The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 11, 1902, Image 3

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Tho only unadulterated Olivo Oil to bo had in
America (excepting that made from two or three
other Culiforuia orchards) is Gooiwr'H. This oil In
The lust rlfs wm paid yMtrdtty to that both famlllM flv together, notice
known for ita purity, Hkill in preparation, fine tuuto
iiuvor. binall bottles, I5 cents; Iarjjo, $1.26.
Ross, Higglns 6k Co.
mnTr.ANn. Oct. lO.-Wratern Ore
ruii, tJatunlnv Incrcaslnv cloudiness;
Jtmt received tt,uow and
very elegant hue of wawh
ninl f'tll xhirt waist.
Our (tore clow at 6 p. m. every
- day pJoopt Saturday,
Oastoa mIU feed, train an hay.
Sweat crsom for sole. Hofttra.
Wot Coast orator aud shrimp at the
National Oysier IIhiim today.
For Rent Two suite of furnished
rooms for hotwkiHUiIng". 16 Tenth
trvt. .
A lare shipment of German prune
waa received by Johnson Hro. lual
You will And the bmrt ISc meal In
the diy at the Wains; Bun Restaurant,
No. (13 Commercial at root
Subscriber, nill confer a favor by no.
tlfylng thla office of any Irregularity In
the delivery of thla paper.
New aiock of fancy goods Just ar
rival at Yokohama Daxaar. Call and
see the latest noveltUw from Japan.
The Oiympia omiestra will glve'a
dame at Huoml tint I on the 11th of Oc
tober. Admission, TO renin; Indies free,
All amokera smoke the "Pride of
Astoria" cigars. . No bottler made.
Manufactured by MivcFarhme ft Kno
nicycle repairing with aklil and
promptness. Buppllea In stock; work
' guaranteed. Rellanoa Electrical Works
421 Bond Bt.
Home handsome m w couchoa In both
Vclour niid leather upholstering are
ahown at the popular furniture store
of Chan. Ht-ljborn & Hon, They arcuu
aurpaaaed for atyle and quality nnd
ars modest In 'price.
thrift and ability mark the
American, and in manufactur
ing and commerce have placed
the United States first aniong
ine nations oi tne world. No
institution so typifies the
growth of the country as The
Mutual Life Insurance Com.
pany of New York.
It has paid policy-holders
more than any other company
in me worici.
Its assets exceed those of any
omer company in existence.
Amu, onr
Amount paid lo Pollcy-holJrn, vr
Writ for " Whtr. Shall I Imurt
The Mutual Life Insuranci
Company of New York
Rioiako A. McCuupy, PmiiUiit.
Sherwood Ollleapy, Manager, ' Seattle,
C. H. Watterman, State Manager,
Portland, Oregon.
VAN DUSEN & CO, Resident Agents,
Astoria, Oregon.
The four masted achooner Nokornls
arrived yesterday from Ban franciaro.
Pun llelcher baa been unable to be u(
work thla vck owing to Ilium.
We are now receiving shipments of
ground tomatoes (yellow ' and red)
Johnson Bros.
The local lied Men who v lulled the
Chinook My of that ord-r Weilnra.
day, relumed home yUrdy.
Tho '.'liy Tfuchwi' AnwK'latlon w!JI
hold thnir flrt mtwtlng today at the
illuh Hihoul building at 10 o'clock a.
The OrtMpn bakery, rorner Ninth and
C.imnwivi.ii atm-ta. ha now n dinir
nhlo almk of fruit cake and home
nm. mlnomeai.
J.iHiwh iltlm-iia aw today olwervlng
the uiituuil hollduy Yom Klpur, and aa
a t,nannumt aeverol atorea will be
rlcitrd until nfli'r o'cUk k.
We my that our perfection Ulend
MiH'lm nnd Java on li aetomt 10
none. If you gHe It a trial ou'i
my wo, too. JohiiMin llrother.
The rear of the Hallora' Home, which
waa deatroyed by 'the recent fire, I11 lie
Ing repaired. The barn and wore
houm will not be rebuilt at preaenl.
Every pound of our Perflation Hlt-nd
M ha and Java coffee la guaraiittMd
to pleaae. If It does not your money
will be refunded at our atore. John-
eon liroa.
In the tue of O. D. Auatln, charged
wlih attempted criminal aaanult, the
defendant waa dlaohnrged. The hear
Ing whb condu ted at Weatport. tin
ecene of the alleged crime.
Plumbing, tinning, gaa and steam
fitting at lowtat rate and In work- manner. Ordere premptly
executed. Shop. No. &. Bond street.
Rooty n coaJ lints longer, li clee.ner
and makea lei trouble wlUi stoves
and chimney flues than any other coal
on the market. George w. sanoorn,
agent. Telephone Uli.
Th'i Woman's Club will hold the flrwi
regulnr meeting cf ;hn year from 2 to
4 oi.lmk thts afternoon at Uanthorn's
hall. Quotations lu nponw to roli
call will le In line with the club's
work. "
Ilfnutlful pictures by celebrated art
ists, artistically framed, are to le
seen In rich profusion at Clms. Hell-
born A Son's. Nothing more desir
able for the home or more appropriate
as alfts.
Beautifying doctor will remove
superfluous hnlrs and wrinkles from
th face without pain. Scalp treat
ment and Clilorpoaisi wor a specm-
ty. Here for a short time iniy.
Phono Main 29S1.
Otto nrlnkenbarh who died recently In
mi city. The funural was held from
Pohl s undertaking parlors with Inter
ment in Oreenwood oemetery. Rev,
Father Lane, of the Catholic church,
conducted the services, which were held
under the auspices of the flrewers' un
The Oriole Oo Dusket Is a handsome
and Unlit go-cart which can be easily
folded and tarried on the arm, can be
carried In travelling with child In It
and uad us a high (hair at table, can
be conveniently carried on cars, Must
be seen to be appreciated. Prices fg
to l t'ha. Mellborn ft Son are sole
No artlon has yet been taken by the
bar tug engineers who are expected to
go out in sympathy with the Portland
strikers, but It Is thought the order
w!JI come In day or two. The state
ment was niade last night that one of
the lugs might be tied up, but that the
other could not be put out of commis
sion by the strikers.
The Odtzert did not arrlvcjlown un
til mblulirht, and Captain Crang Is not
iiiilte sure ahether he Is running
Mailt boat or morning boat out of As
toria. Agent Taylor states that the
tuxli of business Is unprecedented for
this n. iimin of the year, the volume of.
tcay traffic being exceptionally large,
There Is much salmon moving and that
ndds to the amount of traffic,
It is pretty generally acknowledged
that the fire lost Monday morning was
started by a fire bug and the police de
partment Is on the fct',11 hunt afu-r the
guilty party with good assurance that
he nill l apprehended. A sailor Is
now Incarcerated In the city Jail, ar
rested upon suspleton of having com
mitted the offense. Hut as the stale'
mints, which led to bis arrest, were
made by Dim during a period of Intoxi
cation, not much reliance i placed In
them. Nevertheless his esse will be
thoroughly ulred before Judge Good'
man before he Is allowed to go at lib
II B. Gist, known to his friends as
"King Edward," on account of bis un
usual resemblance to the IlriUwh ruler,
is again In the city, having escaped
from Portland on yesterday morning's
train. Mr. Gist Is the representative
of the California Pav Works Company
and will go to Tillamook today to sup
ply the mills there. During h's lost
visit to Astoria he waa attacked by a
euvfive cow while making a visit to tho
I'nlversAl sash and door factory In the
West End but managed to escape In
jury. m his neat (rip to this factory
he will i" accompanied by the pound-
muster. Mr. Gist Is Wry much pleas
ed to note the rupld development of
the lumbering Industry here, and state
that the industry will make Astoria a
large city.
was given that the house was needed
The plalntlT did not seem In a hurry
to move and while the Incident was
pending the newly, married couple
moved Into a hunting scow at the land-
Inr. Thjre .vas considerable dispute
constantly going on relative to fhe
respective rights of 'he part'es con-
cerncd, but a :llmss was reached a
few days ago. Two of the plaintiff s
children, a boy and a girl, went near
the scow for the purpose of digging
potatoes when, It Is alleged, Mrs. Burn
side made her appearance with a gun
and, leveling the weapon at the child
ren, threatened to blow their heads off
If they did not leave. Mrs. Bumside
claims the gun was not loaded and that
she made ni such threat as claimed.
There Is no knowledge attainable as
to what the decision will be, but It Is
generally conceded that Mrs. Burnslde
will not receive a life sentence.
Thi' proposal advanced' by members
of the co-inty court that a new rourt
houw was a 'pressing need that should
be supplied has caused much interest
amtng taipayers, who, with few ex-
ce.'.tlons .heartily favor the plan. Sen
timent favors the construction of a fine
building that could be used both as
courthouse and cUy hall. The present
headquarter of the city ore as much
an eyesore as those of the county. In
view of the fact that the city consti
tutes the greater portion of the coun
ty, the erection of a structure that
could be used as the seat of govern
infnt of both Is favored. Judge
Trenchard states that the matter was
brought up by the court that there
might bo free discussion. He says h
has heurd few complaints, wh'le scores
of taxpuyers have expressed their ap-
provul of the plan. The question of
a tax levy far the purpose will soon be
taken up by the couit.
Hens tor Fulton returned to the city
yesterday ,af!r an absence of about
two -weeks. Th senator looks very
well, but he has oeen suffering with a
severe cold and his voice Is husky,
"Sort of campaign voice you're wear
ing, senator," suggested a reporter
"Well, It dos sound that way, but It's
merely a bad cold," replied the Astoria While away Mr. Fulton
made x trip through the Willamette
valley, where he spent several days
with friends. His trip proved an en
joyable ont. When the subject of
Iiolitlcs vas broached, the senator de
clined to talk. Ke said he "did not
care to discuss the rxuatlon, as the
legislative session was altogether too
far off His friends, however, seem
well satisfied with the outlook and pre
diet the election of Mr. Fulton to the
Vnited States senate. The announce
ment that H. W .8cott had jumped In
to the fray, while not authoritative, has
excited much Interest In the approach
ing legislative sesalor.. It Is believed
In this city that Mr. gcott will not
develop nearly as much strength as
Mr. Kulton.
Several very bad boys have been an
noying the people living In the neigh
borhood of McClure school for some
time past, and last night "matters
reached a climax, many complaints of
their depredations being received at
this office. The boys resorted to the
favorite prank of placing a large club
against the door of some unsuspecting
resident, then ringing the door-bell, of
throwing mud at houses and otherw'w
misbehaving themselves. Officer
Thompson was sent to the scene of the
trouble but no arrests were made last
night. School Director Higglns. who
wa one of the complainants, states
that he knows the names of several of
the boys, and that he will cause their
arrest If the depredations continue
Actuated by consideration for the feel
ings of the parents, Mr. Higglns re
frained from making any arrests lost
night, but a recurrence of the annoy
ance will Involve the buys in brlous
Oscar Ostrom will preach at the First
Lutheran chuurch morning and even
ing tomorrow. Sunday school as us
ual. All are Invited. Evening wor-
! ship Is always In the English language.
Grace Episcopal cl.urch: Morning,
prayer with sermon, 11 o'clock. Sun
day school at 12:30. Evening prayer
and sermon. 7:30. Holy Innocent's,
Cppertown, a. m.
ltev. Harold Oberg will preach In the
Methodist dhurch. Morning theme:
"Missing It by an Inch." Evening-
theme: "The Brook by Tue Way." A
warm welcome for all.
iJaptlst church. The subject of ser
mons will be: "A Question as to
Faith," and "The Message of Recon
ciliation." All other services as usual.
A cordial Invitation extended to everybody.
Andrew Hiimnitu, a Finn fisherman
living In East Astoria, wus yesterday
committed lo the Insane asylum nnd
left for Salem In tho evening In charge
of Sheriff Mnvllle, , Hannula s in
sanity was brought on by Illness.
Tho new mantel folding beds are des
tined to supercede the old styles. Made
of metal they are vermin proof, sani
tary and the acme of convenience and
neatness. Ask to see them, both In
wood and metallic, nt Chas. Heilborn
In the case of Ous Gronnell, charged
with assault by, Peter Peterson, a mo-
tlon was made yesterday In the Justice
court that a change of venue be grant
ed. The motion Is now pending, it is
desired that the cuse be heard at
Olnev where the allcKed offense wus
Put for th't tamely appearance of two
fishermen there would have been serl
ous t'ondiiErntion In L'ppertown Thurs
day nbrht, and this city would have
been visited by two disastrous fires In
one week, both possibly of Incendiary
origin. The old Devlin rnnnuy Is oc
cupied by two fishermen who discover
ed iii-oii entering the building Thurs
day night, lhat some m'Bcreant had
soaked u piece of net In lacquer and
setting fire to It had thrown the bias
ing mass through a window. Whle
one of the men extinguished the flames
the other took after a suspicious look
ing character running up the dock .
The man escaped, but yesterday morn
ing Sheriff Llnvllle urrested O. Mitch
ell, who lives near the cannery, aa a
aiiHiHH't. The man Is now lodged In the
county Jail awaiting a hearing. There
arc circumstances attendtng the case
which point to his guilt, but nothing
positively Is known.
It wus reported late last night that
the painters of this city would go on
strike. The grievances ot the men
could not be ascertained, nor wn It
possible to verify the rumor. Accord
ing to the current Bitty, tho strll.i had
not been definitely decided upon, but
wns pending.-
Brecker nnJ Beckel, an eastern con
cern, will operate a aawmm on io
CawllU at Llttla Fulls. The capacity
of the mill will be 80,000 feet per day.
and tho shipments are expected to be
mostly Enst-rn. The work or putting
up the build Inrfs has commenced and
la .advancing rapidly towards, com
pletion. Olson's logging camp, wnicn
Is lu the Immediate vicinity of the site
of the proposed works, will furnish all
the logs,
A remarkable occurrence waa noted
yesterday afternoon on th waterfront
Three vessels are at anchor oft the
central flirt of the city The disabled
Cypromene lies nearest the lower har
bor, the schooner Nnkonils is moored n
short distance east, while the barken
,1.... t. u a. ,.. .
hub ioii oinu'i in-, stiii runner up
tho river. W hn the tide turned ves-
t rday afternoon and commenced flood-
ing uie vypromene commenced to
swing, but the Nokomls remained stern
down the stream, The John Smith
likewise begtu to come around with the
tide. Both the ship and burkentlne
changed their positions and were head
ed down stream for some time, before
the action of the tide resulted In any
change In the position of the schooner.
although th-j latter vessel waa an
chored between the two, An explan
ation of this peculiar state of affairs
would doubtless prove Interesting.
The case of Mrs. David Burnslde, of
txuriimmiB uanning, charged with
threatening to kill two children, was
heard yesterday afternoon in the Jus
tire court. The evidence was submit
ted without argument and the decision
under advisement by Judge Goodman,
wijl be announced today. The facts
as brought out by the evidence, are
these: August Fr'anke, the plnlnUff.
claims to have leased the place owned
by .David Burnslde for a term of five
years allowing Mr. Burnslde theprtv-
llege of occuoylnif a room In the house
nid also to reserve the orchard and
dwelling house for his own use; when
due notice had been given the lessee
to vacate. It seems that Mr. Burnslde
some three weeks ago, married the de
fendant and as It was not convenient
A 50-trame bowling try-out Is in
progress at the Commercial club alleys,
and more than 50 men are entered. The
try-out will end about November 1.
The Irving alleys will shortly be
thronged aga'n with bowlers, and the
outlook for the coming season Is
bright. There Is some talk of an all
Astoria team Inviting" the Portland
teams down during the winter, and
the projtosul meets with favor.
Whether or not another CommercVtl
Irving tournument will be held this
year Is problemaUcal .but It Is ex
pected n contest will be arranged.
CaHnin Astbury. of Irving's 1901 team.
Is very anxious that the tournament
be Inaugura'ed, as it always creates
much Interest In the sport. The Com
mercial team will doubtless partici
pate In the lnt?r-stte tournament th
season ,nni expectB to mske a good
Until the bodlcB of the two sailors,
Flrgussen and Hudson, who were
drowned while attempting to escape
from the Austrasla, are found, Coroner
Pohl will be unuhl? to continue his in
vestigation. When the bodies are
washed ashore however, the coroner
will conduct a careful Inquiry Into the
manner In which they came to their
death .and all the facts will doubtless
be brought to lUht. The statement of
the West Astoria fishermen that men
from the ship warned them away from
the drowning men at the point of rilles
will give the Investigation a touch of
sensationalism. Thse fishermen are
accredited with the statement that
they could have saved the sailors had
not the ship's men Interfered. Coroner
Pohl says he has not yet Interviewed
the fishermen, but that he has located
them and will oltJ them to appear ns
witnesses at the Investigation should
the bodies be found. He has already
taken the testimony of the officers and
men of the vessel.
Miss Sadie Sutherland to visiting in
D. F. Wlnton visited the West Side
C. W. White of Warrenton visited
the city yesterday.
Harrison Allen and wife are sojourn
ing at Cannon Beach.
William Larson was yesterday fei
from his Lewis and Clark dairy..
Dr. Miio Walton, of San Francisco,
is visiting In the city for a few days.
Dr. Henderson left up on last night's
train on a professlonil visit to Knap
pa. Mrs. Henry Harrison returned last
evening from a brief visit to Warren-tpn.
Carl Johnson visited the city yester
day from his home on the Lewis and
J. T. Ross, vvho has been In SeatUe
for the past few days, has returned
Fred Durett ot Salem, who has been
In the employ of J. ,3. uemnger, pi
last evening for Portland by the Bailey
The Van Dusen Investment Co. to
Katie Twomala, lot S. block 128, First
AddlUon to Van Dusen's Astoria: 1300.
I. Vanduyn and wife to Horace H.
In Ine, west half of section 16, T JN,
R 6 W; 3,:00.
Eva Eby and husband to John Haha,
lot 7, block 3H; lot 8, block 109; tot
block 110, MeCIure's; JUSt.
Mis. R. Ingieton has Just opened up
a fine line of ladies' fall hats, walk
ing skirts, over skirts, woolen snirt
waists and under clothes, and all kinds
of ladles and children's rurnisntng
goods. Hair switches and pompadours.
chance for the elegant $500 piano
with each 50c purchase. Welch Block,
opposite Budget office.
Will Be Sold at Cost
Must Be Closed Out at Once
Astoria Tailoring Co.
Arc poor economy; but
well fitting shoes, made
of best materials and
sold at very low prices
are both economical and
satisfactory : : ; r
vor CAN (i
543 Bond Street
' The Largest und Best
Assortment lo Town .
Astoria's Leading House
DON'T these cool breezy mornings remind you that the
ice cream season is about over? Don't they remind
you of colder weather to come?
Call at our store and see our fine line of
We can suit everybody
A large assortment to choose from
Coal Oil Heaters, Wood Heaters, Coal Heaters
AlCChOl Heaters for bar use and chafing dish parties
, With most people it is " Where can I buy the cheap
est?" Taking quality into consideration, we can
solve the problem for you regarding
Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Flour and Feel
, You have only to give us a trial
' Carnation Cream very fine per can -10c
Catting Packing Company's Tomatoes, per can - - - lOe
Cream Sugar Corn, choice per can - - 10c
; Other goods in proportion.
V. H, COPPBY, 483-491 Bond Street
M With Your Money Than to Purchase
a Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Matting
S And every other article for the borne p here you can get the Beat Qoods
j at the Lowest Prices, at the Popular Furniture Store of ;
I H. H. ZAPH, - - - The House Furnisher
sccoassoBS to
, Jobbers arid Dealers In
Pips Repairing
A Specialty
515 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon
Strict adherence to it enables tu to qualify willing workers to reader
superior service as bookkeepers and stenographers. Our instructioa is
nnnsnally thorough a fact 10 widely known that reputation alone bring,
ns most of out students. Quality always counts. Examine into oar
facilities better now than ever before. Industrious, willing students make
rapid advancement In all studies taken. Call, or write for our catalogue.
Park and Washington Streets A. P. Armstrong, LI 8., Friti,:; .,?