THE MORNING ASTOKFAN, SaTURDAY, JULY 19. 1002 ALL WHO WHITE RIVER FLOUR Sing it H'itio ami never finite cull fur it V wticiivvor thoir mipply in mIiauhUnI. H' the b-nt, tlieroforo tho elicit pottl- Try u wick in your next order. Ross, Hfggftis 6k Co; hc flatly jAatortuiV TKUOPHONB Ml. ,'ju ' TODAY'S WKATU8R. PORTLAND, July W.-Oregon and Washington fooler. 25c... -LADIES' Fast Black Cotton Hose for ID cetits mHi a mr. Oation tclla fssd. (rata end hay. Five barber at Ih Paloes Hatha. Young Japsnrse boy want situation tn family, inquire at 13 Commercial iiwl. Wanted -Three t four funlshed room for IIkIU housekeeping. Ail (lira "M," till omc. The Skamokaw second annual re gatta will ) held Friday and Satur day. August ii ant) 23, You wilt And the best Ho meal In the city at the Rising Sun Ileataurant. No. $12 Commercial street. Now stork of fancy good Just ar rived at Yokohama Dataar. Call and t the latest novel te from Japan. Sond In your order for your winter' supply of Or, slab or liord wood to Kel ly, tht transfer man. Phone 2311 black. All moker smoke the "Pride of Aitovln" rlgars. No bo t Her made. Manufactured by MaoFarlan ft K no bet. You ran buy Newbro' Horplclde, die great dandruff cure, for 75 oent per bottle at the Oooident Barber Shop. Bicycle repairing with- skill and promptne, Supplies In stock: work guaranteed. It-llanve Electrical Work t Bond St. Take Point t, which are Eastern oya. tern developed In Shoalwatr bay, are unlike all other good at any season of the year. They are fat and dell clous, Craw-fish are now junt In sea son and are excellent eating, a are crabs and all the other numerous de Meaelcs served so Kkllfully at the Toke Point oyster hou"0 on Eleventh street. l- - 1 ' J 47 zzxzxznzzzxzzxszzzzxzxnzzzzxzxzzzxzzzzzzxzizxzzx OUR PRICES Great Eastern furniture Co. .Still everything you want for tlio ' , lionin and soil it at lowest prices, . CASH - OR - INSTALLMENTS We are unloading a carload of Furniture and Carpet. Call and seo tho now goods at prices to suit you. Wo will make your mattress or re pair them for you. Try one of our own moke , couches. EASY TERMS IF DESIRED. j i Great Eastern i v rt CoiHtnereial St. - - HAVE TRIED The body of Axel Llmir. the sui cide, will probably lie burled today at the expense of the county. A " tun-play" occurred In a down turn saloon Inst nlgtrt. but there were no fatalities, one of the parties seek inK anfMty In flight. Wantrd.-Oood girl for central housework In small family; good wg- 'es. Apply at Mrs. B. DimpslM, But- ,lerfteld Cottage, Seaside, Qre. j Family syringes from 29 cents up ward at lingers' ; drugstore. Fountain syringed from We up; any kind of ! rubber goods that you may want Diamond ' C" Soap la Uie best. Tbl ' lias been proven by the test of the saving housewife, who ; appreulausi 'i'ili'e and quality, too. For sale by 'JOHNSON unos. j Joe crwini, guaranteed pure, delivered j to any part of the city. IS cents a pint, 'lee cream soda. Dest-freah candles. Private rooms. Parlor Candy Store, tSJ Vmtmerclal street. , IUl n ooal lu oncr. Is cleaner and 4nk leaa trouble with stoves and ohlmney flue than any other coal on tit ntarkut. George W. Sanborn, ; agent. Telephone 1JU. I WANTED I YOtJNO MEN from 'Clatsop county at once to prtire for ( Positions In tbe Government Service, j Apply 40 Inter State Correspondenc jlimtltut. Cedar lUpld. la. I l'lumbln. tlunlng. gaa and steam jfltiliig at lost rates and In work-Imiin-Mke manner. Orders promptly ! executed. Shop, No. 42S. Bond streol. jOHN A. MONTOOM BRY. Cou0h-we carry tbe largest and liest select) d stock In.Mta city. The line Include both smooth and tufted couches, which we are bfferlng at low er prices than other dealers. Charles llnllborn It Son. In ai-eordiinc wlih the order of the Mincn. survevers are at work laying out the grade of Uie proposed new tire. to Hmlth s Point. At the meet ing of the rounell Monday nlpht 4hls mntier will be brought up for settle, m.-tit. It Is exjwted. Henry Mnllaiten and A. Karjala to day open a new dry goods and mer chant tailoring establishment at 470 472 Commercial street. v They ai-e In nailing a nest st.K-k of goods and are prepared to make suits and di repair work of nil kinds at short notice. Charles HariK of l'orlliuid. who hnj Wn employed as secretary In FUh Warden Van Pusen. rostuned yes terday to iuvept a jvltt(in wltli Uie Portlnnd Iron Works Company, and left' last night for Uie metropolis. As tt a suoceur to Mr. Harris has not bun named. Mnstr Earl Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Varies Holmesi, reached the fourth mile-stone In his ?arer yes terday, and tbe occasion was duly celebrated. A largo number of friends of the young gentleman awiembU-d at tbe home of his parents In honor of his birthday. Reports from the various packing house yesterday were to the effect that the run of salmon bad shown an Invrense over that of the prevloua day. Many of the glllnetters made fine catehes and receipts were very good. Home of the salmon taken yesterday were of a new run, and the aiitb',lpn.t- ed run of July fish Is expected to reach the river by Monday. The Ann now Inken are still of fine quality. n ARE RIGHT i' Furniture Co., Hliaiinltnn Building Flob WftiiJsn Van Duncn, who has rolurned from an official trip to On tario, report that Superintendent Iti'own Is pulling racks across the river at lb it point. The racks will be. I'M feet In length and will be In poslton by the Wine the salmon get Uiat far up the river, " A very pretty sight was presented yesterday afternoon nsr Desdamona Sands, where about 1V0 nstitng boat were beralmfd for two hour or more. Toward evening, when the breess sprung up, all tho boats girt under way 4t tb samo time, and their white sails niiule an attractive picture, The" officials of Wahkiakum County, Waith., yesterday paid a M to liar- bary Coast -to look Into health condi tions there. Several cases of small pox have been reported from Chat part of the river, and the authorities are noxious to determine, whether or not there Is danger of an epidemic. The work of Installing the new ma chinery at the West End power house of the Astoria Kleetrlc Company", Is progressing favorably. Yesterday the new mok44t'.'k was pluced in posi tion. It Is the largest stack In Asto ria, being W feet In height, M Inches in diameter anT weighing six tons. Th ruins of the O. It. A N. coal bunkers are being removed. The bunk ers were destroyed by fire some month ago and ever since the ruins have been an eyesore. The Civic Improve ment Leaiiu took up the mutter with 0. W. Lounsberry, 0. R, & N- agent, and the burst timber are being re moved, ' The hoon"rs Fred J. Wood and Ariel clar,d yett-rduy for China, They hare combined cargoes exceed ing 1,000.000 fet. While the v-ssels were being towed down- the river by the st-amer Harvest Queen they cume togfther and some damage was done to the schooner Repairs will tie made here. II. It. (Jlst. the double of King Ed ward VII.. hsd an exciting experience while making a visit to the Universal Sash aV Door t!ontpny's plant yeter dsy. A ferocious cow attacked him, and but for the sprinting abllltyjif the king he surely would have been gored. The king has gone to the beach to recover from the effects of the fright occasioned by Uie cow's action.' A tennis club was formed uml even ing, with about 20 charter members. The following officers were elected: PreeMenl. Otis Wood; vice-president, Frank WoodtWd; se'retHiT. Chorb-s Wright: trea.uiT. It. Cassell. The new club will u tho court on Cap tain Wood's proirty n (Irand ave nue, which la considered one of the fin iet In the elate. The club hits plen ty of material for teams that should fair well with other state tennis play ers, and there promises to be a re vival of Interest in Uie healthy pas time. According to a Seattle special to the tregonlan, the Washington pilot ywi missloners nave licensed the schooner Thornns F. Bayard for service at the mouth of lh Columbia. The Bayard mm built in 18S0, at a cost of and has recently been overhauled and put In first-elaxs condition, The Ore- gonlan'a dlspatoh has it that as many new pilots will be licensed by the Washington board as may be required for an "efficient sen-Ice," which Is regdrdod here as a joke. The Bnyard is expected here August 1. She will be In command of Captain O, W. Toe rey, her principal owner. Tt is understood that Fevrul dis reputable dive-keepers who were run out of Portland by the reform admin istration there have sel.vtid Astoria as their place of doing butn?ss; The Portland officials tlol up many of the low-down saloons, A:oording to a report that waa In circulation lutt night, exmie of 'the dlve-k-x-pera who were driven out of Portland hove ar rived In this city, and will muke an effort to secure licenses for the remin der of the summer season. Whether or not the members ,of the council will grant thorn the necessary permits Is a question. Yesterday waa an extremely warm one for Astoria-nd ihe I,owr Co lumbia denlsen sweltered in the heat. Everybody vowed and declared that It was felw warmest day of the year, but, as usual, everybody was wrong. . The hlghittt fxilnt rea'ihad ty the glass yesterday was S3, wrereaa on one pre vious day tjvls summer the thermom eter registered SI Yesterday there wai very llttw breeie, und this made the day tem much warmer Mian ft really was. Weather Observer Johnson said yesterday that th present warm siell would not contlnui long, but be v.ks unable to rtate to a minute Just whtn the change would come about. It was vety hot In Portland yesterday and on Thursday, and the trains brought large crowd to the beach. , A meeting of the regatta committee was held lost evening at the Commer cial Club, but little busflneea of Im portance , was transacted. The com mittee has many matters to contend With this year, among them a location for the grandstand. The Flavel dock will. H Is understood, ". Be condemned by the street committee of Uie coun cil If the regatta oommittee make an effort to use It. Whether the dock will be repaired by the oommittee or another location ' secured will be de termined upon next week. The finance committee will commence its work on Monday, when all the business men of thi el'y will be Interviewed. It was de-Id?l lust nlgltt that the queen should be el jcted In tMs city; that votes sltould cost I cent each, gnd that the percits(es hetvtofor asked from merchant would not be asked this year, The commute will meet again at the Commwclal Club at II ; 30 this even ing. . The visitor to the Universal sash and door factory Impresses one with the activity there dlsplsyed, The factory, while nrt yet complete In all It de tails, I no. running full time. Man ager Malarkey says that considerable additional machinery must be Install ed before the plant la ready o han dle the business of the firm, but that die propo-ied extensions wilt be made gradually. Two new. building are to be erected soon by tbe company. Orfe will be a warehouse where the output f the mill will be stored. It will be iOxfiO feet. A lumber hd. 20x85, will also be constructed. Both buildings will be located between Ihe factory and the dry kiln. At present the mill employes 30 men. The necessary lum ber Is brought to Bmltfi Point from Mayger. The Mayger mill Is to be re moved to the Polirt, and the work of driving tbe foundation t.f It has been flnltihcd. Tb mil will be In operation in six weeks, and the two coiu-f-rns there will then employ "5 men, dls burning ftibout i000 monthly In sal- uvinm Tha KnmMnv haa miir nrtlers i tnr than "It can' fill, and en- largement of the p!'it will add to the number of employee there. Tha flr( rirload of goods turned out by tht new factory J pow ready for hlp nv-nt to Chicago. The pur connect ing the renlnsula with the railroad has been finished, and loaded car now ore brought to the dr of the factory. The new Instl'utlon is a model of neat- ncis and I so arranged that exten sions can txpedltlouely be made. W. W. Whipple returned to the city yesterday from Bucodn, Warti.. where he is engaged (n the sawmill business. .Mr. Whipple spoke very enthusiastic ally of the local situation and said the outlook for Astoria's future waa Indeed very bright. Although Mr. I Whittle Is interested at Bucado, he is still very loyal to the interests of this city, and has several prominent mlllmen " on the string." A few days ago he met M. M. Johnaon, the millionaire lumberman. In Portland, and had a long Interview with him re garding the feasibility of locating here. Mr. Johnson will come to Astoria In tlit spring for the purpose of looking over Uie situation, and there Is little question that he will decide to build here, Mr. Whipple ha Interested an other mltlman who will be In this city about August (. Mr. Whipple Is the man who started the agitation that eventually resulted In the locaUon of several important enterprises In this city, and he still firmly believes that the secret of local success Ilea In the development of natural resources. An alleged Interview with Mr. Whipple In n afternoon paper created the belief that he was ' knocking" the regatta, but Mr. Whipple disclaims any such Intention. " I believe we tfliould use our money for the building of mllle," said Mr. Whipple yesterday. " Every year we stend $10,000 or $15,000 for the regatta and In entertaining visitors, :tnd this money would build new en terprises. If the people here want the regatta. It should by all means be held, and I will gladly do alt within my power to assist the project. The reaatta Is always a big financial In vestment for me, and my only ob jection to It Is that It requires the expenditure of money that might be ured to better advantage In mills and factories," t ! -,-- i IXJATINO SMOKRLESS GUNS. Tho English war office hai many schemes for training their soldiers, and which are generally followed up by practical demonstration. The latest Is a device for locating curia flrina smokeless powder, and Its success wnil mak a new era In military progress. It Is also intereating to consider the wonderful advancement In medblne during the past 50 years. It was about that time that Ho-tetti'i-s Stomach Bitters was first Introduced and dur. Ing those years has made suon a won- derful record of cures of such ailments a lndlgssUon, heartburn, dyspepsia, belching, constitution mid liver and kidney troublea.that today It occupies the foremost posltityt as a family med icine. Don't fail to try it Our private stamp Is on the neck of the bottle. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. The University of Oregon wtil open Its 2?tt session at Eugene. Wednes day, September iTtli. The ojtlcok fcr the year seems at present, very promising.- A number of r.w men have been added to the faculty, all thor oughly fitted, both by preparation and by experience, for' their work. .The university buildings are. being repair ed and Improved during the i-ummer, the dormitory, gymnasium, and Leahy nil receiving especial attention: . Students Intending to enter this fall are Invited to correspondend ivKh the uresident relative to their work. Cat alogues will cheerfully be sent on ap plication. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. T. W. Keen to Martin Foard Dots l. and 8. tract 1. subdi vision of block 8, Hustler A Aiken's addition ......I 10 00 Maud Kinney to M. S. Copeland Copeland 320 acres In section 7 and 8. township ( north of range t west ' ' t I 00 John H. Smith to M. S. Copeland 189 acres in setclon i, township north or range -west ..... I 00 SITE KOI YET SECURED MH AlllJLi: IJKTWKKX OWN ' K1W or I'JtorKKTY, Hiinif Mill Mn) lie Ist to Asto ria If hfttU-itifut Is Not Kff'erted Toluy. (leorge W. Hume has notified Uie Interested property owners that - his offer for a mill sit at Tongue Point will be withdrawn this afternoon un less arrangements are made by that time to accept It. Mr. Hume, who i not anxious to waste any time, 'yes terday expresed himself being tired of waiting, and unless Uie dis pute between the land owners is settled the Intending capitalist will go Else where. , ' , " The squabble 'is a most unfortunate one. It seems that, when the Van Dusen Investment Company offered the site to Mr. Hume, be was given a deed for all of the company's prop erty north of a certain street, Mr. 'Hume wanted the land described by. metes and bounds, so that the tract would extend straight out The Tot-gue Point syndicate stepped In at this stage of tbe proceedings and informed the company thai the lines proposed would cut a corner off their holdings. Then the matter came to a standstill, and since that time It haa been im possible for the Interested parties to reach a settlement. The lines between the land should have been established .riefttiitelv lonr Aim- hur t.he ma.. v nra..S When seen yesterday afternoon by a r1resentat1ve of the Astorlan, B. Van Dusen, one of the owners of the site desired by Mr. Hume, said: " No one can regret more than I the Inability of the property holder to get together on thfs matter. The lines of the eeveral tracts in that part of town have never been settled upon,, and the dispute arose In consequence when we deeded to Mr. Hume all our possessions north of a street there. Mr. Hume wants a definite answer by tbls evening . ' "So far as I am concerned, I am am willing to Jo almost, anything to settle this dispu'e and land the en'ct prise. When Mr. Hume made bis un successful effort to se-me Ih site from the Tcngaa r-oint t.yndi-:.ite, we. went to him v.-itn a prciiml for the sule of our frmtuji. We evenu-ally knocked one-tbd off what w orig inally considered a very reasonable price for the bind. I have told my attorney that 1 would be willing to do almost anything to land the enter prise which Mr. Hume Is anxious to establish, and If the plans fall through it will not be my fault. The whole matter rests wrth the Tongue Point people on the one side and ' Colonel Kelly on the other. Unless something is done with the frontage at and near the Tongue, It is certain that the other property there will never be worth anything, and I hope some ar rangements can be made whereby Mr. Hume's enterprise will be secured. C. W. Fulton Is expected to return home from Portland art noon today, and It Is thought the matter may be brought to a head at that time. As Mr. Hume would be a valuable- addi tion to the business. Interests of Uiis olty, there 1 a general wlsrh that the squabble over the aite be settled, but whether or not this can be arranged remains to be seen. PEiisnxAr; mkxtiox. L E. Sells has gone o Bit: Creek for a two weeks' outing. Mrs. J. S. Pelllnger and Miss Fay Delllnger are at Seaside on an out ing. T. S. Trulllnger has gone to San Francisco. He wll return about Aug ust 1. , Mrs. E. Dempsle and children, of Spokane, are at the Butterfleld cot tagw. Seadde.' Hon. BenJ. Young has returned from an outing at Ms Cedar River ranch, In Paclflc'County, Wash City Attorney A. M. Smfth and Mrs. Smith have returned from an outing m the Willamette Valley. Miss May Norton, stenographer at the O. R. & N- Co.'s office, has re signed, to accept a position with Day Bros., Portland. Mrs. Charles Fredericks and eon, Stanton, of Palouse, Wash., are In the olty, visiting with Mrs. Fredericks' mother, Mrs. Cole. . Captain H.' A. Matthews left yes terday for Seattle, where he will meet a sister, who Is coming out fiom the East to vfstt with him. FOR RENT. Rooms. 5, 7, 8 and 9. Pythian build ing over, Cooper's store.' DR. JAY TUTTLE, Secretary. HATS TKIMMfiD Fit EG. Mrs. It. Ingleton haa just .opened a nice line of ladles' tats, skirts, shirt waists, and all kinds of ladles' and children's furnishing goods. Including hair switches and pompadours. A chance for the $500 piano given free with every 50o purchase. Commercial street, opposite Budget office. :ixzzzzxxxx33:xxxxxxxxxixzzxzxxxzxxxxxxxxxzzzzzxzzxzm MERCHANT - TAILORS AND DBA LKI13 IS Dry Gscds, Notions and Furnishing Gcds NEW VfOllE NBW STOCK SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE ', Fine Line of Suit Patterns (n stock, Cleaning and Repairing. Astoria failorinaCo., XZXXXZ1 HEW ST0CK--THE WE CAN SAVE DRY GOODS - - -SHOES - . -GROCERIES . . FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FLOUR AND FEED - Fit EE DELIVERY Vs Hs COFPEJY, I m UNIVERSITY of OREGON EUGENE, ij The first 8emester, Session 1902-1903, opens Wednesday, Sep tember 17tb. The following schools and colleges are comprk tt ed In the university. Graduate school College of Literature M Science and Arts College of Science and F,ngineering Unvvt'e g , sity Academy School of Music School of Medicine School of a Law. . (Incidental fee, $10; student body tax, $2.50 per year.) Cost of H M living from $100 to $ per year. , For catalogue address, g M, Registrar of the University, Eugene, Ore. g EliUXttXKXSZSXSZSZKXSZaXSXSX KZIKZSIKZtaZSItfXKiaXi Jlie Finest Restaurant in the City ' U - Regular Meals, 25 cents, I UlUvv Sunday Dinners a Specialty. Coamerclai St E?Affor4i! Wi lift VhIll!0 HAVE YOU SEEN OUR COAL COOHINfi Cheaper Than Gas n Better Thau Wood Always Ready FOARD 0 ST0I1ES COMPANY leaders in Hardware , . TRULLINGER, EASTABROOK & CO. scrcissoR to THEO. BRACKER , Jobbers and Dealer in cigaks, Tobaccos, smoker's articles, playing cards, statioxery, amber goods, cutlery, etc MEEBSCHAUAI AXD BRIAR PirES " Pip Repairing A Specialty Castings We are prepared to make them oa short notice and of the best materials, i Let u give you estimate oa any kind of castings or pattern work. Lowest price for first-class work. . TELEPHONE NO. 2451. '. STATE NORHAL SCHOOL MotitnoMth, Ore. 470-472 Commercial St. RXXZXXXHXXZZXZXZXXXXXZXZXZXXXXXXZ PEOPLE'S STORE YOU '.MONEY ON - Some Splendid Values For Ladies, Cnddren and Mea Freshest Stock in Tows - - Fresa Every Day : . Get Oar Prices BEST OF SERVICE, 483-491 Eonl Street OREGON. Quick Safe Economical Clean Durable OIL STOVES 55 Commercial Street ... Astoria, Oregon IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay IronO Brass Works Cor. 18th and Frankllo are: Graduates of the School are In con stant demand at salaries ranging front $40 to $100 per month. Students taka the state examinations during their course In the school and are prepared to receive state certificates on grad uation. . '; Expenses range from $120 to $175 per year. Strong normal course and well equipped training department. The fall term opens September 16. For cat alogue containing full Information, ad dress, E. D. HBHSLWR, President, or J. B.BUTUSR, Secretary.