1U . ' i Till: MORNING ASTOKIAN. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2), IU02 Meana had air ' tad whether it EttCmV tO iiCnWl come from the low lands and ' marshes of the country, or the filthy sewers and drain pipes of the cities and towns, its effect upon the human system is the same. These atmospheric poisons are breathed into the lungs and taken op by the blood, and the foundation of some long, debilitating illness is laid. Chills and fever, chronic dyspepsia, torpid and enlarged liver, l.iilney troubles, janndice and biliousness are frequently due to that invisible foe, Malaria. Noxious gases and unhealthy matter collect in the system because the liver and kidneys fail to act, and are poured into the blood current until it becomes so polluted and sluggish that the poisons literally bivak through the skin, and carbuncles, boils, abscesses, ulcers and various eruption J cf an indolent character appear, depleting the system, and threa'.c--;ux life itself. The genus and poisons that so oppress and weavers the b.viy and (kstroj the life-giving properties of the blood, naderin it thin anil watery, un.t be overcome and carried out of the system before the patient can hope to get rid of Malaria and its effects. S. S. S. does fwj) twsresses not and the general increases almost fror.t the first dose. There is r. Mercury. Irt.:V, Arscsic or other mineral in S, S. S. It is strictly r.nd c-Tireh a ""? '. Write v about your case, and our phvytcn-.s nl! ruw'.V .? ytt by their adwx to regain your hcaiili. Bock en b!r! as: 2 skia f'src.-.sis ser.t fr THE SWIFT .CPECI. C CO., Alln:i, C. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. LONDON. Sept Ji Steps are being taken on the initiative of Germany with the view of holding in October an international conference with the pow ers on the subject of wireless telegra phy. 'The purpose of the conference ia to establish the general principle of an international agreement Germany advances the view that as the prac tical working of wireless telegraphy is now assured the system should in public Interests be subjected to rules similar to those laid down in the in ternational telegraph convention. HEAVY DEBTS. JOHAXNKSBCRG. Sept S3. A new journal, the Rand Daily Mall, has ap peared here for the first time, and it is believed that a loan of $100,000. 000. Irrespective of the war debt of S500.000.000. wiU be raised for public works and become an immediate charge on the revenues of Great Britain's new South Arlcan colonies. ,' ' RELEASE PRISONERS. CAPE TOWN. Sept 21 The first reoort of the royal commission on the effects of martial law in South Afri ca recommeneds the release of 115 pris oners: WESTERN SWINDLER CAUGHT. NEW YORK, Sept tl A man who gave his name as Otto A. Plur, but who the' police says is known as "Py rot" has been arrested here on dis patcher from Saa Francisco, saying he is wanted for swindling. COREA IS POOR. SEOLX, Corea, Sept 23. The cele bration of the anniversary of the co ronation of the empereor, Yi Hieung, has been postponed in consequence of, it is said the spread of cholera here, but it is alleged that the real reason lack of funds. c MISS MAY A So-iety Belle of ful girl vtho knows what suffering h and Wine of Cardui has brought her back to health. She is one of the social favorites of her home and her recovery to health has permitted her to enjoy the company of her many friends instead of Inns on a bed of sickness and suffering. For the health she now enjoys she gives credit to Wine of Cardui. She writes: "I ha ve found Vine of Cardui an excel lent remedy for female trouble. I suffered for three ytat with terrible bearing-down pains at the menstrual period. I could hardly stand on my feet and was never real well. Vine of Cardui was the only medicine that 1 could depend on to do me any good, as I tried several with no suc cess, Vine of Cardui cured me and I have now enjoyed perfect health for two yean, and give you all the credit for I know you deserve it" For a young girl Wine of Cardui is the best remedy to guide her through womanhood by starting the menstrual " ' May M-irUiL tk v Minirrr.T. I I I 1 k)non Ontario, I I Canada, u a beauti WINEofCARDVI t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore., September 9, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892, ARTHUR W. CHANCE, of Portland, County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. lS9t. tot the purchase of the N14 of SW14 and NW of SEU of sectli :.'o. 14 in township No. I N, range No. 9 W and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver of this office at Oregon Cltv. Oregon, on Saturday, the 22d day of November, 1902. He names as witnesses: Theodore etat kman, Thomas B. Bid well. Charles An invisible this and quickly produces a:: entire change in the blood, reaching every organ and stimu lating them to vlsroxv.uj!. Lcalt'iv action. S. S. S. onlv purifvinsr tut tonlo rrp.-rt':s. health improves, and the app.tftc CLARK WINS Ol'T. BOZEMAN, Mont., Sept. 2&-The Montana State Central Democratic committee turned down Heinie dele gates from Silver Bow county by a vote of 21 to 4. Senator W. A. Clark was chosen temporary chairman of the convention. Senator Clark delivered an address and committees were appointed and the convention took recess until morn ing. There is a fight In the commit tee on credentials on stating two dole gates from Silver Bow. WILL NOT ACCEPT. TOPEKA. Kas., Sept. 21-James Tap, of Wichita, and John Madden, of Emporia, have refused the nomina tions of attorney-general and supreme court justice respectively on the Allied People's ticket This makes four of the nominees to refuse their places. WASHINGTON EDITORS. WALLA WALLA, Sept 21-The Washington State Editorial Associa tion met this afternoon and organised for business. The delayed trains pre vented many delegates from arriving today, but by tomorrow fully 100 will be in attendance. SHAW GOES TO PRESIDENT. CHICAGO, Sept. .-Secretary of Treasury Shaw left for Washington at midnight He said his return was made because of the illness of the president MAJOR , POWELL DEAD. HAVEN. Me., Sept 23.-MaJor J. W. Powell, director of the bureau of eth nology, at the Smithsonian institute, at Washington, died here today. SENATOR BARD BETTER. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 23. Senator Bard continues to Improve and is now pronounced out of danger. n MARKELL London, Canada. flow in a healthy and nat ural manner. Menstruation started right is very easy to keep regular through the years of mature womanhood. Then the "change of life" need not be feared. Thus Wine of Cardui is woman's best relief from youth to old age. A million women have secured blessed relief from their Bufferings bv tak ing this treatment. It relieves men strual troubles in an incredibly short time. In a simple case of deranged menses Wine of Cardui never fails. To relieve disordered menses is to remove the cause of other female troubles. Any physician will tell yoa that to remove the cause of a disease renders the cure easy, in fact seldom fails to complete the cure. If you would have the same relief which Miss Markell secured try Wine of Cardui. You can take it with out an examination and without any publicity whatever. You can take it in the privacy of your home and secure just as much benefit as if a doctor had prescribed it for you. Thousands of wo men are feeling the vigor of returning health by taking Wine of Cardui, A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. Iverson and Frank Bldwell, all of Astoria, uregon. Any and all persons claiming ad . versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before the said 22d day of November, 1902. CHAS. B. MOORES, 9-12-11-14. Register. Ikese tiny Capsules are superiot to oaisam oi topaiba.-. Cubebs or I n jertions aru I Titm CURE IN 48 HOURaiMDr the same diseases with-- out inconvenience. HAWKER SALVE, Uiamoat rtealinz seive in the vhhV re 3ft JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT tOW NO MICH, kUruata First-Class Up-to-Date Work I X ICS LAt'.OR ONLY "I luv n Fuoater for tow things one Is tli kruw li nt It In lilm, mid the other is the spurs Mint Kir on ttlm to buk up his kruw with." -Josil UtLMNua Astorian Publishing Co. Tenth and Commercial Sts. Phone 66i Astoria, Or. Fisher's Opera House L. E. Selig, Lessee end JBgr. Saturday, Sept. 27. 1902 GORTON'S famous ALL H1I1MCTDCI C WHITE Joseph Gorton Founder and Prep. C. C. Pearl Manager C W. Freeland Reprca ntatlre PRESENTING Entirety New, tostlyand Up-to-Dite Features; Welby at Pearl. Gorton A te, AL Newton. Borella Br'. Ceolone Pearl Fell, Eugen Elliott Casper Zarner. Newton Bros- Jan. E. Lons, C. EJ. Stutsman, AND TWENTY OTHERS. "Beautiful Electric First Part." The Great Crescent City Quintette American Novelty Dancing? Quartette MATCHLESS STREET PARADE. Gorton's Solo and Dally Concerts. WATCHI WATT I SEE! PRICES Reserved seat 7 cents; gallery, 50 cents. Seat sale opens Fri day morning at Griffin Reed's. Andrew Asp. ffirti laker. Blarfcxmitb n4 Itretkoer FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PR1CE8. Special Attention Given to Ship ard Steamboat Repalrlng.General Black smithing. Flret-Clais Horse shoeing, etc CORNER TWELFTH AND DtTANE FRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMS'ANY. Telephone 221. DRAYING AMD EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our care Will receive special attention. No- 58 Duane Su W. J. COOK. Mgr. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Astoria, In tlje State of Oregon, at the close of business, September 15. 1902: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1303 447 52 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 555 03 U. S. bonds to secure circu lation 12.500 00 Stocks, securities, etc 121,105 49 Other real estate owned 6,160 45 Due from National Banks(not reserve agents) 3,400 14 Due from State Banks and Bankers 66,159 68 Due from approved reserve agents 148,300 68 Internal-Revenue stamps ...- 106 10 Checks and other cash items 65 26 Notes of other National Banks ' 45 00 Nickels and cents It 28 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, vis: Specie 1124,300 Legal-tender notes 55 124,355 00 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of cir culation 26,0fl Total $776,884 62 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In I 60,000 00 Surplus fund 25,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 35,067,02 National Bank notes out standing 12,500 00 Individual deposits subject to check.. $498,028 92 Demand certificates of deposit .. 15,288 68 654.317 60 Total $776,fM62 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, en: I S. S. Gordon, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 8. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of September, 1802. C. R. THOMSON, Notary Public. Correct Attest: . , . G. C. Flavel; W. F. McGregor, Jacob Kamm, ... Dlreotors. ryntTTTTmnimmimirmmmmiiixmiiHr ' Opportunity if at'tiiritiir j liilt-O'ltit'd stock in a I dovolo ed am (i jduc J lug mine. The Hose and Eagle Mines Consolidated Properties of the Mines Investment Co Of Portland. Oregon. CAHTAL 81.IHKUHX). Divided into 1.000,000 shares of $UX1 each, fully paid and iutt-tiioitiilili Treasury Sttck t!00.000; 100,000 shares now offered at tO ih THE MINES INVESTMENT CO. owns one of the best mines In California. This property is not a prospect: It Is an alread equip ped mine with a Rlsdon l0-tnmp mill, a 10x10 In. air compressor, power drills, etc., operated by wa ter power. The development con sists of S0 feet of tunnel, of which 2965 feet are on the various . veins, and 440 feet of uprais.s and shafts, blocking out 86.000 tons of ore, milling $13 per ton. This alone will net 1300.000 after all ex pens Is deducted.. Our object In selling JOO.OOO shares of the treas ury stock is to acquire surtlcl nt funds to buy and erect two con centrators, to finish a 3-0 foot crosscut tunnel, and for road repair ing, so that a more economic system of mining may prevail The best security ever offered the public. Shares In not less than 1C0 block now sold for 10c FEn SHARK only. Buy now. Write for prtlculars and prospectus to R. W, Thompson, secretary and treasurer. TtS Chamber of Commerce; Maxim Sshumann, M. E president; Fred It. Page, vice-president; W. F. BurrelK Otto Rocber, ill rectors; E. S. Adams, M. B., superintendent. IIXUIXUXXIIXmilMlXm OLD KENTUCKY HOME CLUB 0. P. S. WHISKEY American Povorlto Whiskey BLUMAUER & HOCH Wholesale Liquor mid Clrur Dealer SOLE AGENTS 108-1 lO Fourth Street - Portland, Oreyou 41, EAST O ocDDnsHjtsmiJJ via W SOUTH Denot. Fifth and Leave 8:30 p.m Irving sts. Portland Arrive Overland Express Trains tor Salem, Roseburg-,, Ash land. Sacramento, Ogden, Ban Fran cisco; Mojave. Los AnrfUes. El Paso. New Oreleans and the East 7:4I a.n 7:2t p.m 8:30 a m At Woodburn (dally except Sun day), morning; train connects with tram for Mt. An ge Silverton, Brownsville, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing; train for Mt. Angel and Silver ton. 7:30 a.ml Corvallls passen- 5:64 p.m l8:2Ea.m aer. I!:50 p.ml Sheridan passi-n- LSL Dally. 1 1 Dally except Sunday. Rebate ticket on sale b?tw-en Port land, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates 117.60 first class, without berth and 1H 00 second class, including berth. Rates and tickets to En-fern points and Europe. Also Japan. China, Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained in t. A. rii iillAUK, Third and Wash ington sreets. I ajSHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot luot or Jefferson Si. Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20, :4( a. m.; 12:30, 1:65, 3:26. 6:16, t:2S, 8:05. 11:30 p. m. and 0:00 p. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland daily at :35, 8:30, '10:60 a. ta.; 1:35, 3:16, -:3, 6:20. 7-40, 10:00 p. m.; 12:40 a. m. dally except Monday; 8:30 and 10:46 a. m. on Bun days only. Leave for Dallas dally except Sun day at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at t:30 a. m. . Passenger train leaves Pall is for Alrlee Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:46 p. m. Return. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. B. MILLER, ULiy1- and Pass, Act " notice fo i ruBuevrioN. United States Land OnV.s, Oregon City. Oregon, Aug. 5, 1902. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of an net of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled " An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Orcron, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all public land Ktatos by act of August 4. 1892. MILLARD ARMSTRONG., of Mul'.an, County of Shoshone, State of Idaho, ha thltt 1av filed In this office his sworn statement No. C842, for the purchase of the west hnlt of the southeast quarter, and lots 1 and 2, of section No. 1, In township" No. 6 north, range No. 10 west, and will of fer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore the register and receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Mon day, the 3d day of November, 1902. He names an witnesses: Byron J. fianford, of Montavilla, Ore.; Wllllem Krlesel, f Portland, Ore.; James T. Rnrke, of Seaside, Ore.; B. J. Burke, of Seaside. Ore. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above descrlnefl lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before the said 3d day of November 1902.. CHAS. B. MOORES, ' ft-15-10-17 Register, I Located lu tlio IVa Vine Mininit IHotrl' t ( ! Hullo Cuunty, 1'nlifvir-nln. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTXTTTTIIITTX Don't Guess at It But If ou are gowiar Bast writ, us i tor our raits and let us tell you about j th service and acoommodatlnns otter ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Cars via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Clnolnnatl. Don't fail to writ, us about your trip as we are In a posi tion to give you soma valuable Infor mation and assistance; Ml mllea of track over which are operated soma of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or address. C- LINDBKT, B. H. THUMBKLU, T. F. & R. A. Com'l Aft. 142 Third Bt.,, Portland. Ore. Some Inter esting Facts When people sr- vmten.datlns; a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best servve obtainable as far as upeod. comfort and afety is oneorned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINE'S are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining car service unoxcslled, Meals nerved a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, auk tlie ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines i- and you will make direct connections at Bt. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further information call on any ticket agent ,or correspond weth JAS. C. POND, den. Paas. Ag"t. or JAft A. CLOCK, Milwaukee. Wis. NOTICR OF INTENTION TO WITH DRAW INSURANCE DEPOSIT, BY THB IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITHD. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN In accordance with the requirements of the laws of the Stute of Oregon, relative to Insurance companies, notice Is hereby Riven that the Imperiar In surance Company, Limited, of London, England, desiring to cease doing bus iness within the State of Oregon, In tends to withdraw its deposit with the treasurer of said state and will, if no claim ns;alnht said company shall he filed with the Innutunce Commissioner within six months from the second day of September, 1902, the samebeing the date of the first publication of this no tice, withdraw Its deposit from the State Treasurer, IMPERIAL INSURANCE CO., LTD., By WM. J, LANDERS. Manager. Dated at Ban Francisco this 1st day of September, 1902. DYSPEPTICIDE Ths oraatest aid to DIGESTION- Txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmxxxxxxxrxxxxx ...TUB CITY OP ASTORIA... In Notwl iin (ho I'liuo Vlier In Mtuuilut't Ml'iI.t SSBXBSV Cutbirth's Creosote Shingle Stains Tlie Most Pursuit, Preservative, ami llHiidaoine Plains ou the Market, NiitliltiK k(Hps out the weather Ilka shingle ou the walls. Nothing preserve mul beautifies Nliluules MkeCullilrlli's stains. Culbirth also makes Urn btwt COl'l'liK PAINT for tits bottoms tit all vntrr crnll, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxJj Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Siiilies of all kinds nt lowest rutea, fur finlieruicn, Farmers and IxKp;ers. A. V. ALL BIN Tenth and Commcrchil Streets JH Finest Palace coords, st. PdlaceCaterlndComDanv iiTTTmiiiiiiiiiiiinttttitTmmTiiiiiiiitiirK tU "ffla"1"- SIWJiWsJ Castings Wa are prepared to maka th.ss oa abort noUc and of the boat mai.rtala. Let us alvo yoa estimates on any klnA of easting or patters work. Low prices .for, flnit-classj , work. TELEPHONE NO 2461. ONE DOLLAR ennnot bo cxiL'iilt;tl to better htlvuntiige fut yourself or ubHcnt fiiemls tlinii in a yeitr's fmberitioi) for tlie Semi-Weekly Astorian It gives nil the city ami county "ewn twice cncli week foi only one tlolliir a yciir in advance. POUNI3I3IJ A. U. I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE oa LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cash Aaet ... tn.nmi.niHi Cash Auat, In Unltois Minta, a.oiA.gjs C. A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 215 Sansome Street - Sen franilsco. Cl. SAJVWEL ELMQRE PACIFIC mm C0ESRANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed. DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. HOTEiu PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Flrat-Clatsft Hotel In Portland a '"Let (ho COLD DUST Restaurant in the City Regular McuIh, 25 ceuU, Sunday Dinnera a SjKvittlty. Everything the market uflimls. ASK any mt Who has UMd Star Estate Raaras and tbey will tall you they are h moat satisfactory they fear. rrr used. Thty require but llttl. fttal and bail, quick and unlfarm, and are ritr man, rof saia ta Astoria oaly by - ' W.J. Scully 4JI BOND 3TKEET, Between Math and T.ata IRON, STEEL, BRASS" " and BRONZE Scow Bay Iron, G Brass Works Cir. 1Mb "i d Fiaitklin : & CO., AQENT5 Tl LEPH0NE M41N 661 twins day cur wertf