The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 29, 1902, Image 3

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We have tlio beat in Astoria ; our rtwijjtn
largest. AmIiIhikI TiwIios nro now i.ltnili
fill and CHEAP. Fresh Fruit on Cull"
foniia fitf'iuiior yoHtorduy. See us.
Ross, Higlns & Co.
T'oltTl.ANI). Au. 2K.0m, Idu
1nt, wittl Wnnhltigton, fair.
One Thousand
Pillow Cases
(W.ll Ma.lo) for. . . 'le
TIm-v ari' I.V kind.
Our iinrc fhm nl fi p. m. every
liny rxtvpt Htii rity.
Oastou telle fed. grata ana bar.
Five barbers at the Palsce Hal he.
Nlrp, til battled pear, 15c p.r do.
vn at Johnaon liro.
l'lri-in California giapet, SO
nl ptr lianki'l today nt Johnton Hiok.
Tl bloike In the n-w fall
ttylrt, Kno lint. Jtiet In at C. 11.
NVw a;orU of fancy (oda Jut ar
rh'iil at Yokohama Itataar. Call and
c the lairft novHtlM from Japan. .
You can buy NettbWe Ilerplcldn,
the grAl dandruff cure, for 75 conta
jer bottlf at the Occident Ilarlier
You wlil find lliu btl ISc meaj In
the city at the ltUIng Sun Iteelaurant.
Nil. 41." Comini'ivlal tlrvet.
Wu gimrantec our headache tubltta
to cum any time of headache In ten
inlnutiH or tcfund your money. Chan.
)ami'm, druttfWt.
A nti!i'othian lecturo eutl'.lod "Ten
iilitlitK In n biirrooiu " at the Balviitlon
Army hall on Saturday evculuit, Aug.
SO. Adml-nlon, 10 ivntt.
Jolino:i HroM. huvc neatly dlxplaycd
nt lln'lr Htoic a very fine lino of lunch
gooda inokcd rcudy for luimediato uac.
For hmrhf'M or pkultt thcue gojdx re
Jmt what one want)).
Iron bfJi are fimt superceding the
c mnbi'i'noim woodon article became
they nro n'atr, jnoro durable, eanl
ti'ivi' and vermin proof. Tho latest
iiiodiii'tliiiiM have Jut ben roc.lvjd by
fhaK. Uollbnrn & Son. '
t - - - -
Today v.o open our now fall carpets in tlio
now patterns and new colorings. New
lro Brussels Kugs in extra large sixes.
.See Hie new Indian Uugs, nil the rage, in
tlio highest art of coloring. New Kgyp
lianrugs m pyramid pntterns. Jtuy the
latest. Our prices aro right.
Wc Sell Furniture, Bedding, Conches, and
everything for tho house nt lowest price.".
Great Eastern
A7U Commercial 8t.
A mart law hcipr wa yetrlay
arantH to John MulKon and Mary
Lull II.
Th KlnwitT flu It, Elinor teav
fr Tillamook from in- O. )l. ft N.
i'i"k loiliiy n( B ii, m,
i to tlio A. Y. & Ii. employ iient
oltHfr, Labor Hull, No, SI'S HiiikI HI,,
for good rll'ililo hdp.
All Morula? In a -ul holiday, III.'
ntiulur meeting of Mie city toun.ll
will Iw h-M on TuMilny night.
Tim tmr Kldiir arrived from Pun
Kriiii'lmo ymtcnliiy morn I nit, with
liiign imm-iiK-r ami friighl Hutu.
' Meinlwr of th Norwtiifliin Mi-lho-
illt ilmri h itnw a plcnk' owr tin hill
' yi-tpn1iiy, that wa well utt'-n-lcit.
j Thi Htcitiiinhlp Klb In completing
Iter raryo nt Ator!. rltic It to take
on 600.000 f,.(?t f lniiilH-r and 110 totin
; of Hour.
W'until in tinting Honif koo.vl-rdi-
of ilrpKHMiakliiit mid pluln wwlng.
full nt 674 l'oiim-riiul ntrcrt, loom
111 from 8 to S p. in.
Mum Uromw IjijuII wa the mi
plrtii Mtlnr1iiy cvenluK of a plea
unt mirprl party. Tho tvrtil wim In
; honor of th lii'ly'n tilrUulay.
Furniture for al ttcvrrul plm-n
fur nl I mo fur ulr, IntiuUlng piano.
Will leave Anturlu oon; cull ut M
Kmhiiiisu trvet.-Jlr.'V. y, K DELL.
If you liavo not hud thai old stiff or
ofl hat made new, you had better at
tend to It today. We move September
Int. AMorla Co., 4(4 Commercial
Uuffi'M to ph-awi the moat faatldlouH,
th latest creatlont pfndldly planned
and n:n iilflrrntly constructed, unex-jcelli-d
for el.-if.iiire. Tour lni-ctlon
I in 1 1 fil, t'hnt. Ileilborn A Son.
The o. It. ft N. i'o. yesterday award
ed to Contractor leti'k the contract
for the driving of xt piling along
the outer edfe of the vharf, The
j nt( win M' ftnlxhed In 3S day.
I The train due the We-t Side
! ypHte.'.lcy ut 4 o'lWk wua a luyed
j oviT on hour by I'vlt.-hlng. Several
box and Hat cavt, In-ald the regu
j l:ir lOiiihea conifH'm.d .he Irnfn."
I I'urtlea dealrlng to inn duinnon
pltiniH ahould leave u their ordem
; imft, an thin fruit will begin to arrive
j within the next few daya. and the aea
i ami for thm In very ahorL JOHN
I sun r.nus.
J All of Herman WIhc'b ateady cua
tomert who have not ot yet got their
'ticket to Wlne'e danrc (next Satur
day evening), will do well to get n
ticket at once, at no one will b ad
mitted without a card.
No in tide of furniture adds more to
the appearance of the home than n
h.-ir.dnonv nldebnurd. Vrom the lot placed in display by tim. Hell-1m.-ii
& Son you can 'ecire a ta-attty
at a very low figure.
! The Astoria Exchange Company
which own the waterfrontage north
of Itond ttioet between Twelfth and
Fourteenth, hat culled for bids for the
i oiiNtnii'tlon of a large dock and ware
house, The dock Is to extend 50 feet
north of the railroad trestle and the
wnrehotis? wll be MlxlOO feet. The
now wharf la to be constituted fur
the especial nconmiod'ntlon of email
.... .gwga
Furniture Co.
SliHimlinn Itiilldlnu;
There It a political rumor to the ef
feet that Benator J. O. Mogler, from
I'aclflc. Count f, Wath., will run for
representative from hi county, and In
cate of hi election will work for the
speakership of the house.
Those merry partle still continue
to regale at the Eleventh street re.
sort because the toothsome delicacies
served at the Toke Point Oyster houte
make It the mot popular place In the
town. Fresh Toke Point oyster and
other shell fish always on hand.
t II. Cooper, the veteran bowler,
cinched hit title of "champion" at the
Commercial Club alley yeatcrday,
when . he averaged SS for a oozen
garnet. A S3 game wat followed by
IX ,and half doben garnet were over
60. Even Foy Grandpa wa compell
ed to seek cover.
The Troy Laundry Company hut
put chuaed fiotn ex-Mayor Bergman
the proix-rty ot Tenth and Exchange
street, where a nw laundry building
U to hv erected. The purchase price
wa I WW. The compiny will expend
Ufi.OW on the new plant, which will
lie Drtt-claM in i!V"iy rcspsct.
fhurh A. Payne, one of the Wuaii
Ington pilot comnilHslonert, while In
the illy Tuctdny, tinted thut the
Wiishlngton pilot vchooner wa cxi i t
ed to arrive here Hlmrlly to compete
w ith the Oregon . hooner, Mr. Payne
i.m he. understood there had been
tome trouble with the owners of the
tehooiier over the lease, but he could
not kite partkiilata.
I.n hor day will lie celebrated In As
toria by the labir unions. An excur
dun will be given to Searlde fc'U'tday,
Augilft 31. Fare, 15 cent for round
tilp; children 40 icnts. Train leavea
iieimt at H o'clo k a. m n tor.ilng
haves Henslde nt 4.40 p. in. All
friend of organized l.'lmr are cordi
ally Invited to attend. This will be
the last excursion ot the t-a-on.
Itev. F. K. I'ell, jiiintor of tin- t'on-,-ii;itluinil
church, hut tendered his
iTjignatlon, He has bevii asked to
in ei pt the pastorale of the liruns Val
ley (rid.) ihurih. but has not yet
lehiiltcly decided upon hi future
course. II Is Ksslble he will be called
to ihu Cleveland .) chuwh. Mr.
Hill wilt muke an Eatlern trip with
in a shurl time.
(lame Warden Qulmby und hlj depu
ties will arrest any person who un
dertake to VIII ducks before Septem
Iwr I. Sunday Is the last day of Au
iMist but It will lie unlawful fur any
one to hum far duck on that day.
The wiison for upland bird 0ens tX
tnlM-r I, not September 13. a many
u.po.., anil U will be unlawful to
hunt plover or 'hlnee pheasants be
lore thut time.
For the Klku' Carnival and Street I
Fair to oe heH at Portland from j
September 1st to 13th. Inclusive, the A.
& C. It. It. wll make a rate of t'2 for
the round trip betwen Astoria and
Portland on the folowing date: For
the evening train of September 3d,
morning train Septembr 4th, evening
Iwiln Septembr Sth. all trains of Sep
tember 9th, and morning train of
September 10th. These ttikets will be
good to return until September Hth.
A tad death occurred on the ttvam
er Ilalley Gatxert on her down trip
Wednesday night. At Puget Island
Mr. and Mrs. N. Peterson got aboard,
with their 3-year-old son, who had
been 111. It was the intention to bring
him to Astoria for treatment. Soon
after the family boarded, the child
was attacked with a vomiting spell,
during which he expired. The boy
was taken In charge by Coroner Pohl
and jhtpied to Cathlatnet yesterday
for burial.
The following merchants have agreed
to clone their places of business on
Labor day: C. II. Cooper, S. U.mxi
uer & Co.. J. H. Seymour, M. S. Cope
liiiic', A. Kay.ilo, John Halin. A. Lake,
A. KHJunen, Peterson & Brown, John
son Hros., D. Shan.ihun, H. Crohn, V.
II. Coffey, Eclipse Hardware Com
iMiny, Ho. UlKglna & Co., Fishr
litos., Astoria Flih Market, Oreat
Atneiican Tea Comiany.'P. Lawier &
I'ompnnv, Charles Hellhorn & Son. H.
H. Zapf, Th.H). Josephaen, Foard &
Stoke.- Company.
Unwell Pi-Hd. one of Ihe members
of the Kllxnlieth lln'e trouiK-, yester
day received word I'lom Fran
cisco that- his" brother, Clarence, had
myaterlouHly d!sappnted, ami that
efforts to locate hlir. had hua
proved futile. The mlsslig young
man was tecrotaiy of the l'olytech
nhal College of San Francisco and
was very popular. Ho left Ills thee
two week ago, saying he woul.l re
turn that night, but he ha not since
been teen. He was very energetic nnd
had no bad habits, and his friends
and relatives are very much worried
over his strange disappearance,
The Puget Sound tug Kichard llol
yoke is expected to arrive around
from the Sound this morning. The
Holyoke and Tatoosh are to tow one
of the ltobertson log rafts to Sun
Francisco and tho start will be male
In a few daya. The raft to be taken
south by these two tugs Is the small
est one of the two built at Stella. Tho
larger boom Is 750 feet long and the
etenmer Arctic Is to take it south, The
tug Wanderer, which is to take the
Place of the Tatoosh, while she Is on
the San Francisco trip, is expected
around tomorrow. The Tatoosh will
be out of commission here for about
two weeks. . ,t j j
Iletldcnt living on what I known
at the Itlnman tract tre greatly put
nut bv the awkward condition of the
thoroughfare that are uppod to
lead Into that section of the clly at
the corner of Fourth and Exchange
streets, the road that lead north
from Franklin avenue crosses the cor
ner of Rudolph Basil' lot and at this
point the owner of the lot ha placed
a barricade with the notice of private
way written, upon it. Tblt effectually
block the way for teaint, and at it is
the only meant of getting In It It quite
natural that the house-holder In the
cut-off section are rather non-plussed
at the condition of thing, It It a
state of affalrt that certainly require
looking into by the proper authorltiet,
and their early attention to the mat
ter I earnetly o!lcllcd by the af
fected parties.
m " 1 '
The ocean steamer Columbia and
Cider will burn oil for fuel a toon
us the tank and burner can be In
stalled. In the cane of ocean steam
ers, the saving is even greater pro
portionately than It I with river
boat, a when they are away on long
voyugca touch of their valuable freight
siace must he used for fuel. One of
the AuKlrallan liner running out of
Sun Francisco carries oil enough to
steam 10,000 mile In the game space
that would b required for three time
the quantity of co.iL Not only Is
there an Immense saving through
hiving this extra sjiace for freight,
but the fuel I very much cheaper
than coal, und when he wa changed
from a toul-bumer to an oil -burner
the crew of 26 firemen v,aa reduced
to six men. Many of the Columbia
I liver steamers will alio burn oil In
itt ad of wood.
The W. V. T. . t". held a meeting
yesterday afternoon and elected dele-
fcnte and alternates for the state con
vention, to be held In Ashland In a
few week. Mrs, (Jearhart and Mrs.
Gu Kinney are the delegates and
Mr. Get-ding and Mr. Faslabend the
alternate. ' Mrs. Kockater, a social
purity representative of the Portland
branch of the work, was present at
the meeting and gave a good, clear
understanding of the work being done
in her city. It will be necessary, she
exnlulnel. that another room be add
ed to the social purity department,
ind she called Uon the local corps
to assist ft :ancla)ly In the expense of
the movement. The ladies responded
feelingly to the appeal. It was an
nounced during the meeting that
John Sobleskl, the eminent orator.
would be In the city next week and
deliver four lectures three temper
mce and one popular. Sobleskl is a
llrect descendant of John Sobleskl,
the old king of Poland, so there is
;i touch of romance that attache to
the nr. sent Sobietkl, an heir to a
throne, aside from his brilliant per
sonality and exceptional fine oratory.
The speaker Is world-renowned and
will doubtless draw large audiences to
hear his lectures.
The Kllxabeth Hale Company played
to a crowded house last night and gave
an excellent rendition of "Wicked Lon
don." The play is quite new to the
Coast. It contains a great v .rlety of
charactirs and varied 9ce:ie&. The
hange from high to iow life give
an insight to all varieties of London
society, und the escape soene from
Portland Jail was very well cat lied
out. As the daughter or ,i rich Liver
pool merchant, who gives cp wealth
in order to marry the -,-inn she loves,
Miss Hale looked and played In her
usual charming manner. This lady
hjis made many frleads In Astoria by
her really artistic perfoi mance?. The
comedy part of Betsy L'arnell was ex
cellently played by Miss Francis; and
the part of Madam Kut:n!ammer was
brought prominently forward b a
realistic performance on the prt of
Miss Franks. Mr. ltussell !leed walk
ed hard and well as ttichu.'d Carlton;
and Mr. Armour, as Hiram O. Wal
ker, was good, "and tnatN a fiui."
Tonight the Hale Company v HI pro
duce "Hazel Kirk," the pritticsi play
ever written, and "udging (rem the
performances they haee gtvoi. it will
receive an excellent litterpretarlon In
the hands of this .eally clexer com
pany. . Coast Manager V. P. Kendall, of the
American Can Company, said yester
day that removal of the local can
factory to Portland h:ul been definite
ly decided upon, and that the building
of the new plant would be undertak
en as soon as possible. It is expected
the Portland factory will bv In oper
ation by February 1. Mr. Kendall said
a site had been purchased at Portland
and that the plans for the new build
ings were now being prepared. As
soon a the plans are approved, work
,m the buildings wi'.l be begun. The
new factory will be about twice the
rine of -the local plant and will give
employment to 200 persons. Mr. Ken
dall said that the determination to
remove the factory was due to the
dcereasc in the local demand tor cans
and the fact that the freight rates
out of Astoria made shipment else
where very expensive. The company
will be able to handle its fruit can
business at n- jch less coat from Port
land. The local factory will be di
vested of lie gearing and offered for
sale. U is said that the falling off
In the company's local business waB
largely due to the business methods
of tho concern which required cash
payment before any part of Its pro
duct was taken away from the fac
tory. The Astoria plant employed
from 73 to 135 persons, had an annual
payroll of $40,000 and turned out from
1450.000 to $.r00,0o0 worth of cans
yearly. ... .
A tad drowning accident occurred
In Alderbrook early lat evening, In
which Harry Welch, the little -year-old
on of J. F. Welch, wa the un
fortunate victim. The little ' fellow
wa last teen at about &:16, Later,
when hi mother missed seeing him
about he Immediately began a search
but no trace could be found ot him.
A soon a Mr. Welch arrived from
down town the parent walked togeth
er down to t'ppertown, inquiring of
the neighbor if they had een their
little on. Not receiving any Informa
tion they returned to Alderbrook, and
at about 7 O'clock were horrified to
discover the llfele body of little
Harry but a ihort distance from their
home, lying on the beach. Dr. Cor
diner wa at once summoned to the
scene but nothing could be done, life
apparently having been extinct for an
hour and thirty minute before the
arrival of the physician. A the body
wa bruised on the left shoulder and
under the left eye, It I preumcd
that the child had been playing about
on some log and had been tunned
by sustaining an injury, and then
drifted by the tide to where the body
wa found.
Mis Evelyn Oitara wa a visitor
from Warr-jnton yesterday.
Sheriff Linville van a passenger on
the 10:30 train lust night.
Mrs. Geo. Shield, formerly of this
city. Is visiting friends here.
It. M. Gaston returned last night
from a businesc trip to Portland.
Mlsa Susie Cauker of Warrenton,
visited the city yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Hawthorn, who ha been con
fined to her home for some time from"
Illness, Is able to be out
Mr. S. C. Turner and wife returned
from Portland last night,- where they
had been on a brief visit
Miss Margaret Hlggins will leave on
the next outward bound steamer for
California, to resume her studies at
Mr. and Mr. E. Pempsie, of Spo
kane, who are located at Seaside for
the season, were In Astoria yester
day, visiting relatives.
F. A. Hazelton. editor of the South
Bend Journal, and chairman of the
Republican central committee of Pa
cific county, passed through the city
last night.
J. W. Belcher, formerly of Ihls city,
but now a resident 'of Portland, 18 in
town for a few days. Mr. Belcher has
been si-ending a few weeks vacation
at Ihe different resorts on the coast,
To the
Alaska Fishermen
Gentlemen: I hereby Invite you to
call at my store and get a free Ucket
to the dance I give to my customers
on this coming Saturday even'ng, Aug
ust 30. Respectfully.
The Reliable Clothier & Hatter.
We. the undersigned mllkir.en of As
toria, do hereby notify ail cousumera
f milk that beginning September 1,
prices of milk at retail will be ad
vanced to the former rates rf:
31.25 per pint per month.
2 per quart per month. v
$3.76 per half-gallon per month.
$6.75 per gallon per month.
Also by wholesale to b advanced
from 50c per can to 60c per lan.
Mrs. R. Ingleton is having a big re
duction sale on shirt-waists, skirts.
hlldren's clothes, Infanta' clothes, and
all kind of ladles' and children's fur
nishing goods, including hair switches
and pompadours. A chance for the
$500 piano with eaoh 50-cent purchase.
Commercial street, opposite Budget of
; ..
Work I the best cure for the blues
und an empty pocketbook.
My stock of Men'g and Boys'
shoes is unsurpassed for qual
ify. Close buying and low ex
penses enable me to sell the
best qualities at lowest prices.
54J Boud Street
"Beverly Garments" are tailored
to fit you perfectly.
They are tailored In the prevalent,
Incoming fashions, just before you
re ready to wear them.
"Ready-Made" garments are made
so early In the season that the ever
occurlng changes In style make them
unstylish, unfashionable when you
wear them.
The well groomed woman will
and why not? Popular prices keep
their cost lower than other tailored
garments, and seldom higher than
fine ready-made garments.
We make to fit more
than fifty styles from
over 300 patterns.
Lata Fashion Plates, Fb
ric and Pattern for Fall
Style la Suits, Cloak
and SKirt ready for your
iatptctlso at
The Leading Dry Gr.ods Store of
Beautiful Crockery Display
The Finest Assortment of Fancy Crock
ery an! Glassware ever seen in Astoria.
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Special
Cut Glass, Bisque Figures,
We also carry a Complete Line of Fancy Cutlery j
Large new stock of Morris Chairs, Morris
Rockers and Children's Morris Chairs.
I H. H. ZAPF, The House Furnisher
xsxoxnx! uxoxnxoxuxoxsxox
JoWiers and Dealers in
Pips tepairiiiii
A Specialty
Strict adherence to it enables us to qualify willing workers to render
superior service as bookkeepers and stenographers. Our instruction is
unusually thorough a fact so widely known that reputation alone brings
us most of our students. Quality always counts. Examine into our
facilities better now than ever before. Industrious, willing students make
rapid advancement in all studies taken. Call, or write for our catalogue.
Park and Washington Streets A, P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal
- Mad'e
it WH t
Fruit Dialies.Decorated Toik t Sets, jj
Water Crocks, Souvenir Dishes. H
Some Splenlid Values
For Ladies, Children anl Men
Freshest Stock In Town
. - Fresh Every Day
Get Oar Prices
483-491 Bond Street
515 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon