The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 28, 1902, Image 3

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Kiich iiflckttRO coataino a premium vnluod at from ft to 15
cent All premiums nro good quality "no scheme good,"
China porceiuin cups and saucers, plates, bowls, all decorated.
Nuppci-H, hi I In and pepper shakers, Intent designs. . 5 Pound
.puckngw, 25 tout.
Ross, Hfggltis 6t Co.
J.' he );iUj startuu.
tbubphonb m.
Tli point of superiority we clnliu for
our ladle'
TIuy are 2-elsi, fall-pique sewed
mid count In thick and l-t autumnal
color. Tlwy giv unvarying atwfao
have f ituiJ that economy consist in
buying tho beetnot the clnn0t.
Our huge stock glove mil all oilier
11 leu good were purchased to please
smart shoppers.
The A. Dunbar CO. .
Our itore close at 0 p. in. every
day exonpt Saturday.
Ckalon elta feed, (rata ana hay.
Sweet cream for ale. Hoefler.
Iv u your onli-r for crab npph'S
iuw.-JOINS0N nnos.
' You wilt And the boot 15o meJ In
Uh ally et the ItUIng Bun Restaurant.
No. I3 Commercial street.
New stock of fancy good Just ar
rival t Yokohama Daiaar. Call and
ee the latml novvlUe from Japan.
All smoker emoke the "Pride of
Aatorta" clKnrt. No bettter made.
Manufactured by MocFarlane ft Kno
txl. Illcycle repairing with iklil end
protnptnes. Supplies tn tock; work
guaranteed. Reliance Electrical Worka
421 Doud ft.
The National Oyater House hue been
reoiwiied by V. Adam. Fresh chick
en taiuulie and Chill eoncarnu are
made a epi" lulty. Open day and night.
Some lata design In the ever popular
MorrU chain Jut reoclved from the
lanufacturers. Call early und make
your choice while there are many to
elect from Chaa. Hellborn & Bun.
Plumbing, tinning:, ga and eteam
fitting at Inwtft ralea and In work
mmi-llke manner. Ordcra promptly
executed. Shop, No. 4:'5. Bond atreet.
Iron beds are fast superceding the
umborsome wooden article because
hey nro, more durable, sani
tary and vermin proof. The latest
roduotlona have been received by
;ha. Hellborn & Son.
r IW
, Die British ahlp Dynomoue arrived in
port yesterday.
Tb Geo. W. Elder arrived at the 0.
0. It. A N. dock from Han Frsnolsco lent
First shipment, new crop fig jtint in.
The board'uf Miialiisation will tmxit Jo
morrow to review the ssssesamcut roll.
The steamer Hue II, Klniore left out
fur Tillamook yesterday morning at 10
Try yellow jacket niolaW randy 10c
lr package. Boat on earth for sale by
JOHN.SON niton.
Fisher opera bouse was crowded last
night lowitneaa Oorloo' minstrel. The
performance gave general atifactiou
Jum received a big lot of line era
alHIa of all kinds. You will ulwuye
find what you want SVKNtKiN'ti
Itcrnt Hkjold baa made declaration of
Intentiou of becoming a citizen of the
United State. Ho Is a native of Nor
Tbe HritisU ahlp Furcat Hall arrived
uuwn Irou 1 or liana yeeterday ana waa
buey tbe balunee of the Jay iu lightering
bar cargo of grajo.
To prevent worry don't take tine
from yuur work to think about It, then
whn night comce Bleep will arrive too
mn to give worry a chance.
A handsome and ttyllah aldeboard
It a convenlenct appreciated by every
houackceper. Bee the new atock at the
torv of Clwia. Hellborn 4 Son.
Oixi. L Colwell III Uwaco lumlx-r
merchant, baa purchased a rcaidenoe in
Atoria, und haa Kcru A Heath, Sea
View contractor, nt work remodeling
Tbe Mayflower brought over 1000 case8
of canned claiua from the Sea Ileach
Tacking worka yexlerday. The giKxla
were akiwod in tbe O. It. A N. dock.
Ttoalyn coal laata longer, ti cleaner
and make lew trouble with etovea
and ohlmnejr fluee than any other coal
on the market. George Vf, Sanborn,
agent, Telephone 1311.
TtufTeti to pleane the moat faattdloue,
the latest crvullont apkndldly planned
and nutgnlflcenUy constructed, unex
'clhd for elegance. Your Inspection
'Invited. Chaa. Hellborn A Son.
We have jttat received a large consign
ment of fancy mountain fruit direct
from the grower, which we will offer at
apecinl price on Monday morniug.
A. P. Leounrd, candidate on the re
publican ticket for auditor of Pacific
county, Wash,, and J. II. Hubler, caudi
date for treasurer, have been in the city
during the last two days, leaving for
South Bend yeeterday.
. Wo have tho largest and finest assort
ment of grapes that over arrived In tbe
cily which we offer you at' n very low
prioe. U08S HIGGIN8 CO.
. A Semi-Military style
and most pleasing sack suit
ever shown.
It is made in that high
class individual merchant
tailored style so characteris
tic of every C. K. & B.
The materials are of the
latest colorings and weave,
making it extremely popular
with young men who know
a thing or two about snappy
up-to-date styles.
Just the thing for early fall
Now on sale at
ft ttl'ASU
For rent Nicely furnlahed front
room, Suitable for one or two gen-
tl-mn. No, 140 Fourth etreut.
Each pound of our peifeelion blend
Mocha and Java coffee J a sample.
Your mouer will be refunded if it doe
hot please you. JOHNHON UIIOH.
A man' moat profitable accompllah
mcnt U a dlspoaltlon to cultivate po
lltonps. It coat nothing, make
host of friend and fat purses.
One hundred boxe fancy four tier
Delle-flownr Apple, the fnet of the
esaon. We offer them at a remarkably
low figure. UQHH HIGGINH & CO.
Tbe luteal estimate of the financial
Iom incurred by the recent forest fire
on Lewi river give It in tbe neighbor
hood of $1,000,000. Hixleeo people lot
their live.
John A. Wbitteaaer. who was Oregon's
first governor after acquiring statehood
la lying critically ill at bi borne in Ka-
gene. He ha been a victim of paralysis
for year, and us be la now eighty-two
yeara of age his recovery is not exited.
Tho American Fiuiab Cooperalive
Workmen Association will bold a meet
ing this afternmm at 2 o'clock iu Suomi
bull for tbe purpose of adopting resolu
tions to join tbo American Federation of
Lnlxir. The meuiberahip of the aaaocl
at ion consist of 350 member. It has
been In existeuce but one year.
Cu'iilor I nothing but another name
for rudeness uf malice. Cold word
will break a line heart, a winter
front doe a crystal vase. Those who
have no patience of their own forget
what demands they make on that of
A Klrl should choose a young man
for n husband with a good past record
with ajrilllant future b.-fore him,
but most of girls prefer one with a
present and the more expensive the
present the more she I Interested In
The work in progress on tbe Lurline
is all that conld be dealred and it is ex
pected the wrecking crew will beeucceea
ful In floating tbe steamer in a day or so
Tbe steamer is fully insured so the lose
incurred by the damage will be (light.
John Kopp snd John Stclncr were due
borne on Friday night from a I anting
trip. One of the party however was de
tained for sometime trying to get bis
partner ont of the mud. A flsb basket
awl two rods were all that were notice
able on the return yeaterday morning.
Yettardav Herman Vi thn
clothier marked cut 18 mackintosh rain
coats wbicb formerlv sold at from
to $15. to $2.50 the choice. Before night
fall tho last coat was gone and a dozen
iiKjuirie came for more; of course there
were none left l ou'd bettor keep you r :
tyeopea for Wise' next sacrifice and
dont wait uutU too lute.
Tuesday evening next the great musi
cal farce comedy "McOartys' Mishap" I
will be the attraction at I where' opera
bouse. It ia conceded to b. tbe best
show on tbe road. Moat elaborate cos
tume, the greatest dancers, beat apecinl-
tic, new eoiiKS. I'd to date savings.;
funny comedians. It is the moat luugh-
able performance ever witnessed In As
toria. Seat sale opens Monday morning
at Griffin A Reed.
It ia reported that a petition ia to be
formulated and circulated tor signatures
whiob if it accomplishes ita object will
effect a revolution in the handling of
school books. Parties interested in the
scheme desire that school book be
printed by tbe state and Bold at cost and
also that radical ohanges in grade work
do not occur so ofteu.
An active inicaest is being manifested
in tbo proposed bridge across tbe mouth
of the Lewis and Clark and a paper is
being cirolated for voters to sign peti
tioning tbe county court' to effect the
improvement. It is expected the chrouio
kickers will get in their work, but it is
further believed that publio opinion is
of such a nature iu regard to tbe matter
that tbe proposal cannot be killed.
Robert Hall, a pioneer of Teeinc
county; nud lately a resideut of Southern
Oregon, where he bad a government mail
contract, died on Tbimd iy morning at
the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland,
and wos buried yesterday In Ilwaco.
Mr. Hall, was a very popular man and
leave nuiuy friends and relatives. Mrs.
Geo. Baker, Mrs. W. B. Hawkins, Claude
Hull, and Wm. Hull are his children.
Four Portland firms, the Star Box
Company, Multnomah Truuk Co., Cas
cade Conatruotion Co., and the Staudurd
Box Bo., have entered Into a contract
with the I. R. & N. Co. whereby the lat
ter agrees to haul ten million foot of
logs from Shoalwater Bay to Ilwaco each
year for three yeais at $1 per Hionsaud.
The road has not yet received Its full
equipment of truoks, but has already
filled the large boom at Ilwaco. tbe lar
gest traip being hauled lust Thursday,
containing 47 thousand feet. As a result
of this new market seven new loggimr
camps have been started up on the Nasel
and Neman rivers. ' '
Cip'sin M. A. Hackctt of tbe Coium
bin River Digger Co., wbo was taken to
Portland recently for tbe benefit of bi
health is reported to be rapidly improv
ing. It ia not known however whether
or not be will return to tbe Lewis and
Clark before the work being done there
i completed. Ills son, Karl Hackett, is
over seeing tbo work during tbe captain's
Frank L. Parkei and Tom Trulliuger
bave bad complaint aworo against
them for not paying a license that is
levied against team. The license
amount to 114 and is supposed to be
paid quarterly as described in elty ordi
nance 2701. Parket snd Trollinger con
tend that as their team is used for free
delivery it should be exempt. On these
ground the com will be fought. The
complaint was (worn to by the chief of
police and the outcome will be watched
wi'.b interest a tbe result will act a
Tbe Columbia River Digger Company'
dredger wbicb has been employed on tbe
Lewi snd Clark for the past two months
will complete it work in about three
weeks. Six hundred acre of tide land
belonging to W. E. Dement is now be
ing reclaimed and this will require sev
eral more day for completion. The
dredger bo worked up the river from
Peterson's Point and it will be necessary
to go over tbe entire dyke again before
tbe job will be satisfactorily completed.
The measurements of tbe dyke are 30
feet base, 12 feel top and 6,' feet high,
It is impossible to build to the height tbe
first time over as tbe earth slides after
being thrown up. At tbe second work
ing another foot and a bait will be added
and solid mass will be the resnlt. A
band dyke bod been put up north of
w here the dredger started in so there is
in all nearly 1000 sores reclaimed, The
value of the land will of course be great
ly enhanced by the construction of the
dyke, and it is expected to create an ira
petus in tbe improvement of loud
throughout the county.
Fluiiuiraii Comment u Oencr
nl Algera Senatorial
Oi see Hooligan, by the special Tilli-
grams in the Astorian, mat uinera,
Ahlgcr wont refuse the Binatorship
providin it is fooroed on him. Hooligan.
An will they fooroe hitiT sex Hooli;
Will tbey foorce blmT sez Oi, why tbe
whole State of Muabigan is np in
Arrums, sex Oi ; even tbe little Children
are crying for fjinatof Ablger and pre
served Beef! jiat aa they nsel ter cry
fer condensed Milk snd Pitcher Cos
toria sez Oi ; tbey all remember his val
liant services jurying tbe late spamsb
American Duel, sex Oi ; thoy never km
forget how he came in at tbe critical
mohment sex Oi ; when Gineral Shatter
wuz peppering em with Boston Brown
and Beans and wuz ah! most com pilled
ter haul down bis now famous Hainmick,
sex Oi; thin it wax sex Oi, that Gin'l
Ahlger droove up in a Ottomobiel an let
loose a carload of embalmed Beef! the
Slaughter wux arful, Hooligan ; every
mothers bod of them yellow legged,
chickon livered Spanish, threw np their
hands and every other thing they'd eaten
fer Breukfast and surrendered uucoudi
tionallyr they could athaod everything
else, hut Gin'l Ahlger9 embalmed
.Gin'l Ahlgers Motto is:
Firshtin Wahr, an firsht in Piece! es
pecially the Piece.
The only wan thing shtanding again
Giu'l Ahlger is; that he made those
brave Byes in blue wear such oogly
Khaki Uniforms; phat he ebonld hev
done wuz; make a Roole that the Ahrmy
wear from this henoe and so forth
"Strousse Brothers High Art" fine
Clothes, then all would be forgiven.
Smilingly Yours
P. S. Me ould friend Herman Wise i
Agent fer this illegant line of High Art
Clothes for Astoria. .
Harry Twilight Is near Knappa on a
fishing trip. .. ( '
Miss Pearl Roger of Ilwaco was in tho
city yesterday. .
Mrs. Reed and children are in the city
visiting with the captain.
Miss Lucile Cole entertained the girls
club yesterday atternooa at the Cole.
Manager FroUid of the Xecanicum
Spruce Lumber Co. is iu tbe oily.
Mrs. E. J. Foster has returned to Cali
fornia. She bas been visiting in this
R. H. Raberge and Q. F. Raberge, tim
ber cruisers, of Vancouver, Washington,
are in the city.
Mrs. E. 0. Lewis of Seattle arrived
lost evening to visit her daughter Mrs.
N. A. Marrs.
Mrs. C. F. Rogers and Mrs. Orrin
Heath, of Sea View are spendiug today
in Astoria.
Mrs. Cbas. Brown and Mrs. Capt Rich
ardson have returned from a several
days sojourn at the Brown ranoh on
Youngs river,
Miss Edith Habersham daughter of
Mrs. G. L. Col well of Ilwaoo, and a re
cent graduate of an eastern academy, and
Miss Stella Spedden will start a kinder
garten in Astoria in tbe near future.
24,009 MILES
Long Journey in Interest of
Salmon Trade.
J. T. N. Callaway bas just returned to
Astoria from a record breaking r'v of
24,000 miles, having visited all but four
state of tbe Union, in the interest of
thn salmon trsde of Samuel fclmore &
Co. Mr. Callaway left Astoria early in
last October, and bas been oo the road
continuously ever since, doing business
in all tbe important cities particularly in
the east and sooth, and booking large
orders lor spot and future goods at very
full prices, which testifies to the strong
belief of the wholesale grocery trade in a
continuation of tbe prevailing sound and
prosperous condition of business
throughout the ooantry.
Mr. Callaway said : "Salmon as an ar
ticle of food is growing more and more
every year in public favor. Apart from
its dainty flavor aad nntritiou properties
it has the great merit of being absolutely
pure an unadulterated.
"It must be a great source of satisfac
tion to Orsgonians to known that the sal
mon caught in the rivers of this state still
bold first and highest place in tbe estima
tion of the coming public, or at leaat
those wbo know anything of the relative
merits of the different varieties of salaion
and prefer tbe tasty and dainty cbinook
to the coarser descriptions caught in
Northern waters.
"The choicer grades of salmon are
mostly cousumed in the cities, while the
cheaper nth find a ready Bile among the
poorer laboring classes, and particularly
among the negroes in the south."
Mr. Callaway leaves this morning for
Sao Francisco where be is to be married,
and will return with his brido in a few
weeks to remain iu Astoria.
$1,000,000 FOB CHARITY.
A fortune of $1,000,000 was recently
left to a charitable Institution In one
of our Eastern cities, and while much
good can be accomplished by the care
ful expenditure of this sum of money,
there is another agency which deserv
es menUon because of the good it haa
done and the suffering It has relieved
during the past (0 years, and that
is Hostetters Stomach Bitters. No
other medicine can take its place as
a cure for stomach, liver and kidney
troubles, such as headache, belching,
heartburn, Indigestion, dyspepsia, con
stipation or biliousness. We would
therefore urge you to give it a trial.
The genuine must have our private
stamp over the neck of the bottle. Do
not accept a substitute.
WANTED Two or three furnished
rooms for light housekeeplg. Must
be clean and in good location. Wil
ling to uay rood price for desirable
rooms for light. housekeep'ng. Must
ing Astorian.
Mrs. R. Ingleton has just opened up
a fine line of ladles fall hats, walk
ing skirts, over skirts, woolen shirt
waists and under clothes, and all kinds
of ladles' and children's furnishing
goods. Hair switches and pompadours.
A chance for the elegant $500 piano
with each 50c purchase. Welch B'.ock,
opposite Budget office.
Northern Pacific's new game book is
now ready for distribution. Illustra
tions of live game a particular feature.
Four full pages from Seton-Thomp-son's
drawings made specially for this
book. Send address with six cents and
book will be mailed to you by Chas.
S. Feo, G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minn.
Are poor economy; but
well fitting shoos, made
of best materials and
sold at very low prices
are both economical and
satisfactory : : : :
Bond Street I
The Largest und Best
Assortment in Town ...
Astoria's Leading House
The Best Draft Wagons
Ugliest Running Baggies
Easy Riding Carts .... ,
With most people it is " Where can I buy the cheap-.
est?" Taking quality iuto consideration, we can
solve the problem for you regarding ,
Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Flour and Feed
You have onlv to give us a trial
Carnation Cream very fine per can - - - - - 10c
-. Cutting Packing Company's Tomatoes, per can - - 10c
Cream Sugar Corn choice per can 10c
Other gocds in proportion.
V. H. COFFEY, 483-491 Boni Street
M With Your Money
a Carpets, Rugs,
a a
4 And every other article for the home where you can get the Best Goods, J
jj at the Lowest Prices, at the Popular Furniture Store of it
H.H. ZiPH, - - - The House Furnisher f
vccissoas to
Jobbers and Dealers in
Pips Repairing
A Specialty .
Strict adherence to it enable us to qualify willing workers to rendef
uperior ervke 1 bookkeepers nd stenographers. Our instruction is
unusually thorough a fact so widely known thst reputation alone brings
us most of our students. Quality always counts. Examine Into our
facilities better now than ever before. Industrious, willing students make
rapid advancement in all studies taken. Call, or write for our catalogue.
Park and Washington 6treets A. P. Armstrong, LI B., Principal
itttt itttlstitTtl
Than to Parchaae
Linoleums, Matting
515 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon