VI1E MORNING ASTORIAN. TUESDAY, AiJCUST 19, Telephone, Main 661. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mail, per year Bent by mail, per month Served by carrier, per month .J6.N . SO . (0 SEMI-WEEKLY. Cent by mall, per year. In advance U 00 The Astorian guarantees to its ad vertiser the largest circulation of any newspaper published on (he Columbia River. S. C. TCRNKR, Business Manager. SO: ; INTO SLAVERY. Dally Ledger, j A colored man In KnorvlUe is said to have sold himself into slavery. For $1000 he agrees to serve and obey his master until death. The agreement Is In the form of a written contract, and is as valuable as the .crap of paper containing U. The white man will f.'id that instead of buying a negro he has bought a gold brick. There are no human beings for sale in this coun tty. There is no chance to ive le gal title. A man may sell his serv ices but he may not .cae himself a thing of natter. To go through the form of entering into a state of luv ery Is to go through an idle form; slavery has been abolished. The purchaser in this instance is clerk of a court ani ought to have eonie knowledge of court procedure. If he lacks this knowledge tie is likely to acquire it suddenly at an expense to himself of J1000. At any moment the negro choses to repudiate the arrangement he is at liberty to do so, and there is no statutory provision by wlrich the speculative clerk can levy on the hide and wool of the party of the second part, and therefore when ever the matter shall come to a test the clerk will be out the sum he has advanced, and rightly served. To permit such a transaction to stand would be against public policy. If men could sell themselves into slavery, the operation would not be rare. There are emergencies In which the temptation to take advantage of the possibility of securing money leads people to any extreme. If they could sell their bodies, they would do so. Possibly they have the power to sell their souls, but their visible propor tions are under the jurisdiction of so ciety. 3" THE NEW MEMBER OP THE U. S. SUPREME COURT. Some Important changes in the su preme court of the United States have taken place In the acceptance by Pres ident Roosevelt of the resignation of Associate Judge Horace Gray, of Mas sachusetts, who has been a -member since 1S82, and the appointment to the vacancy of Oliver Wendell Holmes, son of the distinguished author of that name, and for some years past ch,!ef justice of. the supieme judicial court of Massachusetts, a position Mr. Gray also occupied before r.n eleva tion to the place he has Just resigned on acount of age limit. Justice Holmes bears a splendid rep utation as a Jurist, and the supreme court loses nothing of its character for erudition and fairness by Ms ap- JOB mm DEI'AliTIM EOWARO PRIOt, MNGtn First-Class U p-t c-D a t e Work UNION LAllOK ONLY "I luv a rooster (tut tow limits one Is the krow that in In him, aud the other iz the Hir that air on him to bak up hie krow with." Josh Billings Astorian Publishing Co. Tenth and Commercial St. Phone 66i Astoria, Or. polntment thereto. Besides being learned In the law and pos'swd of a rare discrimination, Justice Holmes shows some of tht? qualities of his famous father. He Is genial and witty. There Is no doubt of his thorough loy alty to American Institutions, for he bears throe wounds, received on as many famous battlefields In the war for the fnlon. He was a commission ed officer at 20 years of age. The farmers ,m tiouht!c conf.i-.ttu- latins themselves on the rcluellon in freleht rates between tn. a. l.m pire points and the coast, says the Chronicle. But take warning-articles of incorporation were filed in New Jersey Wednesday of last week for a Jli0.000,rtx trust of the manufacturers of harvesting machinery. There mav be some comfort In this statement by the incorporators: "The manufactu rers realise that their welf.ue and the Interests of the farmers ore identi cal. An advance in ih ..f .t ... .... ,I1H" cultural machinery would injure the farmers and would react upon the manufacturers." Office of C. (. M Vancouver bar racks, Washington, Jnly 81, IsXU. Sealed proposals iu triplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 o'clock a. m. August 29, 11)02, for funnelling forave and lw.1. ding at post iu this department for year ending J ime SO, 11X3. Information mrmaiieii here or by quartermaster at posts. I". S. reserves rijjht to reject or accept any or ail proposal' or any part thereof. Envelopes cmtaiuiDu nronoaaU should be marked : "Proposals for forae ana Heading at " and addressed to undersigned. J. W. Jacobs. C. O. M SAVED AT GRAVES BRINK." "I know I would !nn iim V,,. 1 In my grave," writes Mrs. S. h New som. of Decatur, Ala., " if it had not been for Electric Bitters. For three years i suffered untold agonv from the worst forms of Indigestion. Water brash, Stomach and IM ru-,,.,1.. But this excellent medielno .ii.i I ' world of good. Since uslnir It T eat heartily and have tr:im,i pounds." For Indigestion, Loss of p petlte. Stomach, Liver and Ki Inev troubles. Electric Bitters ar a posi tive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at Chas. Rogers' drug stoer. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCHRX. All persons are warned azalnst at. taching log rafts or boom sticks to my boom In the sloueh at Svensen without my consent. The owner of the raft now tied there must remove same at once. c. C. Mstfv SUITS OUR CIJMAT3. The -rapidly increasing use of shin gles as covering for the walls of build ings, both to keep out the weather and for ornamental purposes, makes a great demand for a shingle stain which preserves the wood, prevents moss, and remuia b iresn, nanasome appearance. Particularly Is such the climates. The need Is well iet in perfect article maae right here in As toria. Cutbirth'a Creosoto Shini. Stains are penetrative, preservative, handsome and durable. They are put up In eight colors and every ulLekas-A guaranteed. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Your orders for meats, both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to 3. W. MORTON, Prop. Telephone No 321. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our care win receive special attention. No. 523 Duane St. W. J. COOK, Mgr. Oregon's Blue Ribbon State Fair Salem, September 15 to 20, 1902 Tcu are Invited to attend and see the greatest Industrial ex m position and livestock show ever held on the Pacific Coast. Good rseing every aftirioo.i t.'iin.i ground free. Come and bring your families. For any Infor mation, write M. D. WISDOM, Secretary. Portland, Ore. Horse Sense. "Any fool can take a horse to water, but it takes a wise man to make hint drink," says the proverb. The horse eats when hungry and drinks when thirsty. A matt eats aud drinks by the clock, without re gard to the needs of natupe. Because of careless eating and drinking "stomach trouble' is one of commonest of dis eases. Sour and bit ter risines, belch ing, unnatural ful ness after eating, diuincss, headache, and many other symptoms mark the beginning and pro gress ot disease ot the stomach. Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of di gestion and nutri tion. It cures through the atom ach diseases of other organs which have their origin in a dis eased condition of the stomach, and allied orpins of digestion and nutrition. It strengthens the stomach, purities the Mood, cures obstinate cough and heals weak lungs. t rw take ii with Grinne, which iwiltfd In bnrt ami st-ra.nh trouble. write Mr. T. R. Camlill. J.-ntl.iml. Atleyiianey Co.. N. C. "I w unnttic to do anything; good port of the time. I wtvHc lo nr. lie iw about my condition, having full confident in hi medicine. He ad viaed me to uke hi Oolden Medical Piacoverv,' which I did. Before 1 hid fiimhed the second bottle I began to (eel better. I have ued nearly six bottle. 1 feel thankful to (iod for the bene fit I have received from l)r Pierce C.olden Med ics! Diacinvry. 1 cau hiRhlv recommend it to all persons as a g-ood and safe mcdiciue." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant relicts keep the bowels healthy. General Electrical Installing and Repairing The Best Equipped Shop in Oregon Outside of Portland Has Just Been Opened, at 421 BOND T. Estimates Made on Wiring for Light and Power, New Motors, Dynamos, and Electrical Actaratus Of ah Kinds. Supplies Kept in Stock Agents tor the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP Best Under the Hua Reliance Electrical Works H. W.CYRUS, - Ms tfOIiPS & JffcLEAJ) Horse Shoeing Wagon Mak ing, General Blacksmitfaiog. Tmelfth St., 0pp. pishars Opera House Don't Guess at It But If you are govny Cast write us for our rates and let us tell you about ! the service and accommodations offer- 1 ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST i Cars via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to write us about your trip as we are In a posi tion to give you some valuable Infor mation and assistance; 319 miles of track over which are operated some of tho finest trains In the world. For particulars regarding freight or rasseng-'-r rates call on or address. . C LINDSEY. B. H. TRU.MBELL, T. F. & R. A. Com'l Agt. 142 Third St.. Portland. Ore. Scott's 5antaI-Pcpsin Capsules &b: POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation or CaUrrh til the llladd'T anil Jjnt-antd KUlnej. fio cure do pay. Curei quicklr anil Perma nrnLlr the worHt cana ot CNMnorrhopA and llet, B" matl'rof bow lor? atand Iiik. Abaolutly harmirha. Bold bjr driiKiiinta. Print SI 00, or by mail, postpaid, 1.00,3boa,2.;. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO, f LLIFONTAINI, OHIO. Sold by Chas. Borers, 461 Commerci al Street, Astoria, Oregon. f TV!-. Foley's Kidney Cure purifies the blood by straining out Impurities and tones up the whole system. Cure kidney and bladder trouble. For a!o by Frank Hart, Druggist. n Antorln girl foil n t'omttv t'v lal street last week and bivke three, ribs ot her umlvtY NO FAISE CLAIMS. The proprietors of Fley's Honey and Tar do not advertise this a " sure cure Ar consumption." Thev lo not dalm It will cure this dread complaint In advanced cases, but do positively assert that It will euro In the earlier stages and never falls to give comfort and relief In the worst cases. Foley's Honey and Tar Is with out doubt the greatest throat and lung remedy. ltefits substitutes. Sold by Frank Hart, druggist. A widow usually thinks a husband Is better late than never. FOILS A DEADLY ATTACK. " My wife was so ill that good phy sicians were unable to help her," writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester. Itut . but was completely cured by Pr. King's New Life ril's." Thev work wonders In stomach and liver troubles, Cure constipation, sick headache, ijc at Chas. Rogers' drug store. It is natural with some people to growl, no matter how things go. They (Will grumble at the rose becaues there ;are thorns on the stem. They will pull lagalnst the river Instead ot following the tide. BRONCHITIS FOR TWENTY YEARS Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, 111., writes: " I had bronchitis for twenty years and never got relief until I hsinI Foley's Honey and Tar. which Is a sure cure." Sold by Frank Hart, drugglat. The best money making scheme Is the old fashioned way of earning It. When o'her medicines Have failed, I take Foley's Kidney Cure. It has cur led when everything else has dlsap j pointed. For sale by Frank Hart, ; druggist. Point' times H taUs kill a bad Idea. a lotttr time to A. R. lias's, of Morsantown. Ind., iiad to pet up ten or tv. he times In the tilsht and lia.l vere backache and pains In the kidneys. Was cured by Foley's Kidney Cure. For sale by Frank Hart, druggist. exx The Palace Palace Commercial zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzxxxx j y fcpjy. or-, i Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. As Ve ALLEN- Tenth and Commercial Streets North Pacific Brewery. JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. The Popu'ar Product of the only brewery In North western Oregon enjoys a very) lurye dome title nn . ex port Sale, KOPPS BEST bottled or in key Pre City Delivery. Castings We are prepared to make them on short notice and of the best materials. Let us give you estimates on any kind of castings or pattern work. Lowest prices for first-class work. TELEPHONE NO. 2451. HQTBL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only First-Class Hotel lit Portland TWO HOTTLKi? CURED HIM. - i was troubled with kidney cotn plaint for alvut two yea.i"s." writes A H. Hals, of Ml. Sterling, but two not ties or Foley s Kidney Ours effect ct a permanent cure." Sold by Frank ii.vrt, oruggist. It is the buy imm who feels too good for his Job. Sound kidneys are safeguards of mo Mane tno Kidneys Healthy with Foley's Kidney Cure.-Sold by Frank 1 1. in, uruggiM. Beauty may be only skin deep, but it i more man knee nigh. TKBVr VOIR KIDNEYS RHEUMATISM. FOR When you are suffering from rheu in itliii. the kidneys must be attend ed to at once so that they will elimi nate the uric add from thte blood, roley's Kidney Cure Is the most ef fectie remedy for this purpose. H. T, Hopkins, of Polar, Wis., says: "After unsuccessfully doctoring for thrve Vi ii-s for rheumatism with tire best dvtors, I tiled Foley's Kidney Cure and It cured me, I cannot speak too Highly or this great medicine, For sale by Frank Hart, druggist. Ti.o shonmkor's life Is awl work. THE PBH'K OF HK1V0K3. Many soldiers In the last war wrote to say that for Scratches. Bruises, Cuts, Wound-", torus. Sore Feet , and -J'!!? Joints, liuekleit's Arnica Solve Is the Ivst In the world. Same for Burns. Scald. Bolls. Ulcers, Skin Eruption and Plies. It cities or no pay. Only at t lias. I'oRers drug store. A iicgrn slatidinif on the street the oth-r moi iiltit; waa describing the good thinss h- wa Kolns to have for din- iir. whtt niiotlur ngro who was II ItciiHiK, (ilioui.-tl: " Hush, you'll make 'iiH su.iltow inv tiultJU. A Mil. I.I' '" 'CH.";:3 rould Ii it U.v cxtuvs' the tlwmH of Hont.-r Hall, of We t 1'olut. la. Us- t.'u v, l. . s. rr.' i ol.l Imd sii'tlled oft his luiiKs. causing a most obstl'inte coU!;li. Sicial physicians cald he had oiisiimiitloii. but could not help him. When all thought he wan doomed he to use Pr King's New l.iiseov. civ for cotisumptlon nmt wrll-j: "It cni'it!e!i!v cured me ami saved my life. I now weigh 1-7 pounds." It's positively guaranteed for I'oughs, r,,!iis and I.iini troubles. Price 6l)e ml St. Trial bottles free at Chas. lionets' drug store. ASK ANY ONE Who has used Star Estate Ranres and they will tell you they are 'he moat satisfactory they have ever uied. They require but little fuel ani bake quick and uniform, and are easily managed. For sale In Astoria only by W. J. Scully 4JI BOND 5TKEET, Between Ninth and Tenth zxxzzzzzzzzzzxxzxzzzzzzxxz Finest Restaurant in the City Regular Menls, "J." cents, Sunday Pimu-rs a Sj-cviuhy. Kvcrytliing tin- market aHVinls. CatcringCompany g xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IRON, STEEL. BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay Iron & Brass Works Cor. 1M1, Iffiiriklln ave: Oregon Shoip LINE and Union Pacific iTIMB ACHED- fTf.UMl Depart Chlrmtit Portland Special :(W. m. vis Hunt tnirion Atisntlo Ks press Arrlv From JPortlnd. Sail lAke,t)nvr, tin. Worth, oms h. Kinmi City 4:80 p. m 8t. Louts, Chlog) and least. Salt Iake.Denvtr Ft. Worth. Cms. ha. Kansas City, 8:Ri p. m. IJOs. ft vlallunt lnulon St. Paul Fait mall p. m. vis Spokane St. Lout. ChlotitVj and East; Wall Wall. tiewUlnn, floa. kane, Mlnnespoll, Ht. Paul. Duiuth Milwaukee. Chi eafo and Et 7;00s, m , n hours from Portland t Chleafo No Changs of Cars. OCEAN AND MVErt SCHEDUXJC . From Astoria All sailing date, subject to change For fan FrsneTs. 10. Monday to every five days Ts. m. Columbia Ittver usllvtx. To Portland and 4 a. m. cept Sun. Wsv Landings. title dn.tlv fiii 1 1 m'm ..r. ;ltn trains for I)nr Ueaoh, Tloira and North Ucat'li pulitta. iteiurnlng sjr rtves at Astoria same evening. Q. W. LOUNSBKRIU, Agent. Aitorls. A. U CUAIO. Oenersi PaManiir Agent, Portland. Orejiu. EAST SOUTH vjiwiii.M j. VIA rrwi triiu s Leave Irving u. Portland Arrive -..1 ixihi ixprvns Trains for Salem. Itosrburg, Ash land. Wmramento, Ogden, ean Fran elseo. Slojave. Los Anck, KI Paso. New Oreleans and the East 8 30 p.m I 7:41 am 7:2 p.m 10 s.m At Woodburn (dally except Bun dav). morning train conneets with tram for Mt. An. gl. Bllverton. Brownsville, Springfield. and Natron, and even Ing train for alt. Angel and Bllver ton. 1:50 s.m Corvallts passen- I l:SI p.m H4:SI p.m 1 Sheridan passtn- l::5a.m nally, arr- Pslly eirxpt Bunijav. Hbat tib.i. ..... w.. . land. Saeramento and Pan Francisco. Net rtn f 1 7 Kk .. .1... .. ... . - - ...-v tiune, wunout berth and 114 00 second class, Including .ni!,''.',an1 ,il;ket! t0 EantfTn joints end hurotw.. Also Japan. Thlna, Hono- m;u vuKirsim. :an be ohtalned -"in V. A. S. hilhiiu, Third and Wash Inirton sreeta. T.JIIIIT.I. ntvrarrtv Passenger deDOt foot of .t..rr inn U Lftve fop OHwgo dally t 7:20. : . m . . r a... ... . . ... . "i.j n.av, i:oo, s::, d:id, 8:25 8 06, 11:30 o. m. and i on n only. Arrlv st P.inlnnil ,i ,n., .i u n 8:30, 10:50 a. m.: 1:35. 3:16 4:j, t.zo, ii, iv. w p, m-i n;w . m. ii.iiiy except Monday; 8:30 and 10:46 a. m. on Sun days nnly. Leavs for rjsllAii diillv fv.Ani a..- dsy at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland t :su a. m. Passenger train loauo ... Alrlee Mondays, Wednpsday snd Fri days st 2:45 p. m. Return Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays, Mcept Sunday. H. B. MTLLEn, Qen. Frt. and Pass. Agt BEST0F EVERYTHING In a Word This Tells of the Pnue.ijer 8ervl:e via file Horihwesfcrn lino.. Elht Trains Daily Between 8t, Paul am Clileago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, peerless Dining Cars, Library and Observation Cars, Free Hecllnlng Chair Cars, The 20th Century Trains Rung kvery Day of the Hear. 77? Finest Train in the Work flu-trie Uijhtcd Heated THE BADGER STATE HXPRRS8, tin Flnent Dally Train Running lh-tween Ht. Paul anJ Chlcagi, via the Short Line, Connections from the Wet Made vis The NORTHKRN PACIFIC GREAT NORTHKRN AND CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St, Paul and Minneapolis. All Agents Sell Tickets via The Northwestern Line W. H. mead; s. l. sislek, General Agent. Trav. Agent 148 Alder Street, Vo$ Uund. Oregoa, ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. rj I.KAVK fOHTI.AM AH KI VK ti iKia in UVHIand Union De 1110 s.m. iioOp.m.JiMit for Antorl and ; 40 p.m. 13:30 $ in.jwny 'joints. AHTOHIA 7:411 a 111 ilOp.m for li;tlad'''nd!l'l:o,m. way points UO.JO p.m. id 00 p,m. MKAMIIKDIVINIUN H 15 .nt.Atorl for War-' 7.4i)a m. m. in. II 30 m.jif iu.hi Flavel, Ft. lO:JO. n ao tt.tii. Htvvetui. Hammond. 4:iWd 5 M) p.m.lrtPttJddo. I 5:60 p. ,m. mi .m. j ISp.m.l Knuliln' for War- I $Mm Wa in, reittou, Flavel, lJ 3p 3 ;l0p,m. llnmnmnd. Ft. 1:30 p 5 00 pm. Htevctin, and An- 7:2p 111, m. Dally PAturday. iHAiurdsy only All trains make close connections at tilile with nil Northxrn 1'acino trains to nod from the Knat nd Hound I'oluts, J, o, MAYO, Qn l FrHght ami Pass. Agent h'iiitb f,yi ii ..Fordand - fcloria oule. STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trips except Hunday, TIME CAHO Uave I'ortlnnd T , m. I.viv Aatorla ,,,,, J p, m, Thruugh Portland cwnneoilona with stianipr Nahootta from Hwauso and Uiug lloaoh Points While foliar Line tickets Inter. h mgimlile with O. K. A N. Co. and V, T. I'd. tickets. The Dalies Route STR. TAH0MA," ani "METLAK0" Dally trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Sir. "TAH0MA" Uave Portland Mon , Wed., Frl.. i a. m. l-oavo Dalits, Tues., TUur., Bat., 7im, Str. "MCTLAKO" Lv. Portland Tuea.. Thu . ui i a m Lv. Dnllos. Mon.. Wed.. Ftt. J a. m. Landing at foot of Aldof Street, Port land uregoc. Doth phone. Main SSL AOENT3. , t , John M. Fllloon, The Dalles, Ore. A. 1. Tuvlur J J. Lurkey, Hood River, Ore. VVulford a Wyere. White Salmon, Wn. J. if. Wyatt. Vancouver. Wit, R. II. Ullbroth. Ljrle. Wn. John M. Totton, Stevenson. Wn. Maury Oltn.toud. Carson, Wn. William Hutli-r n,,n or. K. W. I'lllCinON, Tortland tiregon. Luxurious Travel Th, "Northwestern Llml'.'d" trains, elw-Crle lighted throughou', both Inside and nut. snd stxm heated, are with out irpilon, the ft neat trains la the world. They mbty the litwt, rswest snd bt I. leas for comfort, convenimce and luxury ever offered the travelling nubile, and altogether sre the most fompli-t and splendid production of the iMf builders' art. These splendid Trains Connect With The Greet Northern The Northern faclfle and The Canadian I'aclflc AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for thes superior acoiumo'liitioiia and all rlaasve of tick ess ur available for paarnge cn the train on this line sre protected by the Interlocking Rioci: System. w. h. mi;ai. ji. l. sisler. JiJneral Agent. Traveling Agt. Portland. Oregoa. TICKETS " TO AMD FROM ALL Points East VI SHORT LINE St. PAI'U DI'LUTlf, .MINNEAPOLIS, "'HM'ACO AND POINTS EAST. 'JhniUKh Paliii e and Tourist HU epr rs. Dining an'I lluffct Smoking Library (.'ars. Dally Trains; fust time, . For rniiM, f illers and full Informa tion regarding lli keU, routes ele., call on or ii'lilri'Ha J W. PHALON. ir. DICKSON Trav. rasa. Agt. City Ticket AgL a Third Hlroet, Peund. A. R. C. DI'.NNfSTON, O. W. I'. A Oil! First Avenue, Seattle. Wash. CHICHrBTeai'B fNOUH fEHNYaOYAL PILLS U .-! "V . Jtml anil t.nlr 4ipnulnn. Vif SrK. I a.lln ... iif.n.lri A"Jr5. H Ill;s1 I.UI4 I.N(i,IKII IT f'C!S '" "Kl m,.l (.,,1.1 a,:'. III. li. .,,.,I iX ki 'J.'".l.lrrll rl.,.lhf,. rn. T A) I'airon. KiibMllMllmia anil n,IU- 7 r an ili'tll.4 fir lrflrHl.p.u 'tn.ttnHli.l. "Ili lUr fur IriIImm .iiitHT,!. r. I lim I 'I (lllll Taallni H..I.4 l.a Olio, u i. i,,,,,,, m.Utoii itaiutn, NIL4M tH,.