THE- MORNING ASTOUIAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1M2 I! WHITE RIVER FLOUR II FOR GOOOD BREAD. Ross, Higgitis & Co. TELEPHONE 1. TODAY'S WEATHER. PORTLAND, 8-jit. I.-Orogon, Mo ho mill Washington, fulr. 2jc l.itisii Hock Towel i for IMIcouU iltV Llneulluck Towels for 17 conn 7 spools of Cotton for 23o Good Toilet Simp .... 4,; ca October lH'Hntor no on sale at Pattern Counter. Our store doses at 0 p. in. every dy except Saturday, Chiton idle feed, grain anl hay. The K lipun went out at I a. m, thin morning. For rent Housekeeping roome over Central Market. Runlet iam, 15 cunts per dosen. JullNrfONltltOs BoMlcr made a prominent allowing on the treet y-terday. M. t frc-di California grapes 15 cent l-r Meket. J'.'HNSON MRUS. At midnight a heavy mint set In uinl continued unill thl morning. For l ent -Tin .'- room, furnished fur houwkorplng. MS Tenth Street. I'nlui) service will txi held at the First Methodist church at 7:30 p. m. The American bnrkentlue Amazon arrived In yesterday from ghanghul, Tho famous Bouthern Trio nre here with the Uncle Tom' Cubln Company. 3. P. MvrrliU'ld I suing hi wife, Allec Mcriilluld, for divorce, on the plea of iliwrllon.' a how-dedo from tho L'ttlc lluuk Store, which will open on tho 101 h of Si'plimiber. 'The remain of Mr. Alex Ilnlonen will he laid to rent today In the c ctcry on Peep River. Oo to th A. F. of I,tfmplnymnt ullleo, Lnbor Hull, No. 528 lioiid St., for good rclhihln help. Fur R-nt. An S'toom house on I'lKlith mN, tit s per month. In Hiilre nt Axtur llnne, Fifteen liini Ii ''.I parlor matches for 10 cm in Tliiv ni clu'iip ii nd ouht tn Inini Ji HINSo.V UllOS. ' VVI, whi rr I h Little Rook Store? J' i.- mi Tenth sired, same UR the sil iTlii n ollli" :it No. 174. Von w-Hl Mm! the best luo moaJ In the city ;il tin' ItlxlliK Hun RoslHuriinl. Nn, i; 1 li i 'iiMiiiii'ii'liil slru'l. Cdward l,l I mid ' i nei 'L'lllmiin, Mill of Klulninl, iveeive.l ini'lr (li'Ht 'ltir.eiiHhl papers yci ti rOay. Spi'i lul Half of pictures and pnlnt Iiikh nt rciiiii'cd price for a few days only, nt Sedition's Hook Store. Npw (ijock of fancy good ar rived ut Yokohama. Hiiwiiir, Call and see UK" latest novelties from Japan. Oregon Rnrtlef inrg are beginning to nrrlvc freely, riirlle dedlrlng to can this fruit should leave us their order now. Johnson llros. A ImndHonio and BtyllHh sideboard hi a eonvenlonco appreciated by every housekeeper. Bee the new stock at the store of Chas. Ilellborn & Son. Nine bunmitt. W cents per dosen. -JOIINUN tROB. The four mwslod schooner Luson arrived In yesterdny from the Inland of llele. of the Uuwnll group. Mrs, RoUrt Coulter, nee Jiffery, now residing In Idaho, presented her husband with an eight-pound boy, The probate court wilt convene next Monday and the county commissioner court ha adjourned until the liih. During the past week Johnion Dro. have supplied a great many futilities with their winter supply of groceries, livKlnnlng next Sunduy there ylll be special utentlon paid to Ui young peo pl of the churches In these columns. Tomorrow evening Mr. Herman Wise will go to Seaside to pay an official visit to the Knights of Pythias there. Fisher Rrothers have sold another of their sharpie tubular separator to Murhado llros , of the Lewis and ('lurk. The steam schooner Lakme Is ex pected any day from Ban Francisco, with a full cargo. Hhe will lake lum ber back. The two masted schooner Green ar rived In yeterday from San Francis co and paraed on up to Portland, where she will load lumber from the Port land Lumber Company. Ruffet to pleaan the must fastidious, the latest creations splendidly planned and magnificently constructed, unex celled for el'gAnoe. Tour Inspection Invited. Chas. Uetlborn A Son, Manager Sellg Is gradually Bitting down to work again. The marching and the miniature railroad made his belt a little loose but hopes are enter tained that he will pull through. To the parties who took two high barrel Jack screws and three box screw from In front of Carl Hanson's renldcnce on ICIuventh street, will do rue a favor by returning the same, as 1 need I hem. J, K. Wirt Iron beds are fast superseding the 'cumbersome wooden article because thoy are ni-av-r, more durably sanl tery and vermin proof. The latest nroductluns have Junt been reolvid by Chas. Hollbjrn & Son. Little Claudu Clausen, the unfortu nate victim of tho recent drowning ae cldent, will be Interred tomorrow oft ernoon In Greenwood cemetery. The first service will be held from the home of the boy's parents In Upper town, A miniter of the residents of Lewln and Clark and Toungs River, who have been Vamping out" at Saddle Mountain for a number of days .re turned to their different homes via Astoria. The party enjoyed one un broken Rood time, Tho niljournod nwtlng f the In quest on the body of F.nmmnl Oilm berg who met his dentil on tho ship Ht, Nicholas, win be resumed tomor row morning at 9 a. m. Al! ihe wit nesses have been culled.". E. J. Schlcael. Of the Torre v A Schlea-cl flrm of Portland, who with hln wife bns been visiting Seaside, Is the guest of H. Michael Mayer. Mr. SchlcjH was formerly employed ns machinist operator on the Astoilnn. He lm many warm friends In the city. Owing to the lute arrival of the boat the Lenmlnr Rros." Vuclo Tom's t'ilbln Company were unable to jjlvo their performance lust nlnht. They will open their doors nt 7:30 Monday venliiK. playing nlno on Tuesday and Wednesday. X'opul.-ir prlces-lSeis. mid 25i'tn. The funeral of Kmnnuel OiliiilHrh' oeeurred ycslorduy from the Prcsby icilan church, with Interment at (Invnwood cemetnry. Rev. H.mry Mnivolte olllrlnted. The services were conducted under the nuspleeg of Sen side' lodrc. A, O. U. W., the Knights of rylhlas-nnd Charity lodge. I), of J I. The different fraternities were well represented and many beautiful floral trills were la evidence. Four soldier boys pot Into trouble with sixteen or twenty civilians last nlu'ht but not much damage was done nt first encounter, The principal on the soldiers side evidently was follow ed from place to place at all times having plenty of comrades round him. At 2 a. m, ho had taken refuge In a iialoon and soma angry boys were aft er him. Tho police had no cause to take action until somebody started the bull rolling and they evidently were awaiting the officer's disappearaneo so ns to have their free fight. The man Jim Thompson, who con fessed to stealing a pair of boots from a store on Comnierolut street, was brought up for trial before Judge Good man yesterday. He was fined twenty five dollars or one month In Jail. Not having Hie needful, Mr, James Thomp son will be a guest of Mr. Llnvllle for one month, Mr. W. T. Elsen, who ha been edi tor of the Astorlun for some time past, leaves (or the East today and severs his connection with the paper, Mr. F.lsen has become very popular here and leaves a host of warm friends, After a few weeks of rest Mr, Elsen will enter upon a lecture tour through out the states, A very good meeting of the Bridge Hullders' and Btructural Ironworkers' Union was held Inst evening at the Lubor Hall. After the routine business several new members were Initiated and also several propositions for mem. betmhlp were acted upon. A resolution was passed endorsing certain biv cotts fixed by the A. F. of L. the night before last. The shingle mill of Wile ft Johnson at Chinook wus entirely consumed by fire Wednesduy lust, entulllna- a loss of law. There were 100,000 shingles ready for shipment and these wer lost In th flumes, There was no In surance so the entire loss must be borne by the owners. Rebuilding of the mill has ulreudy commenced and Is believed that the works will again In- In njMTutlon In two weeks. It has developed that the body of the man found on Sand Ciland Thurs day nlglit Is that of Jumes Mitchell, a (J reck fisherman, who has been miss lug for nearly a monlh. The body was buried near the sKt where It was found, but the above fact came out by the Identification of certain articles found In the pockets. Mitchell has rel atives In California and Greoc, who have been nut I (U-d of his death. Tomorrow night the Rclusco-George Juvenile Sieciiilty Company open their one night's eiiKagetnent at Fishers' otiern house. These little tots are con ceded to be the best In the vaudeville profession and during the past week have Iwen pluylng to crowded houses ut Cordrays theater, Portland. The comuanv arrive on the 11:S0 train to day, therefore having a good rest be fore the curtain raises tomorrow even ing. I'on't full to hear their brass band ut the theater, Seats now sell ing at Griffin A Reed's. Astoria had an Interested visitor yesterday. Captain Holies, who for many years was master of steamers that olv lietween Fun Francisco Tind this point, was in the city greeting tdd friends and looking up real estate Interests. Captain Relies evinced much Interest In the condition of Astoria and expressed himself as highly pleas-j ed with the progress that Is every where manifested. Her fishing Indus tiles, railroad development, sawmill boom called forth word of praise from him. He stated, however, that Asto ria's future prosperity lay largely In the development of her dairy Interests. He cited Humboldt county, where the output from farm and daisy exceeds the lumber business. There was a small storm brewing In Chinatown yesterday over a Celestial who signed to work for the Alaska Fishermen's Pocking Company and re turned by the ship without having done a day's work on the trip. The man. whose name Is One Lung or Wong Chung or some Gong Chung thing, claims that he was and Is sick. The Celestials, however, claim that the said Gon Rung was a loafer nnd did not want to work. With their gentle Confucian charity they wan'.ed him to get out and die in the street. When It got to this stage the police took a hand and the man was lemovod to the hospital. Dr. Cordtner Informs us that the man was really ill, but the Inst news by telephone was that Mr. Long Gon could sit up nnd get about and would soon be able to see his friend Ah Kum Halt, IXSCRF.D CLOTHING. The manufacturers of ' High Art Clothing nre so confident that theirs Is THE Rest Line that they Ihsuo to Every Gentleman who buys a "High Art' Garment an Insurance Policy, which guarantees (t (0 l)e f.lHt coiori all wool, tailor made, guaranteed to I hold tho shape and If per chance (which Is remote) a slnglo article should fall to come up to their blgh. slniitlnrl a customer need only r turn the garment direct to the""T.ictory, at the manufacturers expense nnd by re turn express he will receive brand new clothes. These manufacturers use such groat care In the buying of woolens, in test ing, shrinking, etc., and they employ such high salaried tailors that they feel sure that every gcntlemnn who hays a "High Art'' Suit or Overcoat will bo move than satisfied. When you buy "llladi Art" clothes you are Insured against clothing that fades, loses shape and all other an noying contingencies. Herman Wine Is solo agent of this high class 1'ne of clothes and he invites you t. call and Inspect the advance shipment Just re ceived, If you will watch the best mngaxlnes such ns Harpers, Munsey's and others you will see the merits of the elegant "High Art" line fully described. Ev ery thread, every stitch, every fibre is guaranteed not only by words, but you get a written Insurance policy. PtflLSONAL MKXTIOX. C. Ingerman, of Crlnnell, la. ,1 In the city. Dr. Cordlner returned yesterday from the carnival. F, 8, Preston, of Warrenton, was In the city yesterday, Mrs. Jack Ryan was In from Little Walluskl yesterday. Mrs. James Elliott, of Bplkanon, was In the city yesterday. Mrs. Hiram Gray, of Sklpanon, visit ed the city yestertay. Pan McDoneld of rortl.inl, b reg istered at the Occident W. Huntington and family" are reg istered at the Occident. Charles Bwope and wife returned yesterday from Portland. Miss Maude Kindred was a visitor for Warrenton yesterday. 'P. E. Newell and daughter, Ijxura, of Nehulem, are in tho oity Miss Florence Turner 1 on a brief visit from Wulluskl schooL J. W. Cauker and wife was In the cltv from Warrenton yesterday. F. F. Hulferty, the Warrenton clam packer, visited the city yesterday. Wm. Armond and wife, of La Grande, are guests at the Occident. Mrs. A. J. Megler was o passenger on yesterday's noon train from Port land. Dr. Ray Logan was in the city yes terday. He took the noon train for Seaside. Constable Iteasley has teturned from his timber claim on the other side of the river. George McFarland the Green Moun tain cattle man. has tcen In the elty tho past two days. Miss Lottie Reed arrived yesterday from Seatle to make a brief visit here and at Warrenton. Miss Reed will return to Seattle tomorrow via Port land. THE PRESIDENTS DOUBLE. If the president had been seeking a double of himself, he could not have come more closely to the mark than In the man selected for secretary of the navy, and while the resemblance mav be very striking, there Is more possibility of his being taken for the executive than there Is of success In palming off a substitute remedy for Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. It has become so well known as a cure for headache, nervousness, Indigestion, dysiepsla, constipation and malaria that many unscrupulous dealers will refill the bottles with a bogus article and offer It as the genuine. Beware of such counterfeits. The genuine Hostettcr's Bitters has their, Private Stamp unbroken over the nek of the bottle. Don't fall to try it . , PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY When Henry George wrote his fa mous "Progress and Poverty," It set thousands to thinking, but the motto of today is Progress and Prosperity. Men demand better clothes where the average man was satisfied with an or dinary suit two or three years ago, he now clumors for the Best; he Is will ing to pay for It, but It must be "Good." Recognizing this fact, the manufac turers of One clothing are trying to outdo each other In creating men's clothing that far surpasses the aver age "made to order" clothes. Tb:re ore but very few of the very finest tailors in the country who can and do equal or surpass such clothing as the Rogers. Peet ft Co., or the "HIGH ART" Lines; these two makers are recognised by the best clothiers as the peers of all ready to put on clothes; for that reason Herman Wise, Asto ria's progressive clothier decided to secure the agency of the famous "High Art" Insured clothing line for Astoria.' levers of the beautiful are respect fully Invited to Inspect the first in stallment of "High Art" Fall Clothing, to be had only at Herman Wise's. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Notice is hereby given that the Even ing News Is unfair to union labor, and all union men and friends of organ ized labor are requested to withdraw their patronage from said paper. Jeff's Restaurant, nlso, was declared unfair and all union men will please take notice. JENS HANSEN, P. T. GERDES. ' President. Secretary. THE A B C OF IT. A kidney education starts with: naclcncho means kidney ache, lame back means luir.e kidneys, weak back means weak kidneys. cur means Doan's Kidney Tills. Read about th five; distribution In this paper, aV.d call at Charles Rogers' Wcdneslay, Sep tember 10. . HATS TRIMMED FREE. Mrs. R. Ingleton has Just Oj cncl up a line line of ladles' fall hats, walk ing skirts, over skirts, woolen shirt waists and tinder clothes, and ail kinds of ladha" and children's furnishing goods. Hair switches and pompadours, V chance fer the elegant $5 "O" piano with each Cue purchase. Welch Block, opposite Rtr.lgct office.' FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD. In another part of this -paper np pears nn advertisement worthy the reading, ns it's for the public good. It tells of a free distribution of. Doan's Kidney Pills, a remedy , for Kidney Ills. Read it, and call, at Chas, Rog ers' Wednesday, September 10th. " ' FREE! FREE! TO KIDNEY SUFFERERS An Opportunity Worth)- of Your Notice. If you suffer with kidney diseases or any ailment arising from an Im proper action of the kidneys or uri nary organs, this offer we make to the people of Astoria should interest you. In the advancement of medical science, the kidneys, the organs of the greatest Importance to human Ileal th, have not teen neglected, end In placing before you such a cure as Dosn's Kidney Pitts the proprietors recognize how far the so many state ments of the makers of similar prep arations have fallen short of their claims, being convinced that no rem edy for kidney complaints in exist ence equals Doan's Kidney Pills for such ailments; strengthened In these convictions by letters that are dally received of the work they are doing for mankind's benefit, old backs and young backs are being constantly frted from never-ceasing aches, and many a lame and shattered one, stoop ed and contracted, Is strengthened. Invigorated and Infused with new life. With such a medicine an offer of hls kind can be made without hesitancy, for while we lose the box we give to you, we make a friend that assists us in the sale of many othera FULL BOXEI of Doan's Kldnev Pills will be srlven I away free to every person suffering I with kidney ailments at the under signed address. First come, first serv ed, and only this one chance offered. Remember this Is not a sample box, but a regular size box of Doan's Kid ney Pills, which retails at 50 cents. Remember Free Distribution One Day Only WEDNESDAY. SEPT-10 CHARLES ROGERS, Druggist, Commercial St., Odd Fellows Bldg., ASTORIA, ORE. Cut this advertisement out and bring It with you. Sole Agents for the United States, Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. ITCHINESS OF THE SKIN AND ECZEMA. The only remedy In the world that will at once stop Itchiness of the Skin on any part of the body that is abso lutely safe and never failing., is Doan's Ointment. Free samples at Chas. Rogers' Wednesday, September 10. ITCHING PILES. Any one who suffers from that ter rible plague. Itching Piles, or from ' Eczema, will appreciate the Immediate relief and permanent cure that comes throuch the use of Doan's Ointment. It never falls. Free samples at Chas. Rogers', Wednesday, September 10. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposeals for furnish ing material and piling and for driv ing and capping wharf at Portland, Oregon, will be received at the office of the American Can Company, 639 and 540 Worcester Block, Portland, un til 1 o'clock p. m., September 10, 1902. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Portland or Astoria office of the company. No bid will be considered unlrss ac companied by certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of bid. The company reserves the right to reject ony and all bids or waive any Informntltv In any bid. Sonv5 lata designs In the ever popular Morris chair Just received from the manufacturers. Call early nnd make your choice while there am many to select .Cro n. Chas. Heilborn & Sjn. j,::::tj:y.,:j::.t:,.:::t,.t!:iJ:.,tn;-'5tt:::;,'.i i it li CHEAP Si t-J A m ii.-' .v.-' .j . iv v v w-vtciny: !..! Will lining MH'i'S' Cl' lu-.-l RH"'::lK iUbl sold at u iy t-nv rice? ulvK'lHi,e-!iit.N!i s;iii; f.icU-rv : ; : : vm: WN t;!:r n T1IKM OK ft it n .A. wire ."!.'! Hand Street t "Tailor "Beverly Garments" ire tailored to fit you perfectly. They are tailored In the prevalent, incoming fashions, Just before you are ready to wear them. "Ready-Made" garments are made so early in the season that the ever occuring changes in style make them unstylish, unfashionable when you wear them. The well groomed woman will wear.. - Beverly Garments and why not? Popular prices keep their cost lower than other tailored garments, and seldom higher than fine ready-made garments. We make to fit more than fifty styles from over 300 patterns. , Lata Fsshlea Plates, Fab rlcs and Patterns far Fall Styles ta Suit. Cleaks and Skirts ready fee year tasaectlea at The Leading Dry Gods Store of e. H. COOPER Beautiful Crockery Display The Finest Assortment of Fancy Crock ery an d Glassware ever seen In Astoria. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Special Fruit Dishes,Decorated Toilet Sets, Cut Glass, Bisque Figures, Water Crocks, Souvenir DLihes. ALL AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES FOARD 8 ST0I1ES COMPANY We also carry a Complete Line of Fancy Cutlery THE G R E AT QUE S T I O N With most people it is Where can I . buy the cheap est?" Taking quality into consideration, we can solve the problem for you regarding i " Dry Goods, Shoes. Groceries, Floor &r.d Feed You have only to give us a trial HERE ARE A FEW BARGAINS Carnation Cream very fine per can - ----- 10c Cutting Packing Company's Tomatoes, per can - - 10c Cream Sugar Corn choice per can ------- 10c , ' . Other gocda in proportion. V. H. COFFEY, 483-491 Bond Street rjOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO(XCCCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOOOOCOOCOO ' . , ' ,. BRIGHT. CHEERT, COMFORTABLE CARPETS ADD much to the home. We are well stocked with best grades of woolen, velvet, tapestry and Ingrain car pets, and will seU you Just w hat you want at a price to suit. Also linoleums, matting, rugs, art squares and ev erything else needed in the h ome. We- seU for cash or on easy installments, and warra nt everything exactly as" rep resented. Call and see the goods and get prices. H. It ZAPF. THE HOUSE FURNISHER. XKXxx3xxxxaxxttxxaxxxxxxxxxxxx rxxxxxxxx H M MERCHANT - TAIL0ES AND DEALERS IN v- Dry Gcods, Notions- and Furnishing Goods Now Lino of Fa 1 1; 'an il Winter .Samples nnd Fashions 3 ust Received from the best factories, (.live na a trial order. Satisfaction gv.uruntml. it ft ! II? 3 I 4 4 J 1 I 1 1 rirxxxirzxxxxiiiiixxxxxxxxxxrixrxixrxxmxiTxxii 1 cs I2 UUti IU I IU M Strict adherence to it enables us to qualify willing workers to render superior service as bookkeepers and stenographers. Our instruction is unusually thorough a fact so widely known that reputation nlono brings us most of our students, Quality always counts. Examine into our facilities better now than ever before. Industrious; willing students make rapid advancement in all studies taken. Call, or write for otir catalogue. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Park and Washington Streets , ' A. P. Armstrong, IX. B,, I'rincipsl Made 0W A BEVESLT SUIT .'-.;- , : ':. $ - xxxxixxxxrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy 1 T 1 'a .. , , fl. m V s j sgesw .T . . """ .- Sh-g. -e ilfi"" "'"'"'' ' ii i '- .I, in, i o.i ,i"'"ir