The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 26, 1902, Image 3

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i "Whilst There's Life" There's Soap i!
SILK SOAP, one of the (Incut laundry soaps on the
market. CoU no more than other, does better work.
Ross, Higgins 6b Co.
tic pally fitortau.
. . ... ... ',
PORTLAND. Oct. K. -Oregon ami
WaMhlnalun. sliowrr wtit; fair east.
Winter Coat or Cape
You can do Milt by means of
Tha Noaember llutterlck
Patterns Iiow new Nrfilk
and new (lor! Capes with
special oullnr elleeta nod 'lro
aboulder rfTacl.
Our rtutterlck Yw Pat
tern Icrtmeut hoapIu.
did variety ami should bo vis
ited by you each month in
order to inspect tli novelties
that are continually being
placed In our stock.
OMtoa mIU feed, grain an bar.
SflMt cream (or ale.-Hoeflera,
i' . -" , ,
Hftvid Karltun yvilrruy proved Up
hi homeatead of 10 acre,
Just In-another barret of eweet ap
ple cider; guaranteed to be pur. John
sen Hro.
Nice Salmon tip cut from the royal
chlnook salmon, ant for title at John-
t-n Bros.
Quod Value 1 box uperb toilet toap
consisting of 6 bar (all different) 10c
per bos. Johnson Itroe.
You will find the beat Ho meal in
aha city at the Rlalng Sun Raitaurant.
Ne. Ill Commercial street
New Work of fancy good Juat ar
rived at Yokohama Baaaar. Call and
see tlie lavtuMt novelUee from Japan.
Alt smoker amok tha "Pride of
Atorta" clgara. No battler made.
Manufactured by MacFurlane Kno
bet. Card, letterhead, billhead, tate
menu, lawyer' brief, In fact, all
kind of commercial work, promptly
and tklllfully executed at the Atortan
Roatyn ooaj last longer, li cleaner
and makm lea trouble wlU alove
and ohlmnoy fiuea than any other coal
on tha market. George W. Banborn,
agent. Tclephon MIL
Plumblnjf, tinning, gaa tnd ateam
fitting at loweat r&teaj and In workman-like
manner. Ordor promptly
executed. Shop. No. 425. Bond atreat.
, i jcVsKWnua'
, W V win mt .
A nice lot of apple from ClaUkanle,
at 76 cent it box, Fisher Ilro.
Hee our display of new crop dried
fruit. Johnton Uryt.
In tht police court yeterday Ou
Oute forfeited VS for being found
Anderson Mortcnson wa yesterday
fined li In the police court for drunk
nt. Yesterday James Lewi wa fined 110
In tha police court for assault on An
drew ItlrVfU.
The steamer W. II. Harrison will
leave AmorU on Wednesday, October
29, for Yeiultu and Alaska bny and
will receive freight for those point un
til that date.
Thl eaon' pack of milt Holland
herring In barret, half-barrel and
email keg, mokd Qrlintby bloater
and anlt middle, brick am whole cod
fish JUHt In. JohtiHon Ilro,
The Civic Improvement league to
meet tomorrow evening tn the council
chamber of the city hall, I expected
to he largely attend! by those Inter
eted In Astoria' welfare.
The holder of number 29, of the
Catholic fair picture gullery. will
please coll at Mt Meaney a millinery
tor corner Tenth and Commerctnl
treeta and receive the prlte.
BpecUl for thl week only Wood
aeat arm rorkera. It.5 and I1.T5.
Cabbie eat arm rocker, I1.7D, 12 and
IS. 28. Theae are genuine bargalna
Si-e window dlnplay. Cha. lleilborn
h Bon. (
Ablll of tale waa filed In Ute cu
torn houe yeaterday which convey
to Nathan the half Inter!
of the 8tamr Vanguard. ownel by F.
K Parker. The conelderutlon i M,-
We are now receiving lurge hlp
menta of cabbage dally. Parties de
airing to make kraut ehould leave u
their order now a It I now In prime.
BnecUl uric In qunntltlc. Johnaon
A rreat amount of Intereat la belnu
manlfitid by the Indict of the Orncc
church guild, who are preparing for
the le and eo. lnl which It to be giv
en by them tome time during the com-
lug month.
Thre I another ce of tmallpox In
the city, thin time Mr. Sidney Cris
pin being afflicted with the disease.
The case, however, It very mild and a
every precaution I used to prevent the
malady from spreading, there It no
likelihood that It will get abroad.
Some hnndtome ntw couches In both
velour and leather upholtterlng are
hown at tha popular furniture ttore
of Cha. HeUborn ft Son. They are un-
aurpatted for ttyle and quality and
are modeat In price.
The Orlol Oo Basket Is a hnndtome
and llg-ht ero-cart which can be easily
folded and tarried on the arm, con be
carried In travelling with child In It
and uasd na a high chair at table, cun
be conveniently carried on cart. Must
be teen to be npjreclnled. Price 3
to 10. Cha. Hellborn ft Son are sole
A Semi-Military style
and most pleasing sack suit
ever shown.
It is made in that high
class individual merchant
tailored style so characteris
tic of every C. K. & B.
The materials are of the
latest colorings and weave,
making it extremely popular
with young men who know
a thing or two about snappy
up-to-date styles.
Just the thing for early fall
Now on sale at
Iteautlful picture by celebrated art
ists, arllttlcolly framed, ar to be
seen In rich profusion at Cha, Hell
horn ft lion's. Nothing mora desir
able for tht horn or mora appropriate
aa gifts.
Number 272 won the handsome fruit
ak contend for at the Catholic fair.
Tha ladla r unable to make out the
name of the hollir of the number o
the prlae has been left at tn residence
of P. J. Ooodman, W Ator street,
where tha fortunata party may ob
tain the same.
Captain Harry Rurkholdor of the
steamer Vanguard waa qulta badly
hurt yesterday while landing at the
local wharf. He wa atandlng against
the wheel when the current alrut k the
ruddr with groat force and caused the
wheel to spin around throwing him out
of the door. Ha suffered an Injury to
the leg. but will be able to attend to
hla dutlea. Captuin Uurkholdr I
now one of the Vanguard' owners.
The Columbia football team will go
to llwaco today to meet the Invincible
eleven of that town. The Mayflower
will convey the crowd. Marling at 11
A W - k
a. m, Tn icame promise m oe uujii
niterettln. an dlt I expected a big
crowd nlll go along. The Astoria
team will line up aa follow: U-ft end,
Oramm; left tackle, Wheadle; H-rt
guard. Tanen; center, Hay; right
guard, Peterson; right tackle. Guild;
right end, Fitter; quarterback, Knut
n (eaifia'ni; eft half. Barker; right
huif, Mlnard; fullback, Painter.
The atrcet committee of the council
yesterday opened bid for the Improve
ment f one bloc k of Franklin avenue
and one block of Fourth street, and for
the construction of a drain on Thirty
fourth street. In Kust Astoria. Th
bids for the street Improvement were
a followa: W. A. Ooodln, $1100; V.
(1. Palmare 1H3: B!rh and Jacob
...n him. The offert for the drain
W. A. doodln. I127S; C. O.
Pnlmberg. II2M; Hlrch and Jacobson
11300. Roth coiitritcta were awarded
to Contractor Ooodln. The property
owner have (lied a remonstrance
aialnst the proponed drain, but H
rums too lnte to liave any effect. The
council decided that the drain waa ea
M.ntinl aa otherwise the work already
done on Thirty-fourth would be dam
aged, i
ijit nlfht"!i-ioed the Catholic fair tlie record crowd wn in at
tendiince. The ladle met with a most
pronounced success In their efforts to
rale funds, 11.220 being the tola) re
celpta. The Vdllilg bf tha several dif
ferent popular contests were summed
up and the resulta were satisfactory to
everyone concerned. Following Is the
final vote: Clerks--OTonncll S; Mc
Cann 3. Portora Cordlner 77; Ful
I u X. Elk Cha llrown 1W, U't
Ueliner 18 . Foresters Iw Sprower
IS6; Wm. Young 67. O .A. R. Dealey
105; Taylor IS. Married Ladle Mra.
(VCnnneU W0'4; Mr. Cearna 212. Wife
of an Eagle Mr. A. Seafeldt 643: Mrs
Fred Hrown 245; Mrs. Joe Brown with
drawn. Young LadleMis Alice
O'Connor TfiO; Mist I.aura McCann
The publication of the story from
Portland that Senator Mitchell would
lend hit support to C. W. Fulton In
the legislature wa received with de
light by Mr. Fulton's friends here, al
though those on th Inside have all
along expected Mitchell to come out
for the Astoria man. However, In view
of the efforta being made by Jack Mat
thew In another direction, it was
feared that perhaps the senior senator
might lie prevailed upon to use hit In
fluence for aome other aspirant,, but
this I'enr was without foundation, as
Mitchell It very loyal to his frlenrt. It
Is bellevd4her: thi''.Mi 'Fulton will
tide counties nnd fully one-half of the
have the support of neany all tha nut
Multnomnh delegation,' and that he
will have a clear majority on the first
ballot. It Is becoming n.ore apparent
that H ,W .Scott Is not after the plum
but - that hla repeated expression of
friendship for Mr. Fulton and tit hoi
that- the Attorlnn would be elected
weri slhcsro, ' s .
Tlei British ship County of Rox-
borotiKh. which arrived Friday even
Ing from Shanghai, hat been placed In
auarentlne i y Dr. Earle. who has
communleatjd the facts In the case to
the official in Washington and It
nwahlns Instructions, While the ves
tel wat lying at Shanghai one of her
men died of cholera. The vessel was
provided with a bill of health that sua.
geated the possibility of cholera germa
nloard, and, aa the quarantine officer
at the Oriental port waa formerly at
Pan Francltco and of much prominence
Pr, Earle deemed It advisable to place
the thlp In quaVnatlne. She comes In
ballast, which was taken from the bot
toni of the harbor at Shnnghnl. The
United States officer there expressed
tie bollefth at the toft mud might
cause a spread of cholera, which Is
prevalent there, and the Washington
authorities have been aaked to render
a decision In the matter. If it la held
that thi ballast might cause "an epi
deivlc or be Impregnated with cholera
germa, the ship will doubtless be or
dered to tea to discharge It, and then
thoroughly fumigated in quarantine
The outcome of the matter will' be of
much Intereat to marine, as many vet
telt bring toft ballast rfom the plague-
Tha attached goods of Isaaac Fred-
erlckson will beadvertlne d to be sold
at auction this week. Mr. Frederick
son made his appearance yesterday,
but nothing satisfactory could be got
ten out of him and ha has since left
the city. He evidently baa nothing to
suggest as to a settlement, so there
will be no further delay on account
of him.
Aa vet little Interest I being taken
In the approaching city election, and
few oaplrants for honors have come to
the front. City Attorney A. M. Smith
will be a 'jandidate to succeed himself,
while In the First ward B. F. Allen Is
spoken of aa a citizen candidate to
succeed P. A. Trulllnger, In the Sec
ond ward, where Messrs. Burn and
Svensan retire, Mr. Burns and A.'
Schreneckau ara regarded as possi
bilities, and In the Third ward A: Brlx-
may be a candidate to succeed himself.
A. Mlnard Is also anoken of. If the
republicans elect thre of the four
members thla fall, they will break up
the two-thrld democratlo majority
that exists at present.
Tom Row aa retu-njd from Portland
Rev. L. J. Trumbull pnt yester
day in Portland.
D. J. Ingulls of Hkamoktwa waa In
the .Ity yesterdoy.
W. I. Morrison vaa up from the
West Side yesterday.
Editor William was dowp from
Bkamokatta yesterday.
Mr. Hfcgardt visited the city yester
day from Fort Steven.
lUnlamln Worsley of Sventen vis
ited ihe city yesterday.
Met Fomeroy of the Vancouver
Transportation Co Is In Portland.
Queen Sndie I (Mist Sadie Patterson)
of Skamokawa visited Astoria yester
day. Mrs. H. S. McOown and son were
In the city yesterday from thelf home
in McOowan
P. 8. Kenney who has been quite ill
for several days with an afatk of grip
la reoorted to be much Imoroved.
where he baa been undergoing treat
mint at tlw Good Samaratln hospital
for a very bad limb. He ta now much
Ml s Alice Seely tcft on 'ast even
ing's train to be with her mother, Mra.
W. P. cicely of Sellwood, who Is seri
ously 111.
J, p, Llnd, coach palntef for the A,
& C. ralrlortd, passd thro!ih th city
yesterday evening from ttie West Side
for Portland.
Machinery Reaches Ilwaco. But Site
I Not Yet Selected.
ILWACO, Oct. 23.-(Speclttl to The
Astorlan) The schooner AnlUi. Cap
tuin Bert Tobell, arrived at Ilwaco
todty with the machinery for the new
cannery to be established here by
Cantaln John Klerntin.
The machinery Is from Nestucca.
Oregon, 70 mile down the const, ana
Is being temporarily stored In the out
Elmore cannery here. The site for the
new cannery has not yet been de
termined upon.
Of Astoria, and a Oreat Merchandise
In an Interview with Mr. J. W.
Stahl. he said:
"I call four timet each year on Mr.
D. Shanahan, our sole representor
in Astoria. I waa unable to Interview
4ilm nil day long for a, sufficient time
to take his order. Having lota ot time
mvself. I took a the boya say. a rub
ber" through the stock. In my opin
ion hla dress goods f.nd mens furnlsh-
lnea are selling for half original cost.
The two tables of remnants ana mm
. nt nmnlnnl m'lces. I like
rmi ti t
Astoria first rate and admire Shana
han'a arcat enterprise and the man
ner in w hich he conducts ills alteration
Tha British ship Losw with grain
for Europe passed out yes'erday.
Th Mteanter W. H. Harrison pus
sed out yesterday for const points.
The German ahtp Wega with grain
tnr Knmiw iirrlve.l lown i'lom Port
land yesterday.
The ship Cypromone cl.arcd yester
dav at the customs hous for Queens
Imrn. Here nrjr.l conaltts of 104, 4U
The steitnj schooner Alliance passed
mil voalerttiiv ttW San Frtnclsco and
bushels of wheat,
way points.
The steamer General H. G. Wright
of the United States engineering de arrival !n yesterday from a
coust survey.
. I being called for from every part
a th Mimt,!. T.lhrarlefl. achools.
reading rooms and homes all want tha
uA.(h..M Pflnisj.'! latest. Send six
o.t. enr It tn Chns S. Fee. G. P. ft
tiiar!e Johnson, Who Threat-
ened to End Ills Life. Car
rie Out the Threat.
Quite a sensation wa created early
yesterday morning by theannounce
menl that a dead man waa hanging
by a rope from a slip chain on the
water front and Immediately a crowd
of curious people began (locking to the
soot to view the ghaatly sight.
The body proved to be that of
Charles Johnson, m former Inmate of
St. Mary's hospital, where he lived at
the expense of the county, and who,
for the laat two month, ha been try
ing to avoid doing1 hard work. His
failure In this and at the same time
to live comfortably is supposed to have
prompted him to commit aulcide.
The man was 51 years of age and al
ways impressed those wno came In
contact with him tc be In perfect
health and In every way able to earn
his own living. Two months aao he
waa observed on the streets In an In
toxicated condition and indulging In
expensive cigar, so n invetigation a
to his worthiness to receive public sup
port waa at once Instituted, which re
sulted In hi being discharged from the
hospital. He was examined by three
prominent physicians and pronounced
to be devoid of weakness of any kind.
Mr. Johnson, however, disagreed with
the verdict and was constantly com
plaining of varlou ailments to any
who would lend him an audience.
Since his discharge from the hospital
the deceased iiaa been doing odd Jobs
of light employment about th eclty In
which he waa assisted by his two sons,
aged 12 and IS year.
He had ffrown very despondent of
late and several time made threats of
committing ulclde but no attention was
paid to them.
The sequel shows, however, that he
wa In earnest It 1 remembered now,
that on Thursday evening; aa the
steamer Gatxert was leaving her dock
the deceased was seen sitting near the
ship and as the crowd dispersed the
lonely man remained behind looking
at the dark river below and doubtless
contemplating the disatrous course he
was toon to take, yesterday monni.j
at o'clock t)ls lifeless body was found,
by an officer of the launch Swan, sus
pended over the edge of the slip cold
and stiff. A rope Had been attached
to the chain used to lower and raise
the slip and the other end toad been
placed about his neck. Judging from
the position of the body, th suicide had
lowered himself the length of the rope
and had deliberately alowed himself to
strangle to deaath. -
Tha body was taken In charge by
Coroner Pohl and tn the afternoon a
Jury consisting of Max oung, J. T.
Lacv H. M. Lornaten. N. P. Johnan-
sen, D. R. Blount and GuBt Holmes.
was empanelled " and an inquest was
conduetd. The verdict arrived at waa
that deceased came to his death by
straniru'.ation through self-agency. A
letter was found upon his person an
nouncing his intention to commit sui
cide. No arrangements Have yet been
made for the funeral, but in all poba
blltty It will be conducted at the tx-
jense of the county.
Of 140' volumes Is found on each ot
the Northern Pacific's "North Coast
Limited" trains. Don't forget that
these are the only trains operated In
the West that ara lighted tnrougnoui
hv electricity.
Mra. R. Ingleton has Just opened up
a fine line of ladles' fall hats,,. walk
Ing skirts, over skirts, woolen shirt
waists and under clothes, and all kinds
of ladies' and children furnishing
roods. Hair switches and pompadours.
A chance for the elegant iboo piano
with each 50c purchase, Welch Block,
opposite Budget office.
W. lw.
$3.50 SHOES
543 Boml Street '
The Largest and Best
Assortment in Town . . .
Astoria's Leading House
DON'T these cool breezy mornings remind you that the
ice cream season is about over? Don't they remind
you ofcol tier weather to come?
Call at our store and see our fine line of
We can suit everybody
A large assortment to choose from
Coal Oil Heaters, Wood Heaters, Coal Heaters
AlCObOl Heaters or bar use and chafing dish parties
With most people it is ' Where can I buy the cheap
est?" Taking quality into consideration, we can
solve the problem for you regarding
Dry G39ds, Shoes, Groceries, Hour and Feed
You have only to give us a trial
Carnation Cream very fine jper can - - - - - JJ5
Cutting Packing Company's Tomatoes, per can - - lw
Cream Sugar Corn choice per can - - - - lOe
Other gocds m proportion.
v. h. c of? pry. 483-491 Bond Street
y - - W
S With Your Money Than to Purchase 8
Carpets, Rugs. Linoleums, Matting
H i .. j n.. in th hnmB liere vou can rat the Best Goods, 52
aim utciji u.uci hi bii-ra iv. ."w
if. tha rawest Prices, at the
. ,
Jobbers and Dealers In .
Pipe Repiiring
A Specialty
Strict adherence to It enables n to qualify willing worker, to render
euperior service as bookkeeper and atenojraphera. - Oar instruction i
nnnsnally thorough -a fact to widely known that reputation alone bring.
ns most of our atudent. Quality aiway conni. xvnu.luo ml
foeflltles-better now than ever before. Industrious, willing student nwk
rapid advancement In all ttadie taken. Call, or write for our catalogue.
Park and WaaMntfon Streets A. P. Armstrong, LL- B., Prlndr i
- j "
Popular Furniture Store of . W
. M
The House Furnisherg
515 Commercial Street
Astpria, Oregon
Infected east.
A., at St. Paul. Minn.