4 "" W1lllMllll,l.i..lll. l,lV.p.lH.i.r.r,W--,1,nl, ,! ,- , ,, I-..M, ,1. Hl..lll.r llll I Jill ' i f ....II.MMir.WlMWMMI' 'I ? - j -Ll '")" j " T" Tmgt ""WW fllli MORNING ASTOKIAN,-THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1902 Oregon OrcKoti Pllty Fifty Bartlctt Bartlctt Cents -Cents -Today Today ; Toduy I oilny Ross, Higgins & ,Co. ... .. tictjdfhonb et. TODAT'8 WEATHER. 'JIB; U0l(4lMU a t'lm OU, uo.io 'ot 'KlJH 'UNVUHiM '20.' Lmlirs Fml Mack I Foxier v for ..... 12c 17c Mi.-scs' Kast Muck Ilohimy V.r 10c 7 Hull Toilet hipcr for 2.1c (iooil Tooth l'owdcr . 20c (Hubcr Delineator now on alet IVtlWl Coollter. Our stow clow nt II !' Hi. ever day except Saturday. Oaston sella feed, trsln ana hay. ( Mim Nun lt?ed In a success H the HIt0frV. The mHiT J'.lder passed out yes luiluy morning. 1'. J. tfloop I building a subatuntlul bum on hl property across Youngs bay. Kur linl-Thr f room, furnished fur Housekeeping. Iti5 Tenth Btreet. Tin- It. llaii'i i iu'U not got nut ) tcrday ot account ot the rough state or I lit' bur. Kur Knit. An 8-room Iiouee on KlitlKii Htuct, at IS r month. In quire nt Amor House. Mr. J. II. Mi', the now owm-r of the Rcimnce mill mired curly ut the Occident 'uhi night Special sale or picture and paint lug at redured prices for a few day only, at Svenson's Book Store. Lute yesurd-iy firnoon the bur hii r -ni t'-rt nr ihukIi and obscure with a mil tlin ml wind. Tin- MeuniiT Suo ii. Klmore will leu vi fi'i' TllluinooU Iny point at 7 u. in on Thursday, tfept. It Tin? Mhlp Harry Morse hss moved finin tin- . It. & N. dork to the A & 0., where It continue to discharge It mi to of cased lulmon, lllcycle repairing with sKIU and proniptueis. Supplies In stock; work Kuuruntftil. Iti'llanco K.h'Ctrlcal Works ill llond Pt. Toduy nnd from now on only union mn will work at the Ji'lt roHtuurant. Thn union nvn unnounce that the boy cott will be rvinovi'd ImmedlntHly. A hun Iwmio nnd lyllh Mklebonrd Ih a I'onvi'iileni npprerlnted by every housekeeper. Fee the new stock at the mine or CliiiH. Hellborn & Son. The circuit (ouit, which convenes next Monday, will henr a large number of r:Ke, Among thfin Is the one of Muttl Jnrvl ilmi'Kel with tho murder of hlH father, The ladles of the PresbyterUxn church will hold a runimnge sale In the store room next to Grlffln & Reed's beglnnliiR on Monday, Sect. 10th. Frank Cook nnd Clrk Loughery re turn! yesterday from a wild pig con shoot on the Went Side. The hunt ers bnisged a large number of the birds. , . Soins late designs In th ever popular Morris chairs Just reoclved from the manufacturers. Call early wnd make your choice while there are many to select ;rn n. Chan. Hellborn & Son. The opening of th fall Ashing season yesterday won quite propitious the traps doing a good business In steelheadi, sllvernldes and tules. The averrfff rrk'c paid was 2 '4 cents. Pears Peors Per Box Per Box Today Today 1 The Plumbvra' Awotlutlon held n meetliiu lost night In th Marine (en gineers' hall. You will find the best ISo meal In the olty at the lltsing Hun Restaurant. No. 112 Commercial str vt. Thn Mare Island yards have quit u number of tortwdo bouts mid gunbouts In port Just now. Go to the A. K, of L.vmploymnnt office, Lubor Hull, No. Ml Ikmd Bt., for good rellnll help. WANTKD Three or four unfurnlsh rd rooma fur light hounvkerplng.. Cull or address 'II," Astorlun office. New iiK k of fancy g od Jut ar rived H Yuk'ilmtiwi Ifcisaur. Call and re the latest novelties from J pon. All smiikers smoko tliv "1'rlde of Astoria" cigurs. No bvitter jiiade. Slsnufnctured by MncFurUne ft Kno be I. The rtrmtier Sue II. 'Klnmrv leaves this muriiln louded to the dck and leaving freigln btditnt. Tillumxik Is not dead. Huffets to pteuxe, the most fasildloui, the latest creations splendidly plnnm-d and magnificently constructed, une cidled for elegance. Tour Insiwctlon Invited, C'has. Hellborn ft Son. There was a Urge gathering of ma rine engineers last night, but no for iiml meeting. All business prepara tory to the strike hud been attended to at the last meeting. Ron eoaJ laals longer, la olwuier and make lews trouble with gloves and chimney flues than any other coal oil the market. George W, Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. John Hell, who met with the uccl dent nt Qulmy Monday night, which caused the loss of three of his toes, Is doing nicely and In expevted to be out of the hopslta) soon. i'lumblnsr, tinning, gas and steam fitting at lowest rates and In work- - man-like manner. Orders prnnptly ; executed. Phup, No. tl'V Uotid street, j JOHN A. MONTCOMKRY. I We huve Jusl received a shipment of fine Knstern hums, which we In vite you to call and examine. These hams are the best quality obtuluuble and we guarantee each one to please -joiiNsci.N linos. Iron beds are fast superseding the cumbersomo wooden article because they aro n'-avr, mors durable, sanl terv and vermin proof. The latest reductions huve Jusl been rec-lv.'d by t'hus. lKMlb.irn ft Son. . Rev. tsiar Ostrom will conduct a service In the Rattle ("reck school house, YmniKs river, next Sunday aft ernoon, S-ptemlK-r 14. nt 3 o'clock. All In that vicinity are Invited. The lot of O, L, Parker, at the cor ner of Klghth stre?t and Irving ave nue, Is being rapidly cleared of the rubbish and remnants of the old build ing that stood upon It nnd tnit win turn down a few days ago. There will be a contest social at the homo of Mrs. J. A. Runnells, corner of Klghth nnd Dunne streets, this aft ernoon from 2 o'clock until 5. All W. C. T. IT. members Invited. The renulnr meeting at the hall will not be held -Mrs. M. 11. Lclncnwebor. The town wns In seml-durUness and without power for about an hour nnd a half Inst night owing to a .failure of water supplynt the Electric Coin pony's works, A change has been mndo to ths new station nnd the ac cident wns Incidental to the moving, All will be right today. The dense smoke that hun over As toria Tuesdany night wag largely caus ed by a fire that raged on the tide land nt the mouth of the Lewis and Clark. The flrcMld no dumture what ever, On the contrary, It destroyed n lurge amount of underbrush and use less scrubby growth, Ike Ilelknup, a cltUen of Chlnoik, has Just returned from Seattle, and is looking for horses to dispose of at tho sound city. Mr. Delkuub drove Into Seattle from Mount Tabor and Im mediately on his arrival sold the teuni, He says that there Is a good mtuket for horsea there and Intends to engage lit tho business. M. B, Bozarth, secretary for the Wolf Creek Mining and Development Com pany, expects to leave the latter part of this month for Josephine county, where the mines are located. The property consists of 260 acres, SO acres being quarts and the balance placer, Mr. Boiarth Is very confident of sue- ctss for nil company as the adjoin ing claims have paid well. Nothing definite can be stated with reirard to what effect the marine en gineers' strike will huve on navigation. The engineers claim they are well pre pared (or a long struggle. News Is at hand of large and de structive fires all around Tillamook. Up till 3:30 this morning It was Impos sible to give our readers autehntlc particulars. t Ho few turned out last evening to attend the meeting of the Push Hub that the session was not held. It la expected that as soon as the tropical weuther subsides the meetings will be held regularly. V. H. Knglneer ruflre, Portland, Ore., Kept, i, IWt: Kenlwl proposals Will be receive 1 here lor mattress, rock and pile work In connection with the ex tension of the Jetty at the mouth of Coiullle River, Ore., until 11 a. m., OctulM-r 8, 1902, and then publicly open ed. Information on application, W. C. LunglUt, Cnpt. Engrs. At 3 16 this morning two soldiers ar rived on fosl from Fort Stevens under orders to find protect and return a comrade to the fort. The deserter Is upio'd to huve been' drinking heav ily und his actions are such thut It Is believed he is eraxy. They tracked to the trestle and then lost lilin. At time f (oi.nr d press they were still huutl'iif fr him. I'Uhop Hurl Cranston arrived on lust nlnht's train from Portland to pie side at th9 conference of the Norwe uluii Methodist church. The bishop recently presided for the Columbia River conference, held at CuSfux, Wit,, und in the near future will attend the lonfeieive of i'ugot Sound In a like cai'ucity. iMnlir.p C'runston will re main In the city until the flrsi of next week, the guest of S. Klmore. " Vong rttuii.'t, the Met, Chlujmun at the hospital, dl-'d eslerduy morning, lie is the man who cii'i'" down on the ll. rrV M"i" fru'i' Alaska, an Invalid, und w.ih Mourned by his countrymen both In thij north end on his arrival here, Thev llu ved tliut he was only pliivnig sick to uwild work. The man Stiff ed f I Jill II l CI'lleHllOII of Ills. hut Hie Initeidiriie cause of his death wn pneumonia. lit th? opening of the Little Book Store yesterday Astoriatts discovered a thing of beauty and Joy forever. There were displayed to the public handsome books, beautiful art and unique nov elties. Th- pluee Is replete with beuu y. both as to decorations and to the ui'i.ii'eiei! of the stock. That the store liti trained the Interest of the public is evlden -ed by the throngs tlutt vlKlte l iti-'ie and the big business done. .Kir U O. Thomus, general ."g nt of Kill r's Piano House, Is In the elty, for the purpose of looking after the In terests of his house. Mr. Thomus is a piano man of the old school, hav Iiib devoted a lifetime to the study of pianos und organs. In fact, nt one time. Mr. Thomas was extensively en raced in the manufacture of Reed or gans In Ohio. He will make hea'd iitarlers with the local representative of the firm Mr. A. R. Cyrus, 4:4 Com mercial street, where a complete line of the various high-Ride Instruments carried by the Rller'a Pino House will lie on display, Store open In the even ings. MICTHODIST CONFERENCE. The conference of the Norwegian nnd Danish M. E. church opened last night with an address of welcome by the pastor of the Norwegian and Dun lnh church where the meetings will be held. The program continues toduy as follows: Thui-sduy, 9 a. m business session, IIIhIiop Kurl Cranston, D. V, presid ing. At 3 p. m., prenctilng by Rev. C, Heckner, of Aberdeen, Wash.; ut S p. in., Rev. E. J. Lundegoard, of Spokane, Wash., and Rev. F. A. Sear vel, of Great Fulls. Mont., will sieak. Friday, 9 a. in, business session, 3 n. in.: Drenching by Rev. P. N. Melby, of Sun Francisco, and in the evening at 8 p. m. by Rev. A. Peterson, of Se attle, and Rev. O. F. Field of Euieko, Cnl. Saturday, i a. m,, business session; p. m preaching , by Rev. N. Ii Hanson, of Rutte, Mont , and Rev. P. R. Peterson, of I.os Angeles. Cnl, A POWERFUL SEARCHLIGHT. ii The latest Invention is that of a sig nal light which It Is claimed will pen etrate the heaviest fog for a distance of half a mile. It It Is a success many accidents on both land and sen can be averted. Much Interest Is being man ifested In the discovery, the same as In any other Invention that Is Intended to snv life. This is the reason so many people hve been Interested In Hostetter's Stomach Bitters during the past 50 years. It Is recognized as the heBt health maker nd blood purifier In existence, and with good health and blood disease cannot find a foothold. It is therefore specially adapted to persons In Ill-health and who suffer from heartburn, Indigestion, dyspep sia, constipation, or malaria, fever and ague, Try It. 1 . LOST. Between the corner of Eighth and Duane and the Corner ot Eleventh and Franklin, a brown plaid lady's mack Intpsh, (circular). .Suitable reward U returned to.thta offloe or 215 Eighth street ; . ;; .... , SCHOOL NOTES. Special Interest Taken In Choice for the Lucky Room 4. , Miss J. Gertrude Hulse. who has been connected with the Albany high school during the past four years, ar rived In the city yesterday to take the English department of the Astoria high school, made vacant by the res ignation of Miss Warren. Mias Hulse Is accompanied by her mother who will remain with her during the winter. Miss Harriet Alexander, an accomp lished lady of Portland, will teach in th; eighth grade of the McClure school. Miss Emma Ausmus has resigned her assignment to room two, Adair school, to accept a lmsltlon In Seattle. There la oulte a scramble for room four In the McClure school aTong the unmarried teachers. When the fair applicant expresses a desire to be as signed to this department the wink goes round and the dignity of the school board rclupnea Into smiles and memories of the past. Last year Miss Frances Holden left this room to be come Mrs. Brink. This year Miss Liz xle Mcf'nnn left It to become Mrs. Hkibbe. Who the next lucky lady will be Is not yet decided. The opening day for the fall term Is set for Sptembr ii. but there Is a possibility thut it muy begin on the id, as the bmrd bis decided to length en the course by two w!-;ks. !t is the Intention to usk the taxpayers ta Oie next onmul meeting to furnish money enough to pay for a ten months' school Instead of nine months as heretofore. The Astoria school have tried to com plete the name course In eight years of nine months each for which the Portlond schools require nine years of ten months each. FIRK AT OAK PON IT. In spite of the protests of the neigh bors a ran her at Oak Point started a fire to burn rubbish yesterday. He lost control of It and a disastrous fire was the result, three or four housses being burnt up. The machinery of the logging camps was saved. In one case bv removal nnd In another by burial. The people are so angry at the foolish art that talks of lynching were rife, but the offending party had skipped out. I'KKSONAI, MKNTIOS. - ii Starr Smith was over from Sklpanon yesterday. Miss lone Hi we has 'elurned from a visit to Portland. Albert Hill, the Sklpanon dairy man, was in town yesterday. . ' Frank Gerdes returned last night from a trip to Poctlund. W. H Smith returned yesterday from a brief visit to Portland. Frank Cook and family Jiave return ed from a visit to Portland. E. C. Jeffers waa in from his home on Iwls and Clark yesterday. J. T. Ross made a brief business trip to the West Side yesterday. Miss Olga Noe. who has been visiting In Portland, returned last niRt l. Delrldge Moore, a young citlxen of Warrenton. was In town yesterday. Mrs. Alex Campbell has gone to Se attle for a three weeks' visit with her sister. Miss Nellie Halferty pnld a brief visit to the city yesterday from War renton. Ray Mclntyre, of the Hammond firm of Mclntyre & Son, visited the city yesterday. Mrs. Cordlnor has returned from.Sea- alde, where she has been visiting at the Johnson cottage. Dr. Cordlner Is In Portland attend ing the annual "session pf the Oregon State Medical Society. James Peterson, employed by Mc lntyre ft Son, at Hammond, was on the .streets yesterday afternoon. Lloyd Loomls and wife came over from Warrenton yesterday. Mrs. Loomls went up to Portland, where she will visit with friends. Hon. John Fox returned last night from an extended trip in southeastern Alaska, where he Inspected the can neries operating there. Mrs. C. E. Cnrruthers, of Warren ton, will leave on Monday for Grant, Sherman county. Ore., where she ex pects lo make her future home. F. E. Wlllson, Frank Lux and J. W. Gibbons left last night for Southern Oregon to expert mining property. They made many, friends during their stny In the city. . P. F. Halferty, the well-known clam packer, spent yesterday In the city. He took the evening train for Grays Harbor, where he will reirinln a few days on business. Ous Marxen, a young resident of 01 hey, pnased through the city yesterday, day on his way home from tho srtmd, where he has been employed during the flslilng season. Mrs. H. C. Thompson has Joined her husband In Portland, where they will make their future home. Many friends deeply regret the loss to Astoria's cit izenship and society. George A. Lewis, who has been in the employ of the Astorlan for four eara ,hs gone to visit his father and mother at Canyon City, Oregon. Mr, Lewis was recently elected an Elk, and has many friends here who wish him a good holiday and a welcome home at the end of his month's leave. He deserves a rest and a little recre ation, and will no doubt get It. FOR SALE. Three or tour fresh milch cows, ply to Q. W. Warren, 'Warrenton. Ap- P ears Do you know the. most' luxurious bath in the world? Have you used Pears' Soap ? Sold '! orer flit world. CUSTOMS CLAIM DUTY. On Interesting Curios In Possession of the Officers of Eighth Infantry. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. I0.-Offlcers of the Eighth United States Infantry, who arrived from the Philippines on the transport Buford, are at logger heads with the local customs officials over the admission, duty free, of a trunkful of trophies from the far East All the articles were Intended as a gift to the museum of the United States military academy . at West Point, but they may never reach their destination If the treasury department tries to tolled duty from the officers of the Eighth. ' Assistant Surveyor of the Port St John says he cannot pass the articles j without consulting higher authority. Principal among the arttcles contain ed In the trunks are two religious im ages and the robes In which they were I draped. One of these Is an ebony fig ure of the Saviour, known in Southern Luison us "The Black Christ." Thi-he Images were seized by the Eighth Infantry at the hedquarters of native religious sect In the town of Pagsangan, province of Laguna, while the regiment was in operation in that vicinity. The religious sect was known as the Calorun and the Images are I said to have been used by the insurgent leaders to exact war revenues from the people by imposing -on their cred ulity. A Filipino ventriloquist, it is said, would apparently cause the om uges to speak and order the natives to give their money so that the Ameri cans might be driven from the Islands. The carvings appear to have been made within the Inst two or three years. 1MAXOS FOK SALE. Speclnl Indiiermintt Will He Made to Close Out a Xitni b r Now In Stock. For the purpose of closing out every Instrument now In Astoria, to make room for new pianos and organs about to arrive I have authority to dispose of the remaining several choice upright pianos at wholesale cost And not only this, but to accomplish this matter quickly, we will accept very easy terms of payment from any responsible purchaser who ia not pre pared to pay all cash at this time. Ten dollars down and six dollars a month will now secure an excellent. fully wasranted upright piano, at a saving of a clean hundred dollars. Don't fall to see this and other good Instruments at the closing out sale of. the Cyrus stock. L. G. Thomas, general agent, Eller'S Piano House, with A. R- Cyrus, 424 Commercial Street Astoria. Largest oldest and most responsible Western dealers. Store open In the evening. ACORN PARLOR MATCHES. 15M) Matches put up In a neat car toon. A good match ai a reasonable nrice. We sell them at 10c per pack age. ROSS. HIGGINS ft CO. HATS TRIMMED FREE. Mis. R. Ingleton has Jusi opened up a fine line of ladies' fall hats, walk ing skirts, over skirts, woolen shirt waists and under clothes, and all kinds of ladies' and children's furnishing goods. Hair switches and pompadours. A chance for the elegant ISrO piano with each 60c purchase. Welch Block, opposite Budget office. SAVED AT GRAVE'S BRINK. " T know T would lona a at) have been In niv dtbva" wrftps Mrs. S. H. NeW- som, of Decatur, Ala.. "If It had not been for Electric Bitters. or mree years I suffered untold agony from Ih, wAcat frt-rrM nt TnriiWStlOn. Water- brash. Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. But this excellent rneaicine um w u n.i A nvui since usinff it I can eat heartily and have gained S5 pounds." For Indigestion, Loss of Ap petite, Stomacn, Silver ana n.iuurjr troubles. Electric Bitters are a post teed cure. Only 60c at jChas. Rogers' drug stoer. CHEAP SHOES Are poor economy; but well fitting shoes, made .of best materials ana sold at very low prices are both economical and satisfactory : : : : YOU CAN (JET Til KM OF. S.A.Gimre 543 Bond Street "Tailor "Beverly Garments" are tailored io fit you perfectly. They are tailored ia the prevalent, incoming fashions, just before you are ready to wear them. "Ready-Made" garments are made so early in the season that the ever occuring changes in style make them unstylish, unfashionable when you wear them. The well groomed woman will .wear - Beverly Garments and why not? Popular prices keep their cost lower than other tailored garments, and seldom higher than fine ready-made garments. We make to fit more than fifty styles from over 300 patterns. Late Fashien Plates, fab rics and Pattern fee Fall Styles In Suit. Cloak . and Skirts ready for year iasBectlea at The Leading: Dry Gods Store of C. H. COOPER Beautiful Crockery Display The Finest Assortment of Fancy Crock ery and Glassware ever seen ia Astoria. , Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Scial Fruit Dishes.Decorated Toilet Sets, Cut Glass, Bisque Figures,, Water Crocks, Souvenir Dishes. ALL AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES FOARD 8 ST0HES COMPANY I We also carry a Complete THE GREAT With most people it is Where can I buy the cheap est?" Taking quality into consideration, we can solve the problem for you regarding Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Flour &d Feed You have onlv to give us a trial HERE ARE A FEW BARGAINS- Carnation Cream very fine per can - IJJc Cutting Packina Company's Tomatoes, per cao - - - lOtr Cream Sugar Corn choice per can - - - - - - - 10c Other gocds io proportion. V. He COF?PEY, 483-491 Bond Street J'joooooeoooococxxjoocxwc BRIGHT, CHEKRT, COMFORTABLE CARPETS ADD much ta the home. We are well stocked wltn best grade of woolen, velvet, tapestry and Inprain car pets, and will sell-you just w hat you want at a price ta suit Also linoleums, matttn g, rugs, art squares and ev erything else needed in the h ome. We sell for cash or an easy Installments, and warrant everything exactly as rep resented. Call and see the goods and get price. H. H. ZAPF, THE HOUSE FURNISHER. xaxxxixx8xxxxxxxaxxKxxxK:xx8Xxxx TRULLINGER, BASTABRQOK & CO. a OCC 18 SOS 8 TO THEO. BRACKER Jobbers and Dealers in , , CIGARS, TOBACCOS, SMOKER'S ARTICLES, PLAYING CARDS, STATIONERY, AMBER GOODS, CUTLEKY, ETC ZS MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES Pipd Repairing v A 5pecialty N IS OUR MOTTO Strict adherence to it enable! us to qualify willing worker to rendes superior service aa bookkeeper and stenographers. Our instruction la unusually thorough a fact to widely known that reputation alone bring tt most of our ttudents. Quality always counts. Examine into our facilities) better now than ever before. Industrious, willing students make rapid advancement in all rtadie taken. Call, or write for our catalogue. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Park and Washington Street ' A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal s? A BEVERLT SUIT Line of Fancy Cutlery n H ;coooooocoooooooooooooooooo QUESTION S - ft N Sis Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon Made 0? '