j0 tv r THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1002 W hava the kind you want. Wi want an opportunity to dem onstrate what wa can do for you on ftted Coffees. Bend u your order for any grudtt, and w t will mated It for you at a con lderable savin-. (JIVH UH A THIAL, Ross. HIggitis & Co. iitltiii. ti.ai i yilC PllilD StOlliltt. TBLBPHOND Ml. TUB WKATRR. PORTLAND, Oct. 7. Origan, stiow- r. 35c RIBBONS 22c Auullier treat in tUmVms Today wo place on tale 1 000 yar-la of th finest quality hnlln Tnlleta In nit thft lead liiu liJf-liite, cream, )tnk, litf )i I bluff, reaoda, ijreen, black, olil rNM and hollo, four Inches wide The bent neck ri 1)1 you ooii buy, regular il5c iiullly (or 22c per yard The A. DUNBAR CO. Our store clout at Q p. in. every day swept Saturday. Oaaton sella feed, train and hay, Sweet crtam for eaJa. Ikxiflers. Very today. like grupr at Johnson 1 1 rod' Went fount oytr mii4 thrltnp nt th N'nlioual Oyster House May. Tho Aral sweet apple elder of amutoti Just In.-JOIt.NSON 1)1108. the Girt wanted for general housowork, Apply in Twelfth street. For Ron t -Two eultee of furnlnhod room for housekeeping. 105 Tenth street. A large shipment of Oermnn prunes wua received ly Johnson Ilroa. Inst nlKht. The Utdy of tlii Into F.J.l'Kifnmn wn tnken up to Hknmnkiiwa yester day for hurlnl, You will find the beat ISc meal In the dty at Uie Illslng Sun Restaurant. No.' 612 Commercial atreet. Handsome pictures nre given with Archer' starch. Call and are them nt Johnaon Brothers' Hlore, Watson J. Hinder and Ml Olga Noe were yenttrdny grunted a marrViBe Urease by County Clerk Clinton. An attachment suit brounht by A M. Pliuiiaii vs. Ous Ilngglilum wua yesterday settled and dlamlssed. Subscribers will confer a favor by no- tlfylng thla oftlfe of any Irregularity In tho delivery of thla pupcr. New atock of fancy goods Just ar rived at Yokohama Daa&ar. Coll and see the latest novelUea from Japan. The Olyniplu orchestra will give n dance at Suoml hnll on the 11th of Oc tober. Admission, HO cents; lndloa free. All amokora amoke the "Pnoe of Aatsorla" cigar. No bettter made. Manufactured by MaoFarlane ft Kno bel. Koine handsome m v couches In both velour und leather upholstering are shown nt the popular furniture atoro of Chaa. He'tborn & Son. They are un surpassed for atylo and quality und are modest In price." Off Colour? Practically the whole English speaking population of the world keep themselves in condition by using Beecham's Pills. . told Knnrwtera-Io boiei loo. and a Evangellat Blandly will hold meet Inga avery evening thla week In the Army'a hull, The public la Invited to be prwnt. Bicycle repairing with akltl and promptnen. Bupplle In BUK-k; work guaranteed. Reliance Klectrtcnl Work 431 llond Ft. A United Htnlea marine by the name of Hiin.'it waa yeaterduy taken to the hoapltnl, a aufferer from Inflamutory rlii'iimullnm. John Iljukovli'h an employe of the tUtMlon ritatuiirMiii w tuken lo Hi, Slury a hoaplt,il yeaterday to receive treatment for Inltumutory rheuiimtlain. Try Archer -rfert uia und cold water attirch, and aerure tti" U-nt n: auna in in lirunary, There la nHtin-r aconuiuy nor pleaaure In ualiig poor alnrch. Johnaon I iron. numbing, tinning, gaa and ateam fitting at loweat rat and In work tmin-nk manner. Ordora promptly executed. Bhop. No. 425, Dond atreet, JOHN A. MONTGOMERY. Roalyn ooal laau longer, Li cleaner and itmkea lea trouble wlt?i atovea and ohlmney flua than any other cool on the market. George "(V. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. IVatitlful plciurea by celebrated art- lata, artlatlcnlly framed, are to be m-i'n in rich profualon at Chaa. !!!! twrn A Son'a. Nothing mora dcalr able for the home or more appropriate aa glfta. A charge haa tm-n preferred agnlnat . It. Auaten of Weatport by Richard W. Htrnchan for attempting a i-rlmln ul immuill on hla four-yeur-old daunh ter Pearl. The cnae will have a hear ing ! Weatport. Penuttfylng doctor will remove auperfluoua hnlra and wrinkle from tlu face without pain. Scalp treat ineiil and ClilorHHtlat work a apec'iil- ty, Ilpre for a ahort time only, rhone Main 2S1. Fnmlle nrnckenlwck died In thla city Momluy night from Kidney complaint Deceased wua 3s yeari ot age and a native of U'Tmniiy. Hla funeral will be held In Portland under the nuaplcra of the Ili-ewera' union. The new mantel folding bed" are dea- lined to aunereede the old atylea. Made of metal they are vermin proof, aanl tnry and the acme of convenience and ncttiiea. Aak to aee them, both In wood and metallic, nt Chaa. Hellborn fon'a. ' The community will regret to learn of tho protracted lllneaa of Mr. tfi. C. Holdvn. lie hna been lied-fnat for the paat month and there la no hiunedlale change for tho better In hla condition, Mr. Ttolden la widely known and hla lllneaa will be unlveraully lamented, At the laat meeting of the Aatorla Centnil Labor Council a revolution wn pnd to rnlae money to help the Ponnaylvanln coal miner, Hereafter the regular meeting nWfht of the conn. 11 will be the flrat and third Friday Inatead of n nt present the flrat and second Mondnya of eai'h month. Tharo wore 60 cmiphw present nt the dance given by the ladles of the Mae cnbea Monday evening In Ifanthorn' hnll. The affair was enjoyable from every point ot view. The committee ked hard to , have everything pass off nicely and deserve every credit or the success of their efforts. Prof. Smith and Mr. Kern furnished the music. Flames broke out Inst evening at bout 8 o'clock nt the foot of Seventh street uiuongst tho blackened rulna of Monday morning's fire. The depart ment was called out and a stream of ater oon extlnmilshed the blaase, There have been smouldering m'es ln different narta of the rubbish for the past two day nnd not much attention hna been paid to them, but that of lust nla-ht was rather too close to the elijhbnrlns buildings to let pass un noticed. An Installation was held by tne Knights nnd Lndies of Securities last night which resulted In the following fflcera being Installed: President, F. Welch:, vice-president, Mrs. Lydla Van Buren; second vice-president, Mrs Sarah Franclsconlch: prelate, Mrs, ildget McCnnn; fllnnnclnl secretary. Mrs. Mary A. Clewns: corresponding secretary, A. T. Hrakke; conductor. Maria Schul; guard, Mary I. Welch: sentinel ,Mra. Mury Spelmler. At the conclusion of the Installation exercise nn elegant lunch waa aerved. FISH WARDEN'S REPORT. Vuii Dtiscu' Nfjt'iubcr Accoiifi (J I vcn Intrrcatliifr l-'ltfiiri-a. To tho llonurable.lioard of Flah 'om- mlaloner, Halem, Ora.j Gentlemen: The recaita of my of flea from account of license iued during the month of September arr4urijted to I77S, which waa In ae eord.mca with th following: 16.1 Individual fishing licence... II8S 00 72 gill-net llcanne lW 00 m aet-net license 126 00 I tanner' license (firat-c lues) .. 100 Ot IB 1sh dealer license. flrt- l) 160 00 1 flah deal'-r llrenae (second class) .,,,,,, 25 00 1 trap IS 00 1 aelna license for 100 feet addi tional web for aelna No. ..,. t 00 I ln license (750 feet long),... IS 00 Total 1776 00 The hntchery work that wa have un dertaken for thl season we have well under way nnd from report relv?d from the different station, result so far have been obtained a follow: TIIR CLACKAMAS RIVER STATE HATaiKRY. At tho Clacknmn hntcjiery they got throiiuifh taking egg August !t1t, and only succeeded In getting l.tM.OOO. SALMON RIVER HATCHERY, At the Salmon river hatchery only 1,001000 egg of the early chinook va rl.'ty were secured, na previously re port'"!. M'KKNJitF RIVER STATION. At the MeKenzle river station they Hcg.tn getting egg August 19th, nnd up lo 8:ptembr 29th had succeeded In taking Wf..H). From report received from thl a!a tjon we may expect a fw more egg, for they still have almon In their trips for spawning purpose and will be able to get a few more egg, though nil great iiMltlonal quantity Is ex pected. GRAND P.ONDE RIVER STATION On the Grand Rondo they began get ting egg September 13th and up to S'-ptember 27th had succeeded In tak ing l,62t.000. From report from thla station they have now on hand between their rack salmon enough to get about a many more egg na what they have so far report d. ONTARIO STATION. At the Ontario station no eggs had been taken up to the tb, of Svplem ler. At that station thay have a fine lot of chinook salmon between their ruck nndy for spawning purpose, and should lie able lo get from them large qunntltty of egga. Superin tendent ftrown figure that he should berln irettlng egg !n'de of a week or ten day. Wit SON RIVER STATION. At the Wilson river atitlun they ara virtually through taking eyg from the chlnool: variety of salmon. They begun getting their eggs September 19th and finished up the 27th. 13S.O0O eggs were nil mat were aecureo. At thla station we will alao attempt to do work with the allveratde varlHty of Union, which are beginning to come along now nnd should lie ready to spawn within a month or alx weeks. YAQUINA STATION. At the Yaiulna station no eggs have ben. socured ns yet. We have every thing In readiness here at thl station nnd a fine lot of salmon betw?n racks, but us yet they have not begun to spaw n. ALPE.V RIVER STATION. At the Alaea station the first egga were taken September t'lh and up to September 27th 13,500 were secured. SIl'S LAW HATCHURY, On the Sluslnw only two attempt have been made to take eggs: Septem ber IS 63'X were token, September 2!JI 5300 wer taken, making n total of II COO. VMPQUA HATCHER. On the TOmpquA they tie-in gett'ng egg Septero er 1th nnd up to Sep tember 80th had succeeded in taking 615,000. At that time they had a few salmon remaining between their racks from which eggs would be secured, but It would not Increase the number re ported very materially. SOUTH COOS RIVER HATCHflRY. At thi station no egg have as yet been taken. CO-Jt'lLLE STATION. At thto station no egga have a yet been taken. Ve" respectfully submitted, II. O. VAN DUSEN, Flah Warden. DEFEATED THE BACHELORS. Single Men Failed to Get a Look lirat the Alleys Last Night. Willie and It la the married men Should thus unhapp'ly meet their fall 'Tla better to have bowled and lost Than never to have bowled at all. When some poor, mUigiild.d bachelor made thla poetic prediction of the out- tfome ot last night' contest between the married and single men of the Comen lal club, hi pipe waa going. There was never a time when the singles had a ghost of a show to win, and the slaughter wua really awful. Indeed, It waa one of the saddest things In the history of local bowling. Had the pins been as large aa telegraph pole and the balls the slxe of SantM-Dumont'a airship, the bachelor would still have been found wanting. They stamped themselves as lobster of the flrat water, whereas th double rolled ttyi' ntiy, f.'apta'n Vy, t tho whom tl-sd ui for Ufa (or until death or tha court separata them), waa tha bright, shin ing star of tha night. With total dlaregard for the finer (enslbllltle of fh ngl, he cracked out 21 pin, establishing a new local four-game record. The beat prevlou tourna ment total waa 207, scored by Will C. Law laat winter, Pye bowled In wonderful fo.'iii nnd hi In were earned. Ill co.' ware 60, M M. SO. II. W. Dean secured the next beat to taJ, 17S, while there wa but one other total over 160. The wore were a fol low: . SINGLE MEN. P. 8. Hovey 1I V. W. Woodfleld 122 Frank Peterson 13$ P. E. Peterson , 13J J. W. Mathena 122 E. W. MeCabe 119 MARRIED MEN. Herman Wise 1M ft. W, Dean 17$ James Keating i ....135 A. S. Tee ..12S II. Coopr , 137 B. J. Pye 216 The gtorea by game were aa fol io wa: Married men .... 241 22 21 22J-SS7 Single men 1S 209 232 171800 At the foncluslon of the contest the benedict were entertained at supper by their defeated frlrnd. It la the Intention of the bowling committee to enter a team In the Interr state tournament thl winter. MARINE NOTES. The schooner John A., lumber laden for Son Frr. uclsco, arrived down from ortland yesterday. , The schooner Fred E. Sander ar rived from Portland yesterday. The vessel ha lumber for Han Francisco. The Hrttlsh ship Pass of Hrander. which arrived In Monday evening, Is from Algoa bay via. Victoria, She la In ballast. The learner Geo. W. Elder arrived In yeaterday from San Francisco. hna been reorted that thla to to be the lust trip, of the Elder on the San Francisco-Portland run and that the State of California Is to take her place. but the lo!l agent of the O. R N. Co.. has heard nothing of the pro posed change. It appeared In a San Francisco paper several days ago that the Elder would be placed on another run, but this has not been confirmed The British trans-Paclflc freighter ,lme Itranch was expected down from Portland last night but up to a lat hour had not arrived. This steamer th largest vessel that ever put over the Columb'a river bar. When she leave out from thla port she will ave on board coal and wheat amount Ing In all to over 8,000 tons. Conald erable 'merest has been manifest In the atenmer and upon her arrival here It Is expected that everyone will want to have a look. The Poplar Branch, now on Its way to this port, la even lurgr than the Lime Branch; being wo-tenths .of a foot longer, which mnk"s a difference of eight tons In the groxs teglster of the two ships, a dlf ference that will hardly be disrtngu'ah ed. It both mammoth vessels are In port at the same time It might be ad Isnble for the neglected regret ta to be held in honor of the event. THE NEW ENGLISH STAMPS. Now that the king of England ha been crowned that government la pre. parljig to Issue a new aeries of post age atnmpa showing him wearing his crown In place ot the wreath repre. aented on the present ones. It Is gen erally admitted that now Is the proper me to make the change as It was con' sldered Inappropriate to represent him wearing hla crown before the corona tion had actually taken place. The roper time to commence taking Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters is at the first symptom of a disordered atomach such aa sick headache, belching, heart burn. Indigestion .dyspepsia or consti pation. By strengthening the stomach and perfecting the digestion these ail meius are completely cured and your health In general is made better. Be sure to try a bottle. HATS TRIMMED FREE. Mrs. R. Ingleton has just opened up a fine line of ladle' fall hats, walk ing skirts, over Bklrta, woolen shirt waists and under clothes, and all kinds of ladles' and children's furnishing goods. Hair switches and pompadours. A chance for the elegant 1500 piano with each 50c purchase. Welch Block, opposite Budget office. .GREAT. CLOSING OUT SALE DRESS GOODS FLANNELS LACE Cl'RTAINS LINENS GOWNS DRESS SKIRTS UNDERWEAR NOTIONS, ETC, ETC. Will Be Sold at Cost Must Be Closed Out at Once Astoria Tailoring Co. PKRSONAL MENTION. Jake Rradller of Seaside I In the city. Captain Dolg i !p the city from the Nehalem. Mrs. Sarah Ros ha returned from Portland. Dell Scully cme down from Port land yesterday. Fred J. Broa-n and wit are In Port land on a visit. R. M. Wooden wa In from his farm In Nehalem yetrday. Father Dlelman returned yeaterday from a visit to Seaside. J. H. Jahnnen and family came up from Seaaile yeaterday. John Seine, the well-known box fac tory man la In Portland. Mr. George Mc Bride returned from the West Side yeaterday. Father Lane ha returned from Til- lomook where he paid a paatorial vllt. Mr. F. F. DeYo and daughter Lou will very noon leave for Berkley. Call. fornla where they will pend the win ter. v. A. Honstonwn a passenger on the Bailey GatZTrt when the ateamer arrived down from Portland yeater day afternoon. MUs Nellie Morrison who haa been on a brief visit to the Went Side re turned yesterday to her home In thi city. Ed. ftldway and wife arrived in the city yesterday from California and will go on to Seattle .their place of residence, after flrat visiting Oregon City. Mr. Tiidaway former home. At one time Ridaway wo an employe of the Lighthouse Tender Columbine and I known here. The couple are return ing from their honeymoon. BINDER-NOE NTPTIALS. A charming wedding took place laat even'ng at 614 Exchange street Mr. Wa'.son J. Binder and Misa Olga Noe being the contracting parties. Rev. William Seymour Short officiated. The bride waa beautifully attired In white silk mull and carried ln her hand a bouquet of bride's rosea. Mis Alice Noe .In pale blue organdy ,waa brides maid. Mr. William Binder stood up with hla brother. The ceremony was performed beneath a horseshoe made of ivy and La France roses. The rooms were handsomely decorated with Ivy, La France rose and hydrangeas. A number of friends and relative were present and the ladies all voiced the single sentiment that the bride looked "perfectly splendid." Mr. and Mr. Binder will not leave the city on a wedding trip at the present time, but will begin housekeeping at once. REVISED TAX ROLL. Following Is the tax roll as revised by the board of equalisation. The board cut down the valuatton nearly 12,000. Acres tillable land. 4.460.54, $36,449. Acres non-tillable land 393,016.52, tl,- 101.611. Improvements on deeded lands, $97,- 7S0. Town and city lota. 11.104.901. Improvements on lots, $394,560. Improvement on lands not deeded or patented, $17,430. No. miles railroad bed, 50, $125,000. Na miles street railway bed, 2.5, $3.b00. Value railway rolling stock, $32,200. Miles of telograph and telephone lines 507, $10,654. Value of steamboats, sailboats, sta tionery engines and manufacturing machinery, $37,720. Merchandise and stock In trade. $126.S35. Farming implements, wagons, etc . $$.i.M0. Money, $22,150. Notea and accounts, $5.S30. No. shares of stock 750. $35,000. Household furniture, watches, etc. $114,54!.. Horses and mules, 629, $9,635. Cattle 3,157, $36,775. Sheep and goats, S28, $1,041. Swine 299, $467. Gross value of property $3,323,083. Exemptions, $140,080. 1 Total taxable property, $3,183,003. n educated fool Is a bigger fool than an uneducated one. Are poor economy; but well fitting shoes, made of best materials and sold at very low prices are both economical and satisfactory : : : : YOU CAN GET THEM OF i IS.A.Gimre 543 Boud Street s cheap I SHOES h " n ' '.I''. :'-.' ! ' '"''" I.' '.''i'tf . BOYS' ..CLOTHING.. The Largest und Best Assortment in Town .. . ! ' AT Astoria's Leading House C. H. COOPER'S ' '- - -' ;. I j ...''it ' - ' I ION'T these cool breezy morniRgs remind you that the 8 1 ice cream season is about over? Don't they remind you of colder weather to come? Call at our store and see our fine line of HEATING STOVES We can suit everybody A large assortment to choose from Coal Oil Heaters. Wood Heaters, Coal Heaters AlCOllOl Heaters for bar use and chafing dish parties FOARD 8 STOKES COMPANY I OOOOOOOOOCttOOOOOOO(X'X- THE GREAT QUESTION With most people it is " Where can I buy the cheap est?" Taking quality into consideration, we can solve the problem for you regarding Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Floor and Feed You have onlv tagive us a trial HERE ARE A FEW BARGAINS Carnation Cream very fine per can - - - - - 10c Cutting Packing Company's Tomatoes, per can - 10c Cream Sugar Corn choice per can - - - -, - - 10c . Other gocda in proportion. V. H. COFFEY, 483-491 Bond Street r,XCKXXXOOOC TX41TTI!:iTtJXT2TXeX'IX4i:'ir4XKX4XaX gYOU CAIN DO With Your Money S r a rv i tarpeis, wigs, And every other article for the borne jj at . the Lowest Prices, at the a H.H. ZlPa, - - iaX4XX43X4XKX4iaXXSXXXnXOXXXi:X4XKXXSIIX4l TRULLINGER, EASTABROOK & CO. CCC1SSORSTO , THEO. BRACKER Jobbers and Dealers ln CIGARS, TOBACCOS, SMOKER'S ARTICLES, PLAYING CARDS, STATIONERY, AMBER GOODS, CUTLERY, ETC. MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES , Pips Repairing A Specialty mm IS OUR MOTTO Strict adherence to it enables ns to qualify willing workers to rendet superior service aa bookkeepers and stenographer. Our instruction i unusually thorough a fact so widely known that reputation alone brings us most of our students. Quality always counta. Examine into our facilities better now than ever before. Industrious, willing student nik rapid advancement in all studies taken. Call, or write for our catalogue. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Park and Washington Street A. P. Armstrong," Lt. B Principal NO be I I t; K 8 Than to Purchase S -i. nx4.:- m Linuicums, "-auiug t where you can get the Best Goods, Popular Furniture Store ol 6 ThelHouse Furnisher B 515 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon