NOTIOR! fiooks, Periodica!;. Mnp;.irinc3, Ire Hi', Is: Tc:;;n Tha Library without p'rrmLsion. Ait one .ud i;mity of uuch offense WfffiJA PUBLIC LIBiiARY ASSOCIATION, vAill hn linhln in rirncor.lltl i, 1, ONLY PAPER PUB LISHED IN ASTORIA WITH ASSOCIATED PRESS SF.RVICG . . . LARQEST CIRCULA. I ION IN CLATSCP AND THE ADJOINING COUNTIES . ASTORIA, OKIXION, SATl'WDAY, NOVOIiKK TOL. LV NO. 131 OUw l Shi O o cj- - - - - l' I '' 1 1 11 ... , . 29. 11M)2. are YOU READY For the cool, snappy lays of winter? If not you will want one ol our valuable little Air-Tight I Ieaters to keep you and yours warm. WE HAVE THE BEST Air-Tight Heaters In town, Call and see our immense siock all sizes and styles. Foard & Stokes Company V. H. COFFEY CoitfttitMtljr rnrrli'N mi IiiiikI a complete mid hlKltly witlsl'uetory supply '!' Groceries and Dry Goods 483-45t'B0ND STREET The Palace Cafe wxxnxxxxxxaxixxnxiaxxxxxxuxxnxxnxxaxiaxxjjxxxk THE CELEBRATED rebfoot mm Fisher BrosM 54w5o Bend st. UxiaxnixtrrxnxxaxxnxxnxxaxxxxnxxKXxuiXKXXJJXinxxnxxax 040W0OO00OOOOOOOOHO0O RENEW YOUR We will receive your suhncrt ntlou to any paper or magna I ne n I publlshci' rub. Have time nnd trouble by sending your tubscrlptlon through u. Tho subsrru tlon pi-tre of the Saturday Evening Poet will noon be advanced to ft per year. Subscribe NOW at the old a rt f ! per year. 5 GRIFFIN coco 0OCM)COOOCXOOOOOOOX)OOO Hut Schlatter tV Marx Hand Tailored will ' V i P P. A. STOKES. MUtWOO OOOO OCOOO 0000000 OOOOO OOOO oooooooc : The Best Restaurant Kccular Meals, 25 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty E-erythlnf theMaiket Affords Palace Catering Company SUBSCRIPTION 6t REED WHAT YOU WANT In Clothing Is Posi tive Perfection In FIT, STYLE MATERIAL This we can guar antee, for our cloth ing is the late, hand- tailored, perfect flt g ting kind.. It costs Q you no more to dress g well. 8 FOUGHT DUEL FOR HEART OF MAIDEN Desperate Battle Occurs Between Rival Lovers in a Small Kansas Town. ONE KILLED AT FIRST FIRE fulls Mortally Injured, but Suc ceeds In Dealing Death Wound to Opponent Before ICxplrlngr. KANHA3 CITY, Nov. 28. A duel to the death was fou.fht it Ariuordale, Kun , toduy by rlvulM fur the hand of 11 yuuiiK wonun. One ol ;h duelists was killed end the other mortally wounded. Ill death I hourly exit ed. Tb ufTiilr ha -nused Intense ex citement In the little town, whore the principals are well kno'vn. Ernest Dunlins nnd Charles W. Tin ki t were rival for tfto offectlcn of M in Mable Itunl.ill. u III nn Arm irdulu hol.-l. For om: time there bud ocen much feeling between the liii'ti, e.u h being bltt.-liy Jealous of the other. They nr.-t .ind decided to settle their w.irc wfh il itiiU, eld rt'tmlri'd lo ii unf 1 "jiifiittU iit nnd (outfit It nut . At u hikiiuI lilh nKMid tire, r.uiim wan iimrtally Aound-'d !.t tli fit nt nhnl, Iml l furr ho lie ! he nhot Tucker tvlc, mort.ill vinmJI'i; !ilm. Tucker cannot live iSTKi.i.niKNVK ok i.ahoiikub KKt'.VS VP AGITATION 1'iMir A if A'.-iiuliinn niches At Fur 'livHlrr Pcrii'iitiiite Than Arc the Well-to-ro. NKW yohk. Nov. jS.-ln the course of bis T!mnl-ii:lvWis kciiiioii ut Plym outh t-hurrh. Tr. N. D. lllllls took up Ihr lalmr question. "IVdiiiso the working people of thin coiiiilry art the ui mt Inti'lllKent folk In the world," he euld, "the labor que linn 1h not wtilrtl and never will be si'ltlfd. our schools, ucademlen and colleges are within the reach of the common x-ole. If you wnnt to settle the labor question, then keep the work ins; iople ut n standstill. "Killtors. preachers, cutholiirs, busl neits men nre all sighing over the trouble we have today. What we want Is trouble, only we wnnt the right kind of men to inert It. Let us be grateful for nil this ceaseless agitation. There Is not a single Invention that does not benefit the common people. Th rich today nro growing - tlchcr slowly, while the poor nre growing richer at a. far greater percentage. Kvery tendency of society Is toward the diffusion of bounties," WOUK ON NEW SHAMROCK. Excellent Progress Made In Setting Frames of Clmllenger. LONDON, Nov. 28. Excellent pro Kress Is belli made In setting the frames of Shamrock III., and every, thing Is ready for running the lend keel. The same plan of bringing the inldKhip fraud's right down outside the lend keel as 'idopted In Shamrock II. will be followed In the new challenger. The quantity of lead to be used Is larger than that of any ( revlous iial lenger, giving further proof that the new boat .vlll have exceptionally large disi'lncciucal. ANDREW WHITE IS SCORED Paper Takes Exceptions At Ambassa dor's Letter Contrasts Uel utlve Conditions. HKKLIN, Nov. 28. The Kreux Zel tung discussing Ambassador White's recent letter to Henry Sellgmun regard ing the treatment of Hebrews In Uou niHiiia, says it Is to be recommended that the ambassador remove the beam from his own eye before removing th mot' from his neighbor's. Romanian Jews, says the paper, are far better situated than American ne groes, Tluy are not treated with the same contempt and do not Buffer lynch law nor are Jewish func-al processions in Itoumnnla mobbed, us in New York and Chicago. TWO CONVICTS AT LARGE Whllo Enron to for Penitentiary Pris oners Adroitly Escape, WALLA WALLA. Nov. 28. Word was received at the penitentiary today of the two convicts who escaped while enroute from Chelan county to the prison. Having missed the train at Starbuck yesterday they were placed in the city Jail there. During the night they tore up Urn floor of the wooden structure and tunneled ut. Ouard Carson left here this evening with prison bloodhounds. ACHTftlAN LOVEIt L'EA fti TO FEAHFl'L DEATH VrtiM-to Murdrer n,-ars Heven Htoiies After Bfing Uepulsed Hy Woman He loved. NKW YOHK, Nov. 28:-tellcvliic the shot from his revolver had killed Mr. Julia Oerber who refused to elope with hint, Mux BukawatHky, un Aus trian leated through the window of her apartments In East Beventy-fotirth street. He fell seven stories to the sidewalk and was killed instantly. Before lumping to )! death the man shot the young woman throuith the arm and shoulder. The wrapon used was a large calibre duelling pistol of fins nuke. The Austrian had nude vlclint love to Mrs. Oerbcr and about two months ago was arrested for threatening her life. Tills did not check his advances, however, and while .be woman and her sister were sitting together he burnt In to the room. After pleading that she elc with him lo Austria and receiv ing a refusal, he dre his pistol and fired one shot. The woman fell in a swoon. Thinking he had killed her. the Aus irlurc ruutu-J to the window and before, the wounded woman's frelghtenvd sis ter could check him, Jumped HHo tha street. Crowds of masqueraders were panning wh ti the man f -1 1 und much excitement prevailed for a time. Mrs. Gerber will probibly iccovir. UECIPKOCITY THEATY WILL LIKELY BE ACCEPTED. If Certain Concessions Are Granted by United Suites Hatiflcatlon Will Follow. NEW YORK. Nov. 28. If the Cuban reciprocity treaty, as now proposed, concedes 25 percent reduction In the tariff duties, there is a strong proba bility of Its accptance by President I'alina and the senate, tables the Her ald correspondent Hi Havana Secretary of State Zaldo and Secre tary of the Treasury Montes, the com mlsHlon on the part of the Cuban gov ernment to negotiate the treaty, sub mitted Ave objections. Three of these are conceded by the United Stales. The fourth relates to Porto- Rican fees and It Is believed can be conceded by the United -States without difficulty. This leaves only the question of the amount of reduction on the United States tariff. If the proposed 20 percent Is Increased to 25 percent President Palma likely will send tho treaty to the senate for ratification. ADVISES PRESIDENT TANDO TO ABANDON ACRE. Bolivian Ofllcer on the Verge of Death Warns His Countrymen of Danger. NKW YORK, Nov. 28. -Colonel Ro Jas and other Bolivians who capitu lated recently In Acre have arrived In Mannos, say a Herald dispatch from Rio Janeiro, Bra nil. They are nccom panled by Rodrloga Carvalho, the chief of the revolutionists and his start. Three Bolivian officers, 2i men and 13 women will start for Bolivia, while one officer and 12 men will remain In the Mannos hospital. Lino Romero, one of the Bolivian otll cers, wrote to President Pando advising him to abandon Acre, as the Inhabi tants of the territory will never be come Bolivians. He added that he was on the verge of death and was resolved to tell the truth and warn his coun trymen agnlnst a dangerous venture, AGED COUPLE FOUND DEAD Had Made Preparations for Thnnksglv. ing Asphyxiation Accidental. CHICAGO, Nov. 2S, Mr. and Mrs William Mcllwee, an aged copule, have been found dead from asphyxiation at their home In Austin. A rubber tube which In some manner became detach ed from a gas allowed Uie gns to escape. Many articles purchased in anticipation of a Thanksgiving dinner leaves little doubt that the asphyxl ation was an accident. AGED WOMAN PARSES AWAY Dies at Newton, Kan.,' at he Advanced Age of ;23 Years. NEWTON. Kan., Nov. :8-Mrs. Kate Vance, who was born In 1779, died here tonight. wm l .'3 years of age, and was be 'leved to be one ,f ihe oldst persons In tho United States. KILLED BY FOOTBALL Young Student Dies From Dislocated Neck Received On aiidfrron. MARSHALL, Mo.. Nov. 28. Bunce Quarels, a young student Injured a few weeks ago In a football game, died to day. His neck was dislocated. FUGITIVE BOODLER IS NOW PRISONER Charles F. Kelly Arrested Upon His Return From Liver pool at Philadelpia. ACKNOWLEDGED HIS IDENTITY Kx-Ncakcrof House of Delegates Has Keen Flying All Over Europe Keeping Out of Way of Officers. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 28. After Eluding arrest for several months, Charles F. Kelly, formerly speaker- of the St. Uiuls house of delegates, who Is wanted in connection with the brib ery ruses, was arrested here this aft ernoon. He arrived at New York t,o day on the Celtic from Liver pool. Detective were on the outlook for the ex-delegat" In this ilty and placed hint under arrest Immediately as he stepped from the train on his arrival from New York. He will be given a hearing tomorrow and will Ik held to await requisition papers from Mis souri. label on Kelly's baggage Indicate that nc had been in Naples, Paris, Lon don, Dublin and Klllarney. When taken into custody he admitted his identity. TOLD' SHERIFF TO 'PHONE HIM ST. LoriS, Mo., Nov. 8,.-Charles F. Kelly, ex speaker of the city council, was the most badly wanted of ull the members of the cotrle known as the ' combine," Indicted on charges of bribery In connection with the pas e of the municipal lighting bill. When indictment was made against him. the deputy sheriff told him be was wanted. Kelly asked permission to run owr to the council chamber, say ing: "If you need me befor I get back, telephone me at the house of dele gates." Thir was the last seen of him -until his arrest In Philadelphia today. PLAN TO SATISFY CLAIMS AGAINST VENEZUELA Great Britain nnd Germany Will Prob ably Not Resort to theVigor ous Steps Contemplated. LONDON, Nov. 28. The Associated Press learns ihat Important steps were taken In London today with s view to satisfying all financial and dip lomatic claims by foreign powers an' bondhoidirs against Veneiuela. It Is main'ained .that If the conteir Plated action meets with appro Oermuny and Great Britain will have no cause to take the vigorous steps now contemplated. Details of the sug gested settleemnt have not yet been communicated to the European govern ments. Their gist will be made known first to the United States. The new development In the crisis, which is regarded as hourly growing more serious, Is due to the arrival la Europe of a secret delegation from the Venezuelan government empowered to deal with outstanding liabilities. Should the United States government give Its moral support the pUin will be submitted to American bankers. SPAKIt STARTS FIRE Flames Create Fearful Havoc Destroy Lumber and Steamers. RAT PORTAGE, Out., Nov. 28. A spark blowa into a pile of cedar start ed a disastrous conllagration In the Portage Lumber company's yards at Norman. Out. Twenty-five million feet of lumber has been burned and LaMay's ship yards, six steamboats two barges and 1 houses are so far de stroyed. Desuarate attempts are being made to prevent the llames from reaching the resident iHirHoi. At nine o'clock tonight the progres of the flumes win iiecked. No uc curate estimate- of the :oss can be se cured tonight, CONFESSES TO Ml'RDER. William Ross, Under Sentence to Be Hanged, Tells of Other Crimes. GRAND FORKS, N. D.. Nov. 28. Willlam Ross, who is under sentence to hang ut Bottineau on December 5, for the murder of an old man named Thomas Walsh, near Willow City last summer, has confessed that last No vember he nnd another man named Hanson, with whom he was herding horses, had shot and killed another man and taken his horses The con fession was made to a Catholic priest , and later to the sheriff, and when the police went to a well In which he iwid the body wis concealed the body was fond. ARRANGED HIS WEDDING, THEN COMMITTED HCICIDE. Guests Waited for Bridegroom to Ap pear, Who Was Later Found Shot to Death. DES MOINES, la,. Nov. 28.-Bert McNutt, aged 2 years, committed suicide lust night at his parent's res idence by shooting himself through the head. He was to have been mar ried yesterday to Miss Maggie Guth. The wedding parly assembled, but young McNutt did not appear or send any explanation for his absence, Mr. McNutt's parents remained for a time at the Guth home with the other guests when they returned to their home and found their son's body. Young Mc Nutt left a note bidding farewell to his affianced but giving no explana tion of his suicide. Friends believe his mind was unbalanced. INAUGURATES PRESIDENT. Jean Ezcurra Assumes Office and An nounces His Cabinet of Ministers. NEW YORK, Nov. 28. Jean Ezcurra, the new president of Paraguay, has assumed office, says a Herald dispatch from Asuncion. His cabinet Is com posed thus: Minister of the interior, Edwards Heytas; minister of war and marine, Colonel Antonio Caceras; minister of finance, Fulgenlo B. Morano; minister of Justice, Cayetano A. Can-eras, and minister of foreign affairs, Pedro Pena, who is the present minister to Brazil. YANKEE PROGRESS Americans Will Transform London Concert Hall Into a. Hotel. NEW YORK, Nov. 28 It Is reported that an American syndicate has made a proposal for the acquisition of Saint James hall, -with the purpose of con verting the existing premises into a large hotel and restaurant, cables the London correspondent of the Tribune. Saint James Is the most famous con cert ball In London. Ail the greatest musicians who have visited the Brit ish metropolis for generations past have been heard there. SUMMER RESORT FIRE JACKSON. N. H.. Nov. 2S.-Gray's Inn .one of the best known summer ho tels in the White mountains, was burned tonight, together with Wood bury hall, two cottages and the casino. Loss, $175,000. ELECTION CANVASS Idaho Rolls Up An Interesting Repub lican Majority. BOISE, Nov. 28. The state board to day canvassed the returns of the elec tion. Results show that the major ity of French, republican, for congress, was 7065 and Morrison, republican, for governor, 5853. The legislature stands 50 republicans and 17 democrats. CARNEGIE RECOVERS. Is Now About Well and Will Sail for America In a Few Days. NEW YORK, Nov. 28. Andrew Car negie, who is progressing nicely, hopes to leave for the United States next Wednesday, accoring to a World dis patch from London. .?I.t.i THE INSIDE A . W Ah ; SSP- The perfection in economical stove construction ''SUPERIOR" HOT BLAST For sale in Astoria only by the lECLIPSE HARDWARE COMPANY 'iraaittttiuiKitinuiHimiwaaaiiniinmiwmtTmtiniiiHiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiHiaatw REVOLTING DEEDS OF WICKEDNESS Modern Turks Make the Inqui sitors Appear Paragons ' " of Righteousness. SULTAN BREAKS PROMISES Assures Macedonians of Protec tion and Then Directs Sol diersto lufllct Tortures Upon Tli em. LONDON, Nov. 28. Mall advices from Constantinople say: "In spite of all denials, the ports Is adopting barbarous methods of crush Ing Macedonian peasants. "In the face of the promises of free pardon to those who returned to their homes. Christian villagers have been shockingly tortured to make them be tray alleged concealed depots of arms or give information regarding the 1 , . The bastinado was employed until victims wer- crippled for life, their feet being beaten to pulp by Turkish sol diers. Peasants were hanged by their heels to ceilings and boiling hot eggs were put in their armpits. Even priests, are not spared and troops openly plun der peasants who are being driven to despair." PRINCE LEAVES FRISCO After Spending Six Days In Coast Me tropolis Departs North. . SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 28 The crown prince of Slam has said good bye to San Francisco after having spent six pleasant days here, , His special train left for Portland, Seattle and Vancouver at 11:25 last night. Tomorrow will be spent at Portland and Vancouver will be reach ed Sunday. The prince sails from Van couver next Tuesday morning. DR. PARKER IS DEAD England's Famous Minister After Long; Illness Died Yesterday. LONDON, Nov. 28. Dr. Joseph Par ker, minister of the City Temple who has been seriously ill for some time past, died at 5 o'clock this afternoon. PROMINENT RANCHER KILLED BOZEMAN, Mont., Nov. 28 John T. Huffia was killed this morning while attempting to cross the Northern Pa cific tracks. Huffle was one of the best known ranchers In Gallatin coun ty. FIRE CHIEF DISMISSED NEW YORK. Nov. 28. Edward P. Croker, chief of the fire department, has been tried on serious charges and declared guilty and dismissed from the service'. THE "VEER'S FAILURES. NEW YORK, Nov. 28. Dun's Re view says: Failures for the week were 213 in the United States, against 181 last year AND OUTSIDE efi Plumbers ana Meamnners - -i'i y, ... - . ,.-y"v-.v -i . .t " -aJ .v