The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 16, 1902, Image 3

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I .JJcoutiM it pour frwly through' the reversible j.out of the
imudv box and collars. A ONK-AUMED MAN CAN USE ;:
hi ui;iVlB IJH l lb I Uvl, lllOllgll,
Ross, Hlggins SL Co.
PORTLAND, July H,-Orgon, fair
and wanner,
Past Block
for 19 cents
0ton sell fed, train an bay.
Fte biw-r at the Palsce Hath.
The 'iriMili court ha been adjuumed
until JtlotMay. August 4.
The tm.-r 8u II. Hlm.ire will
lve f-r Tillamook at 10 o'clock to
day. Young Japanese boy want situation
In family. Inquire at (13 Commercial
You will find the et ltc meal In
tht city at the Mslng sun Ilesiaurant.
No, tl2 Commercial street.
New mock of fancy good Just ar
rived at Yokohama Basaur. Call Mil
see the I in '-si tiovvltlee from Japan.
Send In your order for your winter's
supply of nr. slab or hard wood to Kel
ly, the transfer man. Fhone I2U black.
All smokers smoke Uia "Pride of
Astoria" cigar. No bottler made.
Manufactured by MaeFarlane A Kno
bel. You can buy N'ewbro's Horplolde,
the treat dandruff euro, for 75 cent
per bottle at the Occident Barber
Bicycle repairing with (kill and
promptness, Supplies tn atock; work
guaranteed. Itclltitivo Klcctrlcul Work
421 Bond fit.
We guarantee our Headache Tablet
to cute any case of headache In 10
minutes or refund your moncy.-ltog-r'
drugstore, .
Manner Hrsnsford, of the Astoria
baxfhtill tc.ini. atittea that he la In
receipt of requests fur guinea from the
teams of Wympla mid Chehalls. The
im'oikikhIh will be conxldered ami n.
ply forwarded as soon as potwlble.
Great Eastern furniture Co.
Soil everything you want for the . , ,
homo Hiid sell it At lowest prices,
Wo flro unloading it cnrlond of Furniture and
Carpets. Call and see the now goods at prices ..
to suit you. Wo will make your mattress or re
pair them for you. Try one of our own make
Great Eastern
ma Commercial St.
trmXXTlxxililxXlXIIIirrTTtTITTTtHTTfrTTIglHtf TT
H YK ;
For ntinl, Hlx-roo'il dwolllns. near
corner Fourth and Commercial" RU.
Nn hill; city water. J. Davidson, No.
155 Bond etreet.
Diamond " C" Hoap the be. This
ha been proven by the teat of the
avlng houssn-lfe, who appreciate
price and quality, too. For eale by
! The street committee of the council
will toduy open bids for the Improve
ment of Flfleetrth atreet from Com
mercial to Exchange.
Ice cream, guaranteed pure, delivered
, to any part of the city, 15 oenta a pint.
Ice cream soda. Best fresh candies,
i Private rooms. Parlor Candy Store,
j8J Commercial street.
j Itoatrfi ooal lasts longer, la cleaner
and makes less trouble with stoves
; and chimney flues than any other coal
on the market. George W. Sanborn,
j agent. Telephone 1311.
! Clatsop county at once to prepare for
j I'oaltlons In the Government Service.
Apply to Inter State Correspondent
. Institute, Cedar lUiplds, la.
i Pluniblng, tinning, gas and steam
Ailing t lowest rat and In work
I man-like manner. Orders promptly
executed. Shop. No. 431, Bond street:
Couohes we carry the largest and
best selected atock In the city. The
line Includes both smooth end tufted
oouches, whlvh we are offering at tow
er prices thun other dealers. Charles
Hellborn A Bon.
John Hill, a well-known machlnlet,
1 lynVrlng from an attack of para
lyl, He Is well along In years and
his condition l regard! s eertous.
Mr. Hill his been In the employ of
the Astoria Iron Works Company and
the American Can Company.
At a meeting of the delegate to the
National Italry A Pure Food nxla-
tton, remilutlon were adopted embody
ing III thanka of the aaxorlatlon to
the people of Astoria for the entT-
tnlnmetit furnlehed the visitors, and to
the momignr of the Columl'la Itiver
Packets Awnwlatlon for courtesies ex
tended. -
The anunl excursion of the Finnish'
It'otherhood to Heuelde will be held
AiiKUHt IT, and a committee Is now
prepuilng for the event. The picnic
given every year by this organisation
is moNt enjoyable, and this year's ex
cordon will no doubt be enjoyed by
the big crowd that ha.4 always amend
ed In past year.
.Tbfce Points, which are Eastern oys
ters developed tn Shoalwater bay, are
unlike all others good at any season
of the year. They are fat and deli
cious. Craw-Ash are now Just In sea
non and are excellent eating, as are
crabs and all the other numerous de
licacies served so skilfully at the Toke
Point oyster houne on Eleventh street.
The Ladles' Auxiliary of Holy In
nucentH' church. East Astoria, gave a
ten Inst evening at the residence of
Mrs. C. Tlmmons for ithe benefit of the
church. The tea was In the nature of
a " measuring party." the guests pay
ing for refreshments according to their
height, the charge being 3 cents a
foot and 1 cent for ench extra Inch.
The party proved to be a novelty that
created much amuaement and wan
highly successful. An excellent musi
cal program was carried out, under the
direction of Mies Marie UUInger and
Ml Eva Holmes.
Furniture Co.,
Slimuthnu IJulldliiff
At the meeting of the Ttetall Clerks'
Protective Association, last evening,
the following officers were Installed;
President, J, I,. Kilns; vice-president,
Chas, Johnson; second vice-president,
flandall Heed; correaponding secre
tary, I Cbrlson; financial secretary,
Hubert A. McLean; guide, O W.
fprlgg. .
A. J. Lead, a prominent eltlxen of
Oskdsle, Neb., was In Astoria yeeter
dsy, the guest' of tr, Auifutit C. Kin
ney and others. Mr. Leach taught
school In Oregon some 47 yews ngo,
and nnmng his pupils of those tlnx-s
were ihe two I'wtors Klnn?y and oth
ers now remdents of Astoria, Mr.
I.eiich Is still hftle end heurty and ap
pears as though a busy life had agreed
with him. For 26 years contlnuouvly
he has served the Burlington k Mis
souri Rnllroad Company, In nn oftMuJ
Iteports from th West 8de yester
day stated that the Are which pre
vailed there destroyed the old com
missary at Fort fit evens. Just how the
Are originated I not known, The
building had been used of late as a
storeroom for material of little value,
and the loss wse slight. The fire
burned so brightly that It was poisl
ble at tl o'clock to read a new si e per
at N Astoria by h light from It.
Yeitterday was a dsy of Ares in Ore
gon, but little damage wss Vne, ex
ept at Omni' Pass.
Zumloi h, the famous mngiclsn, open
ed his local engagement at Fluhtrs'
last night to a flr-sid sin1lfn-e.
Stamloch has-been In Astoria several
times, and the entertainment preent
ed Isst nlrht IndliaiH that he had
kept thorough pae with the time so
fur s magic is concerned. A moat in
treltlng progrem was rendered: and
the nudleme was kept In a elate of
wonderment, until 10:30. For the con
cluding act Jtamloch climbed Into a
wicker baaket, which" had been elevat
ed on chairs, caused the cover at the
banket to be placed in position and
a few mli'ulen tr wulkeil In the
front door of the theater. This etart
llng feat I accomplished while the
Imsket 1 In-pltiln view of the crowd.
At the eoncluiin of the magic pro
gram prises were distributed to lucky
spectators. Tonight the magician
will present an entirely new program.
The Hoo-Hoos are coming to Aeto
ria again and. If the Portland Tele
gram knows what It Is talking about,
only the desd will sleep. The J-le-gram
says: The Illark . Cats of nine
lives will take Astoria by utorrn July
S3. A concaterauton Is to be given
and If there Is any sleeping done that
night it will be done largely up on the
hill above the city, where there Is a
small and very gulet closure. The
Hoo-Hoos of thts mate and Washing
ton are dated for a frolic over at Long
Beanh. The main rallying point will
be Astoria. Puget Sound .umbermen
are coming by way of South Bend. A
rreal crowd will be on hand from
Portland and a great time Is expected.
The order of Black Cat now numbers
1017 persons. The positive limit is
WW. and there are but a few mem
bershlp possible. At the Long B-ach
gathering ihere will be Initiatory rites
ndmlntetereJ and the vlce-gerents nark
of Wnshlngton will do specUl stunts
of more or lews Importance )0 the or
der. Several . Portlanders are being
(iroeelyted for places In the rank to
All the membership, and a opeclsl pro
gram of fun Is being prepar-d.
Monday night's storm I luyed havoc
along the north shore of the river,
the Ash dealer being the print ipal
sufferers. Several cows ortj report
ed to have broken adrift from thtlr
moorings and waxh-d obote, and the
beach Is said to be ftrewn uith
Te-kage for "a distance of sex era!
miles. The tnvamplng of Ash sows en
tailed tho Ions of riuh r-ilmon, lut
the extent of Die damage wUI t ot be
known for a iav or two P. Schmidt
& Co, and J. Ll.iJ ib-ger were heavy
losers, a launch belonging to tho lat
ter having vie .! the full fore
of the blow, during which valued
at 1200 was kst. For a time tt was
feared the launch would sink, but she
mannired to weather the gale. - Ole
drove and son, fishermen, were al
most drowned in Blind Slough, Their
boat capelxed and for more thnn two
hours they clung to -the bottom of the
overturned craft. They w'.re Anally
picked up by another fisherman and
taken to Knappton. where Captain
9amson, of the schooner Webfoot, car
ed for them. Grove loet his I oat. No.
337, 380 fathoms of new net and 19 Ash.
ft was reported yesterday afternoon
that two fishermen had been drowned,
but up to a late hour last night the
report had not been confirmed.
The case of the Herald Publishing
Company vs. J. H. D. Oray and oth
ers, which yas settled by Circuit Judge
MeBrlde on Monday, makes the Week
ly Herald one of tho two o clal organs
of thg county. Tho law xovernfng
the matter of awarding county print
ing contracts Specifies that papers
submitting bids shall Ale lists of their
wbsorlbers. The Herald complied with
this feature of the law tarty In the
year, but the county court awarded
the contract Jointly to the Budget and
Dailly News, Thereupon the Herald
commenced injunction proceedings, but
lost out on the Injunction because It
had not taken the proper legal pro
cedure. The matter had to go before
the circuit court, on appeal from the
order of the county court making the
two dally paper mentioned the or
gans of the county. The decree hand
ed down by Judge MeBrlde gives the
Herald Judgment tor $23.73 for print
ing the proceedings during the months
of April, May and June; costs and
disbursements, taxed at IS; l.nd denig
nnites that, paiwr as one of ths official
organs of the county. Ths Budget Al
ed a list of Its subscribers, in accord
ance with the law, but the Dally News
neglected to do so, and It Is probable
that, In accordance with" the circuit
court order, the Budget and Herald
will lie awarded the Joint contract.
The case Is of Interest to Oregon pub
lishers because It demonstrates that
papers mut Ale circulation lists te-
fore securing printing controls.
At almost every meeting of local
cornmorclal bodies considerable dis
cussion takes place regarding Clat
sop's resource. Monday night's meet
ing of the Chamber of Commerce was
no exception. Mr. Delllnger, w ho re
cently returned from a vWR to Hum
toidt county, Cal,, said thai the !o.nd
valued at $20 an acre here would
bring 1400 in Humboldt. G. W, Louis-
berry said he had made S trip over
the .pipe line road four years ago, snd
that he made a second trip over the
road on Sunday last. On his first vis-
It he had stopped t the farm now
owned by B. 8. Woreley. Then It was,
figuratively speaking, a barren waste.
Mr. Worsley was laughed at by the
settlers of the neighborhood when he
bought the place and was told that he
would rtarve If he depended on the
farm for a livelihood. However, start
ins; with absolutely no experience, but
Intelligent energy, Mr. Worsley has
converted hi farm 4nto a veritable
Garden of Eden, and Is raising the fin
est, berries that grow In, this part of
the country. He has a farm now that
would be a credit to any community,
and ft has proved a good bunineas In
ventment. There are hundreds of Just
Kuob tracts wa!tic development,
and the commercial bodies will ad
vTt1e the situation over the country.
Oakland Water Company 'Need Them
In Its Business.
Pish Warden Van Dunen is in re
ceipt of the following letter from Ar
thur L. Adams, who was the engineer
in charge of the waterworks construc
tion In thls-cliy.
" Oakland. Cal., July . H. O. Van
Dunen, Aatoria Dear Sir. On behalf
of the Contra Costa Wader Company,
I am anxious to secure a number of
en la for , the purpose of , placing in
one of our large reservoirs, vhwe we
are troubled with a too rapid propa
gation of Af.- Remembering that
these animals are frequently caught
by the fluhermen si Astoria, and re
membering your connection with the
fishing tnduxtry In Oregon, I write
you to see If an arrangement could
be made whereby seals could be se
cured there and shipped to us here.
Could you secure a number rut ex
ceeding, say, a dot hi, ait'., If so, at
what price?" .
Mr. Van Dueen n a quanrt.-y as to
what to do 'for Me. A .1a ma and th
Contra Costa Water Company, i.i, J he
Is anxious for the fishermen to take up
the proposal. Seals are caught a'.r.ont
dally by tlie fiahermm of Astor'a, and
if some idea of what a seal is wtrHi
can be secured the fish warden will
a((UHlnt the engineer with ! Inlor
mation. Unfortunately for Mr. Adaim
and his plan, seals are not a
stable article of trade here, and Just
what one would be worth Is a ques
tion. However, the fisherman would
probably know what It would be
to. deliver one of "(he arJnvils at the
local cannery for which ; he Ahes.
Any fisherman who has tlw mlsfo: tune
to catch a seal is requested to 1 ring
it to his cannery and acquaint the
fish warden with the fact. He can
then place a price upon it, and the eth
er eleven can be anuiied for.
Airily is? compositions have be?n
handed tr at D. Shanahan's Dry CSooda
Ktore in answer to the announcement
thai the mini of two dollars and fifty
cents would be paid to the boy or
girl under 15 years who writes the
belt composition, taking or the sub
ject " Shanahun's Red Tag Sale of Dry
Goods and Men's Wear." The store
was crowded all day yenerday with
a good-nntured crowd of customers all
taking advantage of the low prices
during the price cutting sale.
Notice Is hereby given that we,
Wong Fay, Wong Hen, Wong Kee.Wong
Cheu, Wong Lung and Yee Heung,
have formed , a co-partnership, and
have this day purchased all the mer
chandise, Including tlie store fixtures
belonging to Chan Mow Hang, Chan
Ylm Fong and Chan, Quong Van, here
tofore doing business under the firm
name of Dock Lung Company, at 310
Bond street .Astoria, Ore. We will
conduct the business under the old
firm name Dock Lung Company at the
present location. Notice is further
given tliat we will not be responsible
for any debt of the old company nor
for any llaullltes oomractea by them.
Astoria, Ore., July 14, 1903. .
Mrs. It. Ingleton has Just opened a
nice line of ladies' bats, skirts, shlrlt-
wals'j, and all kinds of ladles' and
children's furnishing goods. Including
hair switches ' and pompadours. A
chance for the $SO0 piano given free
with every 50o purchase. Commercial
street, opposite Budget office.
this i;vi:mm).
(iciicmr Demand Tlmt the Cur
nival Kliull Take iln ; as
In ForiiH'r Yfars. ;
The regular meeting of the Push
Club will be held this evening. Among
the matters to be brought before the
meeting -will be the report of the com
mittee appointed for ihe purpose rf
canvassing the regatta situation.-The
committee will submit the names of
ths gentlemen who win have charge
of the regatta, and will also make Its
report with reference to the sentiment
that exists tn the city and elsewhere
as to the holding of the (arnlval.
The committee has been nard ' at
work for several days and has Inter
viewed nearly all the business men of
Astoria. In every case the hope was
exprened that the regatta would be
held this year, and several merchants
voluntarily offered ' to dmt!" their
subscriptions. Some of toe business
men called on were very much opposed
to a program that would take the
crowd to A. F, C. Park, while oth
ers thought it would be advlxable to
provide as much amusement as pos
sible for the visitors, no matter where
they were "taken. The general senti
ment was summed up yesterday after
noon by". H. Cooper, who said;
" The return a, apart from being a
good buainen investment, should be
encouraged because it brings large
crowds to Astoria and results In
splendid advertisement. It usually
mean $40,000 or $50,000 to the city.
snd this Is an Item that Is worth while
looking after. If the regatta is not
held 8hl year. It will probably r.ever
again be held, and for this reason we
should alt lend our efforts to make It
a socceKs. It is not difficult to under
stand that It Is Impossible to please
everyone, but he committee tan do
its beat and give satisfaction to the
majority of the people. ' Some of ihe
merchants are not directly benefited
by the regatta, but anything that
brings mo tey Into the city must be a
good thing for everybody, directly or
The Push Club committee yesterday
called on, those gentlemen who had
been selected to manage the regatta,
and there was not a single refusal.
Some of the gentlemen said they would
be unable to devote as much time to
the. carnival as they would wish to
give it, but all promised to assist In
every possible manner. As hast? is
eseentlal the regatta committee wUl
have not time to beg subscriptions
from anyone, and the people of the
city should definitely decide on their
subscritplons before the committee
calls. Almost every committee that
ever took hold of a public enterprise
has met with the request, " Call again;
I have not yet decided how much I
shall give." This year Were will be
no time for a second call, and mer
chants and others will be expected to
subscribe without parley.
Ed. C. Dick, of, Portland, Is In As
Charles Gray is down rom Portland
on business.
Dr. Patton has returned from a trip
to Portland.
James S. Reid. of Portland, Is in the
city on business.
H. SI. Bransford returned last night
from a business trip to Port bind.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cusick, of Al
bany, were in the city yesterday.
W. F. McGregor was among ihi pas
sengers down on last night's train.
Mrs. W. C. Day, of Portland, wa
registered at the Occident yesterday.
Hon. John H. Smith returned on last
night's train from a Jay's visit in
George "W. Hume returned to the
city last night from a short trip to
Portland. : ? .
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Morton, of Eu
gene, were among the visitors In the,
city yesterday. sz
Mrl, James Mandry. of MacshU'xi,
was In the Pitv yeeterday. on a s(h lip
ping expedition.
O. Shelley Morgan, secretory of the
T. P. A. was among the arrivals on
last night's train. x
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robb, who had
been In Portland for a few days, re
turned home last evening. ' .
Professor J. T. Lee had been selected
as principal of the public school at
Skamokawa, and will leave July S3, to
assume charge there. .
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Glass were
down from Portland yesterday. Mr.
OlaB Is a prominent Republican man
ipulator of the metropolis.
Fire Chief Stockton is In Portland,
attending the grand lodge session of
A. O. IT. W. During his absence J.
H. Hanson is acting fire chief. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ww A. Samuels, of
Portland, arrived In the city yesterday,
and will depart on the Elmore at 10
this morning for Tillamook, where' Mr.
Samuels has Umber Interests.
Sterling W. Hughes, of Boston- K.
Erwln, of Portland, and C. H.
Wheeler, of New York, were In Astoria
yesterday. While here the visitors
were shown through the salmon can
neries. They left. last night tor Sea
side, . . - I
SHOES - . - .
483-491 Bond Street!
Jlie Finest Restaurant in the City
-01 Regular Meals, 25 cents,
I UlUvv " Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
Commercial St- Mirket Affords. W.W. Whipple
Cheaper Than Gas
Better Than Wood .
Always Ready
Leaders in Hardware
scccissoss to
""' -V :;:-. .... ;' . - v.- ', . ' ''' ' J v '. ::,'
Jobbers and Dealers in
Pipe Repairing
A Special ty
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Fanners and Lopprs.
As Ve A HUB IS Ttnth and Commerchit streets
We are prepared to make them on
short notice and of ths best materials.
Let us give you estimates on any kind
of castings or pattern work. Lowest
prices for flrat-class work.
North Pacific Brewery.
JOHN KOPP, Proprietor.'
The Popular Product of the 'only brewery in North
western Oregon enjoys a very; large domestic and ex
port Sale. . ' ' ' ' , ; y
KOPPS BEST. bottled or In kegs.
Pree City Delivery.
Monmouth, Ore.
.GRADUATE3 of the school are In constant demand at salaries if:
ranging from $40 to $100 per month. Students take ths state I'
examinations during their course In the school and ars pre
pared to receive state certificates on graduation.
EXPENSES range .from $120 to $175 per year. Strong normal
course and well-equipped training department. The full term
opens September 18. For catalogue containing full Informa
tion, address.
E. D. RES3LER, President, or J. B. BUTLER, Secretary.
. Some Splendid Values
For Lfiiles,jcm!dren an! Men 3
Fresbest Stock in Town 8
Clean .
, Durable
515 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon
Scow Bay Iron 8
Brass Works
Cor. 18th and rruklpi are;