The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 25, 1902, Image 2

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Telephone, Main ML
' DAILY. ' '
gent by mad, per yew.. J8.M
Bnt by mail, per month .......... SO
Berved by carrier, per month .... M
Best by mall, per year. In advance 11 00
The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad
vertlsera the largest circulation ct any
Bewspaj?r published on the Columbia
River.'' .
It Is quite evident that Astoria Is
afflicted with the presence of a Rung
of ruffians for whom hanging would
be much too mild. Several weeks ago
many depredations were reported to
the police, but all efforts to locate
the miscreants have failed. Their lat
est outrage, the placing of grease on
the. city street-car rails Mvhere the
track goes down a steep Incline, was
evidently calciUted to wreck a car
and kill -.he passengers. It Is well
nigh Impossible to imagine the utu-"
depravity of persona who would lend
themselves to such a vlllanous under
taking and it is to be hoped the police
Will succeed In their efforts to capture
the criminals. It cannot be possible that
the miscreants are mere boys, for such
a desperate outrage would not suggest
Itself to children. The police must
capture the( guilty persons, and the
courts can be relied upon to mete out
to thf ra the punishment they richly
deserve. That the outrage perpetrat
ed Thursday night did not result in
several deaths was due purely to good
fortune, for had a car got beyond con
trol at the point in question certain
death woull have come to those on
board. It is pretty nearly time an ex
ample was made of wrongdoers in
this community, and the present case
affords an excellent opportunity to
teach ruffians of Hie kind a wholesome
regard for the liberties of others.
J. Pterpont Morgan is not only the
world's king of finance today, but the
greatest financier in an history. He
has a voice in the control of properties
capitalised ktJM88,5M,000 more wealth
than was ever before in the hands of
one man. This sum is greater by over
$1,000,000,000 than the entire annual
revenue of the 43 principal nations of
the world. It is greater by almost
$2,000,000,000 than all the world's
gold, coined or uncoined. It is greater
by almost $6,000,000,000 than the gold
coin and gold certificates in the United
States treasury; and the amount (8550,
000,000) In that treasury at Dresent is
unprecedented. At the head of the
world's transportation trust, with 16
steamship lines and 44 railroad sys
tems, with 300 of the large steamships
and 300,000 passenger and freight trains
the two branches representing a lano
mileage of 180,100 and a sea tonnage of
1.200.0O0, he is the grand Stage driver
Ranch it and rough it and you'll soon
get rid of that weak chest and that hack
Fne cough." That is what the doctor
said to a young married man with a wife
and child to care
for and a modest
alary to support
them on. He
couldn't go West.
Love and duty tied
him to his desk in
the city.
People don't
have to travel to
cure coughs or
strengthen weak
lungs. "Dr. Tierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery cures ob
stinate, deep-seated
coughs, bronchitis,
bleeding of the
lungs, weakness,
emaciation and
rihr fnrm of
disease which if neglected or unsVill
fully treated terminate fatally in con
sumption. I will write yon what Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medic-al Diory has done for me, sayi George
H Belcher, Fjq.. of Dorton. Pike County. KT.
Thirteen vear airo I u wounded by a baU
pawing through my lung. I have had a Dad
eounh almoit ever id nee, with .hortnesa of
breath, and it waa very eaiy to take cold; th
slighte change of weather would caiue the
eouKh to be ao bad I would have to alt p tn bed
all nirht. Could not eat or aleep at tunei j was
aU run down ; could not work at all. A fcw
month ao I began uing Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. Have not naed more than
two bottles, and now can eat, aleep, and work,
and t feel like a new man. I cannot find words
to sumrieaUy recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Diacovery, or tell the good it baa ooo
e." ,
Dr. Pierce's Common Sens Medical
Adviser in paper covers is sent fru on
receipt of a I one-cent stamps to pay
expense of wailing only. The book has
1008 page and over 700 illustrations.
Address Dr. EL V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
and ferryman of the world. l' 1? one
man on earth whose life has been In
sured by English Investors and specu
lators for $2,000,000, who paid there
for a premium of S per cent.
Tile efforts of the moral element in
Portland to close the town are really
amusing. The reformers are working
at cross purposes and roasting each
other, while the slot machine men
and liquor dealers are unable to agree
upon a united plan of action to com
bat the schemes of the reformers. The
situation Is ridiculous In the extreme.
To the uninterested observer it is ap
parent that the crusade, so far as
others than religious people are con
cerned, is a huge farce, and that It Is
calculated to make an open town of
Portland. The opinion that the admin
istration is trying to square things
with the objectionable element seems
well based, and it Is a safe prediction
that the whole agitation will come to
naught that the gamblers will soon
again be plying their vocation.
It might be a very sensible plan to
elect United States senators at special
sessions. Every time an election
comes about representatives of the
different counties "trade away" In the
Interests of their respective candidates,
and the people always suffer. The man
who is after votes gives his support
promiscuously to measures that are
not meritorious, and it has been
shown In the past that the state has
been made to pay thousands of dollars
for trades of this kind. Election of
senators at special sessions would
have a tendency to separate politics
from business, although, of course,
the trading could not be entirely pre
vented. If politics Is such a curse that
it will Interfere with the business In
terests of the state. It ought to be
played at a time set apart solely for
the purpose.
A Douglas county man has mistaken
his son-in-law for a bear and shot and
killed him. That a human being
should so nearly resemble a bear is a
bit of news that will prove of Interest
however sad the shooting may have
been. The ordinary hunter ought to
be required to carry a field glass for
the purpose of distinguishing between
man and beast.
The delinquent tax roll of Clatsop
county this year will amount to about
$1500, out of an original roll of more
than $133,000. This showing indicates
a disposition on the part of taxpayers
to hold onto their property, and inci
dentally denotes gratifying prosperity.
Charles W. Clark, son of Senator
Clark of Montana, has declined Mr.
Helnze's generous offer of 2.r,oo,000 to I 30"d vestlbuled train, carrying stand
ard Pullman tourist sleepers, dining
assist him In securing control of the tar, day coaches, mail, express and
legislature of that state.
Trv f 500 -
000,000,000,000, Mr. Heinze, and perhaps
you'll have better luck.
Hanna has rooted Tom Johnson,
whereupon the latter evens p things
by roasting McLean. McLean will
ronst somebodf and thus th in
terests of th-i great state of Ohio iil
be carefully guard?!
The French chamber of deputies, in
session at Paris, determined to try
the American plan of settling labor
disputes. It's about time Paris was
Proposals for water and sewer sys
tems, grading, roads and s'dewalks, at
Fort Columbia, Wash.:
Constructing Quartermaster's Office,
Astoria, Ore., October 17, 1102. Seal-id
proposals In triplicate will be re
ceived hers nn'.il 10 o'clock a. m. No
vember 15, 1902, and then opened, for
the construction of water and sewer
systems, grading, roads and sidewalks
at Fort Columbia, 'Washington." Plans
and speelllcations can be seen at office
Depot Quartermaster, Portland, Ore.,
and plans and specifications and fur
ther Information will be afforded, at
this office, and oftice of superintendent
of construction, Fort Columbia, Wash.
Rl'ht Is reserved to accept or reject
any or all propsals. Envelopes con
taining proposals should be marked
"Proposals for Water and Sewer Sys
tems, Grading, Roads and Sidewalks
at Fort Columbia, Wash.," and ad
dressed to Geo. L. Goodule, Captain
and Quartermaster U. S. Army.
" I know I would long ago have been
In my grave," writes Mrs. S. H. New
som. of Decatur. Ala.. "If it had not
been for Electric Bitters. For three J
years I suffered untoia agony rrom
the worst forms of Indigestion, Water
brash, Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia.
But this excellent medicine did me a
world ot good. Since using it I can
eat heartily and have gained 85
pounds." For Indigestion, Loss of Ap
petite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney
troubles. Electric Bitters are a posi
tive, guaranteed cure. Only 60c at
Chas. Rogers' drug- stoer.
ltt tbc GOLD DUST twins do your wort'
will clean anvthirw deanable-elothM and dishes.
pots and pans, floor and door -m fact aiu thing
from cellar to attic GOLD DUaT lajhwm labor,
lessens care.
Hade only by THE ti. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY,
Chkwo, New York. Boston. St. Louis.
The Illinois Central railroad com
pany has an all abiding faith In the
future of the great Northwest. A
short time ago, this was manifested by
the establishment in Seattle of an ag
ency to take care '.hi'ir Interests there.
The latest effort Is to put on a splen
didly equipped new train service run
ning between St. Paul and Chicago.
The new trains will be running Sun
day November 2. They will use their
own rails between Chicago and Albert
Lea, Minn,, and the Minneapolis & St.
Louis railway truck from Albert Lea,
to Minneapolis and St. Paul running
into the union depot at St. Paul, which
is the same that is used by all lines
In that city.
The tra'.n is to be known as The Chi
cago, St. Paul and Minneapolis Limit
ed and will consist of sleeping car,
buffet library car and reclining chair
car through without chnge between
Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul
Pining car service-will also be main
tained, supper being: served out of Chi
cago and breakfast Into Chicago.
Trains will leave St. Paul at 7:10 p.
m. and arrive in Chicago 9:30 a. m.
Leave Chicago at 6:10 p. m. and ar
rive in St. Faul 9:10 a. m. making
close connection at St. Paul with all
western lines. Tickets can be pur
chased via. this line, in connection
with all western lines, at all stations.
For further Information regarding
rates, time, etc., call on or address:
Commercial agent 111 Cent R It. H2
Third street, Portland. Ore.
Freight and passenger agent. III Cent
R P., Seattle, Wash.
Northern Pacific's new game book is
now ready for distribution. Illustra
tions of live game a particular feature.
Four full pages from Seton-Thomp-son's
drawings made specially for this
book. Send address with six cents and
book will be mailed to you by Chas,
S. Feo, G. P. & T. A.. St, Paul. Minn.
Is only run by the Northern Pacific
between Portland and Minneapolis and
St. Paul, through Tacoma, Seattle,
Spokane, Missoula, Eutte, Livingston,
Billings, Blsmark and Fargo. Eight ;
or these trains are on the run daily,
tour east ana four west. Each is a
uaKKs; car ana xne elegant oDserva
Hon car. Each train Is brilliantly
lighted with over 300 lights and the
beautv of it all Is you can travel Just
S3 cheaply on this train as on any
other. All representatives will be
glad to give you additional Informa
tion. A. D. Charlton. Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison St
Portland, Oregon.
Tbe "Northwestern Llmid" trains,
electric lighted throughou', both liside
and out, and steam heated, are with
out exception, the finest trains la th
world. They embedy the Utest, rewest
and best ideas for comfort, eonvenlrice
and luxury ever offered the travelling
public, and altogether are the most
complete and splendid production tf the
car builders' art.
These splendid Trains
Connect With
The Great Northern
The Northern Pacific and
The Canadian Pacific
No extra charge for these superior
acommodatlons and all rlass of tick
ets are available for passage cr. the
trains on this line are projected by the
Interlocking Block System.
General Agent. Traveling g't.
Portland. Oreg in.
A familiar name of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known
all over the Union as the Great Railway
running the "Pioneer Limited" trains
every day and night between St. Paul
and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago.
"The only perfect train In the world."
Understand: Connections are made
with all transcontinental lines, securing
to passengers the best service known.
Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam
heat, of a variety equaled by no other
Bee that your ticket reads via "The
Milwaukee" when going to any point
In the Uulted States or Canada. All
ticket agents sell them.
For rates, pamphlets or other Infor
mation, addes.
Trav. Pass. Agt., Gen. Agt
Portland. Ore. Portland. Qra.
the pmi.R of nrcnoKs,
Many soldiers In the last war wrote
to IAV flint foe S.t,it,-h r)viil.
Cuts, Wounds, Coins, Sore Feet and
.-wre jimiuk, micKieti i Arnica etuv is
the best in the world. Same for Burns,
Scalds. Polls, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions
and Piles. It erts or no pay. Only
Wo at Chas. Rogers' drug store.
Points East
Through Palace and Tourist Wli euers.
Dining and Buffet Smoking Library
Pally Trains; fast time.
For rates, folders and full Informa-
tlon regarding tickets, routes etc.. call
on or addreaa
Trav. Pass. Agt. City Ticket Agt
12$ Third Street, Pwtlnd.
A. B. C. DKNNtSTO.V. 1. W. V. A
13 First Avenue. Seattle. Wash.
sOO m I Portland fu on PtM I II lit t m
TiX'pral Kr ,t ri Mill t ytvun
Points " I
" m I f t Portland nd W y i n so an
610pm I Point jlumpm
( I
ttlSnml Antoria f..r Warrvntmi, I
II As ml Kl.ivel. Kurt Kwmv
.?'rl "' ' Hammond snd Atorle I
6 15 aTml Seaside tor Warre-lluD.
S!0 a ml Flave'. llamm-n.i. for.
7 40a n
ft W p lu
iim;.h ro
12 SOp" in
' W
"J a a tt
JLliljM'e.. and Atori I
Sunday only.
All trains make close connections at
Gobie with all Northern Pacific trains
to and from the East and Sound
points. J. c. MATO.
Gfu'l Freight and Pass. Agent
Depot. Fifth and
S;30 p.mj
Irving su. Portland!
Overland Express
Trains for Salem,
Roseburg. Ash
land. Sacramento,
Ogden, Ban Fran
cisco, Mojave. Los
Angeles. El Paso,
New Oreleans and
the East
At Woodburn
(dally except Sun
day), morning
train connects with
tram for Mt. An
gel, Sllverton.
Springfield. and
Natron, and even
ing train for Mt.
Angel and Silver
ton. Corvallls passen
ger. Sheridan passen
ger. 7:U a.m
8:J0 a.m
!7:2 p.m
7:30 a.m
l:M p.m
114:5 p.m
Dally. DalIy except Sunday.
Rebate tickets on sale Setween Port
land. Sacramento and San Francisco.
Net rates 117.60 first class, without
berth and 114.00 second class, including
Rates and tickets to Eastern points
and Europe. Also Japan, China. Hono
lulu and Australia. Can be obtained
a A. Semiring, Third and Wash
ington sreets.
Passenger depot foot of Jefferson St.
Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20. :4I
a. m.; 12:30, 1:55, 3:25, 5:15, 6:25, 8:05,
11:30 P. m. and 9:00 p. m. on Sunday
only. Arrive at Portland dally at 8:35,
8:30, 10:50 a. m.; 1:35, 3:15, :2e, 6:20,
7 40, 10:00 p. m.; 12:40 a. m, dally except
Monday; 8:30 and 10:45 a. m. on Sun
days only.
Leave for Dallas dally except Sun
day at 4:30 p, m. Arrive at Portland
at 9:30 a. m.
Passenger train leaves Dallis for
Alrlee Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays.
- lj;xcpt Sunday.
Gen. Frt. and Pass. Agt
Thins Card ol'TraiiiM
Leaves Arrives
Puget Sound Limited. 7:25 am 6:45 pm
Kansas Clty-St. Louis
Special 11:10 am 6:45 pm
North Coast Limited 3:30 p m 7:00 a m
Tacoma and Seattle Night
Express 11:4a pm 3:05 pm
Take Pugt Sound Limited or North
Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points
Tako Puget Sound Limited for Olym
pla direct
Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan
sas CIty-8t. Touls Special for points
on South Betid branch.
Double dally train service on Gray's
Harbor branch.
Four trains dally between Portland,
Tacoma and Seattle.
Assistant General Passeneger Agt,
255 Morrison St., Portland, Or.
suNsrr il
t( wxnts "rw ' tA
Steamer SUE H. ELR10RE
The Largest, Suunrhest Shadiest, and moat seaworthy vessel
ever on the rout. Rest of Table and State Room Accommoda
tions. Will make round trips every Bvt days between.
Astoria and Tillamook
PARE $3.50
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co, and
the Astoria Columbia K. K. for Portland. Baa rranoiaeo and all
points 10 't. For freight and passenger rates apply to
SoiumcI Blmoro Ji Co.
(itrul Arc ii Is, Antorlii, Or.
or to
Tillamook, Or.
lA. A C. R. R. Co.
Portland, Or.
North Pacific Brewing Co.
The I'npuinr Product of the only brewery In North,
western Oretfo enjoy o very larUe Oomentic and ex.
port Kttle.
KOFI'S BKST bottled or in keg
I'rco City Dollvory.
American Favorite Whiskey
IioIcmiIi" I.ituir 11 ml Oi;ur Driller
lOH-llO Fourth strct - . . IVirlhuul, Onjf 011
Shorj Line
akdUmon Pacific
:00a. m.
via Hunt
ington Atlantic
8:60 p. m.
via Hunt
ington St. Paul
Fast mall
6 p. m.
From Portland.
Salt Lake, Denver.
Ft. Worth. Oma
ha, Kansas City; 4:30 p.m.
St. Louis, Chicago1
and East. j
Salt Lake, Denver
Ft. Worth, Oma-i
ha, Kansas City, 8:10 a. a
St. Louis. Chlcag )
and East.
Walla Walla,
Lewiston, Boo
k:in. Minneapolis
St. Paul, Duiuthl 7:00a, m
Milwaukee, Chl-l'w.
en go and East I
72 hours from Portland to Chloago
No Changs ot Cars.
From Astoria
All sailing da tot
subject to change
For San Francla
m every five days.
Columbia River
To Portland and
Wsv Landing!.
7 a. m.
Dallv ex
cept Sun.
4 a. m.
Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on
tide daily for Ilwaco, connecting there
with trains for Lonir Beach. Tloira. and
North Beach points. Returning ar
rives at Astoria same evening.
General Passenger Agent,
Portland. Orea-on.
..lorlland Moria oute.
Dally round trips except fiunduy.
Leave Portland 7 a. m.
Leave Astoria 7 p. m.
Through Portland connections with
steamer Nahcotta from Ilwaco and
Long Reach Points.
White Collar Line tickets inter
changeable with O. It & N. Co. and
V. T. Co. tickets.
The Dalles Route
and "METLAK0"
Dally trips except Sunday.
Str. "TAH0MA"
Leave Portland Mon., Wed., ""rl., 5 a. m.
Leave Dalles, Tues., Thur., Sat., Urn.
Lv. Portland Tues., Thur., Bat, 7 a. m.
Lv. Dalles, Mon., Wed., Fri., 7 a. m.
Landing at foot of Alder Street, Port
land Oregog.
Both Phones. Main 351.
J. W. Crlchton, The Dalles, Oregon.
A. K. Fuller, Hood River, Oregon.
Wolford & Wyers, white Salmon, Wn.
Henry Olmstead, Carson, Wn.
John W. Totten, Stevenson, Wn.
J. C. Wyatt Vancouver, Wn.
A. J. Taylor, Astoria, Ore.
E. W. CRICHTON. Portland Oregon.
O. R. A N. Co.'
Portland, Or.
Hy virtue of an execution Issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clatsop County, tested the
J5th day of October, JW3, upon a Judg
mtmt rund.ind therein on the 8th day
of March, ls, In favor of Swan
Wilson, us plaintiff, and agaltut
George Jim aml R U- Wlirlon( u dB.
fond-int. for the sum of 34. together
with Interest thereon at the rate of
10 per cent per annum, from said date,
until paid, and the costs and disburse
menu of said acton taxed at 112.15,
and upon which there was paid Octo
ber 10th. 18M, on account of Interest
and principal the sum of 1:47.43, leav
lug a balance due and unpaid thereon
of J500, with IntereaU thoreon from
October 10th, 1836, at the rale of 10
per cent per annum until paid, and
which said Judgment was on the 2d
day of M'lrch, 1S, duly transferred and
assigned to and Is now owned by N.
P. Son-risen, and to mo directed and
commanding me that out of the per
sonal property of said defendants or
cither of them, or If auflkl.'nt cannot
be found then out of the real property
belonging to wild def.jndunts or either
of thorn in suld county, on or after the
said nth day of March, 1886, to satisfy
snld execution with costs of and upon
said writ, I did on the 16th day of Oc
tober, 1902, duly levy upon the follow
ing described real estate situated In
Clatsnn County, State of Oregon,
Lots No. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13 and 14, In
block No. 1, and lota No. 1, J, 3 and
4, In block No. 4, all In the Town of
Hill's Addition to Ocean Grove, as laid
and recorded by George Hill.
Notice Is hereby given that I will on
Monday, the 17th day of November,
1302, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the
forenoon of said day, In front of and
at the court houso door, In the City of
Aslorla, In said county and state, sell
fit public auction to the highest bidder
for cash the above-described real rs
tuto to satisfy the said Judgment, In
ttrest and accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clatsop County, Ore.
Dated this 15th day of October, 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
derslgned has been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of Cynthia M.
I!nyr?s, deceased, by the County Court
of tho Sta e of Oregon for Clatsop
County. All persons having claims
ngulnst said estate are hereby requir
ed to present the same to the under
signed at her resldonre In the City of
Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, du
ly verified ns by law required, within
six months from this date.
Administratrix of the estnte of Cyn
thia Rnlas, deceased.
Dnted this 23d day of September, 1902.
Scott's 5anta!-Pepsin Capsules
for Inflammation or Catarrh
or ma niamirr aart HImwixI
Kidney. No oura no pay.
Curri quickly and Pariua
nenlly Ilia wont mm of
Joiiorrlio' and lilret,
no maH"rof how long iinnd.
n. AbMlutelf harmlKM.
Sold by druf(lU. irli'
11.00, or by nail, iKMtiiald.
Bold by Chas. Rogers, Kt Commerci
al Street, Astoria, Oregon.
United HlnU'M l4ind OrTVe, Oregon
City, OlKgoll, MoU'r 14, 1W2.
Notice U hereby glv.n that In coin
plUneo with the provisions ot the act
of coiikwih of Juno 1, in, entitled
"An not for the sain of timber lands
In the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
esteiided to all the public land
states by net r August 4, Wi,
uf Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of
Oregon, hns this day filed In this office
hi sworn slAtnttieltt No. (9!8, for the
liuichiu of the southeast quarter of
Roulliwcttt iuiter of section St In
township No. 7 north, rnngn No. I
wrst, and will offer proof to show t lint
the laud sought I more valuable for
Its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purpose, and to establish hi
claim to said mid before the register
and recelivr of this office at Oregon
City, Orogon, mi Huturduy, the loth
day of Jsnuiry, IMS.
lie name us wllnrwaes: T. II, Hid
well, C. Iveraon, Frank Hldwell and
Ch&lie Hull, alt of Astoria, Oregon,
Any and all person claiming ad
versely llii nhovo-deavrlhed land are
ivqtii'cti-d to nio their claim In this
oltliv) on or before said loth day of
Jumiiuy, UML
Cll A. II. MoOltKri,
10 n 18-34 Register.
United Hlute Land Otltte. Oregon
City. ireii.m. VtoUr 18. 1W3.
N.itlce 1 hereby given that In com-
pllniico with tlm provision of the set
of gingiva of Jun! S, IK'S, entitled
"An rt fr till) mile of Umber land
In the stale of California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory."
a extended to nil the public land
tale by act ot Augtiat 4,
of Mayger, county of Columbia, ut
of Oregon, ha this day filed In this
office lil sworn tatemnt No. J:8, for
the purchaae of the E'-i of HK1. sec
tion 28 and NWV, of 8WU H-ion 27:
and Htt of NK(i of swilon No. 28
In township No. 8 north, range No, I
wet, ,n,i lll offer proof to show thut
the land sought I more Valuable for
Its limber or tone than for agricul
tural fuiKae, and to etbllh hi
claim before the register and rwelvnr
of this oftim at OiTim City, Oregon,
on rrld.iy. the M day of January, 1W3.
He name wltnesar; It I mon
Kapar of Maygrr. Ore.; Frank Kv
anson of Atorl. Ore.; William Ie of
Itainlor, Ore.; ie fhrltlnn.n, of
Aturtit, On.
Any and nil person iliiluiltig ad
vemeiy the alHive-de rlbed land are
rcmeted to file their I'lulin In till
irtllco on or In-fore the said 2d day of
J.inu try, I Vol
i ll M. II. M x iltl'.rt,
ltl-21-12 Register.
NOTli K .ilt l'iril'.,C.T10N.
United Htates Umd (irfl.-c, Oieg.m
Clly, OiiHon. Octoli-r 13, 1902,
Notice is hcivby given that in com
plhtnco wllit the iirovlxKin of the act
of '(iiigi-em .if Jiuh 8, 1S7S. entitled
"An act for the aule of llmlier land
In the tte of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Wushlugtun Territory,"
an extended to all the public land
stale by act of AtlKUSt 4, 1S82,
of Rainier, eounly of Columbia, stale
of Oregon. Iwi this day filed In till
oftlce her sworn statement NO, 5927,
for (he purchase of the nortwest
qu.irler of section No. 27 In township
Ni. 8 north, riinge No, 9 west, mid will
ofl r pi- H.f to show that the land
sought Is more valuable flr It tim
ber or stone limn for agricultural pur-Ikwi-h
and to estubliMh her claim to
said land before (the register and re.
reiver at tliin olll, o at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Krlday, the 2d day of Jan
uary, VMX
Hhe iMines ns witnesses: Wm, Lee,
of Rainier. Ore.; Frank Kvanson, of
Astoria, o,,,.; Hlmon Kaspnr of May.
gT, Ore.; Axel Stockenlmi g, of May
ger, fire.;
Any and all persons rlnlmlng ad
versely ,e Hbove-descrlhed land are
leqtieHted to Die their claims In this
olllce on or before suld 2d day of Jan
uary, i!Mi:t.
United State Land Office, Oregon City.
Oregon, Bcpt. 10, 1002.
Notlse is hereby given that In com
n lance with th ...i.i ... .
A-c2 f?aVuof JuneS- 187. mined.
An act for ihm n .. j .;
k, . (la a I " ' V ""UW I1M1UI 111
tho States of California Oregon, Ne
vada and Wn, n-.i7..'...
t,VLn";(1. lhe l"11"10 'and states
ui numiHi a, mux,
Wll.r.TAltr r r wt
J Rainier, County of Columbia, State
m iv U11B an "led m this
ofllce his sworn statement No. 5897, for
he purchase of the NV4 of 8V4, of sec.
tlon 6, township 5, range west, WII
lainett meridian, and will off..r proof
tO Show that th lanl -,.1.4 a. '
, , , k'uihi m more
valuablo for Its timber or stone than
... Z"i "lUTal Purposes, and to es
tnldlsh his elulm aii,i ...
, , ... ..... .lulu I'l'.ora
the register and receiver of this of-
n. veKou jny, Oregon, on Hnt
urrtny the 8th day of December, 1902.
Ho niTes as witnesses: A. L. Ban
born. John urioi - .
Weatharwax, all of Rainier, -Oregon.
Anv and nil nrlnn.
rermir. he ftbov described lands are
- , ' " va n'8 ,nwr claims In this
oflllee on or hflfniw ania atk
cember, 1902.
a is ,4 .4 ' CIIA8- B- MOORE8,
-18-ll-It. ttu-llr