The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 08, 1902, Image 3

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Just in. N.w FigH, Murk; New Kigs, While; Now
FigH in bulk and pnckiigcM. All fancy and JunI the
variety of goods lo take the place of waning frenli
See ccr display!
PORTLAND, Nov. 7. -Washington,
Oregon unit Idaho .occasional ruin,
Twilled Cheviot Wiii!, strong,
wvicraldi and wurni. Then?
waist x are in all ni.e. Their
regular wiling price is 3"c, hut
while they htst we will wll
them nt'tliw very special )C
price of, each W
A shipment of fancy aort shell ul
aala and waltiuta Just In. Johnaun
H'titey In quarta and pint, guaran
teel atrli dy pur, from Howell Lewi'
raiv h Oi Jolrit Day, at FKher Hro.
Th . steamers Klmnra and Harrison
attempted io pas out yesterday, but
owing to I In- lough condition of the
bar wrw obliged to return to this ort.
Tlt Itrltliih ship Morven cleared yes
terday lit Ihr custom house fur tln
t'nlted Kingdom. The vessel carries
IM.O.U bushel of wheat valued nt '.:,
There vviiii taken on at till nl
3711 bushel,
VI".- huvtj JiMt received a Urge hl
tnont of Ingredients for inline mcut
maklinr consisting of seeded ralsln.
washed turrmts, citron, lemon nnd
otntigo peal, boiled and awtit elder,
elo., Johnson Una,
Henry Van Dominion, former alew
oid of the Hrltlxh ship AustrnHla, tins
been awarded 1750 dtmmgea ngulnst
Captain KwArt. Th master of the
vessel referred to the steward na a
thief, saying he had stolen clothing and
other valuable. The vessel milled be
fore the case was heard, Ewart giving
a bond. The ault waa for $1250.
Thi bdlef prevails In Portland that
Governor Ooer will not cnll a special
nailon of tho legislature. The pe
tition for the session was filed aome
tlm ago, hut thua far the governor ha
not made any move that would Indicate
a deternilnntlon to got the legislator
together before the time for the regu
lar session. The outlook hna not re
suited In any apparent gloom In Port
land. W. L.
$3.50 SHOES
lti:sT IN Till: WOlM.ll
union i.ii: . . .
rtl.l llonrt Street
Ross, Higgins 6fc Co.
MRy 1
Get oar prices!
i ne ruy teachera' aaaoclutlon will
meet i n i morning ut 10 ovlock at the
Hhlvwly at hool.
Mlaa Muud Herra and Mr, (lorg
Dyer wero married at the pailora of
th eldent Thuraduy evening. The
ceremony waa (jerformrd by Ilev. W
weymour Hiiort, or Onire chunh. Mr,
and Mr. Dyer will realde In Aatorln
Tho regular meeting of the Woman'!
' luh will be held t Jluuthoriie'a hull
at i oVlot'K p, m, Hulurdoy, Kovemiter
. Mra. 'n nil Intt Dunlnp, well known
kndergurten leat her of 1'ortlnnd, will
addn ra the club. A full attendance la
Weather Obnrrver Jotimion In urriing
lug to iKmie a dully inetorolnKliiil re
Min wnicn win lie rompieie m every
reHpect. The report will appear In
Iheae columiia every morning, and Aa
torliini will lie enablml to learn Jum
what limy be iKtcIp.1 In the line of
The aloriny wenllvr haa reaulti-d In
an Inrreaae In the aupply of wild duck
and huntera who were out yeaierdiiy
report One uport. Two Aatorlnna ae.
curi'd :i bug of 130 and other lurge bga
were reKirted for the day"! ahoollng.
Home of the ahootlng preaervea on the
went aide have ben cloaed to wporta
men, but nearly all the membera of
the Hod and dun rlub have private
preaervea near the city. Ducka are
mm plentiful thli year than for
long time pant.
The young men who are inemliera of
the high achool rlaaa of aophomorea
feel very much alighted that their
namea have not ben mentioned In con
nection with the pie, cake and candy
mle to take place today on Commercial
atreet In the room adjoining Ilell'a
aiudlo. Thl la too bud. It la not
known hint what the boya did to help
along the alTiilr.but la very likely they
Old aom thing, or nt leant were willing
Anyhow they uVarrve every credit for
their excellent Intentions.
Tl I'olumliU f.MitbiUI team of thl
city will pluy match game with the
llwuco eleven at the A. K. C. park on
SuiKlay, November 16. The team
have had coimldcrablt! practice alnce
their rtiat meet nt llwaco, and It la
expected the game will be an Intereat
lug one. The Axtnrlnna will preaent
a much atroiiger lineup than on the oc
ciimIop. of the pri'vloua content and ex
licet to win. The llwuco players are
equally HUlKulne tlutt they will In able
to eucceaafully wlthatand the on;tili oft lie liH'iile.
Honor L. Wllhelm, ft young editor
nnd author In Bcnttle la threatened
with ault for libel If he continue the
mil Mention of "The Triumph of Mich
nel Hcurs," Which I now running In hi
nmijiulne, The t'oaat. John R Wright,
a prominent Inwyer of Seattle, claim
that th artlclo deals with hi past life
nnd ho la In conaequence rather
w nt thy about It, The nuthor claim
the atory will be run to the end of the
lnt chnpt-'r In aplte of protest or
threats. Wright nnd hla people are
wenlthy niialocrvt of the sound me.
ti'oolla, and the affair la Attrnctlng
vonslderable attention,
A dlatreaslng accident befell E. C.
llolden Thursday evening that la par
ticularly remarkable for not having re.
suited more seriously or even fatally.
Mr. Holden had been talking to friend
In the parlor and had gone up the front
tnlrs for the purpose of retiring, when,
while passing through the hull, he did
not ace In the daikne the landing of
the back atnlra which lend down Into
the kitchen nnd walking on fell head
long to the bottom, He wna Immedi
ately curried to a couch, but ll was
soon learned that he wua not danger
ously hurt, being merely allocked nnd
considerably hruld. Considering Mr.
Holden'a iidVHiued year and the fact
that he h but recovered from a bed of
alck.ieaa, It la wonderful he wua not
seriously Injured,
New was received from llwaco yes
terday afternoon tihat John Hunter, u
pioneer resident of tho lower Columbia
district, hud died nt 3 o'clock yesterday
morning of heart failure. It wit re
ported that the old gentleman hud com
mitted suicide by ahootlng himself
through the heart, but thl story wu
pronounced Incorrect by relative of
the decesiBd. Mr, Hunter, who wa
about 60 year of nge, had been In full
ing health for aome month ,nnd has
death wan not unexpected. On Tues
day Rev, W'. Seymour Short of Grace
church called on him and administered
spiritual consolation. Mr. Hunter
had lived In southwestern Washington
for many your ind waa well known In
thl purt of the country. He la sur
vived by Mra. Hunter ntfd five chtld-
rh-MI! Kthel, Dell and Lou, Mra,
Edward CarmlchiM.1 and Lloyd Hunter,
Hn w! brother of Mra. Robert Car
ruthra of KUolmmea, flu. The fun
di! will be hild on Bundiiy .under lh4
U!pk'e of the Maaonlc fraternity.
a communication waa preaented to
the county t.ommliislonera' court at one
of their late session by the keeper of
the t'pper Necanlrum bridge aiming
that th pprtiach wni In Imminent
danger of being wnahed away. The pe
tltloner! for the bridge have In accord
ance Iwen Inatructed to fortify the en
dangered portion with rock!.
The county commissioner court ye!-
tenliiy granted the petition asking for
the Klele road. The claim waa made by
Mr, Oronnell and hla astux lutee that
a numlier of the aignen were merely
homceteudera ami that they really llv
el In the city and elsewhere, thereby
dlaquulifylrig them a algnera. It wa
aliown, however, thut thl contention
would not hold water no the petition
waa granted on a vol of t to 1. A
communication from the eeereUry of
the, wle and dark fair association
waa filed for future reference,. The
communication luk that the county
furnish an exhibit io the exposition.
Hon. J. O. Megter haa Ijeen elected
as representative from Wahkiakum
county .Washington. Ileport! were re
relved yi-aterday from Deep fllver
which show that Mr. Harrington ha
been defeated by the narrow margin
of l votea, The preelneta outside of
Deep River had given Harrington
vrn majority, but of the 43 votea cnat
itt Deep River Megler received S3. It
waa all along thought .that Megler
would poll a sufficient majority at
Ieep Itlver to overcome the lead of tho
democrat, but when It waa recalled
that Pulworih had been at the missing
precinct aome concern waa fell by the
republican. Mr, Megler la a most
populuar num in hlarounly and the
big vote polled by hi opponent Is In-
deed a flattering tribute to Mr. Hur-
Mra. J. A. Mclntyre of Hammond
died at that place Thuraduy afternoon
of consumption. Mr. Mclntyre had
been a sufferer from the disease for a
number of year and for aome months
no hope at all waa extended for her'
recovery. She wa born near Salem
In cud waa the daughter of Leon
ard .'udsnii, Her grandfather waa 1
H. Judson a missionary who came to
thl coual In the very early duyi a a
passenger on tho ahlp Ixiuaanne. J.
Mclntyre I the well-known merch
ant of Hammond who year ago resid
ed In thla city. Deceased I survived
by her husband, J, A. Mclntyre, one
son, ituy Mclntyre, member of the
firm of Mclntyre and Son, nnd Mra. j
Prank Warren of Warrenton. an
adopted duugiiter. The funeral' will
be held today from the M. E. church
nt Mammon 1. with Interment In (Venn
View cemetery'.
The engagement nt Flsher'a opera j
house of Willis Maxwell Goodhue's .
next Jolly comedy. "Hello Illll" will In- :
I rod lire to local theater goer a comedy !
which cornea with the endorsement of,
the entire eastern presa .and which hR !
for the pnat three year toured the 1
large cltie of the enut with the most'
pronounced sueceaa, In fact, there
seems to tie a general consensu, of
opinion that In Mr. Ooohue the theat
rical world hn found that long looked
for Individual, a successor to the late
lamented Charles H. Hoyt, as a writer
of American furclul pluyn. its en-.
gagemrnt here Will he rfignul'xi.d by
the appearance In the title role of Mr, '
James P. Mncdonuld ,the best of the :
younger school of singing comedians, I
who hu been especially engaged to j
head the company. The musical num ,
bera thl season are all new, catchy
and abreast of the time, and in "Hel
lo Illll" Astoria theater goers are as
sured one of the most pleasing per
formance of the current theatrical
year. Seat aule opens next Wednes-'
day at Orlffln & Reed. i
Fred Kuhn, the young man upon .
wjiom Judge MeRrldc wasted consider- j
able synrputhy a few months ago, has
been arrested In Portland for larceny '
and escaped horn the city Jail. Kuhn,
It will be remembered, was arraigned j
here for larceny. He wa tried nnd j
pleaded guilty, end a sentence of Ave 1
Agreeable soap for the
hands is one that dissolves
quickly, washes quickly,
.rinses quickly, and leaves
the skin soft and comfort
able. It is Pears'.
Wholesome soap is one
that attacks the dirt but
not the living skin. It is
Economical soap is one
that a touch of cleanses.
And this is Pears'.. M
Established over 100 year.
The Hazards
of business suggest the safe
guard of life insurance. You
may be very successful to-day,
but statistics show that over
ninetv per cent, of business
men fail.
Life insurance can be always
converted into cash if you hive
the right policy, and in case of
death it provides at once, cash
funds for your business and
your family.
Th Amu of TM Mutual Ufa !Miraan Caaiasey
of N York km4 (how of any thr iil UnatMC
mfi la tiMUoca, 1 My si vsr
ll hat f ii Felky-ksUtra nr
.Kick it nor than snv allMf lift IsturaDC eoaifMM
I th swM k duburMd.
Wriia for "Wk.r. Skill I Inwnt"
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York
ItiCMAsa A. MtCvtoir, P raw (Was.
VAN DUSEN k CO. Resident Agent,
Astoria, Oregon.
Bherwood Ollleipy, Manager, Seattle.
C. H. Waterman, State Manager,
Portland. Oregon.
years wan imposed. However, Judge
Mcitrlde agreed to lunpend sentence on
condition of good behavior, and Kuhn
left the city. At Portland he stole
$3 from William Miller at the Albina
hotel, and was arreted. It waa the
Intention of the Portland authorities
to return him to Astoria and see that
he wa required to rve out hla five
year sentence, but he natnuged to e
tupe from the Jail. He secreted him-
elf behind, some blind window at the
head of the stairway leading from the
corridor to the courtroom. When the
courtroom wa! locked for the day, he
climbed out over the partition of the
prisoners' box, unlocked the door and
took hi departure. If he la caught
he will be returned to Astoria to nerve
out the sentence tmiwsed here.
Thomas Hopkins, of Hopkins, this
county, had a narrow escape from
death last evening. Mr. Hopkins and
his 13-year-old son came to town yes
terday morning, and during the day
Mr. Hopkins dropped In at the Nation
al soJoon. He started to leave by the
rear entrance .but slipped on the walk
and fell Into the river, striking on the
logs that have accumulated there. His
moan were heard by J. C. Swope and
another man, and Mr. Hopkins wa
hauled out of the water. He was
more dead than alive when found. Dr.
Mixed Patterns
Suits, nothing' the
two of a kind, worth on an
average $10. Your picR for
Then there are
or square corners,
can buy anywhere
take one at $8.QO.
l The Reliable Clothier and Hatter
HICjMnBBIMOClBflUMK n mi iiiii miini
Ete wai called and worked hard with
the man, who cam around within a
few houn and I now in excellent spir
its. Mr. Hopkins la 62 years of age
and waa very much surprised last
night when told of 'he exciting adven
ture through which he had passed. He
I one of the most iromlnent farmers
Of th Nehalem valley and has many
warm friend! In thla city. The walk
at the rear of the National waa very
slippery last evening, and the accident
waa unavoidable. Fortunately, Mr.
Hopkins was not at nil injured by his
fall. He seldom uses liquor and waa
duly sober at the time of the mishap.
The members of the fisheries com
mittee of the Push club met Pish War
den Van Dusen by appointment at his
office on Thursday evening, and had a
very Interesting session of about three
hours duration. There were present
C. W. Camahan, president of the club,
and 8. S. Gordon, A. L. Fox and An
drew Toung. The object of the meet
ing waa to learn from Mr. Van Dusen
what was being done In the way of
establishing hatcheries for the benefit
of the Columbia river fishermen, and
to see if the dub could aid the warden
In any way. Much interesting Infor
mation waa obtained, and the mem
ber of the committee and the presi
dent are satisfied that Mr. Van Dusen
I on the right track In establishing
his new hatcheries at Ontario and
Grande Ronde, and that they will be
of great benefit In increasing the May
and June runs. One thing urgently
needed Is a flshway at Oregon City
falls, which Mr. Van Dusen Is sure
would result In putting a fine run of
early May fish Into the Mackenzie,
where a hatchery should be establish
ed. Mr. Van Dusen says that the en
tire receipts from all soureeefor fishery
purposes are only about 310.000 with
which to cover the entire coast as
well as the Columbia river, so it is
plain that help must be had from the
state if any great good is to be ac
complished. One very Interesting fact
learned was that R. D. Hume of
Rouge river has personally spent over
Th Mm Wk Wm
Oiled Suits
'1 a rt tiltfttmim
Warnute4 Walarari.r
11 art to iliiM hard vorfc and
rtxuhweallier. 1. 1r lr4
ari. if jcHir drater doean't
lia.r thru, arud for calalotrac
L 1. Hlaa U4 Pvitaf .,
., lu 'raatkn.
a a. iuTiia a ton, m am.,
KmI UakrM, But.
l remeiioouiis
During the course of the year ODDS and ENDS
will accumulate in every store and no up-to-date mer
chant should carry them over. I have 269 Hen's Suits,
all colors and sizes, worth from $10 to $18.50, one or
two of a kind, and I WILL SELL TH EH, because the
prices will force them to go.
of Nobby Men's
matter, only one or
better suits, round
just as good as you
for $12.50 to $13.50
You know how people took advantage of our cuts in
mackintoshes at $2.50 and 3 for 11 shirts. If you
came too. late you were sorry. These Suit Bargains
won't last long.
$3009 in the last two years in aiding
the hatchery at the head of that river,
In addition to paying the usual license.
T.. C. FtYwrt. the Insurance man, ta In
the city.
t'. Z. Ferguson la In Portland on
husines trip,
Frank Bonhart of Seattle waa In the
city yesterday.
Miss Ruth Garmer Is visiting with
friends at Baker City.
Dr. August Kinney has returned
from a visit to Portland.
Mrs. O. B. Estes is visiting with her
daughters at McMinnvllle,
Miss Ida Whitomb Is visiting here
from her home In Ranfer. . ;;
Mrs. Ernie Eritkaon of Warrenton
waa In the city yesterday.
Captain Harry Whltcomb visited the
city yesterday from Altoona.
J. 8. Dllinger started yesterday for
Boise, Idaho, on a business trip.
X. B. Conger, Inspector of United
States weather bureau, is in the city.
Miss TUUe Eadee will leave in a few
day for an Indefinite visit In Portland.
Earl Haekett visited the city yester
day from the dredger on the Lewis and
Mrs. H. E. Abercombie is In Port
land, the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Rev. T. P. Royal and wife who have
been visiting with their daughter, Mrs.
Torum uaT vt asai.
L"1 TAX'""- Pa-lTO .ay
1 I j. t-yy'f I - - 1
jT'i.S-" i a'1ll"iti'i,""'l"la ' jr
Here's where we show g'ood, repu
table Suits, nothing wrong only the
price. You'll miss it if you wait too
long. Suits worth $15.00 dir fC
to $18, for a short time 5piLJ.3
This is the whole Truth, and nothing but
the Truth. Don't wait until everybody else has
taken first pick.
"Let tfc COLA DUST twits to yog r wart
Don? plod ileng Ilk jour frandmothwr did baton
you, scouring and loruboinf, tending and rubbuig,
main honMwerfc . R dean eftrnhliif tfA
ki)urf nothing. More eeonontawl than Mats.
ChtcofO. New York, Boston, St Louis.
Harold Oberg for ome time returned
to their home In Salem yesterday.
John Heckard, .he well-known
rancher of ;h Lewis and Clark, visit
ed the alty yesterday. '"
Miss Pearl Jackson .eturned yester
day to Portland. Misa Jackson haa
been visiting with Mr. C. A. Cool
Idge. .. - s ;. '.., ": , ?, rv :
Mrs. C. F. Lester and son Warren
passed through the city yesterday en
route for Portland from their home In
All mokera smoke the "Pride of
Astoria" cigars. No better made.
Manufactured by Mac Farlane Kno-bel.
This sigaatar ( oa every box of th gamine)
Laxative Rmmivninini Tabus
remedy that caica a cM la 4ay.
The Popular
Gives better result
than any other range
made. Bums less wood
beats quicker and
costs less. Yon had
better give it a triaL
Call and see oar lit
tle winter air-tight
heaters beat in all the
J Foard & Stokes Co. I