YllE MORXIXtt ASTOKIAN. THURSDAY, WKXHX 7, IMJ Telephone, Main SSL TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent ty mat. l, per year ........flee Sent by mall, per month (Q Served by carrier, per month .... SEMI-WEEKLY. ; ' at by mall, per rear, la advance $1 N The Astorian guarantees to It ad vertisers the largest circulation cf any newspaper published on tb Columbia River. ' TUB ASTORIA SPIRIT, The following editorial utterance ap peared Tuesday night In the Portland Evening Telegram: Astoria end Clatsop county are shar ing In the general awakening of the stle to Its opportunities and advan tages. The City by the Sea has two or more organizations of business men and property holders that are working steadily and successfully to develop new industries and increase the busi ness of that already thriving city and encourage investment and settlement in the sjiarsely inhabited, forest-clad County of Clatsop. That county is vastly rich in timber, and Is not with out other valuable features, and will gradually fill up during a century to come, so that Its progress will be steady and long continued. If compar atively slow. Astoria, already, according to the census of lW, the second city in point of population In the state, will also grow steiidily in size of importance, even if Portland does remain the prin cipal sen port as well as the commer cial center of tBe Columbia, river re gion. There is room for both, and there need be no jealousy or friction b-tten them. We are going to have channel to the sea sufficient to ac commodate all but the very largest ocean carriers, such as J. J. Hill Is building, which, after all, are liable to be financial failures; but that is no reason for Astoria to entertain a griev ance. In flirt, it Is but a comparatively few of her citizens who protest against the Improvement by deepening the channel between the two cities. Most cf them are liberal, progressive people, and Judging from recent Industries es tablished or in contemplation there, tney are more awake than ever be fore to their opportunities, and to the bright future before their city, if they keep pushing and pulling together for at big, good town down by the sound ing sea. The Telegram need bare no fear that there will be any hostility on the I -art of the people of this ttiy towards the project looking to the betterment of the channel frosa PurCasJ xa ea. AttorU tbonragSly apfsreeiates that thr fs route far tmOtai e the Orejpra map, awl, it tfett ci"y eaa lb 9 herself by twrsrStig a Vow manrmy, Astoria wilj is lie p-i-t" $5. Jig. This ts WA W itww?. Slit ti iomn.oa js- itrat 5 f.nL xjSiW has always eo3jsi-s. aasiS i3E w tinae to mainuata. (feat t$ gv.i5.g of terminal grain rates Ust &s fsrt tX lo more than anything '. fc'S&t up Oregon, and particularly th JaiAsA Kmpire. But It is also awie to th fact that agitation looking to securing such rates would now be futile, owing to the merging of railroad interests, and must therefore rest content In the hope that the great carriers will of their own accord recognize the advan tages of the real ocean port and there by add annually a few million dollars to the wealth of the producers. It will . M PRINTING DEPARTMENT EDWARD PRIOH, MKCCR . ... , . j l irst-Class U p-t o-D ate Work UNION LABOR ONLY "I luv a rojter for tew tilings one in the krow tbat Iz In him, and the other Iz the spun tiiat air 00 him to bnk up hl krow with." t JOSIIJBttXINOS Astorim Pallishing Co. Tenth and Commercial Sta. Phone 661 D Astoria, Or. be mailed by the Ter.Mi llmt Aito- tta has always been very fair In her demands, asking only ha w be pltu ed on the same foxing ns S:Ui1-j md Tacoma, inferior jv"l, whitens a dt rcand for equal mtes w'th I'ortuuid would not, under te miU-xtd v nmion polnt rule, be at all unreasonable Lest the present status may "be con tinued 'for an Indefinite period, how. ver, Astoria has gone tout tne uc velopment of local ns.nir:.r. rnd in the first seven months of the prvseut year has succeed-! in .vurlng enter prises that will sustst'n in additional population of 20) or more. In lieu of common rates, new mtils and factories will do very well, and there Is to be no let-up In the elaborate plan to make Astoria greater. Perhaps the time wilt svn again come when the demand for common rates can be opportunely renewed; and when that time arrives Astoria will be ready with the array of facts and figures that a Jew years ago caud the Portland papers so much concern. Nevertheless, be it remembered that any rate on grain from the Columbia to tidewater which enables it to be hauled over the longer route and the mountain grades to Puget Sound is an excessive and unreasonable rote. The demand of the farmers should be fixed upon r rate based upon the shortest haul over the easiest grades, Oreiro nlan. Except, o' eonrsei. when Portland happens to be at the long end. Presidents Meilen, Hill and Mohler have discovered a wheat pool that robs the fanners. It seems to us we, too, once heard some rumor regard ing this pool. General Electrical Installing and Repairing The Best Equipped Shop in Oregon Outside of Portland Has Just Been Opened, at .421 BOND ST. Estimates Made on Wiring for Light and Power, New Motors, Dynamos, and Electrical . Aftaratus Of Afl Kinds. Supplies Kept in Stock Ageufi tor the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP Best Under the Sun Reliance Electrical Works H. W.CYRUS, - Mgr FRAEL & COOK IHANSFER COMPANY. Telephone 221. GRAYING AND EXPRESSING An goods shipped to our car Will receive special attention. No. 53S Duane St W. X COOK, Mgr. G. 01. Barr, Dentist Mansell Building. 578 Commercial St, Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED 206L Of. T. It. Ball DENTIST, 524 Commercial Street Astoria, Ore. Andrew Asp, FIR3T-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Seecial Attention Given to Ship atd Steamboat Repalrlng.General Black smithing, First-Class Horse Bboeing, etc CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE Dr. Matthew Patton Removed to 623 Commercial St. Over Peter jon & Brown' Shoe Store. FEMALE AND PRIVATE DIS EASES A SPECIALTT. Every young man rhould love and cherish his slater at'J if It haa no sis ter he should borrow tome one else's. y it xi -v . ; nil , ; - If J ' I fdf IhwLf lMFATE. j It Is very con venient to attribute the disasters which overtake us to fate. But for the most part man is the arbiter of his own fortunes. ' Business men are struck dowa suddenlv a by likilitmne. The UW III! UIIUUE. a i m "heart failure." "His heart was weak. It was fate ior htm to meet this end. But if we went behind the "weak" heart we should find a'weak stotaach, pevh. ably, and back of the weak stomach b careless eating at irmrol&r hours. nen tee stomach ts I-.cd the : organs depending ca the storatch tot nutrition are stirred. Sunratton meass I weakness of the bo'.v and tto orraas. I. Pierce s lnUico Medical Discover cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Yhea these organs are cured, diseases of heart. hver. lunjts and kidnevs. caused bv the diseased stomach, are cured also. latbe&ttof ins takes vitu nnstlirr. tag scprtU. jlp!Utifi of the hrt. ami d tnWd r!b m uoouth.- wrttts Mr. .,Z.ZltrJSl erfSBtr hran tnwisie. Kf fare m torn milt, ooe. t &J nesarnol I tttn Irtri diifee e kmd of wrttai smtKitm fc thejr ml? hfri me a tittle. 1 lite irnt and oc Sv buttles of Er. rwe" Uoiuea Hieiul Dtn ; err Benrv tiw 6rst fccttir n im lMt ! ctaagt. Wbra tS -Wife weie (ow I j ix-aa iw wvxm. 1 Bid sot WOTKM U lor a year brfaav . bm in nm unninj wow m j the eanptKMB o potk ami gewwy Sood Doctor Pierce's Pleasant PeHeU curt btiiou&nesa. TREAT TOUR KIDNET3 FOR RHEUMATISM. When you are suffering from rheu matism, the kidneys must be attend ed to at once so that they will elimi nate the uric add from thte blood. Fol'-y's Kidney Cure la the roost ef fective remedy for this purpose. R. T. Hopkins, of Polar. Wis says: " After unsuccessfully doctoring for three years for rheumatism with the best doctors, I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and it cured me. 1 cannot speak too highly of this great medicine." For sale by Frank Hart, druggist. LUCK IN THIRTEEN. By sending 11 miles Wra. Spirey, of Waiton Furnace, Vu. got a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, that wholly cured a horrible fever sore on his leg. .tuuitng rise vuuia. foiuveiy cures Bruises. Felons, Ulcers, Eruotiona. Bolls, Burns. Corns, and Piles. Onlv 25c. Guaranteed by Charles Rozers. druggist. It is getting pretty hard to find a man over 40 years old who is not either a Judge, colonel, captain, mayor, doctor or squire. A. R. Bass, of Moreantown. Ind.. had to get up ten or twelve time in tne night and had severe backache and pains in the kidneys. Was cured by Foley's Kidney Cure. For sale by Frank Hart, druggist. With a rolled-brim Panama, rolled-uo trousers and rolled-up sleeves, the modern man look like a high roller, surely. ASLEEP AMID FLAMES. Breaking into a Marine home, some firemen lately dragged the sleeping In mates from death. Fancied security, and death near. It's that way when you nesriect coughs and colds. Don't do It. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption gives protection against all Throe t, Chest snd T.ii"r Troubles. Keen It near and avoid sulTerine death, and doctor's bills. A teaspoon- ful stops a late cough, persistent use the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, it's guaranteed to satisfy by Charles Rogers. Price 50c and J1.00. Trial bottles free. A STARTLING SURPRISE. Very few could believe in looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robust black smith of Tilden, Ind., that for ten years he suffered such tortures from Rheu matism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change followed his taking Electric Bitters. "Two bot fi. wholly cured me." he writes, "and I have not felt a twinge In over a year." They regulate the kidneys, puri fy the blood and cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervousness, improve di gestion and give perfect health. Try them. Only 50c at Charles Rogers' drug store. TVe have noticed mny good dairy articles in the papers, but the best article we have ever vet snen on miik is cream. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, May 28, 1902. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3 1878. (entitled "An a for the sale of timber lands In th States of California ,Ore Sfon .Nevada and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all Public Land States by Act of August 4, 1892, ADEIJA M. CASEY, of Astoria, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 6774, for the purchase of the SVfVt of Section No. 8 In Township No. 8 North, Range No. 6 West, and will offer proof to show that th land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultur al purposes, and to establish her claim to aid land before the County Clerk of Clatsop County, at Astoria, Oregon, on Monday ,the 11th day of August, 1904. She names as witnesses: Maxwell Young and F. C. Reed, of Astoria, Oregon, and Otto Spear, of Knappa, Oregon, and 8. D. Adair, of Astoria, Oregon. Any and all persons Claiming ad versely the above-described lands. are requested to file their claims in this of fice on or before atd 11th day of Au gust, 1902. . CHA8. B. MOORBB, Register. IWJT--'SVZ Ml I W Active agents wanted tor "The World on Fire" by Murat Halstead. Hunting mountains In American In people, startling history of appalling phenomena. threatening the globe; 0t big Illustrated pagea, only fl.&O. High, est endorsements. Biggest profits guaranteed. Agent clearing from M to $ daily. Outfit free. Enclose II rents for postage. Th Dominion Co., Dept. U Chtcago. We once had a friend who permit ted US to loan him Bv dolleam aJ he has ne-er rgve us for :h K. At least he hia digged us ivt since. Foley's Kidney Cure purines the! .... . ., . . ,. . Mood by straining out Impurklv a l M.1R,Jff hf.Vl tnes up the whole svstem. Cure m.k J KUi"y Cur- !l h cur kidney and bUJ.lr trokJw iltl when everything . ela haa dlsap- by Frank Hrt. Prxt. Srtroe men n5 a k nu wel that lr ' War m u!d cttentnut every t:mv Vheo; xSt KttK.a sows his wtM oat ae Jlpais aitx-rfethec oa lr J'rtcatfciBV XO FALSS CLAIMS. .'.aj 'n, i, M .j4 ,(,- Mmu i.... IV ' - run. .,,.-'... - -r f nt riaim it win . ,.'t fcompiaiM in kdvaatxd cslms. but dv pwsttiveiy swrt tNat it w't core .n 'the erft sfaure wad never fi: to i1 comfort and psiiff in the wvrst fOy Hoaey and Tar b with- j th greatest tSrvS a.d lttn j remedy. Refuna substitutes. old by !rn Mart ww- Steamer SUE II. ELMORE The Largest. Stanaehesi. Stwadis:. and mt seaworthy vsssl ever on the rout. Best of Table and State Room AecornmoJa t Hon. Will make round trips every Ave diys between. Astoria and Tillamook FARE $3.SO Connecting at Astoria with the OrgB Railroad Navigation Co. and the Astoria A Columbia R. R. for Portland, fiaa Francisco an all points East For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore Co. Oenmil KeiitJ, Astoria, Or. or to B. C. LAMB. Tillamook, Or. A. 4 C. R. R Co. Portland, Or. FOUNDED A. D. I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OjT LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cash Aaaeta . . ... Cal Aa.t(. In United Stat. a.oioiS C A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 215 Sansome Street - , Saa Praaelsco. Cal. SAMUEL ELMORE Big Deal in wj us. I -. .jaw! 1 t J Press Dispatch to Portland Oregotnan, February 7th Smith Premier Typewriter Co. L. & M. Alexander &Co., AgenU. PORTLAND OFFICE - - 122 THIRD STREET North Pacific Brewery. JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. The Popu'ar Product of the pnly brewery in North western Oregon enjoys a very large dome attic an . ex port Bale. KOPPS BEST bottled or in keg , Free City Delivery. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON Ttt Only Flrt-Cln Hotel In Portland ONE DOLLAR cannot be expended to better 'advantage foi yourself or absent friends than in a year's subscription for the Semi-Weekly Astorian It gives all the city and county news twice each week foi only one dollar a year in advance. - - TWO HOTT1.K8 CUltKD HlXt. " r wai ttthle l with kidney com llilf.t for about two ye,r," writst A. II. Dnlt. of Mt. Hlerlinir, la., but two b ittlcs of Foley Kidney Cure effect a permanent cure." ild by Frank. Ji.Wt. Hl'UgglSt, v. iiaiind kidney are Aafcgtmrds of life. Make the kidney healthy wllh Fiey's Kidney Cur. Sold by Frank Hrt, druggnt - PtMtab the reaaan a trust Is called a plant is because no plant cm Dtmr t wtrhottt water. , pjmted.-n il by Frank Hart, l Au unmiiriftl mn is hut bitlf nee. (wMnv ki)it tt reoulrva the other U 'mt better haif t make things right. EMXOHITIS rOR TWEHTT TBAR8 ! Strs. MUwrva Smith, of Panvllle, III,, I "mum " t h,J broaohitls for twenty . s and never rt relief until I used Fblvy'a Honey atd Tax. which Is a ; ir cure." ld by Frank Hart, i.iriggit. ! STARTUNU BCT TRUE. If everyun knew what a grand .vlK-in Ir. Kings Xew IJft Will u. wntes IX M. Turner, of Iemtev , ta. P . "jrou d sell all you hv In Jy. Two weeks' uo has mads a ' new nwui of me." Infallible for con- ,; wupatsjn. stomach and liver trouble. :v.- at Chris Rwrs- drug store. O. R. A N. Co. Portland. Or. & CO., AGENTS Typewriters Austrian Government Order Smith Premiers. 12M VIENNA. Feb. 7.-Th greatest sin gle purchase of typewritten ever made has been ordered by the min istry of Justic, which, after thre months of exhaustive competitive tests, has contracted to equip the en tire ministry with not less than 1201 Smith Premier typewriters, supplying every court. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. UAVK "suWa.m. TlOO n.m. A It til VK ISirttnnd Union Do. 11 :10 a.m. not fur Antorla ami MO p.m a : SO p.m. way jpol n t s ASTORU 7:45 a.m. 1:10 p.m For Portland ani;U:Wa.m, way points HO 30 D.m. , patWiMit. HKASIUH PIVlBII.N KlSa.m. Astoria for War- 1.40.m. 11 JOa.m 11:38 a.m. rwnton riavel. Ft. 10:30 a.m. 4:'W p.m, nwvmm, lianiniond, HeaslUtt. J;Wp.m, W:M p.m. 15 p.m. 40a,m. 1:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. SensiJe for War ren ton. Flavol, Hammond, Ft. Wevpns, and As torla. I3J a.m. 13 30 p.m. 1:30 p.m T:39 p.m. 'i?optn Dally except Saturday. tfMurday only Alt trains make cl ivitiiiefllons at Ooble with all Northern raclfto trains to ana from the Cost and Bound points. 1 J. C. MAYO. aen'l Freight and Iss. Aaxnt 1ITE COLLAR LINE ..loffland - fisloria Itoule. STR. ''BAILEY G ATZERT." Tally round trips exespt Sundsy. TIME CARD I-eavs Tortland 7 a. nt. l.en.t Astoria T p. tn. Through Portland mnnsmlnna with stoamer Nahrott from liwaco and Lonff lisaoh Points. Whits Collar I.lns ticket lntr. changabl with O. R, A N. Cs, and V. T. Co. tickets. Jhe Dalles Route STR. " TAH0MA," and "METLAK0" Dally trip except Sunday. TIME CARO Str, "TAH0MA" Uava Portland Mon.. W4., rrl.. 1 a. m. Leavs Dallas, Tucs., Thur., Sat, 7 a. m. Str. ".MCTLAK0" Lv. Portland Tue. Thur., flat., 7 a. m. Lv. lilies. Mon., Wed., Frt, 7 a. m. Landing at foot of Aldsr 8treet, Port land Orefob Doth Pbooet, Main ill. AGENTS. John M. Fllloon, The Dalles, Ore. A. J. Taylor, Astoria, Ore, J. JT. Luckey. Hood IVver, Ore. Wolford It Wyera, White Salmon, Wn. J. C. Wyatt. Vanoouver, Wn. ft. B. Ollbreth, Lyl. Wn. John M. Tot ton. Stevenson, Wn. Henry Olmstead, Carson, Wn, William Butler. Butler, Wn tS. W. CRICHTOK. Portland Orfon. Ituxuious Travel Tht "Northwestern Um!,r trains, electrio lighted throughott', both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest, trains ia the world. They embody the Itlest, rawest and best Ideas for comfort, convtnlnce and luxury ever offered the travelling public, and altogether are the meat complet snd splendid production of th car builders' art. . These splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northero The Northers Pacific and The Canadian I'aciflc AT 8T. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charts for these superior acommodations and all rUsss of tick cts are available for passig cn the trains oa this line are protecttd by the Interlocking Bloc!: System. W. If. MBAD, H. L. SISLFR, Qeneral Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland. Oregon. TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points East VI SHORELINE TO i 8t PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND POINTS BAST. Through Palftf and T utrlHt HI f prs. Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Dally Trains; fast time. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding tickets, routes elo., call on or addrww J. W. PHALON, JT. DICKSON Trav. Pass. Agt. City Ticket Agt 122 Third Street, P-wtlund. A. B. C. DENNISTON, O. W. P. A 612 First Avenue. Ssattle. Wash. i-uiRurarra-B rnniiiu OifiVROYAL, f ILLS jr.V OHffliiAl n4 Only Ommnimm. rr Lve rriini l.mttm awl Krugrin ft 4J IIH III HI Klt'f KXfMNfl w'w u hp-if iai vol mrvi miii. mm Zi with lilMcrtbboa. 1 ak tfaar. If rftM 441 ! hlHUHa m4 Imlttv " nr Uhi. Hut stf tsnr Drxsul af MRll Am. tm It nrnMita. kUlietr ('sfl mm n isii itfttto tuvoBtMtv item aoiiN ttiifti ribjs r. pa n mum m ft OREGON SlfOirLlNt! Union Pacific AND TIMU) SCHKD.I Depart Chioaio Portland Special I Ma, m. via Hunt ington Atlantic ' Kxpreag ;W p. m. via Hunt Ington St, Paul Fast mall f p. m. via Spokane ULICS Arrive Sail I Ake. Denver,! rt, wortn, uma ha. Kansas City 4;Mp.m, Bt, Loula, Chicago and neat. Sail Lske, Denver Ft 'Worth, Oini ha. Ktnsaa City. hi, uiuia, CDioago ana East. Walla Walls. Lewtitun, SooJ kan, Mlnneapolif St. Paul, Duiuib Milwaukee, Chi eaga and East 7:00 a, a Tl hours from Portland to Chicago, No Change of Care, OCEAN AND RIVER SCHBDOUB . -Fmb Astoria All Mlllna'itllZ' subjent to change exc Monday eo every Bvt days. Columbia' River To Portland and T4V.IB. Dallv . 4 a. m. ent8ua. . - ' '". oonneoting more with tr tu for Long Uesolt. Ttoja and O. W. LOONSBBRRT, Agent. Astoria. A. iTcRAIO, General Psa.ener Agent, PoriUnd, Orgait. EAST SOUTH ImiiaI k ' j Leave 'rving its. Portland Arrive wTsrisna Kxpress Trains for Halem, KMieburg, Ash land, Saerameato, Ogden, Ban Fran Cisco, Mejave, Los Angeles, El Paso. Nsw Oreleans and the East. . . At Woodburn (dally except Hun day), morning train connects with train for Mt. An. aei, Silverton, Urownsvlll., Sprlngllsld, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt Angei and Silver tn. Cor vail Is passen ger. 110 p m 7:a am t:W a.m rt'M p m 7 :0 a.m H:M p.m Sheridan passes- ll:2Sa.m 'Pally aly rxreni Bundsy un mi seiweea rort" i-,h "" witnout toMh Mon,! cUM Including I.. i,. a " "fn, v inns, Hono lulu and Australia. t?an be obtained lKton gu "nra ,na WMn- T.JrirTr.T. nrwiatA.. Passenger dpot foot of Jvfrerson 8t. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:. n:40 11:30 p. m. and i nn n a- u,.-a.L only. Arrive at Pnriin'i V.nu . . . M0:60 a."mT. V. sr.V''s.X 7-40. 10:00 p. m.! 11:40 a. ni, iall'y ixoept - . mt in, vh sun- dsya only. iave for Dallas dally except Sun- day at 4:30 n tn Aio. i.'.i.'. at :30 a. m. " Passenger train leaves Dallii for Alrlee Mondava wnu- ... dnvi at 2:4S n m- ....' Thursdays and Saturdays. , o.u Dunasy, R. B. MILLER, Oen. Frt. and Pass. Aft, BEST0F EVERYTHING In a Word This Tells of ih Pumh Service via fho northwestern line.. Eight Trains Dally Between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cars, Llbrsry snd Obnervl!on Cars, Fres Reclining Chair Cars, The 30th Century Tralns- -Runs Lvery Day of the I ear, The Finest Tram in the World Electric Lighted nested TH8J BADGER STATK EXPRESS, the Finest Dally Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line, Connections from the West Made via Th NORTHERN PACIFIC GREAT NORTHERN AND CANADIAN PACIFIC R'TS. - This la also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St. Psul and Minneapolis. All Agents Sell Tickets via The Northwestern Line W, H. MEAD, H. L. SISLER, General Agent. Trav. Agent 34 Alder Street, PerU.nd, Oregoa VaVi7 QteBgy-; VIA