$ 1 - Books, Periodica!"., M;u;7M)f"t, ftc, ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Oft Wi NLV PAI'LK llli- WITH ASSOCIATED PKI SS SERVICE . . . 11 m&tmm Mkfmm, MM ol. lv AST0RIAREG0N xinrnsDAY. novemijek . twi . ... ? I . . . . NO. Ill . 3 1 l 1 - - . EQUAL IN STYLE AND QUALITY to the highest priced custom tailoring, yet uut one-third the cost. You need not be a clothing critic to discover this fact. It is apparent at a glance. Lvcry C. K. & U. garment regardless of price is made with that individual nicety which is only characteristic of the highest priced merchant tailoring. l ivery suit up to the minute in style and advanced work manshipmade for dressy men. bold by JilmanllMt ml tti nut V iiiliiiniimmiimnnniiiniTiiiiMir.,nT,T THE LANDSLIDE WAS SWEEPING Republicans Captured Practically Everything in Washington, Colorado and Idaho. MAJORITIES ARE GROWING" Democrat Have Colorado Legl littiirp, but In Wahlngton mid Idaho Are Hnowed Out of Sight. The Finest Restaurant in the City Palace Coantrclal St. Rogulnr Mea.8, 25 rents, fiuiulay Dinners a Spwinlty. Everything the inniktt affords. Palace GaterlngCompany lllinmnmilniiinitmniimiiinmMTmT Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOOR, FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A. V. AL.LBN Tenth iod Commercial Streets School Bboils DENVER, Nov. 6-The Rocky Moun tuln New, United States Senator Pat t-imon's morning paper, will tomorrow concede' the election of Peabody, repub lican, fir governor, and II. M. Hogg, republican, for congress In the Second district. Peubody plurality over Btlrnson, the democratic candidate, will amount to from 2000 to 4000, white hut of Hogg will be probably greater. The entire democratic Mali ticket la defeated, with the possible exception of Mm. Grenfel, for auperlntendent of public Instruction. ttoth aidea are cliilnilrt tho election of congressman In the Flrat district. Adams, democratic candidate for congressman at large, la thought to lead the atate ticket and mar he elect ed, but the thancea aeem to favor the election of Brooks, republican. 1 On the face of the returna the demo crat! will have a majority In the legis lature, but there are charts of fraud In this (Arapahoe) and other '..juntles, and rontenta will be filed which, If suc cessful, may defeat the re-election of Senator Henry M. Teller. THE IDAHO LANDSLIDE Republican Ticket Haa Carried State by Majority of 1000. BOISE, Nov. 5. The election yister- power. Of the new atate senators lt(t ed, who wll nerve for four ya' and vote on the election of United 8tnk senator In tv.i year, the reptibllcam elect nine and tho imnocr.tr wvin. LANK ALLEGE FRAUD Deomeratlc Candidate In California Bays He Wa Counted Out. SAN FRVNC1SCO, Nov. 5. -"There la no doubt that the majority of people of California cast th-lr vote for me for governor," al,l Franklin K. Lane to an Associated Press reporter to night. "Then what do you think of the situ ation at this hour (7 30 o'clock)" he was asked. The reanlt la undecided. There rave been aevertl suspicious facta In con nection with the count which It ad me to believe that frauda have been com mitted. I have Information that 12"W votes which were cast for me were thrown out In Alameda county; 80 per cent of the democratic vote In San Francisco Is likewise treated and that the totals in Humboldt and Los Angel es oountto were withheld in order to artcertaln A'hnt number of ballots In the count would he necessary to over come the mjorlty in can Francireo given the head of the democratic ticket. Then Is It to bet nferred, Mr. Lane, that there will be a contest In the event the returns showVhe election of Dr Pard "Moat aasurfdly there will be a con test," said Lane. PARDEE'S MAJORITY California Repbllcan Has Two or Three - Thousand Lead SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. S-Complcte returna from Snn Francisco and tar tlal returna from all over the state In' dlcate that George C. Pardee, repub lican, for govarnor. Is elected by a ma jority of 2000 to S000. WILL CONTROL LEGISLATURE Repbllcans to Have Safe Working Ma Jorlty In th. 8ALT LAKE, Nov. (.-Howell, re publican ,for congress, and McCarthy, ODELL THERE BY SAFE PLURALITY Returns Show That He Has Nearly 13,000 More Than His Opponents in New York. IS NOT AFRAID OF CONTEST thlr hom-; tomorrow and will inetU again at Sranton Novetmer 14 to take teatlmony of the miners. The blggedt day work of theeraire trip was accomplished today when the commissioners made a comntote Iriwpec lion or. tne two large collieries and thalr tour of the region lying between Mount Carmel and this city. SiK working days have been consunv ed In traveling from place to plat In the anthracite coal region and the ar bitrators feel that they now are otiall- fled to sit in Judgment on the contro versy between the mine owners and their employes. itvpubiican Chairman 8avs He Will Show Up Illegal Vot ing In City If Democrats Start Anything:. And all kinds of School Supplies. We have tbem as usual. A tou of Tablets Just recolvo.1. PttlCES LOWEST. GRIFFIN S REED 0440O4004C4)04O4K4K)4O 404O4K4CO004004040 REPUBLICAN MAJORITY HAS NOT BEEN INTERFERED WITH Lxxnxx axxaxxtiruiixaixttiiaixxiaxiMxxr A New Blend of Coffee 6 have an Kantcni Illond of Coffee that we are putting ou tho market at 25 cent per pound. A bargain never before offered. Fisher BrosM 546-550 Bond sr. WASHINGTON, Nov. S. The latest returna received up to 10:80 p. m. show that the republican (Including three fualonints elected from the dis tricts In Pennsylvania) will control the next house by a vote of 202 .epubll- cans to 1" democrats, with one district, the Eighth Tennessee, and two Cali fornia districts remaining so much In doubt that the official return will be needed to decide the result. The totals given are believed to be correct, although there are a few dis tricts, such as two In Colorado and one In Minnesota, where the republican and democratic party managers rt spec lively do not concede defeat, but the general result could not be offevted, even should their, claim prove to be will founded. mnmmtnn?!'r!t"Ma:taatwrRunwttmmmwmmtitmnmtmnmtrmmK; ItanSdufocr, (J Mint HtndTulortd n . ,r W I 1 j ; ',rill , WE HAVE Every desirable fea ture in late styles and materials. We can please you and guarantee you sat isfaction. YOU HAVE No risk to run, for our clothing is not excelled in the state or our prices beat en. You know what you're getting here. day proves to have been much n:or of a republican landslide than the reiiorts last night Indicated. The republican state ticket haa carried the suUe by a majority close to 8,009. Burton L French, for congress, has a little larger majority. The republicans have 18 of the 21 members of the senate end 35 of the 46 members of the house. This gives th.m a total of 5.1 on Joint biillot. The republican aspirants for United Stat" twnntor are W. E. lloiali of Boise, Judge K. W, Stondord of Poca tello. W. B. Heyburn of Wallace and ex-3enat.tr George L. Bhoup. DEMOCRATS, SHUT OUT Will Have But Eighteen Members of Washington Legislature. of P. A. STOKES, Commercial St., itjtjtttttfc Astoria, Ore. SF.ATTLK, Nov. 5. The stale Washington has gone republican, so far rta th.j returns now In show, by at least 12.000 majority for supreme court Justice and congressmen. King coun ty alone contributes between 000 and 5000 to these majorities. The legislature on Joint ballot will stand at least 110 republicans to an op position of 26. The republican majority Is more Hko ly to be increased than lowered by the full return. The senate will be constituted ns follows: Republicans, 32; democrats, ; one district still in doubt. The house: Republican, 78; demo crats, 9; seven districts still uncounted. THE RESULT IN MONTANA i Labor Candidates Will Hold Balance of Power at Helena. HELENA, Nov. 5. Returns tiduy Indicate that Holloway, republican, for supreme Judge, will have about 10, 000 majority, and Dixon, republican, for congress, about 1000. The republi cans will have a safe working major ity In the house, but on Joint ballot the labor people will hold the balance of republican, for supreme Justice, ere el ected by majorities of at least 40. The republicans will have a majo-'lty on Joint ballot in the legislature of at least 89. DEATH BLOW TO FUSION Republicans Have Swept Things Clear In Nebraska. LINCOLN, Nov. 5. Up to midnight complete returns from more than half the counties show that Mickey's (re publican) plurality for governor will not be less than 5000. The republl'-an membership In the legislature is the greatest for 20 years. The combined vote of the fuslonlats In the house rnd senate will not exceed 29 out vf a total membership of 133. FUSION TICKET ELECTED With One Exception. Republicans Are Beaten In Nevada. RENO, Nev., Nov. 5.--The enilre state fusion ticket hrtit been elected with the exception of Bray, superln tetulent of seh-to'it, who as defeated hy thu ring. Sparks' majority for f.cv ernor will be fi!.y 1700. NEW YORK, Nov. (-Official figures on the vote for governor vary but lit tie from the unofficial reports. A cording to the -eturns made to the ex ecutlve at Albany by the several coun y cierxa, me plurality for Odeii, re publican, Is 12.SST. The returns of the vote for the i ther state officers are so meager that it ia Impossible to say if the democrats have been more successful as regard the minor offices than in the case of governor. It Is assrted that Cuneen. the derno erotic nominee for attorney-general, and Judge Gray, the democratic cundi date for Judge of the court of appeals, have defeated their republican eppon ents. The state legislature is controll d by the republicans, insuring the return of Piatt to the United States senate. NOT AFRAID OF CONTEST Republicans Say They Will Retaliate If Democrats Protest. NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-Colonel Dunn, chairman of the republican state com mittee, when informed today of the report that the democrat! threatened to contest the election, said: "If they start anything cf that kind we will give them all the contest they want right here in New York county, and they will wish they had never heard of a contest." PLATT IS SATISFIED Trust Question and Coal Strike Cut No Figure. NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-Senatot Tboamas C. Piatt was asked today for a statement on the state election. He said: We have to be satisfied. Odell's plurality is not nearly as large as I had expected." Senator Piatt said that In his opin ion the trust question and tne coai strike had nothing to do with the re sult of the vote. The democrats rot toga titer," he said, "and held togewer and a few re publicans slipped over to them." CONSOI.AT10N FOR DEMOCR VT3 Have Elected Several important ui- flcers in Rhode Island. PROVIDENCE, Nov. 5. Substantial gains for the democrats are shown by the complete returns for the state ticket. They elected their ranawaies for governor and lieutenant-governor o.t tti,ii rnncresslonal candidate in the First district. The rpubll.-ans have a majority on Joint ballot in the legislature. HANNA MAKES STATEMENT CLEVELAND, Nov. 5. Senator Hanna, chairman of the national com- mltte-v when asked for a statement to day on the election results, said: "Th returns thus far are gratifying, hut 1 do not care to discuss rue 5'"- eml result until further and more defi nlle information In some states is avail able." SPOONER WILL RETURN ODELL'S HEAVY LOSS PRESENT MAJORITY ALMOST 109, 000 BELOW THAT OF TWO TEARS AGO. ALBANT, N. Y.. Nor. S.-8!nce Rot well P. Flower in a democratic land slide, defeated J. Sloat Fassett lor gov ernor, in the face of republican claims for an easy victory, there haa not been such an overturning of vote from the republican to the democratic putty In this state as that which occurred yes terday. ' With the exception of I rie, Albany and Rensselaer counties .every democratic prediction of sweeping ma jorities was carried out and nmpllfltid. Especially was this true below the Bronx. The claims of 12,000 for the Greater New York district was more than verified, but the claims for Erie, Aioany ana itensseuier were not re s ponded to, and the failure to realize democratic hopes In these counties re moved all chance of Coler's election. The figures, in total and detail, are extremely interesting. With a regis tration 4 percent below that cf two yean ago, the democratic party In the Greater New York district showed a gain In voting power In a majority of the counties of over 40 per cent, and thla tremendous gain was met and de feat for the republicans averted by the quite remarkable fact that several r f the republican upstate counties gave Odell larger pluralities than in "WO, while several others equalled their puralities of that presidential year, Over its combined vote In the state two years ago, the democratic party gained at least 35 percent, and the republican party lost 40 percent. From a plural ity of 110,000 .Odell dropa to below 10,- 000, loss of over 100,000. " While the democrats have gained three and possibly four members in the senate and about 15 In the aasembly, the legislature is safely republican, in suring: the election of a republican to succeed United States Senator Piatt. CARELESSNESS WAS THE CAUSE New York Coroner Has Held Man Responsible For the . Fearful Accident. TERRIBLE SCENES ENACTED Fifty Thousand Were In thj Crowd When the Explosion came Twelve Killed Seventy-four Injured, NEW YORK. Nov. S-Wlth a list at 12 persons killed and 74 Injured before him, Coronor Scholer haa begun aa Investigation of the exploeion of fire works in Madison Square last evening. Eight men already have been locked up, charged with criminal negligence. The coroner has issued a warrant for the arrenst of John Dimundlo of Coney Island, who is alleged to have been in charge of the fireworks. 'It Is a case of absolute criminal neglect," said the coroner." One of tho mortars was bet off and It was pointed at a row of other mortars in a line. There was a defect In the bottom of the mortir and It leaned toward the others, which were set off by the fire ball thrown toward them." A revised list of the dead follows: PATROLMAN DENNIS SHEA ot the Brooklyn bridge squad. - WILLIAM G. FENNEL, li years old. COLLIERS IN ACTIVE OPERATION. Output Haa About Reached the Nor mal Amount. SCRANTON, Pa.. Nov. V-SW more collieries have resumed work in this district, so that after repairs have been effected only five are still Idle. Four of those will resume during the week. The fifth has been abandoned. The output is now close to the nor-) ntal and about 95 per cent of the men at the collieries uv operation ire back to work. GIRLS JOIN STRIKE. NEW YORK. Nov. 5. Many girls have joined the striking si'versmiths Manhattan and Brooklyn, and a general strike of 3000 tdlvorsllhs is threatened throughout Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, if a nine-hour day Is not .granted. Seven rms In this city are reported' to have granted the smiths' demands. HAROLD ROBLEE, 12 year old. son of the proprietor of the Bartholil hotel. NATHANIEL BINOLEY. 1J yeare old. ' JOSEPH ARBOR, 21 years old. FIVK JNDENTIFIED WHITE MEN. . TWO UNIDENTIFIED COLORED MEN. The scenes at the hospital and at the - morgue following the ' terrible crush after the 'explosion at Madlsoa Square were beyond description. It la estimated that iO.OOO persons were In the squire at the time. Probably 20, 000 of these rere massed around where the exolosion occurred and while they were scrambling to reach places of safety, knocking one another and fall ing over park benches. 30,009 other were cheering from the opposite side of the park, where they were viewing the election returns, which were thrown upon a screen before the , new sky scraper known as the "Flatiron" build ing. The persons In this portion of the park v?re apparently elated over the returns and supposed the explos ions which rent the air were part of the program, and were totally unaware of the tragedy being enacted so near at hanl until a detachment of police forced their way through to mak4 room for the passage of the men bear ing the mangled remains of their com rade. Patrolman Shea. Instantly a terrible calm swept over the crowd and all Interest In the returns Immed iately died out As the long line of patrol wagons and ambulances carrying the dead and Injured nd through Twenty-fifth street for Bellevue hospital, thousands lined the walk and gazed awestrlckcu (Continued on Page Four.j THE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE CLOSE IN ARIZONA PHOENIX, Nov. 5-The result of the election for delegate, to congress Is still In doubt. ROOSEVELT AT PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 5-Prosldent Roosevelt was the trlnclpal guest to day at the sesqulennial anniversary celebration, by the grand lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsyl vania, of George Washington' appren ticeship into the Masonic fraternity. fresiuent Roosevelt was also the or ator of the occasion. RETURN TO WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. Nov. 5, -President and Mrs. Roosevelt -eturned to Wash ington tonight. WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. Postmaster-General Payne today wird from wi,.nnsln to H. C. Tavl.tr,. assistant secretary of the treasury thai the re turn of John. C. Spooner to the Unit ed Srates senate was certain. , BOTH CLAIM VICTORY GUTHRIE. O. T., Nov. 5. Both the democrats and the republicans are claiming the election of the delegate to congress from Oklahoma. COMMISSIONERS COMPLETE TOUR At Their Next Meeting Will Take Min ers' Testimony. MAHOMlf CITY. Pa.. Nov. B.-The anthracite strike commission ended Its tour of observation of the fields In the Panther Creek district today and the members of the party win reiurn -a V a w a j ' M n .6 i "3r. ns a'? - k, j 1 r:fr i i The perfection, in economical stove construction "SUPERIOR" HOT BLAST For sale in Astoria only by the ECLIPSE HARDWARE COMPANY S a-V i t- A. plaRlfccrs snJ Steanifittcrr1 Co Sale September oaaiiiiiHiiiHiiHiiHKitffrmumwuaitamtgai tstsitttt;:::;;" - -