The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 24, 1902, Image 2

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Telephone, Main (6t
Pent by mail, per year t.M
Bent by mall, per month 60
Served by carrier, per month .... 60
Sent by mail, per year, tn advance U 00
The Astorlan guarantee to Its d
wtisers the largest circulation ct any
Bewspapor published on the Columbia
S. C. TURNER. Business Mnnasrer.
Today begins the fifteenth weok of
the great anthracite coal strike, and
there la no more algn of a aetlement
now than there waa a month ngo,
nays .the Standard-Union. There Is no
serious break In the ranks of the min
er, and the operators are apparently
as determined as ever to make no
compromise. It Is computed that the
strike has already cost ISO.000.000 to
operators, strikers, buslnes tv.en and
the state and county authorities, In
cluding $8,500,000 to mines and ma
chinery, not counting, however, the
loss and Inconvenience to consumers
and the public generally. Tet there
seems to be no disposition to resort
to arbitration, no sipn of a concilia
tory " sweet reasonableness," but, on
the contrary, a bitter and obstinate
spirit on both sides. The strikers,
through the officers of their organi
sation, publicly demand higher wages,
shorter hours and a uniform and
equitable system of weighing, but those
who know what la going on behind the
scenes aver that the miners would re
turn to work Immediately If only one
of their demands were conceded. On
the other hand, there is good authority
for the statement that the operators
are willing to grant a 10 per cent In
crease in wages, and are, In fact, now
paying that advance to the non-union
workmen who continue in their em
ploy, but they will not .recognize the
miners' union. .
It would Seem, therefore, that the
8trugg!e,-so long, costly, and ruinous,
has substantially narrowed down to
the recognition of the union. It that
be so, the position of the mine owners
and operators is clearly untenable.
What' good reason can there b for
no recognizing obvious truth? The
miners' union is a demonstrated fact
as much as anything else in ex
istence., Jis Senator Hanna says, " la
bor unions have come to stav." Thev
are as much' an economical necessity
as comTJtnatlons of capital, and are en
titled to recognition as such. A labor
trust is no. worse, and perhaps no bet
ter, than a coal trust, or a steel trust.
way into the Mood, and are forced
and pores of the skin, causing it
, itching allows no rest night or day. l-.c7.ema appears in a great many
different forms, beginning frequently as a mere redness of the ikin, fol
lowed by little Misters or pimples, from which a clc-nr or straw colored
matter oozes. for:ning intosorts, scales
SALT HHEUtlfi or scabs: lhi3 is seeping Kc.enia,
commonly called Salt Rheum. These
acid poisons sometimes dry up the nitttral oils and the skin becomes
hard and dry, often cracking and bleeding and causing intense pain ar.d
fearful itching. This form of Eczema is known as Tetter, and oftenest
attacks the hands and feet. Unsightly eruptions
TIT g A 'a the s'laPe ' pimp'es an'l M.tckhei'ls break out
upon the face, neck and shoulders as a result of
polluted Mood, and this humiliating disease is called Acne. Local
"remedies afford but scant relief. The blood and system being saturated with
the poison.the diseasecannot be reached with washes. sal vs,
1 C PIE powders or other local applications. S. 8. S. restores the
deteriorated blood to its normal condition, stimulates the
sluggish organs, and all the waste matter lsehnunated
through the proper channels. S. S. S. makes the
blood rich andstrong, and under its tonic and invigo
rating effects the general health improves, and the
skin becomes soft and smooth again,
s S S. S. contains no minerals but is jruaranlet-d
Write us if you need medical a 'vice; this w
Illustrated book ou skin diseases sent
Central Meat Market
Your ordrs for
liivals. bolh
Will be promptly nf
ustis'aetorlly atu-udtd to
3. W. MORTON, Prop.
Tclci-houe Ni -"21.
flOIiPS & geLEflfl
Horse Shoeing, Wagon Mak
ing, General Blacksmithlngr.
Tmelith St., Opp. Fishars Opera Hcose
or a beef trust. How can uny ore of
these great organizations consistently
refuse to recognize another, as lawful,
Just and necessary as Its If ? The min
ers' union has proved its power and Its
right to existence by keeping its -It
'practically Intact during this cruhial
struggle, by effectually tlng up the
whole anthracite region, by refusing
to extend the strike Into the bitumin
ous regions because of existing con
tracts, and by collecting vuoush mon
ey to keep alive J50.CO women
'and children for over three months, de
'splte a loss of over $33. WW I" wages.
Then, why not acknowledge so creat
'and palpable a fact? Whet sense or
'justice Is there in this csulch like pol
icy of declining to see what every one
'else sees, that Is as patent us the noon
day sun and Jjst as real? It is not a
'question of the union running the op
'erators' business. The union can be
recognized by a detlnite agreement,
'precisely defining all the materia!
'points, embodied in a written enmra-t,
'just as has been done in the past and
done in thousands o other eases with
'out yielding an lota of control. It is
simply absurd unless it is designed to
hide the real object to proclaim that
'a great union of workingmen shall not
be recognized. Labor has rights as
well as capital, and la'Hr unions are
recognized by law asid by the courts..
Even if the oporators succeed in break
ing up the existing miners' union, and
jthe men should return to work as "ui-
'divlduals," every one knows flat an
other union would be formed within six
months. From a mere physical and
'economical point of view, organization
is as necessary on one side as on the
'other. Great corporations can only
deal with tens of thousands of employ -
'es through ag?nts and committees, and
indirectly, if not directly, unions mut
be recognized. Rut why not do it man
fully and openly? If the mint-owners
'are prepared to cvr.ce-.Ie an advance
li wages to ijive their empliy.s a
'share of the higher prices and enlarged
'profits the industry brings why,
in the name of common e:ise, balk at
recognition of what plainly is and will
continue to be? Nothing can be per
manently gained and nothing worth
while can be lost by ;ckiiov!?.'.giiig
the truth.
There can be not bttter Instruction
for the people of this country than to
compare the words of General Jacob
Ih. Smith with thoes of his detractors.
I For the latter, rio abuse hAs been too
foul. The former, court-martialed and
'retired after performing a difficult and
junwelcome task, says simply: "To
take criticism is part of a sol liar's
training. My sword is sail at the
command of my country and .subject
to the order of the commander-in-chief."
A Portland, woman seeks to b- di
vorced from her hut-band because he
prays one moment and swears the
next. Portland Is certainly undergoing
a thorough reform.
is due to the retention in
the system of Uric Acid
or other inflammatorv
poisonswhich find their
by the circulation through the glands I
to burn like fire, ar.d the incessant !
c.i i:-jt::;n-'.
no DJh!
State Fair
September 15 to 20, 1902
Tcu are Invited to attc-nd and
see the greatest industrial ex
position and livestock show ever
held on "the Pacific Coast. Cood
rs-lng every aftjrioo.r
ground free. Come and bring
your families. For any Infor
mation, write
M. D. WISDOM, Secretary.
Portland, Ore.
l He !r ml
Of the modern woman is health by
exercise. It's an excellent fad, pro
vided that it is always remembered that
exercise eaniiot cure womanly diseases.
Indeed, wliere such
diseases exist exer
cise is it to ajra
vate the condition
rather than to
'.Y..A heln it
! Tit firt cten .v
I K "' "' .T.'C .
s.-' ward estaniisiutiff
the sreneml health is
f j to establish the local
womanlv health.
Jr. Pierce' Kavonte
Prescription cure
womanly diseases
which undermine
the general health.
It establishes m;u
l.irltr, dries enfee
bling drains, heals
inflammation ami
ulceration and cures
female weakness.
When those are cured, backache, head
ache and nervousness are things of the
past. The universal testimony of weak
and sickly women, cured by " l-'avorite
Prescription, is this : " It has made me
feel like a new woman."
" My wife hs wed thrw tvitllrt of Pr. Pieive's
medicine. tui I never saw Mich reMilt. writes
A B. tUynct, K-p. of Aiirun, Liwrrnce Cj..
Mo. "It was Wvmucuul in it rk. We hud
used lot of medicine, a! had one of the best
plmicuus in Aurora, but tny wife (tot tie tetter ;
wc herl one pitiful gita after auother, day
snd night. A fticud hA.ulevl me cepv of Pf.
Pierce book, the Commou S-ie MfvhVftt Ad
Ttser, tad utter rrsdtni; ih testimonial of Pr.
Pierce's tuecexfnt tmtmtiit. and orcing that
the case described were similar to my wile'. I
bought for her a bottle of lr Pierce Favorite
Prescriptitni. Before she had taken nil of the
medicine she was up and helping to do the
work. She taken t,hree rxiuii-s aud is now
about well, liii belter health tiuu she h-t
had for years,"
Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets cure cou
stipation. General Electrical
Installing and Repairing
The Rost Equipped Shop in
Oregon Outside of Portland
Has Just Been Opened, at
421 BOND ST. j
Estimates Made on
Wiring for
Light and ;
Power, New
Motors, Dynamos,
and Electrical
Acraratus i
Of All Kinds. j
Supplies Kept in Stock;
Agents lor tbe Celebrated
Best Under the .Sun !
Reliance Electrical'
'H. W.CYRUS, - M'gr
First-Class Up-tc-I)ate Work
'I hr." a niu-ti r fur I' w tliint'- on"
i. tli- kruw tlmt !z in hiin.iuiil tin
oth-r 1 lhi; hpiirH that air on hiiu
I'j halt up hi- liiow with."
rsif' s
Astorian Publishing Co.
Tenth and Commercial Sis.
Phone 66 1
A.SIllKIA, )u.
Scott's Santal-Pcpsin Capsules
Forlnflrijitulon Orr'atarrh
Ki'iJicyB, ho cure no pay,
Utrii! lhff worftt caiifi of
oiifiri'Iir'ii irnd 4Irt,
nf mult rr,f how ionjr titand
Jnir, Abhtlutly barui
HoJfi by drupplrtd. Prl'-e
01 00, or by mail, poitpaid.
11.00, i boxes, $2.78.
Sold by Chas. Bofers, 459 Commerci
al Street Astoria, Oregon.
.9 .x.9 l.
11 ttkAZ
Foley's Kidney Cure purines the
Mood by straining out Impurities and
tones up the whole system, Cures
kidney and bladder troubles'. Fur tale
by Frank Hart, IVugglst.
A man may be willing to take things
as they come, but he usually makes a
terrible roar about the way they go.
The proprietors of 1-Vley's Honey
and Tar do not advertise this as a
" sure cure for consumption." They
do not claim It will cure this dread
complaint In advanced cases, but do
(positively assert that It will cure In
trie earlier stages and never falls lo
Jsive comfort and relief In the worst
lease. Wley's Honey and Tar Is with
out doubt the greatest throat and lung
'remedy. Kefuse substitutes. Sold by
j Frank Hart, druggist.
1 IWt be afraid of getting round
'shoulders from carrying too a
load of thought.
1 " My wife was so 111 that good phy-
k lans were unable to help h. r," w rites
M. M. Austin, (if Wlm hester. d ,
but was completely cured by jr.
Kind's New Life 1'11's." T'p.-v ' work
'wonders in stomach and liver trouble.
!Cure constipation, sick headache. I5c
.at Chas. Kogers drug store,
When a paper states that content is
lUnneecssury It means that the writer
does not know w hat to say.
i Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, 111.,
(writes: "I had bronchitis for twenty
years and never got relief until 1 used
'Foley's Honey and Tar, which is a
-ntre cure." Sold by Frank Hart,
I druggist.
I The man who can't Keep from bit -jinu
at every bait he sees should have
'a guardian aprlnted.
When r:ho- medicines have failed,
; lake Foley's Kidney Cure. It has cur
led when everything else has disap
pointed. For ae by Frank Hart,
j To marry a person when yen low
another l simply storing up misery
for yourself.
A. P.. Bass, of Mortal. ( Tnd.,
; had to get up ten or twelve times In
(the night and hail severe backache and
pains In the kidneys. Was ctir- d by
Foley's Kidney Cure. For sale by
: Frank Hart, druggist.
The Largest, Staunchf-st, Steadiest, and mwt .iwjr hy vt.isel
ever on the route. Best of Table and Slate Itoirn Accommoda
tlons. Will make round trips every five days between.
Astoria and Tillamook
FARE $3.50
Connecting at Astoria with the Or m Railroad & NavUatlan Co. an I
the Astoria & Columbia R, R. for l'ortlan 1. Sun Francisco and all
points East. For freight and passenger raiej apply to
Samuel Elmore tV: Co.
iMii'ral '.Vciit,
or to
Tillamook. Or
A. & C. R. R. Co.
Portland. Or.
The Only FlrHt-ClnsH Hotel in Portltmd
L"niti:d States Im i 1 JH.";, Oregon
City, Ort'Kon, Aur. 5,
N'otn-e in hereby Kiveft that In com
pliance with the provisions of an act
of 'tiiiKri-HH of June 3, 1.S7-S, entitl-i
" An U'-t fr the Hale of timber Inn ia
in the Htati-H of Citllfornia, On ; cn,
NVvaila. and AVaahlnKron Territory,"
i s ..-steii'li-l to all public lin.J Buv
by in t of AiU'.u.- t 4, UK,
i f.KNolMi I.. I'M 'lluV.'i " il,
''it 1'oitlun.l. ''oun'y of .M'llii'onu'i,
tU'l- of Oi'gofi, Ik.s tills uiy lilei in
!iii-i i .-liii e h'.T r.- .'oiu t 1 1 '.-1 1 '1 1 ,i.
,117. f-'i' the of the loinii-
mh f t i : : 1 1 r of Hi'-!im N , 110, tu t.o.r
M -No. 1 north, rati see .No, i went, and
..i:; ,::'i r j.roof to ho-v th i th : mm
- Is rnor" v;ti i i'ile f-r H tin.b' r
or i-'.o.-.e ihaa (r r i..-Li,'.n -A u
IK'.'1, .ml to (H;abiljii hi! c .'inn to
(fti-l lari'l before the reBlKter ami t--I'iv-r
at this oflke at Ore;;on (.'it.-,
('uron, o;i Monday, the lid day of :
( n I (-I-, li02.
,-!i" names as wltn"ss's: liyron J.
;nf .id, of Montavilla, Ore.: Willi-,,,:
K.!i-:--.l, of Portland, Ore.; lan-s T.
liurk'-, of Seaside, Ore.;li. J. linrj: '.
of .'-uside, Ore.
Any ami all persons ehilinlmr n I-,-ei
.-(); the above dewrlbed lands an
' r-'iue: ted to file their i lalms in air
jofllt e on or before the huIJ 2 1 day of
.November -Vjiy'.
i rilAS. li. Moomw,
: S-13-10-17 i: n'-.t -.
NOTICK FO t I'LCI.lO l'i')N'.
United States Land oifl-.;, i)r'Ho.n
City, Oregon, Aub. 5, 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of an ad
of conprress of June 3, 1878, entitled
" An act for the sale of timber lands
In the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
an extended to all public land datca
by act of August 4, 1882,
of Mul'.an, County of Hhoshone, Btate
of Idaho, has thin day filed In this
" T was troubled with kidney com
n',i:it for alvut two years," writes A.
II, U.iK or Mt. Veiling. Ia but two
bottles of Foley's Kidney t'uro effect
ed a permanent cure," ld by Frank
Hurt, ilrugfflst.
tmck put their heads under water to
liquidate their bills.
Soun 1 kidneys are safesunrd of
life. Make the kidneys healthy with
Foley's Kidney Cuiv.-Sold by Frank
Hart, druggi't.
Soiee people get along wllholut sense
j.istas long us i hey have money.
When you are sulterlng from rlieu
m.Ul"nt, the kidneys lliual bo attend
ed to at once so that they will elimi
nate the uric acid from thte blood.
Foley's Kidney rure Is the luoat ef.
f. ctiie remedy for this purpose, H. T.
Hopkins, of I' Wis., says; "After
iiusuccessfully iKvtoi'ing for three
i.irs for rheum ii'sm with the beat
doctor", I tried Foley's Kidney Cure
and it cured me. t cannot h pea It too
Highly of this givat inodlclne," For
s;le by 1' Hart, druggist.
A farmer should not be Judged with
unity hoeause lie pulls the cats of
bis corn.
Tin: mild: of heroes.
! Many .-oldiers In the last war wrote
to say that for Scratches, llfulsr.
ji'uts, Wounds, fiuns, yore Feet and
! ti!t Joints. J'u. Men's Arnica Salve Is
i the best in the world, Same for Hums,
S. aids, I'olK Fleers, SiOtt Fruptltms
a 'id I'lles. It ,r,M or tin pay. Only
:'W at i'h. is. Rogers' drug store.
Kind iioids. Kind looks, khid acts
and g-'iitle Inn Ishakes are the beijt
e icons io use In the unseen battles
of life.
A Mll.l.b'',' VCIC'-IS
Could hirdiy i vpres-- the thanlts of
!!oie. ! 11V.I. of Wet Point. la. Ids
! -a v hi A sews- mi l had settled
on III -i lungs, causing a most obstinate
oi-ijli. Several physicians said bo had
oiiMimplion, but could not help him.
When all thought he was doomed hi)
b- gatl to use Ir King's New P'seoy.
cry for onmt'ipthm and wrltn: "It
eoiMpletrly cured n.e and saved my
life. 1 now weigh !:7 pounds." It's
positively guaranteed for Coughs,
i 'oh Is and I.imtr troubles. Tllco 80c
and l. Trial bottles free at Chas.
I lowers' drug store.
A-lila, t)r.
o. n. & n. Co.
t' Or.
'' " -A'r.M nt..t -Hiftit so, fKt2,
for the pin. Ir.:--.. f ,tl,. v,,.Kl of
tn- sinith-,i.-t. -;-)ar:,r. and loin 1 ami
2, of H" li "ii N. I, In to-.viiHhip No. 5
meUi. tni.K.- No. M v,ed, nnd will of-t,-r
proof t.i fii"-.- ihat ti.e sought
r"";." ,!,:" for t'A .-ol, r or Mono
'-"' ''' " i iil'uti i i-tirix ii, and to
'-'l'i.l!l III
foi Ih,.
.ft - a; i
'::. tie rj-i
aid li'i.d be-
a-'l I-- eiv: i- ,,f this
'' ' "'' -K'lll, on Mon-
of Nov mlr-r, 1'iij.',
;' - i - ! : llyro'i J.
'' i-; W'dilne
.la.,,.- T.
'.; I'- ' l'lrke,
- ' ad--.
' i' '-! !.il-i':t j. re
''- ' l:!h. in thU
t ' fit 1 M day i,f
' ' M' ii iltKS,
11- tiiaP-r.
mi :
ii ;ii-,i ii,.. iin
i .r l:,i:a M;
., Moiidcv. ('.
. '. 0. I'll.', ;.t
"! t ho-i ,!,,:-,
, ,t;i tl
of i i, on, at
II. Mi" r.,,i.,,f,!
r-.-h - -I , ,a to
a-di In hand.
I I .id-It - ,
! . I'-.l o-.- ii.y - , .l .
- -! . i-l. ''(;:,! a 1 i
iV,t-.-o;.. to. --ii.
I'.-'l .(ale f
.id Coimiy i t
An i in, 1 1 -. i-hd t'oiir-iili:lii' (1 n
' '"-I i'l i, i d to or (. ,11 or ih- west
ov-h.alf or th,. n,ul n-a;-l one-iiarler
r I the i-t one. ,lf ,,f the POIllll--(.-(
one iirnl, i-. of (.-'lion seven (7),
li, to'vr,hlii ehOit i) norlh, of rnntro
!f (Ci e;.t of the Wlllamett,' inerldlan
1,' iiitr the enlire Intcred of paid ward
pi and to s-nld real eslate.
j - ihl unle will be n,:ule pni'Miiant to
, ,i licr-nsn find order made by the
.County Court of the Plate of Orejron,
;for nntop County, on the lllh day
!of AiiETiist. lVi!. KMILY CARIIKL.
iDaled Aiit'iist ir,, JS02. Ouardlnn,
ITnltoit Rtatpa Land OtlU', at Ovrg.m
illv, Dreit.m, July 1, iWJ;
Nutleo U heroliy nlvon Hint In eoiii"
tltnne wlih tho tivinlon of th net
of Conirrtfot of Jun 3, ITS. tnllllotl
"An net for the alo of itnihnr land
In tin State nf California, On-xon,
NevaOii and Waohltmlo'i Territory,"
.ik extended to all tho I utillo Land
atale by not of AuKUt I, isW,
MUS. J,M. tl, AUMST tUNil,
(if I'orlhtnd, County ef Muliionmh.
Mtnl,i of Oreifou. Ii IhU Jay Ulcl In
thla olttow lil worn mat inioiit, No,
".SOU, for th I'tlrelniHi .if tle H, half
of NK. ttUMrier und li 1 mid S, of nee
Hon No. 2, in Piwunhip N-. 0 Ncttii,
Ultimo No. It) West, nn.l will offer
proof to nhow thill thn bind jhuikIU
III tiioro Viilti iliUi for u I in, In-r m
ttono than for avrletilturnl un'iKiir-H,
mid to t'atithllRh hU ilulm lo "aid
land lie for tho It.'iilKter and ll.vnlver
of thli oiMo at On't:iu City, nii'itou,
on Pit' unlay, the SiUh day .f Hept.-m-bt'r
,I:hi;, ji nitiu.-s i wltiiesieK:
HyiMit J. Hmiford. of Montavilla,
Orxitmi;. William Kil.Mt, of I'oithiud,; Jiveih Kuyner, of
oivtm; Fred Ottschll I, of I'orthmd,
Any and all person rlaliiitiw ad
vorsidy the aUivu-dosi'illi.! lnndd nr
tHUrt(nt to III lltnlr clnltim III Kiln
iitllco on r before aUt ;'0lh diiy of
September, ijos.
7-11-9-I2. ' ni'itlHlcr
N'Oli-e In hereby f.Ui-n that I will
on Monday, the Ui day or Septem
ber. 1902, at th hour f 10 o'clock,
n the foroiomi of said day, itl ami In
from f tt Court Houn.) door, la tho
"lty of Aitorla, In clutKop cottnly,
OivSfon, ttfTer for sale and wll nt pub
lic auction to the lilKhcst bidder for
cash Itt hand at the time of rule, nil
and sliiBUbir, ;h estate and pro
rty heretofore bid in for tac for the
year IS'J) for suhl Clatsop county, to
which said Clat.i p county Iiah nciUir
ed title by virtue of such N4I0.
Sheriff of Clatsop roiinty. OreKon
Andrew Asp,
War laker, BUrUmllli ainl r'nM.
reasonahlk riucKH.
8pcll Attention Olven lo Ship trt
Hlambot Rvpatrlnir.OcnerMt lllaclt
ml'.hlnt, Firt!-Ch Jlorne
ShMlnif, ic-
Don't Guess at It
Rut If ou Mr ovnif rai wrltt tn
tor our rate and let u tell you about
the icrvlce and aecommodnllons offer
from PACIFIC COAST to Chleaeo and
Cincinnati. Don't fall to write ui
about your trip ai we are In a posi
tion to give you soma valuable 1 11 for
mation and aflslntance; alilS mile of
track over which are operated mnii
of Ill's flneit trains In the world.
For particular regarding freltcht ar
passejiK'T rates call on or address.
T. F. R. A. Com'l Agt
143 Third Bt., I'urtlani Ore.
A familiar name of the Chicago.
.Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known
all over tho Union n the Oroat Hallway
running the "Pioneer Limited tralim
every day and night between St. Paul
and Chicago, and umahii and Chicago.
"Th only perfect train In the world."
t.'ndeMtand: Connection are made
with all transcontinental linen, ciirlng
to paK'emrerH the bent mrylce known.
Luxurious coarhen, eleotrlc light. Htettrn
heat, of a variety equaled by no other
See that your ticket rends via "The
Milwaukee" when going to any point
In the IJulted Statin or Canada. All
ticket OgentH Sell I hem.
For rate", pamphlets or other infoi
ma.H'n, addon.
.1. W. CASKV, C. .1. KDDV.
Tr.iv, Pixk. A-" . A'Tt.
I'D'-ll in I, Ore. 1' Can I. ' 'r .
Some Inter
esting Facts
When people fin- -on 11, d 1 ' l.irf 11
I rip, whether on business or plen.-nire,
Itii-y naturally want the bet s. rv'.-e
oblnlniible as far s np'-.-d, e.uofort nnd
"tifely li. concerned, rimployes of lie
paid to serve the public nnd our trnltix
are nperuled so as to make close con
nections with diverging Hues ut. nil
Junction points.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair
Pars on through trains.
Dining car service unexcelled, Meals
served a la. carte.
Jn order to obtain the flrst-climn ser
vice, ask the ticket agent to Hell you
a ticket over
The Wisconsin Central Lines
and you will make direct (.collections
at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and
all points Bast.
For any further Information call on
any ticket agent ,or correspond with
JA8. C. POND, Oen. Pass. Ag't.
or JAa A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis.
I'lirihind Union l)o
pot for Astoi iM and
so in n in.
11; 10 a.m.
7;iW p 111
11:41) p.m.
way (lnt,
For I'ortland aiidlll": 80 m.TiT.
way puintt 110.30 p.m.
tB:M p.m,
7i4ii a, 111,
4:10 p.m.
S IS u rn
Anlorla for War-!
7.40 a.m.
10:10 a m.
4:00 p.m.
1:50 p.m,
35 a m"
1:30 p.m.
T;J p.m.
16.0 ji ni,
11 'M a in
iviiloii Flavel, Ft.
Sluvena, Hammond.
Seajiido for Wr
retiUiti, Flavel,
llmiinond, Ft,
Hteveiis, and An
torla. 1 1. .IS 11 in
5:M p.m.
1,1:6s p.m
0 IN p m.
tl Pi 11 in
2 ;lo p tn
5 00 p m
Ihilly except Paturday.
tHjuurdny only
All trains make ohm eonne.'tlon at
ib.blu with nil Northern I'aelllo Imlui
to nnd from th leant and Hound
I'olnti J. 0. MAYO,
an'l FrlH'ht and riu. Agent
..Portland - Gloria loule.
I 'any round trlpa rxcpt Sunday.
lavo l'ortlfind 7 a. m.
Leave Astoria 7 p. m.
Through Portland oonnemiona wltH
steamer Nnhoott frum lloo an4
t.MB llom-li I'olnta.
Wblt.1 collar t.ln ticket lntr
, h ingenblti with O. R. ft N. Co. and
V. T. Co. ttckot.
The Dalles Route
and "METLAK0"
lbilly trip except Sunday,
Leave Portland Mon , Wed,, Frl., 5 a. m.
t.y Dalit. TUr , Thur., Hat.. 7 - tn.
Lv. Portland Tue., Thur., BL, 7 a. m.
Lv. nlle, Mon., Wed., Fr 7 a. m.
Landing at ut of Alder Btrecl. Port,
land OrvguK,
Hoth Phono, Main UL
J.-hn M. FllSoon.
A. J. Taylor,
J J. Lucky,
Wolford A Wyer,
J ('. Wyatt,
It. it. (illhreih.
John M Totton,
Henry (llmntwid,
William Huib-r,
Th Dulloj, Or.
Aatoria, Or.
Hood River, Or.
Whit Balmon, Wn.
Vancouver, Wn.
Lylo. Wn.
Hivnnon, Wn.
Ctraon, Wn.
Iliititr. Wn
Portland Oregon.
Th, ''N-irihwentern IVmlvd" train.
i"ie ti le lighted tliMughOU', both I'isid
.ml out, mi l m.m heated, ar with
out exc.-ptlon, th flnit train 1 th
world. Tiny embody th litrt. rwt
411 1 bt.i i.p-.m f r comfort, convenl vir
und luxury ever offered th travolHnt
niihllc. ,iii. altogether r th met
inpl.-i.. and splendid produ.ill.iti f Ih
cir hull ler.i' r!.
Tne tptendld TrA'n
Cinnect With
The (innt Northern
The Northern I'uelflc nnd
The Ctina'llnn raclflv
thICAUO nnd the EAST.
N'.i extra charge for thes.i superior
1, imiiio Intions nd All i'Umi of tlck
f.t are avuilahl for paMig on th
trtilns on 1 hU line ar protected by th
Interlocking P.lool: fytm.
W. H. MK.U, H. U RI8LER.
(j"iieril Agent. Traveling Ai't.
I'ortb.n'L Ore o.
Points East
Through Palm e and T0111 Pit HI. epers.
IHiiIng and lliitTct Mmoliing Llbiary
c .ri.
iiiiilv Trains: fast time.
I'.r rat-s, rollers nnd full Inform
II hi k-x irdiiig ilrkets. routes elo.. call
"II 111' llddl-oHH
Trav I ass. Agt. City Ticket Agt
llll! Third Street, P'.eiKnd.
A. H. C lll'.NNIMTON, O. W. P. A
ill.1 First Avenue. Seattle. Wash.
LHir.iirnTr rNQLllIM
mmmm pills
j'.'-v (.ll..l and lr .Jranlna.
NM1U-I.-. 11., I .....Ih. n llllt.lrt
' A Q '-A ' UK 'IIM'I'Kll'M I.SIil.lNII
JW JW.. li, in-ll n,..l l.l,l n.-- .lll b.ii ..l..
t v'.' jw, l.irtrll.l.".! 'l'Hl..'ert.ll..r. H.-O.WI
PI ''l I'.l1t.-riw. SlllUllullnn. "J l""ll.
' fit Hi".". H"! ' J"" l.i'inl'.. " 1"
1 W ..""l I'"- I'MrH'i'lNr., I'MllmoitUI.
f f' .rl.'ll.llnf IWI,.ll-,"l"l"i' l.J r
- I' turn Mull. i...i lr.iln,,.i.K. ll..i.i.f
.11 l.ii,,!", .. 4 lil lir.lrr ( (.nilo.H'tt,
Hutu ill .,,,,,, tlv'Um K.uarx. I'llll.A- PA.