ML MOKMMj .YSfOUlAN, FKIU.W, NOV.J'.IBER 28, l!MJ aiUt stovitm Telephone, Main StL - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by maL pec year Beat by mail, per month ...... Rerved by carrier, per month .JIM . SO . 0 SEMI-WEEKLT. Bent by mail, per year, In advance SI 00 The Astortaa guarantee! to Its ad Tertlsera the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River. THE ASTORIAN PUBLISHING CO.. THANKSGIVING. Thanksgiving dsy is generally re gards as a time for offering up thanks for post blessings. The proclamation of the president "setting aside the day and those as welt of the respective governors, usually lay stress on this feature of the holiday. The blessings bestowed by the Creator during the preceding year ar briefly recount! and the people urged to offer up thanks in return. But It la gratifying to note that the giving of thanks has taken on a some what different phase from that gener ally urged by our governors and presi dents. Nowadays Thanksgiving Is be lng regarded as a day for acts of char ity, and extensive donations are made , for the benefit of the poor thousands Into whose humble homes there seldom comes a ray of sunshine, and to whom a hearty meal or a little clothing is In deed a godsend. At Grace church yes terday the offerings were turned over to the Good Samaritan hospital, where the needy are always cared for so long as accommodations hold out At the various schools the children made do nations of food and clothing, which were distributed to the few poor people of this city, through the agency of the Salvation army. The best religion in the world is char ity. It is a religion that will appeal to the atheist as well as to the Chris tian. It will soften the hardest heart and turn from the wrongful path many whose better nature could not other wise be reached. Those who practice charily become quite as sincere as the most pro.-ioua?ed religionists, and seek with equal fervor to spread the gos pel of their following. This does not detract one iota from the noble vork of the churches, whlih are founded on charity, llalher. it is a tribute to their efforts, for they are the institutions that breed kindness and love. There are many ways of offering up thanks for the blessings of kind Pi evidence, but none is nobler than charitable acts. Let Thanksgiving con tinue to be a day of prayer and char ity, and the world will be better for it. marriages between persons who were not pronounced healthy by medical au thority. Suggestions of the sort have been made In other countries, but this is the first occasion on which they have been taken up In Europe by hish offic ials. The minister proposes first, to Increase the minimum age for mar riages, which Is now H years for boys and 12 for gills, and to prohibit con sanguineous marriages altogether. Here it may be parenthetically remark ed that for centuries the Arabs have married their cousins, not occasionally, but rs a regular custom. The name for a wife is "the daughter of my uncle." and so long as one of such daughters Is un wedded it is the duty of the young Arab to espouse her. The minister of Justice next declares that, in his judg ment, the certificate of a physician should be required before permission to marry is given by the civil authorities, and, further, that the Intervention of the physician is not less necessary to the welfare of society than that of the priest (for the religious marriage), or the magistrate (for the civil mar riage); in fact, the Intervention of the physkian is the most important of the three. This pronouncement Is Import ant in several respects, and it is an ex tremely Interesting fact likewise, com ing as it does from a minister of his Catholic majesty, the king of Spain. The sueces of the Young Men's Chris tian association in Japan lias called j Into existence a Young Men's Buddhist association, modeled on the same lines, and alining to inspire not only religious but patriotic sentiments in the minds of Its members. Although it was founded almost a score of years ago, the leaders in It belonging to the high est nobility in the empire, its mem bership is rather limited, though more numerous than thnt of the Christian order, and asserted to be grow ing more rapidly. It is not at-all hostile to the Christian society, and seeks the same ends, which are to give the young men of the country higher ideals of life and conduct, and make belter and more use ful as well as more pious and patriotic citizens of tbem. It Is a token of the liberality and catholicity of thelr-prln- ciples that they promote lawn tennis and ring pong among, their members, while they censure and forbid dissipa tion, careless living, neglect of the Buddhist tenets and all actions which are contrary to good morals, as well as good manners, the two being closely united, according to Japanese ideas. is n 17 A ISJl L-AU ii '' !1 i Tho minister of justice of the king dom of Spam a member of the cab inet in a recent formal public ad dress, made a proposal to prohibit OM!ll!l!!,'llllill mmmm Hp ifdl mn n WEAH Are made strong by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It regulates the n.rtnila riripfl weakening drains, . ueaia luudiiiiuci- tion and ulceration and cures female weakness. Sick women are invited to consult Doctor Pierce, by fM--5 -1,A womanly confi- ZFpT'lO? and guarded ny sl&r. strict professional strict professional privacy. Write without fear and without fee to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. T7 f ttt " I had beea great sufferer from female wiikieii,' writes Mrs. M. B. Walfere, of Muenster, Cooke Co., Texaa. tried four doctors and none did me any good. I suffered six years, but at last I found relief. I followed your advice, and took eight bottle of 'Favorite Prescription,' and four of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' I now feet like new woman. I have gained eighteen pounds." Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure biliousness and sick head ache. They do not create the pill habit The officers and men at Fort Stevens are to be congratulated on the recap ture of Private Thompson, whose dar ing attempts to destroy the post had terrorized the troops for months past. If Thompson is insane, his mental con dition should be dWernhned, so that he may be placed where he will not en danger the lives of others. If he is in possession of his mental faculties, the i'0-yc-ar term of imprisonment pro vided-for his effente is none too se-1 i vere. It is indeed to be hoped that the accomplices of the confessed crim-' inal will be found, that punish ment may be meted out to them. Are not mors disfiguring to pure white pajor than blotches an J pimples are to the clean while skin. Both men and women are at a ilisadvantajjo when the face is marred ami scarred by an eruptive dis ease. Perhaps the woman is the more unfortunate because tho beauty of a clean stiii and clear com plexion is her rightful heritage. And while she has tho friendly shelter of the veil, it only covers what it cannot entirely conceal. The worst mfortune in the case of a man with a pimply face is that he is generally set down as dissipated. If ho seeks a position his "dissipated" face discounts his abilities. If he is a salesman he finds customers disinclined to do business with a man whose commercial reliability must bo taken largely on trust, because his face is against him. The misery and discomfort of such disfiguring eruptive diseases is apparent to everyone. The great question is: Can these dUease be cured? Can this rough skin be made smooth? It them any escape from tho torment of eczema and salt-rheum? Can scrofulous sores be healed ? The answer is: MtTiat has been diu can ho done." Dr. Pierce's Ciolden Medici! I ;, .-very has cured eruptive diseases in men anl v,. inm, and cured them perfectly mid permanent!) It has ctnvd pimples, boils, scrofulous sores, n -ij. i ciecma, salt-rheum and other distressing and .!i:.iuring eruptive diseases. What "Golden Mulicd IHscov ery"has done for others it can do fur you. It is an absolutely reliable medicine. It always helps. It almost always cures. "It gives me great pleasure to express mv faith hi the virtue of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery," writes Ezekiel Flora, of Graytown, Ottawa Co., Ohio. " I ttiffereri everything for two years with a humor on mv face, which baffled the skill of some of the most noted phvsiciatis. Was advised to go to the hospital; was doctored t'nere for three months without success. Came home discounted. Then began to doctor with a "chemist.'' He also failed to heln me. Then I hrcrnn Dr Pirr.' fV!,l..,, t...i; ..1 re covery, with no faith whatever in it. hid it only to please WjMPig!t" my wife; but I am happv to tell you that after taking five ZScb bottles I am entirely cured." ir "mydutv to inform y of my wonderful cure bv the use of vour medicine writes Mrs. b. 11. McLam, of Mcredosia, Morgan Co., Ills. Iit 1S.S1, A ,,i,.'e about the sire of a silver dime broke out on my scalp and kept spreading until it went all over mv hend. It pained a great deal and ran, and we tried a great manv doctors and all kinds of latent medi cines but none did any good. So it went on until 1S90, ad I was taken sick and lav l.ut ten weeks. I was in a very weak condition, and I was recommended to trv Dr Pierce's yo:uea aieuicai uiscovery. t toolt about six bottles, I think. About three bottles of m. di- -C3 "p H 3RfW) T it if (j Fho Poor of All frains Is the Famous Nortwestsrn I.lmltiM dally In'tween Mlnne npolls, Ht. Pnul and Chicago ....via.,.. cine lor my weakness, not thinking of it helping me in any other wav, hut I feel so thankful inai 1 aon t lenow now to express my thanks for the cure of the sore. I have often tho.i,.lit I would write to you but neglected to do so. I think U a miracle, for I had given up ;!! hope of etw oemz cured. You have all thi nraiw nf ti .i.f,.t m.v i 1 ..... 1 .. ;..!.., this was all that was necessary to write. If you want proof yon can ask all in the nnKr.U.r hood. I am now in my 6Sth year and am very strong." "Three times I have cored myself of erysipelas," writes Mrs. Lolita j, y.HrUvW. of 1S24 Adeline Street, Oakland Alameda Co., California, "by using your 'Golden Medical Discov ery after I had been under the doctor's care and found no relief.'' It has been five years since I took your Golden Medical Discovery,' for a scrofulous affec tiorj 1 of the cervical glands of the neck," writes Mr. Zehulon B. I.oftin, of Gtifton, Pitt Co., 41 lam gad t0 t.e11 J"?u that 1 ,,ave ha l no rcturn of ll'e lisease. I thought I would write and let you know that I have not forgotten you, and never will while I live." The reason for the thoroujfh cures of ertiptivo diseases effected by the use of Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery is this : It entirely cleanses the blood from the impurities which cause the diseases. Until these corrupting impurities are removed there can be no permanent cure. Pimples, boils sores, etc., are only the outward signs of the inward disease. To cure the . disease the cruise imh be cured, and "Golden Medical Discovery " absolutely eliminates from the blood the corrupt and clogging elements which cause disfiguring eruptions. It restores the skin t normal smoothness, and tho pure, healthy blood supply produced by its means oyes the cheek with the ruddv hues of health. ' Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should bo used with the "Discovery" wh-i. the bowels are irregular or the liver sluggish. The two medicine am cm-rHIy adapted to be used together whenever a laxative is required. The manifest motive, for substitution is to enable the dealer to make the little more profit paid on the sale of 1ms meritorious remedies. To accept a sub-.titiito medicine as "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery" is to repeat the folly of the familiar fable and trade substance for shadow. TO CCP.E A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 25c. STARTLING, BUT TRUE "If everyone knew what a grand medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills i?," writes D. H. Turner, Dempseytown, Pa., "you'd sell all you have in a day. Two weeks use has made a lew rnau of me." Infallible for constipation, stomach anl liver troubles. 2Zc at C'ha.''. Itojrors' dpi? store. AN ALL ABIDING FAITH. The Illinois Central railroad com pany has an all abiding faith in the future of the great Northwest. A short time ago, this was manifested by the establishment In Seattle of an ag ent y to take care '.heir Interests there. The latest effort Is to put on a splen didly equipped new train service run ning between St. Paul and Chicago. The new trains will be running Sun day November 2. They will use their own rails between Chicago and Albert Lea, Minn., and the Minneapolis & St. Louis railway track from Albert Lea, to Minneapolis and St. Paul running Into the union depot at St. Paul, which Is the eajne that Is used by all lines in that city. The train Is to be known as The Chi cago, St. Paul and Minneapolis Limit ed and will consist of sleeping -car, buffet library car and reclining chair car through without chnge between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul Dining car service will also be main tained, supper being served out of Chi cago and breakfast into Chicago. Trains will leave St. Paul at 7:10 p. m. and arrive In Chicago 9:30 a. m. Leave Chicago at 6:10 p. m, and ar rive In St. Paul 9:40 a. m. making $0t .mmmmm Bm.9 M Buide 1, ,. Pi.roa; Common Son. r, fmllioml Adrimoet fhla great work containing oroj- a thouaandl large pagea, and mora than 700 llluatratlona, la aant FREE on rmoaigt 0 mtatnga to pay arpanaa ot mailing ONLY. Sond SI ona-eant alampa for tho oloth-bound volume, oi only 21 atampa tor tho book In papar-oovarm. Addraaa Dr. R. V. PIEROE, Buffalo, ft. T. 0 6. 0 close connection at St. Paul with all western lines. Tickets can be pur chased via. this line, In connection with nil western lines, at all stations. For further Information regarding rates, time, etc., call on or nddr'si: B. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial agent III Cent R U, 142 Third streat, Portland, Ore. PAUL B. TOMPSON, Freight and passenger agent, III Cent R ft, Seattle, Wash. i M III III vmmiaWamammaM THE WALDORF C. P. WISE, Propr. Astoria's principal resort. Fine liquors and clears. The RUG S4 LOON P. E. PETERSON, Prop. Finest Wines and Liquors Corner Astor and Ninth. Tsese tiny Capsule are superior to Balsam ot Lopaitn Uioeosor injections ar Yiiif-. CURE IN 48 HOURbiliur the tame diseases with out inconvenience. Sold h all IWvftiHt. I KOPP!S FAMOUS BEER ? Tiottlctl or in Keg Free City Delivery : North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria j I I'M IL NCIIIMl'FF, ;enentl Marnier. X SUN FOUNDED . L. ITIO INSURANCE OFFICE OF LONDON THK OLDI'ST PUKGLY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cnh A acts ... (itnri Aaisnta In United Htatest. 1ff,ftOO,CMM .OiO.ot C A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 215 Sansome Street San Francisco. Cal mm WHIiout cxiej'tlon Hie llnest and most luxurious train In tho world. 'oU will realist) what umitortulile .ruM-IIng Is If you rule 011 this r.unuun train. For full Intel iimiU'ii uddiess C. J. UU.VY, H. L. HIS1.KU. TravotltiK Agent. llemiul Ak.'IU. Alder Street, l'orilniid. tr, TICKETS TO AND FHOy ALL Points East VI t NOHTII COAST LIMITED. Is only run by the Northern TVu6 betitiHUt rortland and Mlnnsantill an4 M(. I'aul. throUKb Tacome, lieatU. HiKtltan. Mtoula, Itutw, Uvtnvsum. liaitnfa, nismark and rrf. Ktfht of thM trains asa on tlte run daily, rmr Mat and four WMt. Rax ta a soiM vcMlbuled train, oarrylnf sUnl. rd rullmaa tourist steapert, dlnlnf car, 'flay roaches, nmll, ecpreaa ul bamtitatt car and the rtrgtat otsservk lien car. Bach train It brilliantly listitetl with over soo lictts and the beauty of It all la you cn travel Juat ta cheaply on ttils train as on any otht. AH reprasr-ntatlVM will be trlsd to give ymt additional Informa tion. A. I). Charlton, Assistant Ue sral Pasaenrttr A(nnt, tU Morrison at, PtsHlsnd, Orf on , SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., AGENTS SHORT LINE TO it PAI L. DULUT1I. MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO AND POINTS KAST. Through Palace and Tourist Bit epers. nitiln and BufTet 8moWlnir Library Cars. l'ally Trains; fust time. Fur rates, folders 'ind full Informa tion regarding tickets, route etc , call on or atldrnaw J W. I HALON, If. DICKSON Trav I aaa. Ait. City Ticket AgL ta Third Htreet, P'tUnd. A. B. C D1.NNISTON, O. W. P. A I1 Kirst Avenue. Saattls. Wssh. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time fiirtl ol'Triiln.' PORTLAND. Leaves Arilvf Puiret Sound Limited. 7. V am t:t& pm K.tnans Clty-St, I-ouls Hiclnl 11:10 am l:4fi pin North Coast Limited I 30 p m 7:00 a m Tncomu and Seattle Nlsht Ksnress 11 to pm I. OS pm Tnk Pugt Sound Limited or North Const Limited for amy's Harbor point Tnk Puitet Bound Limited for Olym pic direct. Tako I'll get Sound Limited or Kan sas Clty-St. Louis Siiecial for point! on South Pcnd brunch. Double dully train service on Oruy's Hnrbor branch. Four trnlna dnlly between Portland, Tucoma and Seattle. A. D. CHARLTON. Asslaliint Central PusscncRer Art , 2&5 Morrison at., Portlnnd, Or. "WMRRR TO HUNT AND riUH." Nmtharn Pad lie's new aame bonk I now ready for distribution. Illustra tions of live aarna a particular fnatura. ftiiir full wiva from 8tin Thomp son's Oiawlnas mad iHcially fur this Uiok, H-nd adilrxs with sis cents and hnttk will be mailed to you by Chita. H O. P. ft T. A., Ht, Paul, Minn, I.UOK IN TtllltTICKN. Iiy BiHl(ti( (Ulitcrn miles Win. Bplr-y, of A" .tit on l'uimtif, Vt, atit a ho at llii.kl -n Arnh-a Hitive that wholly cur')4 a horrible fevrr sore on hi leg. Notliln else tould. Past tlV'ly cuurcs llrulsrs, Pflons, Ulcers. Ni-tiliUons. I lolls, llui ua, Corns and I'Bcs. Only !6c. (lu.traniei'd by Ctrna. R'Mtci, ilruM'tt. Andrew Asp, BfflM RaLer. Blirltailk iiJ BunrtaMt FIIITT-CLASH WORK AT ItlCAHONAULlS l ltl' liU. . Sitetlal Attention Olven to Ship irs littsmttoat Klalrlnit.uenrat llltck silillOliif. nr(-Clai ll.ifax ShoetRat. etc t'OHNRIt TWBLmi AND DOANB ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. UVK j f rX)RTUJ TOO I tat r i s nrtlanil tin on llamt Kot Assorts and Wat OlllU ASTtliU A Hi 11 in Step m yc Portland nd tt 7 I'ulnl AKRIVR I II to n ' lt lOSJaao HKAMDk DIVIhiof, sift tin I Urfl(..r WarretibHi, 1 toB IK. am I rlitol, Kurt HMm, 4Wpi, sU)p I lUnimnnd and Astoria "10 ta in A a ai 1" smuiilr t Warn ', 1 11 fsi p at W a an I KlataJ, Maamvod, T ;! i t 'L u" '" A't't'e. J2JLUP Sunday only. All tralu make oloae. oomirrtlon at Oahle wttti all Northern laclrlc tralna to nnd from the Kaat and Hound pati'lM- J. C. MAYO, (iro l FrW-ht and laas. Art OREGON Shopit im akd Uwion Pacific Pprt ChicaKO Portland facial 9:V0a. m. via Hunt ington Atlantic t-' sprees i.'M 11. m. via Hunt ington r". Paul r'uai mall 0 p. rn. via H,)ikano TIM IS SCHulD. CI, KB From Portland. Pall Ikc.Denvr, Ft, Worth, (.ma ha, Kaneas City 4:30 p. ru Ht. Louis, Llilcafu and East. Pali Lakn.Denver' Ft. Worth,, hi, Ksiieae I'tiy. :10a. n 81. LnuiM, i:hic." and ICaet. Wslla "Walla, tytvlalon, M!i. k.iii". .M.ninnnnl:, .-:. Paul, Du ii.ti j ; :00 a. m Mihviuki'e, Chi cmK'i and Kant I Arrlvi 72 hour from P Tthnd to Chlcsa;i, No Changs nf Cars. OCEAN ANO KIVKR KCH1SDTJLI5 From Astoria 7 a. m. Dailv ex cept flun. All sailing dalt subject to change For Han Krninlh co every Ave d lys Culuininu River To I'orilariil and wsv Landing. ezc. Monday m. Steamer Nuhootta leaves Astoria on ildn dally for Jfwaco, connecting there with trulnn for Long Ilesch, Tioga and North Roach points. Returning ar rives at Amorla mime evening. O. W. LOUN8BKRRY, Agent. Aittorla. A. L. CRAIO, General Pussenger Agent, Portland. Oregon. FRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephona tit DRAYHG AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our ear Will receive special attention. . No 538 Duane St. W. J. COOK, Mgr. Jorlland - Astoria l(ou(8. STR. 'BAILEY GATZERT." Dally r'Hind trip escept Hunday. TIME CARD fMtve Portland 7 a. 01. Laave Astoria 7 p. ta. IwrouKh Portland ootineetlon wtth atrsuuor Nahoottsv from Ilwaco and Lon Peach Point. WI1H0 tVillar Line ticket Inter cAsjigeable with O, It, ft N. Ce. and V. T. Co. ticket. The Dalles Route STR. " TAHOJHA." and "METLAK0" Uslly trip eicent Sunday. 1 1Mb CARD Sir. "TAHOMA" Iav Portland Mob., Wed., "rl., 5 a. m. Ijeave Halle, Tut-., Thur., Hat , J a. m. Sir. "MI1TLAK0" Lv. Portland Tuoa., Thur, Bat., 7 a. m. I.v. Italics, Mon., Wed., Frl., 7 a. m. landing at foot of A Idol Btri-ct, Port land Orcyoi Roth Phuooa. Main 151. AOENTS. V. Crhdilon, The Dalits, Oregon. A IC, Fuller, Hood ltlver, Ori'fon. Wolford A Wyera, Whlto Halmon, W11, Usury Olmstoad, Carson, Wn. John W. Tott-jn, Slcvcnson, Wn. J (!. Wyatt, Vancouver, Wn. a. J. Taylor, Astorlu, Ore. K. W. CKICHTOW, Portlnnd oregna. Mi. A familiar nanie of the Chloao, Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Omit Railway running the "Pioneer limited" trains every day and night botwv.Mi Ht, I'aul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the wwld." Undcrntand: Connection are made with sll transcontinental lines, securing lo pswengers the best aervlce known. Luxurious conohes, eleotrlc light, steam hc(, of a vajluty equated by no other line. See th-it your ticket reads via "Tha Milwaukee" when going lo any point In Die ITulted mate or Canada. All ticket Sfffn1s axdl ithem. For rates, pamphlets or other Infof. matlon, addons. J. W. CASBT, Trav. Pas. ArI., Portland, Ore. C J. KDDT, l"n. Agt. Portland. Or S:oU's Santal-Pcpsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Koi-Inflsmmsllnn SH'ntarrli M tho lltrnl.l-r snil UUriiard Klilnaya. No eiirs no pf. thir. s quickly nnd lViiaa. nintly tho tvnrxl ff-pii ol Joiiuri'hn and I. r,, III) mat'., ri.f l,wli,nii ataiul Ins;. Abaululrlf harmlrsa. BnIS by dmcrlsts. pri-t SI. 00, or by ninll, poslaaN, I.W, I boats, J,74. " THE 8ANTAI-PEP8IN CO., aSktSeONTSIN. DM. Sold htf ChfiM Tt1M JR PAmmuMl. . " " SJV.,.. 1... V al Street, Astoria, Oregon. sl-f,.,-iV-JK.'tCl wavaw saw-