The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 12, 1902, Image 3

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Wliotlmr I'olly want it Criukir or not U
I'oii.Ih on tlio "CKACKKIt," Knum with
the )CO)l .tin')' want good cracker or
ll'UIO. WO llHVl' tlll'lll iii;o Mini criHji.
Ross, Higglris 6b Co.
, , . il
J'iKTUANI, July U.-Oregon and
Wshliigtoii-foJr; Idaho-fair, and
Fast Block
for 19 cents
Odtloa Kill (tad, grain ant hay.
Kiv barbrrs at I Be I'alao Itaih.
Jam in - tdilpnt M Norwsy n
c huvim - JI.KNH. i.' IIKOH. (
You will And (he bc 15J meal In
itiy at the Mslng Bun lUfHnumnl.
No. 112 fomtnereiai strt.
New mark ef fancy goods Jam ar
rived at Yk-4miMt lMtur, Call and
tri i he immi nuwiilo from Japan.
Send In your order (or your winter's
supply of Ar. Ub or hard wood to Kel
ly, tit traawhv tun l"hone Till black.
All m iktr amok the "Pride of
Astoria" elifar. No bettler modi.
ManufattareJ by MacParlane & Kno
W. Tou raa buy Newbro's Herptclde,
tii groat dandruff cure, fur 75 cents
per boiilt m the Oooident Harter
Wrycle repnirtag with alttll and
roniptne, Hupplle in auwk; work
iruaranieed. riHIuncp Kli-etrlcal Work
i!l Itond fct.
Pound.- In Wind rhiuinol. 100 fath
om nf biif moh net. Initial "(I. M."
tu Ifiida. Inquire of M. rtl.ntlnh, Pil
lar lt.xk, Waidi,
llalr liiiialii'N, (.'loth brushe. hath
and hoo brush , tooth and null
brushes, nl any prlc you want, at
linger drugstore,
lb-member, If our " I'l-rfeetlon Mend
JWlia e Java Coffee" ever full to
plia. you, plee do not full to gel
your nioaey Uci.k.-JOHNSON llItfM.
Lout. Hnnoh of key, between An
tnrlan building and Commercial club.
Kinder ple return to Aatorlan office
and receive Nultoble reward.
eg" " .. .. 11 J1 .u .. j . t!m-
Reliable CjoocIm
Have You Seen
The fine Line of Ojmquc Window Shades we arc
.Helling at i") cents?
Live when you live and sleep on one of our hair mut
tresses. All mattresses made to order from ?."() down
to :.:().
Sec our Mantle Beds with Yum Yum Springs from
$5.'J'" up.
One hundred useful household articles at f cents each
We sell on small profits,
It mm been KiiKK'ted by the Trury
hlliiioill that the otltiTi arbitral
with the Ori-Kon outlaw.
Kor Item.--Hlx-rt'o'n rtivi'lll'ijt, mar
torinr Kourtli nnd ('oiiiiriercl.l Kla,
No hill, city water, J. I a Idwnn, No,
V.'i llond lreel,
lo mil mix Hie baHciMill ic'ini
t'lillrlHiiint Mun va. Amur In Ji((le
lunday, July 1:1, Clutu opena at 2
o'clmk abirii. Admliwlon 26 will.
The Indie of thu Horary will be'at
tlw rmldenuK of Mm, Jiudollet, I0(
Cotiimwlitl at rent, Tuduy uftrrnoon
and fveiilnn, July li. JOvuryono II In.
Il rrwini, gimrniileed puro, delivered
to any part of th city, IS cm a pint.
! croani aia. lni froli eandli.
Irlvmt roottn, I'arlor Ondy Store,
S3 ronunorclal atroct.
Ml. ituih TeiiiH'Tit, of Hun Fiunnm-
jo, win) lm betfii vlaltliiK frb nda In
1 Aviorbt for Hume time, left fur lur
!lnine on tile uleum.-r (ieoiu W, i'.l
Jder, ihla morning,
j Mr, M. il. WaieiiiMii, who lu Uen
i viwMinii Iwr niotlier, Mr. MCuilom,
of Knnppa. uuoiniiiani?d by bei little
ilaugliter, b-ft on iliu y.l.U- ;lii toir.i
In for her liom-f Han l''.'.iiiii.'u,
! itoalyn voni UU lonr, la clenor
and make in trouble with atovta
jand ohlmmsy flu than' any oUwr cotU
ot iho itu-kt. Uoni W. Sanborn,
aeni, Telephono 1311.
j WANTKIJ I YOt'Nti MKN from
;('ltttop county at onc to prtar for
! roltlona In the Government Servtue.
'Apply o Intor State CorrtwpondMir -Iitltul,
Cwlur Itapida, la.
Vu urry M mock u very lin Una
of canned meuin for pli'iilm. uio a
very flue line of botlh-d fooila, auch
A olive, plcklva and rellalx-a, Jellle.
bun. vtc. JOHNSON UHOfl.
I'luinbln(, tliinlti. n and atenm
nuiiiu at lowtRt rnli and In work'
iimn-Iike manner. "Ordrra promptly
exeruted, Bhop. No. ili, Ikrnd atrcot.
Olvlnt aervkea will be held at St.
Thomaii-by-irHvHett, Hkipanon, Sunday
inornln. July 13, at 10. 45, Oie Itev,
'V, K. Tot wine, of J'undleton, offli litt
ln. Tin public I cordially Invited to
be preaeni.
Couchiw--we rarry ihe lnrgeat and
bant ebxrttd aiock in Uie city. The
linn Include both amooth and tufted
coiiehe. whlnh we are offorlnf at low
er prtia than other dealert. Charlei
HoliiHirn & Son.
Colonel Junie W. Kelly, of Wuell-
Initlon, I). C, haa wired tlw lural com
mltlee, Kiibti'ilMnK 1100 lo the aulwldy
for ihe liH'iitlon of the Hume mill at
Uie Tongue, Colonel Kelly owna con-
Hlilerable proierty near the Tongue.
Mr. and Mr. I Ion tl y are reiriatered
at Ihe Oieldeiir lo l.iy. bavin been n
loyliiB the recent line weather l Sra
lde. Mr. Hi alley In the Hiilenmaii In
till territory for tl"u well known Sun
Fnuu-loeo firm of A. Schllllnif A Co.,
and hod many friend In
Ten leamera have ao fur arrived at
'l-Vlno from Japan with new crop ttua,
Mivae xhlpmentM bedn for the general
Anterlran trale and export. Of this
total quantity, 60 per oent Is for the
well known tea importer, A. Schilling
& Co. Their tea are sold In Aatorhi
by Hoh, HUkIiih A Co,, Johnaon Bros.,
A. V. Allen, Bcholfleld ft Htmke, V.
II. C.itTey, clataop Mill Oo P. Ijuvler
.V Co.s and by the laat named at Hin-
Lowest Prices
niONE 2145 BLACK
V., I.. Iliinner, who waa killed at Mla
roulu by a fall from an automobile,
waa a partner of A. il. Jl&mmond, and
wh qiille well known In Antorla,
where he apent tline a
few year ago. The new of hla death
wui a d aurprlae to hla many
friend In till lly.
Mayor Hupreiiunt y"terdny at inch
ed til algnature to the ordinance ac
eeitlng the Commercial elreet Im
provement, confirming the aaeeaitinent
mud') to defrny the coat of that Im
pi'oveinent, and provlilltig for the Im
irrovcmenl of Plfteenlh alrct from
Commercial ' ICxchnnge.
Hen Young, Max Young and V. C.
Iteel are on a timber xrulae near Hon tit
llend. lien Young flnda that there I
a eoiiHldeiable iiuantlty of cediu tim
ber on a claim that he had pur Inmed
In that vlclnliy aome time mo, and the
parly ha gone over there to look it
up with a view 10 putting it on the
Toke l'olut, which are Ksietern oy
ter developed in Hhoalwater buy, are
unlike all other--good at any aeaaon
of the year. They are fat and dell
clou. Crew-Ilh ar now Juatjn aea
Mim and are excellent eating, aa are
crab and all the other mimeroui de
Uctt . eerved n akllfully at the Toke
l'olut oyater houe on Klevcnth atreet.
Th commit lee appointed by Mayor
Huprennlit to draft an ordinance to
regulate the apeed of truln hii not yet
irot down lo work, hut will do no
probitbly on Monday. The member of
the committee will wait on the railroad
oftlelnl and determine Juat what thnee
gentlemen dealr-, and at the next
council meeting will make their re
port. lloti't forget the Foreater excuralon
lo Heaxlde Hunday. Iteinember Ihla U
ihe chance of a lifetime lo enjoy your
tclf. Ticket for round trip ore only
"I"-; etfilldivn. 6 to 12 year of age,
10c, There will be amumtnent for
everybody. Train leave at a. m.;
returning, leave Heaalde at t;4S p. m,;
giving even hour of pleaaure at the
Adlutnnl (larabed. belter known a
" Joe. Hit. Turk." will vlalt Aatorla,
Hnturduy, Sunday ad Monday, July
i ta and 14. and will conouct meet
ing a follow; Saturday at p. m.i
Sunday at II a. m. and 3 and p. m.;
M,nilav hi i d. m. Kaon meoung in tne
hall will be preceded by an open air
meeting, He aneak upon a different
ubject each meting, and will relate
ome of hi wonderful Jail experlem-e,
atory of hi life and eonveralon, etc.
Everywhere he gw crowd greet
Kvldenlly feler iK-Rock, who I
aeirlng out a !5-day entence in the
city Jail for vagrancy, haa aome very
energetic friend. K few daya ago
HeRm-lc'a friend IJghthouae Ne:on
tried lo Up In a half-pint fiaik of
whlaky to the prlaotier, an! the effort
coal him 110. Retfardlea of thla
warning, nnother friend of iM'ttock
yebterl.iy made a almllar effort In hla
lK-hllf. HI little dolge wa detected
by Chief llallock, who confiscated Uie
nk, which haa now become an aa
et of the city.
The receipt of salmon at the can
ned and cold-xtorage ycatenlay
wen1 romewhat below fcnoae of the
prevloti day of the week. However,
there km enough ealnum to keep the
enld-atorage buay, but the canneries
were In operation only a ahort part
of the day. The finh are atlll larp
ami of fine quality, moat of them
bringing t cent a pound. A yet there
are no Indication of a repetition of
laat year' freat run of anlmon, nl
t hough hatchery purtUun believe It
will yet materiftHte.
During the paat few day. there hit
been a marked incrjase In the tolume
of travel over 'he A'):'! road, and
every arriving and departing tutni is
well crowded with pvaiMfcitr. The
bulk of the traveler ro to :he -hore.
few vlaltora a Portion! Rolrg
away without first runnlnir down to
e the ocean and nJoy the bx-ege
that blow In from the Pacific. With
the advent of warm weather, travel
will become very much heavier, and
It I expected that the present arnalde
nenwni will be a pro,ierou one. There .
la aeldom much of a eaald. cii wd !
until after the Foui-h, nnl a few My
of the acorchlng weathr that pre
vail fn the Interior usually Inus the
effect of onualng un exi.his to he
Since the appointment of the Push
Club committee on regatta, that body
hna met with much encouragement,
and there U a general disposition on
the part of the people lo asalet in
making the carnival a big euccess
thla year. Almost every business man
Interviewed thus far hna expressed
the conviction that, should 'tne regat
ta be allowed to go by Uils year. It
could never again be held successful
ly, except with great effort, and for
Ihla reason. If for no other, the hold
ing of the carnival I urged. Several
merchant have voluntarily come to
the committee with offera of financial
assistance, three or four having agreed
to double their subscriptions of last
year. So far aa the finanolal part of
the matter la concerned, there la no
nuestion that the regatta can be held.
The trouble will be In securing a re
gatta committee. But in this, too,
ihe committee is meeting with encour
agement, and several good, active men
nave agreed to serve. By Monday
night. It I probable, all the details for
the holding of the carnival will have
been attended to, including the selec
tion of the: committee.
The famous eortjtuvr, 'MmUteh, wl'.l
appear at Klaher' opera h(Mi for
three nights commcn.-ing 'i'tesdi y,
July IS. HV will Imrolucj new a-d
Interesting feat unwind ,t hi urina
tion a a conjuror U well Known l'ie
the. entertainment can te depended
upon a first cluxa, 3lt d.Mnbuu
among his audience ean e-fini a
large number of useful tcnl viilut.Me
preenl, snd all '.hat at'cnl tave a
chance of winning one of tnene hand
some prize. Prices of adrnlsMlon are
reaiKtnahle. ileserved Heats fcc; gal
lery roc. Seat on sale Monday mim
ing, J. h. lie I toy, of the Iertoy Mining
(.'omiiany, whose properties are locat
ed In the lloiiemli dltri';t in In
County, I In town for a few day. Mr.
I.eRoy state that with the comple
tion of the road now building from
Coitage drove to lap the rich mln
In tbl district that there will be ;me
surprises In stow for the mlaing world
In the development and opening- up of
some of the Immense gold bearing
vt-Pis of quartz located In and around
Hobemla. The road into till section
will be "lf supjiorUng aalde from the
mines on account of lapping an ex
tensive timber bill, whi-h t been
practlially untouch-.l be.-i'.of.'j (,n
account of the Impossibility cf yelling
I; tiannsirU'd to market.
Kxpert Clark and liuihanun have
arrived in th city and wmitr.icd
the work of -st-rtl:ig the bxks cf
the late county ctcrl. (tnl treasurer,
The expert say thin 'h book of ;h.
I'hbI ofllcHal are b -ti?r k-pt than
Ihose at the offl jiils of most of the
27 counties with which they are famil
iar. In Miiltnun.ih Cmmy, tiih jur,
n men were nn'(d to cjii- ci t'.,SMt,.
o0 In taxes, ind l.i?.- hai bc-en a
howl from the Utoiyefi t)nt rt!IJ
echoe In the ear . f. oificlals there.
In Marlon County o'n-rlfr S depu
tie collected $160,0), bul. fo.irg lo
the method adopt-1, it -va Impossible
to turn over the amount for three
months. In CouMy ihe taxes
were turned over the dny Mlow.rf
that on which colb-ctions itasd
Adjutant llaralied, familiarly known
a "Joe. the Turk," will arrive In
Astoria today to derlv -r a m rle of
lei-turea at the ;ilv:;on ,.-inv lar
racks. The adjutant ; a ma;i of
great exiierleme and nls travel have
nlaeed him In poas-salon of Informa
tion that mak- hlm an Imprerslve
ieaker. While In this city he will
give glimpse of hi paat ilfe, some
of wblcn are extr-tmely Interesting.
Hla difficulties In rising to the posi
tion he now hold ahovs an unusual
determination. He yoke here aome
vars ago ana attracted mucn atten
tion, and he will doubling be'fuvored
with large audience. Ms ngagement
dale are July 12, 13 and II. Adjutant
Ourabed la one of the moat Interest
ing religious speakers In AmeriAi. and
those who fall to hear him will miss
a rare treat.
The Forester social club excursion to
Seaside tomorrow will lie Uie largest
excursion ever run from this city.
There wP.1 be 10 coaches and a grand
time Is promised all that attend. Tick
et for the round trip are only 75c;
children, S to 12 years of age, 60c.
The train leaves the depot at 9 o'clock
sharp, and will leave Seaside at 4: 45
p. m. The tide will be Just right for
bathing tomorrow; the weather Is fine.
and a good time will be had by all.
Kveryhody that Intends going to the
bench on the excursion, should pur
chase their tickets today an that the
committee may have time to have
Plenty of coiches. so that all may be
accommodated. If you have not al
ready purchase-' HekeW. Call Up C. E.
Poster, the secretary of. the club, and
receive what you want.
A letter received yesterday from
Captain Kennedy of the Pembroke
shire, gives the following hard-luck
account of that vessel's trfp across the
ocean: " We had a very hard trip
home. I had an outbreak of Beri Berl
among the Chinese and lost six men,
going Into Antwerp with fourteen men
unfit for duty. It was only by threats,
nersiuislon and ujdieious handing that
I was able to get along. I had the
sailors working coal and the engi
neers doing their own oiling and upon
arrival at Antwerp we were all worn
out We had to do the last offices for
dead ns the Chinamen refused abso
lutely to touch them and I can as
sure you It Is no fun to handle a dead
Chinaman. The repairs done in As
toria were a success and i was com
plimented by all concerned for the
able way In which the repairs were
affected and the steamer brought
home." '
The cold-storage plant of the Pack
ers at the old Han thorn cannery in
Kast Astoria is one of the finest on
the coast. Although hastily built, the
plant Is convenient In every respeot,
and the handling of flair is accom
plished without much trouble. The
cold-storage rooms are a model of
neatness. An ice plant la operated In
connection with the plant, Its capa
city being four tons dally. The asso
ciation makes Its own barrels, which
are of peculiar design. Success In the
cold-storage business lies In the care
exercised In handling the fish, and the
Packers have a most efficient crew.
Their " splitter," a young man from
the Sacramento river, Is the coast
champion In his line, and It Is very
Interesting to watch him while at
work. The very greatest oare Is ob
served In the packing of the salmon,
and where the flesh of the salmon is
at all torn, as sometimes happens In
handling, the fish' are sent to the
" culls." The eold-storasr? lmtdness is
pretty much of a oertlnty and with
each; succeeding year there sto Im
provements in plekMn and packing
method that add- to- the quality of
the output.
;i vi:n,u..mon dinvkh yi:h
ti:hi,v aitkknoon.
n.ijcil liaM l.all, Held it Drlcf
Mcelliiir hikI Will (lo to
.Seaside Today.
Fifty-five delegate to the sixth an
nual convenUon of the National Dairy
Pure Food Association, and 26 Port
land people, arrived in the city yes
terday afternoon on rbe steamer Pot
ter. The visitors were met at the 0.
H. & N. wharf by the local committee,
and, after an exchange of greetings,
were escorted to the Elmore cannery,
where the jirucess of packing fish was
viewed. A- salmon dinner was served
later to the city's guests, snd this
morning they will be takfn to Seaside
lo see the ocean.
The trip down the river on the Pot
ter proved to s one of partit-uular !n
teret to the pure food delegates and
their ladles, who were delighted, not
only with the glorious wea;h-r but as
well with the scenery. From t,(e time
the Potter left Portlatd until her ar
rival here at 2:30 the visitors enjoyed a
,rlde that to mot of lh?m wan a
elty and all were very much pleased
with their Jau it.
The visit to the h!'ii re eann-jry was
likewise of exceptional interest, aa few
of the visitors had ever viewed the
process of fiacking flal,. 'j he. put food
enthusiasts were surprised with the
cleanliness at the packing house, and
marveled at the size of the sa.'mon
that were canned dj.- iig their vlrli.
They also paid a visit lo the cold
storages, and spent several very ;n-
I struct! ve hours.
After returning ir:m the cannery
the delegate were shovi over the Uty.
It seems that they came out from Chi
cago in two car, " 7.amba" and " Ben
Wylls," and during ih trip the oc-
jcupant of the two car became In
volved In a wordy altercation as to
the respective ability of ra.-n c:owd
in the baseball line. Vcjrdtugiy ihey
arranged to ettle ihe difflcjltv yes
terday afternoon and r.t 4 o'cl.H-k re
paired o A. F. C. park for the purpose
of fighting it out. A tig crowd ac
companied them, and the came amply
repaid them for their walk up the -hill.
The Zamba aggregation proved too
much for their opponents, winning out
by a score of 15 to 1. Mr. Snow, of
Michigan, who had charge of the win
ning team, says Ms crowd quit at IS
to 1 so as to avoid political compli
cation with the other fellows, who
are said to be better orators than ball
playvrs. The team lined up as fol
lows: Zamba Kaufman (North Dakota),
catcher; Grosvenor (Michigan), third
base; Hclner (t'tah), first base;' Black
burn (Ohio), second base; Dootittle
(Michigan), shortstop; Snow (Michi
gan), pitcher; Bonham (Ohio), left
field; Sherwood (South Dakota), cen
ter field; Baton (Illinois), right field.
Bon Wylls-Condlt (Illinois), catcher;
Meyers (Illinois), second base; Frank
lin (Harvard), first base; Hsendrath
(Illinois), shortstop; Allen (Kentucky),
right field; Aigle (Illinois), pitcher;
Harms (I'tah), third base; Tlckner
(Illinois), center field; Wahrung (Ore
gon), left field.
The fish dinner at the Occident was
greatly enjoyed by the visitors, whose
appetites had been whetted by the
ocean breeze. Fully SO persons were
dined a number of Astoria ladles as
sisting In the dining room. After din
ner the visitors indulged In much mer
ry-making, and for an hour or more
shouts of laughter came from the din
ing room. The first man called on was
R. M. Fatterson. of Chicago, who, with
his friend, J. J. Kelley. also of the
Windy City, have furnished fun for
the- crowd. Mr. Patterson rose In a
chesty manner and squared himself
for the effort of his life, when the
crowd began to applaud. Cheer after
cheer rang forth, and it eventually be
came apparent that the jovial Patter
son would never be afforded an oppor
tunity of making his speech. Finally
he came to the conclusion that he had
been lobbed, and. bowing profusely, re
sumed his seat. Then the gay Kelley
was called upon, and a similar pack
ape was handed him. He, too. sub
sided, after a fruitless effort to make
himself heard. So badly did the crowd
josh Mr. Kelley that h left the din
ing hall, to the great merriment of the
President-elect Bailey was then call
ed, but. fearing he would be treated
as were the gentlemen who tried to
speak before him, he sought refuge
behind a party of pretty girls, who
were watching the fun from a corner
of the dining room. "Clot out of that.
Bailey! that's my hMing place." called
out Delegate J. E. Blackburn, of Ohio,
but Mr. Bailey declined to run the
risk of an oratonal effort.
The retiring president, A. H. Jones,
of Rohlnson. 111., was next called on,
and he managed to get a nearlng. He
spoke happily for 15 minutes and dur-.
Ins the course of his remarkks re
ferred to the trip down the river, the
pleasure attendant upon the visit to
Astoria, and above all the beautiful
women whom ho found out In this fnr
off Western city. He said Dr. Hen
derson greatly resembled a Chicago
friend, and that he knew that the doc
tor waa a good fellow the moment he
saw him. The doctor, he said, had
backed him up in fish stories, and he
would remember ihlm as long as he
lived.- Mr. Jones hearflly thanked the
(Continued on Pas Four.)
at Factory
iSIZBS ' fe-
IS years
All our Dresses 'guaranteed "Custom Made."
, White Labor Faetoiv.
Shaiiahan Itnildiner, .
Jhe Finest Restaurant in the City
U I Regular Meals, 25 cents,
I Qluvv Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
c.r,s, jssar w. w. Whipple
Safe and Serviceable. Cheaper than wood or
gas. All sizes with bake oven attached.
Nothing better for summer cooking. You are
always clean and the kitchen cool.
Jobbers and Dealers in
Pipe Repairing
A Specialty
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers.
Ae V ALLBM- Tenth and Commercral Streets
Thoroughly renovated and modernized. The most
popular eating place in Astoria. Open all night.
Only white help. John RIasich, Prop., Eleventh St. ,
We are prepared to make them oa
short notice and of the beat materials.
Let us give you estimates on any kind
of easting or pattern work. Lowest
prices for first-class work.
Cost . . .
35 cents
Commercial .Street
515 Commercial Street
' Astoria, Oregoa
Scow BaylreaO
Brass Works i:
Cor. 18th snd Trtaillo aver '