The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 09, 1902, Image 3

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"IKMW,,,,.,--.. , pi,.,, m mm ....,.,. , -. . ,. Qt, ; , '
Ami wo (ml tlicm on tho bent ami jmnwt of
everything wholesome for tho dinner tablet
-OUR -
No otio daro think of undcrNolling m, or
wiling bettor goods.
Ross, Higgltts & Co.
I'OftTLANtl. July H.-Orcgon and
Vititiltiiriiiifiiif iiii.i ,v.i(m.ri Mono
Toilet Soap
4 cents
per cake
Oatloa Mil feed, grata and hay.
Vive Atai-rlns barbnr nt (ha Pal
ace llnth.
Jni ahlimient of Norway n-
h.vlr-JfiNH.i.V MHO.
A ilnuglil v ww born Hunday morn
ing to the wife of T. K. DuvIm.
You will find the boat ISo moal In
he city at the Hlslng Sun Ileataurant.
No. tj Commercial street.
Nitw mock of fancy goods Just ar
rived at Yokvhiumt Rasaar. Call and
net the Intmt nowlUc from Japan.
Bond li your order for your winter'
uitly of Hi. slab or twird wood to Kel
ly, tli ti ftjmfi-r nuin. ltKii till black.
All tmokera amok th "Tilde of
Astoria'' cigar. Na bottler made.
Mnufncttired by MncFYirlane & Kno
M, You can buy Newbro's Herplclde,
Vti grat dandruff cure, for 75 cent
lr bottle njt the Occident Harber
Hl.yiif repairing with "kill and
piMmptno. Hui'plien In Uck; wurk
guui'iintcid.' Iti-llnnce Klrctrlcal Work
III Hood Pt.
KcmcmWr. If our " Perfection Itlend
M.rhu Java I'tiffce" ever fall to
iIi-iih ymi. i.liiiw (To not fall to get
your money biuk.-JOHNSON IJKOM,
1.01. Hunch of .key, between A
tniliin building and Commercial Club,
Kinder ti)-.t return to Astnrlan office
mid receive suitable re;v.ird,
'I'lir Mnim.-r Sue H, Klinore leaves,
fur TlllmiKMik try point on Wediwa
diiv, July ft It. at S o'clock, returning
on Friday. Fur" J3.M. Inrludlng insula.
Rcllnblc GoocIh
Have You Seen
The fine Lirte of Opaque Window Shades we are
selling at 25 cents?
Live when you live and Bleep on one of our hair mat
tresses. All mattresses made to order from f .10 down
to $7.50.
See our Mantle Beds with Yum Yum Springs from
$").'j." up.
One hundred useful household articles at 5 cents each
Wo sell on small profits,
Uml, ysalerduy, a 7-iiaper wholw n-t
Klndur iilpaw Wmn John Rlmi,
12 iWiinl t and rwlve ri?wurd.
An. mtlicly nw afi rubbi-r , glove
fur lit.lli'i; wir while at wurk. fall
und ?e lliwu, IWMJWliH, DruRglat.
A in ii nl ii m- ll oiihc wu grautixl ym
leidiiy to lAKtor Carter und Alko Ink-li-y,
both of Clatauti Coiliuy. Tim ti.u
Wfra tuarrlml durlna the duy. by
.JiiKtlco iluiidiiiun,
Iu cronm, guarantwHl pure, tJollvwe4
to any part of the city, IS oenta a pint,
lis cream aoda, nt frwili candlna.
Private room. Parlor Cajidy Store,
453 t'ouniifrrlal atreet.
fUialyn ootU ItMlt longor, la cKwnnr
and ma Ion liwa trouble with atovea
and ohlmnoy fluea than any oUwr coal
on the ttMu-ket. Oorgo W. flanbom,
agent. Telephone JJU.
cintnop county at once to pnire for
I'oNltlona In the Government Service.
Apply to Inter Stale Correepondenr
liwtltu'.e, C'edur lUpldn, la.
We orry In utotk a vrry line line
of tanned meat for pidikn. alao a
vrry line lliir f toll!d gooda, ui
ollvra, pbkl- and rellh', Jtdllea,
lim, fit.--JOHNSON 1JI108.
Watrr coniiumera should tuke notl
that Thunalii) July 10th. In the luat
diiy on whb't to wy wati-r ratea to
avoid the penalty of ii centa whlih
l rluuirwt all d-llnguont.
I'lumblng. tinning, gna and ateam
j filling at lowoat mtn and In work-jmun-llke
manner. Order promptly
executed. Mtop. No. Kt, Bond elreet,
A mnall bluae on the roof of one of
the bntldlnga at Jtooih'a cannery call
ed out the fire department yeaterday
afternoon. The fir was exilngulohed
before any damage had liern done.
Min Kdna Gatuin, laughtet of It.
M. (Innton, and Kdward )rd. both
of thin city, were married yealerdny
afternoon by Ruv. Harold Cheng,
liaxtor of the Flret Metluxllat church.
Couohea-we carry the ktnreat and
bent urtwtid atock In the city. The
line Include bntih amooth and tufted
ouchea, whloh we are offering at low
er price than other dealer. Chanel
Hollborn A Son.
All the hid presented for the con.
struct hin of the propoerd brldg' acrr
the Ni'rnnli-tiin hnve been rejected by
the county, court, and County Plerk
Clinton ha received Instruction to
ivHilvertluc for offer.
I.teiU llled far record yinterdnv In
the county clerk' office how the pur-
chaee by Horace Irving of WOO nctvn
of timber bind In the eouthoaHtern por-'
Hon of the county. The proierty
hmuifht IIO.HM, or about (10 an acre.
The condition of Hie tide vemerday
va 'nvontble for ft big run of nl
mnn, but tihi-re wna no Increano In ihe
r-ii'l ta. The Ira pa tHk more fluh
than on the prevKniH day, but 'the jrlll
iieltcia' itilche fell off. The heavy
run of eleelhenda continue,
IVputy FlHh Warden Hultnuin liaa
tendered Ilia resignation, nnd lit yea-
leidHV'e ni 'cH'ng of the hoard of fish
comnilniloner the r"lgntlon ivan ac
cepted. For several week pa at Ml hn
not been nerene between Warden 'nn
IniBen and hi flint d"iuty, and Mr.
Htiltmtin'R action canned no mirprlHe,
The recent nrretit of Huh duller ae-
cuned of violation of the etui-gcim law
la unld to have engendered ome feel
Lowest Prices
A horim belonging to tjhe Columbia
laundry wa killed ytrday after
noon, While being driven along the
Hi reel the animal atumbled and frac
tured the left hind leg at the thigh.
Officer waa culled and put
the horne out t lt nilnery.
At lat nliftit' meeting iff the ex
ecutive board uf the I'lnnmerclal dub
It, J. Iye wan elected a member of thu
lionrd to aucceed II, M. flaaton, re
xlgneit.' The olub ha uUo joined the
Clvlo Improvement Ieague amd will
iImI that orgnnlsutlon In It work.
Two church picnic were held ye
terday and a large number of people
enjoyed a day in the wood. The
Oraea rhumb pkwile waa held on the
f-ew1 and Clark, while the excuralon
given by tire Chrbulan Kndeavor Po
clety of the Congregational church
went to Foil Canby.
I'he following deb-gaU from the
Mlllmen'a 1,'nlon have tieen aea'.ed in
nhe I'eninl IjiIwm- Council: Oua I'e
tcrwin, M. C. Chrlmlamion, I Mear
and O. Petcraon. It ha been decid
ed to nrganlxe local metal worker'
union. The council will hold an x-
curalon lo mtiielde on rtunday, Aug-
uat 17.
Toke l'olut, which are EtuUern oy
tem developed In Hhoal water bay, are
unlike all othera-good at any aeaaon
of the year. Ttiey are fat and dell
clou. Craw-fMi are now Jut In ca
non and are excellent eating, a are
crab and all the other numerou de
llcaeb terved o akllfully at the Toke
Point oyter lioue on Eleventh atrcet,
Manager Hellg, of KtHhera' inra
hoiwe. who " to PortUnd Uxlay,
will make an effort to nerure he Pol
lard Opera Company for a wand here.
Tift company play comic otera and
the member are all children. It ha
twice, v 11 ted Portland, where It made
a rreat hit. If the company doea not
go to Victoria at once, ft will lie e-
eured for the local engagement.
The effort of Former F1h Cornnil
eioner lteel to collect hi Hilary from
the tate haa met with final defeat,
the aupreme court having ruled that
the law of 1!H)1 really waa Intend. I to
abollNh the o(n of flii commlnnloner,
repealing that of IMS, In It entirely,
by lmplktun. The cane waa brought
on technical ground, which the su
preme court declined to heed In ion
ldering the matter.
The regular weekly meeting of the
Puxh Club will be held thla evening.
It I quite probable that ome action
will be taken by the aoclat1on look
tn to the location of George W.
Hume' nawmin enterprlne In thi
city. Member of the club feel that
every poealhle energy ahould be ex-
IM-nJetl to nwure thl big concern for
Aitorln. a It will employ 1M fierwona
and hnve a large payroll.
On political went begging thl
year -Hint of Janitor at the court-
hoiHie. Aa the Democrat have con
trol of the county court, the 'anitor-
4ilp waa availaltle for eonie denerv-
Ing Democrat, but no ono of that po
litical faith wemed to want the place,
and yrtirday '.he court nanv,i the
only applicant, Andrtw Anderwin, the
present Incumbent. Anderwn waa ap
pointed evernl yeara ago by the lle
publlcan. An emolument of JJO
mi nthly attache to 'lie flace.
Chief of Police Hall.R-k eald yeeter
day that nearly all iiersoni operating
,nlckel-tn-thc-fflot machine had taken
out their Ih-ennea for the eiumlne
quarter, paylna the $7.50 remilred un
der the preeent law. There eeeni to be
a general Rentlment that the license
will not lie reduced to $3.M) quarterly,
a recommended hy the committee on
health and police, although the action
of the council In adopting the report
would indicate a determination to make
the reduction. The matter ha gone
over for two week, and In the mean.
time It will be thoroughly dlmuwied
and whut la coniddered a fair meas
ure presented In the Mead of the one
now In force.
Yesterday' weaalon of the county
court va a busy one, and consider
able huplneaa waa trammeled. An or
der wan made by the court rewind
ing all allowance heretofore made to
the poor of the county, who will be
required to appear before the court
before aid Is extended to them. A pe
tition wan received from John Tewlis
and other for the eatubllahinent of
a road, but final action on the matter
has not yet been taken. The clerk
was Instructed to pay to the city I:'t0.
the amount duo from the county for
the Dunne. street Improvement. The
bonds of the following precinct ofll-
cers were approved yesterday; TlniQtJjy
(ireornn, constable of Jewell precinct;
Rilward niliberbuscih, constable at
MHinwaka; Angua R. Foote, justice
of the neace at Weatporl; P. F. Hal
ferty, Justice of the peace at War.
renton; C. E. Foater, supervisor of
Astoria rond district: A. Slgurdson,
wnervlaor of ivad district No. 1; Fred
Oman, supervisor of district No. 2;
A. W. Duncan, supervisor of district
No. 8; Ou Kleppy, aunervjsor of dis
trict No. 8; Dilnlel M. Mclean, suier
vlaor of district No. 11; John lewis,
lupervlnor of dlstrtct No. 17; John
I,arsnn, supervisor of district No. 19,
and A. 10. Miller, constable of Seanlde
precinct. The sees Ion of the court
waa not concluded yesterday and
Judge Trenchard and he commission
ers will meet again today. It lb the
'Intention of the meimbera of the court
to visit the Nehalem road today and
view the work on that highway.
" Commodore," the famou tthct
land pony brought to Aatorla many
year ago by Jiobert Carrufcher. I
dead at Klavel. The pony had been
turned Into a mall pnature, where he
wa mired In a swamp. Iletmn -itni
reached him, he had sue
cuinbed, Commodore wa 14 year of
aae and waa bought originally for U.
K. Carmrhem, AfliTward ha wa
the property of A. 11, Carrutiher,
then of Tod Carrulher, and finally be
came the pet of Chap jtldehalgh, a
nephew of the former owner. The
passing id" Commodore will be regretted
particularly by the member of the
CttrruUher famly.
The action of the council In revok
ing the original resolution providing
for the time and manner of Improv
ing Thirty-fourth trei eMle a quea
llon that caused considerable dispute
between the person owning land along
that thoroughfare. The Improvement
will tie a difficult one to make, a con
siderable grading must be done, and
there was a disagreement between
property owners with reference to It'f
The flmt squabble came up over the
grade ,and then there wa a disagree
ment as to the width of the street.
Finally it waa decided to plank the
itreet to the width of 30 feet, and thla
will probably meet with approval. The
Improvement i a much-needed one
and ought to enhance property value
In Kat Astoria.
The county court, now Democratic,
yesterday undertook to practice some
of the retremihment pnmid in the
party platform, with the reult tlat
two appointment by coun'.y rflicb;
are held up. County Clerk Clinton
sent to the court for conflr.nitlon the
following Hat. of deputies: ;, legl-r,
to receive lino monthly; S. O. Trullln-
ger, to receive f 100 monthly; Allen An
denwn, to receive 190 monthly. The
appointment of Mer. Zelgler and
Trulllngt-r wa confirmed, but the court
lecllned to ratify the appointment of
Mr. Anderson, on the ground that the
clerk' oltlc could be conducted with
two deputle. The I00 salary recom
mended for Mr. Trullfnger was reduc
ed to $90 .the amount heretofore paid.
Mr. Trulllnger ha t3ie most difficult
task In the court-house, Acting a re
corder of conveyance, but the salary
paid for thla work haa not, since the
of!W of recorder -vaa abolished, been
up to that paid other depuUes. Sher
iff Umille sent to the court yater-
day the names of It. G. Prnel and W.
B. Young. The appointment of Mr.
Prael wa confirmed, but that of Mr.
Youne I still pending. According to
members of the county court. It la
their intention to reduce the working
force 1n the office of the clerk and
that of the sheriff, and the two nom
ination referred to will not I con
firmed. Member of the county court
believe clerical aid should be employ
ed a needed, while officials .-ays this
1 practically Impossible, a men com
petent to fill deputyghlp are not Idle.
The San Francisco Dramatic Review
pays the following tribute to he late
Mrs. H. T. Crosby, formerly of this
city: " In the death of Mr. Amelia
K. Crosby, of Alameda, w ho , exph-ed
suddenly on a narrow guage ferry boat
from heart disease, the musical world
hist a once famous contralto singer.
Slrtee coming to California, Mr. Cros
by had led a retired life, and but few
of her intimate friends here knew of
her great successes in Washington as
the possessor of a remarkable contralto
voice. Mrs. Crosby waa the wife of
H. T. Cwwby, chief clerk of the army
headquarters, department of Califor
nia, and mother of Charlea F. Cros
by, leader of the choir of Ohiiat Epis
copal church. She waa a pupil of An
ton I tin ill, who waa a Wo the ins'-i,' Ur
of Mme, Adelini Pattl and of Carlo ta,
Mrs. Crosby sang in Washington
ohurc.hi and concerts, where she be
came famous aa a contralto. Her hus
band was chief clerk of the war de
partment In those years, so that she
came to meet many prominent people
In official life and waa a great favor
ite. She knew many distinguished ar
tists, and sang for them at the capi
tal when meeting them socially. Hhe
never became a professional singer,
but sang In oratorio In leading con
certs for many years, being regarded
as the foremost contralto in Wash
ington. Deceased was Miss Amelia
Kaufman, of Rahimore, before her
marriage. Her father belonged to an
old family of Frederick County, and
the Kaufmans had been there since
the revolution. Phe finished her edu
cation at Georgetown Kwulnnry, Misa
English's fashionable school. Her sing
ing hfd been compared to that of
Albonl, the famous French contralto,
her tones and register being the same.
Her voice waa peculiarly sympathetic
and beautiful. She could move an au
dience and melt them with melody.
Her voice was of rare compass, round
and resoivint. She sang from E i'at
below to It flat above. She once sang
for Theodore Tloams, who praised her
highly. AfteV leaving Washington,
Mrs. Oriisby oponed a ichool of In
struction and orgatilxed a choir in As
toria, Oregon, also later at Vancou
The rapidly increasing use of shin
gles as covering for the walls of build
ings, both to keep out the weather and
for ornamental purposes, make a
great demand for a shingle etaln which
preserves the wood, prevent moss, and
retain a fresh, handsome appearance.
Particularly la such the case in damp
climates. The need Is well met In a
perfect article mada right here in As
toria. Cutbirtlfa Creosote Shingle
Stain are penetrative, preservative,
handsom and durable. They are put
up In eight colors and every package
Deal With Sturgeon Case and Name
Four New ttupc.rlntendvnts.
The report of Master Flab Warden
Van Duaen for the month of June
wa submitted to the board of fish
oommlssloner at yesterday' meeting.
The report 1 an Interesting one, con
taining the fish warden' statement
with reference to the legal proceed
ing's commenced against those, con
cerns alleged to have had sturgwon Il
legally In their posaesMioi, and nam
ing four new hatchery superintendent.
The report make the following ref
erence to the difficulty over sturgeon;
" Having hecmie suspkiou that
all wa not" as It should be, and tht
some of our cold-storage people were
receiving and handling sturgeon, which
was in direct violation of the law that
protect and regulato that product, I
arranged for a generai InvewtlpvUon
of all the plant, and made my search
on June 7 i and , with the follow
ing result:
" June 7, at the Warren Packing
Company' cold storage plant at Go
ble, the steamer Bailey Gatzert landed
one box of fl-h that contained one large
sturgeon, and one keg that contained
Vl pound of sturgeon roe. The steam
er Lurllne landed four boxe of fish
that contained It small wturgeon. In
addition to these, I found In the plant
Itself 1M4 sturgeon in a frozen state.
iwhkti made 1901 sturgeon in all found
at that plant.
" At the Portland Artificial Ice Com
pany's idant I found 3 sturgeon: at
(the J. Undenberger plant. In Astoria,
I found AT, sturgeon, and at the 8.
Schmidt & Co. cold-storage, in Astoria,
I found 544 sturgeon." The following
plant were visited, but no sturgeon
were found at them: Blue Mountain
Ice Company, Portland; Holmes cold
storage, Portland; Columbia River
Packers' Association, Astoria; Vend-
lyssel Packing Company, Astoria.
" These matters have been referred to
District Attorneys Allen and Chamber
lain," the report continues, and they
have instituted proceedings against
the offending parties in their respeo-
jtive districts."
A general reference to the condition
of the hatcheries of the state follow,
the report adding that It Is the in
tention to experiment further on one
of the tributaries of the South Fork
of the Coqullle wlUh a view to deter
mining the poMihiHties of the stream
for hatchery purposes. Mr. Van Dusen
name the following new hatchery su
perintendents and anks tbe board to
confirm the nominations;
Frank C. Brown, to take charge of
the work on the Snake rfver at On
tario. H. A. Webster, to take charge of the
work on the Wilson river. In the Till
amook district.
"Frank W. Smith, to take charge of
the South Coos river work.
John A. Ta Inert, to take charge of
the McKenxie river work.
The report concludes with a state
ment of the receipt of the office for
the month of June, which aggregated
M J. Davis, of Portland, is in he
Skid Beck, Jr., 1 down from Tort
land. Captain A. W. Reed, of Aberdeen,
h) In th? city.
C. R. Morse has returned from a
short 'rip to the Sound.
A. J. Johnson, the forestry expert,
returned to the city last evening.
Adam S. Collins, a well-known San
Francisco traveling man, Is in the
District Attorney Allen goes to Sa
lem today to appear before the su
preme court.
Mrs. W. W. RJdchalgh. nccompaaled
by her son, Chap, returned lnt night
from Poriand.
Edvvvd Redderbusoh, road supervis
or of Jewell precinct, was in town yes
terday on business.
Mrs. William J. Ovens, of Seattle,
is visiting with her Parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Spelmtr?.
Mrs. M. B. Boxorth returned yester
day from a visit with her husband In
Southern Oregon, where Mr. Boxorth Is
engaged in mining.
Mrs C. H. O'Nell and son, of Mil
waukee, are registered at the Occident.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gans, of Port-
bind, and F. J. Gans, of Minneapolis,
are visiting in- the city.
Tn the recent disaster at St. Vin
cent the United States was among thel
first to extend sympathy to England
and also to offer assistance to the for
tunate survivors. Giving sympathy is
a very appropriate way of showing
our feelings for those in distress, but
the person who is unable to eat or
sleep on aocouitt of a weak or dis
ordered stomach needs more than
sympathy. He wants a medicine that
will cure him. Then Hosti'-ter i Stom
ach Bitters is needed, because 4t pos
itively cures loss of appetite, ibelchlng,
flatulency, indigestion, dyspepsia, in
somnia or nervousness. Every suffer
er should therefore try a bottle of it
at onoe. Don't accept a substitute.
The genuine has our private stamp
over the neck of the bottle.
Big reduotlon sale of all kinds of la
dies' and children's furnishing goods,
See the large display of shirt waists,
summer skirts, trimmed hats and
children's clothing. Chance for the
$500 piano with tvery 50c purchase.
Mrs. R. Ingleton, opposite Budget of
fice. .....
Hhanaban Building,
The Finest
Commercial St. Market Affords,
Safe and Serviceable. Cheaper than wood or
gas. All sizes with bake oven attached.
Nothing better for summer cooking. You are
always clean and the kitchen cool.
Jobbers and Dealers in
Pipe Repairing
A Specialty
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, ' .
Farmers and Loggers.
A V ALLIEN- Tenth and Cotnmerchil Streets
Thoroughly renovated and modernized. The most
popular eating place in Astoria. Open all night.'
(July white help. John Blasich, Prop., Eleventh St.
We are prepared to make them oa
short notice and of the best materials.
Let u give you estimates on any kind
of castings or pattern work. Lowest
price for first-class work.
Commercial Street
Restaurant in tbe City
Regular Meals, 25 cents,
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
tie 1U Itf iyit(f,lA
111 fll IflUiili.O
515 Commercial Street
, Astoria, Oregon
Scow Bay lien &
Brass Works
Cor. Utk sod Franklin ate: