$ j BASKETS SHOPPING -:- BASKETS The Handy Kind. to take, on your shopping. Prices 60 cents. Ross, Higgiris & Co. She puHu tftouan. TELBPHOND H. THIS WKATUEM. I"Ul!TI.AM, Od H-QrvKun, Wmh lniilnn ami hl-iln-aliuwara. THE DELINEATOR FOR NOVEMBER If yu it re iidI euharrltrf-r ti come one aa iumiii a you inn. Yuu ilo iioi know what yuu linv mlrwd, or hov ntui-h morn cutniileu your know l'1u't of timiw-hdlil ntntU'i could liuv lwn nitt'ln liy'lmvliiK th iHiok iltllvjivU ul ytmr n-al-ili'iu.1 iiinnlhly. Tim ubacrltlon price In tl ii yvnr. The Navwniltff IMIm-alor con tain urtUV on Jirnit trimming ttiiil aiieaaorii', iiillliiery for urly winter, the luteal ami moat up-lo-ilnl" iyl.n fur Iwillr. MIi- and Hoy, tti'i continuation ot Amelia Iuht'm love atory, "Thyra Verlck." etc. TU Ivlllii-ttlor, ft i't year, i!np ki y 15c, iiml Uuttcritk'a l-nit-rn far November now rrady In pattern department. The i DUNBAR CO. Do not iiiUn our . Skirl Sale thin weok. Oaston tell feed, rala ftat bay. 8t crrn for sale. Hoficra. W arc now receiving shipment of tfrouint totimt' (yellow an.l red JnhliHoii liro. You will nnd the beat ISo meal tn lb rtty at the KUInf Bun Roataurant No, 012 Commercial street. HuliikTllwm will confer a favor by no- tlfylnv till office of any Irregularity In t ho delivery of tli'a paper. Now Block of fancy good Just r rived m Yokohama IJuiaar. Call and n tho latent novolUc from Japan. All smokers amok the "Prl'le of Astoria" cigar. No bettter made. Manufactured by MucFuiUne ft Kno bl. riumblnii, tinning, ps and steam titling at lowest rate and In work iiMtilikt manner. Order promptly executed. Shop. No. I1'5. Uond street JOHN A. MONTdOMEKT. IbMlyn ooal laai longer, ti elener atiil makee lei trouble, with atovei and chimney flu than any other coal on the market. Oeorge W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. Beautiful picture by celebrated nrt ll, nrtUllinlly framed, lire to be aeVn In rlrh profusion at Clin. Ho'l born & Son'. Nothing more desir able for the home or more npproprlnto a Rift. Every pound of our Perfection Blend Mocha and Java coffee In guaranteed to plenao. If It dm' not your umney will be refunded at our store, John on Uro. . Home hnndHome mv coin-lies In both volour and leather upholnterlng are shown at tho popular furniture Htore of Chna. He'dborn ft Hon. They aro un surpassed for style nnd quality and ara modiwt In price. The Orlob Oo ftnxket Ih a bandnome and light (to-curt which run be enolly foldod nnd (urrlcd on the arm, can bb carried In travelling with child In It mid U83d a it hlfh ihnlr nt table, enn bo conveniently enrrtad on car. Must be Heen to be appreciated. Price $8 to $10. Chat. Ilellborn ft Son are Hole agent, ' Keep Out tho Wet SAWYER'S EiMkter Brua OIITCLOTHINC Tht beat walerpreofaaraieata In h woriit, Mada fruiu tha b. niaurlal aoq warranleil waieriiroaf. Mada (a attna Iba ruugliaat work aud waailiMT, Look lur Hie trade mark. Kronrdoalat don. not havo than, wrlta lor oatalof na to I. I, rWlltif i ruklac tt knit., tai fniclaM, Of II, at. MWVKH aoN.BaloltrM. Kaalt)aaikrll(, Maaa. . mm m -m M IB Just the thing arm when out to suit all-6 to No ntwd of going t Portland for the luteal nctlon. All carried at tha "Lit tie Hook Store," A full carload of choice Uurbank potatwt have (uat been received by V. ii. Coffey from the furina of D. P, Itoaa and C. 1. Hoax at Knappu, Judge. Mcllrido hat adjourned the aeaalott of 'he circuit court until Oc tober Jl, wh-M ho. will be In the city for two iluva :o hear argument In cv rnil iniiKirtuut cuwa. The elegant I'OO piano which ha bean dlapUyd by IS, V. Allen A Bon for auine time t'xat will be given away on the evening of Wcdneadliy, October 15, at tlwlr atore. All panic holding iliuiHpa are Invited to ho ireaent at 7.J0. Tho new mantel folding bed are de. lined to utxrcede the old alylea, Made of metal they are vermin proof, annl- tury and the acme of convenience and iie.itncrw, Ak to c ttietn, both In wool and metallic, ul Chu. Ilellborn Hon'i, Position wantedlly a competent con i.'il mun a u iiiat ciu tooK, fur hotel, ivaMur.ilil or boarding apart' nient. Hob-rr; neut. Meat, puatry, n'.., of nil deacrlptlona; 16 year t-x- iM-ileme. II, M. Uuvla, Parker llouae. The current luauo of the Columbia itlver Ilaaln Journal devote ecventl page to a write-up of Aatorla, in which the reaourcea of tho city are briefly act forth. The article I II- luatrated. Till a publication ha a wide circulation among Kuniern home- aeekera, and tho advertlaement for A- torht will no doubt prove a beneficial one. In the jUNtlce'a tourt ycnteiilay fore- man tl. Mltibell. charged vlth at tempting to act tire to the old Devlin carnery, w iliacnirgcj oy juoe t;ioo.lniaii. In 'the hearing of the pre .edlng day the evlleire adduced wn of auch a nnlfre aa to warrant nn nc iitiltol anil th diilolon of ihcjiHt'ce of the iK'nce, III aulvt accordiiit' C irivrcio. I to be. ccmn.cnded. While In Potland. R. C. F. Astbury will commit with members of the Mult- lomuh bowling team and Invite them to visit thl crtv and take part in a oiliest with a Joint team from the Commercial and Irving Club, w nne the H.-imon la new as yet. there I a general desire to get the tournamcntl started as soon as iKicslble, and It 1 expected Multnomah will accept the Invitation, Viola, the little dauhWr of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Clans, hud a narrow es cape from death Monday afternoon. The little girl wus playing with a num ber of her companions In the neighbor hood of Flfher's opera house w hen she fell through an aperture tn the street to th ground Mow, a distance of about ifi or 30 feet. As It happened, a bank of snft mud received her, uiul thus she cca.).l. No serious effect baa yet resulted from the fall. The government buildings,, which for some time huve been In course of erec tion, at Port Columbia, to be used by the men and officers quartered there re now ubout completed. The buuu- Ings aro situated In a consplcious po sition, and present a striking sigut from the river. Thcv consist of guardhouse, storehouse, bakehouse.oll house, barn, workshop, hospital, ad ministration Imlldlng, barrack, single officers' quarters, double officers quarters, and non-commlssloned oltlc- quarter. A..E. Allen of Clatsop Is In receipt of a valuable, communication from Hon John Mlnto of Salem on the subject of sheep, Mr. Allen bad written to Mr. Mlnto seeking Information as to the proper breed to Introduce on bis Clqt- Bop farm, and also asked for pointers oncernlng other kinds. Mr. Mlnto's reply was an exhauntlve research Into the subject, giving Mr. Allen good Ideas on sheep and sheep raising. The latsop man wrote particularly of the UnUwin sheep. This, explained Mr. Mlnto, Is tho Spanish Merino Improved by Ilermont breeders, until It 1 ex tremely wrinkled with surplus skin, and that Is densely covered with thick, greasy wool, which make It a slow growing sheep 6f medium to small slue, The Lincoln, Leicester, Cnls- old and tho Romney Marsh are long ooled biveds. and Dorset horns are lowland, middle wool sheep of great hardiness, very prolific of lambs nnd are A 1 breed for mutton. Mr. aiiiiio suggested that the Merino be not tried In thl locality as the rain fall is too excessive for that breed to thrive. Manager Johnaon ,of the Wealern L'nlon, la preparing a map of the bual neaa portion of tho city. The map ahowa every houae In the downtown dlatrlcta and many In the reaidence erlluna. It la being prepared for the convenience of the American Dlatrtct Teh-graph Company, which la aoon to maintain u mnaanngor aervlce in thin i lly. More than PiO boaea will be put In. The boxea will probably contain flre alarm calla, which will prove of grant value. The Weetern Union me- eenger will be dlienaed with and all work will be done by the boy of the A. D. T, The delinquent tax roll will be turned over today to County Clerk Clinton by Deputy Bheriff Prael, The roll will be In the clerk' poeaion for 10 dnya, during which lime he will check up the collection. After thl work la fin lulled, the roll will go bark to (he aherlfTe offlre for 10 day, and the de IliKiticrtt property remaining will be udverllaed for wile. The total amount of the original roll waa 133,82.7. and the amount at m-eeent d Unguent t but ii.0n, Two or three heavy tax payer will settle their laxe before the roll U ndvertlaed, however, and the amount of the delinquency will not ex- ceej ,5oo, Thl la by far the beat allowing ever made by Clatnop county, and one of the beat ever made In the ataie. The allowing I a particularly gratifying one when It I conaldered that there are nitir taxpayer In flat ao county than any other Oregon county except Multnomah, The new procea of hatching aulmnn now tn votf'ie at aome of the Oregon hati herlc nhould effect a big aavlng In apawn. From the reports of the IVhIi expert, It I etlmated that In for- mir year about 4,000 egg have been taken from each Chinook femule caught Perhap one-fourth of the egg were lout ,ao under the new method that of tlral bleeding the null and then filming the belly, ho that the nnan may tie aliaken out Into a bucket without handling the number of egg derived from each fbh will lc fully S.000. If each one of theoe egg wa uereifub ly hatched an dthe enlmon returned 10 the river at maturity, the female would produce fully tli.OOO worth of-wealth for the llaliermiiu .with a market value of Ili.OOO to $13,000. Theae figures give aome Idea of the wonderful possibilities of the industry. If 20 per cent of the hatchery output for thl year returns to the river four years hence or there after .and all the salmon are caught. the aeaaon'a work will mean more than J5,(KV,000 to rtie fluhermen, and more than twice that aum to the flan mar ket. The Woman's Club of Astoria lif In receipt of a moat delightful and In strurtlve b.-lter wrltt-?'i ly the club's president, Mr. Elmore, .vhlle enroule to WuKhlngton, D. 0. The writer re view In a most encouraging way the work accomplished by the club, nnd urge. the members to s'.and firmly by their different posts of duty, n-vr shiii king. A mot prof-lllou sign th.it any hesltan-. y to accept nlloled io ntlons wi!l be overcome nnd that every member will do her utmost to further tht' good work advocated by the organ lint Ion, Is the fact that during the two years of the club' history scarcely an Instance is recoraed or rv case of with Ira 'al from n reposed trust. This fa-1 certainly speaks in strongest terms of the earnest net. of the Indies In their effort to Improve the con ditlon of those ribout ihem nnd to widen ilii?ie own c ope of vision. The letter recommends, "that the clastea for the year be formed at once, and that In Parliamentary Law, Mrs. Cole Itethel's book be adopted In connec tion with her book on United States government n tne text books tor our year' work. Also that a permanent leader be chosen for the year's work to direct these studies in one class." An interesting portion of the letter Is where It refers to the new feature of the club, known as the Humane De partment' which Is expected to fill a long felt want In the community.. An other department will have for Its ob ject the establishing of free kinder gartens which must a.pp?al to every one as n most laudable idea. s-Mrs. Flmorii expressed the hope to meet wi'.h her club ngaln .'n November. TRANSFERS OF REALTY. United Staf-s to Steyhen A'bra- hamson J60 .acres In sections 3 nnd 10, township 4, north of range 7 west; patent ,i Cornelia Belknap to A. J. Hill and F. W. Preston 6 1-J acres In sections 2? and 28 .township 8 north of range 10 west $ 600 Bernard Oiimm to John Green lot 1, block 6, Bradbury' Add'.'ion to Ocean Grove .... ... ,s Matthew Mo-r.son nrd wif. t Theodore Messner-llV) ncres in section 2! nnd SO, township 4 north of range 9 west 7u0 Wilson D. Smith and wife ti Theo dore Messner W0 ncrea !n section 22, township 5, north of rango 7 west 200 Car) W. Lankaa nnd wife to B, J. Callahan lots 10 and 15, block 22, New Astorlu Lutillii West to J. W. Ellis 7.23 acres In section 1, township 7 north of range 6 west 25 Victor Cambas to Astoria Abstract Title and Trust Company r.orth half of northeast quarter and lots 1 nnd 2. section - S, township 6 north of range 6 west ..... 1036 1 BnUCE POUWOftTH ON rOMTK'B. Cathlamet Democrat Waxes Humorous About Coming Election. J, ru'.-e Pol worth, leader of the un- terrified In Wahkiakum county, arriv ed down from Cathlamet on the OaU ert lat night. Mr. Pol worth has lately been much nominated politician, having been chosen' by his party first a the candidate f r state senator and later as the candidate for district at torney, "I have accepted the nomination for district attorney," ald Mr, Polworth last night, "and have some hot of success, in view ot tne tact mat i have no opposition. ( It wa really a shame tha way they threw those nomi nations at me, and I was kept busy I dodging for some days. I am now out of the woods, I hope, for the election takes place Novamber I, and It's too late to hand ut Any more nomina tion. So fur hs .he fight for state senator Is concerned, I'm afraid the Democrats have little chance. The Republican candidate, J. T. Welsh, of South Bend. used to lie a Democrat. Now, I fa man Is ever a Democrat at any time of his life. It a a sure shot that there a big streak of usefulness In him; so, despite thoe Idloiyncrasles known o Republican principles, I believe Mr, Welsh will make an excellent senator. I About the legislative fight between Harrington and Megler? Well, Har rington is going to make a strong fight and I think' he stands a very good chance of ele-tlon. Megler has al ready been at Cathlamet In the Inter eats of his candidacy, and Is 'standing on hi record' in the way of argument. nd hi record is going to be a power ful factor In his ravor. lie seems to be peculiarly alive to the needs of the great state of Washington, and over across the river we will be ingratcs If we full to send him back to Olympla. For Instance, hefathered the sea gull bill. That was his maatemtroke. Later he saved the state In another manner, when he fathered a bill mak ing It a Wony or a misdemeanor for uny person not drawing a pension iu ear a G. A. R. button. I tell you, when Megler stand on bis record, he's .n,lliir nn anmethlnK that worth standing- on. "We have an excellent show to elect three of the candidates on our county ticket In Wahkiakum, which I an Im provement." Mr. Polworth Is a humorist ot some note In this part of the country, anJ a few mlnutea conversation wnn mm is usually a eure for the blues. MARINE NOTES. nh nura,iih arrived yesterday to load lumber at Portland for California The'Urltish hark Madagascar started for Portland to take on her cargo The most steamer Lakme arrived tn yesterday and left up for Portland n! most Immediately The German ship Adolph, which ar rived In port Sunday, left up yester day for Portland to load grain for Europe., The American barkentme yuics stey arrived from Portland yesterday, bound for Hawaii. She Is loaded with is.mrh unit surface rj'ne. pickets and shinties ,ln all 520,312 feet. The Grace Dollar which put In Sun day evening to have one of her shafts doctored left out yestciday morning and Is now continuing on her course The vessel has lumber for California. NEW 10 CENT THEATER. The Blo;raph theater opened last niiht to a b ur patronage, and nan u not been for an unavoidable accident to the machinery which marred the moving picture part of the entertain ment, the show would nave oeen excel lent. Lunette, the very pretty Illusion and Del Bartlneo, king of fun, gave entertaining performances, The machinery will be Hi running order tonight, when the moving pic tures will be the leading feature. GREAT BRITAIN'S STRENGTH. From the recent trade returns of Great Britain can be learned wherein lies he great reserve power which en ables that country to bu'Jd a greater navy and carry on such long and ex pensive wars. The .wealth of the av erage parson depends greutly on the condition of his health, and for this reason It la essential that we take the best possible care ot lit. An occasion al dose of Hostetter's Stomnch Bitters will do much toward .keeping you In good healtli, and If taken regularly will cure flatuiency, belching, indi gestion, dyspepsia, constipation, ner vousness, liver nnd kidney troubles or mnlariia, fever and 'ague. If you are a suterer from any of these diseases you should certainly give it a trial . It will not disappoint you. G. Of, Barr, Dentist Mansell Building. BT3 Commercial St, Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED 106L Dr. T. It. Ball ' DENTIST. S24 Commercial Street Astoria, Ore. For Sick Headaches try these famous Pills. They remove the cause and act quickly. You will feel like a new person after tak ing Beecham's Pills old tarrwaaf. laWaMa.aMX. PERSONAL MENTION. J. 0. Heck I here from Portland. W, II. Spanks Is here from Taconm. W. Brownson of Portland la In the city. W. Graham and wife of Iiwaco are here. Mr. R. G. Prael Is visiting In Port land. Thos. Dolg 1 In the city from Ne halem. Charley Oray waa In the city yes terday, W. H. Tobln is tn the city from Ft. Stevens. E. Z. Ferguson is In Portland on business. Ceorge Williams, a Seattleite, la In the city H. S. McGowan I In the city from McCowan. E. T. Stafford of Clatsop visited the city yesterday. M. Hopkins came down from Port land yesterday. F. D. Bowman and wife of Fox, Oregon, Is here. E. V. Rogers, a resident of Catlln is a visitor In the city. T. H. 8up;le, a citizen of Bohemia, Oregon, is In the city. W. H. Pope, arrived In the city last nlghl from Portland. J. T. Ross !s In Portland as a mem ber of the grand Jury. M. O. Potter arrl-ed down from Portland yesterday. C, E. Jaklns, an old resident of Sea side, Is In the city. Lieutenant Weeks of Fort Stevens visited the ctty yesterday. A. Olseri and wife, residents of Deep river, are visitors in the city. Street Superintendent Kearney Is In Portland attending the good roads con ventlon. " Chaa. Ring has returned from San Francisco where he took a short course tn engraving. Otto Prael, who had been In the city for a day or two, returned toPort land last night. Conductor L. E. Reed of the A. & C. who has been enjoying a vacation, has returned to his work. Professor M. M. Rlngler, physical director of the Portland Y. M. C. A., was In the city yesterday. N. E. Foster waa In the city yester day. Mr. Foster Is returning to his home In Nehilem from a trip to Port land. Chris Thompson, formerly manager of the I,ouvr, left last night for Port land. He expects to go to Arizona to locate permanently. Mrs. P. F. Holferty and children ar in thi city enroute for their future home on Gray's harbor. They leave on this morning's train. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. N. Calloway, who arrived on Sunday from San Francisco on the steamer Columbia, have taken apartments at the Cole. Benjamin Sweet of Milwaukee, with headquarters In Portland, Is here to inspect the timber of Clatsop county for the purpose of ascertaining to what extent It was injured by the summer fires. Mr. Sweet will remain in this section' the balance of the week. HATS TRIMMED FREE. Mrs. R. Ingleton has just opened up a fine line or ladies' ran nats, want ing skirts, over skirts, woolen shirt waists and under clothes, and all kinds of ladles' and chlldren-a furnishing goods. Hair switches and pompadours. A chance for the elegant $500 piano with each 50c purchase. Welch Block, opposite Budget office. ' ' CHEAP SHOES Are poor economy; but well fitting shoes, made of best materials and sold nt very low prices are both economical and satisfactory : : ; : YOU CAN GET tii km or. S.A.Gimre 543 Bond Street BOYS' ..CLOTHING.. The Largest und Best Assortment in Town ... AT Astoria's Leading House C. H. COOPER'S DON'T theae cool breezy mornings remind you that the ice cream season is about over? Don't they remind you of colder weather-to come? Call at our store and see our fine line of HEATING STOVES ; ; We can suit everybody S A large assortment to choose Coal Oil Heaters, Wood Heaters. Coal Heaters . AlCObOl Heaters for bar use and chafing dish parties FOARD 8 STOKES COMPANY LXJOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE GR EAT QUESTION With most people it is " Where can I buy the cheap est?" Taking quality into consideration, we can solve the problem for you regarding Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Flour and Feed You have only to give us a trial ; HERE ARE A FEW BARGAINS Carnation Cream very fine per can - - - - - - 10c Cutting Packing Company' Tomatoes, per can lOc Cream Sugar Corn choice per can 10c Other goods in proportion. V. H. COPPEY, 483-491 Bond Street r&OQOOCOOOOCOOCOQOOOOCCOCCOOOOOC SjYOU CAN DO M With Yonr Money Carpets, Rugs, Ana every otiier arucie tor tne uome 1 3 i. . , . . 1 . 8 at the Lowest Prices, at the I H. H. ZAPH, - - - The House Furnisher xaxxxwxxaxxaxxxx4xaxxaxxnxxxzxxaxx TRULLINGER, BASTABROOK & CO. ? . . ucci83oaa to , THEO. BRACKER .v, i.'''"'" ' Jobbers and Deaiera in v" doARS, TOBACCOS, SMOKER'S ARTICLES, PLAYING CARDS, STATIONERY, AMBER GOODS, CUTLERY, ETC. ' MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES Pips Repairing A Specialty IS OUR MOTTO . Strict adherence to it enable ni to qualify willing worker to rendet nperior aervice aa bookkeeper and atenographera. Onr instruction ia unusually thorongh a fact o widely known that reputation alone bring, n most of our student. Quality always count. Examine into our facilities better now than erer before. Industrious, willing students make rapid advancement in all studies taken. Call, or write for our catalogue, PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Park and Washington Streets A. P. Armstrong, LL 8., Priodpd from tisi!iiuat$ i NO BETTERjj Than to Purchase Linoleums, Matting I i LA 1 , . uere you cou gci. iuo ukb uuww, Popular Furniture Store of 515 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon