THE MORNING ASTORIAN. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER HKV2 MRS. TINOLEt BRINGS " WITNESSES FROM CUB Nsvor of Santiago and Newspaper Man Will Express Their View To Washington Authorities SAN SIEOO, Calif., Nov. 22. -The controversy over the Point Loma Bro therhood School wu given a new turn tonight by '.he arrival of Emilo Barcadl mayor of Santiago De Cuba' and Sen ator Orit, 'iroprletor of the newspaper El Cubano Libre of that city. They have come, at the Instance of Kater- Ine'Tinsley, direct front 'Cuba, " They were met at New Orleans by Dr. Lopes agent of Mrs. Tingley. They will pro ceed from San Diego to Washington to express their views to the authorl. fiea there. Commissioner Sargent delayed their denarture fro mthls city that he might meet them and they are having a con fere nee tonight. COAL STRIKE COMMISSION ATtfOURNS UNTIL DECEMBER It Is Believed That When the Commit doners Meet Again Adjourn ment Will Follow. SCRANTON, Nov. 82. The anthra cite coal strike commission adjourned today to meet December 3 and it is hoped anl expected by all parties to the controversy that when the arbi trators meet again an agreement of points In th dispute will be ready to be submitted for the approval of the commission. Attorneys on both sides express the opinion that an amicable adjust mnt will be reached. . WASHINGTON SENATORS MEET aVSBMSBSS) Endorse President for Senate and Do Other Business. TACGMA, Nov. 22. At a meeting of the republican senators here today Senator J. J. Smith, of King county was unanimously endorsed for presi dent of the senate and T. B. Sumner of Everett for president pro tem. , Sixteen senators were present and seven were represented by proxies. The conference was secret, but it declared that the senatorial or railroad commis sion was i.ot broached In any manner. The only other business transacted was !UJ agreement that n owomen should be given clerk.-rtilps r . employed in the senate. WAS NO MURDER .Mrs. Gore's Death Probably the Result of An Accident. PARIS, Nov. 22. The police of ficials are making no progress towards a solution of the mysterious death of Mrs. Ellen Gore and this fact is strengthening the theory that the affair was one of accident. This view is so strong that De ReydezewBkis advocate announced his intention of applying to the court on Monday for a provisional release of accused. WHY OF COURSE Another Man Who Cannot Do As He Pleases With Ilia Own. WALLA WALLA, Nov. 22-The will of the late Joseph L. StubblefieM which leaves half an estate valued at 1200.000 to the maintenance of an or phan asylum, la to be contested by Mrs. Kittle Smails, of this city, a niece of Stubblefleld, who Is remembered In the testament to the extent of five hundred dollars. HORRIBLE FATE Exhumed Body Indicates Death Strug- - grle In Coffin . EL PASO, Tex., Nov,. 22. Upon ex CHRONIC CASES are particularly desirous You can only enre piles by removing the cause. -You cannot get at the cause with anything but an internal remedy. Chronic cases make the most enthusiastic adver tisers of this remedy, be cause it cures. 1 hunting the body of Mitchell, who died mvsterlously in Chihuahua. Mexico, af ter being Insuicd by two men in Jail here charged with defrauding the life Insurance companies, it is alleged to have been found that the man was hu led alive as evidenced by the Indira lions of a struggle in the coffin, his mouth being open, his arms against the lid and his pelin turned upward MINE AND MIU. COOPERATE MEDFORD. Ore.. Nov. 22. -The Howden Gold Mine and Hraden mill has been transferred to a corporation capitalised at Half a million dollars. The principal owners are Los Angeles and Redlands. Calif., capitalists. It 1: said that the purchase price was in the neighbor!! ud of $150,000. OCR GUNBOATS BUILT IN JAPAN The United States government has or dered six gunboats to be built In Jap an for coast protection in the Philip pines. The receipt of an order of this kind is the best evidence of the won derful progress made by the Japanese in the last half century. The best evi dence of the progress made by Hostet er's Stomach Bitters during that time is found in the unequalled record of cures back of it. Hundreds of people including many prominent physicians, have -voluntarily testified that the bit ters cured them of stomach, liver and kidney complaints when other medi cines bad failed. Tou will therefore make no mistake in trying it for heart burn, nausea, readache, indigestion. dyspepsia, constipation or biliiousness, One bottle will convince you of Its NEW TODAY Gaston sells feed, grain and hay. Sweet orean; for sale. Hoe tiers. New stock of fancy goods just ar rived at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. Plumbing, tinning, gas and steam fitting at lowest, rates and in work manlike manner. Orders promptly ex ecuted. Shop, No. 425, Bond street JOHN A. MONTGOMERY. BIO REDUCTION SALE. Mia. R. Ingleton will Inaugurate a sweeping reduction sale of ladies and children's hats, to continue for 30 days. Remember that every 50-cent purchase gives you a chance for an elegant $500 piano. MRS . R. INGLETON, Welch Block Concomly tribe No. 7, Imp. O. R. M., will give a grand masquerade ball at Foard 4 Stokes' hall on Thanksgiv ing eve, November 26, at which nine beautiful prizes will be given. The best of music has been arranged for and a good time is assured all who attend. The prizes are on exhibition at Herman W4ae's clothing store. A costumer from Portland will be here with a full line of suits for the oc casion. Tickets can be purchased from any of the members. Admission: Gentleman mtftkers, $1; lady maskers, 50 cents; spectators, li cents; children, 25 cents. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Your orders fur meat'!, both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly and liatiiractorlly attended to 3. W. MORTON, Prop. TelepDone No. 321. RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing ordert for all kinds of electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies In stock. We sell the celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone 1161. H W. CYRUS. - Mgr Dr. T. L. Ball DENTIbT. 624 Commercial Street Astoria, Ore. THE WALDORF C. F. WISE, Propr. Astoria's principal resort. Fine liquors and cigars. Apoplexy caused more deaths in New York City in I90t than were occasioned bv Smallpox, Typhoid Fever, Malarial Fever, and Scarlet Fever combined. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York will not insure those who have apoplectic symptoms. This suggests the advisability of in suring your life while in good health. TH Atttof TW Mutual Lift fmuwitCNRMM 4 Ntw York cel tWt of any wthr lit Usuim taapanv in amnr, Thty ar otr $352,000,000 li kaa paid Pellcy-kaMar nt $569,000,000 wild b awea laaa Mr aiatt lift Uuuraat roaaaaa W Ik wM kH SUbtllMd. A r"$ u MMihMtsM nimu, isauM nulla lira petal. WrtN far "Wkara I laun)" The Mutual Lin Insurance Company or New York Akhabs A. UrCvaar. fmioVx. VAN DTJSEN A CO. Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon. Sherwood Olllespy, Manager, Seattle, asntngton. C. H. Waterman, State Manager, Portland. Oregon. ANDREW LAKE Merchant Tailor New Goods, Winter Samples, Per fect Work, Prices Reasonable and Work Done With Dispatch. 4S2 Commercial St., Astoria. Ore. GRAND MASQUERADE BALL CONCOMLY TRIBE, Improved Order of Redmen THANKSGIVING EVE, NOVEMBER 20. 1902 Foard & Stokes' Hall Maskers Ticket tl Spectators 50c "The Biggest Sensation Everywhere." LrlsLIPUT t'olapsnble Pocket Steresoope Apparatus The smallest sterescope with the strongest optical effect. Highly fin ished In different colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mountings Including 20 V. F. Photographs. Views of art (genre). Price only 31. Sent everywhere prepaid In letter form, AGENTS WANTED. llliput Steroscope Company FORREST BLDQ., Philadelphia. C. J. Trenchard Insurance Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells Fargo and Pa cific Express Companies. Cus tom House Broker. It Ira UXORIOUS vel The "Northwestern Llml'.id" trains, electric lighted throughou'i both inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, tb. finest trains la the world. They embsdy the Utest, newest and bast ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the travelling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOB CHICAGO and the BAST. No extra charge tor these superior acommodationa and all rlassee of tick ets are available for pamg cn the train on thl Una are protected by the Inurloeklnff Elect Syittm. W. H. MHAJ, H. L. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling g"t Portland. Oregon. Don't Guess at It But If ou are govig Seat write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offer ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Care via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to write us about your trip as we are In a posi tion to girt you some valuable Infor mation and assistance; 6319 milee of track over which are operated some of the finest trains In the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on er address. . C. LIND8ET. B. H. TRUMBKLL, T. F. A R. A. Com! Act. 141 Third St. Portland. Ore. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CICARS Sullies of oil kinds at Iowtt rates, for tiislicniit'ii, Farmers and Lopgers. A V. ALLBN Tenth and Commercial Mrccts jj Air Tight FROM 32 Cook stoves. Ranges niul everything in the stove line at t.bsoliitely tlio lowest prices in Astoria. I H. H. ZAPF, The House Furnisher xnxoxuxox traoxaxoximxaxox xuxxtaxtaxxxnxxtxx WILLAMETTE 7 UNIVERSITY .1. II. COI.KMAN, I'rtsi.Unt, Nulvtii, Ore. College of Liberal Arts. Law, Art, Medi. cine, Music, Oratory, Theology, Business PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT open to students completing elnhth grade department lower grade In pre punitory department. Resides afford ing professional training, the University socks to give :horough piactlcal education to all who are aware of the value of a tislnid brain. TUB NORMAL DEPARTMENT o ffcre a thorough course In the theory and practice of teaching. Meets all rennlrements of sUte school law. Its teachers are In constant demand. CCtitnlogun upon application. OLD KENTUCKY HOME CLUB 0. P. S. WHISKEY American Fovorlte Whiskey BLUMAUER 6k HOCH Wholesale Liquor untl t'ljrttr Denier soli: acjkntm 108-110 Fourth Street - - . 1'ortlan.l, Oregon ..THE CITY Is Noted at the Plat e Where Is Mnniitaetiiretl... n Cutbirlh's Creosote Shingle Stains The Most Durable, Preservative, uml Handsome Stains ou llie Market. Notbin keeps out the weather like sliiiiglea mi the walls. Nothing prwrves ami beautifies hiii)les likeCutliirtli's BtniiiM. CutbirtU also makes Ibe l).t COlTHli PAINT for the iKittoms of all voter craft. exxxxzxxxx GROSSMAN'S PATKNT WKITIXti KIM; The most Important linprovenient of the age In the art of pen manship makes the poorest writ er a splendid penman In a few weeks by the use of this ring. Kn dorsod by prominent college preHidents and boards of education In Europe and America. Sample dozen assorted siz.-?N sent post paid for $1, single sample 2oo. When ordering a single ring state whether for man, woman or child. PENN MFG. SIPPLY GO. 119 S. FOURTH ST., Philadelphia. The MUG SALOON P. E. PETERSON, Prop. Finest Wines and Liquors, Corner Astor and Ninth. C. til, Baff, Dentist Mansell Building. 171 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore, TELEPHONE RED tML VOnOB FOR FUtBUUaVMON. United States I And Office, Oregon City, Oregon, September li, lWt. Notice Is hereby sdvea that ha com- ptianoe eHtt the provisions of the act of congreMi June 3, 1878, enlitiled " An act for the sale of timber land in the states of California. Oreon. Ne vada and Washington Territory, as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, WILLIAM W. FRY. of Seaside, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this of Ike his sworn statement No: r,905, for the purchase of the SK NE4 N4 8EV 8W' SEW of section No. 33, In township No. 6 north, range No. 9, west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone thsfn for agricul tural purposes and to establish his claFm to said land before the register and receiver of this office at Oregon city, Oregon," on Monday, the 8th day of December, 1902. He names as witnesses: William Luce, Andrew H. KMder, Lester M. Leland. Edward J. Elliott, all of Sea side, Oregon. Any and all peraons claiming ad versely the Oxv-described lands are requested to Me their olettna tn this office o onr before said !th day of De cember, 190!. OHAf . B. MOOBJIS. Regi.t.f , Heaters jj AWARDS s s 8 xxixxixiiiiiixixriiiixiiiiiniiiniy, OP ASTORIA... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxS NOTICK VOn PUBLICATION. United Stale Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, September 22, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance Willi the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Ne vaila and Washington -Territory." ai extended to all the Public Land States oy act of August 4, 1892, ANNA DALEY. of Olney, county of Clatsop, state of wiefon, nas this day tiled In this office her sworn statement No. 6904, for the purcnase or the NVV "4 .of section No 10, In township No. 6 N, range No. 8 W nnd will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd to establish her claim to Hald land before the Rearlster nnd Receiver this of office at OregonlCityOre gon, on Naiuruay, the 13th day of De- cemotr, 19UZ. She names as witnesses: Oeorge McFnrland of Olney, Oregon; Mterracl I-cuhey of Olney, Oregon; James Lcahey of Olney, Oregon; Michael Pevereux of Olney, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this of. nee on or before said 13th day of De- cerrroer, lmi. CHAS. B. MOORE9, Register. IJOKINO FOR COUNTERFEITERS. The secret service Is endeavoring to locale the headquarters of a gang of counterfeiters who have been making and circulating spurious half-dollars ani quarters In some of our large east ern cities. When caught they will be elveii the full extent of the law, the sanm in should be done with the un scrupulous dealer who puts up an Im itation irtlc.le and sells It for the gen uine Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, claiming It Is "just as good." Don't believe him. His medicine tins not the record of cup back of It that the gen uine Hitters has. InHlst on having the genuine with our private stamp over tin! neck of the bottle. It will posi tively cure nausei, headache, heart burn. Indigestion. flvHtieopia and ma laria. Try It and be convinced, Robt. A. Hiller ATTORNEY AT LAW Ex-Regtoter U. S. Land Office. Land Titles and Land Office Business a specially Timber Lands bought and sold. Map made. Correspondence solicited. Boom t. Welnhard Bldg.. jOregon City, Oregon NOTICK FOR PUIU.ICATION. United 8ttwa i,and Office, Oregon Hty. Oregon, September 83, 1IMI3. Notice Is ln'rvby given that In com ptluiu'e with thw provinloiis of the act of ('ongreu of June S. 1N7S, entitled "An act for the suln of tlnihrr InmU In the aiBtt-a of I'allfnriila. Oregon, Ne vada and NWwIiliiKtim Territory." as KXtendcd to nil the Public Itnd Hlntrs by act of Annum 4. Wl, JOllAN 8ANP8TKOM, of Clntiiknnle, county of t'olunililii. Htnle of Oregon, has this day tiled In thl oltlce hi sworn ntnti'iiKtU No, 590S for the purchnan of ihn NK'i nf w ctlon No, It, la township N. T norW Minre No. 9 went, mid will uff-r proof to show that the lund sought I more vnlunblp for Its llinlier or smuo thnn for (Kilcullitnil purposis, and lo IhIiIIi hl vl.ilm to snld laud before (tin rwglhtrr nnd reclver of tl of tli i at Oregon City. Oregon, n Friday, the lDih day of iv.omhpr, IW2. H. imium na nltnraes: Thoniiu II. Illdwoll. rhnrlea IvnHii, Frank Hid well. Charles Hull, nil or Atrlu. Ore. Any and all iirrxriiie claiitilng itd versnlv the ntmve drscltlKM Intl. la are renuestfd to rile their claims wlih Hie register and receiver of title office on or before the salil l!Uh day of IWcm ber, 1W2. CHAHI. It, MOOIIKH, eKllef. NOT1CR OF INTKNTION Ti WITH IMIAW lNrtliltANCK DKIHWIT. HV THIS IMl'KHIAL IN8UANC COMPANY, L1MITKD TO WHOM IT MAT CONCKRN- In accordimee with the requirements of the laws nf the State of Oregon, relative to Insurance companies, notice is hereby given that the Imperial In surance Company, Limited, of London, Knglund, desiring to cease doing bus iness within the State of Oregon, In tends to withdraw Its deposit with the treasurer of suld state and will. If no claim against said company shall be men wiin tne insurance Commissioner within six month from the second day of September, 1W3, the same being the dnte of the first publication of this no tice, withdraw Its deposit from the State Treasurer. IMPERIAL INSURANCE CO. LTD. Hy WM. J. LANDERS. Manager. Pated at San Francisco this 1st day o J9ittnrj: 1V0S. NOTICB FOR PUUL1CATION. United States OnVe, Oiegnn City, Oregon. October 1J. 1902. Notice is hereby given thut in com pliance wilii th orovtshms of Hie act of tongi-ees 'if Jun-j 3, S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," a extended to nil the public Isnd states by act of August 4. W2, IDA ADAMS, of Rainier, county of Columbia, slute of Oregon, hue this day tiled In this office her sworn statement NO. 8937, for the purchuse of the nortwrst charter of section No. !7 In townahl No, 8 north, range No. t west, and will ofl.'r proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its Um ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses and to establish her clnlin lo said land before ttbe reglnter and re ceiver at this oltbe lit Oregon Clly, Oregon, on Friday, the M day of Jan uary, 1903. She name as wUneaMes: Win, Lee, of llnlnler, Ore.; Krnnk Kvanson, of Astoria, Ore.: Simon Kaspnr of Mny ger, Ore.; Axel Stoi kentmi g. of May. ger, Ore.; Any nnd all persons claiming d versely the iibnvc dcs. rlbe.l I inin re reiiiiesled to file their iliilii.ii in thin olhVe on or before e.ild I'd Uny .if Jan uary, l'.ifl.l, CHAS. II. MMOKI'.s W-2M2-26. Register. " i Hi tne Stu'is of IVIIfoi nlii, iinavn. NOTICE FPU Plu;,i;ATlQN', , Nevada, and W,ishiiigt..ii 'iVniK iy " United State Land niTlce. Oregon!'"' "'"'""'I to all public l.,ml -! City, Oregon, September 22, 190'.". ! '' of August 4. !:, wouce is neri-iiy given thnt in com - pllunce with the provisions of the ad of Congress of June 3, ls;, emitled "An ni t for the uile of timber Iniuls In tne states or California, Oregon, Ne vada and Washington Territory," ns extended to all the Public Lund States by utt of August 4, 1892, JOSEPH R. W. ADAMS, of Elsie P. O., county of Clatsop, slate of Oregon, has this day filed In IIiIk nfflc his sworn statement No. ,',9o3, for the purchiixe of the SW vt of SV, t4 of section 25, In township No. 4. North Range No. 8, West, nnd will of for nioof to show thnt Ihc land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to Hald land before the county clerk of Clntn-p count)-, nt Astoria, Oregon, on Monday, the 8th dny of December, 1902. He names ns witnesses: J. Jt. Wherry of Elile I. O., Clatsop county, Oregon, Percv Allan nf mini p. o Clatsop county, uregon. Stephen Abmhftmxon of Elsie P, O., Clntson county, Oregon, Walter Bottom of Jewell P. O., Clut sop county, Oregon. Any nnd all persons claiming ad verser the above-descrlbed lands are requested to 0le their claims In this of flee on or before said 8th day of De comber, 1902. CHA9, B. MOORRS, -28-11-28 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Sept. 27, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 187K, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the stntes of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," SAMUEL DERR, of Montavllla, County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 5912 ,for tbo purchase of the SW of section No. 27 In township No, 4 N range No. 10 W nnd will offer proof to iiliow that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land before the register and receiver of thla office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of December, 1902. He names as witnesses: H, J. San- ford. James Bloss. Albert Lulkart. and Oeorge Clark, all of Montavllla, Ore gon. Any and ell persons claiming od- vei'Foly the nbove described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 10th day of De cember, 1902. . CHAS. B. MOORiJS, f-SO-10-5 Register. NOTICK FOn PUDLICATION. United Stales Ind OltUe, Orrgea City, Oregon, IH'tuber 14, Wit. Notice is hereby giren that In urn pllume with Hie protisiun of (he et of vungiee of Juno Wi. eutltjeel "An in for the sale of timber lurid In the states of California, Oregvi. Nevada and Washington Territory," it extended to all. the public )aa stairs by act i.f August i, Wi, Wll.llKl.M VaU, of Ati'i In, loiinty of I'lnlmip, slate Of dies hi, tins this iluy Died In thle ofBue his sworn statement No. Wis, for th purchase of Hi southeast quarter ee aiHidiMexl riurtiter of set Hon ! Is tovviialilp No, 7 north, iiinge No, Meat, lllld Will ilffi'l' pioof lo shotv thel the laud sought I more vulunble for its timber or stone than for ugruul tpiiil ptii'iKiees, and to eetublleli kl ilnlm to said and before the register and icirhvr of this office ai Orrra City, dreuon, on Saturday, the ftk day of January, IMS. He mimes is wltiiesM-s: T. II. 11 well, C. Iveienn, Kiwnk llidwell Cliuili-e Hull, all of Aetoria. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming veisely the Above-described lands or ivtiuesird to file their rlelma In lb I vltlie on or before said 10th day ef January, 1N1. I'll AM, II. U()Oht9. ili'MKi llrgteler. NOTICK Knit rt'nLtt'ATDK. .4MB. United Stair Land me, ONIH City, Oregon. October IS, IKOJ. Notice I hereby gieen that In u m pilunc .villi the prbvislon nf ttie ucl of eongi-ess if June 3, rntilled "An ml for the sale of tlmler land In the states of California, I'rcgts, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public lusd states by act of August 4, UH, ItOUKflT M. rut of Si aside, county of Clatsop, stulr ef Oregon, line this day filed In this if ttie his sworn statement No. iW, for the I'liiih.ise of the SK'4 of SK'4 ee Hon 33 W of SWH and BK4 of gW4 of sect Ion No. 34 III township Ne. t north, rangv No, I west, and will efter pro f to show thai the laud souglit Is more viiltuiM for Its limber Of stone tlien for agricultural purr- and to eatabllsh hi" claim lo said ui4 before the register and receiver e this offire at Oregon City, Oregon, ta the 6th day of January, 1903. He names as witness.: WillUn Luce, Andrew I), Kltter, letter M. Inland and Kdwnrd J. Klliolt, uH of Seaside, Oregon. Any and all perron ilnimlng :.d vciieiy the alxive-desi ribed land utt reiuesteil ty rile their claims in tt.s otllce on or bofoio wild Sili day of Jan uary, 1903. CM Af. II. MOOliKS. 10; -12 :. RcgiMir. Nt'Tn i: FUt I't'IU.K ATloN United Sl,itc Uind I'lmVe, mtgi. ! Cltv Dleifoll. IH (ober :'0. lOI'if. I Notice In hereby given Ihat in iu I nlliiitre Hllh the .roviUns of tin get ; of coMgi.'MH ef Jim n. Ht7, enitiicj "All net for the sole of tlinber h.'.iJa I AI.FIIEti HUSI.ll t I'oi-tliiinl. i miniy or MuliiM'0tb. """I" f "regon, bus tills day lliti! m HiIh oIMi e Ills SMoi'il Klnlemeiit Ko for th.i piiichiiee of the lots i. 2, 7 lltl I X of Section No, ;'i III lmvr,-hl V'o I noiih. riuiKr No. in umt, nid ulll olTei pioof to ahiiw lluil the Uni ioiiht Is i:. ore wiliul.l for Us tim ber or sloiie iliiui for uk' I" iilliii al t'lir Ihimi x, ini'lt a est ibllhh his t litl in to M.ild iiinil li fole Hie rrglxter utld re celver of thin otfice at Ori Koll C.ty. Uregon, on Thursil.iy, the l .tn ,i,,y (.f Jiitilliirv, ICKiJ. He mimes ns wl'nesses: Wilhuin i Kiii ti l, llc.iiy Stir, Fied Neth. AN ! fred llrliiilck, nil e( i'oi llnni, Ort. I Any nnd all persons '.i inilnv i:d- versi iy tne aiiove-'H wriiii'ii luiuis ,ire 1-eqiiented to file t be ir claims In this otHcf oil or before snld IMii tbiy ef Jiitiunry, 190.1, CHA. K. MOOHKiff, 10-281-2 lUg!ilr. ADMIN3TRATOIIS NOTK'K. Notice Is hereby given tn nil whom it may concern that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Martin Kmpn, decenwd, by the county court of the state of Oregon for (intsnp county. All persons having claims ngnliiKt said estate inut present the same lo the undersigned, duly veiilled, lit his office In the can nery of the Union Fliihennen's Co-opt r ntlve Packing company, in the city of A.itorln, In s.tld county nnd slute, vlth In six months from this date. Dated nt Astoriu, Oregon, llils 17th day of Novemlicr, 1902. lt-ri-12-12. AUOIIMT JAI1LSTIIO.M. aaj CHICMf OTCS)' KNOLIOH Pennyroyal pills . . rtalal a Only Urania. "T-.TKrVSAFE. A'7,,,u''1' l.atll" klirMam f"S Pv4 If CHKlHMTICtt'N ICNK.lTJl! frU7lKCil HHI u4 IJ.Iil bin., Mtfa fl Hh uf rlkboii. 1 ob- n .tkK, Urnn J lnir-ro, Sukdllalliiaa an lain., flr llont. hr "I fur liiii(i,i. hiiiI 4. la W '"T!"..'"!. ''I'l TMtlaMalala iT f? ad "llrllff Air l.aiHra,lw iiiur, Li I' ta-a Kail. I . TmiBoaui. H-aii u ZTTC ""-e"' al.'a.lerl li.lfall! Moil iu imiw, aa-iaw. I'llli.t. -J Foley s Hooey w Tj beats lungs MSdntopu the cough. V