HIE MORNING ASTORIA N, WUDXKSDA Y, NOVKMUF.R 1. I!HJ Telephone, Main WL TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAIL1 6nl by mail, per year Sent by mall, per month ...... Served by carrier, per month MM . SO . (0 SEMI-WBEKLT. Sent br mall, per year, in advance tl 00 The Aatorian guarantees to IU ad vertiser the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River. : THE ASTORIAN PUBLISHING CO.. The miserable efforts of the coal mine operators of the anthracite re gion to defraud the miners out of their Just dues are depicted in every utter ance of the agents of the class alleg ed by one of Its members to be "God's chosen people." There la no subter fuge too low for these unscrupulous wealth-accumulators to stoop to to rain their end the perpetuation of the serfdom of the working classes. Here ia a specimen from Attorney MacVeigh, who has been trying unsuccessfully for some days past to "rattle" President Mitchell In the Scranton, hearing: "Mr. Mitchell, do you think you have the right to ask for an Increase in wages which, if granted, would Increase the cost of living to hundreds of thousands of people?" How solicitous these op erators are for the welfare of the con sumers! Taking this MacVeigh for It, themlneowners would be deeply touch ed with sympathy for the great army of coalburners if the price were to ad vance. Such hypocrisy is abominable. In the first place, the operators would not care what happened to the consum ers, except death or financial straits that would prevent them from buy big coal. The threat of MacVeigh that the cost of coal will advance if the miners' demand for more wages is conceded la a mattter of no conse ouence in the hearing now in progress. The miners must receive living wages even if the price of coal goes up to $100 a ton. The imputation that they should continue to starve because tbe opera tors do not care to divide profits with them is villainous. The tender solici tude which MacVeigh expresses for the consumer will not blind the public to the real object that this worthy has in view, nor will he add sympathizers to the cause of tbe operators by his flippant questions to the head of the tnlneworkers" organization. If the pres ent price of anthracite coal will not uermit the paying of living wages, then the price of coal should go up, and the sooner the better. What became of the prodigious sum of $1,622,014,000, which the railway com panies of the United States earned and received from other sources in the last year reported by the interstate com merce commission? says the Railway Aee. First, $610,713,000, or over three- The bathrr sometimes finds the sand oft and yielding to his feet. It does not trouble him and he goes on until presently he sinasto his knees and dis covers to his horror that he has to fight for his life in a quicksand. Disease is much like the quicksand. The first symptoms ef stomach trouble io not cause anxi ety. But when the body grows weak through lack of nourishment and disease of the stom ach breeds disease of heart, lungs, liver or kidneys, the suf ferer realizes his danger and seeks for medicinal aid. Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the stomach and other oreans of di gestion and nutrition. It cures diseases of heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc., when these diseases have their origin in dis ease of the stomach and its allied organs. Thomas A. Swarta, of Sub-Station C, Colum- u, Ohio, Bo ioj. writra: I wai inn wnn ever headache, then cramps in the stomach, and mv food would not digcat, then kidney and liver trouble, and mv back rot weak to I could scarcely get around. At laat I had all the com pUinta at once, and the more I doctored the wurne I got until six year paaaed. I had be come ao pooriy i couia oniy want in ine bwuk by the aid of a chair, and I got ao thin I had S'veri up to die. Then a neighbor said, 1 Take r. Fierce'! Golden Medical Discovery and make a new man out of youraelf.' The firat bottle Betueri me ao I thought I would get another, and after I had taken eight bottle, in about six weeka. I was weighed and found I had rained twentv-arven (17) pounds. I have done more hard work in the mat eleven months than I did in two years before, and I am as stout and healthy toiay. 1 think, as I ever was." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay ex pense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. eights of the whole went for wages. Then $4:0,000,0000 was paid for other expenses of operation, $.109,000,000 went for interest and taxes, $ik,63S.000 for permanent Improvements and miscella neous expenses, and ini.tXtOOO for dtv Idends equivalent to about i peroen. on the entire share capital leaving $$4,764,000 credited as surplus. Employ es are now, and In many cases Justly. asking a material Increase In wages, and the problem over which the man agers and directors are worrying I to what extent can wages be Increased, concurrent with the great expense in all operating and construction expen ses. An advance of 10 percent all around, which some sufrgest. would have amounted for the year named to over $l2i.O, whkh, besides wiping out the entire surplus for that year, would have cut off JS7.4U0.000 from the dividends, reducing that return on the capital stock to an average of about 1.8 uereent for the entire country. These figures merely illustrate the far-reach ing effects of a general increase In the wages of un army of over 1,000.000 men, and help to justify the caution with which both railway managers and the organizations of railway employers are approaching the subject. Moreover, each company has its Individual con dition to consider. Some roads are earning good dividends, and have a surplus; othors pay no dividends and find hard work to pay their interest One may be able to stand an increase la its ratio of operating expenses, which would possibly bankrupt Its neighbor, so that the adoption of a fix ed scale of wages for all roads Is a crave and difficult problem upon which organizations on railway returns in the total do not shed much light. But man agers and brotherhoods alike are now seeking to discover the limitations which justice, reason and regard for future safety combine to fix. A traveler in Japan writes: "The Japanese are evidently very fond of having signs and directions written In English, even when there Is not the slightest need for it I have seen. In one of the streets behind the Oinza, in Toklo, a small dust box with the words 'dust box' painted on It, al though there are no Eropean houses in that vicinity; and several of those street stalls where jinricksha coolies buy their rice and hot soup and con sume it standing are ornamented with the words 'Itestaulant; meal very cheape.' It is not to be wondered at that these sijns are badly spelled and that letters are often turned the wrong way. What surprises me is that weal thy commercial establishments often have their signs, notices and advertise ments written in equally execrable English. For instance, one large ba zaar on thj (linza bears the singular sign, 'Looking free,' which means that anybody can enter to look at the goods exposed for sale, eve.i though he does not intend to make any purchases." The democratic evening Journal calls attention to the fact that this evening a masj convention will be held in the city hall for the purpose of nominating a "nonpartisan ticket." Why not be honest just once and have the notice read, "nonpartisan democratic ticket?" Look at the nonpartisans holding lu crative oflioes. All democrats. Perhaps Messrs. Smith, Noland, Grat ke ;t al. can fool the republicans all the time. So call the mass meeting. Republicans, let the democrats mass. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. This signature gfifjl t on every box. 25c, las iijcssi A STARTLING SURPRISE. Very few couldb tlieve In looking at A. T. Houdley, a healthy, robuust blacksmith of Tilden. Ind., that for ten years hi suf.'ered such tortures from Rheumatism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change fol lowed his taking Electric Bitters. "Two bottlss wholly cured me," he writes, "and I have not felt a twinge in over a year." Th?y regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rheumatism Neuralgia, Nervousness, improve di gestion and give perfect health. Try thein. Only BO cts. at Chas. Rogers drug store. LUCK IN THIRTEEN. By sending thirteen miles We Splrsy, of Walton Furnace, Vt, got a box of Bucklen'a Arnica Saive that wholly cur.-d a horrible fever sore on his leg. Nothing else could. Posi tively cuures Bruises, Felons, Ulcers, Eruptions, Bolls, Burns, Corns and Piles. Only 25c. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, drujflst tt Ut tha GOLD DUST More clothes are rubbed out than worn out will spare your back and save your clothes. Better and far more economical than soap and other Washing Powders. Made only by THE N. K. FA1RBANK COMPANY. Chicago. New York, Boston. St Louis. Makers of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. Steamer SIE H.EU10RE The Largest, Staunoheat, Steadiest, and most seaworthy vessel ever on the route. Best of Table and State Room Accommoda tions. Will make round trips every five days between. Astoria and Tillamook FARE $3.BO Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and the Astoria A Columbia R. R. for Portland. Ban Francisco and all points East For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore 6c Co. General Agents, Astoria, Or. or to B. C. IAMB, Tillamook, Or. A. A C. R. R. Co. Portland, Or. ONE DOLLAR caunot be expended to better advantage foi yourself or absent friends than in a year's subscription for the Semi-Weekly Astor.an It gives all the city and county "cws twice each week foi only one dollar a year in advance. fxsiszsiKinxr.i:x::x::x::z::xKixsx:.'isx::ii::ixsJxii:xx:szi.'5 I d r. a g j -J IA W I j Baltimore ROYAL BLUE TRAINS BETWEEN CHICAGO!!" NEW YORK Via WASHINGTON, I, V. Finest and Fastest scries of trains in the world. Palatial Coaches, Pullman Bufl'et Parlor and Drawing Room Cars. The Finest Dining Car Service in the World Is operated by tiie Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. g B. M. AUSTIN, General Pass. 8 xaxzaxnxaxaxxnxax8xaxKi FOUNDED A. D. 1710 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OPLONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN TIIE WORLD. r Ch AkeU m m m IX, ft 00,000 CiihAmti In United Btote, . . 6 16,93 C A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 215 Sansomc Street Sao Francisco, Cal. SAMUEL ELMORE & twins do your work," O. R. A N. Co. Portland. Or. H 8 Sr Ohio R. R. Agt. - - Chicago, 111 Bix:tx::xxxxxxaxt:xax. CO., AQENT5 People expect THE BEST In the way of luxury and solid comfort when they travel via And (hey are nwvur disappointed not even the most exuctiug-Ior the Kaiuous Trains of this Famoua Una ui all no. nipped with "Tbe liest of Kveryihtng." KcmemlHtr It I t'ie short line be tween Mtuueapjlls, dt. l'aul and Chi catro. Anything you wish to know about comfortable trawling gladly answered by II. L. SISLKlt. General Agent, us Aldor Street IYUTI.AND, OKHQON. T. W. TKASDAI.R. Gunornl Puss, Agt., Bt l'aul., Minn, TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points East VI SHORT LINE TO St. PAUL, DITLUTH. MINMSAPOUS, CHICAGO AND POINTS BAST. Through Palace and Tourist 81 epra, Dining and Bullet Smoking Library (Jars, Dally Trains; fast time. For rates, foUera and full In forma tlon regarding tickets, routes elo., call on or adilrem J W. PHALON. It DICKSON Trav J aas. Agt. City Ticket Agt. u'i Tniru ntrpei, rotund. A. B. C. DKNNI8TO.N. O. W. P. A m First Avenue. SeatUa. Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Card ofTrutuii PORTLAND. Lraves Anrves Puget Sound Limited. 7:24 am t.ii pm Kansas Clty-8t. Louis Special 11:11 am 1:41 pm North Coast Limited 3:30 p m 7:00 a m Tacoma and Seattls Micht Express 11:46 pm 3:05 pm Take rugst Sound Limited or North roast Limited for Gray's Harbor points tiiko ruget sound Limited for Olym pla direct Tako Puget Sound Limited or Han na Clty-8t. Louis Special for points on south Bond branch. Double dally train service on Orays Hnrbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Oeneral Pasaeneavr Aft., 255 Morrison St., Portland, Or. Oregon SfiOsXr Line ako Union Pacific TIME ACHED' ULK8 From Portland Depart Chicago Portland Special Arrlva Pall Lake, Denver, Ft, Worth, Oma 9:00 a. m. ha. Kanaas City 4:30 p. m via Hunt Ington Atrantlo " Fx press St. Louis, Chicago snd East, Rait Lake, Denver Ft. Worth. Oma 8:60 t. m. ha. Kansas City, 8:10 a. a via Hunt ington St. Paul Fast mail 8 p. m. via Spokane St. Louis, Chicago and East. Walla Walla, lywltiton, Boo kan. Mlnneapolli fl:. Paul, Duiuth Milwaukee, Chi cago and East 7:00 a. m 72 hours from Portland fo Chloago. No Change of Cars. OCEAN AND RIVER SCIIICDULH From Aitorio i All sailing datti. subject to change For San Francis- to evjery Ave days. 7 a.m. I driliimhla River exe. Monday Daily ei. To Portland and 4 a. m. ceot Bun. ' Way Landing.. Steamer Nahootta leave Astoria on tide dally for Ilwaco, connecting there with trains for Long Beach, Tioga and North Beach points. Returning ar rives at Astoria name evening. O. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent Astoria. A. L. CRAIO, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone I2L DRAYIING AND EXPRESSING AU goods shipped to our car Wilt receive special attention. No 638 Duane St W. X COOK, Mgr. man hi uJL fSwifflk. sf HE. A familiar namo of the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. l'aul Hallway, know II over the Union aa the Oreat Hallway running the "I'loneer Untiled" tralna every day and night betweim St. null ana Chicago, and omaha and cmoago, "The only nerfect train In me world. Undoraland: Coitneollona are made with all tranaoo'itlncntal tinea, securing to iiamengera the boat eervlce known. Luxurious coach,-, tlwtrlo light, atvam heat, of a variety equaled by no other line. fee that your ticket read vl "Tie Milwaukee" when going to any putnt In the Uulted Si mm or Canada. All ticket agents sell I hem. Fur rat, iwmnhleta or other Infof mat ion, addrna, 1. W. CASBT. C. J. RDDT. Trav. lNuw, Ant., i-n Agt, Portland. Ore. Portland. Or Some Inter esting Facts When people are .nitiMvl.i'.l.ig a trip, whether on business or pleasure. they naturally want the best scrv'. obtainable as far as speed, comfort and afety Is concerned. tfmiloyes of the WISCONSIN CKNTRAL I4NI9 are paid to serve the public and our trains are 0erated so as to nuiks close con neattnns with diverging line at all Junction points, Pullman Injure Sleeping and Chair l.-ani on tn nui if li trains. Dining car service unsxoslled, Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the Aral-clam ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over..... The Wisconsin Centra! Lines and you will make direct ip.ii.ectlons at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points Rust. For any further Information call on any tlckrt agent ,or correspond with JAS. C. POND, Oen. Pa. Ag't. or JAS A. CliOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. ItOXORIOUS T RAVEL The "Northwestern Llml-jd" tralna thvtrlo lighted throughou'. both Inside and out. and tam nested, are with out exception, the flntst trains la the world. The em bed y the litest, rswssi and bast Ideas for comfort convenience ana luxury sver offered tbe travelling oudiio. snd altogether sr the nu-si complete and splendid production of the car builders' art These splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northers The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No sxtra charge for these superior acommodatlona and all class of tick ets are available for passage on the trains on this line are prottcitd by tbe inienocKing ciocs system. W. H. MBA IV, H. L. RIHLEIt. oenerai Agent. Traveling Art Portland. Oreg ia. Don't Guess at It But If ou are govn Cast write us tor our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offer ed by the ILLINOIB CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST cara via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from I'AClFic COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to writs us about your trip aa ws are In a posi tion to gtvs you some valuable Infor mation and assistance; 6311 miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains In the world. For particulars regarding frelaht or passenger rates can on or address. . C. LINDBKT, B. II. TRUMBULL, T. F. A R. A. Com'! Agt. 141 Third St. Portland, Ore. AN ALL ABIDING FAITH. The Illinois Central railroad com pany has an all abiding faith In the future of the great Northwest. A short time ago, this was manifested by the establishment in Seattle of an ng enry to take caro their Interests there. The latest effort Is to put on a splen didly equipped new train service run ning between St. Paul and Chicago. The new trains will bo running Hun day November 2. They will use their own rails between Chicago and Albert Lea, Minn., and tho Minneapolis & St. Louis railway track from Albert Lea, to Minneapolis and St. Paul running Into the union depot at St. Paul, which is the same that Is used by all lines In that city. The train is to bo known as The Chi cago, St. Paul and Minneapolis Limit ed and will consist of sleeping car, buffet library car and reclining chair car through without dingo between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul Dining car service will also be main tained, supper being served out of Chi cago and breakfast Into Chicago. Trains will leave St. Paul at 7:10 p. m. and arrive In Chicago 9:30 a, m, Leave Chicago at 6:10 p. m. and ar rive In St, Paul 9:40 a. m. making close connection at St. Paul with all western lines. Tickets can be pur chased via. this line, in connection with all western lines, at all stations. For further Information regarding rates, time, etc., call on or address: B. H.TRUMBULL, Commercial agent 111 Cent R It, 142 Third street, Portland, Ore. PAUL B. TOMPSON, Freight and passenger agent, 111 Cent R R, Seattle, Wash. TIIE 11111 NORTH COA8T LIMITED. Is only run by the Northern Paoino between Portland and Minneapolis and St. Paul, through Tacoma, Seattle, Miiokane, Missoula, Butts, Livingston, Hillings, nismark and Fargo. Eight of these tralna are on the run dally, four east and four wast. Each la a olid vvatlbultd train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourist sleepers, dining oar, day coaches, mail, express and baggarn oar and the elegant observa tion oar. Bach train Is brilliantly ligM with over no lights and tht beauty of It ail la you can travel Just aa cheaply oa tttls train as on any other. Alt representatives wMI bo glad to givo you additional Informs. (Inn. A. TV Otiaelat.n 1 .i. . . .,, . iw! n i vrv. - fI Pasaenger Agent, IU Morrison St, i-urimiiu, uregvn, "WIINUB TO HUNT AND FISH." Northern Pftclflo's new gams book Is now ready for distribution. Illustra tions of live gams a particular feature. Four full pages from Beton -Thompson's drawing mads specially for this book. Send address with sit csnla and hook will be malted to you by Chas. 8. lo. O. P. ft T. A . 8t Paul, Minn. A FINE LIOART. Of 140 vorumes Is found on each of the Northern PaelnVs "North Coast Umlted" tralna Don't forget that these are the only trains operated In tho West that are lighted throughout hv electricity. AHLItliJP AMID rLAMKtt. Breaking Into a biasing home, some firemen lately dragged the steeping In male from dea'.h. Fancied security and Jen.Ui near, It's that way when you neglect coughs snd colds. Don't do It. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption gives perfect protection against all Throat, Cheat and Lung troubls. Keep u near, and avoid suf fering, doath and doctor's bills. A Icaspoonful stops a laate rough, per. slstnt use the most stuborn. Harm less and nlca tasting, It's guaranteed to satisfy by Chas. Rogers. Price Mo and $100. Trial bottles free. Andrew Asp, f ajia Idsr, IlitaiilU n4 lerwtleir rilUIT-CLASM WORK AT HKABONAJlUC PRICK. Steels! Attention Olven to Ship aol Hteamooat eplring,unrai 111 sea -smithing, nrst-tlass liarss Bhoelag, stc CORN OR TWELFTH AND DUAN8 ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. UAV POkTUNII ABKtVg Warn Portland t'u on Itannt for Anrla and war I'olllU 111 l" m OJSSI limpis AkTOHIA i a 5TT r 1'omaua Tud y i ll is a ia 10 1 it, I fulnls I lowpn SKAClliaiUVlHIUN S 111 ill I AaUirts ht Wi II a si I KUtol, r'ort aan lUmmnml "! s th .ml AaUirtafi Wam'iiU)!!." 7a 4p lu 10 ia a m n arret, I A.lorla 1.1 (u I Hruiil hit WarranUin. li hi p J l v m KS in Klavsl, llauim lid. I'ofi J l n m I haia anil A"l"rla Sunday only. All trains m.li. Mm nrtntUMllnn. m Ootila with all Nortliern Paoino trains to and from the Hast and Hound I'olats. J, C. MAYO, Oen'l Freight and Pass. Agent Pemkyroyal, fills )S un iiii nii's i:n:i.isii ' a . .. ' m- v mutt Ilk w HMM. I .V. .Ik.,. UmKmrn 0-.r- aa.Uiailu mm laiH. Umum, a.; t fmr lir.iriiii. m mtt 4. I TJ.." f alMta, TMIawhli 4 "llrHrStr l.a.lrWw u,mi r. tm-9 Mull. I.IMA T-.,lM,..t.M IU,,, II ll,-l.'fc UlalnMl kMlMllW. 'KM. Mmm Ihiw, i'UILTr WS, COLLAR W .Portland - Astoria fyute. 5TR. 1 BAILEY CATZERT. Dally round trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a, m. Leave Astoria T p. tn. Through Portland connections wtth steamer Nahootta from llwaoo and Long lisaoh Points. White Collar I.lne tickets Inter changeable with O. R. A N. Co. and i. to. ticxeta. The Dalles Route STR. " TAH0MA," and "METLAK0" Dally trips exceut Sunday. TIMt CARD Str. "TAH0.MA" Leave Portland Mon., Wed., Frl., 1am. Leave Dalles, Tues., Thur., Bat., 7 am. Str. "METLAK0". Lv. Portlund Tuea., Thur., Bat., T a. m. l.V. ltallua Mnn.. W4 BT 1 , Landing at foot of Alder Street, Port- ' t . n in no uregoav Doth Phones. Main 161, Amr-NTS J. W. Crlchton, The Dalles. Orevon. A. K. Fuller, Hood River, Oregon, Wolford A Wyere, Whits Salmon, Wn. Henry Olmstead, Carson, Wn. John W. Totton, Stevenson, Wn. J. 0. Wyatt, Vancouver, Wn. A. 1. Taylor, Astoria, Ore. B. W. ORTCHTON, Portland Oregon. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURS rortiifliimmtloorritrrh of Iha llliulilrr anS lllrwrd Kiuneyn. Nq uura nn tt,y, Ounn uulckljr and 1'frnia nnntljr li t muni IIUra u4 cMonnrrhni'it ami 44 -. mait'-rol huw luim nunj. '"If- AbauliiU-lr harmiin. Bold by druiculnU. t'rtit ji w, or Dy null, pdilBm.t, THI SAKTAl-PCPSIN 00, SSUSrONTSINS, OHIO. Sold bv Chsal. ItAawM. IKt Pnmmnml.' al Btrset, Astoria, Oregon, , gasi id il Ft sMatlM