NOTIOHI Books, Periodicals, MnRarfnrw Pc 'rel'cinh i :j liini Ths ' j ....nuut p:" nuiGioii. Any J i--.nU tuiliy of such offense, wiif be liableopcMti'on. rat 0 VOL. l.V ASTORIA. OREGON TUESDAY. JULY , 1902. NO. 7 iff ITS UP Win n you (i ro tihotil to huy clothing, ASK YOUKSKLK pS(rf Who curries tlic hrxlnnd lurupHt ntwortrmnt I II 51 o: Clothing, Huts iiiul FiiniiJiiiiH? Second Third Do you nftT liuv oixi jrict!? lit not WISH in AhIoHh? Well, if nil tlic everybody known WHY Should you not when you wih BUY A DOZEN Of our Ilnndnome und Artistic Hounted and Matted Pictures mid deooritlo your home or your beach cottage, Seo tlio Window Display GRIFFIN r REED SOMETHING NEW FOR BREAKFAST Atlno Kiln Dried Rolled White OntH FISHER BROS., Clothes to be seen in WHEREVER you go this summer: for pleasure or for business : Lon don coronation. Paris boulevards, St. Jo, Mich., State Street Chicago or Broadway New York : you'll be satis fied with your appearance if you are in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. Nobody will wear better looking clothes, nor get the same good-looks without paying a lot more money for 'em. In fit, style, excellence of tailor ing. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are superior ; not a slovenly stitch in them. For every occasion full dress, afternoon dress, business, outings; n multitude- of choice, .fabrics, well mude, rendy-to-wenr. The best clothiers sell thorn; you know you're safe if you see tho label, II S & the coat; a small thing to look for, a big thing to find. Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Good Clothos Makers. at P. A. STOKES TO YOU to tnule with WISK, who the mot up-to-date Clothier thing arc trur, and Unit tliey nro, po to WISl'.'S I5I( STORK to buy CLOTH KS? ASTORIA, ORE. IMt 9ft AM HAS DISAPPEARED AS IF SWALLOWED BY THE EARTH Hi. ,au " Snce His Daring Escape of Saturday Fugi C tive Tracy Has Not Been Seen by His Pursuers. Forty Indians Have Camped on His Trail Native Woman Says She Saw the Desperado Sunday Confederate Believed to Have Assisted in the Es cape From Fort Madison. 8KATTLK. July 7.-Bln e Tracy, the em-aped eonvlvt, left the Johnson Horn faturday afternoon at Port Miullixin, abMutrly no real clue ha Imwb dliwvered ua to hi wh-reaW.its. Korly ImlUni arc watching for the murdurr In Kltxap County. The root of the whole lower Hound In iHng pftlrll"d, an! jtu tnln are In im buh. The authorities ran make ro move until he ngnln show nlmself. Fir th time being Tuny ha vanish ed nn complitely ax If swallowed ty an nrthimki'. Thi- l.lo xlhounds from the Walla Walla penitentiary urrh-ed liwc tonight. The turr Ken Lion has b-n Ufil-r t.-n all night, with tha animal l)-mrl in-.tiri) to leave for any place where the crlmlsiaj may put In hi appura.i . At the extreme hevl of Miller Bay the Whitehall boat which carried Tra cy a" i n'l-.'rn way from Port Mdln Saturday night haa been found. The boat had been pulled In from the beach and Mowed away In a flump of bushes and Tracy evidently felt secure In the belief that It would not be found fur m-veral day at 1iat. Thla very fact may lead to develop ments aomewhut earlier than any one hnd hoped for. The hejtd of Miller Bay I four mile overland from Port tlamlili-, It I directly north of Port Madison, the Indian reervatlon, where, according to an Indian woman, Tracy wa seen yesterday afternoon. Sheriff Cook, with a ponw, left Port Madlnon early tnli morning to search the Millers Buy district. Immediately after the finding of the boot, the party discovered a fresh trail leftdlng lnto the forest. The tracks of two men are plainly dls cerniible and there was no doubt In the minds of the member of the that they were hot on the4 track of Tracy and his unwilling partner, An derson. Shortly after noon. Deputy Sherlf Cook and a party made tlsMr way Into ihe dense forest and It may be hour 'before they will again be heard from. Every possible point on the Sound 1ms been furnished with a carefully prepared dtwertpton of Tracy and An derson. The authorities of the north ern counties bordering on the Sound have taken up the chase and consider able addition have been made there by to the pursuing force. Hood Canal Owunty la being patroll ed by two squads of officers. DEMORALIZES PLANS FOR CAP TITRB. SEATTLE, July . By 'the longest Jump he has' taken so far in his flight, Tracy, the Oregon cscaiwd murderer, has completely demoralized all the carefully laid plans to capture him. Friday he left the vicinity of Bethel. Saturday noon he reached Port Madison. Tonight nt 6 o'clock he was reported seen on the outside of De ception Pass between Fldalgo ' and WIvMby Islands. HI ilg-iag course and unexpected movements have ence more placed him beyond Immediate danger. Ill latest coup Is the moat spectacular of all. The murderer' ob jective point Is now supposed to be Whatcom, where, It is stated, he ex pects to meet a friend, ARRIVES OFF DECEPTION PASS. Tracy's arrival off Deception Pas was reported to Sheriff Brisbane, of Whatcom County at 8 o'clock tonight. He received the message from Chias. Brlsbone. Scouts have been sent out to patrol the shore line of Chuckanut . . Bay, below- Falrhaven. where It I. . ,. ., , , , believed that Tracy w 11 attempt to ' -"i'ii iu ana" That Tracy la trying to reach aome frlenda it Whatcom County I Mated to be a!mot certain In a dlxpalcb from Whatcom tonight. Cub Merrill, am to rse a brother of Merrill, the convlct who ecaied with Tracy, live at WhalciHn, Saturday night while Intoxicated he aald that the murderer wan on hi way to that place, also atated that arrangement ti(S had ...uue w ineei mm. A a remit of Tracy.'a spectacular Jump the greatest hue and cry after a criminal in the hlatory of the atate til lirwlMt U'Q V k nanuli kna ' "- " taunctieat out guarding the pa through which the convict may reach the ahores of Whatcom county. Deputy dav are entertained by the officials of .heriff are ilocking from all lde toithe ral,,ad', fUld the board of art- , . . . join 1 the man hunt and when Tracy land he will be hard preaaed. The lunt hwird of Sheriff Cudlhee and an expedition he lead on tire tug Sea. . . , . , ,. - Lion to Port Mauitmn lu pursuit of Tracy, was at Sidney. He went there to hold a consultation wtth Sheriff Sacknian of Kitsap County. HIS FLIGHT UNEXPECTED. Tracy" flight from the vicinity of Uothel Friday was unexpeoted. Ac cording to his own atorv he beat .cross county to Meadow Point, where he held up a Japanese fisherman. At the point of his Winchester ritle he forced the man to take him across the Sound to Port Madison. At Malison the murderer entered th home of a t Scandlnavian family named Johnson. There he ate a hearty meal and changed his clothing. He made no effort to conceal his ld-ntlty. When he left the house Tracy left all the members of the family tied to beds and gagged. He took Johnson's hired man with him and left Madison In a urge uoai Deionging io me iamny. i ... . - .... He set sail down the Sound at dusk Saturday afternoon. The news of Tracy's latest exploit Closing Out Sale of a Well-Bought Stock Every article In the house must your'. We do not carry everything, found priced low?r than ever offered EO Ladles' Fancy and Black Parasols one-half price. 5P -Ladies' Waists worth $1,25 to 11.73, (53 cents. Ladles Kid Fitting Corsets and Cor set Waists, C9 cents. 100 Ladles' Jackets, only Jialf price. 50 Children's Jackets only half price. Boys' Suits, age 4 to 13, half price. 50 -pair of Boy All Woal Knee pants, 38 cent. , The well-known School Shoe, District No. 76, worth 1.60 to 11.76; for 98c. J Ladles' Wrappers worth $1, for 55cta. ! Call and avail yourself of Chicago Bargain House 506 Commercial Street - Astoria. Ore. fprtad like wildfire. Sheriff Cudlhee returned from Bothel on the naming i train and organized a new r,ose. Ttie l.jg Sea Lion wa chartered and the party left thf afterr-oon tor Madi son, It consisted of a largs number of heavily armed men. . From all Indication It would appear that Tracy took the ocuide passage on hi yoyage to Deception Pas. In Chi cane he must have gone pact Port Ludlow, Port Townsend, Porta Flag lf-r, Casey ami Worden. Hi boat must have passed In sight of these lace. FAIL TO COMPLETE RAIIJtOAD, Plan of Board of Trade Failed to Com plete Portage I toad. PORTLAND. July 7.-At a meeting of the Board of Trade, Joseph Gallon, chairman of the committee on rail I road, mode a utatement of the Condi jtlon and proapect" of the Paul Mohr ; portage railroad around the dalle of !tne Co'""" Rlv- He aald: I regret that I am unable to re- ' . .Jl . .. t, . ,p,wi the micceM of the Board of j Trade' ilan to complete the portage i railroad and that there are no oroa- .P"" "y rm mediate completion of l,he road on any 0,her pIan- A can" ,vaii waa made among the capitalist ;f(f Portl9n(,. Numerou meeUn- were held with the leading capitalist, mer- johant and proierty holder but It u in laeovered that there -were many j difficulty In the .way of ' narrM-ii it ruin rtp nt ftnv nthr nlnn iEXPEXTT SETTLEMENT OF STRIKE 'Arbitration Board Working to Secure a Conference Ith Official. I CinCAGO. July ".-Hope of speedy jgettlement of the trike of the freight handler union which was called to . iraiion. Tbt mcMg o( the unon ttt a con ference tonight told Chairman Job, of the board of arbitration, that . they were '"n Prmlt tne employe of the different companies to meet the 1 . . . . . -,u- 'offlclals of the name to dlscuas. the !wftRe 8CRle, providing a Joint confer- ence between the railway managers and committee representing the men There Is little doubt that the strike can be settled satisfactorily . to both isldes If the conference Is arranged. ADVANCE OF WAGES. SIOUX CITT. Ia.. July 7. Chicago, St. Paul, Mlnn?apolis A Omaha Ra,il- 'road Company ha granted the boll 'erm alters, machinists and helpers ad !vance of 25 centa day ,n wae8, , ONLY IS SCHOONERS FOR SEALING VICTORIA, B. C, July 7.-Only 13 'of 21 schooners which were outfitted 'for the seal hunt in Behrlng sea will get away, eight of them having been ) unable to get Indian hunters. This is the smallest fleet In years, BUILDING ARENA FOR FIGHT. SAN FRANCIS.-.', July 7. urouna . , . , .h ..,,, , ,was broken today for the erection of !a temnorarv arona Fourteenth and Valencia street, where Jeffries is to go. If you lon't like our prices tell us but everything we do carry will be In Astoria. Ladles' Wrappers worth J1.75 to 12.00 j for J1.00. Mens $1,2S Standard SMits, Fancy Patterns, 85n. Men's Collars, Standard Brands, liK. ! A fine assortment of 75c Tlw a: ?C.c. Large assortment of Men's Fell Hats, half price. Boys' Caps worth $50c, for 22c. Children's Hose less than factory prices. 65o Dress Goods at 10c. 75c Dress Goods at 35c. Children's Knit Underwear, 17c. Ladles' Knit Underwear, this, the Golden Opportunity. meet FUzimmo!i July 2J. From Harbin Springs, where Jeffries Is In training and from Hkah'g Springs, where Fitzslmmon I preparing for th truKgle, comes the report that both pugllUl are tending to their work with Increased ssal. WILL NOT BE CANDIDATE. Senator Bevertdge Decline to Be Nom inated for Vice-President. INDIANAPOLIS. July 7.-Senator A. J. Beverldge was today asked about the Washington dispatch slating that the senator warn being urged a a candi date for vice-president In 1904. He aid: ' I will under no circumstance t. come a candidate for the vice-presidency and at no time have I been con sidering the matter." FIND uoi.D MfNB. Ha Proof of Hto Story Richest Rock Seen for Year. BUTTE, July 7 -The Miner savs n Haggerty has returned from Thunder Mountain district, bringing the story of a sensational gold .Htcoverv mao by him. Hargery backs up the tale With about 200 pounds of the richest rock ever seen In this jart of the country. CARBUILDKRS STRIKE ENDED. OMAHA, July 7. Tlw car builders settled their dicersnccs with the com pany today by accepting for one year the scale offered. Thi 1 considered final by both sides. There are no new developments in the strike situation today and quiet prevails at the shou- vards. both sides evidently waiting for other to act. SPEAKS ON ALASKA. COLUMBUS. O., July 7.-Seeretarv Wilson delivered an address at the inaugural exercises of the graduate school of agriculture at the Ohio State University tonight. Speaking of the agricultural possibilities of Alaska, he predicted that the day is not far dist ant when the value of Its agricul tural products will exceed that, of its mines. .... . --.i VENEZUELAN ' TROOPS ROUTED. WILLEM3TAD, July 6. Three thou sand Venesuejan government troops under General Callito Castro tho president's brother, were routed Julv 3rd between Barcelona and Agua by the revolutionists under command of General Rolando. CAR MEN CONTINUE STRIKE. PORTLAND. July 7.-The meetlmr of the striking street car men tonight decided to continue the strike. It was thought today 'hat the trouble was about ended, but the action of tonight 'leaves the situation same as before. EX-SENATOR DORSEY WEDS. NEW YORK. July 7. El-Senntor Stephen W. Dorsey. of Arkansas, was married today to Miss Laura Blgelow at 'the Grace church. After a tour of European cities, they will reside In Los Angeles. EX-UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT ILL. REDLANDS, Cal., July 7.-Dr. Chas. Kendall Adams, ex-presldent of the University of Wisconsin, is so serious ly 111 at his new home In this city that there is little hope of his re covery. He is suffering from kidnev trouble. PRICE OF SILVER. NEW YORK. July 7. Silver, 53. The Eclipse Plumbers 2nd Steamfilters. Steam Boat and Gasoline Boat Work a Specialty. . . Stoves and Tinware 527 BOND STREET WILL BE CROWNED NEXT MONTH Coronation of. Edward to Take Place the Middle of August. QUEEN'S TEA TO SERVANTS Spcdy Itecovei-y Crunch Dcclnlon to Be Made Today but It Is Xot Officially An nounced. I.ONDON, July 7.-Klng Edward will be crowned between August 11 and August 15. Hi recovery ha ten rapid and satisfactory that this de cision ha been arrived at. No offi cial announcement of the fact him yet been made. The pageant through th streets and the ceremony at Westmin ster Abbey will be much curtailed from the original form. Their maj esties will drive from Buckingham Palace to the Abbey through the Mall, to Whitehall and thence to the Abbey, the same route as taken at the open ing of parliament. : THE IJftTEST BULLETIN. LONDON, July 7. At 10 o'clock this morning the following bulletin on King Edward's condition was posted at Buckingham Palace: " The king had nine hours' natural sleep and his progress continues to be uninterrupted. The wound Is dis charging freely and 1 less painful to dress and is healing nicely. (Singed.) Drs. Treves, liking" and Barlow." QUEEN'S TEA TO SERVANTS. . LONDON,' July , Queeo Alexan dria's tea to 10,000 domestic servant of London commenced today. Each lone of the queen's guests received a gift from her majesty, consisting of a box of chocolate and a silver gilt brooch. POLICE REFUSE TO GO ON DUTY. For Fifteen Minutes Owing to Arrest of the Chief the Police Orders, : WALLA WALLA, July 7. For IS minute this evening there was no po lice force In the city. The chief wa under arrest and each officer rather . than to take charge of their former. superior took off his star and turned it over to the city police Judge. To save the law and order from com- ' plete route tir -.nayor extended execu tive clemency to the chief. Then the force resumed It stars and took up ' again the discarded administration of 1 office. " The trouble grew out of an alterca tion In the police court between Chief of Police Kauffman and Judge Glas- : ford.' CHAMBERLAIN INJURED. LONDON. July 7.-Colonial Secretarr Joseph Chamberlain was severely cut on the head today by reason of a cab horse falling and causing Mr. Cham berlain to lurch forward In the cab. striking his head against the glass front. He was removed to the hosnl- tal and Is not seriously hurt. Hardware Co. ASTORIA. OREGON