THE MORNING ASTORIAN. KIDAY. SliPTODUU 13, UK)2 Sore Hands Red Rough Hands Itching Pal ras and Painful Finger Ends. ONE NIGHT CURE. SOAK the hands on retiring In a strong;, hot. creamy lather of CUTICURASOAP. Dry, an J anoint freely with CUTICURA OINTMENT, the ret skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the night, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms. For red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful. Millions of People Cat Ccticpba Soar, misted by Cm ecu Oixtmkvt, for preservinfr, purify ing, and beautifying the akin, for draining the scalp of Croats, scales, and dandruff, and thastopping of falling hair, fnrioften in?, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby raeliea, itchings and irritations, and for all the purposes of tlie toilet, bath, and nursery. Miilious of Women ne Cutictra Soap in the form of btitlia for annoying inflammations, cliaf ings, aud excoriations, or too free or offea aivo perspiration, in the forui of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antUeptic purposes which read ily suggest themselves to women. COMPLETE HUMOUR CTRE, $1. fon-t-llni of CCTtcCKA Sor(gp.),tocltsnee Uiv'cuist and scales, nd fu-u tlie tliickened eitt.-lc: Crncmu Oivwfst. .), to to. ftjiutlr allav itching. Inflammation, and irri-t-ilion', and' Mothe and hel; CCTICFS4 Resoltekt Pills (23c V the new chocolate coaled sulwtttute for liquid Resolvent, to vt and clonus the blood. A Single Set is often melent to core the severest case, es pecially of baby humours. Syotd nirouelMwi, Uit world. Itrit'rit Drortt Ci-.-rterKMte &l Londco. Fiwa. !fc-rr-: A Rw de 1. lux. l'uu. Pottie Dihuo Cmui-Cosr.. frays. STEAMSHIP SIBERIA FAST. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH MEHODIST CONFERENCE. The Western Norwegian and Danish M. E. Conference met for its eighth annual aesslon in the Norwegian and nanlsh M. E. church In Upper As toria yesterday morning. Bishop Earl Cranston, P. D presiding. The con ference opened with a celebration of 1he Lord's Supper led by the bishop, afier which the secretary for the last year's session called the roll. The or ganisation that followed was as fol lows: Bishop Cranston, in the chixlr; Rev. Aug. Peterson, first assistant sec retary: statistical secretary, Rev. 0. J. Heekner: Rev, F. N. Meiby, assis tant; treasurer, Rev. K. Erlckson and F. A. Scarvte. assistant. The first order of business after the orgnniiatlon was the submitting of the reports by the various presiding elders, who were as follows: Rev. M. Wilson, of California; Rev. E. J. Ltn deganrd. Montana: Rev. J. Olsen, Ore gon; Rev. E. L. Hansen, Washington. All the reports showed excellent work j being done In the different, districts i being done in the different districts. I fields of labor, which In every Instance i materially sustained the report of the presiding elders as to the success of the year's labors. In the evening Rev. E. J. Lunder gaard. of Spokane, and Rev. F. A. Scarvle. of Great Falls, preached from the text, "Lo and behold. I am with you even unto the end of the world." PROGRAM. Tolty 9 a. m. business session: 3 p. m., preaching by Rev. P. N. Meiby. of Pan Frncisoo, and in the evening at S p. m. by Rev. A. Peterson, of Se- i attle. and Rev. O. F. Field, of Eureka, 'Cal. Saturday 9 a. m.. business session; j S p. m.. preaching by th Rev. X. L. Hanson, of Butte. Mont , and Rev. P. Peterson, of Los Angeles. Cal. j Sunday At First M. E. church. Rish ! op Earl Cranston will preach at ll a. ! m. In the evening the Rev. Pr. T. C ! Tliffe, assistant secretary of the board of Church Extension, will preach at j 7:30 p. m. In the first M. E. church and not in Foard and Stokes hall as pre j viously announced. LATE ITEMS. News fraii Svensen Is that Gooden saved his house, but nothing else. ' i Reports from two sources say that NEWPORT NEWS, Sept 11. The X, halem is having no better time new steamship Siberia, built here for , than the rest. Fires are rasing all the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, ; around there. returned to Old Point last night after a most successful trip at sea, making a ' The whole country north of Vancou maximuni speed of a knots. ; ver. Wah., Is fighting flames. Re- The Siberia left here at 12:15 o'clock ! r-orted that the further north the Monday and made the run of SfiO mile? ; worse the blaz. from the Capes to Nantucket Shoals: in 3) hours, averaging 18 knots an ; Up till time of going to prss corn hour under natural conditions. Coming munioatton between this city and Til back several spurts were made and lamook had not been restored and dias the Siberia ran easily from 19 to 21 trous news is expected. knots an hour. She will leave In about two weeks for San Francisco. TREASURE FOR ORIENT. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept . U.-The Honk Kong Maru, which sails today fnr the Oripnt. will carrv in her treas ure room more than J500.000 in treas-1 a"oss th" rir in different places, lire. Some of this is in the form of, Frt Columbia was almost surrounded Mexican dollars, but the majority of car'y In the evening and the stumer R. Charles WUkstrom had the honor of a procession on a piano trolley last night. He had imbibpd too much to know it, but the officers had impro vise! a patrol waeon and placed him in the city jail. Reports were coming in about fires the shipment consists of bars. STILL ANOTHER STRIKE. Miler was sent over to render assist anc-e tr take it. At this hour (3 a. m.) , no definite and authentic news as to ' the safety of 'he hul'ding at the f.rt ' could be obtained. VETERANS' REUNION. CHICAGO, Sept ll.-Over 125 men, j representing local union No. 361, grain '. elevator employes, are on strike and have tied up 10 of the big elevators at South Chicago. The walkout fol- ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 11 -United lowed the refusal of elevator suj.erin- States Berry, of Arkansas addressing tendents to recognize the union and , veterans at a reunion here today of ex- accede to several demands. MUST PRACTICE ARCHERY. i Confederates of Mtoourt. declared that the Confederate soldier performed the I greater acts of heroism and valor than ! any other soldiers in the world's hls- tory. "If Jeff Davis W!is n traitor. I am a traitor, too," s.n'il the sen itor. A barbecue was held this afternoon NEW YORK, Sept. 11. An edict has been issued, cables the Shanghai c r resDondent of the Times, censuring the Crinese imperial bodyguard for and was atti1d by WOO persons. their neglect to practice archery reg-1 ularly. LED p,Y KAISER. ACORN PARLOR MATCHES. j 1500 Matches put up In a neat ear toon. A good match at a reasonable mice. We sell them at 10c per pack age ROSS. HIGGINS & CO. j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Offloe, Oregon City, July 16, 1902: Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of congrw June 3, 1878, entitled " An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California. Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all public land states by act of August 4, 1802, WILLIAM L. GILSON, of Daila, county of Polk, ttate of Oregon, bas this day filed In this of fice hi sworn statement No. 5S25, for the purchase of the NW. quarter of ectkm No. 19 in township No. ( north, range No. t west, and will offer proof to sbow that the land sought ia more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish fata claim to said land before the register an1 receiver of thla of- at Oregon City. Ore., on Saturday. th Hh far ot October, 1902. He itan as witnesses: Theodore (Rtarkinaa, ot Astoria Ore.; James El nynn. ft Portland. Ore.; Adeaon Mon ro, of Portland. Or.; Thai. B. Btdwell, of Aatorta, Ore. Ar and aU persons claiming ad-irr-'7 th aioTe-4ecrIbeJ lands are rnKtre4 to 0! their claims Is this ff!e oft or hefer U1 th day of Oe- CHA9. B MOORE, 7-2S-J-2 Hf-ntr. FR V NK FORT, Sept. n.On-The Oder Major General Young and Bri gadier General Woods and their aides Lieutenants McKinley nnd McCoy, charged with cavalry led by Emperor William today. The Americans did not draw their swords, but rode with Garde du Corps, one of the household regl ments and emperor's body guards. This charge was the climax of the maneuvers. NOTORIOUS BANDIT SURRENDERS DENVER. Sept. ll.-A social to the News from Tucson, Ariz., says: Bert Alvord. the famous train rob. ber and outlaw surrendered last night Hounded by rangers In the United States and rurales In Mexico, broken In spirit, his right arm shattered by bullets so that he can no longer use a gun, Alvord decided to give up and trust to the leniency of the law. ROOME WILL URN WIRES. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. ll.-Wlth the sanction. of President E. II. Hani man, of the Southern Pacific, General Manager Julius Kruttschnltt has ap pointed A. E. Roome, of New Orleans, superintendent of all the telegraph lines of the company. Mr. Roome will have his hadquarters In San Fran Cisco. He succeeds J. B. Donner, who died last month. Ha SLAVER mia win i ii l i If IN W U U I II IN mi INK I II 11 M tfi I It-' th. II N; it' !1 u Il I t l 1 j 1 1 ru ! jUi14W Slatfry is naturally abhorrent to a nation whose eontititution dorlaifs all iwoplo to be born equal under the law and to have equal right to life, liberty and the iuiuit of happiness. Hut slavery is most obnoxioun when it fastens its bonds on women. If it were known that one American woman had been carried into slavery by Mor or Arab, the I'nited Slates would rescue that single, slave if it took its whole navy and combined aniw to effect her deliverance. And yet this United States teems with women slave, for whom nothing can be done bv the government. When a woman toils every dav, from moin until night, year after year, aud gets nothing for her labor but food lo eat, clothes to wear and a roof to shelter her, what is that but slavery? That is the lot of many a woman iu this free land. She is a household drudge. Sta has no money to spend. She takes no holidays. She slave and saves to help pay for the home, to enable her husband to pay for another eighty acres, or for somw other domestio purpose. She loses her sight over the cooking stove and her strcntrth over the wash tub, and not infre- ntlv when the last payment on house or land is e, sho herself pay the debt of nature ami leaves result of her labors to a new and younger wife. It is this household slavery of American women that may be held as largely responsible for the prevalence of womanly diseases. Common feminine ailments are neglected and allowed to grow until they involve the general health, and to the burden of slavery is added the weight of almost constant pain. The back aches. There are bearing-down pains. The nerves are shat tered. Appetite fails and night are sleepless. The form slowly loses flesh and the cheek grow hollow. The one blessing left to the hard working . ,., i.i , . .i . . woman 11 neaitn. it neiun is 101, uie greatest boon wouM be to find it again. !:. Pierce's favorite Prescription is commended l v w i:u ti as a health-restoring tncdi '; cuivs i'u womanly disease which under--:;v:igth. It establishes let'iilarity, dries ir,,' il.tiiis, heals inflammation and ulcera I c ,r -s female weakness. irumxumxnnimmimnniiimmminuxn ...THE CITY OF ASTORIA... In Noted mm I lie I'tiui' Where la MitiitifiH'turctl... - Cutbirth's Creosote Shingle Stains ii Binii-MIMB 'XTTj CTMC. ii. .no lion, "I i!-!::c- '.:' .i few lines t let you know what your a i.c ,l.wic for tue,' says Mrs. Itattie Hurra o. n j Spring Street, Nashville, Tenn. "I i.ijiit a l' icc about two years ajjo and you a kind letter, telling me to tike your ' Favor- rresonptiou' and 'Lolden Mcucal IMscovery.' When ei t.v;mi votir mc iicme i was uoi auie to sianu wr-'.e "I'' it I on uiv feet ten minutes at a time. Had f iHmg ! uterus ana Kiuney ana liter uiseajc, ana was so weak and nervous I could not keep s'.ill. W.-uld take nervous spells and almost die at tunes, at least I thought I was eoing to die. I h.i.l several different doctors aUcwliug, but they cuuld ot do me anv good. The last one I had si i I would never get up ajiain. TolJ him I was tak ing vour ' Kaiorite Prescriotion ' and ' Col ! a Medical Discover- and he said, ' Might as wel take" that much water e.ichlav.' r did not V'teti to what he said, but thought to uivwlt I would give the medicine a fair trial. Hfor . I had ritiicl the tost two bottles I was able to gel out side the house and walk around the va:d. I U -vt m taking the mcdicme and It cured me of my disease. I was the mother of one little g ti, u"' e ye-" now 1 hv uolher line baby girl, seven months old, and am in verv g - health Was in lwd healt.i alwut three years (since the birth of my first child); tried a!! Uit ' ; of medicine recommended to lie good for my trouble but all of no avail. I felt it mv ;' " ? v.-rite and tell you what good'your meilicme had done for me. for I well know tint it ;t In I i '-t !- c fr Ir, I'irrce s medicines, I would have been in mv grave long ago. I kno - I i c I think Dr. Pierce's medicine the best i" 'ii" ' There are a great many women wi;1 I told by Ick'.iI physicians they eouM u women are hard to persuade to 'ry I' every such woman, no matter how Prescription" stands alone arann" tm oi noted for its successful cures of iii-.:!-reach. It owes its popularity ofim t t terfeet and nermanent cure. ll ;:v'"i cures, and it can be positively ami'm-l m-u in nineiyuigin cmea uuiui nuj Hun dred the use of Dr. Pierce's Favori'.- Prescription will result in a complete cure of womanly diseases. " I used four bottles of your ' Favorite I'r writes Mrs. Elmer D. Shearer, of Mount':- of that dreaded disease, uterine trou'ile. knows me is surprised to see me look S" . health that at times I could not walk. followed your advice, and to-day aia cu d medicines cured me." If you are discouraged and feel ti, advice, Dr. Pierce invites you t c n free. All correspondence is striei:v credly confidential Address Dr. Pi' Sometimes a dealer, tempted by tic paid on the sale of less meriturioos offer a substitute for " Favorite IV as good." Judged by its record oi ills, there is no other medicine juM vorite Prescription." , hi it Have uvea long in tue coikihioh i wiw in , 't : r 'i -K-' i-eS of Women. " used other medicines in vain and been c.iteil, as was Mrs. iloiradaile. Such l ii ' -e's Favorite Prescription. Hut let : i i!,-cotiraged, remeniber that "Favorite s for the cure of womanly diseases. It is iich no other medicines have been able to fact that tried as a last resort it effected a of thousands of women testify to these ;;-rntion' and one of 'Golden Medical Uiscovery,' l',;'.Mcast.-r Co., Pa., "and can say that I am cured i in letter health than ever before. Everyone who !! In lunc, when I wrote to you, I was so poor in ..iiswered mv letter then and told me what to do; I "j ;.il everybody that, with God's help, Dr. Pierce's need of medical !:. i. in;, by letter, private and sa- cc, iiiui'alo, N. Y. lii.ilu more profit i. .-(..nation', will . ;..i-.u" as "just .. of womanly a good a " Fa- 3 GIFT FOR YOU. ' ;" J1? viaae, containing marc than c..3 St.ouamud large pagoa and over 100 llluairatione, ia aanl FREE on receipt ot atmntpe to pay OMpmnz of mailing ONLY, Send 31 cne-voiit atampm tor the ctelh-bound volume, or only ?1 atrmpo for the hook in raoer oevaea. Addrczai Dr. R. V. PiZr.", Buffalo, ft. T, The Most PiiikIiIo, Preservative", mid Handsome Htaliis oil the Market. Nothing keeps out the wenlher like shintflns ou the walls, Nuthhin pr,'erve and beautlUe shingles like (hilhirth's atnina, Outhirlh also make the host OOlTKU PAINT for His bidloin of nil w liter era It, XXZZUXZXZZZXZZZXXXZZZXXZZZXXZZZZUZZXZZZZZZZZZXXXX.H Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supi'lics of all kinds nt lowest rntc, for fiNlieniieu, Farmer and Ixiggers. As V. ALLBIN Trrth and Commcrtlul MrtcU TTmTiTrTmTTTmixxxrxixxzTimiTnMXXiiMxim Finest Restaurant in the City Palace Regular Meal, 25 cents, Sunday Pinners a Specialty. I'vt rylliiiig the market nlbd'tls. (Ta-I a-l x - xxxzxxxxxxxzzxzzzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzxxxzzzzxzzzzzzxzzzx ' .XT' XnW! p.uu i ASK ANY ONC Who has lined Mlar Estate P.ang and they will toll you they art h iiiiwt ullsfaetory Ihcy hav aver uw.l. They recjulra bm Utile ful snl bake quirk and uniform, and urn ally manid. For sal In AiiorU only by W. J. Scully : :,if,y !!e A- ".. 4J iiond 5TKt:ET. 4JI IIOND 5TKi:iiT. Iletwcvn Mnth sua Tenth Castings We arc prepared to make them on short notice and of the best materials. Let u give you estimates on any kind if castings or pattern work. prices for flrat-clua work. TELEPHONE NO 2461. IRON, STI-EL. IJRASS and HRONZl; Sccw Bay Iron & Brass Works I ,ir llli n .1 K unit li PACIFIC COAST COMPANY Fisher's Opera House L. E. Selig, Lessee ami JHgr. Monday. September 15, 1902 AIDEN BENEDICT'S New Scenic Production Marie Corelli's "THEUMA" A Dramatized by Chns. W. Chase Excellent cast of characters Beautiful stage settings Hpecial scenery for every act Magnificent electrical effects Prices Reserved seats, 75 cents; gal U ry, 60 cents. Seat Sale opens Saturday morning at Griffin & Keed's. Andrew Asp, Warns later, ilarkanlth h Mirmlior nrtcT-CLASs work at reasonable: prices. Special Attention Given to flhlp ard Steamboat Repalring.Oeneral Black mlthlnf, First-Claia Horse Shoeing, mc CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANB PRAEL & COOK TRAN5FER COMPANY. Telephone t2l. DRAY1NG AND EXPRESSING All foods shipped to our ears Will receive special attention. No. 538 Ouans St. W. X COOK, Mir. 1 These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam or yopaiDai Cubebs or Injections ndum CURE IN 4 H0UR8Py the same diseases with' out inconvenience. IiuXURIOUS TRAVEL Thj "Northwestern Llml'Jd" trains, electric llirhted throughou', both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains Is tns world. The etnbsdy the Utest, rewesl and bust Ideas for comfort, convenlnct and luxury aver offered the travelling nubile, and altogether are the meat complete and splendid production ef the car builders' ert. These splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and Th; Canadian Pacific AT BZ. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charga for thess superior acommodations and all rlassss of tick ets are available tor passage en the trains on this Una are protected by the Interlocking Blocs system, W. H. MfQAD, H. L. SI8LER, Oenersl Agent. Traveling Ag t Portland. Oregjo. For Steamer, Commercial and Pamily Use Orders Promptly f:cctited. DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Ti LtPIIOft MtlN t.ol Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. POUMDRl) A. l. I7lt SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OK l,(INIM)N THK Ol.DKS F I'I Kiil.V ITKi: OI I K I; I.N l llli VVOHI I). C"h At - - ft f . ,Mt,fttH Crmh AMt In UnllTr. HiatCa,. ,(,K,i,sn C A. HENRY & CO., GEMERAL AGENTS. 215 Snnsome Street Sun I'miuiwu, Cnl. SAMUEL ELMORL: & CO., AGENTS ONE DOLLAR cannot be cx(!ii(letl to better ad vantage foi yoiirsel or absent friends than in a year's subscription for the Semi-Weekly Astorian It gives all the city and county news twice each week foi only one dollur a year in advance. ... Hotel PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Flrat-Clann Hotel In Portland DYSPEPTICIDE Th arsatsst aid to DIGESTION. "Let tho COW DUST twlr.3 do your worlf