The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 04, 1902, Image 3

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"White River Flour"
Ih the Htundartl of oxcollenco and a kick
flKiiiiiHt tlio quality is unknown.
Once Used, Always Used
Ross, Hlgglris & Co,
csslonal shower,
J. Oregon, wj
Twilled Cheviot Wninl.s, strong,
si'i viccnlilt- and wnrin. These
iiro in nil sizes. Their
regular nulling price is !J5c, but
while (hey last wo will wll
them at the very joci
jii iee of, each .
CUion Milt feed, grain ana bay.
lMt cream for !. HoeOcra.
JiinI la-another barrel of weet ap
pie cider; guaranteed to be euro. John
sen Prut,
You will And Ui be 15a meal In
Mi city at Ui ltltlnr Bun Ilettaurant,
No. tit Commercial street.
New stock of fancy good Just ar
rived at Yokohama 1 to soar. Call and
see the licMit novelties from Japan.
All smoker amok the "Prld of
Avt'i.t" cigar. No bettter made.
Manufactured by MeoFarUn ft Kno
M. l;tnoiu lliimt Co, will give a dunce
at Huoinl hull Saturday evening, No
vember 1. Admission EOc, LlldlcS
Carl, letterheads, billheads, state
ments, luwytrs' briefs, In fact, all
kinds of commercial work, promptly
ami skillfully executed at the Aitorlan
Piumblnj, tinning, aa and steam
fitting at lownt rate and In work-
mui-Uke. manner, Order promptly
executed. Shop. No. 4-5. Dond street,
Rorttj n ooU lasts longer, If cleaner
and makes teat trouble wltli stove
and ohlmney fluea than any other coal
on the market. George W. Sanborn,
agent. Telephone 1311.
Spirilla for thle week only Wood
cat arm rocker, 11.66 and 11.75.
Cobbler neat arm rocker, 11.75, 12 ami
t?.2S. These are genuine bargain.
See wladoiv dMay. Chns. Hellborn
& Son.
ii . . J
$3.50 SHOES
ii:ht ixtiiiswoulu
UNION MA . . .
B4.1 lloitil Street
Wild blackberries In quart Jura Vkt
per Jar, while they hut. Johinwn Bro.
For llentTwo or three
room fur houtkeepliig.
let Tenth
in sieamer Hue If, Klmor Mill
leavs fr Tlllotnook buy point 0
Thursday mottling, November I,
Honey In quart and pint, guaran
td atrli tly pure, from Howell Lewi'
ranch on John Day, at FIhor Llro.
WANTKt Man to take care of of
flc here In Astoria, Address, with
reference, at once, A, T. Morrl, whole
saler Cincinnati, Ohio.
Herman (JletlU, Mjltl Pllppa. Henry
Kutl ami Matll l'oyty, nil native o(
Flulund, ytrdy mud dmtluratlon
of liitontlKit jif tx-i-oniliig tlllx,'iiK of of
the I'lllted HtttlrH.
M. Ii, Ji'liMwm, niuiuiM"r of the A,
I. i, win huny yeti.rday limlallinf
box it ml bud a trutiar of men at work.
fttiXt will tie pluted In all the inlin l
piil Imxlneii holm of the rlly.
CIohIiik out ule of framed and un.
framed picture. We are offering ome
very ran bargain In the art line. Call
euily urn) gt't the wlecllon to chooae
from. Cha. Helllwrn A Son.
on,- Afnin (rambling I on In Port
land. For a time lirnt k the game
were cloeml, hut now they are being
permitted to run. Faro, roulette and
poker game are openly conducted.
A member of Ataria Courll, Feder
ation of llwr, milil yi-elcnlny Hint the
labor union of he city would have a
ticket In the field at the Uevember
election. He could not ray when the
tiiket would be nominated.
12. '. Le.M, it one time a reitidciii
of thin v-lty. I now In the nh and
door bunlii w In "-attle, Inlng the en-
lor 'iwmber of the firm of Lewi and
Tucker Mr. l.ewl mt dlHiu-d of
hi enwtiilll :nt'.Tet at n.illorJ.
On account of needing more room In
our store we are veiling out at lee than j
com our line of fi lmed and unframed
picture. You can not help but take
U'lviiii' ig.' of the bargain we are of
fering. Ch.i. Hollborn & Son.
HeviTuI hootltt(t (crape In which
prominent people were connected huve
occiirreil lately, An iirfrny that ttirne
near rmiltlnx tu Koinethlnx eerlou
hiiiM-ned the other night, but the of-
fcmltng pnrty - uihnI, It 1 mild, with
whole "kin,
The Medford Mucrea I a four-col
umn elx hi if ' onH-r which mudc it
ai'peui'ance for the flrt time lut Fri
day. The pnivr I a twice a-week
publlcaMon nnd la Uaued by the Huo-
cenn I'ulilihMliiK company, mnrle
Mer,. nnd P. M. Kerhnw, proprie
UetHirl from the two connerle
which are twlng operated on the Co
lumbia i lver are to the effect that there
I a heavy run of chum aalmon, but
Unit other varltlia continue acarce. It
I ?tlnmted now that the Columbia
full puck will not exceed 20,000 cane.
The enon close November 20.
ir. Sidney Crlepun ha recovered
from the mild ra of umllpox with
which h ho been aufferlng end In
couenunce the author! tie huve re
moved the quarantine from the houae
In whl. h he wa confined, No other
member of the household hua vhown
the vymptom of the dlaeaae
o It wa deemed entirely unnx;etiry
to retuln a lurvellance any longer.
A band of vangelltlc linger com-
Hied of Captain Paul Hubbard and
wife, Captain B to vet and Captain Du
iHrtui leave thl morning for n
tended lour under the auaplce or the
Hal vut Ion army, of which the officer
and Mr. Hubbard are member. 'p-
laln Dupertul hua had charg 0t the
local eorp for the ttt three month.
HI term of rervlce Here wa to have
been Mix month, but owtng to hi fall
ing health he hit been relieved and
will hereafter pre the work aa a
member of the band of alnger.
C. K. Lankneter, preldent of th lo
cal ':lgarmaker' union, and an em-
lloy of Jtu k Hum' cigar factory
h aprung a mirprlne upon hi friend
In ,thl city by reluming from Heuttle
yterday with Mm. Lnnkiu.ter toj
whom he wn married lat Saturday In
the sound metropoll. No one tmugln-
ed for a minute that Mr. Lankastor
contemplated uch a move, but never
thele were not no dlroneerted but
that they Hhowered congratulation
upon the happy couple, who are living
at the corner of Tenth and Uond
It I recommended by a report of
City Hurveyor Tee that an Improve
ment prnHmnl for Kaat Axtorla be not
effected. The Inttipovement I for the
alleyway and Cedar atreet In Alder-
brook, and the report Kignlfle that lie
thoroughfare are o Utile ued that
the coat of Improvement la entirely out
of proportion to the neceenlty. It I
funhr recommended, however, that a
trcDtlo be constructed to widen the al
leyway and thut Cednr atreet be widen.
ed to 20 fe-ft through the center and
where the atreet la S feet below the
grade a treetle be Introduced. A de
ficit of dirt to level off the deprewlon
I claimed by the surveyor to be the
reaion for the recommendations found
In hi report.
Tonight Fleher opera, house will no
doubt be crowded to the dour to wit
ne the production of the laughable
farce comedy, "Flnnlgan'a Hall." The
management realise that It phenom
enal aucces 1 lus to the welt estab
lished motto of always keeping faith
with patron and o expenditure will
be spared to enhance the attraction.
Secure your seat at Griffin ft Heed',
Portland politician are of the opin
ion that C. W. Fulton will have t
walkover for the United State senate,
Speaking to a reporter Sunday after
noon, a prominent republican leader
ald that Mr, Fulton wa assured of
enough votes to elect him on the first
ballot, and that the Mitt-hell wing of
the party would solidly support htm.
The gentleman In question mid he
thought Governor Geer would cut little
figure In the contest.
In voflng against an ordinance to ex
tend the time for the completion of the
Bond street Improvement Mr. Hansen
last night made an explanation to tthe
council. The contractor concerned Is
C. H. Palmberg, and Mr. Hansen said
the impression had gone out that it
was a personal matter. This, how
ever, wa a miatake. The councilman
was oppoed to extending the time for
making Improvements, and said he
would never again vote for a measure
of the kind. He quoted Mr. Palmberg
as saying that he (the contractor; hnd
no idea that he could make the Im
provement In the stipulated time when
h-1 accepted the contract, but that he
relied upon an extension of time to fx1
ftl his agreement. Mr. Hansen believed
thl Idea wa wrong and therefore vot
ed t gainst the bill. Mr. Morton held
the same Idea and announced that
measures of the kind would hereafter
receive his antagonism. Mr. Wright
added that, if the councllmen persist
ed In their plan, little atreet Improving
would be accomplished.
The Orloh Go Banket Is a handsome
and light fto-cnrt which cart be easily
folded and tnrrlcd on the arm, can be
carried in travelling with child in it
nnd us.'d us a high chair t table, can
be conveniently carried on car. Must
be seen to be appreciated. Prices 3
to Sin. Cha,' Hollborn ft Sort are sole
What Is Money Buck baking powder?
One thnt is so good that we lose no
thing hy offering to pay your money
back If you do not find It better than
any other. It's true you cun buy bak
ing powder that I cheaper In price than
Schillings Best, but not any that Is
better In quality no matter what you
pny for it. Johnson Bros.
Deputy Game Warden Marshall, of
'oluinblti, has arrested Jarvi, a
'Inn, for violating th vamo law.
Marshall Is employed by a number t
Astorlans to guard the game preserves
up the river, nnd a few days ngo
learned that Jurvl was dolny; snmo
night hunting, lie succeeded In catch
ing the nuin In the act of shooting
ducks by the use of n search light, but
Jarvl declined to submit to arrest.
The deputy shot six or elghf times at
him with a Winchester, and put two
holes In Ihe boat. Jarvl returned
the fire and for a time there was a
Itched battle. Jarvl was arrested the
following day and taken before Jus
tice of the Peaco Damns, at Quliicy.
He pleaded guilty and was fined 915.
Fire Chief Stockton stated yesterday
In conversation with a representative
of The Astorlan thnt the alarm of Ore
turned in by boys on Hallowe'en was
not due to any fault of the system In
use here, but totally to the tntschlev
eousness of the lad who played the
primk. The keys to the fire alarm
boves are left in the neighborhood of
the boxe. and lit the case of the Fri
day night alarm the boy had K""'-' to
the Trulllnger residence and secured
the key. While the three hose wagons
were out to the fulse alarm from West
Astoria, an alarm came In from the
extreme eastern portion of the city.
This second alarm was the result of
a prank played hy boys, although ihe
man who turned It In at ted In good
faith. Had there been a fire In the
east end, however, that portion of the
city would have been without fire pro
tection. The chief thinks the boys
ought to be watched carefully, and
when Ciiught In such pranks thut the
parents should be made to suffer.
K. J. Sater, superintendent of the
cannery at Cooks inlet operated by
the Alaska Salmon association has
much of Interest to say of the northern
regions he has so recently vacated.
The especial point where Mr.' Snter
was located Is Tyonlk where there are
In all three canneries In active opera
tion during the canning season, The
cannery managed by Mr, Suter dou
bled It pack over that of last year,
therd being plenty of fish and the
works having been enlarged to accom
modate an Increase of the business.
The region in and about Cooks Inlet
is rich 'n minerals and productive In
oil and more people are constantly
streaming In. The largest settlement
In the region of western Alaska is Ko
dlak, on Kodlak Island which hits a
population of 2000 people. Sunrise,
M. F. Hardety returned yesterday
from Portland.
Captain Dupertul leave today
for The Dalle. :
iayor Lester of Warrenion wa an
Astoria visitor yesterday.
K. Preston, the West Side cattle nan.
visited th city yesterday )
Captain Wlcklund and wife of Ham
mond were In the city yesterday.
E. C. Jcffer visited the city y.
terday from the Lewis and Clark.
Dr. C. A. Cordlner returned yes!r-
thrift and ability mark the
American, and in manufactur
ing and commerce have placed
the United States first among
the nations of the world. No
institution so typifies the
growth of the country as The
Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany of New York.
It has paid policy-holders
more than any other company
in the world.
Its assets exceed those of any
other company in existence.
Aimm, trrtr
A muni fM u r,AicjJSitn,
WnWof "WTurtglMll llwur?" ,
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York
Rkmaho A. McCtnev, Tmiint.
VAN DUBEN ft CO. Resident Anta.
Astoria, Oregon.
onerwoon Ulllespy. Manure.-. Smhi.
Washington. ' '
C. H. Waterman. Stale Uim...
Portland. Oregon.
in o
I Hi fnwjKt.M.Mirwd) m.
The PopGlar
Gives better result
than any other range
made. Burns lea wood
beats quicker and
costs lea. Yoa had
'better give it trial.
Call and see oar lit
tle winter air-tight
beatersbest in all the
'J Foard & Stokes Co
IK'i8!l'!lfft Ifflffl'tilTit'
"til TSSttX jltXl f t St
day from a short visit with fri-nd. i
the metropolis.
Mrs. D. K. Warren passed throutrh
the city yesterday from Warrenton en
rout3 to Portland.
Chester Jordan will leave this morn
ing for Belvldere. III., where he has
accepted a position wfth the National
Sewing Machine company.
K. J. Sater returned Sunday from
Cooks Inlet, Alaska, where he Is suoer-
intendent of the cannery operated hy
the Alaska Salmon association of San
Captain Paul Hubbard and wife of
the Salvation army, who have been
aaxistlng the local corps in evangelist
ic work for some weeks, leave this
morning for The Dalles, where they
will continue their work.
Special at Shanahan's Today.
Mackintoshes 1-2 price; men's wo
men s and children a. Two big tables
of remnants, less than factory cost.
Men's underwear 23c up. Men's socks
60 pair up. , Men' suits $5 up.
Boys' suits II. 08 up. Everything re
duced. No reserve.
With most people it is Where can I buy the cheap
est?" Taking quality into consideration, we can '.
solve the problem for you regarding
Dry G33ds, Shees, Groceries, Hoar and Feed
You have only to give us a trial
Carnation Cream very fioe per can - - - ... 10c
Catting PackiDg Company' Tomatoes, per can ... 10c
Cream Sugar Corn choice per can 1 )
Other good in proportion.
48349! Bond Street
.. e
YYitn lour Money Than to Parchase 2
Carpets, Rags, Linoleums, Matting 1
4 And every other article for the home where yoa can get the Best Goods,
at (he Lowest Prices, at the Popular Furniture Store of
I H. H. ZAPH, - - - The House Furnisher j
.....'.".: N
xnxxax j uxxsxxaxxsxx xsxXKXxKXxnxxi:xrirxfx
The Only Ftrst-Cfaaa Hotel In Portland
stlunled on the northern side of Cooks
Inlet during the summer months has :
3000 populutton but as soon as the win-;
ter sets In the place becomes practical- j
ly deserted. Kodluk island Is noted j
for good quarts so that tthe mining
done there Is more of a substantial (
order, heavy capital hacking up each
move. In other regions It Is quite
different, particularly Ilambo, bay,
which besides being worked for Its oil
resources is greatly sought after for
Its placer mines. The population In
districts, which Mr. Sater visited on
this district Is therefore rather fluctu
ating. The Valdese and Copper rivers
his return abounds In copper of ex
cellent quality and rare abundance.
Something like 300.00a tons hnd been
removed from a shaft 800 feet deep and
this vast quantity of ore was to be
seen lying about In heaps . Surveyors
are now nt work laying out a line for
a railroad Into this copper region, and
It is stated by those who know thnt It
will be one of the best paying roads In
the country. Tlw Alaska Central
mil way Is another company designed
for the purpose of opening up th min
eral regions of the north. A line Is
now being surveyed between Cooks In
let and Resurrection bay. It is the In
tention to eventually extend the road
to Beherlng sea. Mr Sater will visit
with his family in this olty for a week
or so before returning to the headquar
ters of his company In San Francisco,
During the course of the year ODDS and ENDS
will accumulate in every store and no up-to-date mer
chant should carry them over. 1 have 269 Hen's Suits,
all colors and sizes, worth from $10 to $18.50, one or
two of a kind, and I WILL SELL THEn, Because the
prices will force them to go.
Mixed Patterns of Nobby Men's
tSuits, nothing the matter, only one or
two of a Kind, worth on an
average$10. Your picK for PVJ03
Then there are better suits, round
or square corners, just as good as you
can buy anywhere for $12.50 to $13.50
take one at $8.90.
Here's where we show good, repu
table Suits, nothing wrong only the
price. You'll miss it if you wait too
long. Suits worth $15.00 t1fV7!L'
to $18, for a short time tpiv-J. 13
This is the whole Truth, and nothing but
the Truth. Don't wait until everybody else ha
taken first pick.
You know how people took advantage of bur cuts In
mackintoshes at $2.50 and 3 for 11 shirts. If you
came too late you were sorry. These Suit Bargains
won't last long.
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter