THE MORNING ASTORIAN. SAT t1 R DA Y. 0 V ) ;M BKK 15. 1902 THE OLD mm Absolutely Pure THERE iS NO SUBSTITUTE FINDS AZTEC TREASURES CAVfcUN DISCOVERED IN MEXICO CONTAINING PREHISTORIC IMAGES AND RELICS. HEIlMuSILLO. MEX, Nov. 14 A remarkable etory. duly authenticated, of the discovery of hidden Altec treas ures baa Just ben reported to the gov ernment authorities at Teplc by Rev, Pal lo Martino, the parish prtest of Tesca. The priest makes a statement, which Is concurred in by several reliable witnesses, that a party of Americans, beaded by an archaeologtc expert, who gave the name of Haverick, arrived at Testa several weeks ago and went from that place into the mountains accompanied by three Mexican guides. The archaeologist obtained his bear frigs by means of a. chart he claimed to have copied from an Aitec stone tablet in the national museum in the City of Mexico. He located a vast cavera in a mountain near Yesca. Immense stone Images stood about this chamber. In one end was a hand some altar, above which burned I bright flame, supplied by natural gas from a crevice in the wall In a chamber adjoining this main temple was found a great store of orn aments and utentile belonging to the Aztecs or some other prehistoric race. Twelve burros were required to transport the articles to San Bias where they were shipped to San Fran cisco, accompanied by the Americans. As such articles cannot be removed from Mexico without the consent of the government, an investigation is in prog re. HOERS LEAVE VI AVlCTORrA Delegation Has Been Studying Farm ing Methods in Canada. VICTORIA, B. C, Nov. II. The Steamer Miwoera which sailed for Aus tralia tonight had .imontr, its passen gers a party of Boer delegates who have been visiting Canada to observe the agricultural methois In use lii-re and to noiuir information .long this line which will tro3t thir country n?n In South Africa. IS ENCROACHING TJPON CANADIAN TERRITORY TTnlted States Reported to Have Ap propriated Thousands of Square Miles of Land to Itself. , VANCOUVER, B. C, Nov. 14.-The Providence this evening says: "In the quietest possible manner, and with ev ery precaution to secure secrecy, the United States has encroached upon Canadian territory to the northeast of Cape Fox and appropriated to itself MISS IDA M. SNYDER, Treasurer of the Brooklyn East End Art Club. ENSTRUAL irregu laritie are gener ally the beginning of a woman trou ble. WiththeYitalityata low ebb, the blood weak ened, the digestion disor dered, she goes about pale faced, hollow-eyed and hag gard, a piteous contrast to the blooming health of her former sell. But over have found health again by taking Wine of Cardui. As a regulator of the menstrual periods Wine of Cardui has never been known to fail. It ha seldom failed to restore perfect health, even in the most persis tent and aeffravated case of weakness. Miss IdaM. Snyder, of No. 635 Ber gen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., has used Wine of Cardui and he ays tt helped her into a new life. Health to Miss Snyder is worth a great deal. She is an attractive young woman with intel lectual attainments and she occupies the position of Treasurer of the Brook lyn East End Art Club. This position marks her as a person of intellect, cul ture and refinement and it speaks highly of the respect and trust her fellow women have in her. She write: "If women would py mors attention WINE'ofCARDVI RELIABLE thousands of square miles of land ly ing within the boundaries of British Columbia to the westward of Portland canal. Large stone huts have been erected recently on the western shores of Port land canal, and from the headwaters of the canal a line has been surveyed along the mountain ridges and across the divides in a northeasterly direction toward Iskoot rivjr, whsre it joins the Stieklne. ' Such Is the sensational Information Just brought to light through the wan derings of some Canadian prospectors through the territory in question." GREAT BANDMASTER'S WIFE LIVING IN POVERTY Report That Mrs. Gilmore Had Sold Library For Fabulous Sum Is Not True. NEW YORK, Nov.14 The recently oublished statement that the music library of the late P. S. Gilmore had been secured from his widow for the Louisiana Purchase band at a price of $275,000 is denied by friends of Mrs. Gilmore. The library is not in her nossession as she was forced to sell it some years ago for a few hundred dollars. Mrs. Gilmore and her daugh ters are now living in Boston slenderly maintained by the latter's literary work. . GREAT DAY FOR COLORED MEN Gans Beats Seiper anl Swift Falls Be fore Larry Temple. BALTIMORE, Nov. ll.-Joe Gans, lightweight champion, got the decision over Charley Seiger of Hoboken to night after 13 rounds of hard fighting. Seiger was no match for Oans in spar ring or ring tactics, but was capable of taking a remarkable amount of pun- j ishment. SWIFT WAS GAMi2 j CHICAGO. Nov. 14. Larry Temple. j a colored middleweight of New York, j knocked out Billy Swift of Chicago in the second round tonight. Hwift was knocked down six times More he suc cumbed to a swing on the chin. MASCACNI WELL TREATED No Blame is Attached to American Officials for Accorded Treatment. ROME. Nov. 14. -The latt lews received here regarding the '.ilasca?ni affair has convinced the Italian press ! that the American authorities did their I utmost within the limits of the law to mitigate the composer's situation. The Italian consulate at Boston has tele graphed the foreign minister that it was Impossible to do more than they did for the composer. erT :iub. Jf to their health we would have more happy wives, mothers and daughters, and if they would use more intel ligence in the matter of medi cines, observing results, they would find that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the many cures they are given credit or. "In consulting with my druggist he advised McElrec s Wine of Cardui and T bed- ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and it only took three months to cure me." Ton may secure the same relief as Miss Snyder, if you take Wine of Cardui as she took it. Tuedford's Black Draught is the companion medicine of Wine of Cardui and it is a liver and bowel regulator which assists greatly in effecting a cure. If you take these medicines according to directions, the relief and cure is simple. Some cases are cured quickly and others take longer because the disease has run longer. Remember bow Miss Snyder took Wine of Cardui and ha health. The same medicine are offered you to-day. A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. WITNESSED THE NKITTION , Ranger's Officers Saw th Spouting of the Volcano Snntu Marl. SAN DIEOO, Nov. U-Offh-eM of the United States ship Hnci which nr rived today from Panama, report that they saw the eruption of Mount Santa Maria which caused great loss of life and destruction to the coffee planta tions of Guetanmla. From the chip treat masses of smoke and plUnr of fire could be seen shooting from the volcano, and rivers of lava toured down the steep sides. The docks of the ship were covered with volcanic ashes. Details of the disaster on the land could not be secured by the Ranger's men .as no boats were sent ashore. HAWAIIAN OFFICIALS KMBKZiSUi Treasurer of the Government Luve Country for Parts Unknown. WASHINGTON, Nov. 14. -Official reports of defalcations by two promi nent officials of the Hawiian govern ment were received by the secretary of the interior today from Governor Dole. William H. Wright, treasurer of the rovernment. admitted that he 1 was J1T.960 short and H. B. Wright, chief clerk of the department of pub lic .vorks of Hawaii, is charged with the embetxlement of i.ST2. The for mer escaped on the steamer Alameda which sailed from Honolulu, September 2 for San Francisco and has not ben found, but the latter was arrested and held for trial this month. CLERK HELD FOR CONTEMPT t I Colorado County Official Disobeyed In- Junction of Court. DENVER. Nov. 11 Julius Aichcle, the county clerk, will have to stand trial for contempt of court In having Ignored an Injunction forbidding him to certify the names on the registration lists which were declared to be tictit ioui Defendant alleged that the court had no jurisdiction In the case, but Judge Johnson held otherwise and over ruled the motion to dismiss the case. Arguments were then begun on the Question of a trial by !ucy. GETS READY FOR BUSINESS Federation of Labor Concluding Pre paratory Work. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 14.-Another day was devoted by the American Fed eration of Labor to work preparatory for the actual duties of convention. Reports of committees and introduc tions of resolutions took up all cf the session. No action vas taken on any of the resolutions, of which f7 were submitted. ERUPTION IS VIOLENT Accompanied By Earthquakes Other Disturbances. and ROME, Nov. 14. The eruption-of the volcano Stromboli Is increasing in vio lence and Is accompanied by rhock of earthquake and alarming detonations. Ashes thrown out by the volcano are falling on boats at sea. Pears No world No world soap is so in all cheap, in all good- trie the none soap is so so lasting. Sold all over t world. CALL FOR REPUBLICAN PRI MARIES AND CONVENTION. Notice is hereby given that a prl mary elction will be held In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county. Or., Novem ber 19, 1902, between the hours of 13 m. and S p. m. of said day, for the purpose of electing delegates to the city republican convention. Judge of election and polling places have been selected as follows: First ward Polling place, Court house. Judges Thomas Llnvllle, A. Montgomery and P. J. Goodman. Second Ward Polling place, Welch block. Judges D. H. Welch, Swan Wilson and Charles Larson. Third ward Polling place, Office of Astoria Box compay. Judges Dan Gamble, William O'Brien and and Eli Gustln, Notice Is further given that a city republican convention will be held at the council chambers In the city hall, at 2 p.m. on November 20, 1902, for the purpose of nominating the following city officers: One city attornew, for a term of two years. One councilman from the First ward, for a term of three years. Two councllmen from the Second ward, each for a term of three years. One councilman from the Third ward, for a term of three years. By order of the city republican cen tral committee. JAMES W. WELCH, Chairman. W. V. M'GREGOR, Secretary. A Wonderfal Mdicino. Boocham's Pills FOR ALL Bilious and Nervous Disorders, Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind and Pains in Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver and Female Ailments. PMMUD OKLT ST TH1 WOMItTO, Thomas Bcccham, St Helens. En j., tad S6S Canal St, Ntw York, gold by til DraggMs Is Vnitti Statu, la buss, 10c. ad 2Sc SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 14.-Th big rest fish ever taken In Puget sound was brought here today by it Greek fisherman. It weighs six hundred pounds and Is nine feet long. Vihettvr it Is a shark or a blacK flsli w 111 be de termined tomorrow. NEW TODAY Gaston sells feed, grain and hay. Sweet 'Team for sale. Hoellers. You will And the best 15c meal In the city at the RUIng Sun Restaurant. New stock of fancy goods Just ar rived at Yokohama Uaxaar. Call and se the latist novelties from Japan. All smokers smoke the "Pride of Astoria" cigars. No better made. Manufactured by Mac Far lane Kno kel. Plumbing, tinning, gas and steam fitting at lowest rates and In work manlike manner. Orders promptly ex ecu ted. Shop, No. 425. Bond street JOHN A. MONTGOMERY. Rosyln coal lasts longer, Is cleaner and makes less trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other coal on the tm'-ket. George. W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. THE ST. PAUL CALENDAR FOR '03. Six sheets 10x15 Inches, of beautiful reproductions, In colors ,of pastel draw ings by Bryson, Is now ready dis tribution and will be mailed on receipt of twenty-five (25) cents.coln or stamps Address F. A. Miller, general passen ger agent, Chicago. BIQ REDUCTION SALE. Mrs. R. Ingleton will Inaugurate a sweeping reduction sale of ladles and children's hats, to continue for 30 days. Remembsr that every GO-cent purchase give you a chance for an elegant $500 piano. MRS.R. INGLETON, Welch Block The Oriole Go Rasket Is a handsome and light 50-cart which can be easily folded and arrled on the arm, can be carried In travelling with child In It and us;d as a high chair at table, can be conveniently carried on car. Must be seen to be appreciated. Prices 13 to $10. Cliai. Ilellborn ft Son are sole agents. Concomly tribe No. 7, Imp. O. R. M., will give a grand masquerade ball at Foard 4 Stokes' hall on Thanksgiv ing eve, Novmber 26, at which nine beautiful prizes will be given. The best of muBlc has b-en arranged for and a good time is assured all who attend. The prizes are on exhibition at Herman Wise's clothing store. A coBtumer from Portland will be here with a full line of suits for the oc casion. Tickets can be purchased from any of the members. Admission: Gentleman maskers, $1; lady maskers, 50 cents; spectators, F0 cents; children, 25 cents. CALL VOtl AN ASSEMBLY. All electors of the city of Astoria, re gardless of political affiliations, who believe In a nonpartisan, businesslike administration of municipal govern ment, are hereby requested to meet in the council chambers at the city hall of the city of Astoria on Wednesday, the lth day of November, 1902, at the hour of S p. m., for the purpose of nominating a nonpartisan citizens' tick et foi the coming election In Decem ber, 1902. All elector are Invited to be preaent who are In harmony with the movement. By order of the CITIZENS' COMMITTEE. Robt. A. Hitler ATTORNEY AT LAW Ex-Regkfter U. S. Land Office. Land Titles and Land Office Buslnes a specialty Timber Lands bought and (old. Map made. Correspondence sol letted. Room t, Wtlnhard Bide, Oregon City, Oregon '4m) o H r it i li k s 444444444 SUNDAY NOVEMtltiR lti. FIRST LCTHKIUN-Hov. Oscar 0. tioni, pastor- Dlvlns worship morning and evening. MKTHODIST-Rev. Harold Obcrg will preach both morning and evening. Morning sublecl: "In Partnership With tiod." Evening: "Forgotten Account-books." Qool music. Nt iRW Fil IAN-DANISH lrhollitt The usual services. both morning and evening. Morning subject: "The Stone That Filled the Whole Earth." Even ing. "Where the Weary Find Rest." Sunday hool at 10 a. m. Song serv ice at T p. m, t I! 1TIST- -The pastor will preach on the following subjects "The Coming of the Lord." an l "The Cull of lod." All othT services rtj usual. PRESBYTERIAN -Theme of the morning sermon: "Lives That Pestl fy Christ." Evening: "The Heart of Christianity." GERMAN Ll'THERAN ZION'8 Dedlcatlon services at 10:30 a. tit. Pv. A. Kraut of Portland will preach the sermon. At S p. m. Rev. O. Ostrom will prea.'h In English. SALVATION ARMY-Cnptalns Ber tha llolcton anl Mi-.Mister are In the city and held their first serih e last The Palace Commercial St. irXTTTTTrTTlIlIlIIIIITIllIIIIIIimilllllXIIIxrTTTTI :xxaxinxxcirJixaxiHixaixiiaxxanai3miaxxaiixxtii A New Blend of Coffee We have an Eastern Blend of Cofleo that wo nr.! putting ou the market at 25 cents per pound. A bargain never before offered. Fisher BrosM 546-550 Bend sr. ttnraxiKiiaiiaiiHiTuiitriiiittiicriuiTaiTHiiiixrciiaii Castings We ar prepared lo mak thtn oa short notlc and of th bi mAtarlmla. Let us glv you etlmat on any klaA of oastlng or pattern work. Lowm price for flnt-cla work. TELEPHONE NO. 2451. WILLAMETTE 7 UNIVERSITY .1. II. ( OI.i:m.N, I' nl, ShI. ik, On. College of Libral Arts, Law, Art, Medi j cine, Music, Oratory, Theology, Business PUEF ARATOat DEPARTMENT open to student - oiiipL.tlng cluhth j grade department-lower grade In pre paiatniy drpartm nt. I1.hI.Iih minnl- Ing profi-sHional training, the Unlveral ty ecks to give i .h'irough piactiuii I education to all who are aware of the THW NORMAL DEPARTMENT o and practice of teaching. Meets all re teachers nre In constant demand, s fCalalogui upon application. OLD KENTUCKY HOME CLUB 0. P. S. WHISKEY American Favorite WhlHkey BLUMAUBR X HOCH Wholcmih Mtioraii(l t'l:ar Denier SOLE AUE.NTH IOM-1 10 Fourth Stn-ot . . . I'orllaiiil. Oic,,,, THE CITY OP ASTORIA... Ik Noted hm llio lhuw Wlicrw In Mainline! nrod... 8 Culbirtli's Creosote Shingle Stains The Most Durable, Preservative, ami Handsome Stniug on tbo Market. Nothing keeps oat the weather like shingles on the wall. Nothing preserves and beautifies shingles likoCiilliirth's stains. Cutbirtu alio makes the best COPPER PAINT for (lie bottom of all vater craft. XXXI txxxx North Pacific EMIL SCHinPFF, The Popular Product of the Oregon enjoys a very large domestic KOPPS BEST bottled night. They ran be heard nightly at the barracks. GUAOK CHURCH - ervlco at 11 a. m. and 7:30 . in, Sun.lny school t t 13:30 in, Service i.t lldy Innocent's chapel, I ppei town, nt 3 o, m. GRAND AlASQUEMDE BALL C0N00MLY Til I UK. improved Order of Kt ilnii'ii THANKSGIVING EVE, m i:miu:k i. urn Foard &Stokes' Hall Masker Tickets II Spectator jOc "The .Biggest Sensation Everywhere," LILIPUT ('olnMuble Pocket Stf-resooiH ApimrHdiN The smallest stersscope with the strongt optical effect. Highly fin ished In different colors with rich gold and sliver dec-orations (mountings-, Including JO V, F, Photograph. Views of art (genre). Price only II. 8nt everywhere prepaid In letter form. AOF.NT8 WANTED. Llliput Stercscope Company FORREST BLDO.. Philadelphia. Finest Restaurant in the City Regular Meals, 25 cents, Sunday Dinners a Specialty. Kvcrything tlie market affords-. PalaceCaterlnaCompany IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay Iron & Brass Works C.,r. Ilh and Pr.nkll., value of a trained br.iln. (Ti re a thorough cour in th.r theory nulremenls of state school law ItH cxixixiixiiixmxxiinxiixixruiixiy; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxH Brewing Co. General Hanager. only brewery in North western and export sale. or In keg Free city delivery. fisher's Opera (loose. b. E. Sellg, Lessee and JHgr. PHDAY.J0V. mh The l.antl(dido of Laughter YON BEST YONSON With NELSE ERICKSON, of KULL4GUNNARST0P, as YON Prmrutetl by MATCIUKSH COMPANY You All Want to see The Funny Irish Widow The LtiinhnrCanip in Midwinter The Hrvaking of the Log Jam The l,unilermeii'! (junrtctte Pliers ItraerYml uii 7A . i p I lory 90 cent. sals tipen Saturday morning kt tirinin A lleeda Cowing & Cowing ATTORNBTBAT-LAW Orsgoa fHy. Onbor. OH. - Ikwm . U. . Land onii Pklg. P-n II In all tfce MrNi of th tale. Hniu Klale l.anl fflc Hum. rass a (tptslally. iHO.H8 MAN'S I'ATKNT WIIITIMI KING The ttiott linportnt linprovmi of the ttg In th art of pea mnhlp inak Ik poorttt writ rr a Kplendld penman In a f week by th iim of this ring. tin. doritrj by prominent colltg prlilbt and board of education In Buret nd America. Batnpt dosrn tMorted It-- sent pol paid for It, Ugl saiiipl lie. Whf ordering sir,' ring Mai whlhr for man, wotciu or child. PENN MFG. SUPPLY CO. Ill f. FOritTH 8T rhlladvli'hta. C. 01. Barr, Dentist Manwll Building. 71 Commercial St., Astoria, Or. TELEPHONE RED ML Dr. T. L. Ball DENTIBT. , . . 5:4 Commercial Btri Aatorl. Or. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Vmir Mil' r tut I' n i:s n a x u a a lt l i .i .ri.n..n, m4 . !. m 'l.fllj J to 3. W. MORTON, Pr. 'Mi'l'limm No ill. THE WALDORF ' P. WISE, Propr. Astoria's principal resort. Pine tiipior and cigar, The MUG SALOON P. K. PKTER80.V, Prop. Finest Wln and I.lqucire. Corner Ator and Ninth. ANDREW LAKE Merchant Tailor New flood, New Fall Sample, Per eot Work, Price Jicawnablf, and Worg done with Dinpatch. IK'2 Commercial Kt Astoria. Or RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared lor making estimate and executing I onler for all kind of electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies In atock. W sell th celebrated SHELBY LAMP. aU up Phone 111. H W. CYRUS, - MBr