The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 26, 1902, Image 3

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We always hnvc plenty of good things fur you in Fresh 'j ;
F rails and (Jrocorics, and vory intonating prices. Sco us aboul ;
Ross, Hlgglris 6t Co.
roflTI.ANn. Amu 25.--Oi"MI. Mo
ho un 1 Wiuhiiuioii, nrtly rloutly.
One Thousand
Pillow Cases
(Well Made) for . . . lJc
They tirv 15c kind.
Our store- cIomw t C p, nt. every
day rsovpt Saturday.
Qaston tells food, train ant hjr.
Flv barkrri at th PUce Hatha.
You curt buy Newbro'a Herplelde,
Ui gfn dandruff curt, for Tt conn
per bottle at U OooMent Barber
8lKp. "
You will find W txwt ISo meal In
(ha ctiy at Uio rtlxtng Sun Restaurant.
No, 112 Commercial atreot.
Now mock of fancy fxda )ut ar
rived at Yokohama Itasaar. OUI fcnd
aw the !,tet noveltloa from Japan.
All smoker nmoka Uia "1'rtdo of
Astoria" cigars. No betfcter mad.
Mnnufa-tuivd by MacFtarlane ft Kno
bs!. HU-yele repairing with "kill and
promptnet.. Hui'iillo In atock; work
guaranteed, llt-llunce Electrical Works
421 Bond St,
Van Cttmp'a iwik nivl Unn nnd
tnararror.l nnd "hteao n elegant; r,o
rooking required. We have them In
M, 20 and 20-eent lse. Johnaon Bros.
Ir rrenm, guarantee! pure, delivered
to any part of the city, IS oenta a pint.
Ice crori m soda. Heat fresh candles.
Private room. Parlor Candy Store,
4SJ Commercial atreet.
rtonlyn coal 1 ait La longer, la cleaner
and make Iww trouble with atovea
and chimney fluea than any other coal
on the market,. George W. Sanborn,
agent. Telephone 1311.
Plumbing, tinning, gaa and ateam
fitting at lowest rate and In work-man-like
manner, Ordor promptly
executed. Shop, No, 425, Bond atrent.
Today v.c open our new full carpels in the
now patterns and new colorings. New
pro Hrussels lings in extra lurgo sixes.
Sco tho new Indian Hugs, all the ruge, in
tho highest art of coloring. New Egyp
tian rugs m pyramid patterns. Uuy'thc
latest. Our prices aro right.
Wo Sell Furniture, Bedding, Couches, and
everything forhe house at lowest prices.
Great Eastern
A70 Commercial St.
NU-a rlte barllett peara, IS cent per
duavn, at Johnaon Droit,
I). W. Bamlborn. nn old (I. A. It. man
of Heoalde U In the city to be exam
ined today for Insanity.
Ienve ua your order lor pem-he lor
Hunting io .Johnson llroa.
Horn. Sunday, Auguat 24, to Mr. and
Mm. IL A. llrmllii r..r..,...i .i.i-
I ' - ,'.,.., ua i,t,n
ilty but How of AlHuny, a 12-pound
j The Intiat block In the new full
'styles, Knox hnte, juat In at C. II.
Cooper1 a,
Constable Ueuaeley and hi valuuble
dog, Meg, baggttd three ooon an u
liunllng trip actoo Younga bay btliitie
l.inl Muiuluy.
j " My Wife a HiibKl Dt"lna. " crown
tn fnatl f ir nil mIii In, u.i hi (it t,
jflh, egg, elv. T !r.
! A mow loud of gruvi-1 from Hionk
lltld la being unlimited un Kluvel's
diuk, to kw uimiJ on the ruuf of the
IIIVW ClMtKJp llllll.
! Mppttliig day, Auxuit 16, of the Knox
world renowned, full and winter hum,
'at C. IL Cooj'er'e.
London pupvia wotuulimig full uo
uiiunta of lliv i.(ir.iiiution liuvu U vti rc-
'n-lvod by Ux.ul ptirtlra from Joint
I't'rulllugvr, now In KngUiuJ,
llnlr brunliei, .cloth bruxlios. bulli
and alioe bruli ;, tooth and null bi uh
at any pilot you wunt, ut Uognre'
duig atore.
, If you have not had that old etiff or
oft hat made new, you hud better at
tend to It today. We move September
lilt. Aaiorin Ht Co., 44 Commercial
atrtet. "
You will have to hurry. Have Unit
old Miff or foft bat cleaned, blocked or
dyed and retrlmmed. We will move
on September Int. Afltoi la lint Co..
44 Commercial atrct.
New alte fr hmch.rie ure being up In Waahlnvton by rpuey
Flh Hurtun, of Wttnli
Ingion. Orua -Iv-.t nnd oiW f.reama
on the north almi' will lw Utled. Mr.
Iliirtun la accn p.mlcil by W. llouth
en. of CuthlatiKl,
The funeral f the late Silna H.
iHmlth wa held Hundny from the old
Prenbyterhut church nn Clntmip plalna,
with Interment ""at Pioneer cemetery,
tltunted at the aame pbice. The funer
al eervlce wa conducted under the
anxplce of the Pioneer Socli ty. Rev.
Mr, McCamnc preached the aermon.
The Aetarla Sc Oulumbl.t River Rail
road Company llnda It ahl:ib'e to
continue Ita preaent au miner truln
ahi'ule bHween Portland nnd Clnt-
op beach iolnt until fl-ptember 14.
The local acrvloe -K tv.ei") Astoria to
.Heaald ) will llkewlsw continue imMI the
Inaiiie date. The eitenalon of time of
jiho preaent excellent train aervlce will
be appreciated by the many patrona
or tne ronu. ( ,
An clt glint new boat ahnp and yards
will le eomplete.l by Ociober 1st for
Rli hitrdd Lenlhcra, Ah noted aomn
nmntha ao, Mr. leather purc'iaaed
property from D. K. Wan-en for the
purpose of putting up a ahon and on
thla the worka will be built. The alxe
(if the new building will be much larg
er than th one now In u to that
n re orders can be nccoiittnoilaied at
onto than can be at preaent. Wllaon
rtrotho'a, of Portland .have been
Hrothera of Potllind, have been
Furniture Co.
Mlittnitlmn Dulldlnff
Gentlemen! Call and aee tho Intent
creutlona of Knox bata; arrived today,
at C. II. Cooper,
Tom Roaa haa ao far recovered from
hl lllnewi aa to be removed from the
lionpltul to bia home,
The erhooner Tatn O'Shanter, Cap
lain Hlmml, .lumber laden for Him
Franclaco, punned out laat evening at
4 SO, - '
Wanted Olrla having aome knowl
edae of dreaatttaklntr and plain rwlng.
Coll at' S7I Commercial atreet, toom
111, from ! to S p, m.
Home late dealgne In the ever popular
Morrla chair Juat received from the
manufacture! Call early and- make
your choice while there are many to
select 'ro n. Chan. Hellborn Son.
HutTetx to il.Me 'he moat fnalldloua,
the Inteat creatlona aplemlldly planned
und ntegnincently comtruvted, unex
celled for elxiriVii. " Your Inflection
Invited. Chfi. Hellborn ft Bon.
The eiamr Arclln arrived In yea
terday mornlog from ."Jurek with a
cro of redwood lumber. The lumber
la for A. H. Hammond and la being
llufhanced at Tlavel to be uhlpped
ent to MlanouU, M'-nt
Iron be-la are faat auperaedlng the
umlHTHonw - wolen article becnuae
they nro neawr, more durable, winl-ti-rv
and vermin pr'wf. The latcat
oroiliK tloiia have Jut been recdv.d by
Chan. Hl!born It Son.
No article of furniture add more to
the appearance of tho home than a
Imr.deome aldebcNtrd, Vrom the lot
Junt placed in dlnpluy by Cham, Hell-
born & Son you can wir a tieuuty
at a very low figure.
At a "SPlnn of '.lie elut" oi'ird of
pilot eomml"lonei-it yeatorday re
port wna idopleil to ! forwurdc 1 to
Hie governor. No union wna taken
In regard to the nppll .tl mude for
I Hot llcene. . ,
In the Sunday laeue of Ihl tajier
npi eared a local In reguid to thegame
law- Ihut wae allahtly In error. The
open aeBaon for duck begin Uiptem
ljer 1. but for all other game i nd fleh
the cloeed a'oon contlnuea later. '
The iMiv Maccabeea will give a tea
h lite Knlnhta of Pythloa hall thla
'afternoon from 2 until 6:M o'clock. A
Kkk1 progra.n of aonga. mualc and
itiimra haa been provided. All are
cordially Invited to attend. Mre, A.
R, Cyrua, Oom, and Record keeper.
Thone merry partiea atill continue
to reaule at the Eleventh atreet re
sort becauae the toothaome dellcaclea
nerved nt the Toke Point Oyster houae
make It the mot popular place In the
town. Frenh Toke Point oyatera and
other ahell nh olwaya on hand.
The Por-.l.ind llualneaa College In
tnnklng a bid for putronage from Clut-
nop county, doee ao on the atrength
of recog:tlxd merit and many poat
auecsea. Young men and women of
nmbltlon cannot make a better Inveat-
mont than la afforded by a course of
etudy under the direction of Profraaoi
The population of Aatoria was con
Nldernbly leeaened Inat Sunday by the
large exodua of plcaaure ee-kt i s. Thy
morning trains were crowded with
people bound for the cotiat n I adja
cent point were visited by bands 6f
ulcknlcker. who preferred the calm
nnd sore nit y of the country to the
bustle and roar of an advertised re
sort. A good number of fj-lcmla Joined
the Sona of Herman on their picnic
to Young river. The steamer Eclipse
carried the membra of the order und
their friends to Jot Haumgnrtener'e
place formerly known ns Henderson's
farm. Hre they spent the day, thor
nuiihly enjoying every hour of It.
Another croud chartered the launch
Swan and made the trip to Youngs
rlcr fall. This party consisted of
23 young people, many of whom had
never visited that point of Interest
before. Besides, another excursion
from Unlontown. numerous smaller
turtles spent the .lay In olfferent
parts of the country Immediately ad
joining the city.
Mis Rllinbeth Hale nnd Comranv
openfd at Flhers' o;iera house Inst
nignt in "Won Eak," an emotional
drama !u four acts. The pluy Is of a
far higher class than la usually pre
sented by a repetolre and Miss Utile's
support la excellent, every character
being well drawn and cleni-lv nresent-
ed. The story of the pluy opens In
Australia anil Is then traiiRferr.vl tn
London and the leading part of Grace
Chirth waa excellently played by MlfS
nine, wno had a long, hard part to
portray and cart-led It through with the
force and finish of a true ni-tlst. In all
probability Miss Hale's name will soon
be In the front rank of American act
resses. A Aunt Martha, Mlas Fran
ces was well aulted and caused end
less laughter. Mr. Hamilton Armour
and. Mr. Russell Reld were well suit
ed to their parts, and Mr. Harry Tol-
ara made a auccessful villain.. Mr.
Sydney Piatt, aa Aunt Mariha'a son,
waa eutlrely'at home, and the rest nf
the long caat wero well suited.
Tonight thla comnany r resents
"Treacheroua Sand," a comedy-drama
In five acta by Mr. Armour, and at the
popular prices thla company la charg
Ing thla company should play to full
houses all week, It merit is any crl-terlon.
For the Elks' Carnival and Street
Fair to hell at Portland from
September 1st to lSth, Inclusive, the A.
A C, U. R, wll make a rata of 12 for
the round trip bet wen Astoria and
Portland on the folowlng dates: For
the evening train of Beptember Sd,
morning train Beptembr 4th,- evening
tiultl Heptembr th, Jill trains of Sep
fiember 9th, and morning train of
September 10th. These tickets will be
stood to return until September 14th.
At an adjaurned meetlna- of the in.
dlon War Veterans of 155 and m,
held at Independence, August It, 1K02,
the following proceedings were had;
On motion of Majro James Druce, of
Jtenton counly, Ben Hayd-n was chosen
chairman. On motion of James Hnv.
of Corvallla, J. R. Cooper, of Indepen
dence, waa chosen aecretary. On mo
tion of Major Bruce, the aecretary waa
Instructed to communicate with nil
the county clerks and ascertain the
number of Indian War Veterans In
their respective countle and their de
pendant wldowa In their respective
counties and report the same to the
ndjutunt general at Bulem. On motion.
of I). L, Hedges, the secretary was In
structed to transmit a copy of these
proceedings to all newspapers within
the state with the reaueat to publish
the sarie. On Motion the ueetln til-
Journed to meet at Salem, Wednes
day, October 1, 1902, and all Indian War
Veterans are cordially Invited to at
tend. J. R. Oiop'r. Bton-lary; Hen
I lay den, Chulrman.
B. Mora ond John Demctria. nrrei.
ed on the charge of stealing tsoo from
fieorge Elo.were llxh,:aed veaterriav
morning by Justice of the Peace Good
man, when their case had txi-n irtven
a hearing. .Cpon their arrival In San
frtneisco, the men. w ith their alx com
panions, were -taken Into custody by
une otneer ot that city and searched
A sum amounting to son,etlilnor over
120 waa found on Moro and Demettlo,
and on this weak evidence thev wi-n.
arrested. .Vothlng whatever could bt;
proven against them and thev were
at ence set at liberty when their rase
was heard. As explicit Instructions
were given to the chief of police of sSan
Francisco to arrest only such of the
patty as were Apparently guilty of the
offtnse. It was thought certain by the
omctala of this count that the rleht
men were secure'. So no blame is or
can be attache 1 to the local officers
for acting aa they did Mora Is an
employe of the nival 'yards of San
Francisco and Den-efreo has resided for
a number of years in this city.
The chamber orf commerce held a
meeting last evening that was attend
ed only by a faithful few. A commu
nication from the Itr.mlgruti i:t Leasle.
of Boston, In which resolatu ns were
enclosed favoring un lll. t.-nu y test to
be imposed upon Immigrants was read
by the secretary. The resolution were
endorsed by the local chamber. Aft ex
haustive letter wri.t. r. by J. J. Reaor,
nf Gallatin. Tenn., to A. R. Ha nmond,
and referred by the latter to th As
toria chamber ot commerce, waa also
read by Secretary Holden. The let
ter lauded In high terms this section
of the country and expressed feelingly
the writer's Impressions formed while
on a visit here some year ago. He
wrote of ?.n off.T he had already made
to' tho O. R. & N. Co. to advertise Its
road In some of the Eastern and South
ern state ond expressed n desire that
Mr. Hammond allow him the privilege
of working up his interests as well.
The Idea conveyed was that the writer
would aslt In sending out a colony
of enterprising citizens. An appeal
was read from the chamber of com
merce of Skagway, Alaska, a new or
KunUutlon, that the local body niemor
ullxe congress to enact laws for
the district of Alaska, which v lll as
sist In opening up the lands for set
tlement, building of roads, etc. This
waa favorably received and the resolu
tions endorsed. Prog.ess on the ad
vertising pamphlet vaa reported to be
satisfactory, nnd the book will soon be
ready for the publishers.
The San Francisco Trade Journal
gives the following report of the fish
ing Industry:
The Froser river canneries will paefc
less than one-quarter as compared with
last year. The total Rrltlsh Columbia
pack of sockeyes will be In the neigh
borhood of 500,000 cases,, and of all
other kind not over 100,000 case, about
evenly divided between the Frnser and
the northern rlvera.
The canneries on Pugct sound will
show the heaviest fulling oft It Is
doubtful If the sockeye pa.-a of this
district will come up to 300.000 cases,
as against 1,100,000 cases last year.
This not being a year for the pink
salmon to run, It Is also doubtful If
the pack of cohoes nnd chums will off
set the pink salmon pack of last sen
son. The total Puget sound pack of
all varieties will probably be a little
over 400,000 cases, against 1.415,000
cases last year.
On tho Sacramento river the tun of
spring salmon was disappointingly
small and the pack correspondingly
light, aggregating about 5000 cases.
The fall pack will be light also, for
the canners are not disposed to do
more than have the "stand by " hands
The salmon companies In northern
AluBka will show an Increased pack;
also those of northern British Colum
bia and of the Columbia river. The
Alaska Packers Association will also
show an Increase. ThelPaclBo Pack
ing and Navigation Company will
have a smoller pack than last year,
It having closed down several of its
Alaska canneries and consequently Is
People have no idea how
ude and cruel soap can be.
It takes off dirt. So far,
so good, but what else does
it do.
It cuts the skin and frets
the under-skin; makes red
ness and roughness and
leads to worse. Not soap,,
but the alkali in it.
Pears' Soap has no free, al
kali in it. It neither reddens
nor roughens the skin. It re
sponds to water instantly; wash-t$-and
rinses off in a twinkling; is
as gentle as strong; and the
after-effect is every way good.
Established over too yeara.
territory, and Ita Puget sound pack
being about one- third of laat season.
The Fraiier river canneries will also
show a heavy falling oft In the pack.
The total pack for the season will
I be approximately:
iAIitska 2,300,000 to 2,400.000
British Columbia ... 500,000 tOO.OOO
Puget ound 400,000 450.CK0
(Columbia River .... 275,000 300,000
'Washington and Or
egon Outside 135.000 150,000
Sacramento and
Total S.618.O0I to J.911,000
The total Dack of 1901 was a trifle
nver Raft MAO f.Ort eacua Tia shrwIaM
I "" -
this year as against the 1901 pack will
probably be over l.OoO.l-tt cases.
W. R. Hume returned from Seaside
J. Arthur Smith, a traveling man
rrom Rochester, N. Y., is registered
at the Occident.
B. SchoMeld and wife, of Forest
Grove, are visiting with their son-in-
law, T. S. Corneliua,,
Mra. W. S. Ward, who baa been vis
iting with Mrs. James Sutherland, has
returned to her home In Portland.
Mrs. George L. Hlbbard, of Hontvllla,
PorUand. Is visiting with her brother.
E. C Jefters, on the Lewis and Clark.
George H. Howell, foreman cf the
Oregonian ad alley, passed through
the city yesterday, enroute for Sea
tlew, to Join his family.
Mrs. Rufua Brown and Mrs, Frank
Bronson, of Spokane, are visiting with
Mrs. J. T. Ross. The ladles have been
pending a few days at Seaside.
Joseph Gribler returned Sunday from
a trip to Grays Harbor. Mr. Gribler
intends visiting Rossland, B. C, the
first part' of September, to look after
his mining interests there.
G. P. Clark and George W. Buchan
an, of Portland, who recently experted
the county books, passed through the.
city yesterday enroute from Seaside,
where they have been enjoying a brief
The Convent of the Holy Names,
boarding and day school for young
ladles reopens Tuesday, September
2d. Thorough sclentlflc grammar and
primary courses, commercial course,
physical culture and music. Instruc
tions In plain sewing and physical
culture lven gratis to attending pu
pils. Should the number justify, Miss
Ethel Webb, of the Toronto School of
Oratory, will organise an elocution
class here, and also give private les
sons to those who are desirous of re-
ceiving Instructions In this. art. Ap
plications should be made before the
15th of September.
Mrs. R. Ingleton is having a, big re
duction sale on shirt-waists, skirts,
children's clothes, Infants' clothes, and
all kind of ladles' and children's fur
nishing goods, including hair switches
and pompadours. A chance for the
$500 piano with each 50-cent purchase.
Commercial street, opposite Budget of
My stock of Men's and Boys'
Shoes is unsurpassed for qual
ity. Close buyiuR and low ex
penses enable me to sell the
best qualities at lowest prices.
S. A. Gimre
843 Bond Street
"Beverly Garments" are tailored
lo fit you perfectly.
They are tailored in the prevalent,
incoming fashions, just before you
are ready to wear them.
"Ready-Made" garments are made
so early in the season that the ever
occuring changes in style make them
unstylish, unfashionable when you
wear them.
The well groomed woman will
nd why not? Popular prices keep
their cost lower than other tailored
garments, and seldom higher than
fine ready-made garments.
We make to fit more
than fifty styles from
over 300 patterns. -
Lata Fashion Plate, Fab
ric nd Patterns for Fall
Style la Suit, Cloaks
and Skin ready for your
inspection at
The Leading: Dry Goods Store of
Beautiful Crockery Display
' The Finest Assortment of Fancy Crock
ery ani Glassware ever seen in Astoria.
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Special Fruit DisLes.Dccorated Toilot Sets,
Cut Glass, Bisque Figures, Water Crocks, Souvenir Dishes.
We also carry a Complete Line of Fancy Cutlery
. . .
Large new stock of Morris Chairs, Morris
Rockers and Children's Morris Chairs.
Jobbers anil Dealers in
Pips Repairing
A Specialty
Strict adherence to it enablea ns to qualify willing workers to render
anperior service as bookkeepers and stenographers. Our instruction is
unusually thorough a fact so widely known that reputation alone bringa
ua most of our atudents. Quality always counts. Examine into our
facilities better now than ever before. Industrious, willing students make
rapid advancement In all studies taken. Call, or write for our catalogue.
Park and Washington Streets A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal
JT -. v - - f
'.7 k
Some Splendid Values
For Ladies. Children and Men
Freshest Stock in Town
. -. Fresh Every Day
- Get Our Prices
483-491 Bond Street
The House Furnisher j
515 Commercial Street
Aatoria, Oregon
not prepared for an Increase In that