THE MORNING ASTORIAN. THURSDAY. NOVUMBEK 27, 1902 THE OLD RELIABLE i Absolutely PuroT WERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE COMMENT ON CHAMBER- LAIX'3 VISIT TO AFRICA Balfour Is Now Master Hind In Con duct cf Cabinet, But May Need Secretary. NEW YORK, Nov. 26. Commenting upon the departure for South Africa of CoJonlal Secretary Joseph Chamberlain the London correspondent of the Tri bune cables: " "The significance of all these tributes lies In the fact that (he old parliament arian, who has become the strongest Individual force in public life, has gone out with a special commission from crown and cabinet to settle affairs in South Africa as he likes. Premier Balfour's personal authority will be strengthened by the withdrawal of the masterful spirit of the colonial secre tary from politics during the next"six months. The education bill will be carried without the aid of Mr. Cham berlain and the program of the next session, with the Irish measures and the London school reorganization as the chief feature, will be known as ex clusively the prime minister's. He was master of the situation for the first time when the cabinet met yesterday with one chair vacant. He may need his most sagclous adviser more urgent ly than politicians apprehend. "There ar persistent rumors that Lord Salisbury Is returning to England in order to support Lord Hugh Cecil's agitation for an amendment to the edu cation bill, which has now entered up on the report stage, with closure ap plied vigorously for three days. There is . continuance of present gossip re specting the king's Intervention In Irish affairs and fundamental changes in the policy which may precede the royal vis It to the island next year. Some na tionalists choose to assume that the king, from friendship for Mr. Glad stone, has been a home ruler many years, but this is a fantastic invention. There is reasonable ground, however, for the belief that a great effort will be made to conciliate the Irish party before the king visits the island." SALUTED THE FLAG AND DIED Prominent Club Woman Falls Dead In Midst of Ceremonies CHICAGO, Nov. 26. Mrs. sjyivla Do- ton, a well known and wealthy club woman, has died of heart failure in the rooms of the Columbia Woman's Relief Corps In the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Do ton, who was or.e of the color-bearers In the ceremonies, making the an nual inspection cf the corps, had just saluted the American flag which drap ed the front of the platform at one end of the big hall and stood with her right arm extended toward the banner. Without an instant's warning her hand fell limply to her side, she reeled and dropped unconscious to the floor. Physicians were summoned, but they failed to revive the unconscious wo man. She died two hours after she had been stricken. SICKNESS IN FRENCH ARMY Consumption and Typhoid Cieute Hav or In Ranks of Soldiers. NKW YORK, Nov. ri.-The minister of war has drawn attention, sayB a Times dispatch from Paris, to the un sanitary condition of the army, saying that since 1870 Qermany had lost 13, 004 soldiers from disease, while France had lost 99,000 from the same cause. Consumption and typhoid are the prin cipal factors in the death list. . Con scripts Join the regiments in November the very worst season, he says, for a change of place, diet and habits. T1k minister has Issued a circular enjoining greater sanitary precautions. BENJAMIN HARRISON'S WILL. Filed In San Francisco to Collect Sou venirs. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 26. The will of the late President Harrison will be filed for probate In this city today. This Is necessary In order to collect certain parts of the estate, left by deceased In California, the value of which does not exceed $10,000. The will gives to his wife and children the gold and silver Invitations, menu cards and other souvenirs of his visit to this state. LOUD HAWKES' CRICKETERS. BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 26. Lord Hawkes' famcis team of amateur cricketers arrivM in the city direct from England. Lord Hawkes is not with the team, but will join It in New Z aland. Today the team will play IS men against IS CiiliforniHiis on the Presidio grounds. On Thursday the Kmslishmert will sail for Now Zealand, where a series of matches have been arranged to last until nearly the end of February. BREAKS STRENGTH TEST. Student in New, York Performs Mar velous Mus-iilar Fe.tts NEW YORK. Nov. it'.. With the to tal yt 2049 pounds Frank S. Shaw, a senior In the Columbia school of Ap plied Science, has broken the universi ty strength test record of :MS points, made by Nelson W. Wlllant last spring. According to the Sargent system. Shaw bettered the figures set by Wil lard in every one of the individual tests except those for the strength of back and right forearm. The cham pion lifted 1ST2 pounds with his legs and T04 pounds with his back. He pulled himself up no fewer than 42 times and made tK push-ups. BRl'T L Mt'RPER Construction Ross Arrested for Killing Engineer. Tureka, V't.ih. Nov, 26 Barney Dunn night boss In a railroad construction camp on the Oregon Short Line was brought here today and lodged In jail. charged with the murder of William Dryburn, engineer on a work train. The killing was the outcome of a dis pute regarding the relative marksman ship of the twa men. Pyburn chal lenged Dunn to shoot his hat off. Dunn Immediately raised his rifle and tired one shot. The bullet struck Dryburn in the forehead, tearing off the entire top of his head and killing him al most instantly. PAINTING SELL-? HIGH Picture of San Juan Hill R-inss fl$. 000 at Auction. NEW YuRK, Nov. !6. Verestkha gin's picture of San Juan hill. "Come On, Boys." showing Colonel Roosevelt charging at the heal of his men, brought Ili.OOO at jublic auction to night. RESULT OF STRIKE Carmen Blamed For Failure of the La bor Movement. HAVANA. Nov. 26.-Motormen and car conductors are blamed for the loss of the strike by thsir refusal to go out. Shots were fired from "house tops to nipht in Belasooain street and a motor man a ltd two assenarcrs were struck, the motorman being fatally Injured. Rural guards were summoned to duty in Havana. O. S. L. RAISES V. AGES SALT LAKE, Nov. 26. General Manager E. E. Calvin of the Oregon Short Line railroad toady announced that on December 1 wages of all switch men and yard foremen in the employ of the road will be advanced to approx imately 10 percent. MURE POWER FROM NI VGA RA . It has be-n decided to build a large power plant on '.he Canadian Hide of Nlasara falls, v. hi-h when completed will enable the operators to furnish 200,000 horse power. A few ago the idea of using Nlagar's power would have seemed ridiculous, but the pro gress of invnetion during last cen turv ha3 now made it possible. There also has been wonderful progress made in medicine during that time, the most noticeable being the introduction of Hosietter's Stomach Bittetrs about J) veai? ago. This family medicine is for everybody, but more especially foi thos; who are weak and sickly. It will strengthen the stomach and nerves, curt indigestion, int-ointiia, constipation and malaria .fever and auo. Try it and see for yourself. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS VOTE FOK- J0HN SVENS0N Cltlzts-Libor Unloi Casdidate for Ctnocllsuo is Second Wr4 Cured of Asthma After 33 years of Suffering. It will be (ratifying to Asthmatic readers to learn that sn absolute cure baa at last been discovered by Dr. Schlflmann. That the remedy li an effectual one can not be doubted after perusal of such testi mony as that of C. W. Van Antwerp, Ful ton, N. Y., who says: "Your remedy (Scmffmann'g Asthms Cure) Is the best I ever used. I bought s package of our druggist and tried It and one box entirely cured meet Asthma, and I have not had Itslnce. lean now go to bed and sleep all night with perfect comfort, which I have Dot done before for 35 year and I thank you (or the bualth that I now enjoy. I hope that you will publish this letter, that Other may learn of Its wonderful virtues." Sold by all druggists at 5c and It. on. Send 2c stamp to Dr. .8ehlff maon, Box m, Bi. Pault Minn., for a free sample package. Dr. T. It. Ball DENTIST. 624 Commercial Street Astoria, Ore. Leads Them All The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York leads all other companies In amount paid to pvlU-y-hotdri $569,I5948o-34 In Aura $352,838,971.67 Ik period of uniattrruptts! grvwili Founded 59 Years Ago The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York is. a synonym for SECURITY" The first element desired by investors. SECURITY Independent of crop failures, panics, strikes or war. Writ. Uf4ty far "When Shall I IaamfH The Mutual Like Insurance Com pas y of New York Kkhad A. McCvrdy, I'rowdcnl VAN DUSEN A CO, Resident Agents. Astoria. Oregon. Sherwood Qlllespy, Manager, Seattle, Washington. C. H. Waterman. State Manager. Portland, Oregon. NEW TODAY Sweet 'ratn for sale. Hoeflers. You will find the best 13c meal In the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. New stock of fancy goods Just ar rived at Yokohama Bataar. Call and se the latfst novelties from Japan.. WANTED 5 YOUNG MEN from As torra to at jnce prepare for Position" in the Government Service, Apply to Inter-State Corres. Inst. Cedar Rapids, la. The Oriole Go Basket is a handsome and light ro-curt which can be easily folded ,tim .vrrled on the arm, can be I carried in travelling with child In it and usd as a high thair at table, can be conveniently carried on cars. Must b seen to be appreciated. Prices W to 110. Chai. Hellborn ft Son are sole gents. BIO REDUCTION SALE. Mrs. R. Ingleton will inaugurate a sweeping reduction sale of ladles and children's hats, to continue for SO days. Remember that every 50-cent purchase give you a chance for an elegant $500 piano. MRS . R . INGLETQN, Welch Block ANDREW LAKE Merchant Tailor New Goods, Winter Samples, Per fect Work, Prices Reasonable and Work Done With Dispatch. 4Si Commercial St., Astoria. Ore. C. J. Trenchard Insurance Commission and Snipping. y Agent Wells Fargo and .Pa cific Express Companies. Cus tom House Broker. RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND T. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing orders for all kinds of electrical Installing and Repairing; Supplies In stock. We s-ll the celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone 11(1. . W. CYRUS, - Mar The MUG SALOON P. E. PETERSON, Prop. Finest Wines and Liquors. Corner As tor and Ninth. THE WALDORF C. F. WISH, Propr. Astoria's principal resort. Fine liquors and cigars. "The Biggest Sensation Everywhere." LILJPUT CoIapMuble Pocket S t e r ' ie A ppn ra t it s The smallest stereucope with the strormest optical effect. Highly fin isffied In different colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mountings-. Including 20 V. F. Photographs. Views of art (genre). Price only $1. Sent everywhere prepaid In letter form. AGF.NTS WANTED. Llliput Steroscope Company FORREST BLDO., Philadelphia. C. 01, Barr, Dentist Mansell Building. 171 Commercial St, Astoria, Ore. TBLBPHONB RES SOU. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest lutes, for nslirinien, Farmers and Ixf rs. A V ALL. BIN Tenth and Commercial Streets xxnx4xux4XKXoxnx4x2xxttX4 M jj Air Tight FROM 2 UPWARDS Cwk stows, Kangcs iiml vvmtliing in the stove line at absolutely the lowest prices in Astorin. B H. H. ZAPF, - - The House Fnrnisher H X8X4X8X42 UX4X8X4XJU4X8X0X XBixsxxaxxnxx8xxnxx WILLAMETTE .1. II. COLEMAN, College of Liberal Arts. Law, Art, Medi cine, Music, Oratory, Theology, Business PHEF AUATOIIT DErAtlTMKNT orn to tudnta completln eighth grade department lower grade In preparatory department, llenlde ufford lnt professional training, the University eeks to give t thorough ptactkal education to all who are aware of the vain.- of a train d brain. TUB NORMAL DEPARTMENT offim a thorough course in the theory and practice of teaching. Meeta all re onlrementa of mat school law. It teacher are In constant demand. t7Catalogu- upon application. OLD KENTUCKY HOME CLUB 0. P. S. WHISKEY American Favorite Whiskey BLUMAUER & HOCH Wholesale Liquor and Clar I-alrrs SOLK AUKNTS ' 10K-1 10 Fourth Street - - - Portland. Or. -non Mrs. Laura S. Webb, VkPraiAtnt of Votnco't Democratic QuU of NorthfO Ohio. PSHirERE ARE MANY I I I sickly women be I I tween the ages ol 45 ami 5.1, biit t lu-re are very few invalids oyer 65 ami lit) years of ajfe. The cliantre of life coming to a woman near licr forty fourth year, either makes her an invalid or gives Mr. Linru her a new Ictso on life. Those who meet this change in ill health sel dom live ten years afterward, while a woman who lays aside the active duties of womanhood in health sel dom fails to live on in happiness, years aftT ihe has paused 60. This is truly a critical time. Mrs. Laura S. Webb, of Toledo, Ohio, recognizes the change of lifo as a dangerous period and she also has faith in Wiue of Cardui. She writes: "A I hid always oeen troubled more or leu at the menstrual period, I dreaded WINE of CARDUI uzxxzzzzxzzxzzzzzzxzzzzzzxxxzzzzzzzzxzr ...THE CITY OP ASTORIA... Ih Koted iin the In Manufactured... Cutbirtli's Creosote Shingle Stains The Most Durable, Preservative, and Handsome Stnius on the Market. Nothing keeps out the weather like shingles on the walls. Nothing preserves and beautifies Mhiogles likeCutliirth's stains. Culbirth also makes the best COI'PKIt 1' A I. N'T for Ihe bottoms of nil water craft. 'miuxiiiixiiiixiiiixrxn Castings We are prepared to make then oa short notice and of the best materials. Let us give you estimates on any klnA of castings or pattern work. Lower prices for first-class work. TELEPHONE NO. 2461. "Let tho COLD DUST xxnxxt:xXRXxttxxnxxnx M Heaters 5 7 UNIVERSITY President, Salem. Or. the change of life which Wat fut approaching. Vhile vis iting with a frkod I noticed that the wu taking your Tine ol Cardui, sod the wu to enthutiattk about it that I decided to try a bottle. I ex perienced tome relief the first month, to I kept on taking it for three monlht and now I menstruate with no pain and I liull take it off and on now until I have passed the climax. 1 do not dread it now, at I am lure that your Wine of Cardui will be of great benefit at this time." Wine of I'ardui is the remedy to re-iiiforcc a woman against the .shock that comes wiii the change of life. It re-establishes healthy functions after years of Miffcring. In doing this it has saved thousands of nuf feriM just in time. Do not wait until suffering is upon you. Thor ough preparations should lie inadu iu advance. Begin the Wiue of Cardui treatment today. A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of ('ardui. Pliit-e Where IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay Iron 0 Brass Works Oor. 18th and Fiankllu are: twins do your work' . tp. II ICONS MAN'S I'ATKNT WHITISU UINU Tlia most Importune liiiprovetneni of thn nifo In tli art of prii mannhlp makes thn poorest writ er A ploudld prlinmn la a few weeks by the 110 of Ihl ring. Kn- dorxej by pniiiillivnt eollegu prvNldelil and board of edtuiitlon In Kuroiw j ud Ainarlcit, Hainple iloaen aanortFtl alx,M Nl'llt sampUi :,v pint wxM for tl, kIiikIo When ord. iInK a hIiikUi rittit atai whetlior for tnun, ivomun rltitt sti or chill PENN MFG. SUPPLY CO. 11") 8. FOURTH ST., Philadelphia. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Your onlrri tor niraU. Uith Fii KSII A In D S A LT will he irnmiin ami ailini Uirllv atiriiilrd In J. W. MORTON. Pre?, telcptiittt Nil. tji. NOTICE FOll PUULICATION. United State I.and om. Oirnon Vi'.y, Oregon. October 14, IW.'. Notice la hwby glten tlmt In com- Plluiu. with the pro,.,, of the a, t "An net for the sale of timber Uud In (he states of Callfornlu, Oritoii, Noada and Wiuihlngton Territory," ai rxlndet to all th public land states by act of August 4, WIL1IELM LAI', of Astoria, county of Clatsop, nut of Oregon, hh this day Died In till oldie his sworn late:iint No. 6V.', tr the Durchaat of the southsast quarter of aoutliwrst quarter ef .tlmi 31 In township No. 7 north, range No. I west, and will offer proof to ahow that the land sought Is more valuable for i its titnbei' or stone than fur ugrlt.ul- lural purpo, and to eotabllsh kla 1 claim to sail and before the reglnter iiu imntr oi una oime ai urjup fltw llMf..M ...4 Hl,ir.1w ll,M inn. day of January, lMl tie aumca us witns: r li. iiui wl, C. lverwn. Frank indwell ..d ClmiM Hull, all of Astoria, Whi. Any and all person claiming ad- venwly the above-de rlbed land are ruueted to file their claim In thl. oinc-e on or before mild loth day of January, im. CHAM. H. M.KHIK. 10 L'l U-Jtti. Heglster. NOTICK KOK ri'ULli.'A THN UltltiHl Slate Land Ofll.-e, iit-ifiii City. Orrgon, October 15, I'.'O.'. Notice I hereby gheti that In umi-pllani-e A'lth the provisions of 1 1 . a. t of congress if June 3, "iii. entitled "An act for the Hulc of 1 1 ml- i l.nnli. In the state nf Califoiiiln, i k . n Nevada and Washington 'IViiitnry. as exleiidrd to nil the puhhr l.inl state by ait of Auut 4, ivc, ItOltKItT M. KIlV of Suislde, county nf Claliuip, sl it.- nf Oregon, ha till" day llk'il In nils of fice III sorn stall ineiit No i't.'.o. for the pun h use (if the HK of SK'i Kee tlon 33 W4 of und HK'i nf SW; of section No. 34 in township No :, north, rang.? No. 9 west, ami ill nffer proof to Hlioiy that the lanl soiikIiI I more valuable fnr Its thnb.-r or stone than for grl ultuial mim-,h. and to etubllh hi claim to salii l.iml before the register and ien y, r of this ofllce at Oregon City, On-Kon. oh the 6th day nf January, iwi.1. He names as witnesses: William Luce, Andrew V. Kilter, IsIit M. Lolond and Kdward J. Kllloil, all nt Seaside, Oregon, Any and nil perrons dalmlng ,. ver-ly the ahove-desci'lhed IhihIh are requested to file their i lulnis In DiIh office on or Is-fore siild Glh ilay of Jan uary, 190.1. chas. n. Mixmiorf, 10-21-12-2. ReglBl... A DMINaTIl ATOIt'H Ni Tli Notice I hereby given tu ull whom It may concern that the undersigned ha been appointeu administrator of the estate of Martin Kinpo, deeaei, by the county coiut of tlio nlale nf Oregon for Clatsop enmity. All sthoiis having claim ngilimt said estate mU-( nresent the same In the unii-rlgned, duly verified, nt hi ntflre In the mil-, n-ry of the Cnlnn Klahei mhmi's Co-nper-atlv Pncklng company, in the ( iy of Astoria, In said county ami slate, wll It In six months from Oils dale. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 17lh day of November, ''102. . lf-n-12-12. AUOI'ST JAHI.STIIOM. P CHiCHrarrd i rNQLisH EHHYROYAL PILLS ..V,rK:..,JV.".'"l',''l LarllM Uriifilrt W'i'l'li "tll.tan. .,!.. . u.r. n(rntlt "ub.lllallun. ki! Imlu. Itnnmt Hu of IIM,..t, nt n.l J. la na "llfllrr fnr I.l1! ihim. i . -- ' Hall. Hl.eilH Iniin.nlal, H,,l I Dr -li . i ., I a.ailrall'a, eK U,nm..., IMHH" J.? Foley s honey f Tar heels tuna aod stops the cough, NOTICK Foil PUHMCATION, ( Uiill. l Slab 1-nnd Office, Oro City. Oregon, September 31, MSI. Notice In hereby given that in pllaitie with thi) provision of th aot of Congress of June a, U.'M, entitled "An tu t for the sale of limber lands the lnle of California. Oregon, N. vmla and Washington Territory." as exlrndrd to nil Die Public Ijunl Plato by nit of August 4, INS J. johan sandhthom, of Cltnkitnli, ti'iinly of '.'ulmiiVU, hlnte of Ort'ifiui. has lhl tiny tiled la thin oltli' Ilia Hwoin atntriii.'iit N Wit for I ho puri'linnr of thn NKU m,tl" N "v1" ,0W?M?,1N'' "" , . iimi n, ii,a ac.ui.t in mn , ViilUuMr fur Its llinlwr M' atonn lhu for iiiti'ltii'tunil piiriia. ami i t- tu' It I M il.iliii to nub! land blur tlu I'i'Kihti r and veolvrr nf Una of ilr.. nt )reirn city, nrrgun. on Krlilay, Ihr-lOlh day of pi'ienitM-r, 1901. I!. niiiiiea wMntiwa: T III) M IBS It. Itldw.-li, ciiiwii' tvrn. Fmuk Hid- ; will, CIihHpii Hall, nil of Anturla, Ors, i Any and all pr-rvon clalmlnic ad- verm Iv the hIhivt drnrhlbrd land r ' r(innted to PI Ihrlr Almn with Hi : ri'itlnti r and rrt-rtver of Ihl nfflif p : or tH'fnr thn ald l"th day of Itfeem ir. ik;. char it. MfMinn. ,:U-JH. Itriilmsr. NOTIi'R OF lNTBNTfON Tt WITH- niiAW lNHHitANm nrttiHiT, ht TDK IMI'KltlAL IKSUHANC COMPANY. I4MITMB Tt) WHOM IT MAT CONCaMUi- In annrilniiiT with th ro.ulrrmja of the laws of th State of Orrgpa. rrlatlva to Inaurance romianlNi, aolke Is hereby given that the Imperial In aiitam e Company, Umlted, of Lomfca, KnRland, dr airing to tea doing tias Itiraa within the Blate of Oregon, ta tmd to withdraw Its drpoolt with IM trvojiuirr of said stats and will, II f claim aguliiat aald company shall llkd with the tnauraiuw CommiaaloMr ulthln l montha from the second dar J "f e,teinber, ISoS, the name elng tht g - CirS? Z Plate Treasurer. IMPEniAI. INHfRANCB CO, LTD, lly WM, J. I.ANPKItH. Manamr. Ii.itnl at Han Franvlacn this 11 day ft September. M. NOTICK KOIt PIMMCATION, I 'till til Hlntra jn, offU. (Jisa City, Oivgon, Oclnb'r 13, ISM. N'tithe la hcrvby glvtn that in ia- i.tlitii'ft ullh tliM iir.iviinna nf th i,t I f Ju,,, y 1fJfc "An act for the Mle cf timber liSa In Hie Btuti of Calilvrnla. Olrgtn. Ni vaila oiul Wimhinglon Tarrtabra." :n ilrliilrd to ull Ih publls atut4 by ai t of Auut 4, )tit. l 11 A Al'l Mn i . ...,- fiumhi. uj Oregon bus Ihl day tM in Uia I I'imr iiit RHuin niHirmfni ,"o, r', I for th iiurchusv ol the niiflweai '. iiii.irtrr of ari llon No. VI In lowmhla No e mrlhi No t , m j r proof to show that tht luni ,,, , ,m,r vuUwbl tor ,. ,.,. r UtM lon ,r )l(rHuurtt, fm. and to .-.UblUh her ikalm te ,,, u.f(ir, Mw Ulti . - iln-r lit tin (,m m Oregon 'Hy, I on-gi.ii, i.n 1'rlili.y, (lie J, ,l.y v m. Shr imuk'S ua wltnH: Win. j of italiiler, Ore.; Krank Kvuiiaon vt Anoriu, ii. ; Klmon KnKphr ! InUy-K'-r. me.: Ai I Hum ki nbui . cf May K t, Oir ; , Any anil all pi renin lain In 1.1)- the nbevi diriU'd land"" ar mti.i.,:, t itlr thrlr il.ilnis In tli 1 i.ttl i on or IhIcip .,nl M il.i) ,f Jn. ii.ii t , imi:. 'HA. B. WiKilla. 10 1 IJ-Iti. rgWr. NCTIi'i: tDIt 1'1'lil.lCATION. t 'tilled Ijmil office. Ort ai 'Ity. Oi-egciii, SeplemlKr 22, lt N.itlie I hrri-by given thiit In tern I'll,. i with the piuvi'li'im nt the Ml I I'liiigri' of June 3, 1N7S, etiUtltd "An ai t for the anle ef tlmlur ImidH In tin' stall of California, Oirguii, N Viula a ii I Washlngtdii Territory." A i -uti'iiil. (1 to all tiie I'iiMIi- I.iiinl )ti,m ' by ai t of AuirtiRf i, l:'f, ! JoSi;i'l II. W. AHA MM. "f Clrile I', ()., . ounly of Clatsop, Ut nf 1 1 .it . .11. h.ifl thl ibiy llle.l In Hit 'ITIi-i din swuru Hlitlim-iil No. J, for Hie pun -hnae of the HW U of NM I of "trtloii VG, In township No t. North Itniiif.' No. , Wet, mid will of : f r monf In shinv ( tlm l.iml anugkt ; I more valuable for It timber r I stum than fur nirrii iiltuiel purposm, iiinl In i-st:ih!tsh til i lalni tu hiiIiI lantl ' l.i r..ri Hie ,'oiinty i let k of Cluti a i ounly, -it Axlorln, Oregon. n Monday, the Mh ilay nf lei einbt v, 1W:!. lie inline a nlincfwii,: j I, It. Wherry nf Klle I'. ),, Clnlse ! ( on li Iv, Oregon. v,,v Alin ,.r WMc p. o Clat' eg I (ounly, tiregon, ' Stephi'ii MiriihuiiiMiii of Klsle P. 0.. : Cliilson county, Oregon, l Waller Itoltom nf Jewell P. O, (Lit; I sop rouiitv, Oregon. Anv and nil priiii ilnlnil ad-vers-lv the bove-d.rlbl lauds .' I rxouenlrd to file Ihelr olwiiii In tht st rict on or before ald Ilk day ef I- cemher, 1W2. f'HAI. It. MOOHJB".. 9JC-I1-2I ... NOTICK rt R ryi'LlCATlOK. rnlteil Stale Land Office, Oitgfci City, Oregon. Sept. 21. 1M. Notice I hereby given Ihnt In pllanee with the provlalon nf tht Ml of Cimgrvsa of June 3, 1'. enlltHd "An act for the nnle of limber lunda la the states of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," SAMUEL HKRR. of Montavllla, County of Multnomah, Hlnte of Oregon, ha this day filed la thl office his sworn (rtalement No. MH3 ,for the purchase of the 8W ,f section No. 27 In townhlp No, 4 N range No. 10 W und wll! offer proof to hIiow that the land sought Is more valuable for lis timber or stone thea for imilciilturul imrposcs, and to -tiilillsli his claim to said land before the register and receiver of thl office nt Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 10th clay of December, 1902. He names n witnesses: II. J. fiaa fnrcl, Jnnie Illo, Albert Lulkart, as Oeorge Clark, nil of Montavllla, Ore gon. Anv and Ml person rmlmlng ad vtiMy the nbove dewrllwd land e requested to file (heir claims In this office on or beore said lth day of I' esmber, 1902. . CHAS. B. MOOB ;. J-30-1M Begtrter.