The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 12, 1902, Image 4

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AMHcrlM Tltre Was N' Occasion
fur l'orresMnleiii With
CHTPAOO, July Jl.-General Thomas
M. Anderson has addressed a letter to
Ue Record-Herald giving his version
of the surrender of Manila, in which 1
he differ materially from the Mate-
moms made by Admiral Dewey. Gen-
eral Anderson's letter in brief is as
National Soldiers Home, Rrle county,
July . "To the Editor Admiral Den-ey
Js Quoted as saying in his evidence
before the senate Philippine commis
sion that when Manila was surrender
ed ft was In pursuance of a definite
understanding between im and the
Spanish governor-general. In conclud-
lng his statement he said that his views
dltt not coincide with those expressed
by General Anderson in a magatine
article and closed his testimony by
" We differed very much from the
"Admiral Dewey is a great naval
officer. He did the state great service.
Tet I must say with- all deference,
that he is mistaken in his statement
In relation to the surrender of Ma
nila. So sincere Is my regard for the
admiral that I would not make this
assertion but for the fact that such
statements, when uncontradicted, pass
Into history.
" Several days before the assault
made on the 13th of August Father
HcKtnnon. the Catholic chaplain of
the Ffffit California, waa permitted to
pass our lines and go into Manila.
He saw the archbishop and the gov
ernor general and when le returned
he reported that the latter told him
he could not and would not surrender
without a fight, as he had to fight for
the honor of Spain. Subsequently
General Merritt directed me to draw
up the tactical order for the attack,
and this was done on the assumption
that there would be a bona fide resist
ance." In the attack and the preced
ing skirmishes we tost 122 killed and
wounded. If the city was surrendered
as a result of a definite understanding,
what was tiie understanding and how
definite ws It? Was It that American
soldiers were to be sacrificed for the
honor of Spain?
The admiral Is reported to have tes
much from Hie beginning. I hope our
countrymen will believe that we dif-
fered very much about this. If there
ever was such an understanding I did
not know It and the army did not
know It.
The admiral Is reported o have tes
tified that the Spanish authorities of
fered to surrender to him the day he
destroyed the Spanish squadron. No
written proposals have come to light
and the probabilities are that he was
deceived by the m representations of
the foreign consuls, who were endeav
oring by all mean in their power to
prevent the bombardment.
" I now learn for th- first time that
my correspondence wfth Aguinaldo
was not approved by the admiral.
Permit me to remark that he had no
Good enough
for anybody!
LL Havana Filler
. FL0R0D0RA " BANDS art
tf stmt vtltt as ttfs from
er "MASTER WORKMAN" Tobacco.
HUM fvC"- i-JWf
j occasion for a correiiprindenoe. When
, he took possession of the Oavlte navy
yard he doubled the wane of several
hundred Filipino worklns there. That
did not require any correspondence.
Nor did It require any eorreiondonoe
to Induce Aitulnaldo to start tils In
surrection, U Is not difficult to In
duce men to do what they wish to do
1 1 wrote some letters to ARUinaldo,
jwhth seemed necessary at the tme.
I He had arrested ome of our officers
for entenifr the town of Ca1te with
out his permission. He had forbid-
den his pe-l'l'' to supply us with llfcht
ers to land our men and nuUerlaK
jVe reiulrvd land transportation and
he hid all the carts. We could only
jhuy fuel and forase from htm. Finally
L)U of UlIn w, m 1U w sny
Mention to this last Impertinence, but
In retrard to the other disarmaments
I thourrht a correspondence was a Jus
tifiable expedient. If, however, I had
known as much about him. then as
everybody seems to know- nv. I miht
have arrested him then without cor
respondence. " Referring now to my original state-
nnifkm. that Admiral Itewev'A sfitte- I
ment In reference to the surrender of
Manila was misleading.' I wish to say
j,h, n' oubt the admiral and Gen-
j'"1 M",Tlu b1th ,n,M,irht ,hat ,h(,y
had made an agreement with the
Spanish authorities by which; the city
could be taken without bloodshed. Yet
the fact remain that Captain General
August in wjm relieved because he was
wflllng to make such a capitulation
w"hile his successor refused to do so.
As to this, both the admiral and the
commanding general must have been
misinformed. Sneaking for the second
dlvWon of the Eighth army corps,
permit me to say that Its attack on
the defenses of Manila was not In
the nature of an opera Nuffe demon-
stration. THOS M. ANDERSON'."
Rumor That He Is Considering X'ni
nat!on of Turkish Debt.
NEW TORK. July 11. Although J.
P. Morgan went to London Wednes
day night, says a Paris dispatch to
the New York American, the Burse,
the clubs, the banks, the chamber of
deputies, the senate, the fashionable
cafes, every place where men of mon
ey and those desirous of having it,
congregate, still resound with name of
the American financier.
The cause of the fresh outburst is
the belief 'that Mr. Morgan Is planning
a financial scheme far more reaching
than anything he has yet achieved.
Rumor ha it, that he is considering
the unification of the Turkish debt.
No one here can speak with author
ity, but it is certain that Mr. Mor
gan has received long and Important
communications over the amount In
volved in this yet most momentous
undertaking because he who unified
this debt will hold Turkey in the hol
low of his hand. The Sultan knows
this, hence he will not treat with the
Deutsoh bank, the Credit Lyonnai-e
or the Societe Generate. He thinks
safer hands are those of the Ameri
cans whose country can have no de
signs upon the Ottoman Empire.
The German emperor Is a good friend
of Turkey and may have talked over
the matter with Mr. Morgan.
The Ottoman debt is 1.10,004.ono
francs. Turkey proposes to have five
per cent bonds of 1858 converted Into
fours, payable not at 525 as now but
at 500: to contract for ttie construc
tion of 14 ships from 500 to 1500 tons,
jand will guarantee it by concessions
on th,e Eosphorus.
I Preference will be given for the ex
ploitation or the mines, the forests,
the tramways, the waterways and
electric railways and transports.
During Mr. Morgan's stay of two
days in Paris, his hotel lobby has been
crowded with picture dealers, sellers
of Greek-Roman art works. He did
not buy, however.
ST. THOMAS, D. W. I.. July ll.-On
WVlnesday there were thr-e loud de
tonations from Soufrlere volcano on
the island of St. Vincent, between 8
and 10 o'clock. Advices from Barbar
does say that the loud detonations were
heard there Wednesday night from
the westerly direction.
MANILA, July 11. The spread of
cholera. The total since the outbreak
Is: Manila, 21S1 cases; 1718 deaths.
Provinces, 12,476 cases; 93."" deaths.
Females of All Ages
find these Pills simply invaluable,
as a few doses will restore free and
regular conditions and effectually
remove the causes of much suffer
ing to the sex.
Bold ETerjwUro In Uixa 10c and ale.
Dr. T. L. Ball
S24 Commercial Street
Astoria Ore.
11:1.1 i:yi:i to in-: that of
Lost hi Wrri k t'Nciitii-r Jtiotlo
.JiiihDo itt ('olden Onte
Harbor itt 1001.
SAX KAFAK1, fal July ll.-A
headless body whVh was found to
day on the beach near Pu: -linker Is
believed to be the body cf Captain
Ward of the steamer lilo IV Janeiro
which sank in the entrance of Golden
Gte, February, 1901, causing the loss
of many lfves. A gold watch found
on the body has been Men'illcd i;s that
of the captain's.
(Cou:lnued, from third page.)
people of the city fur the kindness In
entertaining the delegates.
The next speaker was John Hamil
ton, of Pennsylvania. Mr. Hamilton
is dean of the University cf Penrsyl
vanla and one of the most prominent
delegates to the convention. He said
that he had once visited the West,
some years ago, and that on his re
turn home he had been branded as the
prince of liars because of the stories
he told of conditions in the West.
Then when Mr. Bailey went East and
told the pure food eople what great
j things he would show them If they
Icame West, he was put down for a big
ger liar than Mr. i-.ntn Mr. Hal
ley is said to have told them that the
jpootile out here used horses to pu!
nsti out or the river, whereat he was
pronounced a wonderful liar. But
yesterday, while the Potter was bring
ing the visitors down the Columbia.
Mr. Bailey pointed out to them the
operation of the seiners, and on bend
ed knees the delegates bad prayed for
giveness for their lack of confidence.
" And so the blot upon the charac
ter of both Mr. Bailey and myself was
effaced." continued Mr. Jones. " an
we were vindicated even to the exten
of showing the skeptics that your peo
pie actually used horses to catch fish.
nr. Sheparrt. of South Dakota, was
also called on. He said that he had
come hfllf way across the continent to
get a fish dinner, and he was so wr
pleased with it that he would come the
entire way across had It been neces
sary. Dr. H. U Henderson made the
concluding address. He referred to the
general skepticism of Easterners re.
garding Western IFfe, and assured the
diners that all the stories told them
were true. " Why. everything is real
In the West, even to the ladies' com
plexions!" said the doctor, amid much
After dinner the delegates to th
convention held a brief meeting at the
Occident. President Jones presided
Several committees were to have re
ported, but were given further time
The resolutions committee reported in
part recommending that a committee of
five, to include the president, be ap
pointed to draft a new constitution
and by-laws, which had been lost. The
committee is made up of the follow
ing gentlemen: President Jones,
Messrs. Sherwood. McConnelt, Hamil
ton and Allen.
Today the delegates will be taken to
Seaside, where they will spend sev
era! nours. Tney will dine here on
their return and depart for Portland
on the regular train.
In the recent disaster at 8t. Vin
cent the United States was among the
first to extend sympathy to England
and also to offer assistance to the for
tunate survivors. Giving sympathy is
a very appropriate way of showing
our feelings for those in distress, but
tne person who is unable to eat or
sleep on acoomrt of a weak or dls
ordered stomach needs more than
sympathy. He wants a medicine that
will cure him. Then Hosteller's Stom
ach Bitters is needed, because tt dos-
Itlvely cures loss of appetite, belchlrur.
naiuiency, indigestion, dyspepsia, In
somnia or nervousness. Every suffer
er should therefore try a bottle of It
at once. IJon't accept a substitute
The genuine has) otr private stamp
ever roe necK or me Dottle.
At Tacoina Tacoma, 2; Portland, 6.
At Spokane Spokane, 1; Helena, 10.
At 'hicago hlcago, 4; Philadel
phia, 8.
At St. Louis Brooklyn, 3; St. Louis, 4
At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 6; New
Yor,., 3.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 2; Bos
ton, 4.
At Washington Washington, 4; Bal
timore, 3.
At Philadelphia Boston, 8; Philadel
phia, 2.
At Chicago Chicago, 2; St. Louis, 1.
At Cleveland Cleveland, 9; Detroit, 6
First Lutheran. Usual services of
worship in morning and evening; Sun
day school at 9:30.
Presbyterian. No preaching. Sunday
Tk Mn Wk. Km '
Oiled Suite
tand Stickers
WftFMMtHl Witt
Mtutotoatttmt ttAiitwwk uml
HHititi miiaIIh'I, , lr ri.
ir. If ww ttealtr twi'l
MV 11111, MUhl hH'tKllLUwtHV
. V. IMlMt uri ewttaw I . ,
H, 1. w,w. XTr...
t twMi, Sam,
school and Young
usual time.
People's meeting at
Methodist. -diev. Harold Oberg will
nreach at both morning and evening
services, A warm welcome for nil.
Haptlst I'sual services, Subject of
mornlne sermon " The Hat lie, even
ing text " After the (tattle." Kvery.
body is conllally Invited to attend.
(Police Court Revenue Somewhat Below
That of ln: War.
Police court receipts fr the first sjx
months of the present year aggregate
t.lWS, or J'.72.50 less than the receipts
for the first six months of Inst year.
Last year was an exceptional one so
far as police court receipts are con
cerned, and the receipts this year
show a decrease over those of 1901 for
every month. However, this year's
showing Is ahead of that for 1!W and
1SS9, and as the yir advances an Im
provement Is shown.
" The decrease In receipts Is due to
the fact that many of the Chinese
gamblfng games huve been closed this
year, said thief of Police
yesterday. " Last year the Chinese
were not steadily employed up to the
middle of July, with the result that
their games were running till the time.
This year the Chinese colony Is bus
ily engaged at the canneries nud there
has been little gambling. There are
almost twice as many Chinese us white
gamblers oriVlnnrily. but now only a
few Chinese games are being conduct
ed. The situation, from the revenue
point of view. Is becoming better, anil
we expect to collect utmost as much
this year ns last year."
The receipts for the year ls'J9 were
J6US.50; for 1900, $tit2; for 1901. I'JiSS.
Receipts are always greater during the
last six months of the year thun dur
ing the first six months, and it Is es
timated that about JsOOO will be co!
!eciei isw. costs h-i momn-
ly to mamiain ine pon.-e department
or $15012 yer year, so that, even If
the receipts for the next six months
do not exceed those for the llrst six
months, the department will have been
self-sustaining. A comparative state
ment of the receipts for the first six
months of the past four years follows:
1899. 1900. 1901. 1902.
. Sffll Mil 370 30 I 5:1.1 eo,$ .:
54J 0i 30 HY
425 001 3si 00
432 00' 623 O0J
472 501 GuTi 00
170 IX) 643 M)
l!-r ! 1
rwl f"'R0
m 'J $2 w
160 U0 $44 00!
Totals S2H.-.9 0ol223 ,4477 50 J:!55 00 !
rvactt I
The O. R. & N. Co. will sell i xcur- I
slon tickets to all North Beach Joints 1
Ilwaco to Nahcotta .Inclusive, every '
Sunday during the season at the very !
low rate of I for the round trip.
Tickets will bt srood returninir Hthtr i
by steamer Nahcotta or T. J. Potter, ,
but only on date of sale. !
J '
, ...,..., .i
Agents for Martinlqule disaster: J.'O I
Z i :.Z Lr,ri .'"J,''
Wholesale Co., 185 Wabash Ave., Chi- i
ago jii. I
A. B. Hammond Is In Portland.
L. R. Mills has returned from a trip
to Nasel.
C. B. Hejanlt was up from Fort
Stevens yesterday.
Iuls Allenoff, a Portland traveling
man, Is in the city.
Captain A. E. Cann and Mrs. Conn
leave today for a trip to the moun
tains. P. W. Pettygrovc, a Seattle commer
cial man, has been In the city for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Long and J. B.
Bridge and daughter, of Portland,
passed through the city yesterday en
route to Seaside '
Miss Ada Jordan returned yesterday
from a visit with friends on the Sound.
I.. CI. Bradley, of the Oregonlan, is
In th" city, with the delegate to the
pure food convention.
Among the newspapermen who ure
elegates to the pure food convention
are M. D. Wisdom, of the Rural Spir
it, and Carter P. Sherwood, uubllsher
the DeSmet (S. Da.) News.
was the first maker
of sticks of soap for
shaving. Sticks in 3
sizes; shaving cakes
in 1 sizes.
rr' loap etubtuhed or. m yean.
The Oivit.m Home Porlety desires to
find homes for three boys Imlien, very
desirable ones, and one girl tvubr; also
a girl of IS years and boy of 10 years,
I Mr. I. F. Tobey, supcrlntcndciit of tint
.home, hi now In Astoria and mty mm
imunlcatlon for him may be left at
this ottlce. The children may be tak-
,en on a three months' trial.
notu'r rou HlDS,
Hlds will be received by the county
court of Clatsop tVunly, I'regon, uit
Mil M uday, July SI. 190J, at 10 o'clock
a. m , for the construction of Ml SO
foot spun bridge 13 feel wide across
the Necrtnlcum river In ncollon "t,
: township S north, range 10 west, In
Clatsop County, Oregon. Said bridge
to be constructed on a site about one
tulle east of Curl Johnooti's Hare,
Some' time ago there was a i.otuble
automobile procession in the city ol Buf
falo, N. Y. It w notable for its sie, and
also for the fact that it was entirely com
posed of automobile wagons (like that
' 111 misivci, uum io utsmowc
,. ..,: ,, , 1 ,1.. U-...1.I-.
I)isiensary Medical Association, propri
etors and mamtl'ucttircra of Dr. Tierce'
iiiulu-ities. In mnuv n town ami village
Dr. Ilerce's automobile has tcn the
pioneer horseless vehicle. These wagons,
(cut to every important section of the
country, are" doing more than merely
d vert tsr Dr. Hrrce's Remedies they
arc pioneers of progress, heralds of the
automobile ae.
Anil this is in keeping with the record
nui'le by Dr. lierce and his fatuous pre
parations, which have always kept in
the front on their merits. ir. Tierce's
Golden Medical Discovery is still the
leading medicine lor disorders and dis
eases of the stomach ami digestive and
nutritive systems, for the purifying of
the Mood and healing of weak lungs.
Women place Dr. Tierce's I-'gvorite
Prescription in the front of all put-tiD
j medicines specially designed for women's
, hjW brom;ht to wmt.n lmve Wt.a wr ,
summed up in the won! " It makes Ufa
j utnr-n stviif and suk ttvmrn r."
I The reputation of lh Tierce' Tic
I ant Pellets as a safe and effective laxa
tive for family use is international.
It may be ussrrted without fear of con
tradiction that no other firm or company
engaged in the vending of put-up medi
cines can ranlwitli the World' Dispen
sary Medical Association, cither in the
opinion of the medical profession or of
the intt.llif iit fitihlir Tbi tnimliiU'
1 1Iotel "nl 'urgtca! Institute, which is
co,,"e,-,el w't" "World' Dispell-
i mTy" lon "uffiSirt o rr,)VC th
! supremacy. Here is a great modern
hospital, alwuy Idled with patient.
whrre every day successful operation
Tc " "r ' '"cn w mme
a,w"," oemaiiii me am oi surgery, no
hospital in Ruffalo is lictter efjulpped,
with respect to it modern appliances, or
the surgical ability of its stall. Dr. R. V.
Tierce, the chief consulting physician of
tins great institution, lius associated with
him;,f ncar!-v a st'orf ?( physicians,
,;r;' Y?tZ.KZ"T.'"'? "'..V.
iui ma utii(. in uic unuiiinii Him turc
tmi .neriul form .f
The offer that Dr. Tierce makes to
men and women suffering with chronic
dikca&e of a free consultation by letter,
rea"y without a parallel. It places
without cost or charge the entire re-
sources of a great medical institute at
,t, .. ,.r ,ii. c..t. a...
not for one moment to t confound,,!
with those offers of "free medical advice"
which are made by people who are not
physicians, cannot and do not practice
medicine, and nre only saved from pro
secution by artfully wonting their adver
tisements o that they give the impres
sion that they are physician without
making the claim to be licensed.
Those who write to Dr. Pierce, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids'
Hotel anil Surgical Institute, Buffalo,
N. Y., may do o with the assurance that
they will receive not only the advice of
a competent physician, but the advice
of a physician whose wide experience
in the treatment and cure of disease, and
whooe sympathy with human suffering
leads him to take a deep, personal inter
est in all those who eek hi help and
that of hi associate staff of specialists.
Dr. Pierce' Medical Adviser (in paper
covers), containing 1008 large pages, is
sent free on receipt of 31 one -cent
stamp, or 31 cent for the cloth-bound
volume, to pay expense of mailing only.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
G. 01, Barr, Dentist
Mansell Building.
678 Commercial St., Astoria, Or.
Monmouth, Ore.
GRADUATES of the school are In constant demand at salarlc
ranging- from $40 to 1100 per month. Students take the state
examlnaitlon during their course In the school and are pre
pared to receive state certificates on graduation.
EXPENSES rang from S120 to 1176 per year. Strong normal
course and well-equipped tral nlng department. The fnll term
opeiw September 16. For catalogue containing full Inform,
tlon, address.
B. D. RE98LER, President, or J. B. BUTLER, Secretary.
wiicro tn count:: road mm Seasldn
crosses the stvld Necanlcum river,
Duller will present plans mM siwl
ncatioiw rov said wik, tttthci- with
a wrtuieu mmck for 10 per cent nf
the ano int ,rf their bid, or a good und
umci.vt bond or a ensh dilt u
guniautee that they will enter into
a contrict to construct ld bridge
provided !hy ro rUH ihe rontmcl,
The court react vt the llitlil ui
Jwt any and all bid,
County Clerk,
Tins i;i:k (im,v)
D'g reduotion haIu of all kind of !
lies' and children's furnishing good,
So tit largo display of vhtrt vlsl,
suiiiiner sains, trimnie.1 hat and
cl lldivn's clothing. Chanc for the
IjOO piano with every (too nurcha.
Mr. U. Ingloton, opposite ltuflget or-
The rapidly Increasing uo of ihln-
glea a covering for th wall of build
ing, both to keep out tin weather ami
for ornamental purpoisi. make a
groat demand for a htn-l Hain wMoii
preserves the wood, prevent mo, n I
retain a freh, handsome apoearaiic.
Particularly la such th ca In damn
climate. Th need I wall met In
perfect artlela mad right her In As
toria. Cutoirth Cltotnte Shingle
Stain are pntratlv, prervallve,
handaom and durable, They ar put
up In eight color and vry package
Hid will be received by the county
of Clatsop, i)regn, until thw 3Ut dny
of July, W2, at io o'clock a. in., for the
lellvery in the court house yard of
;5 cord of WvhxI, hid to stale kind
of witnl to be furnished; the ssjue to
li of sound quality, full cord lengths,
and deliver! on or before the 1st duy
of September, ItHO.
The rUht Is reserved to reject any
and all bid.
Hy otd-r of the county unlit.
County Clerk,
Fisher's Opera Hotise
Ii. E. Sellg, Lessee and IRgr.
Apearanc of the Ureatet
of all Conjurer. ,
Inlrodudng New nn, SpiMlul
Feature. Useful and Valuable
l'res,nl illven Away Each Ev
ening. Kntlrn Chunge ( I'ro
gum Bach Evening.
PRICES; Reserved seats Willi one
t envelope. 30 cents; gallery m-ul, one
nveloie, M cents. Heat rule opens
Monday morning at drlllln , ltf,d .
Dr. Matthew Patton
Removed to S2J Commercial St.
Over l"tfr.ioii ft Ilrown'l Shoe Store.
Telephon 221.
All good chipped to our car
Will recelv special attention.
No. 538 Duan St. W. J. COOK. Mgr.
Astoria, Ore. Re. Tel. 1131.
C. J. Trenchard
Insurance Commission and Snipping.
Agent Well Fargo and Pa
cific Kxprer Companies Cu
tom Hons Broker.
J "tf 1 1 'J " . "
Good enough
for anybody!
Li Havana Fiiie
rr$ pi v-r
t. I
If '; '
" FL0R0D0RA " BANDS tn
tf stmt ttltt j fi rj
Seaside Excursion
Foresters Social Club
SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1902
Train leave depot Mia. a. re
turning leave He&Kldc at 4 tt p. Ill,
He sure and attend. Wccuio your tb k
et today.
Hound Trip , ,..,.7a
Children, S to Ii year t.
Ticket may be rred of any nvm-l-r.
or C, K. VimUr. iwrctary.
Fre h Meats
Pickled Meats
CurcJ Meats
Prompt Deliveries
Lowest Prices
Christensen & Co.,
Central Meat Market
Your V
I' i: K II . i.- I S A LT
! I (in mi 'h to i
t if " rll' i 0" 1 lo
3. W. MORTON. Pro.
Trl Inn Kit. :tjl.
slot mmniB
A I'tttfi minify , '
mills coin operating tf.nyrm
till y nii ihii'iiiiritttl MuM V ur i n I
UiirfsitmRriurttrtiirtTtxiri-tiln nitmllMK l'll.iHf R
.-2rld.t',t ,M,r 'iilnlrtBiif. S
II to 23 Soulh Joderwii ShiMtt, I
Scott's Santal-Pcpsin Capsules
Tar Iftflnmmlt(n or CUrrb
of Ihn Mlikd'lrr ud lrrd
Kldfiey. No vtire no par.
(JurM aulcklr nd lfriiiit
nntlr Ihn wr-k riutra of
IJoiiorrltftr mmi -irl,
no mttTof how lun NtfMti)
lfi(, AlxMilnl1! harwlFM.
Mulil by rtriiRifl-U. Whi
I. 00, or bf mn II, MNitlHiiU,
Bold by Chas. Rorore, 469 CommortH
al Stret't. Avtorla. Oregon.
eHiCHrftTrH n rttaiitiu
Arr,i Ai-nTf fimr " t,nnf uniiTim
u rii 14:11 TKHM J:N(.LIM1
whb (.liMrit'tNiB. Tnlinnlirr. UfW
IntiriMiiisi Huh.tlliln- hJ l-ll..
(if lUiHmt Huy nf your irnmii, nt tn v, t
inii i.-r t-Nri.iiii-rN. 1 efimtMiii
nd " lUllfiT tot l-rtlf Mtr, by r.
I nm tlull. 1 A (111(1 Uitlr.innol Mnl.l Urn
tfMtlo ibli ,jf. Um&Lmm MtMu. I'UIL- tA
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