TOE MORNING ASTORIAN. FItllMY, JfTLY It, l!HVi Telephone, Main Ctt. TERMS. OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Bent by mail, per year I.W eat br mall, per month M Ifcrred by carrier, per month .... 0 8BMI-WBISKLY. rat by mall, per year, In advance U W The Aetorlan guaranteoa to iti ad wttaera the largest circulation of any Mwapaper published on the Columbia Rlrtr. HAltD WORKKKS. The manufactories committee ha w boen a progressive body and therefore thla splendid suoces In lo cating the U. W. Hume mill Is not a very preat surprise. They have ever Worked for the bettering of condiions T Astoria and by their many addi tional enterprises haw proven them selves hard workers for the city. The locating of a mill such as Mr. Hume will build will certainly be of great important to our city. And be being a man of shrewd businew ability, one who is Influential in the financial world and whose exsmp'e will amtoubtedly lead others to cast their prosper! fnp glances toward Astoria. NOT A BOOM CITT. There 'are many reasons for Astoria feeing a good place for enterprising people to locate. There has never been a boom connected with the growth of Astoria. The position she has reach ed" and holds today has been brought n by a steady, natural and healthy growth. Our city at the gate of the great water way has witnessed the racket-like rise and fall of numerous boom cities, which have started up as a mushroom, tin the coast, and through all the years that these towns grew up to decay, Astoria has gone steadily on advancing. Today no city on the coast ran boat of higher proa pert than Astoria. ASTORIA FOR MANX'FACTl'RES. Let It be known far and wide that Astoria is prepared to encourage new Industries, be they ' large or small. Our city Invites people of enterprise to come here and judge for themselves. We do not deluge them with statistics,' nor load them down with false prom ises, but give them facts that will satisfy business men that this Is the bent county for manufactures. APES IN SOCIETY. It is not altogether surprising to rear that some of the smart set in Newport were present at a dinnr given in hn r of an African ape. If the African had belonged to a higher order of an thropoids tlu affair would have brought down on the heads of '.h? din ers the denunciations t the Southern presB. It will be to note what the journals of New York have to say about the social tnstes of ptr fons present, among whom were some reputed to be what are termed in New CODSUitiPHOD 1b a disease of civilization. When the Indian was a stranger to the white man lie hail no name in his vocabulary for this dreaded malady. Without arguing as to the curability of consumption, it may be stated posi tively that Doctor Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures weak lungs, hemor rhages, bronchitis, deep-seated and stubborn cough, and other diseases which if neglected or un akillfully treated find a fatal termination in consumption. There is no alcohol in the ''Discovery," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine, and all other nar cotics . Persons suffering from chronic dis ease are invited to consult Dr. Pierre, by letter, free. All correspondence is conducted under the seal of sacred secrecy. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. In a little over thirty years, Dr. Pierce, assisted by his medical staff of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured thousands of men and women who bad been given up as incurable by local physicians. Voar medfcine In the beat I have ever taken." writes Mrs. Jennie Dingman. of Rapid City, Kalkaska Co., Mich. "Last spring I had a bad cough . got to tmd I had to be in bed all the time. My husband thought I had con sumption. He wanted me to get a doctor, but Ibuuitht we would trv Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ics! Discovery, and before I had taken one bottle the cough Mopped aud 1 hare since had no sign its returning." Doctor Pierce'a Pleasant Pellet cure constipation. mfrw mm York " social leadTB." It may be Ihnt aome of thn found relief from the casual conversation of oi'lety in that of Mr. Joko. Th?re Is a notorious ret of Hon hunters In Newport who 1F in wait for the expectant foreigner. It Is perhaps thee ho have discov ered the distinguished gentleman ftm Sencmmtda, who has boon "pooding the rummer on the yacht of u friend. Doiibllesw he Is oot unworthy of the company of those who have found amusement In entertaining him. Kx IWIt AlS-Hli. Atrulnaldo displays more fear of his own countrymen than he docs of the Americans, He neat so far as to say he did not care to move about the stieets in the lay time, largely be cuuv he was afraid that the friends of General Luna, who as murdtred at Aitulnaldo'g ordr, might' take ven geance on him. Therefor, he i.sked General Chaffee what protection the Americans proposed t.i give him. The response was that h? vvou'.d be given the same protection as any other vit iien. That is sufficient for him. If he is afraid of th.s? people, let him move elsewhere. Ex. DON'T SPRAK AS THEY PASS BY. It is said that Mr. Bryan and Mr. Cleveland entertain a personal dislike for each lfrer, so bitter that there ia no chance of Mr. Bryan's fishing In the ex-preldent's private grvunds nor of Mr. Cleveland's entering the new barn when Mr. Bryan gives a husk ing bee. Thus are the complications that beset the Democracy multiplied. Washington Star. TNCOM PR EH ENStBUE. An Indiana J'istice who married 6000 couples, mostly elopes, is dead. He died a natural death. Strange to say, none of the 6000 killed him. Chicago News. Miss Morrison, of Kansas, paid a so cial call and emphasized the disregard In which she held her hostess by cut ting the throat of that unsuspecting lady with a rajsor. She was arrested and tried and the Jury disagreed. A second trial won her a sentence of Ave years. Still was Miss Morrison dis satisfied, and her clamor for a third trial drew a prise of 25 years- in the penitentiary. Probably she ts now of the opinion that she talked too much. Miss Morrison will make no calls for a considerable time, and when she re sumes the practice she will leave her razor at home. E". The authorities of Lisbon have tak en a straight measure of relief against loafers and beggars by gathering that capital's collection of those children of leisure, dumping them into a steamer jand ordering them deported to th? j Portuguese colonies of Vfrica. Portu ; gal's gain will be Africa's loss, but the African climate Is friendly to loaf ing in those whom it spares. The j chances of a beggar in the African i j colonies, however, are less than brll iliant. " J It does seem pretty hard on ping ipO:ig players that the British authori ties should have introduced that game into the imbecile wards of their alms ' house, for the purpose of providing the inmates with a-; innocent amuse- i rhent to which they are mentally eoual. FOrtM ANGLO-AMBRrCAN CLCR. T i Be Call-3 - Pilgrim " ar.d Object to Be to Promote International Fellowship. NKW YORK, July 10. London in to have another Amdo- merieari Huh, but on entirely different lines from th Anglo-American club whieh has been talked about, cables the Lou 'don correspondent of the Herald. Well-known men of American and the Kngllsh capital are to meet at the Car-lton hotel on Friday to discuss the plans aJid from the Interest dis played It seems most probable that the matter will be carried through. The object of the club, which will prbably be called the Pilgrims, Is to promote international good fellowship. The qualifications for membership are public service, literary or artistic achievement, extensive travel and frequent travel across the Atlantic. It will be conducted somewhat along the lines of the Gridiron club at Wash ington. Headquarters will be estab lished In Ntjw York and London. In England It is proposed tc have one American member to three English men, and fn America the Inverse ra tio. The membership fees are to be small. NICOTINE FACTORY. TRENTON, N. J., July 10. The NIco-' ine Manufacturing Company, capital $600,000, to manufacture nicotine and fertilizer materials from tobacco waste has been incorporated here. iew" r Tm ssssiTtii Tin - Tourists ujion are amazetl to find which in America is shocks the American sense of chivalry to have n woman pick up the trunk mid handing, and carry them while he walks empty-handed. But sentiment aside, which is the mast burdened woman, she who car ries trutik ami h.tmllxvg or that other woman so dainty mid so weak who goes through life bearing the invisible burden of pain ? The woman who bears the trunk lays down her bur den when the day is done, enjoys an evening with friends or family, and goes to bed to sleep soundly till morning. The woman whose burden is paiu never lays down the load she carries, day or night. The finest and fairest woman in the world is the American woman. Her one defect is the womanly weakness which so often destroys her beauty and mars her usefulness while she Is yet in the springtime of life. There is not a woman who would not be glad to lay down, this burden of ill-health ; to exchange the dragging step, the sensitive nerves, the pain -racket! body, for a fiody glowing with abundant health. That exchange is made possible by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, In the many letters received by Dr. Pierce from women who have been cured by the use of his "Favorite Prescription," there is one phrase constantly recurs: "I feel like a new woman." After describing the complete change from weakness to strength and from sickness to health, and still feeling that there is a failure to express all the happiness that health has brought, the writers fall back on the time-worn words ex pressive of absolute and entire change and improvement of physical and mental conditions, "Before I commenced to use yotir medicine I was in a had con dition (lor eight years) ami four doctors treated mr," writes Mrs. Bettie Askew, of Garysburg, Northampton Co., N. C. "They of course gave me at the time some relief 'but it did not last long. I was some days in my bed and some days I dragged alxmt the house, I have used five bottles of I'avorite Prescription ' and five bottles of the 'Gohlen Medical Discovery,' and four vials of the MVlleta.' Now I feel like a new woman, ami I want the world to know it." " I suffered with female weakness about eight years tried several doctors but derived no lencrit until I tx-ean using Ir. Tierce's Pa- vorite Prescription," writes Mrs. John Green, of Danville, itovle Co., Ky. "This medi cine was recommended to me by other patients. I have taken six Unties an 1 r fe..l like another person.'' The wonderful curative properties of Dr. Pierce's I'avorite Prescription are !est displayed in the cures of chronic diseases, which local physicians h id treated without success or pronounced to be altsolntely incurable. The cure of Mrs. Graham, as told in her letter given below, is an illustration of what has Urn done for hundreds and thousands of weak and sick women. Here is a case of a woman who had never seen a well day since she reached womaiilnxxl. Physicians agreed that hers was au incurable chronic disease. And yet by the use of "Fa- vorite Prescription " Mrs. Graham was restored to perfect health, and with a gain in weight of forty-five pounds to witness to the reality of the cure. "I am just as well now as I was when I came into the world," writes Mrs. P A Grab im ot 617 Race Street, New Orleans, La. I will p-it it nt that anyway for I cannot remember ever seeing a well day since I became a woman (twenty-live years ago), until six months igo when 1 began the use of Dr. Pierce's l avonte Prescription and ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and ' Pleas ant Pellets." They are the lcst medicines on earth made lor women and their complaints No matter what the disease may 1, even if called incurable by doctors, t was treated by wveral country physicians and also had some of the best city physicians to prescribe for me They all said my case was incurable, being a chronic disease of lotij; standing. I had been sick for eight years until six months ago, when 1 commenced wilh Dr. R. V. Pierce's medicine and it brought me out to where I am now, from ninety pounds to one hundred and thirty-live It any suffering woman will write Dr. Pierce he will write her a fatherly letter ami give her good advice, and if she will follow his instructions will find out in a very short time that she has been mistaken by putting her trust in home doctors." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Its use will carry a woman in comfort through that trying period known as the turn .People's! ; ff"JI-' TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points East VIA SHORT LINE TO St PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND POINTS BAST. Throosh Palace and Tourist 8I( epera. Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Daily Tralna; fart time. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding tickets, routes etc., call on or address J. W. PHALON. H. DICKSON Trav. pass. Agt. uity Ticket AgL 121 Third Street, PonKnd. A. B. C. DEiNNISTON. O. W. P. A tit First Avenue. flaattla. Waah. aVLaMHafrW t. . the European continent women doing the work left entirely to the men. It 01 ute. it soothes the nerves, encourages the apx-tite and induces refreshing sleep. Sick women, especially thos.; suffering from chronic forms of disease, are invited to con.siilt Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held saeredlv pri vate and strictlv confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. Nr. Y. WOMEN WILL FIND Dr, Plerco'a Common Senuo Modloal Ad' visor an Invaluable guide to tho prouerva tlon of health. Thin groat modloal work, containing over 1000 largo page and more than 700 Illustration, Im sent FREE on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLY. Send 31 one-cent stamps lor tho volume bound In cloth, or only 21 stamp for the book In paper covers Addrmm, Or. R. V. PIERCE. Buffmla, H. Y. hot'-.l PORTLAND , PO RTLAN The Only f-Mr-i t-Clfi r7OUINI)Bt. A. L. ITIO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE J OK Ld.MJON THK OLDKST I'L'KKI.Y 1'IRK Ol-UCK IN TIIK WOKI.l). C"h A-eta ... C.n Aaaata Ir Unite) Httto, C A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 215 Sansomc Street - Sao Pranclsto, Cal. SAMUEL ELMORE ill iiw"!Mi'ii'il! jn law HI ifSlfT - II 11 II II u I I I B I 0 BBBBMnSBBflsHMBaW D, O R EGO N mm Hotel In Mortlontl & CO., AGENTS When other medicine have failed, InKo Alloy's Kidney Curt'. It Iota cur ed when everything elo Una dlwip pointed, I'Vr li by Frank Hart, driiiritlst. It would be rxiuvMlnit n itfcat deal 10 look for lite puiv it o.l unalloyed veracity from hurao JtHkcy. A. 11. iHtss, of Moruatitown, lud., hud to irot up (en or twrlv lion in Ihe 0 lull t d lot't seveix U km lie ami pains In the kidneys. Was cured by Foley's Kidney t'ure," tir unit by Frank Hurt, di'Uitt, It Is seldom, If ever, you we n aelf. made man. He may have aturted the oli but never finished It, Foley's Kidney fur purities the bloo.1 by sttHliiliiv nut Impurlliea aviul tones up tho whole system, t'urm klillltV Itlia IImi1,Iii I .itlil,l,i u. Im by Frank Hart, Druirirlst. That charity which beiflns at home Is often an illscotiraiii-it tltnl I; in-vxr kcIm any farther. TliMXT YtU'lt KIDNKVtt FOU KIIKl'MATISM. When you are suffeclna from rhtl- matlini, the kidneys mutt be allend' ed to at once o th tt they will ellmi. imle the uric acid from title blood. Foley's Kldmy t'tlie In the miiot ef fecllve remedy for this purpose. K T. iiohiiis, or roiar. wis. aav " Afu-r nn.mcieiMftilly ilot'iorliiif fur three vtnra for rhciimntixm with lite lnnt doctor. I tried Foley's Mdticy t'tu-e mid it cured me I enttliot upeitk loo highly of tills ureal iiiedlolne," For ale by Frank Hart. dniKirlat. In every audience there Is s,t!d In be a Jtitlai; but If (here 1 he Is "iv- r .wIIIIiik to liatiK himself for flirt:. A STAIITI.INO .Hfltl'KISK, Verv few could betlev In ImikiiiK at A. T. Itoitdley, it healthy, robust black- smith of Tlldeu. lint.. Hint for ten yenis tw tirtetvd mind tortures from lUieu- uiKtiitn a few could endure and live. Hut n wonderful hiinue folluweil hla titkltiit Kl.vttlc littler. "Two bol- flndly cured mo." he writes, "4id I h.ive not felt a t1ii(te In over yeir " They leirttlitte the kidneys, purl, rv the blood and cure ItheillliiUljuit, NVuruliila, Nervou.mi, linnve ih Kestlon and glvn prfeet liiiilth Try tin-til Old)- itv At ittnrleai Koa-ersi' drug store. You can dlsevrn mure of ihe tuit- roppliiKH of human nut tire at a lui flit In tlum st a prayer meeting l.l'CK IN TUtltTBBS. lly sendlim 13 mile Wm, Splrey. nt W'tltou Furtiaee, VI., irot a bol of Itueklen'a Artilot Salve, that wholly cured a horrible fever sore on hi lea- NothltiK ele could. 1'iwlllvely cuiva MriHs-K, Felons, Ulcers. Kniplloim, lUills, minis. iVm, and tnies. Only f. (Juiiriintl by t'harle Koirera. ilrtiirl"t. The oiilnloiis of dome people are not worth much. If they were they would mil tw speiulliiK them so freely. HTAHTMSa IttlT Tltl'K. "If ever)'otie knew what a Brand m-dlelne lr. Klnifa New Ufe Illla Ia," writes !. II. Turner, of li.tnpaev- t tow 11, .. "youd dl all you hnve In in day. Two weeks' uo bus made a nw mnn of me." Infallible for con stlputlim, atonmoli mj y,T (roubk-f. :.' nt Churl" Itor' drttif store. A broken repulatlon Is like 11 broken ivae. t run , mended, hut the criu k Nllll shotv. Active axents wanted for "Ths World on Fire" by Murat lyilstead. Iturnlng mountains In American In people, startling history of appalllna; phenomena, threatenlna- the s;lobe: 600 big Illustrated pairea, only tl.60. Hlifh eat endorsements. Illgmat profits Ktiarnnteed. Altenta clearlnit from 3 to l!5 dally. Outfit free. Enclosa It cents for postage. The Dominion Co., Ipt. U CWcaito. We don't. ee how n woman In utile lo -tell or not tt-lh-lher her hut la on strnlirht. The peaky thln are er iokifl on purpose. built ASLKKl AMID FLAMKS. llr.'ftkliiK Into a blujtlnit home, some firemen lately dmiwd the ijleepliiK ln-m.-iles from d-alh. Fancied security, .mil death near. It's Unit way when you ncylect comrh nnd colds. ljn't do It. Mr. Klnir's New IMseovery for I'otnoimidlon iflves protecllon iiKint ill Throat, Chest e"d ' Troiiblea. Keep It near and avoid suffering de tih, and dm'tor's bill. A leusioon ful slops a late couirh, persistent ne the limit stubborn. I In mi low anil nice t:isl!nir. It's guaranteed to satlnfy hy i'li;irles Ilogi-rs. Price ton and 11.00. Trial bottles ftm Try lo be culm uul serene, for life Is full of blessings, and we should learn ourselves how lo innirnirc it ud be nappy. ItUoN. llITIS F)It TWKNTT VHAIlH .Mrs, Minerva Smith, of Danville, III., wrlien: " 1 had bronohltl for twenty years and never got relief until I used Foley' Honey and Tar, which Is a "tin' cure." Sold by Frank Unit, drtiggiMf. j The only IiiihIiuhh we know of that can niiike money without advertising Is the Hulled .State mint. NO FALHM CLAIMS. Tin- proprietors of Fnley'a Honey Mini Tuv do not advertise this as a " mie cure for consumption." Tliey i!o not oliilm II will cure this dread complaint In advanced cases, but do poKltlvely assert that It will cure In the cirllei- slintes and never fulls to give comfort find relief In ihe worst e.-'ses. Foley's, Honey and Tar Is with out doubt Hie greatest tlirom and lung remedy. Ueftise Hilbxlltutes.-Hold hy Frank Hart, druggist. Th" preo her -who thinks only of pruunliig (lowers of rhetoric Is not Ihe one who renp the most fruit of right eiiiiHIU'SS. TWO HOTTLR8 CHItl'll) HIM. "I was troubled with kidney cimi pl.ilnt for aliout two years," writes A. H. Dais, nf Mt. Hterllng, la., but two bottles of Fmley's Kidnoy Cure effect ed a pormanent cure." Hold by Frank Hurt, druggist. If you expect to mske hsvcn yoiif home you must make home heavenly. Hound kidney are aafeguards of life. Make the kidney healthy with Foley's Kidney Cut. Hold by Frank Hart, druggist. ASTORIA AMD COLUMBIA RIVFR RAILROAD. I.KAVK (Kill. Ill MWp.iil 13 .Hip III I'OKII.AM' AKKIVK I'ot'tlittid I'lllon Pe-jll lOu.lll, Nit for A t.i in ami l:4Up.m, ny lull 11 la. ANTOHIA Ttft am. 6 If p in Cor I si 1 In iid am I II 30 a, III wny ptiluta H0.:i0 p.m. ll6:R0p.m. HKA.' IDk illVlHlUN H Itia in It .10 H ill I Mb a in 9 60 i III ill Wi, t Hp m I 40 a in, i m P 111, 1 (Wpill Anloria for War fentoti Fltivel, Ft HU'veiM, llainnioiid, HiitMlite. H.wide fur Wiif ri'tiiiMi. Flavel, Ibtllllllolld. Ft. Hlevelts. Mild As toria, 1 ; Him I0:ao a.m. 4:H0 p in. 1:60 p.m. I.slt'm, 13 no p.m. I 3D p,m, 7 ! p.m. H Wpm '..fctnassii SImh exvpt Buiutday, iHoitudsy only All (ruins moke close conimdlon at dolile wtiih all Norlliein I'ucllle ti.Uii to and front Ihe K"t and K.und I'oinis J, f, MAVo. llell l Frelirltt anil I'lOW. Arellt tij nni 1 in 1 ivim MM Mh Bnrlhnrl . Aefnrii PAtiin (.ruiuuuu - Jiuuu nuuis. STR. ''BAILEY (iATZERT." tally round trips rsespt .Sunday. TIME CAHD Ijwve I'ortUmd T a. ni. Leave Astoria 7 p. m. Throuiih 1'ortlajtd connections with steamer Nnlicotia from Ha and l.on lleaoh l-olnU. While foliar I. In tli keia tniar ehnrable with O It. N. C. and V. T. Co tlckat. The Dalles Route STR. " TAH0MA," and "METLAK0" Dally trip axctpt Sondsjf. TIMt CARD Str. "TAHO.nA" Uave Portland Moo , Wd., Frl.. 1 a. m. Jxv Kaaoa. Tue., Thur, gat., Tan. Str. "METLAKO" Lr. Portland Tue, Thur, 8k t., Um, I.v. IMIIes, Uon., Wed . Frl.. 7 a. m. Lanitliiff at foot nf Alder Street. Port land Orefot, lloth inionea. Main Ml. AQENTtl. John M. Ftllooa, A. J. Taylor, J JT. Uickay. Wolftird A Wyera, J. I!. Wyalt. K. II. lltlbrerh, Jobo M. Tottou. Henry Olmatmd. William Itutler, K. W. CIUCHTON, TIM Dal lea, Or. Astoria, Or. Hood River, Or. Whits Salmon, Wn, Vancouver, Wn. I.yto. Wn. Hltvenaon, Wn. Caraon, Wn. Butiac. Wn PorlMod orvcoa. Don't Guess at It Hut If you aro tnoir Baal writ ua for our rates and lot ua tell you about the service and accommodations offer ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILHOAIJ. THUOUOII TOlflUHT Cevra via the IMJNOIS CBNTHAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and I Ciuclimatl Don't fail to write ua about your trip aa we are In a posi tion to give you sum valuable Infor mation and assistance; mi mi lea of track over which are operated some of the finest trains in the world. For partlculai-s regarding freight or passenger rates call on or addreaa. . C LINDSIOT, I). II. THUMBKLL, T. F. A II. A. Com'l Aft. H3 Third St., Portland. Ore. A familiar name of the Chicago, Milwaukee A HI, Paul Hallway, known all over the Union as Uie Great I tall way running tho "IMoneer Limited" tralna every day and night between HI. Iaul and Chicago, ruid Omaha and Ohlrago. "The only is?rft!t train In the world." tlndcrslaiid: Coniieotloiis are matle with nit tmimcontlm nlal linen, securing to piwxctigers the liest sorvlce known, t.imii loim coaohes, eleotrlc light, stentn heat, of a VHt leiy en tinted by no other line. See thai your ticket reads la "The MMwmikcfl" wlwn going to any point In Hie Hulled rttatos or Canada. All llckel ngi'fils sell ithem. For rales, pamimlots or other Infor rnalloli, axlde-M. J. W. CAHKY, C. J. FDD?, Trav. l"a,fe. U'i g-t, Porll.ind, Ore. Portland, Or. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Dpsulcs A POSITIVE CURE ForlnflamnmtlonorCiilstrrh "1 t 1 . nouirfS, mt UllTd n "Ts Cures (jiilrhljf nnd Irni nciitt ih worn, rufi uf fi.Miori hoi'i, nd IJlrfl, no lUHf 'rnf how I unit "Unil Inv. Atmolutrtly ImrDilfUM, Hfii'l by druK(rl"tii, l'rU-9 I. Wl, or by mnlt, nofttpftl'l, THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO,, Ll IFONTAINI, OHIO. Sold by Ch&M. HogHrn, 469 CommeroU al Htruet, Astoria. Oregon, A (lickol Harvest will Im yonrs nary day In tht yr If you own MILLS COIN 0PERATINQ MACHINES 01 VARIITIfS writ for oitUidf and money mklnf tufCMtlooa. MILLS NOVELTY CO..' Chicago. II le 23 South J.Ksrsos ItraeL ML.