NEWS-Third RED TAG Edition llITtiyTTTTITTTtTTTTTTTttTTTTTTTTTtltTttTTTTtTIirilXIIf XlIXXIIIIIIIIIITIItTTTTTXITTITTITTTTITIIIXITIIIITIIXXXXTTXtXXXITIIIlIllTIIIXCC ' HALF HOSE. ' Men's ' and Boys Socks, Black and Colored So per pair. - '" HANDKERCHIEFS. ' SUITS. . I v... ' Men's trge Sh, Linen" Cam- Men's Tweed Suit. Formerly Me ....... ........JOmy 5c "" 310.00. Now . -., - , HATS. , ' Men's! IViorftv Hats, Black and Colors 3100 MEN'S TROUSERS. Men's All Wool Tweed Trousers, (union made) regular $2.50 for.... 31.95 ?tmtTTTTTtTtTTtITTTTTTTTT BRYAN SPEAKS ON HARMONY (Continued from Page One). ver Republicans by promising !utf na tional bi-metalUm and won ail the advocates of the gcil standard ty revealing- to them fie secret purpose of the party to adopt a European fintn rfal system. But even then we vcnid have won but for the fact 'hat tor rowers were coerjid and employes In timidated. ' ?' In 1900. the action of the Reivbll can party In turning i war commenc ed for humanity into a war of con quest compelled the coT5ldera.:l.n of another quetJtlon a question so far reaching in Hs consequences that our partjs-rightfully declared it to be the paramount issue. Without abandoning its position on the tariff guestlcn or on the money question, ir again es poused the people's ide of .t great Is sue. That ft did not win thit year was due to a conjunction of causes any one of which would have been sufficient to accomo'.i-jh defea:. The administration having carried on a brleit and successful war fell heir to the enthusiasm which usually attends a victorious conflict; an unexpected in crease in. the supply of new gold and an unexpected Influx of European gold, due to large crops here and a fam ine abroad. Increased prtoes relieved the stress of hard times and gave to the people the benefit that always flow from a growing volume of mon ey. While the advantage which fol lowed a larger volume rf money, indi cated the principle contended for by p aSaaaatf sssfsasaaAas mmmm i The liniment bottle and flannel strip are familiar objects in nearly every household. They are the weapons that have been used for generations to fight old Rheumatism, and are about as effective in the battle with this giant disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers would be in modern warfare. " Rheumatism is caused by an acid, sour condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid, irritating matter that settle in the joints, muscles and nerves, and liniments and oils nor nothing else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding particles. They were deposited there by the blood and can be reached only through the blood. Rubbing . with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and pains, but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with every change of the weather ; the real disease lies deeper, the blood and system are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured until, the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thoroughly and promptly as S. S. 8. - It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge, all who write about their case, and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism and its treatment THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a, I In order to close out several lines of Dry Goods and Men's Clothing, Still further reductions haye been ! I made as a glance over the following will convince even the most skeptical. D. SHANAHAN IXXXXXlXTXIXXIXXXlXIIIIIirXXIXIIIXXIXIHIXIXXIXIXXXXXXI IltlTTIIIIITItTIIH rXTOTXTXTTTXTTTTTTTXTXTXXXXXXXXX LEST YOU FORGET-We have in center of aisle 2 tables stacked with remnants of all kinds of seasonable goods. We have no use for them; probably you may need them. White Crochet Quilts, large size. 59c. Bleached and Unbleached MuslinJ 4 1-2C. Pillow Cases, 45x36, 10c. Lanated Comforts, special, 98c. ' CAUL BEFORE LINES ARE BROKEN. bi-metalists they were appropriated by the party In power and those who were influenced by conditions without attempting to realise the conditions, gave the Republican party credit for an increasing prosperity. " The protected manufacturers, 41 course, stood by the administration, which had given them a Dingley law. Trust promoters and trust magnates, recognising among their stockholders many of the most Influential Republi cans, threw all their strength to the Republican party and by their sup port purchased Immunity from itin tshment. The Republicans wi re great ly aided by another Influence, name ly, the Influence of the financiers who not yet having completed their schemes were willing to risk trusts, Imperial ism or anything else rather than fore go the advantage which they expect ed from a gold standard and a bank currency. In spite of all hese ob stacles the campaign of 1'jOO only showed a net change of 150,000 Mtts In favor of the RapuVl-iais out t.t a total vote of over H.OOO m'lilo:s. And what is the situation 'od.ty Sin-e the election of 1900, impe.'iillsm is more openly avowed and '.mpi.-rla'isti.: me.h ods more boldly entered upon because the administration an point to that 'election as an apparint ndorfenrcnt, j although the party 'eadirs at that I time vehemently denied Imperial ellc jlntent. Those who cxp?ct 'o rrake a profit out of a colonial system favt? !t on the ground that U will pay; ( who think It opened up the Philip pines to proselytizing Insist that it is simply seeking for romt reatoti for supporting their party's policy, fall ui iilii, uuug mwu vj i tic uucvicu parts, wnicn dissolves and washes out all foreign materials, and the sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains. S. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral, but is a perfect vegetable blood purifier and most PANTS. Roys' Knes Pant " ' 3 (oT 15 ..45c per pair - UNDERWEAR. Men's and Boys' Summer Weight, all slxe ,.....28o" OVBRSHIRT3. All our 75-cent and $1.00 Over shirts reduced to 46c back upon the doctrine that circum stances got us Into trouble and that we must stay in until circumstances get us out. Since the elec'Ion cf 1900 trusts have grown and flourished un der the Republican administration, as might have been expected. Almost two years have elapsed since the last presrfdcntlal election and no legislative attempt has been made lo Interfere with thetn and the .'xecutlve efforts Instead of bing directed toward the enforcement of criminal statutes are confined to the equity side of the court and th-se efforts have not !n ihe least retarded the formation of new combines. " How can the opponents of aristo cracy and plutocracy be united for a successful attack upon entrenched privilege? Not by making peace wtth the enemy; not by Imitating their works, ttHr methods or their phrase ology, but by hone1t straightforward appeal to the American people upon a platform tfiat can be understood and with an ore-nlzatlon that can be trusted." THOUSANDS OP SHEEP ARE SLATJGTKRED. By One Hundred and Fifty Masked Mn Many Herders Threatened. LANDER. Wyo.. July 24. It Is learned that In addition to kllUnft a Mexican sheep herder and slaughtering several thousand nheep, a band of 150 nwmked men surrounded all the sheep camps and forced the sheep men to abandon their flocks. After killing one herd numbering 200, 25 other terd numbering altogether about S500 sheep were driven Into the mountains and left to shift for themselves. The heep men have been threatened with In stant death if they go after the flocks. The sheep are now the prey of wild animals, and if they escape this dth the loss w'll be very heavy, a they are nearly all ewes and lambs. The scene of the lawlessness Is 11B mile west of Lander, in Fremont county. The sheriff Is powerless and the mil itary may be railed out to protect the men. SULTAN PORTED TO PRODUCE SLAYERS OF AMERICANS. MANILA July 24. Captain John 3. Pershing, of the Fifteenth cavalry, who Is In command of the Lanao (Min danao) expedition, has arrested the sultan of Binadayan, as a hostage for the deHvery to him of the Monos, who, on June 22, attacked two Americans, The sultan offered to produce the dead body of one of the Americans, a rela tive of the leader of the party which attacked them and to u render 10 naves, but Captain Perishing refused to entertain the suggestion. The sul tan then produced the guilty Moros. VESTS. Sleeveless Vests '. .. (bleached) So " UNDERSKIRTS. " All our 7S-eent Mercerised Under skirts 4o LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Llrten Torchon. Valenciennes, etc, 4c yard and up INDIA WASH SILKS. Now All colors SScyd On Tuesday one of the offenders was brought Into the camp of the Ameri cans. He was horribly mutilated. Be fore dying he confessed having parti cipated in the ambush of the Ameri cans. Longul, the leader of the at tack, has fortified himself and defies the sultan of Blmidyan's followers to capture hlro. WILL UNITE WITH WEST ERN BRET GROWERS. SAN FRANCISCO July 24.-Colonel George A. McFarlane, of Honolulu, last, night gave Information about the plans of the Federal Sugar Company, recently formed with $50,00,000 capital. and C. A. Spererklcs, youngeHt son of the sugar magnate, as president. Mr. McFarlane flays that by a secret process Invented by Sprwkles, the cost of refining will be greatly reduced. " Sprecklee." said Mr. McFarlane, " can refine sugar at less than $1 a ton. He will establish refineries In all the btg cities from Philadelphia to San Francisco and In Honolulu. His plan Is to' also unite with the sugar beet growers of the West." SPEAKER HENDERSON'S SCALP IS NOT LOOKED FOR. ' SIOUX CITY, la.. Juy 2(.-"There Is no concerted adt'.on en the part of National Millers Association to defeat Speaker Henderson in his race for re election to congress," was the positive statement mad ? by H. S. Kennedy, Secretary of h" National Miller As sociation today. " Whatever the miller's may feel Individually about the matter, there is not a concerted movement on the part of the national federation to get the speaker's scalp. The natloul federa tion does not go Into politics at all." WILL OPEN HEADQUARTERS. -NEW YORK, July 24. Representa tive J. W. Babcock, of Wisconsin, chairman of the Republican congres sional campaign committee, has open ed headquarters In this city The party outlook, he says, is excellent, and the Republicans will, he declares, retain a good working majority in the next house. Representative James Sherman, of Utah., vice-chairman of the commit tee, Is expedted to take charge at the New York headquarters next month. Chairman Bahcook will spend mot of hfs time In Washington. BODrES OF MISSING TEACHERS FOUND. MANILA, July 24,-The bodies of four school teachers who have been missing since June 10 have been found in the mountains near Cetm Island of WAISTS. White, Lawn and Colored Per cale Waists. Now SKIRTS. Walking ami Shopping Skirts, for merry $3.50. Reduced U W W LADIES' HATS. All our 11.50. 11.00. 7S-cmt and JO cent Straw Hats, choice for....?' LADIES" HOSIERY. Rise Seamless 15-cent Hosiery Now o Shatiahan Building, Commercial St Cebu where their captors had mur dered them. The p'""ce killed the leader of the band of murderer and captured etght other alleged partici pants in the crime. One of them es caped. Neither the clrcumstaiKM-s sur rounding the death of the teacher nor the date of the murders Is known. The bodies were taken Into (Ytu and buried. CABINET MUST WAIT KING'S CONVENIENCE NEW YORK. July 24.-The cabinet meeting has been followed by n rumor that Sir Michael II fries-Douch ha urged to withdraw his resignation, says a London dispatch to the Tlbune. Thu prime minister Is embarrassed Without doubt by the strong support which three or four second rate men are receiving for the office of chancel lor of the exchequer and may find It easier to take the office himself than to disappoint all factions. The recon struction of the cabinet will await ta king's convenience. VENEZUELAN SECRETARY SAILS FOR EUROPE. NEW YORK, July 2.4-Among the passengers who will sail today for Paris on the steamer La fiavote Is E. A. Rendllea who was until a few weeks ago private secretary to Presi dent Castro of Venexuela Benor Rendllea arrived here several weeks ago from Venexula and has kept Ms mission to Paris a secret from his most Intimate friends. He refused to say anything about the in surrection. TABLET UNVEILED. VALLEJO, Cay., July 24.-A hand- some tablet In St. Peters chapel at Mare Island navy yard, 1n memory of the American and British soldiers kill ed In Samoa was unveiled today. CANDIDATE FOR SENATOR. CARSON, Nev July 24.-The News today printed the statement tiyit U. S. District Judge Tho P. Hawley had announced his candidacy for United States senator from Nevada to suc ceed Senator Jones, GOVERNOR EN ROUTE FOR THE PHILIPPINES. NAPLES, Juy 24. German steamer Princess Irene, wh1lh saled today for Mania, took among her passengers, Governor Taft, Judge Smith and Sec retary Carpenter. RELEASED BOERS START HOME. NEW YORK, July 24.-fllxty-four of the 90 released Boer prisoners who ar- XXXXXXX1 ; ailLOtUSJN'B DRESHEB. OhJJdrtm' Tre, all m-lore, Hlira I to 18.. 30 up rtoY' Full All sties CHILDREN'S HOMERY. Double Knee. Double Sole, Seam- tins, 3 tr DOX COATS. lAteat Style. SHco 3 to I. Now , XXXZXZZ1 rived from Bermuda on July U have alled for Cape Town and Mossel Ray. Soulh Africa. ? NORTHWEST LEAGUE. 1 At Portland Ilutte, ; Portland, 1. At TaciHtiaTM'oma, 5; Helena, J. ' At HiH.kan'J-Heallle, ; Spokane, I. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Chicago Chicago. I; Cincinnati, J I At New York New York, 2; Brook lyn, 0. ' At Huston Brntton, 2; Philadelphia, I. At St. Loul-St. Louis, 5; Pitts burg, 4. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Boston Ronton, 4; St. Louis, 3. At Wuahlngton Washington, S; Cleveland, 1. It Ira UXURIOUS vel Th, "Northwestern Umlud" trains, lectrlo lighted throughou'. both inside and out, and steam heated, are with out except Ion, the finest trains la tb world. They embedy the Utest, rewen and btst Ideas for comfort, convenlct and luxury ever offered tbt travelling Dubllc, and altogether are the mcti complete and splendid production of lh car builders' art. These splendid Trams Connect With The Great Nortberi The Northers Pacific tad The Caaadlaa Pacific AT 8T. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra ebarg tor these superior aiommodatlona and all rlassts of tick ets are avallablt for pasge cn the tialns oa this line are protecud by th Interlocking Bloclf System. W. H. MBAI, H. L. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland. Oregon. j anil hi nwmj ..V 4 f 1 1 - ' h,m rttliurim. ...... - r. . -,,. LnaiVII all over the Union as the Great Railway running rno ' f loneer itfmuea inu every day and night between Bt. Paul m -nioagn, ana umarra uii "The only perfect train In the world." with all transcontinental lines, securing i poflvngers me pest servico heat, of a varloty equaled by no other line. ....... Bee that your ticket reads ph Urtln.j..... , . , . . .ana- Mnin4 in the Uuited States or Canada. All uenei agenis sen itnem. , mwtlon, addesa, . J. W. UAI0Y, c. J. reujji, irav. ltuvi. Agt ien. ari. Portland, Ore. Portland, Ore. SUITS. Bulla Mo for 2&c .o : ixxxxxxnxxixxxxxuxxiinx REPORT OS TUB CONDITION OF TUB First National Bank at Astoria, In the State of Orrsn. at the close of butties. July IS, IS'!. f RESOURCES, Loans and Discount 44 Overdrafts, secured and un secured W I 31 U. S, H.iml to secure cir culation I2.V0 Oo SlookH, securities elc U.1'W 4'J Other real estntn uwiimI lldO ii Hue from Nailonal baults (not reoerv agnls l.SJl "4 Due from Sl.itu Iiuiks ami Hankers T0.211 65 Due from approve.) reserve agents : 143 34 i lilterunl revenuo stMtips .... 115 00 checks and other cikIi Hems. 00 Notes of other National flanks 30 0t Nickels and Cents 137 27 Lawful money In reecrve In bank, vl: Specie I103,fl0 u-giul trn'lir notes.. . 5.0 KX.IJ0 0 Redemption fund with tl, B. treasurer (5 per cent of clr- tltntlon) S25 00 Total .1701 144 71 LIABILITIES. Capital "lock paid in 150.000 0ft flurplu1- fund W.OOO 0 Undivided prollts, less ex penses mid taxes pnld .... 32.121 8 National Bsuk notes out- stand nit 12.501 09 Indlvliluiil ileposlts r sttbjiil to rtnek.llDr.filH 14 Demaed cei tlflcntes Of deposit 121.S30 Vt t tsl.TCJ 11 Total $701,144 7t Stat" of Or-gon, County of Clatsop, as; I, B. S '.fdm, cashier of the alove named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 8. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn io befors me this 17th day of July, I90J. C. R. THOMSON, Notary Public, Correct Attest: O. C. FLAVIOL, W. F. McGRicGon, JACOB KAMM, Dlreotors. . There Is more Catarrh In this sec tion of 'the country than all oUwr dis eases put together, and until the last few yeurs was supiiosed to be Incura ble. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and pre scribe local remedies, and by con stantly falling to cure with local treatments. Dronounovd it Incurable. Hclence has proven catarrh to he 'constitutional disease and therefore re- nulres constitutional treatment. Hall's i Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. j Cheney A Co., Toledo .Ohio, Is the only uunnuiuiKMiui cure on me m&rnci. it Is tsken Internally 1n doses from 10 drops to a tesspoonful. It acts di rectly on the' Wood and mucous sur faces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and test!- moninis. Address, F. J. CHENBY A CO,, Toledo, O. Sold by druggists 75 cents. Hall's Family Pills are the best.