THE MORNING ASTORIAN, THURSDAY,' SEPTEMBER 4. 1902 Pcnchcfi - PchcIicm - PcocliCB PcorH - Pctii'M - Pears i Pliliim - PIliiiim . PluttiH .THIS WEEK THE BIO WEEK Our buvnr are Inatruntml In Our prler tire tho lowest, .iiniliiv ciumiilered. Keu.l u your V'MI 'l (Idler, " ytwrniiiee llMlllrlloU. Ross, Hlgglns & Co. TKMOPHONIO Ml. TODAY'S WEATHER. PollTLANlJ, Kent, S -Wcdlitru Ore wort, rrtly loudy; i.rolitihly prere.le.l hy hnwer In northern portion, West urn Wanhlimton, partly cloudy, pre. ceded liy hIimwimh during the forenoon. KitHlern Oregon, Kastern Washington iniil Mithu, partly cloudy and cooler. One Thousand Pillow Cases (Will M.ulc ) fur. . . 12 Tlicv utv 1k' kind. Our siore il4iHi at C p. in. every day neopt Haturday, lUiln' Oaston Mis feed, grain ana hay. t.iuhi hiu- trtiilcr Munsniilta coated ni tin- l'lnmie iVmK yesterday. Tli Ulii' tlulld of the Kpini opal ihunh will im-i'l lit 2. Jo ttua nfter llllOII. On lu the A. V office. Lnbur Hull, of No. Ltimj'ioyiiKnit 528 Hond St., for good ri-ll'tl.l' help. The Huiiini.ii left out till" morning nl i o'clock ttllll n barge of stone for (liny Harbor. Tin- . II Merchant, which was HKioiiu-l ouixl'le Nehtilem. wna Honied hiiiI inkwi III wifely. Kor Kent, An 8-roum house on KlKhth street, at per iiuinlh, In iiliv ni A or House, You will nnd ihe beat ISo meal In the city at tho Itlslng Sun Restaurant. No. 612 Commercial atreet. The iiniuml meeting mill election of utllcer will In- tho Important fentur f tin- V, t T. V. meeting today. New Ktock of fancy guods Just ar rived at Yokohama Basaar. Call and see rhe latest novelties from Japan. 1 '(irt In tul In given II ml choice for the liiteiniitloioil MlnltiK Congress. It la ui to Miiyor William and company to find $Miio. Hegurd Mugen, a aon of Norway, ap peared at tho county clerk' olTIco ycnteiiUiy and received hla firm cltl sseiihlilp papers. It Ih expected that the reHlilcnt In the vicinity of Young" River will get ii special police offlccr. One la need ed without a doubt. 'raw ford peaches. We have received a consignment of 300 boxes direct from Ashlnnd. Place your order curly. FOARD & STOKES CO. Frit Kushal, Jacob Raker, native of UumhIii, and I'hurlea SJoster, of Swe den, were yesterday grunted their fln ti 1 minora for rltlaenahlp, I,ate arrlvala F, D.Wurner, Joaeph H. KiilHton, Wm. O'Donell, T. M. LlKhter nnd John Q, Deck, nil of Port land, are at the Occident, Claim, for one extra deputy In the aherllT'a office and one In the county clerk'B office were passed by the coun ty commissioners yesterday. Duffel, to pleaao the moat faatldloua, the lateat creatlona aplendldly planned and magnificently constructed, unex celled for elegance. Tour Inspection Invited. Chat. Hellborn A 8on. sen.l mi hw uhli.n.pnd, .hilly The aiptir T. J. t'otter will nmk her lust trips for the wuhoii u fol lows: leaves rorlhind, Haturday, Hi p. temb'-r 13. at 1 p. m.i leaves llwuro Hun. lay, the Hlh, at g p, m, The Hue H. Kluiore will leave for Tllliiiiiook (Hilnis ut 7 a. in. tomorrow moriilng, with a loud of I'umifr sup plies and a horsf, besides her usual pussenaor list. The Lewis and Clark road extension to C'tludM'rdl Is causing dissatisfaction. Koine of the subscriber are rlnlly re fusing to pay tip until a better show. Ink Is iiuule, iOist hiindnoine, up to d.Jte I'l.iurcs mid piilntliiKs offered u: .i lev price for ONK WKKK OS'.Y. Here !s a i hniice to decorate oiir homes (or the full -Hvciisou'a ItooN tlnrn. After bringing the lumlfr vead down ihe Harvest Queen proceeded up i In i at I p. in. with the big- four "lusted Urlllidi baik Seimuiihil In tow. Hhv Is wanted badly In Portland, ..T. To tint parties who tcxik two high barred Juck screw from In front of Curl llunson's residence on Kleventh street will do me a favor by returning the same, lis I liwd them. J. K, Wirt, Tho Harvest Queen arrived yester day morning nl Jo a. in., towing the Ihrif-imisted tumber vessel H. H. Red- tleld from Porlllid, The Kedlhld missed out at 2 p. m. In tow of the Wiindeier. Pa riles desiring to ran damson plum should leave u their order now, a thu fruit will begin to arrive whhin the next few days, and the -son for them I very short.JOHN HON KltOH. No article of furniture adds more to he appearance of the home than u hiir.dsoin sideboard. From the lot just placed in display by Chas. IHI Imuii II Sun you tan .'ecufo a beauty t a very low figure. lion bois are fast auperaedlng the cumbersome wooden article beeause they are nawr, more durable, anl- !cr' and vermin prnof. The latest nroductlona have Jiiit been -d by I'll. ii-. Ik'llbJin & Son, l.eondor tiros' I'liile Tom's fnbln To, will nnder their production of tilt famous druimi of that mime. Hut uidny night, September 6. under lher mammoth canvas, which will lie lo iiiled In lot near the school house, coiner Krunkllti and Hlxteenth. For the Klks' carnival at Portland, thu White Collar hint will Hell round trip ticket September S, 8. 8 and 10, for ll.So. good returning until Septem ber 14, All Intermediate landings one fare for round trip. Steamer Itnllcy tlaUerl leaving Astoria at 7 p. m. The queen of the Seattle Klks gave up her throne In disgust because the committee would not pay for the edi bles ut u reception she gave, nor would they puy her carriage bill, nor supply her with reception music 9l)e got out of town very much chagrined. Col. John Aditlr la busy with a pe tition lo the county court asking that they will furnish full Information to the United States engineer regarding the building of u druwbiidge over the. Lewis nnd Clark. The bridge I for Ihe purpose of shortening tho roud be tween Astoiiu nnd all t'latHjp Peach points. The petition la being largely signed," A very pu tty wedding took place at the Mct'nnn residence yesterday aft ei'iioon. The contracting pnrtles being Miss Kllxnbcth Mct'nnn nnd Captain Max Ii. Sklbbe. Rev. Father Lines, of SI.' Mary' Cathollu church officiat ed. Only a few Intimate fiienda were present. Captain Sklbbe una bride left lust evening for an extended wvdi'lng tour along the coast. ' v ' An unusually large number of pret ty Hummer dressea were round on the atreeta yesterday. Threatening cloud had loomed up and posnlbly the la lies wanted to take what might be a lust chance of displaying whatever looked nlry nnd Bummer like. Aa the cloud grew darker the airy fairy Idea van ished nnd last gruson' umbrellas over hauled. "Where nre my rubber?" For the Elks' Carnival and Street Fair to e held at Portland) from September 1st to 13th, Inclusive, the A. & C. R.. R. wll make a rate of $3 for the round trip betwen Astoria and Portland on the folowlng dates: For the evening train of September 8d, morning train Septembr 4th,1 evening ttnln Septembr 8th, all trains of Sep tember. 9th, and morning train of September 10th, These ' tickets will be good to return until (September 14th. ' Today the Klks hild foflh at Tort land carnival. At 7,) Mil nwrnig lf. members accompanied by their Indies and Ihe bund will board their npuclul train and go to labor to,- the much coveted prlne. The spjclul returning, will leave Purlin nd lit midnight, tut transportation, good ,ip to September II, will be ssud to parties ('irlrlrtg lo remain, Ureat preparation ha been made and If thy do not tarry off the hlghei t prlxe It will be no fault of their'. At a meeting of the MlnUtrlal As sociation yesterday Rev. Henry Mar cotle wa elected president, end Rev II. Olwrg secretary and treasurer. Res clullons of appreciation if the work of Rev, V. ic. Hell in th" c):y and regret ut hi departure were passed. On next Sunday evening It In nriangcd to hold a union gosie service at the Methodist church, all the cl.unhes uniting. Rev, F. K. Hell will deliver the sermon, which will ' l is last sr vice before leaving for lirass Vulley, Cul. The teses of the two Oreek, J. 11 oi a and John feumntrie, in which y sued George Eleo, another Oreek, for diunugea for false Imprisonment, enme up yesterday. After hearing the evidence the Jury brought In a ver dict for the defendant on the grounds that they were of the opinion that Geo. Kleo hud not tit led with uny malice li ejecting the arrest, that Kleo had :, f i for.owiiig the advice of Heputy liixiiit t Attorney Kukln, and that the oitPeis nt Sun Frunclsi'O had exceeded the Instruction given them by tele phone tJ Sheriff Unville. liopoaulM for beef and mutton: Of fice of chief commissary. Vancouver Itarr.o kS, Wash.. Sept. 4, W2. Sealed proposals for furnishing and deliver ing frifh beef and mutton for ix ii onii s beginning Jan. 1. Iis3. will be received here and at offices of com missaries at Kit Steven, Oregon; Iloise liuriucks, Idaho: Forts Cm-y, t'aiiby, Flagler. Walla Wallu, Wright, I,iwtoii and Vancouver Kiirrucks. Wash , until 11 a. m, Oct, 4, ltJ2, and then opened. Information furnlfhed on application. Envelopes containing proposal should be i ndorsed "Propiis ills for fiesh beef and mutton," nnd ad dressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Col, F. R. Nye, chief Com'y. Next Monday evening the Ihdusco Oeorge Juvenile Specialty Company of talented little oeonle In the vaudeville holt. in wilt hold the boards at Fish ers' opera hous. The show Is clean through jut. Oon't fall to hear their bund at the evening of per formance. Special artist are Muster Unhurt Cuvnnaugh bulladlsl; Kath eiiue. the amnlleet drum-major In the world, whoso sinking of "I A'ant to He a Soldier In the Army" fairly brings down the house. Muster Mon tague la a wonder and a burn come dian. The Juvenile octette, "Oh, Tell Me Pretty Miil'ln, Am There Any More Mki You.' 'is very pretty. The song and lefni'n, "Hose of Klllarney Is loin hlimly nnd pathetically ung by Agnes and Kill Geure. Mlgnon, and the AiUiiiK Sister, us tho Happy Hot tentots, me lies n big sensation. The iieiformniiee Is concluded by the fur il;il concert "Our J'riertlve Step f ither." S'.-nt sale opens Saturday inornliig at (liiltln Reed's. WHY? What reason can there be for NOT subscribing to the Astoiiun? You get a good clean puper for your home. You get the best commercial new for your buHlness and you get complete Assoiiated Pies news of the world hour before tmythlng you can buy. It Is your own home paper and you do not have to wade through a dozen panes to find us many line that In terest yourself, your fumlly or your town. Why not subscribe? Only I5ki8 per month by carrier. Six dollars a yeur by mull. Semi-weekly, containing nmin Items, fl per year. NO QUEENS FOR HIM. A man in a certain Iowa town was engaged to a beautiful young lady now In Portland. She was the best pos sible housekeeper for her mother nnd her dainty fingers made the beds and also the chocolate cake. She whs elected queen of the carnival and got married a week afterwards. The hus bund votes for no more queens now. He tells an Astoiiun that she has nev er made a bed or cooked a chop since. She Is still a queen and he gets hi own breakfast and alts at home while she attends the theaters. "No more car nival queens for me," and he dived Into a "cafe." NEW POSTMASTEUS. Oregon Buena Vlstu, Matlie J, Lie, vice Leo D. .Buldwin, resigned; Cable vllle, Thomas L. Ingram, vice Thoe, Costello, resigned. Washington Huntley, Reuben Green, vie Robert D. Jurboe, resigned; Iron dule, WIU Hum E. Chapman, vice H, G. Reed, resinned. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposeals for furnish Intr muterlal and piling and for driv ing and capping wharf at Portland, Oregon, will be received at the office of the American Can Company, 631 and S40 Worcester Block, Portland, un til 1 o'clock p. m., September 10. 1902. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Portland or Astoria office of the company. No bid will be considered unless ac companied by certified check (or I per cent of the amount of bid. i The company reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any Informality In any bid. CONFERENCE MEETS IN ASTORIA Notable Divines to Conduct the Ser vices to He Held Next Week. The West Norwegian and Danish M. E. conference will held Its annual ses sion In Astoria next week, glnnlng Wednesday evening, Scptsmljer 10j Hlshop Earl Cranston, D. D., will pre side. This conference lnclud--s the Norwegian and Danish Methjdlst work of Montanu, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and California, and therefore concerns a very huge territory. The work of the conference Is .'iialnly con fined to the litrger eltles. The con ference numbers about 20 ministers, who are expected to attcid. The buslneH sessions will begin Thursday, September 11, at t a. m., and will con tinued during the week in the Norwe gian M. E, church. On Sunday, Sep tember 14, Mtshop Earl Cranston D." D. will speak at the First M. B. church In the mornlntf. Ihe 'olshop teeldes at Portland ,and 1 this year assigned the presidency of the Pacific coast confer ence. In the evening Rev. Dr. T. C. Illff will apeak at Foard Miotics' hall. It ! expected to inuk this a great mass meeting. Ur. HitT Is one of the secretaries of the church exten sion society of the Methodist church. He was for more than 20 year (Su perintendent of the Utah Methodist missions, is exceptionally r-opular and I well known a one of the most elo quent minister of the Methodist church of the l ulled Slates. Remem ber the date, Sunday, September 14, The public Is cordially invltsil. FOR A NEW COURT HOUSE. County Commissioners' Court Issues an Important Announcement. The county colnmlssloiiers' Septem ber court was convened yesterday and numerous claim were paused upon. The most important builnes was the Issue of the following notice, which speiika for Itself: "To the Taxpayers of Clatsop Coun ty: We, the county court, while con sidering the niteds of the county and the welfare of the taxpayers, desire to stale that there are many matters before the court requiring large expen diture of money, but that the game I mostly for roads and bridge, and while the court is not opposed to roads or any other public Improvement that can be afforded, it is the opinion tf the court that the first and most Im portant at this time Is a court house and Jail nnd the court with the Idea that some beginning should be made will consider this aa of the most Im port a nee at the time of the next tax levy, at the January term, 1903. and will endeavor to make a start for a fund to the end that before long Clat sop county may possess a creditable court house and Jail without Impos ing too much of a burden on the tax payers during any one year. RETURN FROM EUROPE. After an absence of two years Mr. and Mrs. Wihfim . WiUlnson re turned to their home In th:s city jte- toilay morning. After leaving Asto ria eastwards iln :oiifiits toseed through old Mexleo at.d wnt tight cji south to Central America, crossing the Isthmus of Panama and binding on Ihe Eastern coast. Thtn to New York for a short stay. After leaving New York a five months' visit was paid to the Rermudm lo .ivold the rigors of an English Inter. '!. ''!!klnson Is a grundHon of the first governor of those islands nnd has many relations there. After bidding farewell to that charm ing group of Hand a start was made for London, which was made the main hendquarter for n ywr ui.d a half's study of the piimi , points of inter est In Europe, and the word study is used died'y. for Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson did not simply take a pass ing glance and move on. In fact, they chow an extraordinary knowledge of the details of all the naln Western European cities. "Florence is a para dise," said Mrs. Wilkln-ion, "but Rome s the gran lest of all. ;tlss Frances Thomas, Mrs. Wilkinson's niece, rath er adopted daughter, has a penchant for Paris, but has found great attrac tions In Northumberland. Nice, Venice, Pompeii, Berlin and all the best points of Interest were thoroughly well done" and the old countries never had more enthusiastic globe-trotters. Mr. Wilkinson, like most men, prefer red London. The coronation was tak en In and the ladles of the party are simply In love with the beauty and grace of Queen Alexandra. The best part of the pageant, after the king and queen, were the magnificent uni forms and horses of the Biitlslv army. The tourists speak highly of the hos pitalltv they received nnd did not find the English nobility so unapproachable ns thev are generally supposed to be. Mrs. Wilkinson's description of the Westminster Abbey decorations was very Interesting. In Rome they had the pleasure of meeting that prince of guides Dr. Russell Forbes, so well known all over the world. Mlsa Llon berger, Mrs. Wilkinson's sister, accom. panted her a large part of the time, but Miss Thomas took In the whole trip and has become c.ulte an English politician. A splendid rollecMon of the most Interesting curios Is one or the results of a very happy trip. WATCH YOUR TIMBER CLAIM. Some of the timber claims over nt Deep River, Wash., are In jeopardy. A government survey party has arriv ed but Information ta to hand that the surveyor has ten men and three wom en along with him. This naturally caused a flutter among claim holders, who were not very sure about the re- quirements of the law. F. S. Munson Is over ttjere protecting his Interest and that of lee Herring. Constable Ileasley and Mr. Cutblrth, the painter, left In a launch on Tuesday morning. The three former have had their cab ins, up for some time and it Is thought that the latter will have fulfilled all requirements by this time. This morn Inr another butch of holders leave for the scene. . MANY WILLING TO MARRY The management of the Portland Cilrtiival has had not less than a dozen applications from as many young men throughout the state. Including one or two fotn nearby towns In Washington, to be married under the auspice of the carnival. Half of these applica tions have had to be turned down be cause the directors could not take care of all of them and provide entertain ment and the usual supply of pres ents to start the young couple off in life happily. The notices given by the manager that swain without the price should be set up in houseketp Ing at the company's expense was sufficient to start a rush of applica tion that fairly took their breath away. There will be a triple wedding ceremony on Wednesday evening, Sep tember 10, at the carnival, In the pre, ence of the queen and her court, and raanv high dignitaries. The presents for each couple aggregate from $400 to J 1500. One of the fortunate young men who Is to be married at the carnival live at Tillamook. ST. NICHOLAS ARRIVES. When the tug boat returned, after Piking the schooner Redflelds out to sea, she reported the St. Nicholas In sight and will go out to briiu h r in between 1 and 2 o'clock this afternoon. ! M. 'Anderson, of Chinook. Is in the city. Mrs. C. H. White Is In the city from Portland. E. R. Kunzler, of Olney, re in the city on business- A. A. Svenson, of Chinook, visited Astoria yesterday. A. J. Paul, of Portland, arrived In the city yesterday. L. G. Thomas, of Portland, Is regis tered at the OccldenL Charles Brady, of Westport was an Astoria caller on Tuesday. . Miss A. V. Weir, of Portland, Is reg istered at the Parker House. Anna Gray MUlett, of Chehalle. Is the guest of Astoria friends. L. G. Thomas and wife, of St Paul, Minn., are guests at the Occident Hugh McCormack vlBlted the city yesterday from his home at Wise. W. M. Hamilton, a Tillamook far mer. Is registered at the Parker House. James Phillips and Mrs. Phillips have returned from an up-river trip. C. C. Johnson and John Johnson ar rived In the city yesterday from Alas ka. V. E Popleton, of Portland, en route for Seaside, arrived In the city vesterday. Mrs. Hoefler and children have re turned home from their summer out ing at Seaside. Miss Isabella Fink and Miss Daisy Ditteinore came In last night from Dayton, Wash. Mrs. Livingston Farrand, of New York. Is In the city. She is registered at the Occident. Miss Kate Sinnott has returned from a two weeks' visit with Portland friends at Long Beach. C. C. Clark, county commissioner, arrived In the city yesterday, from Seaside, en route for the Elks car nival. Mrs. Estes nnd family returned from the seaside yesterday. Dr. Es tes and his wife leave this morning after Elks. HATS TRIMMED FREE. Mrs. R. Ingleton has just opened up a fine line of ladies' fall hats, walk ing skirts, over skirts, woolen shirt waists and under clothes, and all kinds of ladies' and children's furnishing goods. Hair switches and pompadours. A chance for the elegant $500 piano with each 50c purchase. Welch Block, opposite Budget office. My stock of Men' and Boys' Shoes is unsurpassed for qual ity. Close baying; and low ex penses enable me to sell the best qunlilics at lowest prices. CALL AND EXAMINE THE Q00DS . S.A. Vttt'Bond Street SHOES f I Gimre towmHtBHioa "Tailor Beverly Garments" re tailored to fit you perfectly. They are tailored in the prevalent, incoming fashions, just before you are ready to wear them. "Ready-Made" garments are made so early in the season that the ever occuring changes in style make them unstylish, unfashionable when you wear them. The well groomed woman will wear Beverly Garments and why not? Popular prices keep their cost lower than other tailored garments, and seldom higher than fine ready-made garments. We make to fit more than fifty styles from over 300 patterns. Late Fashion Plate, Fab rics and Patterns for Fall Btrles la Suits. Cloak and Skirts roadr for yowr lasptcllos at . The Leading Dry G.ois Store of C. H. COOPER Beautiful Crockery Display The Finest Assortment of Fancy Crock- ery an! Glassware ever seen ia Astoria. 0 Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Special Fruit D'i9iies,Decorated Toilet St-is, Cut Glass, Bisque Figures, Water Crocks, Souvenir Dishes. St ALL AT ROCK I FOARD 8 STOKES COMPANY We also carrr a Complete COOeCKXWOOOOOCXIOOCOOOOOOOO NEW ST0CK--THE WE CAN 'SAVE DRY GOODS SHOES .... 5 GROCERfES - - FRUIT i AND VEGETABLES FLOUR AND FEED FItliK DELIVERY V. H. COFFEY, JOOOCCOCX)OOOCCXXOOOOCOOCC H H H a H w M BRIGHT, CHEERY, COMFORTABLE CARPETS ADD much to the home. We are well stocked with best grades of woolen, velvet, tapestry and Ingrain car pets, and will sell you just w hat you want at a price to suit. Also linoleums, matting, rugs, art squares and ev erything else needed in the h ome. We sell for cash or on easy Installments, and warrant everything exactly aa rep resented. CaU and see the goods and get prices. : " H. H. ZAPF, THE HOUSE FCRNISH ER. xxxxittxxaxx8x4X8X4xxaxxaxx8xxxxxxx5 ' TRULLIXGER. EASTABROOK & CO. Hl'CC3S0E8 TO THEO BR ACKER Jobbers and Dealers in , , CIGARS, TOBACCOS, SMOKER'S ARTICLES, PLAYING CARDS, STATIONERY. AMBER GOODS, CUTLERY, ETC. ' MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES "' '" .' Pips Repairing A Specialty IS OUR MOTTO Strict adherence to It enables us to qualify wttiiug worker to rente superior service as bookkeepers aqd stenographers. Our instruction is unusually thorough a fact so widely known that reputation alone brings us most of our student. Quality always counts. Examine into oar facilities- better now than ever before. Industrious, willing students make rapid advancement In all studies taken. CaU, or write for our catalogue. , 4 PORTLAND. BUSINESS COLLEGE Psrk and Washington Street Mad 9 H BOTTOM PRICES Line of Fancy Cutlery 0OCOC00C5O0O000 PEOPLE'S STORE YOU MONEY OX Some Splenlii Vilaes For Ladies, Children and Men Freshest Stock in Tows Fresh Every Diy Get Qir Prices BEST OF SERVICE. 483-491 Boai Street M I 515 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon A. V, Armstrong, LL. B Ft Unrips! A B EVE KIT SUIT CCX)OCCCCCCOOCOOC!CCOOOd