unless tin r; is i certainty of his elec tion. It is rumored that Jack Mathews is "staking his all" on Mr. Scott's election, but no one is certain of the hand the chairman is playing. Mr. Scott's friends are beginning to feel that effort in his behalf is not wanted and would not be appreciated. They are willing to work and vote for him if he shows any desire for the office, but his continued denial, his silent ab sence In Europe and a growing fear that he cannot be elected are caus ing him thi loss of support of men wtio would like to see him elected senator above all others. This loss seems to be 0. W. Fulton's gain. The senator from Clatsop Is now the leading candidate, and if matters continue in their present course his election is almost assured. He has a following In the legislature that Is for him to the last The sup port of Senator Mitchell is doubtless his. Congressman-elect Williamson, ft is conceded, will aid him, though his obligations to Portland, in case of Port land's opposition to Fulton, may deter him somen hat The Portland delega tion is chiefly anti-Simon and favorable to Senator Mitchell. Several are openly for Fulton, and unless the delegation becomes united for a Portland man it Is likely to throw its weight to the As torlan. The attitude of Portland to ward the senatorsbip Is practically a secret, and on the firmness with which they may demand the senatorshlp de pends largely the outcome, particu larly respecting Mr. Fulton. Jonathan Bourne is looking forward to an accident, and Sol Hirsch is quiet ly wating for developments In his fa vor, which are not yet apparent. An interesting feature is .he possibility of Senator Corbett as a dark horse. Some persons in touch with the campaign profess to believe that ilr. Corbett will be elected as a one-term man. Port land considers that no better selection could be made, 'Jovernor Gecr is not in the fight. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE OAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. This signature mt t on every box. 25c. ASLEEP AMID FLAMES. Hreakins Into a blazing home, son-,!? firemen lately dragged the sleeping In mates from death. Fancied security and death iiear. It's that way whn you neglect coughs and colds. Don't do it. Dr. King's New Discovery for 1 Consumption gives perfect protec tion against all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Keep It near, and avoid suf fering, death and doctor's bills. A teaspoonful stops a laate cough, per sistent use the most stuborn. Harm less and nice tasting, It's guaranteed to satisfy by Chas. Rogers. Price 50c and $1-00. Trial bottles free. STARTLING, EUT TP.UE "If everyone knew what a grand medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills Is," writes O. H. Turner, Dempseytown. Pa,, "you'd sell all you have in a day. Two weeks jtse has made a new man of me," Infallible for constipation, stomach and liver troubles. 25c at Chas. Rogers' drug store. A STARTLING SURPRISE. Very fear couldb elleve In looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robuust blacksmith of Tllden. Ind., that for ten years he suffered such tortures from Rheumatism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change fol lowed his taking Electric Bitters. "Two bottbs wholly cured me," he writes, "and I have not felt a twinge In over a year." Thiy regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rheumatism Neuralgia, Nervousness, Improve dl- REPORT OF THK CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business November 15, 1903. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.. ........ $2;o,5$l S3 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 96 C S. Itonds to secure cir culation 13.500 00 Stocks, securities, etc 121.105 49 Other real estate owned.... 6,160 15 Due from National Hanks (not reserve agents) 2,110 ST Due from State Hanks and Bankers 51.514 St Due from approved reserve agents 167,21S 13 Internal-revenue stamps .... 106 10 Notes of other National Uanks 1V0 00 Nickels and cents 52 26 Lawful money reserve lt bank, vis: Specie $125,100 Legal tender notes.. 40 123,440 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer t5 per cent of clr- -dilation) 625 00 Total JT62.5T6 79 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in J 50,000 00 Surplus fund 25,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses ani taxes paid 37,911 03 National Bank notes out- standing 12,500 00 Due to State Iianks and Bankers 30 Individual deposits subject to check ..JSS1.776 26 Demand certificates of deposit 154.433 20 6.KM9 46 Total J762.576 79 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, sa-. I, 3. S. Gordon, Cashier of the abovo. i named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GOP.DOX, Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 26th day of November, 1902. C. P.. THOMSON, Notary Public. Correct attest: W. F. McGregor, G. C. Flavel, W. M. Ladd, Directors. pes tlon and give perfect health. Try them. Only 50 cts. at Chas. Rogers drug store. A FINE LIBART. Of 140 volumes is found on each of the Northern Pacific's "North Coast Limited" trains. . Don't forget that these are the only trains operated in the West that are lighted throughout hv electricity. Dr. T. Ii. Ball DENTIST. 524 Commercial Street Astoria. Ore. C. 01, Barr, Dentist Mansell Building. 578 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED 206L C. J. Trenchard Insurance Commission and Snipping Agent Wells Fargo and Pa cific Express Companies. Cus tom House Broker. RELIANCE Klectrical Works 421 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing j orders for all kinds of electrical 1 Installing and Repairing S"p lies In stock. Wp sMI te celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone 116L H. W. CYRDH, - Mgr ANDREW LAKE Mtrshant Tailor New Goods, Winter Samples, Per fect Work, Prices Reasonable and Work Done With Dispatch. 4S2 Commercial St., Astoria. Ore. Central Meat Market 642 C( MME ClAt ST. Vuur 1 id- r for rt'i-ni-.. boih FRESH A iC I) tj A LT a ill tf ir"mi-tiv d si'S av-'orlly sti-i1 d n a. W. MORTON, Prop. Telephone Mo Xgl, DYSPEPTICOF Th orsatast eld to nGf. "The Biggest Sensation Everywhere." LILIPUT ColapsuMe Pocket Storosfopo Apparatus The smallest stercseope with the strong-st optical effect. Highly fin ished In dlf-'ront colors with rich gold and stiver decorations (mountings-. Including 20 V. F. Photographs, Views of art (genre). Trice only $1, Sent everywhere prepaid In letter form. AGENTS WANTED. LHiputSterosceps Company FORREST BLDC1.. Philadelphia. fheMGSAlO0N P. E, PETERSON'. Prop. Finest Wines and Liquors Corner Astor and Ninth. emcwrvrrR s inhii-.u ENKYROYAL PILLS TriA"''" 1 I. .!. P' i'I'M lid .l UcM m Ha, I-; rv.r I n.,-K tf -t L' tii Mit. KM'-'H i-ti. am... .M-t !j 1 ll l":"- kWkrt-rt t.ri.:-l t'.s M .". !ri4ai",, I'UtU. t'A H.- I KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER j Bottled or lit Keg Free City Delivery I North Pacific Frewing Company Astoria KMIL St IIIMl'l T, Steamer SUE The Largest, 8taunchest, Steadiest, and most seo worthy vesnel ever on the route. Best of Tabic and State Room Accommoda tions. Will make round trips every five days between. Astoria and Tillamook FARE $3.50 Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and the Astoria ft Columbia R. R. for Portland. Ban Francisco and all points East For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Blmorc 6e Co General Audits, Aatorlu, Or. or to B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Or. lA. A C. R. R Co. Portland, Or. WILLAMETTE 7 UNIVERSITY J. I!. COLK.MAN, President, SnU ni, Ore. ... x College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, lledi cine, Music, Oratory, Theology, Business PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT open to students completing eighth grade department lower grade in preparatory department. ilf-Bides afford Ini; professional training, the University seeks to give a :horough pinctinil edu' it'on to all who are aware of the value of a trained brtln. THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT off.-rs a thorough courne In thi theory una practice or teacning. .vieeis an re teachers are in constant demand. OLD KENTUCKY HOME CLUB 0. P. S. WHISKEY aaaaBsaaaiBaai mmMHmaammimimmmmmmmmmm American Favorite Whiskey BLUMAUBR & HOCH Wholesale Liquor urn! I iyur Dciilcrn sol:; A OK NTS 10S-1 10 Foiirlh Street ... I'tirHiitu!, Oregon rxixzixiixiiixi-xiirirziixixixiirixxzxxxxixiirixxxix ...TUB CITY OF ASTORIA... Is Noletl as (Ik- I'liiee Wliert; Is Maniilaeliired... . Cutbirtti's Creosote Shingle Stains Tlie Most liurntile. I'rnKcrviitive, and Hiinddoinc Ktaiim on Iho Market. Nothing keeps out the iM-nthcr like shingles on flie walls. Nofliing jircservps mid heautifies shiniilis like Oithirth's Htniiis. utbirtb also umUe the best COPI'KU PAINT for tlie bottoms of nil viit r craft. xxxixxxxrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Castings We are prepared to make them oa short notice and of the best materials. Let us give you estimates on any klnrt of castings or pattern work. Lowe price for fl rat-class work. TELEPHONE NO. 2461. CKOSSMAVS IWTKNT WUITINO KINO The moat Important Improvement of the ago In the art of pen. manship makes thn poorest writ er a splendid pentimn in a few week by the use of this ring. En dorsed by prominent college picniil.-nis nnd botiriU of education in Europe and America. Sample dosen nxxortcd sisos sent post paid for Jt, sImkI"' sample 25c. When ordering a single rlnif state whether for limn, woman or child, PENN 1HFG. SIPPLY CO. Ill S. FOURTH ST.. Philadelphia. THE WALDORF C. F. WISE. Propr. ' Astoria's principal resort. Fine lUiiurs ami cUars. Foley's Kidney Cms: ..1 i.hJ- ;'iu rul MaiiiitftT. v !f" H. EllORE O. R. A N. Co. Portland. Or. inurements of state school law. It K7Catulnguo upon application. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3 IRON, STEEU BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay Ircn & Brass Works Cr. IHth nnd Franklin are. Iho Pcof of All f rains Is the Famous Norl western Llmlled dally between Mlimt npolU, St. Paul mid ChltVgn ....via.... Wlllnnll cMcptioii the llilcsl mid most luxuilniix 1 1 ti In In the world. Vim will r iilUu what cuuifoiliible travelliiK l IT you lUlo on this (.iiiioum 11:141. For full Inform. uU'ii uddieMM $ J. OIJAV, XruvoliiiK Agent. II. L S1S1.EU. tlen iitl Agent, t'oiilitnd, tr. ' 24S Alder Street. TICKETS TO AND FUOM ALL Points East VI k SHORJ LINE TO it PAI L, DI LUTIl, MINNK.VPOLIS. CHICACO AND It.'lNTa EAST. Through I'alain an-1 Tourist Slu-pcrs. Dining and Hurti-l Uinoking Llbiary Car. Pally Trains; fast time. Fur rat.'s, r-il lern and full Informa tion reg-irding th kets, routes eio , call n r addnM J W. PIlAUi.N, K DICKSON Trav l a. Agt. Cliy Ticket Agt 12 J ThiM Street. P--iind. A. B. C. DKNNI3TON. 3. W. P. A Elrst Avi'niie. ssniiln, Wh. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Oird l Triiliis ItJllTL.VND. Icavra Arilvr Puget Bound Limited. 7 25 am t.ii pin Kansas Clty-8t. Loula Special 11.10 am i:4S p m North Const Limited J SO p m 7:00 a m Tacoinu and HYuttlu Night ExnreSH U:4ii pm 3:05 pm Tak PugH Sound Limited or North foast Limited for Oray'a Harbor points Takw Pugct Hound Limited for Olym ita direct Tako Pugot Bound Limited or Knn sns Clty-Ht Loula Special for points on Smith Hond branch. liiniblo dally iruln service on O-ay's llnrlxir branch. Four trains dully between Portland, Tacoma nnd Scuttle. A. 1. CHARLTON. Assistant Oi'nenil pass'-ni'er Agt , S Morrlann St.. Portland. Or. ; Oregon SHorp LINE AMD union Pacific T1MK ri'HED- ULKB From Portland. Depart ChlciiKO Portland Spocial von a, m, via Hunt liiKton Atiantla I'JxurcSM Jiit n. m. via Ilunt 'nK'un V. Paul Iran mail fl p. rn. via Spokane Arrlvs Sail I-ukc, Denver, Vi. Worth, tima ha, Kanxas City 1 4 I p. m St. Liils, Chicufo arid KiiHt. Salt LaKe, Denvnr Ft. Worth, (Una hi, Khiisus (.'liy 8t. Leuis, Chicago and Kast 8:10 a. n W.illi Wai'i., jc Itt uri, Sto. k.i:i". M!nneapoli, Si. P;iuI. DuojUii 7:00 a. no Milwaukee, C'hl c.iK'i aiiil East I "2 hours from P inland to Chicago No Change nf Car. Oi'KAN AND KIVKll SCHISDC LII From Antorla All Hulling ilai.. subjci to cliangH For Sun Krani la-j co very Avh days. Columbia Klver To Portland ami Wav Landings. rxo. Monday 7 a. m. I)a:lv at. cent Sun. 4 a, m. Simmer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on Mile dally for tlwaco, connecting there with trains for Ing Heaoh, Tioga and North Uciich points. Returning ar rives at Aatorla same evening. O. W. LOUNSBHRRy, Agent Astoria. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon FRAEL .5: COOK IRAN3FEH COMMANV. Telephone I2L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goodi shipped to our ear Will receive special attention. No 531 Duane Bt W. J. COOK, Mgr, mm 8 NOnTII COAST LIMITED, . Im only run by the Northern Paeifir) brlvvivn Portland and Minneapolis and Ht. Paul, through Tacoma, Seattle, HiHikano, MIsKoula, Hutte, Livingston, Itilllitiis, IllNinark and Fargo. Eight of then trains are on the run dally, four cant and four w4. Each I a solid vcstlbuled train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourUt sleepers, dining rnr, day roaehos, nmll. expreu and IrnKtmov car and the elegant observa tion e.tr. Kach train Is brilliantly lighted with over 100 Hants and tit beauty of It all Is you can travel Just m cheaply oa this train ai on any other. AM representatives wMI be glad to give you additional Inform, tlon. A. t), Charlton, Assistant Gen eral Pawtonger AfinL HI Morrison Bt. Poit land, Oregon. ' WllEHK TO HUNT AND FISH." Noi lln-rn Paoldo's new game bonk U now ready fur distribution llliiHtra. tlotia of live game a particular feature. Emir full nitres from B.iton-Thomp-sonV ditiwlngs made specially for this Uck. Bend addrraa with sit rents and book will 1 untiled to you by Chaa. 8 Vv. O. l T. A . 81. Paul. Minn. LUCK IN TltlHTKKN. liy scmllng lulrtccii miles Win. Bplr.-y, of Walton rumuce, Vt., gtit a n at HH' kl -n'a Arnica Saive that wholly ctii-fd a horrible rover sore on lib leg. Nothing else mold. Pom thvly ctmrvii 11 nil ten, Eclous, L'lcers, EruplloiiM, Dolls, Iturnit, ("urns and I'lh'H. Only lie. (lu.irnutccd by ("his. Itogfru, drurilnt. Andrew Asp, Usrs laker. DljrUmilk us UrkMr nr..-T-n,AHrt woiik at ' heahonahle phkeb Wlal Attention OUn (o Ship ard Htrambtiat Hepalniig,(lnrral lllsck- mtiblng. Plrst-v'lase ILrso- Bhoelng, ic CORNER TWELFTH AND DUAN ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. I.XAVK POkTl.ANU AKHiVt sous ui TOop w Cortland tin an IVgwH II 10 i Kor Atlifia an i way I W p at rmuia AkTOKIA a iTl' r m I I'uint nisna 'ml Way' It Was 6IUi HKAMIIkMVIslUN AaUirta f"r MairmibHi, i 7oaai Kl-1, Furl h miv 4 no paw llanimnud and Astoria I lO A in tii-asiile or armiUiii, l IJ top m s 111 II a m n 1.1 a in va a m i S'l n in larin'iUiii, l II Nib is o n.l, or. I 7 m p m xteve i ami A" 8umlay only. All trains make rtoae vonnectlona at Ooble with all Northern l"anirio traluit to and from thn l)iut and Hound 'oll J. C. MA TO. Cm'l Fmlirlit and Paaa. Aip-nt IVIIITE OQLLAK UNI ..Portland - Astoria Iou(e. STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT." Pally round trips cicept Sunday. TIME CARD Lmvo Portland 7 a. an. lMivo Astoria 7 p, , Ttirouirh Portland oonneotlona sratk MUSjnnp U V..fW l-m 1 1 - - . ung . jim PolnU. White Collar Line Ui-kots Inter. chniiKfable with O. IL 4 N. Ce. and V. T. Co. tlckeU. The Dalles Route STR. "TAH0MA." and "iMETLAKO" iMtlW trips eicei.t Sunday. TIMfc CAHU Str. "TAHOMA" Leave Portland Mon., Wpd ""rl., 5 a. m. lave Ualloii, Tni! Thur., Bat., 7 a m. Str. "NBTLAKO" Lv. Portland Tuca., Thur., Sat., 7 a m. Lv. lalles, Mon,, Wed., Fri., 7 a. m. Landing at foot of Alder Street, Port land Orcirofc. lioth Pbonca, Main 3rd. ACSRNTS. J. V. Crlchton, The Dalles, Oregon. A. K. Puller, Hood Itlvcr, Orcfon. Wolford A Wyers, White Salmon. Wn. Henry Olmxtead, Carsxm, Wn. John W. Totten, Stevenson, Wn. J. C. Wyatt, Vanoouver, Wn. A. J, Taylor, Astoria, Ow; K. W. CRICHTOM. Portland Orcfon. A familiar name of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union a the Great Railway running tho "Pioneer Umlted" trtilns every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and (Ihlcasro. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connections are made with all tpiiiseo'itlnealal lines, securing to pause tigers tho best servlco -known. Luxurious coaefhes, cleotrlc light, ateam heat, of a variety equaled hy no olhr line, See that your ticket rends via "Tim Milwaukee" when going to any point In Ihn Hulled Stages or Canada. All ticket agents sell 'them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, addeu. J. W. CAST5T, Trav. Piihh. Ar;t., Port hind. Ore. C J. KDDY, o. Agt. Portland. Or,i. Scott's Santal-Pepsln Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Tnr Inltimmsllon or Pntiurh ol Iho lllwlili-r ml JlM'fii hlilnoyi,. No ours no t,sr, tur..s (iiilpkiy llm p,.rm. m-ntlr tlm wiirht rsiu-s ( iiri lin a and 441m, no mal'r(.r Imr luim nliqil. Iiir. AbmjIuMy hkrmlma. Jim 1 rlniRHlita. I'riet ", by anil, iwstns'ld. )TH( JAHTAl-PtPSIN CO., itiruNTINI, OHIO, Bold by Chaa. Rogers, 469 Commerol. al Btraet. Ajrtorla, oragoq. , , . , , IS, 1 i