THE MORNING ASTORIAN. SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1902 X3BSS8B0B83IUDEBS8SB9S fS3K23 SH AN AH AN RED TAG SALE I SHANAHAN'S iimiiiiiiiiiixixiiiiTTTrxiimiiiiiiiixiiiiiiixiiiixixa PILLOW 45xS RIBBONS. Thousands of yards of wide Taffeta and Satin ribbon. AU colors r per yard , CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. Absolutely Fast Black o- siies 514 to io oc per pr SUMMER All sizes Now .... TTTTTTtIIIIItTTIIIIIITtIItTTIIITIrTTTTTTTTTTTTIITITTITTTIIHHTTTTlIimtTtTTTTT1 THE WEEK IX SOCIETY Mr Dr. Henderson will have her mother as her guest during the sum mer. , Mrs. Horace Thing Is the guest of her sister. Mis Nellie Sherman, at Mc Gowan. Mf. and Mrs. Frank Spittle have gone for an outing up the Willamette Valley. 7 The Misses Tuttle and Miss Mabel Taylor were the guests of the Misses Elmore the last of the week. Captain Randall Is seriously 111 at Port Townsend. Mrs. Randall was summoned to Port Townsend by a tele gram. ' Mrs. J. H. Montague and her two sons from Independence, Missouri, are the guests of Mrs. Montague's sister, Mrs. C. R. Thompon. The charming weather of the last Week tempted many of our society people to the beaches and outing par es were very popular. Rev. Oberg and family are camp' lng out at the ocean beach for a few weeks. The pulpit, however, will be occupied as usual on Sunday. ' Mrs. R. L. Wilson held a very en. Joyable "at home" on Wednesday In honor of her sister, Miss Marcy. The eame of " Guess" wa played, Mtos Ponrl Cole winning the orize. a beau tiful painted plate. . Miss Charlotte Bennet entertained the Thursday Afternoon Club. A novel lunoh was served on the lawn, prepar ing the coffee over a camp fire. The game of hearts was played, Miss Nan Reed proving the winner. There are an unusual number of charming young ladies at present vis iting In our city. Mrs. Finch, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. West have each a guet. Mrs. Trenohard has two young lady friends with her, and there are several others here temporarily. This has been rather a quiet week socially. Several Informal afternoons and one or two evening affairs only. Miss Floretta Elmore entertained on Tuesday. A new(?) club, the W. B. Club, was temporarily formed. About 30 of the young ladles and young ma trons of the city were her guests. Mrs. Rannells entertained the ladles of the W. C. T. U. on Thurday after noon In honor of Mrs. M. Kronquist, of San Francisco. Refreshments were served and the game of " skill ' was played. Mesdames Baal and Bellen We hold tut two HOUSE CLEANING Principle as oar January Sale, which CASES. IOC SOAPS. Paris Made All our CORSETS. Men's (Union ues for 20c -fc d Toonmnerons to mention. Notions," 1c np. Men's underwear, 25c Ladies sleeveless vests, Meached, 5c Muslin underwear, all kinds, at factory cost. No mail orders filled at these prices. Money refunded if not pleased. SALE LASTS ONLY IS DAYS each were presented with a beautiful plate. The guests report a very pleas ant afternoon. Mrs. A.vA. Finch and Miss Floretta Elmore gave the first " walkout" par ty of the season last evening. Ar rangements for the party had been made early in the day and the guests found cozy-corner rugs, Chinse lan terns, tables and all sorts of delight ful surprises awaiting them on the bank of Young river. A big bonfire on the beach, hammocks, a camp-fire and the delicious odors from the steaming coffee kettle gave a very hospitable greeting to the forty young people. CHINA'S PRINCE VISITS FRANCE. Studies Our Systems of E'lu-a:ion Delighted With Americans. NEW YORK, July 19.-Prince Chen, of the Imperial family of China, coro nation envoy to London, and his prin cipal envoy, Liang -Chen Tung, the newly appointed Chinese minister at Washigton are making a thorough in spection of the educational system, civil and military of France, have vis ited the military school at St. Cyr, says a Paris dispatch to the Tribune. Liang Chen Tung, who studied at Phillip's academy, Anlover, from 1ST7 to 18S1 und Prof. Bancroft i delight- ted at his appointment to the country where he has so many friends. He says that the voyage of Prince Chen is o great significance as it Is the first time In the history of China a nrince of the reigning house ever vis ited foreign countries and acquired foreign languages. Liang Chen says this Indicates a decision completely to revolutionize the present educational system of China anl bring It up to date. In fact he declares the Chinese government has already taken educa- I clonal reform on a large scale. When questioned on the present sit uation In China. Liang Chen said thfit owing to the fresh taxation Imposed to talse money throughout the coun try for the foreign indemnity, revolts and fanatical uprising already had occurred and were likely to become general. The outlook he considered, very gloomy indeed. Prince Chen and Liang Chen will In spect schools and colleges until they sail from Cherbourg on July 26 for New York on the Philadelphia. They intend, to pass one week In the east- ern states, visiting Wa-ihington, West Point and Annapolis, and nrobablv Harvard, Pale and Princeton before resuming their Journey home. BARTER FOR GUM CARBO CO. AUSTIN, Tex., July 19. A charter has ' been filed in the secretary of state's office here for the Gum Carbo Company, with a capital stock of $10,- 000,000. The concern will manufacture INDIA WASH SILK. Resrular ., JSo Xow -25c yd $2.50. $2.09 and $1.50 Black Mercerised Sateen Waists for. 98c MEN'S TROUSERS. All-Wool Tweed Trousers, Made) regular $2.S0 val-i I.VO a substitute for rubber by refining Texas oil combined with cottonseed oil. - ' , GREAT INTEREST IN FIGHT. Both Men Are In Splendid Condition- People Coming From East. SAN FRANCSCO, July 19.-Interest hi the Jeffrles-Fltzsimmons fight Is Increasing. People are coming from the East and Interior points to see the contest and seats are beln rapid ly sold. George Siler, the well known referee. Is among the latest arrivals. There has been no change In the odds and very little betting at the 10 to 4 price quoted. Jeffries people are holding out for a shade better quota tion. Referring to the rumor that Jeffries Is out of condition, Billy Delaney said: " It Is all nonsenie. Jeffries was never in better shape In his life than he Is right now, or as good for that matter. He is exactly where I want him. To keep him there I have asked Mm not to do so much work for the next few days. It Is always a sign to cut out hard going when a man commences to get cranky. Wednesday Jeffries was a bit out of sorts and I aked him to call a halt. He has done it nothing more. " I don't know where these rumors of his being sick originated, but sus pected they were put in circulation to Influence betting. T can only cau tion our friends throughout the coun try to take no stock In such rumors and not take fright." Along wfth the rumors of Jeffries' condition was another to the effect that Eddie Graney was not to referee the fight. That also proved to be a fabrication, springing from the fact that some difference existed between him and the club as to the price for his services. Fitzstmmons has been examined by the San Francisco Athletic Club's physician and pronounced In perfect physical condition. GIFT TO UNIVERSITY. CHICAGO, July 19. James- F. Rob inson, late president of the Rock Isl and National 5ank and Central Trust 4 Savings Bank of Rock Island, III., left part of his fortune to Northwest ;crn University In Ms will, whloh has iusi been orohafted. Mr. Robinson wan a graduate and a trustee of Northwestern University, The estate left by him Is estimated at $1,000,000. Just what part of this sum Northwestern will receive Is not stat ed, but It probably will be about $200,000. The American University at Wash ington, D. C also Is left a consider able amount of property. SALES each year. This is on the same Broad, Price Cutting lasted oyer 30 days. A few of the 1000 bargains follow : LADIES' WAISTS. .... V 1 White and Colored. 'tn. Latest styles , Formerly .....TSc MILL ENDS AND REMNANTS. Wash Goods, All-Wool DrM Goods, one-half cost of production. MEN'S SUITS. $5.00 FORMERLY ....$10.00 LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Linen Torchon, Valenciennes, &o. 4 cents and up. ARCHBIWOP FBEHAN'S WILL. Leaves Property Valued at One Hun. dred and Twenty Thousand. CHICAGO, July 19.-The late Arch bishop Patrick A. Feehan left an es tate of over $120,000, which undw the terms of his last will, drawn May 10 last, hi distributed among tlw mem- i o ,l .tin ,a4iiii. mill unir ili.-m 11- . uwiin ill, II vrail lluve IJ II ITIB especial care. The entire estate !s In personal property and over half of it fs life insurance, made payable 'o the estate. Copies of the will have ben furnished the beneficiaries and others I Interested and the original testament will be filed for probate early next week. The Instrument deals exclu sively with the prelate's personal af fairs, and there are no directions or suggestions in it concerning the affairs of the archdlocee. It Is stated by those cognizant of the personal affairs of the testator that the estate would have been much larger had the archbishop collected In its entirety the salary of $5000 a year to whlcb he was entitled from the archdiocese. It fa said that for many years he has allowed portlonsr of the salary to remain uncollected end that the will which makes no reference to these arrears, cancels them. VICE-CONSUL FOR CAIRO, EGYPT. NEW YORK, July 19. Hubbard T. Smith, vice and deputy consul-general of the United State at Valro, Egypt, who Is In this city, will sail for hi parents It Is the wj u nwi parents it Respons Great responsibility, and no taint of disease to be transmitted to . ., i I re piuiiuic Hunt-ring, ami iuaiKin); us mue uotly with offen sive sores and eruptions, catarrh of the nose and throat, weak eyts, glandular 6wellings, brittle bones, white swelling and deformity. How can parents look upon such little sufferers and not reproach themselves for bringing so much misery into the world? If you have any disease lurking in your system, how can you expect well developed, healthy children ? Cleanse your own blood and build up your health, and you have not only enlarged your capacity for the enjoyment of the pleasures of life, but have discharged a duty all parents owe to posterity, and made mankind healthier and happier. There is no remedy that so surely reaches deep-seated, stubborn blood a purely vegetable medicine, harmless in its effects, and can be taken by both old and young without fear of any bad results. Write us about your case, and let our physicians advise and help you This will cost you nothing, and we will also send our book on blood and Skin disease. TUX WIfT S PCCiriC CO., Atlanta, G r.NPEIlSKlHTS. Ladles Hlack Mercerised Under-.u ikfrts ....,yV I1ED PPREAD8. Twenty-f ve (5) doion Marseille Patterns liw WALKING SKIRTS. Oxford dreys and Black.. (2.00 Fornurly M-W LADIES' WIl.UTEttS. All lie KzriixiiixiiixxiraixxiKxixixixxixxixxxraxxxxixxxiixiiiiiiiiiixxxixxxxxiiixxxxxxxxxxxxixx SHarinhon Building. Commercial St new post today. Mr.Timlth was Unit led States consul at Canton during the .Boxer outbreak and Inter iircomiian ,led Commissioner HockhlH to ivkln. Ie has met the npwly appointed Chi. nese minister, Llan Chen Tung. " He is thoroughly progressive. th- roughly American," snld the mnsiil. i"Bclng of the progressive element, h1 fortunes fell during the Boxer upris ing, both politically and twiterliilly, i.,. , ., . . , !but with the retonitiHni uf peue his value was recognized. j " China has a great future, u wonder ful future before h'T, If she cfn in sure the world that her government Is to be both stable and proKi-eNHive; and It Is just such men an Wu ami jLlang who will secure tier tlrl gov ernment If she will let them, tinl bring jln the capital jvhleh !iatl open her 'Klant resources." ARREST ON THE COLI'M EilA. On Request of the Chief of I'nll. e f Portland. BAN FRANCISCO, July l!l.Aetln unner instructions from the chief of police of Portland, Oregon, Chief Wittman effected the finest late last night of " Bill Noble," und ,v woman giving the name of Clarice Fay. They were passengers on the steamer Co. lumuia ana wer,e arrested before the vessel reached her dock, Fred D;ty to whom Noble passed $60 Mas also arrested. Noble and the woman are suspected of having entered the store or an Italian fruit man recently, tak Ing $550 from an old trunk In the rear of the bunding. right ot every child uuiii) u i.i. .vy tu must look for health and happiness. How incon ceivably great is the parents' how important that is left in the blood the helpless child, entailintr the most i ' . ;,., , , , . g i. tty k troubles as b. H. b. It searches out even hereditary poisons, and removes every taint from the blood and builds up the general health. If weaklings are growing up around you, right the wrong by putting them on a course of S. S. S. at once it Regutar IVto Now Urge sis CQr i.rloe t,f LATEST Sites 1 to I. BOYS' Sl'ITS. .... 98c Alt slses 49c LOCATING SMOKELESS GUNS.. The English war office has many srhemea for training their soldiers, and which are generally followed up by practical demonstration. The latest Is a device for locating guns fliink 'smokeless powder, and Its success wUI uiak a new era In military progress. It ki also Interesting to Consider the Avoiuhrful advancement In Hindi 'Ine during the pa. SO years. It was nlxmt that time that ItoHctter's Htomii'h Hitters was first Introduced nd dur ing those yeurs has made uon a won derful record of cures of Mich nllim-ms as lniUni!lon, heartburn, dyspepsia. belching, coustlimitlon ond liver and kidney troubles.that lodny It occupies the foremost position a family med icine. Don't fail to try It. Our private tump Is on the neck of the bottle. ATTENTION, EAGLES! Meeting at 1:30 today. All members requested to be prem-nt. Important business. . C. E. FOSTER. Some Inter esting Facts When people are eonten.ila'.liig a trip, whufher on business or pleasure, thev naturally want the best serv'.-e obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging tinea at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining ear service unexcelled, Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you ticket over... The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make dlroct tciijcctloni at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points Bast, For any further information call on any ticket agent ,or correspond with j A 8. C. rvnv, ucn. rass, aji, or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. Thow tiny uipiuiei srs superior to Baltam or copairja- Cubebs or Injection! andjin-. CURE IN 48 H0URSpT ths same diieasei with out Inconvenience, Sold by all PrurfJtt. n 1 citiLDttRN'g prehhes. - J5c up UNHLEACHED mubijn grade 4 l-2c STYLE HOX COATS. 69c TICKETS TO AND MOM ALL Points East vu SHORT LINE TO St PAI'U DULUTII. MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAUO AND POINTS BAST. Throuuh I'alar and Tourist Hlieperi. Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Dally Trains; fast time. For rotes. fo!:ter -nd full Informa tion regarding tickets, routes sto., call on or nililremi J. W. I'HALON, 11. DICKSON Trav. I . Agt, City Tloket AgL 121 Third Street. P'x-ilan.i. A. B. C. DKNNISTON, a W. l. A 612 First Avenue. Ssattle. Wash. A familiar name of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known II over the Union as the Oreat Railway running the "Pioneer Limited' trains every day and night between 8t, Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passenirers the best service known. Luxurious coaohes, cleotrlo light, steam. neat, of a variety by no other line. flee that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when rolng to any point In the Uulted State or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other inror motion, addess. J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY, x ''n. Agt. Portland, Ore, Trav. Pu. Agt Portland, Ore. Mills Honey LI SLOT MA Makers MILLS ACHINES wilt work for yon 14 hours day without compennstlon 6 1 V A R 1 1 T 1 1 8, H prices. Write for csttlog ana special oner. KILLS NOVELTY CO., Chicago. tl to 23 South ftltnos (tritt Foley's Honey Tat peals lungs aad steps the eougb