The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 18, 1902, Image 3

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AliMolutcly pure diHtillod pickling Vincgnr. Just tlio
uicgiir you want forjtuttiiiL' up siiioed pcucliex.
Ross, Higglns & Co.
PORTLAND Sopt. lT.-Orrgon. Id...
ho ami Washington, fulr,
Hail' I'illH
Pillow Cum, full wo
IMt'llrlied ToWtlillg
lc rkg
lc jjK-r
- r.c
O- tuU-r IMiucator now ou wle "t
Puttcrn Co'iiiiiir.
Oti k sloiv Hi mm t 0 p. hi. every
iky cxivpt Hatunlsy.
Otoo soils frl. (rain ana hay.
Hoy' school tuns, lowest pi Ices, at
Ripe bsrtMt pars St cent per box
toiUy.-JoHNHON Itno8.
Hoys' niul tclrltt' mackintoshes. 8c
hiitmhiit). A leu umbrellas, S4c up.
A murrliign Ilr."r.s. wus (ranted yes
terday to P. W. Hums'de and Kiln
Tim Harrison arrived at 11 u. in. yes-
tcriluy from Aiwa. llr next trip will
lw to NVrmliMii.
('rf Hunter wm up yesterday b JihIk" N-'Ihoii for holng drunk and
mim iiiKd tin.
Young man wants board and room
with a private family. Address SI,
Astortitn office,
Two si 'homii'i , iho K. Buumler
amid O, J. 4m.'i, wore taken up to
IViiIImihI i-sicnltiy.
Hoys' and girls' double ar.d triple
knee stockings at Slianalian's, 10c, 15o
and 2Sc per pair.
The executive council of the Stale
I'Vderullon of Ubor will inectt4iptem
Imr 2t. In Portland, at 232 Washing
ton Street.
rium la'.v .Jcslgut lii Uio ever populur
MmvU chain Just reoilvcd from the
laniifucturers. Call early und make
your cliOlc while there ura muny to
cleit 'ro n. Cliai, lleilborn Sun.
Aa cool weather Ih coming on and
wood Ih going out of alght tt li a
good plan to purchase a first-clans
successful conl burning heater and luy
In a aupplv of Wyoming coal for fu
turo comfort.
We have Jimt received a shipment
of line Kimteru hams, Which we In
vlte you to call and examine. Those
hnma are the bent quality obtainable
and we guarantee each one to please
Absolutely FuroT
!1 r
Vr school supplies of all kinds rail
at Hhanahnn's.
Wind Is expected to shift to the
south today and with cloudy weather.
Last evening the regular meeilng of
the Push Club that was to have been
held at that time was deferred,
A handsome and stylish el!eboitrd
Is a convenience appreciated by every
housekeeper. B lit new stock at the
store of Hum. llullburn & Bon,
There Is nothing doing In the crimi
nal line, which gives Hheliff Linvllle
ttino to train his dog, and he has a
good one.
Gentlemen, come and get valuablo
hints on "Uood Dress." Mr. Itolfe will I The circuit court held a session y. s
glve It to you at C. II, Coop-r s next ! tcrdny forenoon. The attorney for Mattl
Monday and Tuesday. f Jarvl, who Is charged with the murder
I of his father. Oubrlcl Jarvl, asked that
All those who desire to be examined ! the hearing of the case be postponed,
before entering school are requested which wus allowed, after new 'bond
to meet Prof, Clark In the high school ' hud been set. The amount of the
building today Uetwen and 12. j bonds was I2O00 furnished In the Ju
- - ! tlce court. The case of It. I. Katon
The Mnyitower brought over IM) vs. Mullell was dismissed. At the re
cuse of minced sea clams from the ' convening of the court this morning
Ken Heach Packing Works yeslerduy. ! the case of Frank Spittle vs. the Co
The goods were stowed In the O. n. & j lumbla Itlver Puckers Association will
N. dock. Xvi, heard. The Unlvrrsut Can Ho d' ring
" ! machine Com turn v asks for $600 claimed
The reported sale of the Ragle enn-; lo Xvf aw on a marMne which the d;
nery Is not rondrmoJ. Negotiations ,,.,,, ,,,.nl( having purchased
are on the way, but us far as we can j
learn, no definite decision has been
urilved at,
lt seems that the ships St. Nicholas
and Hurry Morse cannot get away from
each other for very long. They t ft
for Portland together lashed to the
Mr. M. A. ltolfe, of Chicago, will be
at C. H. Cooler's on Monday and Tues
day nrxt. You are requested to call
whether you order or not. Come and
see what he has and get pested.
IlulTets to pteaixt the must fastidious.
the latest creations splendidly planned
and magnificently constructed, unex
celled for elegance. rour Inspection
liivlievl. diss, Hellborn 8on,
On Monday und Tuesday, the 22d and
3d Inst.. Mr. M. A. Rolfe. repie ent-
lug 3trtiuss llros., America's lend ng
Tailors, will be at C. H. Cooper s dis
playing, In the piece, over 100 patterns
of the latest goods. Call and see them.
Fall and winter samples of overcoat- j
Iiiks. HiiltlUKs. etc.. In the piece on ex-,
hlbltlon at i H. Cooper's on Moaday
and Tuesday next. You are rciinsted
to call and see them whether you buy
or not.
You cannot get a better coffee than
our Perfection Ulead Mocha and Java.
We guarantee each pound to p!uine.
In the event that It does not your
money will be refunded by us JOHN
For the coming school season we
have bought an Immense stock of tab
lets and all kinds of school materials.
We have a full line of school books
and everything needed for school chil
The Knights of Pythias met lust
night and passed a resolution of con
dolence to the widow and children of
Kmumtcl nrl'iiberg, who met his death
on . the Inward voyage ft the St.
The Announcement has been made of .
the engagement of Miss Edith Shaffer
and A. M. South, both of Ban Pit-go,
Cal. Miss Bhaffer wus at one time a
iesldent of this city.- The gentlomnn fs
a wealthy business man of San PUg.
At the BulVRtlo Army hall nst ev
ening there wns less than standing
room. After being delayed unavoid
ably, the Heck family of singers sung
for the first time. They are singers of
no mean ability and ars well worth
going to hear.
A Joyous party visited the Youngs
river falls yesterday In a launch. Up
to a lute hour the boat hd not re
turned, so It Is presumed the plcknlck
ers were having such a good time that
they could not leave or that the ves
sel got stuck on some mu4 bank.
J. H. Johnnsen, the well-known mer
chant of Seaside, hns partially ef
fected the sale of his business. Mr.
Joha nnen has been contemplating for
some time of going out of business at
Seaside and locating In Portland, and
when the present pending deal is ac
complished he will at once move to
the metropolis,
Jacob Kaltera, of this city, and Mary
Hunhuln, of drays river, wire united
In marriage by Rev, Mr. Beckman last
evening, After the knot was tied the
wedding party partook of an elegant
banquet at the Palace. Mr. Kaltera
has recently returned from Alaska,
where he was engaged In the fish'ng
business. The couple will resifde In
this city. '4wr .
A stag social by the Foresters was
given last night at their hall In the
I. 0. O, F, building. An Impro iptu
program was rendered, and refresh
ments were served, Judging from the
hllurlty heard on the outside all res
ent enjoyed themselves thoroughly,
Mr, P. M. Matter, the new nmragr
of the Astorlan, left for Poriland last
evening for few days, He announces
that there jvlll be no change In the
editorial rooms for the present. He has
already made friends In town and
seems to be the right flump of man
to run a first-class newioaper,
Tuesday evening D. Wroten was ar
rested on a complaint sworn to by II,
It, Pnrkor, charging him with tres
pass. The prisoner had be n using a
vacant building on Astor street, be
longing to Mr, Parker for sleeping pur
poses, He was arraigned before Judge
Nelson yesterday and fined 125.
The rush of way business has re
sulted In putting the White Collar Line
ti timer Oolrerl behind, and she did
not arrive from Portland until after 2
this morning, On her down trip Tues
day the Oa I km t made sfops thai re
quired six hours, while the actual run
ning time was the same. The I,ur
lln Is as badly oft ns the Outzert.
Yesterlay. for Instance, she whs due
at 6 a. m but did not arrive until (
P. in
The fire protection for Url'mtown Is
i considered by ;he ih-cp'e there to be In-
i.deiiiate to the needs ard effort Is be
ing made to scure efficient service,
A meeting nt lend d by a number of the
Interested residents was recently held
and measures were suggested the In
novation of which might result advan
tagrousl'.'. A lio company was fet
tled upon as bflnp the proper thing.
end the following petition was drawn
: up anil submitted to Fire Chief Block
jtoii: "We. the undersigned, residents
of that portion of the city known us
I I'nlnntown, realising that in cae ct
fire U is necessary for quick action and
j that,' a hose cart and hose Is located
near our homes and there being no or
j ganlsed company there we tender to
j you our Individual services to tuke
charge und operate said hu-'.e cart and
would request that you organize us
1 Into a hose company to assist In sub
, dulng fins." The following are signers
I to the peitltlon: Charles Wlrkkala, Jr.,
I Charles Newman, Ell Lanttl, Alex
j Itiisfiell, Jacob Itletala, Omlnl Kskelu,
Johnson, Charles Wlrkkala,
Johnson, Klnar Rosmberg,
Berry, John Kunala, Andrew
Kk-hard Kaskela, Victor An?
Isirsen and Jack Hay.
ten, A
A well selected jury, who hud the
I U nf lire of being present nt Mrs.
Frank Parker's "tea' yesterday after
noon, hns returned a uannlmms ver
dict Hint the hostess Is guilty of giv
ing nil her guests a very happy after
noon. We have numerous feminine
commands to pronounce the ''tea" i,s
something more than a success. Be
ing under such orders, and being cur
selves perfectly content to obey them,
Mrs. Parker must b congratulated on
pleasing so many ladles all at one time
No living man could do It.
The rooms were decorated In pink
and white, asters and sweet pi s be
ing the dominant flowers. The hnll
was profuse with beautiful red dnlllas,
"ranged In lovely vuses. At the euchre
games Mrs. Houston won Prat prize
lone hand; Mrs. E. Z. Ferguson, first
prlxe In progression, and Mrs. Ferd
Fisher won the consolation. The In
vited guests were:
Mesdames S. H. Maddock, N. A.
Marr, 0. Morgan, K Osburn. F Tat
ton, R, O. Prael, Thomas Ryrle, R,
rilklngton. W. L. Robb. C. Rtihnrd
son, I, Rogers, C. H.. Rogers. O. H.
Flavel, O. F. Hellhorn, C L Houston,
,T. E. Hlgplns, Alfred Kinney. Ct. W.
Lounsherry, (1 C, Flavel, M. Trcnch
ard T. O. Trulllnger, I F. Sharp
stlne, Fred Prael, J. C. Mayo, B. Van
Pusen, H. O. Van Dusen, A. Van Du
sen, W. O. Wilkinson, Charts S.
Wrlirht. A. V. Allen, A. W. Berry, C.
S. Brown, W. T. Chutter, H, W.
Chrlstensen, P. L. Cherry, Samuel El
more. E. Z. Ferguson, F. A. Fisher,
C. W. Fulton, J. A. Fulton, C. Pope,
Anna Fulton, M. M. Oilman, Rlnn,
O. Reed, J. H. Smith, W. O. Smith,
W. A. Stlne, C. R. Thomson, E. W.
Tallnnt, H. C. Thompson, C. J. Tren
chnrd, A. J. Tavlor, C. P. Upshur, F.
J. Taylor, and Misses Llonberger and
Whltefleld. "
Mrs. Parker was assisted In the en
tertaining by three charming aides-de-camp,
Mrs, O. W. Lounsberry,
Mrs. C. R. Thomson and Miss Lion
berger. NOTICE.
The old house on the southwest cor
ner of Tenth and Duane Streets will
be given to any one who will remove
It and clear the lot within the next
15 days. . TROT LAUNDRRY.
Grays River Man Loses His Life
by Rifle Bullet.
John Natterstad, a Grays river boom
man and rafter for Boldren's lo-g ng
camp, lies dead at Pohl's undertaking
rooms as the result of gunshot wound
Inflicted, It Is supposed, by accident,
though there Is a possibility that It
Is a rase of suicide. The accident the
ory, however, Is generally accepted as
final, as there Is no known cause for
self-destruction, and the circumstances
that attend the ? unfortunate affair
point rather conclusively to an acci
dental death. He had Intended going
hunting with a neighbor, and yfst-r-day
morning at t o'clock was making
prepnrtlons for the trip. His w'fe at
the time was engaged .In preparing
breakfast and upon hearing m shot,
which seemed to proceed from the
room which her husband occupied, hur
ried there at one and on entering was
almost prostrated to discover Mr. Nat
terstad lying apnrently dead, red with
his own blood and with his head hor
ribly mutilated. The distracted wo
man, as soon as she gathered her
senses together sought assistance from
the neighbors. They at once respond
ed lo her call and upon Investiatlon
found Natterstad to be still alive. He
was taken on board the launch Herbert
Captain Johnnie Brlx, but before the
boat reached here the wounded man
had passed away, having succumbed
on the way over. Mrs. Nntter.itad at
tha moment of her husband's death
became entirely uncontrollable, and It
was only the restraining hands of the
boat's crew that preventel her from
leaping overbord. John Natterstad was
a native of Sweden and In the neigh
borhood of 45 years of age. His wife
Is the only member of his Immediate
fumllv. The only reaon that might
have caused suicide would have been
temporary despondency, brought on
by Intoxication, as the deceased was
considered a hard drinker. This,
though. Is extremely Improbable, par
ticularly as part of his arrangements
for the Intended hunt was the clean
ing of a rifle and a premature discharge
of the weapon Is generally believed to
have caused the fatal result.
The following acrostic was accepted
at the meeting of Astor lodge No. i.
K. of P., last night. No author's name
Is dven. but Herman Wise is sus
The poem is In memory of Emanuel
Grlmberg, who met his death on the
ship St. Nicholas.
To the Officers and Brother Knights,
of Astor Lodge No. , K. of P.:
Every Knight within this Grand Do
main, Must feel the Pangs of Sorrow and of
And every one who knew him held him
Named him a "MAN" who di I not
have a Peer;
Upon his Own his Children and his
E. Grlmberg showered, all that's bet
In life; -
Love so pure, and his Tenderness so
Gave he to them, with a most lavish
Rare virtues; few faults: always for
the RIGHT!
In him we lost a good and loyal Knight.
May God bless those our Brother held
so dear.
Bring thepi Relief and dry the burns
Ing Tear;
Every Hour brings Happiness and
Rare Fortunes these, better far than
God protect them now, the Children
and the Wife
Of our dead Brother, whom we loved
In Life.
It was resolved that the above be
spread upon the records of Astor
Lodge and that a copy be delivered to
the stricken widow and children of
our departed brother. , ,
Also that the charter of this lodge
be draped In mourning for a period
of 30 days.
Fraternally in F. C. and B.,
Donald Ross Is In the city.' '
Albert Hill was up from Sklpanon
MiRS Annie Powell visited Warren
ton yesterday afternoon.
F. Bartoldus was In . from his
Youngs river farm yesterday,
Miss Florence Carnahan ts up from
her home at Clatsop visiting friends.
George H. George left up for Port
land last evening, to be away until to
night. . '
Em II Glutsch, who represents the
Slchel Cigar Company, of Portland, Is
In town,
Harry Wheatley, associated with P.
Lawler, at easide, spent yesterday In
the city.
Miss Katherine Shlvly, who has been
visiting her parents in Portland, re
turned to Astoria last evening.
Miss Eva Coffman. of Seaside, pass
ed through the city yesterday en route
for home from a two week' Visit with
friends In Portland.
NEW .YORK, Sept. lfc-Qeorge O.
Tyson, vice-president of the firm of
Tyson It Co., who owns news stands
in the Waldorf-Astoria and other lead-
Ing New York hotels, has Keen arrest
ed on a warrant sworn out by Internal
revenue officials charging the firm with
having refilled Imported cigar boxes
with cheap cigars known to the trade
as "stuffers." A second complaint wai
also made against Mr. Tyson, charg
ing the firm with having failed to can
eel the revenue stamp as required by
LONDON, Sept. 17.-In view of the
possibility of antl-Engllsb demonstra
Hons, says the Brussels correspondent
of the Standard, It Is not Improbable
that the proposed American and Eu
rowan tours of the Boer Generals
Botha, Dewet and Delarey will not oc
cur. In that case the generals would
Immediately return to South Af.lca,
after paying another visit to Mr.
Chai.berlaln, the colonial secretary.
VIENNA, Sept. 17.-To hundiel
gendarmes are scouring the district
around Ybbs, lower Austria, in search
of a lunatic named Theobold WIngate,
whose robberies terrorized the Inhabi
tants of the locality.
Wingate committed a series- of atro
cious murders and robberies before he
was committed to the criminal asylum
J at Ybbs, from which he recently es
BRUSSELS, Sept. 17. It is said In
official quarters that the Boers are en-
j deavorlng to secure 'the financial a;
isistance of the British government
I which was at first refused by Colonial
I Secretary Chamberlain, with good
chances of partial If not entire success.
$1,000,000 FOR CHARITY.
A fortune of 21,000,000 was recently
left to a charitable Institution In nne
J of our Eastern cities, and while much
! rood can be accomDllshed bv the care
ful expenditure of this sum of money.
there Is another agency which deserv
es mention because of the good It hat
done and the suffering It has relieved
during the past 50 years, and that
ts Hostetter's EJomach Bitters. No
other medicine can take Its place as
a cure for stomach, liver and kidney
troubles, such as headache, belching,
heartburn, Indigestion, dyspepsia, con
stipation or biliousness. We would
therefore urge )ou to give it a trial.
The genuine must have our private
stamp over the neck of the bottle. Do
not accept a substitute.
Mis. R. Ingieton has just opened up
a fine line of ladies' fail hats, walk
ing skirts, over skirts, woolen shirt
waists and under clothes, and all kinds
of ladles' and children's furnishing
goods. Hair switches and pompadours.
A chance for the elegant $5.D piano
with each 50c purchase. Welch B.ock,
opposite Budget office.
You will find the beat 15c meal In
ibe city at the Rising Sun Restaurant.
No. 612 Commercial street.
New stock of fancy goods Just ar
rived at Yokohama Bazaar. CaU and
see the latest novelties from Japan,
All smokers smoke the "Pride of
Astoria" cigars. No bettter made.
Manufactured by MacFarlane ft Kno
bel. Bicycle repairing with skill and
promptness. Supplies In stock: work
guaranteed. Reliance Electrical Works
21 Bond St.
Plumbing, tinning, gas and steam
fitting at lowest rates and in work
man-like manner. Orders promptly
executed. Shop, No. 425, Bond street.
joun a. Montgomery.
Roalyn coal lasts longer, li cleaner
and makes less trouble- wlt'l stoves
and chimney flues than any other coal
on the market. George W. Sanborn,
agent. Telephone 13U, .
Iron beds are fast superseding the
umberaome wooden article because
tiiey arc neater, more durable, sanl
ton and vermin proof. The latest
reductions have Just been received by
Chas. Hetlborn & Son.
Are poor economy; but
well fitting shoes, made
of best materials and
sold at very low prices
are both economical and
satisfactory : : : :
S. A. Gimre
- 53 Bnd Street
Coming Sooftl
The display of woolens will be in charge of
from Chicago who can give you some valuable hints
on good dress. This will be your only opportunity
this season to see STRAUSS BROS.- complete Jine
in the piece.
The Best Draft Wagons
Easy Riding Carts
.With most people it is " Where can I buy the cheap
est?" Taking quality into consideration, we can
solve the problem for you regarding
Dry Goods, Slices, Groceries, FIcar ar.d Feed
You have oulv to give us a trial
Carnation Cream very fine per can - - - - - lOc
Cutriu Packing Company's Tomatoes, per can -. lOv
Cream Sugar Com choice per can - - - - - - - lOr
Other gocds in proportion,
V. H. COFFEY, 483-491 Bond Street
much to the home. We are well stocked with
best grades of woolen, velvet, tapestry and Ingrain car
pets, and will sell you Just what you want at a price to
suit Also linoleums, mattln g, rugs, art squares and ev
erything else needed In the h orr.e. We sell for cash or on
easy Installments, and warra nt everything exactly as rep
resented. Call and see the goods and get prices.
" ' '.'Jobbers and Dealers in . ...
Pipa Repairing
A Special ty
Strict adherence to it enables ns to qualify willing workers to rendri
superior service as bookkeepers and stenographers. Our instruction is
nnnsually thorough a fact so widely known that reputation alone brings
us most of our students. Quality always counts. Examine into our
facilities better now than ever before. Industrious, willing students make
rapid advancement in all studies taken. Call, or write for our catalogue,
Park and Washington Streets 7 A. P. Armstrong, LL. B.j Principd
There will be a great dis
play of woolens in the piece
at our store on the following
d sites
Septcmtcr 22-23
These goods have been
especially sent for this oc
casion by
Strauss Bros.
America's Leading Tailors
whose tailoring is too
well known to require
Llghest Kunning Baggks n
- coococecoccecc)ooocoo
515 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon