THE MORNING ASTORIAN. THURSDAY, NOVF.MBEK 20, l!K)2 n THE QUO REUABLE HIP Absolutely PurbT THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE GLOBE PROVES IV SUCCESS UFK SAVER IS TURNED LOSE IN , ROl'OH SEA. AND SAILS TO SHORE. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. Another test has been riven the life saving globe Invention tor use in shipwrecks by Captain Donvig, a Norwegian, says Herald dispatch from London. The oblect of this test was to ascertain how the craft would behave In heavy seas. ; While the wares were running- ex tremely high and a sea was running in which, It was declared, no lifeboat could live, the globe was towed by a tug from Dover harbor into the chan net. In order that the apparatus should be as near as possible In the same con dittos as It would be if used in case ot a. shiDwrecfc, it was weighted with sand bags, MfbJch, with four men who were in the globe, made the weight eouivalent to that of 20 men and 39 days' provisions. The globe, without its crew, was first towed out to sea between Dover and the south foreland. The strong wind raised terrific seas. Several times the lug was caught in the trough and her decks were completely swept, so that it waa necessary to batten down All the hatch way a But the globe rode over the waves like a cork. Finally it was towed Into quiet water, where Captain Donvig, accompanied by three Dover seamen went aboard. They fastened the manhole and the globe was again towed to sea. When the full force of the wind and seas was exoerienced. Captain Donvig signalled throush the manhole to cast off the towrope. The globe, left to itself, bobbed about in the heavy seas, but showed no in clination to roll over. After tossing about for 10 or 15 min utesCaptain Donvig and one of the sailors emerged from the manhole, and, lashing themselves on the outside of hte Klobe, set a small sail which they nulled through the manhole with them. The air funnel was used as a mast and the queer craft was navigated back to harbor, a distance of several mile. STRIKE FROM SYMPATY. Unusual Union Order Stops Work on Vanderbllt's Residence. NEW YORK, Nov. 19. A sympa thetic strike of unusual nature, involv ing 500 men, has tied up work on the residence of George W. Vanderbilt, Fifty-first street and Fifth avenue. In which extensive alterations are being made. The strike was ordered by the buildings trades council on behalf of the Amalgamated Painters" society, al though no painters will be emplowed in the building for two months. The ulasterers have Just begun their work and painting will be started only after the plasterers have finished. The action was taken by the union in an effort to force the contractors . for the decorations to discharge their workmen who are members of the Brotherhood of Painters and to em ploy those affiliated with the Amal gamated society. SHEEP RUSTLERS PURSUED BY SHERIFF'S POSSE. Five Men Blow Up Herder's Cabin and Attempt to Escape With Large Flock of Sheep. FOWLER, CoL, Nov, 19. Five men drove off 1400 head of sheep from the herd of James Brown, 16 miles north west of this place, after dynamiting the hut in which the herder was sleep in. The explosion blew the cabin to pieces and threw the herder into the air. Mr. Brown waa aroused by the noise of the explosion and found the herder lying unconscious upon the ground. He was not seriously hurt A posse overtook the men with the sheep after a chase of several miles. They abandoned the nock and fleOj nortward. Sheriff Baldwin started out with a posse later, determined to ap prehend ;he would-be rustlers. ILLITERACY A MENACE. Steps Taken to Prevent Indlscrmlml nate Immigration. MILWAUKEE, Nov, 19. The Mer chants' and Manufacturers' association has adopted a resolution advocating the restriction of immigration to the I'nlted Stats by an Illiteracy test It points out that to maintain the Anwleaa standard of education I difficult when 100,000 Illiterate whose children will start on their career as American cltisens from ignorant homes urnlm- practically foreign surroundings, are Untied annu&lly and that the standard of public morality is endan gered by the same means. DAILY NRWSl'AV'KHS AKU LOSING THEIR INFLUENCE According to an Address ly W. J. Bry;n itefore Pody of Adver tising Men In Chicago. CHICAGO, Nov. 19.-The Atlas club an onraniiaiion of advertising men, held its quarterly banquet and annual election at the Calumet club last night. William J. Rryan spoke on "How the West Advertises Itself." Speaking ot th growth and influence of weekly newspapers, Mr. Bryan said: "The dally is becoming less and less a political paper. As a great business enterprise, the city dally has passed be yond the stage where the owner can be the editor, und as th? paper thus ceases to be the organ of one man it loses its political influence. Hut as it has a large working force, of shoe people will always require papers that makers now menaced with loss of em discuss political Questions, we shall hare the growth of the weekly papers." FINEST THEATRE WEST OF NEW YORK CITY facturers had kept abreast of Amer . lean enterprise and equipped their New Playhouse In San Francisco Has Been Leased For Term of Ten Years to F. Relasco. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 19. -Fred Relaseo, at present one of the manag ers of the Central and Alcazar thretres has secured a 10 year lease with an op tion of five more on the new theatre now in course of construction at the corner of Ninth and Market streets In this city. Belasco purposes to make this playhouse the fln?st west of New York. The theatre is being built by William Ede, a well-known capitalist and it was originally intended to give the lease of it to Alfred Bouvior. The re cent serious illness of Mr. Bouvier broke off negotiations and Mr. Betas co's terms were accepted after a brief conference. LARGE INDUSTRIAL PROJECT. Iron and Copper Smelting Works Pro posed for Oakland. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 19. An Im mense copper and Iron smelting plant, to employ 1500 men, is reported by the Chronicle to be the next industrial pro ject of magnitude to be launched on Oakland harbor. The proposed works are to be established on the Alameda shore of the canal of estuary, nearly facing the two big steel plants, upon which work is now under way. It is rumored that mineral lands. containing copper and iron, located In this state, have been secured by the new enterprise and that oil fuel will be used, so as to successfully compete with eastern rivals. ACCOUNTS WERE SHORT. Commits Suicied Rather Than Face Investleation. SAN JOSH, Nov. 19. Jackson Stoll. vice-president of the W. T. Ackerman company of Paterson, X. J., has com mitted suicide in this city by swal lowing half a small bottle of chloro form. He had been hre about a week. A letter was found beside the chloro form bottle which asked that he be decently buried. The sum of $25 In ereenbacks was found in his pocket Letters from Paterson from W. T. Ackerman spoke of a shortage in his accounts of $1500. Deceased was about 25 years old. The Paterson authori ties have been notified. FAMOUS ARTIST DIES Firi That Destroyed His Works Caus ed Illness and Death. .N FRANCISCO, Nov. 19-Juan B. Wandesforde, an artist with an Inter national reputation is dead in this city. His health has been declining ever since he suffered the loss of many val uable nieces of his handiwork by the destruction of his home at Haywards bv fire several years ago. He was a native of England, aged 85 years. CARNEGIE'S ILLNESS. Condition of Iron King Causes Alarm In London. No NEW YORK, Nov. 19.-Most of the newspapers here make no mention of Andrew Carnegie's indisposition, while others dismiss it. in a small paragraph, says a World dispatch from London. All agree that there is no cause for alarm. No other soap in the world is used so much; or so little of it goes so far. old.UowU world. IDLERS IN ENGLAND.' MIDLAND TOWNS CANNOT COM FETE WITH AMERICAN MADE GOODS. . NEW YORK, Nov. 19. While the talk about the American invasion has ceased In the press, there Is. cables the London correspondent of the Tribune no lack of evidence of active eompe tition in many lines of manufacture. The provincial hotels are filled with American commercial travelers and Cunts of manufacturing firms, and there is a large Increase in the number t branch houses established for per manent operations In the United King dom. The results of this destructive competition sre noticeable In the mid land towns, like Northampton and tioealer. which have been dependent for their prosperity upon the boot und shoe trade. There has been a marked decline In the production tor both the home and froetgn trade. The streets of those towns are filled with Idlers, and the shoemakers' wages are falling. Leicester Is more fortunate than Northampton, since it has the hosiery industry, which has not been seriously , affected by the production abroad, but ployment. Northampton is in a sorry ollght from the shrinkage of business. j The fortunes of those towns might have been retrieved If the shoe manu factories with labor saving appliances. They neglected those matters, how ever, and American boots and shoes are now sold In England at prices that cannot he met, either at Leicester or ' NorthaniDton. SUGAR REFINING COMPANY WANTS ITS MONEY BACK Asserts That Overpaid Government Taxes Wilt Equal Jt,000,00O Case Is Now Being Heard. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. Arguments have been heard In the United States district court ut Newark, N. J., In the suit brought by the American Sugar Refining company, involving a trifle over $1,000,000 which the plaintiff as serts it paid the government under the ruling of the treasury department In excesi of what it should have paid as government taxes tor 1898. ISM and 1900. The amou.vs were paid under protest oending the settlement of the question whether they were an overpayment of property tax. The company asserts it has been un justly taxed on investments made be fore the imposition of the war revenue tax. SANTA FE OFFICIAL GOES EAST Vice President Morton Has Inspected Entire Line. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 19. Paul Morton, second vice-president of the Santa Fe has started for Chicago in his private car, after several days spent In this city. He was joined here by his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Patter," who have been spending their honeymoon in the Haw aiian Islands. They accompanied him east Presllent Ripley will leave for the cast tomorrow night. During his sojourn In this city he has inspected all the property of the Santa Fe. SCHLEY IS HONORED Admiral Feud By Commercial Club In Kansas City. KANS VS CITY, Nov. 19.-Rear Ad mlral Winfield Scott Schley was a guest ot the Commercial club banquet held in commemoration of the signing of the John Jay treaty. The affair was a notable one and Admiral Schley was given a decided ovation. RAILWAY LINSS PURCHASED NEW YORK, Nov. 19. Details have been arranged by the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway company .accord ing to the Herald, for the purchase of the St. LouK Memphis and Southern Railway company by the execution of a collateral trust agreement under which collateral trust notes have been issued for $4,000,000 . ELECTRIC LETTER POST. Inventor Negotiating With to Adopt System. England NEW YORK, Nov. 19. Blgnor Plscl elli, inventor of a system for dispatch ing letters known as the electric post, has arrived from Italy, says a dispatch to the Tribune from London. He will continue negotiations already opened with the British postal authorities for the Introduction of his system into this country. HARVARD MAN TAKES POISON. Disappointed In Love William honey Prefers Death. Ma- NEW YORK, Nov. 19.-Wllllam C. Mahoney, 28 years old, said to be a member of a wealthy Boston family, and a graduate of Harvard, has com mitted suicide in this city because a woman, who had refused to marry him, and had caused his arrest twice re cently for persisting in his attentions, had declared her purpose of marrying another. The woman, whose home is said to be in Paris, was employed in No Man it more interested in securing his family against want than the wage earner. You can buy your me insurance ju lower rates now than you can a year hence, when you are older. Why not buy it in the com pany that has larger assets and ha paid more to policy-holders than any other hte insurance company m the world? $352,000,000 $569,000,000 A ywiag wbillow f hkum, h.uU twM WM potutt. Writ to "Wtoe .kill I iMMttf" The Mutual Life Insurance Company or New York Rxhami A. McCvwr, Pmtfwt VAN DUSEN ft CO. Resident Agent, Astoria, Oregon. Sherwood Olllespy. Manager, Seattle, Washington. C. H. Waterman. State Manager, Portland. Oregon. this city as n designer. Mahoney call ed upon her, entered a violent protest against her Intended marriage and then poisoned himself In her presence. GERMANY WILL NOT ES TABLISH NAVAL STATION On Either Eastern orWestern American Coast Squadron In Central Ameri can, Waters Thought Sufficient. NEW YOKE, Nov. 19.-in reply to reports Imputing to Germnny an In ten tion to establish a iiernutnent naval station near the American roast, Ber lin newspapers observe, says a Tribune dispatch from London .that the aqtiad ron now cruising in Central American waters was fitted out to protect the legal Interests of Germany. No Inten tion exists It Is declared, ot perma nently stationing this squndron off the eastern American coast, and Germany does not possess the ships necessary for establishing a station on the west ern American coast. SCHOOL TEACHERS WILL JOIN FEDERATION OF LABOR Principals and Graded Instructors of Hoboken Not Satisfied With Existing Conditions. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. -School teach ers of Hoboken will In nil probability take steps within a few weeks to make application for admittance Into the American Federation of labor. Thn plan in being backed by a number of the most prominent members of the Teachers' Mutual Aid association and the Principals' association, which em- br.vco almost nil of the 200 teachers and Principals In he city of Hoboken. PIG IKON SHIPMENTS HEAVY. Enirl md Is Sending Out Shiploads to the United States. NEW YORK, Nov. J9.-Shlpments of nie iron to America this month un likely to turn out very heavy, accord ing to the Tribune's London correspon dent. Six thousand tons already have been cleared for Philadelphia and two more steamers have been chartered. LA FATETTE'S IRANDDAVOHTER Linen) Descendant of America's Staunch Friend Is Dend. PARIS, Nov. 19.-Marciuise E. D. t'humbnm died yesterday. She was the last grand -daughter of La Fayette and her life was notable for her con stancy in maintaining the family's cordial feeling for America. KILLED IN SNOWSLIDK DENVER, Nov. 19.-A special to the Republican from Tellurlde, Colo., says that Harry Welter, aged 23 years, was swept to death by a snowslide at Pandora today. With him went his burro pack train and mules belong ing to another train. FIGHT IS SCHEDULED KANSAS CITT, Nov. 19.-Tommy Rvan of this city and Jack Root of Chicago, have 'oeen mulched for a 10 round fight here December 16. 8. B. HUSTON CHOSEN PORTLAND, Nov. 19. S. B. Huston of Hlllsboro 'was today elected presi dent of the State Tiar association, NEW TODAY Caston sells feed, grain and hay. Bweet 'iream for sale. Hoeflers. You will find the best 18c meul In the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. New stock of fancy goods just ar rived at Yokohama Baaaar. Call and e the latest novelties from Japan. Concomly tribe No. 7, Imp, O. R. M., will give a grand maaquemde ball at Foard Stokes hall on Thanksgiv ing eve, November 21, at which nine beautiful prists will be given. The best ot muilo has been arranged for and a good time Is assured all who attend. The prises are on exhibition at Herman Wise's clothing store. K costumer from Portland will be hers with a full line of tu'!) for the oc casion, Tickets can b purchased from any of th members. Admission; Gentleman maskers, $1; lady maskers, 50 cents; spectators, to cents; children, 25 cents. FOUND On Bond street, purse eon- Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOW. FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supi'lit's of all kinds at lowest rutee, for fialirriuf n, Fanners and Loggon. As V. ALL.EIN Tenth and Commtrthil Streets I Air Tight FROM Took stoves. Kangw und everything in the Move line at absolutely the lowest prices in Astoria. s S H. H. ZAPF, - - - XSXXttX3ttXX8XXUXttXX Castings Wt are prepared to make them on short notice and of the best materials. Let us glre you estimates on any kinA of eastings or pattern work. Lowsrt prices for flrst-class work. TELEPHONE NO. 2461. WILLAMETTE 7 UNIVERSITY .F. II. COLEMAN, I'rcsMent, Hulem, Ore. College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medi cine, Music, Oratory, Theology, Business PRErARATOnT DEPARTMENT grade department-lower grade In pre Ing professional training, the University seeks to give a ;harough piacilcal educatifln to all who are awars of the value of ft trained brain. THK NORMAL DEPARTMENT offers a thorough course In the theory and practice of teaching. MeeU all requirements of state school law Its teachers are In constant demand ' OLD KENTUCKY HOME CLUB 0. P. S. WHISKEY American Favorite Whlnkcy BLUMAUBR & HOCH W iiolomilo LItioruul Clifur bottlers soli: aokntm IOH-IIO l'otirth Street - - . Portlmiil. Oregon xixxunimxiZxuxAiixixinxiixiixxxximiixixiiy, .TUB CITY OP ASTORIA... Is NoUmI iim the IMiH'o Whore Is Mmni.actiirMl. Culbirlli's Creosote Sliinqlc Stains The Most Dnruble, Preservative, ami Hsndsome Stains on tbe Market. Nothing keeps ont the weather like sliinglei on the walls. .Nothing preserves nmi beautifies shingles likcCiilbirth ' stains. Cutbirth also makes the best OOlTEK PAINT for the botloms of all ter croft. XXH Mill XXXXXXXXXXXTXXXimXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed. DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. North Pacific Brewing Co. EMIL SCMIHPFF, General manager. The Popular Product of the only brewery in Northwestern Oregon enjoys a very large domeetio and export sale. KOPPS BEST bottled or In keg Free city delivery. tnlnlng money. Inquire of J. II. Matt son, 18 Flnvel street. West Astoria, X have chamois skin to supply the whole country for a year, prices from 3 cents to $1.!S emit, Rogers, drug gist. .- Plumbing, tinning, gut and strum fitting nt lowest rate and In work rusnllke monitor. Orders promptly ex ecuted. Shop, No. 4:8. Bond street JOHN A, MONTGOMERY. Heaters UPWARDS He House Furnisher XtSXXtaXXXftXXttXXtiXX IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay Iron 0 Brass Works Obf . Iih and Frsnkltn are; open to students completing eighth paratory department Besides atlord- Catalngu upon application. TELEPHONE AH IN 661 hi (iltOMMM AN'N PATKNT Wit IT I NO KINO The most Important Improvement ot the age in the art of -nmiuhlp make the (oore.t writ er 1 splendid penman . In a few weeks by the us of (his ring. Its dorsod by prominent college presidvnM and boards of education In Burose and America. Satnpl dosen assort sis sent post paid tor II, sing) sample J5e. When ordering a Mugl ring stale whstltsr fur man, wvnmm or child. penn ma. SUPPLY CO. m s. rocHTH sr. r.ii.di,n. Central Meat Market 48 COMMERCIAL 8T. Vest oriirrt tor menu. kaih FRESH AKD SALT SslMisrfarily M W. MORTON, h. Tltl No. an. THE WALDORF C. r. WIRE, Fropr. Astoria's prlB.ieal iwmrt. JTIn. liquor, sad .Igwr. The MUG SALOON P. V.. PKTKrtSON, Prop. finest Wines and U utters, t'ortwr Astor and Ninth. C. J. Trenchant Insurants CommkMrton tag tfttpFlaf. Agraj Wells fane and Pa cific Express CotncaalM. Cus tom Boats OrotMsr, GRAND f MASQUERADE BALL COXCOMLY till UK, Improved Order of Uetlmeii THANKSGIVING EVE, . novi:miii:ic at. iihw Foard & Stokes' Hall Markers Tlik -ts tl rtpc. tutor. 54. Tti llimrcut Hrnsntkm Kmywbrrt ." LJLJPUT t'oliiiMille Pocket MtereNeope Auritlns Ths nalst sttrvift'oix with U. trouKit nptlcttl .ffpi't. Highly In tliT.'o-nt colors with rlrh ;oid nnd silver aVorullons (mnuiilin-. n' lutliiif 20 V. F. rhniAirrnih. or urt (Kcnrvl. I'rlrr only II. fii vrrytvhere prtnil In inter (oris. A OI1". NTS WANTED. Llliput Sferosccpe Company rwlUlKHT 1II.DO., PhlliulrlPhla. RELIANCE . Electrical Works 4 21 flONU HT. We arc thoroughly prepared lor , niaklnx cstlmatra and eiecuthif r.nlfis for all kinds of electrical n stalling and Repairing Hup-iiies In stork. We sell tie celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone lit. . W. CYI1UH. - Mar, . 01, Barr, Dentist ManseU Building. Commercial St., Astoria, Ore, 171 . TDLBPHpNl ropjWtX, Df. T. L. Ball DENTIST. (24 Commercial Street Astoria, Ore. ANDREW LAKE Merchant Tailor New Goods, Winter Samples, Per fect Work, Prlres Reasonable nd Work Done With Dispatch. Mil Commercial BU, Astoria, Ore.