ritt? UAhVtUR ICrnDIiV tr rnvrcfi i V kriirtfi nin , - - "" i i i i i ' . ... I ' ' ' I i i i w i I p I mi ' ; "Whlto River FlbMr, In tlio Mlfttnlurd of excollonco and a kick Bgniimt tho quality m unknown: Otico Used, Always Ued a . siasi m m ' "WVWWtfWiAAnJVXAnfMVuy Ross, Hfggltis & Co. She fiiUUj 5stovtaju TIOLBPHONB l. TUB WHATHKK. Pmm.ANI), No. t.-Oregon, CMIufml nhowrni, tie- SPECIAL SALE BOYS' WAISTS Twillod Cheviot WnihtH, wtruiig, Horvictuiblo tuid Wiirtn, Thoo wniwU nre in nil mzh. Tlivir rvgulur selling juice is 35c, but while tiny lust wc will mil them at tlio very H'iiul nr prico of, each Tie A.DUNBAR CO. .OMtoo sells feed, grain and bay. nt erssua (or sale. Hoeflers, A shipment of fumy soft al monda ml wittnul Just In. Johnson tiro, Charlfji IVti.l wa yesterday lined l'i In the polk court for blng fouinl diuuk You wtll nnJ the boat 15c meal In h rtt y at the lUnliiff Sun Kastaurant. N-i. IS Commercial ttwtl. Nw slock of fancy good Jut ar rival at Yokohama llnaaar. Call and see the lateal novelties from Japan. All smokers emoke the "Prld of Aswria" cigars. N betttcr mad. Manufacture by MaeFarlano ft Kno 1x4. Plumbing, tinning, gas and steam Uttlnsj at lowt rate and In work- imii-iiki- manner. Order promptly executed. Simp, No. 45. Bond atreot. JOHN A. MONTOOMERT. IVMlyn ooai laata longer. U oleaner nn. I makes lesa trouble with moves and chimney fluea than any other coal on the market. Oeorga W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. Sped lit for thin week only Wood seat nrm rockera, $1.85 and $1.75. Cobbler seat arm rockera, I1.7R, $2 and ?.3fi. Th-sa are genuine bargain. See window display. Cha. Hellborn ft Son. W huvo JuU rwvlvHd a Urge "hip mint of InnrmllenlH for mini im-iit inoklinr coiiHlHtlnn of wfded minimi, wjnlicd ctirr.inta, citron, lemon and boll.-d iiiul nvet Bpl'l" cldor flto. JulinHon Tiro. Mtwtttt8m:ttmmtm:nmmMttimmu DOULGAS $3.50 SHOES 1HWT IN tiii: WOULD UNION MAli: . . . S.A.Gimre flt.l ltuul .Street BOLK A(iENT FOR ASTOltIA "ittttttttttttlttltttttl quart Jara 40o Johnaon llri.a. for Udmi-Two or three furiilhd roonm for houai-kerpinf . lot Tnth iri. Honey In quarta and plnla, guaran- twed atrli tly pure, from Howoll LewU' ram h on John Day, at Fleher llroa. W.VNTi:t-Man to take care of of- flic bi'ie In Anlurlu. Addrcae, with rcf'tmnie, at on e, A. T. Morrla, whole anlnr Clm-lmmtl, Ohio. CIomIiik out title of fiuninl and vin fritmed plvturea. We are offering aome very rr bnrfnlna In the art line. Call uiirly itnd ft the aplc-cilon to choon fioni. Clm llellljorn ft 8011, 'J'li lii.ll.' kulld of Oiat rliun li will li.nr a iwk'IuI and ul of f.io y ;n tkit In tin' l).i(k'iiii-nl of the I'hunh Uiriiu tin- nft rimim iiii.l I'vriilim of Thurdity Nov'inl'r 20. On account of m-edlng more room In our ilore we are K'llfng out at leaf thun com our line of framed and unframed plcturcf. You can not help but take nl vit ii'.tK-.' of the bargalna we are of fering. Chue. Itcllborn A Bon. Klm-a and forfrliniva In the iliee court during the month of ix-tober an- grPKUtod to:: 50. which wna aomewhat below the avvrnae collection for the year. Thla waa due to the falling olt In the number of gumbllng concern. The Oriole Qo Itaaket la a bandaome and llgtit go-cart which can be eaally folded and tarried on the arm, can be carried In travelling with child In It and u?d ua a high thulr at table, can be conveniently carried on car. Must be aeen to be appreciated. Prlcea I! to $10- Chm. Hellborn ft Son are aole agenta. What l Money Uiuk baking powder? One that I ao rood that we lone no thing hy offering to pay your money hack If you do not (Ind It better than any othvr. It' true you can buy bak ing powder that la cheaper in price than SibllllnK' Dent, but not any that I better In quality no matter what you imy for It. Johnaon uroa. The ifHlilmt of the lllnmnn tract who have for ao long had trouble Ret ting In and out, owing to the very noor rond accommodation, tire about to have their trouble In (hi regard allevliited. The work of Imiirovlng portion of Franklin uviiiue nitl Fourth atreet. whlih wna recently awarded to Con tract r tlondln, A'aa begun yesterday Thl Improvement will affect the Htn man tract people and will tie much to their betterment. AHIi muli the trouble of reglMterlng I too ll!il lo mention, and although voter well know the diftleulu'.y they mtiHt encounter In order to vote If they do not retflMer during the apecMrd time, ncverthel ; there I up to date rmnllv more thun 43 or 50 .vho have comnlled with the duty neceemiry In order to cat 11 votj nt the approach ing city i-.ctl )n. Electora mut rouae tlieiim-lve nnd attend to thla Import ant matter or ther will be a film vote cnt at the poll.. The Aluknit Fluhermen' Tucking company el-vted director yeterd ty to aerve for the enaulng ypsr. They are 11 follow: W. F. Mcdregor, John NordHtrom, Frank Palton, N.' V. borenion, Andrew Young, John I'-n- berg and John Kopp. Itealde the election of the new director! a divid end wa declared and paid Thh amount to tU.2W, the capital atocK Klng $200.KW, ind I11S being declnri'd on each $.100 ahare of atock. tto chnnge will be made In the conduct of the bualneaa that will differ from the pat limmiKcment, Owing to the Increased amount -f freight being anaurrcd by the Aatorla uml Ctiluuibln Ulver Railroad company It h.ta been found necessary to add to the ,11-eaent 'trenath of the hnullng enil)inent of the road. For thla reuaon engine No. 17 I now In the lo cal roumllunne being ov?rhiiuulcd and got In readlneaa generally to go Into Hervlce. Thl engine ha lately le-i. doing duty In California, though It I no stranger here, having handled l oth freight and excursion train nt dif ferent tlmea between the const and Portland. No. 17 la a ton-wheeler nvd whin In working order lt weight I 23S.000 pounds, or 111.& too. The drive wheela are 36 Inchea In diameter nd the tru'ek wheel are $0 Inches, working presume 1H0 pound, heat surface 1749 aijuare feet, tire box aurfuce 14,'i feet, traction power 25,2r.8 iiounda, and the measurmenta of the cylinder are 20x211. ' . Wild black brrii In lr lur, whlla thry luat. - The November term of the county court will be convened thl morning Heverol matter of Interval are to be taken up by the court. , TIM local democratic colony waa very much ela'ad yesterday evening when Oawald West received from W J. Cook, who ib In New Tork city, dispatch atatlng that C'oler waa elected Mr, Cook' message suld that Cooler' victory waa a big aurprlae. The attamer Ilwaco, formerly on the run from Aatorla to Ilwaco ,but lately on the eound, ha been bought by Geo. W, Coliv:ll and Engineer 3inltb, of the steamer Fllder. It I understood the new owner will brlngthe Ilwaco buck to the Col'imbla river and use her In the Jobbing buslnesa. The purchase price ha not been given out. Councilman Trulllnger haa suggested to the council that the Third itre..'t lm- nrnvement. be deferred until the spring. Ho y that the proposed excavations Along Third would cause a slide of aer Imi proiKirtlons, and believe the Im provement should not be undertaken while the winter rains are falling. It I prolmbH thit Mr. Trulllnger rec- ommendatl.)ii will favorably acted upon. " -'. ' ' ' ' V C. Illxhop him returneii from trip through the Young river JTatnct; where he clit ulaled a petition for the building of the Lewi nd Clark bridge lie any the people rre alct a unit In favoring the ronlffifrrtnn of th bridge, although some expressed the belief thiit the Nehalein road should be completed b-'fore other tmprovemtnta were undertaken, tlenerally, however, the bridge wa fuvored. Astoria central labor council has In sirui t 'd Ita tecreUry to Interview the unions of the city and determine whether or not a ticket should be plac ed In the field at the December ttec lion. At the nt meeting of tnj la bor council the report of the aeemary will be preaented and the wlah of the unions carried out. The council haa Indorsed J. F. Welch as a candidate for appointment a labor commissioner. Less than 75 name appear on the registration books thus far. The voters ar alway very alow about registering until the laat day or two, when there come a ruh that taae the pt'l mce of the icglatrallon clerka Deputy Auditor Leberman atatea that he Intend compiling some Interesting atatMU from thl year's city rtlga tratlon. He punoea tabuluatlng the American born nnd foreign voter, ao that nn Idea of the number of foreign born volera ran be galne-l. He will also ehow the numhr of voters ftun. each state In the union. Ha 1 of the opinion that His number of foreign born vnt'TM a-ill te nreater than !, gent-r.il'y bought. Th" dredge belonging to the Colum bia River Digger company, operated by Captain M. A. Huckett, completed the great dyke on the Lewla and Clark last Monday a week ago. but I still employed on the river enlarging ths' old hand dyke of J. K. Dement. Thl uniil I djke I l.'.OO feet In length and I merely an extension of the big dyke Just completed, so It will be practically one work. The measurement ot the dvke, aa completed by the dredger, a. 30 feet bne. 6 1-2 feet high and 12 feet across the top. Thla will of course prove an effectual barrier to the en rrou'hing tiles as well a aiding travel a a highway. . The Mate fluh cnmmiaMlnn held Its monthly meeting at Salem yest-yday. The report of Flh Warden Van Tmscn treated largely of the damming of stream, and aald In part: "A groat deal of complaint hai been lodged with thla department of late over the matter of mill men and irrigating nnd mining ditch men damming the waters of the state wl'hout providing. any paaaage j way whatever for the 1h to either as- cend or descend the streams. They j nre gener illy low dam and no ohstruo tlon during high water, but, a our j water remain hlghonly a "ery short , portion of the ;'enr, I look upon them as being very aerloua affsilr; other ( dnma aroVery .naaslve and substantial j nnd are compile obatruotlona at alii tlmea " Notl- ha been 'lied on the; person whit have been building then j dam nnl ill will be required to ob-1 serve ths law. I Reporta received here from the On tario hatchery ho.v thit the new method of hatching salmon la result ing In a much larger output of fry. Under the old aiiueealng process about 4000 egg were taken from each female salmon, and usually a few hundred of these eggs were destroyed In handling. Now the belly of the fish Is slit open and the eggs shaken out. At Ontario 7,7116.000 eggs have thus far been takm from 1636 female sulmon, the average number from euch salmon being 4795. There are about 1600 salmon yet to be spawned and It Is likely the output there this season will be fully 15,000.000. At the Salmon river plant l.MW.OOO fry have been hatched, but Superintendent Wlsner, of the United State hatchery on the Clackamas, ha promised to turn ovir nn adlltlonal 2,000.000 to the sal mon rlvor plant. On the Grande Roiule 3.000,000 egg have been taken, and it is the Inbmtlon to secure a alte a few mile tbove the present ouo for next season's work. Few fish hnv been taken on the Clackamas this year, there being a notable scarcity there. Owing to the difficulty of obtaining lumber the hw Catholic- cTiurch will not be completed a soon aa planned It aa expected that the Christmas ser vice would be held In the new edifice, but It Is very evident .now that the structure wltl not be ready for occu pancy until after that date. Great Interest wa manifested locally In tho elections throughout the couiitry and The Astorlan was tieaelged with Inquiries from o'clock laat night until an early hour this morning. The manner 'n which Associated Pret election return are sent out makes It very difficult to give out information to inquirers. Most of the early din patches are bulletins, which give un official returns for a certain number of precincts. The early bulletin give absolutely no Idea of the proba.W re sult In the larger state. Ver.iiv tlie effort to answer question from anxious AatorUn Is a lame one. I., B. Ohler came down the river laat evening,- iid reporta that J. T. M. Harrington of Pillar Rock ha probab ly defMtted J, O. Mcgler for reprewmt- atlve In Wahkiakum county. The re ported defeat of Megl tr waa o.iswl, Mr. Ohler aald, on the vote at I'.rouknVld, Megler home. It was nld the vote there stood: Megler, H; Harrington. 15. It wa claimed that Harrington had carried everything at Cathlamet, and that irener.illy lh election of the democrat wa probable. It will be lm osslble to tell the result of the elec tion until the morning boat airlve down the rlvr, Mr. Ohler' statement being baa-wl nolely on report reaching the boat down last night. PERSONAL MENTION Dr. Auguxt Kinney l In Portland. W. J. Ingall was an Astoria vis itor yeaterday. Captain M. A. Harkett returned yes terday from a trip to Portland. Mr. L. It. Meserve of Ralner passed through the city enroute for Gray River. ' John Edwards came in from the light hip last night to spend a few week vacation;' Mlas Mab.'l Jcffer made a flying vis- It to the city yesterday from her Lewis and Clark home. Mrs. Suiman returned yesterday from a two weeks visit with her daugh ter In eastern Oregon. Master Fish Warden Van Duen la attending the regular monthly meet ing of the fish commissioners at Sa lem. Earl Harkett of the Columbia River r UIT Mixed Patterns of Nobby Men's Suits, ntohinfg the matter, only one or two of a kind, worth on an d Q average $10. Your pick for tpU.O Then there are better suits, round or square corners, just as good as you can buy anywhere for $12.50 to $13.50 take one at $8.90. HER The Arouse Your Liver. You cannot have comfort un til it acts freely. To enjoy perfect health and fee like a new person take Beecham's Pills. SoM Ktwywhwo-lB boiM ana SSa. Digger company visited the city yes terday from his work on the Lewis and Clark. MARIN NOTE E 3 The Maxtnlta left out yesterday to do service at -.he mouth of the Colum bia. The British ship Cypromene left out yesterday for Europe, loaded with grain. The American barkentlne Vkh'y ar rived In yeaterdiy to take on a cargo of lumber. The German ship Wega put to sea yeaterlay, destined for Europe, with a cargo of grain. The llrltlah ship Madagascar, "lih wheat for Europe, arrived from Pou land yca'.erday. The Hrltlih freighter Indrashama left out yea'erday for the Orient. The vessel has flour for China and Japan. The British rhlp Dunsdale put to sea yesterday. The vessel Is bound for East London. South Africa, and carries grain. T n A. N S F R E A United States to Chas. McDonald 104 acres of section 19 township 7 north range 7 west .... patent. Charles Elander to Clara M Olson 160 acre of section 1 township north of range 1 west $ 100 RED MEN'S BALL. Necarnie Tribe No. 12 will give a grand masquerade ball at Hammond on Saturday. November 8. Everybody cordially Invited. Free boats for all. Steamer R. Mller will leave Astria at 7:30 p. m. and McGowan's launch will leave Chinook at 7:30 p. m. During the course of the year ODDS and ENDS will accumulate in every store and no up-to-date mer chant should carry them over. I have 269 Hen's Suits, all colors and sizes, worth from $10 to $18.50, one or two of a kind, and I WILL SELL THEH, because the prices will force them to go. You hnow how people took advantage of our cuts in mackintoshes at $2.50 and 3 for $ shirts. If you came too late you were sorry. These Suit Bargains won't last long. MAN Reliable Clothier and Hatter jp TrTInr'TTTn isMimssMiia i UJ 0eiSaUSvliiSir rO0O0000O00O0O0O0O00000CX)O3O0O0O0OO0O0O0O0OCX)O00O0O V. H. CQFFEY Regularly supplies a very large number of families with all tbeir Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries and USUI Stuffs (Wi Ills prices tell the reason. booooocooooooooooocaoocttceoooM XwZnXwZSZwZtSwX4ZSZwZX4ZwIwZnZ4XSZwZwZwZX I Air Tight Heaters " fROM S2 Cook stoves, Ranges and everything in the stove line at absolutely the lowest prices in Astoria. g H. H. ZAPF, - - - ZSZ4VXKZ42UX4ZnZ4VXSZ4ZZZwXUXZUZXKZwZnZZSZznzZ HQTjBU PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Flrat-C1aae Hotel In Portland GAIN$ Here's where we show good, repu table Suits, nothing wrong only the price. You'll miss loni to . Suits worth $15.00 d 1 f T il8, for a short time tpiv-J. O This is the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. Don't wait until everybody else has taken first pick. The Popular Universal Gives better results than any other rsngo made. Barns less wood beats quicker snd costs less. Yoq had better give It trial. Call and see our lit tle winter sir-tight beaters best in all the world. i Foard & Stokes Co. 483-491 Bond Street. AWARDS 8 The House Furnisher it if you wait too WISE