fill: 'MOKNING ASTOUIAN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1902 Orcjson ;Orcjroti ;Flfty : Fifty ;Today Today Bartlctt Bartlctt Cctitn , -Cents' -Today Today Ross, Higglns 6t Co. TttUDFIIONB TODAY 8 WEATHER. PC'HTIjAND, Bej.1. l(i.-Ornon, Ma ho mil Washington, fair. Illlir 1'illH . 1c I'kjj Tujh-t l'ill lc I'illoW ( W, full Mt Vn'M - . . 12c Hleaeliccl Toweling . . ftc (MuUir IMineiitor now mi nli nl lrt ttt-rn ( 'outlier. 566 COMMERCIAL 5T Our trt rlu tit (! p. in. evciy jy rxiH'pt Snltinlsy. Oaston Mlt fcul, grain ana. hay. HiM lnirtMt pram 26 cent p-r Ikx touy.-J'IINXoN IHtOH. l or I '-ui -'I'm-, rnvmi, furnlnliej fur housdm-plnf . J6 Tenth Street. J in- It.utli.'I'Hin wun in from hi VounKt rlvr dairy yesterday. Kur tl' in. - An 8 -room house on Klitlith Mini, nt s fHi' month. In quire l Amor llon Tin' "uj 11. Klmore arrived safely ut Tllluii.ook with her large cargo yes irniiiy tVfiiliiK. Kh-i Lit uK.- of pictures and paint Inn ut I el m I prices for ft few days only, At Svenson's Hook Store. Tlii- IIiUIkJi mi'iitiicr lndriipuru may l' rxiM-;'t.-. In port in a day or two from jKrt n. liU .. repairing will) skill and j.iMiiii.l.ii . SUi I'l.rn In mock; work tfiiuiiintml. Itflltincv LW-eiriral Work til l:or,d st. Today and from now on only union iii-ii will work at the Jeff restuui'ant. Tim union ni-n announce that tho boy cott will be removed Immediately. A liunJHoiiie mid stylish sideboard In a com I'tilcim- tippici-lnted by every hoiiM''lo', tin1 new Mack ut tho store of i "hiii". Itellhorn & Son, The property of H. F. Tucker, Mi nuted nt the corner of Seventh street noil lliiri'lHiin ii ven lie wan sold for the Viim of $1510. tleoige Mocrs In the purchaser, The Hcsnon for dnmson plums Ii now at lt height. We hnve n Mock of very nice on" nnd will bo pleased to have you cnll and nee them. JOHN SON HltOS. A meeting of the marine engineers wiih held at their hall last night. Sev ern! members ndmltled thnt some very Important business whs brought up, but no Infor ivulnn ns to lis nnture would be Riven out. The tiiK Samson nvrlved In yeMerdny afternoon from the jetty on Ornys Harbor with the empty bui'Re Walln out. The tuR has but one more barge of Blone to tow riround nnd (the will leave with II this niornlnR nt 7 o'clock. The county saw mill, which In cut ting lumbtir for the Youngs River county rond, has been In Imminent danger lnt-My of going up In Binoke, II Ih thought now, however, that It U post the dnnger point. The mess houiie though, might Btlll be lost. - The coun try n round there In burning fiercely, The llnlley Gutaert enme In ci ub iml liiHt night, but brought but little news of the fires.. They ore Mill burn ing, but the moky atmosphere pre cluded and extenBlve olmervntlon The captain had to turn on hit ourch light at 11 o'clock In the morning, bo nmoky wa the air. 1 ft 4 J Pears Pcoth Per Box Per Box Today Today FIi'M-cIub ilminton plum (or cim nlng at Hi" right price toduy - JOHN HON llltOH. Oo to the A. F, of L.vmployinent office, Labor Hull, No. 'tU Koiid Bt., for good rellithln help. WANTKD-Three or four unfurnlBh t'd room for light houkeepirig Call or nddrcB Atorlun office. All nmokeni nmuke the "t'rldc of ABUnln" clgari. Nn binttr md. MunufMclured by MncKmUinj & Kiio twl. A llerte rtiv In rnglug In the ih) Ih tmi k of Knuppu. No duinuge Iiun yet U-eii duliM to thi fui mem, but coniUilcr able iilitrm hu been felt. A man hii twen crippled for life liy rt bicycle acorcher. No illy In the Btute glvn thfBe llcmln uch an abom inable HceiiBe a I'ortlund. lUlffi'U to pleUMI Ilia uiiiHt funtlillouK, tho lati-Bt i reutlone (.! njlilly plunucd nnd iiinenlflceinly cunitructed, unex cilled for i-c.tni,-e. if our umperton Unite I. hu. lleliborn Bon. (in Tuewluy afternoon Ouittuf C!ub liifnoii wn up Iwfore Judgo Nelon on the tluirgB of being drunk, lie una fined tti tor the unVlimi and nun nd vltied to go and drink no more. I'luiiiblu.;, tiiinliiK. gn and uteaui lilting at loivtm ratea utij In woik-ri-'-ll! .iiHiinrr, Uidvta irailipil executed. hop. No. 4:5, liulid Mitel. JOHN A. MONTljOMKftlT. The new ateniner Itelluble, which u recently htunchel from Leather' boat building IniUBc, la nearly completed and w ill Boon ! In readlne to make a trip to Soulh Hen. I, when clie will go Into coinuilBHlon. Iron be-la are fnut auperardlng the eunibei m-) wooden article becau they 'tro nearor, more durable, aanl ten1 and vermin proof. The latent roductloua have Junt been rec.dv.-d by i 'ha. Ililb.-rn A Bon, Mm It, 11. Wulluce entertiilned the memlx-re of the Jolly Neighbor Hub on Vedneadiiy evening. ItugN thrown on the gr.m nnd Chlueae lunteru nnd atur overhead, nnd ivfrenlimciitn on tho aide, made up a pleaaut evening. 11. 'V. Mr. Trumbull I about to enter noon liln ninth year u paator of the local IhiptlBt church. At a recent meeting of the ofhVlulii of the church he wii elected to nerve a pastor fur the coming year, nnd the public will lie glad to learn that hit will remain. The ateniner Itellunce left out yes terday afternoon for Seattle. The ve el ha been lying at Flavel' dock for two or three day watching until the swell ut the bnr would subside Biittl clent to permit her to venture on her trip and yesterday was the 11 mt day that was at nil suitable. The steamer has her cabins firmly braced, the small bout firmly lushed and I otherwise prepared to meet her oceun voyuge. The hen.'y enRlnc at the logging camp of (', 0, Chirk, on the Necnnl cum, blew up recently and a fearful di-nth of the logger wn only nar rowly averted. The men were eating ut the time ,md bo were not about the engine, Hnd the explosion not been inlte so premature the result would indoubtedly have been terribly dlsn. Irons. A It was the engine was de molished nnd the mess house consid erably dnnmg.'d, but no one was lu lu rod. The local Marine Engineers' V -tioflt Association No. 70, contemplate pur chasing or renting a atenmer nnd plnc Iiik It on the route bctwen here nnd t'atlilami'l. The association clnlms the boat can lie rrfn with very little ex )enst, the only offlcltil. necessary t be employed being the captain, the en gineers asserting thnt they will man the vessel In every other department. A committee will probably be appoint ed by the association at an early dale to visit Portland and secure a steam er. The contest social given by the la dles of the W. C. T. IT, yesterday aft ernoon nt the home of Mrs. Rannells was yell attended and proved a delight ful function. The organisation Is di vided In what Is known as sides, each side contesting for a specified period In the accomplishing of good di cds and In the end tho side that Is con sidered to have' done the least enter tains the winning side with a social. At the social given yesterday the en tertainers wore masques at the back of their heads, which were emhlemat Icnl of looking backward over the shortcomings of the contest they hnd engaged In. During the progress of the social those present had the pins tire of llstnlng to xcllnt inualc. Deli cate refreshments were served. U 8, Engineer Offlct, Portland, Ore., Hept, , 130; Beiiled proposal will be received here for mattress, rock and bile work In connection with the ex tension of the Jetty at the mouth of Couullle Illver, Ore,, until it a, ni October 8, 1902, and then publicly open ed. Information on application. W, I'. Lnngntt, ('apt, Engrs. Harrison Allen and wife returned yesterday from a five-weeks' visit at Cannon Ilegih. That section of the country, with Its balmy climate und grand si.snery, Mr. Allen believes to be the moat beautiful In the sitae and not aufflclently appreciated by Oregon hum. The chlf drawback Is the poor road an iiininojatlon, The people there hope that the county court will take hold of the matter and maintain a reg. ulnr county road, thereby assuring the outside world a good substantial means of travel. This would greatly enhance the Interests of the place and add to lis giowth, Mr I,. (J. Thomas, general ;:g nt of Kller' I'lano House, Is In the city, for the purpose of looking after the In terest of his house. Mr. Thomas Is a plnno man of the old- school, hav ing devoted a lifetime to the study of piano and organs. In fact, 'at one time, Mr. Thomas was extensively en ed In the manufacture of Iteed or gans In Ohio. He will make head 'pmrter with the local representative of the (Inn Mr, A. II. Cyrus, 41:4 Com nuT'lal street, where a complete line of the various hlgh-grde Instruments curried by the Kller'a Pino House will l on display. Store open In the even ing". A dramatisation of Marie Corelll's "Th 'llna" wll be presented at Fish ers' oerii house next Monday even ing. All of the strong features in the no e ure reproduced uixin the stage vividly, making It one or the most loinpl-te dramatizations ever given a lnk. Alden Ilenedlctt, the manager, j Is offering a scenic and electric, pro- ililrllon and the startling effect In troduced nre said to be nothing short of marvelous "Thelma" Is coisldered the strong-st story written by the famous novelist. The company engag ed to interpret the play Is competent and callable and the performance promise to be mors than usually In teresting. Seat wile opens tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at Griffin & Iteed', SOLI '1 Kit MISSING. Itellfoid, of Nlmty-Thlrd Coast Artil lery ha Dlsuppeured. An further news of the Fort Stevens solilier can lie obtained. The two young artlller) men who followed the man from tin- fort to the trestle have railed to lo. ate him and believe that he ha fallen off and been drowned. They claim that he vu muddled with tlrlnk. one of the officers at the Fort was kind enough, In answer to a re aucBt from this paper, to give this statement: Iti'llofrd wu i mechanic working on guns und llioii: carriages. 1 was In the habit of seeing blin twice u day and had no complaint to make against him. Of course. If he were drinking, he might brace hltme.f up when un officer came round, but us he was a good workman und we could always rely on his work being prop erly done we hud no occasion to be lieve that he Vus drinking as heavily us some of his eoturudes claim now. After leuvlng the fort he probably got some drink down town before start ing for Astoria. To the best of our knowledge he was sobr when he left here. I hnd good occasion to observe him yes t c id ay as I waa talking to him about several pieces of work and he carried himself straight. At all times when Jtellford got Instructions to do a thing we could rely on It lelng properly done." MEDAL RECOVERED. After Heing Lost for More Than One Year. It may be remembered that J. W. Pembroke was a visitor to the Asto ria regatta over a year ago. Mr. Pem broke was instrumental In getting some well-known 'San Frunclseo oarsmen to take purt and during the stay made a great number of acquaintances. At that lime he lost u medal which hnd been won by a four-oared crew which had competed. No trace of It could be found after a diligent search. About a month ago while the merry-go-round was running In this city a Mr. Fred erickson found the medal and t iinie dlntely turnel It over to the chief of police. Since then the chief has been on the hunt for the owner nnd got word of him In a letter front San Fran cisco giving his address. The return, after such a length of lime, und found In such a way is wonderful, and the good luck of regaining property lost for so long comes to very few. The chief of police traced Mr. Pembroke's address through the Alameda Boat Club and It took a month's liuuilrlt-s before locating the owner of the mednl. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. All fishermen whose nets have been Injured by steamers during the Inst fishing season are requested to report tho fact with the circumstances at tending the same to the secretary of the C. R. F. P. Union. T. NELSON, Secretary of Joint Committee. FOR SALE. ; Three or four fresh milch cows. Ap ply to Q. W. Warren, Warrenton. PKItSONAIi JIUNTIOX. Mr. Will Madison Is visiting in I'ortlund. Harry McDermott, of Kort Btevtn. Is In the city. Mr. II. Crohn and daughter are vis iting In Portland. The family of Y. P. Kn1ai bos moved to Portland. L. J. Santo and wife are In town from Oakland, Cal. Walter K. Lagen, a shoe man from Seattle la at the Occident W. J. Ingalla, of Lewis and Clark, wa In town yesterday afternoon. N. D. Bnln, of the Necmlcuin fcpi uce Lumber Company, Is ii th city. Mrs. C. H. Cooper and children have returned from their Beaalde cottage. F. W. Chansse editor of the Oregon Observer, was In the city yesterday. L U. Mill, of tse Toke Point Oyster house, ha a jievere attack of tonsl lllls. Itev. Mr. McCormac: returned yester day from the West Side, where, ne iald a brief visit. Misa Alma Johnson, vho bus been taking an outing at Seaside, returned home yesterday. Dr. Cordlner ha returned from the aeslon of the Oregon State Medical Association, held In Portland. Cnntuln . 8. Wlckland and fimlly are In the city from Fort Stevens und will visit here for a few days. Mis M. EwIng, of Wlllipa., Wash , Is visiting with Mrs. John Montgomery. Miss Jecsle Kelmun left yesierjoy to visit with relatives In berden. Mrs. J. L. Oirlnon and I-Vn re turned yesterday f ro n Tjk'i Inlet, Alaska- Mr. Curiam wi'l piob.ibty return the last of his month. Mrs. H. O. Hiiughmnn, W. (3. Hohn. K. W. Hellman, Fred B. Stuart, T. A. Chlmmock and W. J. Bowen. ail of Portland, nre at the Occident. A. Olsen and family arrived In the city last night from Portland an.! will go over to Peep River today, where Mr. Olsen Is engaged In the lopglng business. f. C. Brower, well known here and at one time the lical Justi-e if the leace. la In Portlnd front Klai'ath Fulls. Judge Brower left Astoria on account of his falling health. Dr. S. J. Martin and family of Ilwa- co, arrived In the city yesterday en- route for Seattle. The trio will tie made up the Columbia on the steam er Lurline to Mt. Coffin and from there on by team. Mrs. A. A. Rappleya, her daughter, Mrs. Lockhard and Little Violet Lock hard, left lust evening on the Oatjsert for St. Martin's Springs, nenr the Cas cades, Washington, afterwards going to visit Spokane. A POWERFUL SEARCHLIGHT. The latent Invention Is that of a sig nal light which It Is claimed will pen etrate the heaviest fog for a distance of half a mile. It It Is a success many accidents on both land and sea can be averted. Much Interest is being man ifested In the discovery, the same as In any other Invention that is Intended to savs life. This Is the reason so many people hve been Interested in Hostetter's Stomach Bitters during the past 60 years. It Is recognized as the best health maker and blood purifier in existence, and with good health and blood disease cannot And a foothold. It Is therefore specially adapted to persons in Ill-health and who suffer from heartburn, Indigestion, dyspep sia, constipation, or malaria, fever and ague. Try It. PIANOS FOK SAM-. Spi'iiul hidtln mi II.' Will IK Mndf 1 4. lose Out n N iiiii Ik r Now in Stork, For the purpose of closing out every Instrument now In Astoria, to make room for new pianos and organs about to arrive I have authority to dispose of the remaining several choice upright pianos at wholesale cost. And not only this, but to accomplish this matter quickly, we will accept very easy terms of payment from any responsible purchaser who Is not pre pared to pay all cash at this time. Ten dollars down and six dollars a month will now secure an excellent, fully w'arranted upright piano, at a saving of a clean hundred dollars. Don't fail to see this and other good Instruments at the closing out tale of the Cyrus stock. L. G. Thomas, general agent, Eller's I'lano Hous. with A. R. Cyrus, 424 Commercial Street, Astoria. Largest oldest and most responsible Western dealers. Store open In the evening. HATS TRIMMED FREE. Mrs. R. Ingleton has just oi ened up a fine line of ladies" fall hats,-walking skirts, over Bklrts, woolen shirt walsis and under clothes, and all kinds of ladles' and children's furnishing goods. Hair switches and ponipadours. A chance for the elegant $6;0 piano with each 50o purchase. Welch B:ock, opposite Budget office. SAVED AT GRAVES BRINK. " I know I would long ago have been in my grave," writes Mrs. S. H. New som, of Decatur, Ala., "If It had not been for Electric Bitters, For three years I suffered untold agony from the worst forma of Indigestion, Water brash, Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. But this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Since using It I can eat heartily and have gained 85 pounds." For Indigestion, loss of Ap petite, Stomach. Liver and Kidney troubles, Electric Bitters are a posi tive, guaranteed cure. Only SOc at Chas. Rogers' drug stoer. EXTRAORDINARY PHENOMENON Day Almost Turned Into Night. Itcsi iiihlctl a Total ilifix of the Hum Many People foully Hcnn-il-iJIrN tjiilt Work. Th ecity presented a very peculiar appearance yesterday afternoon. The Minoke, which has been steadily In (rearing for the past two r three days, seemed to bank up and in the short space of an hour it waa clmost dark although early In the afternoon. The Chang uf the wind drove the smoke Into a dense cloud, and the coast having become clear the rays of the sun shining from an unobscur ed sky produced a rather startling phenomen of a yellow green color. A good number of nervous people were frightened badly and all klrds of amus. Ing stories were rife last night. Vis Ions of Martinique carr.e bp and many got suddenly very devout The girls working in the SanWn-Cuttlng Pack ing Company, t-sesed work and got Into secluded sj.ota to g.Jt on their knees. Klsewhoee among well-known families there was consternation. Some were foun d locked In each other's arms, and tthTit womanlike went to bed. The excitement was not noticeable on the streets, where cooler heads were ex. plaining the cause of the sky's unus ual atwt The quartermaster's of fice U. 8. A. ro'alled the time that a similar phenomen had marked the day of President Arthur's death. Fine ashes were falling all day. The cap tain of the Bailey Gatzert had to use his searchlight before noon on his way from Portland. BUSINESS LOCALS. You will find the best ISc meal In the Hty at the Rising Sun Restaurant. No. ttl Commercial street New stock of fancy good Just ar rived at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. The ladles of the Presbyterian church will hold a rummage sale In the store room next to Griffin A Reed's beginning on Monday, SeoL 15th. Soms late designs In the ever popular Morris chairs Just received from the manufacturers. Call early and make your choice while there arw many to select fro n. Chas. Hellborn & Son. Roslvn coat lasts longer, Is cleaner and makes less trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other coal on the market. George W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 131L We have lust received a shipment of line Eastern hams, which we in vite you to call and examtne. These hams are the best quality obtainable and we guarantee each one to please. JOHNSON BROS. I CHEAP Are poor economy; but well fitting shoes, made of best materials and sold at very low prices are both economical and satisfactory : : : : YOU CAN GKT Til KM OF i S.A.Ginire o4JJ Bond Strert TRY IT-IT WON'T HARM YOU. This remedy is made of herbs gathered in the ltocky mount ains. It has been tested in the private praotiee of Dr. Perrin for 20 vears and has not failed to CURE in every iustance. No harm can come in trying it befpful malts are notice able immediately. SHOES 1 "Tailor "Beverly Garments" are tailored to fit you perfectly. - . , , They are tailored In the prevalent, incoming fashions, just before you are ready to wear them. "Ready-iMade" garments are made so early in the season that the ever occuring changes in style make them unstylish, unfashionable when you wear them. -The well groomed woman will wear ,. :;; Beverly Garments and why not? Popular prices keep their cost lower than other tailored garments, and seldom higher than fine ready-made garments. Wc make to fit more than f.fty styles from over 300 patterns. Late Fashion PUtes, Fab ric and Patterns far Fall 'Style in Suits, Cloaks aad Skirts ready for your Lttpectioa at The Leading Dry Gnods Store of - C.-Hi COOPER eaiitiful Crockery Display The Finest Assortment of Fancy Crock ery and Glassware ever seen in Astoria. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Special Fruit Dislies.Decorated Toilet Sets, Cut Glass, Bisque figures, Water Crocks, Souvenir Diabes. ALL AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES g FOARD 8 STOKES COMPANY 1 . We also carry a Complete THE GREAT QU E S T.I ON With most people it is fc Where can I buy the cheap est?" Taking quality into consideration, we can' solve the problem for you regarding Dry Gccds, Shces, Groceries, Fli'jr mi Feed . You bave onlv to give us a trial ' HERE ARE A FEW BARGAINS Carnation Cream very fine per can - - - - - 10c Cnttiug Packing Company's Tomatoes, per can - - - lOu Cream Sugar Corn choice per can - - - - - - lOv Other gocds in proportion. V. H COFFEY, 483-491 Bond Street rJCXXOOCOOOCXXOOOOCX BRIGHT, CHEERY. COMFORTABLE CARPETS ADD much to the home. We are well stocked with best grades of woolen, velvet, tapestry and ingrain car pets, and. will sell you Just w hat you want at a price to "suit. Also linoleums, matting, rugs, art squares and ev erything else needed tn the h ome. We sell for cash or an easy Installments, and warra nt everything exactly as rep resented. CaU and see the goods and get prices. ' . H. H. ZAPF, THE HOCSE FURNISHER, ; M s xyxxxiuxxaiXKX4xuxxxttxxnxxuxxnxxxxt:x2 TRULLIXGER, EASTABROOK & CO. KUCCB880KSTO . ' THEO. BRACKER Jobbeis and Dealers in CIGARS, .TOBACCOS, SMOKER'S ARTICLES, PLAYING CARDS, -.STATIONERY, AMBER GOODS, CUTLERY, ETC. ... ... MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES : Pipe Repairing A Specialty IS OUR MOTTO Strict adherence to it enables ns to qualify willing workers to rendet superior service as bookkeepers and stenographers. Our instruction it unusually thorough a fact so widely known that reputation alone brings ut most of our students. Quality always counts. Examine into our facilities better sow than ever before. Industrious, willing students make, rapid advancement in all studies taken. Call, or write for onr catalogue. -v PORTLANDS-BUSINESS COLLEGE Fark and Washington Streets A. P. Armstrong, LL. B,, Principal Made 95 A BEVERLT SUIT Line of Fancy Cutlery XUttt!SiUUt!ttt 2 M M 515 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon .-I, . i ......