The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 04, 1902, Image 3

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WELCH'S (lUAl'E JUICE iih mi
iHMHml. Mmle of I'lifcrniciiti'il Hclcct New
York Slutti (Mucoid grapex.
No IMItcry. . Ntoi' 0h ii t nill ia OVIo lt
Ross, Hlggins 6k Co.
;t'hv iliitly AytovtliU,
MltTINI. July .-4Hvgim and
V(iitiiii.iiililii mlii; Idaho, Hhuw.
i i li-ailim u-niilliMr In aflwrnsin.
of all sizes
Flag - Bunting
For Decorating
Cation sell feed, rrlD and hay.
Pure strained honey In turt ni'.d
tint jam may be had at Johnson Bros.
W are now receiving fresh rap--nli"i
OiUly, dir( from th grower
You will Had the b( 15r nx-al In
Mm Mty at ttoi Itlnltig Hun Henlaurant.
No, 112 CommpivliU atrial.
Totitirht'a dlnpliiy of ilivwrolm will
tn iiokIi' frmn Hi'' hill at tin- ixitilh
went roini'r "f Kranklln avi-nui1 and
I'.liviiiih itrwl.
Niw jtok f fancy gomla Junt ar
rived at Voki'luiiim IMaaur. Call and
r th Illiil mivrittm from Jaimn.
nnrt In your aidi-r for your winter"
uMy of Sr, alub or iiard wood to Kel
ly, th tiimxfii'.nmn. 1'honc 2211 black.
All nmokpM amoke the "Pride of
Anlorta" clgam. No lx-tttr made.
Mnnufai'lurrd by MacFurlana k Kno
tH. Tnu can buy NVwbro'a UTplcld,
Wi great dandruff cur, for 75 cent
per bolt! at Wi Occident Barber
ltlrycle rrpnliHiig wltl nldll "and
prompt ni. , Sttppllea In atot'k; work
(uarantM-it. ItHlaiiM Klcctrlral Work
4'.'1 Itond fit.
IK't, chfapent and ln.tat Drworki
to be found In th city, at Joaae Fong
A Co. 4J0 Citmniii-lal Ktri;et. Come
?arly and pick out vhat you want.
Cou)H'w carry the tenteat and
tipst aHivtid atoclc In the city. The
line Include Ivulib nmooth and tufted
couohen, which we ore offering at low
er price than other dealer. Charle
IMIltorn & Son,
Rclinblc GoocIh
Have You Seen
The fine Line of OjmqTie Window Shades we are
selling at 2.") cents?
' Live when you live and Hleepon one of our hair mat
tresses. All mattresses made to order Irom flUO down
to $7.")0.
See our Mantle Beds with Yum Yum Springs from
$".M up.
One hundred useful household articles at 5 cents each
We sell on small profits,
All public imi nd bank will be
rlm tomorrow, a g ctwtomary.
A shipment of corn-fed Kat..rn
ham ami bacon just In.-JOilNHON
lllti W.
Our Hlui' lll ! i,j.n utull 12 iti,
July 4th. No jriMln will bo dcllvercd.
t nrry it, k f mirror well worth
t.mkliiK Into; tnliror to milt nil people
illiil purse ---CIIAH, MHiHltH.
Tl Orient at llni-r t ikIi u un it d.
parted yesterday fr Houk Khiik. with
a rnrito valued at H(,Wio.
Tin- steamer Km. , Elmore depart,
1 yesterday iimrnlnu fur Tlltumook,
with Ihii frrliftit ftinl 4'niT list.
Tin- steamer Hmiln llntiMtra arrived
vesterdiiy from Hun Frnncl,-o. She
Will (iMol lumber for California at
Carroll's I'oliit,
The nIihhiiI Eldr arrived down
the liver yesterdny and departed for
Wan Francisco, after tiiklnn n a targe
'lUfiittlly of fn-lirtii here,
IS.Hiiinxt.-r Itced stales Hint there
will Ik- one delivery of mail today by
currier, mxl the postofnVe will lie open
from 12 3D to I; 30 p. m,
The -omnlttee named to JmlKe thi
illuminated til lo iiuruilf and award
prl- n iii.tln up of P. A. Trulllniror
H, I). Johnson and C, W, Burr.
A mmmtiiln beaver wa killed .
leidtiy In T. t. Trill lliiKi-r'n yard. The
;rni" animal whs on display at Hose,
illlKKlni' store during 1h day.
The Antorlu liiuimll team left laat
nlicht for Houth lWnd tn pltty ball with
the loriil team. Three of the Anlnrlu
playei weie plrkrd lip at f'ort Cantiy.
For a miliar pienl, or lc t renin and
cake, call today on the Methmltat la
dle, who will aerve you in the atore
liullillnif. coriwr f Ninth and t'mnmer-i-lnt.
A lieiittfll lunoli will ! nerved to
il a v by the Methodlal Indba In the
"lore btill'itntr corner of Ninth and
Oommervliil. Ice-cream and cak will
ili lie nerved.
The funeral r the Inlc Arthur J.
Illtike wa held yesterday from Oniee
church. Itev. W .H. Hhnrt coinluoilnif
the aervlcea. The Interment wan In
(Ireenwoml cemetery.
The Indie of the Methodic church
will tiabiy serve lunch' .k'e-cream Bnd
isilie In the store-building, corner of
Ninth and Comniercliil St. He f lire
to irtitnuilxe them.
We hiive rerrtved a new lot of hiilr
hruahe to sell frn !5 cent to 17.
Ifeith hruhc from 3.'. cent to 12;
cloth titnishe fnmi IS cent to I2.S0.
ItfMIKUH. the IVllgglHt
Peputy Collector Parker yesterday
landed four Chinese tasctiRcrH from
the I ml rn pit in. Two of the Chinese
are nieri-hants dulng business In As
toria, while the other are laborers.
A prominent merchant sutftfeHted
lust night that the arch at Commer
cial and Tenth should be maintained
durliur the summer month, the ex
pense of lighting It to lie borne by
the men-limits
Astoria's police department still con
tinue to be one of the principal
wreea of the city' revenue. Purlng
the month of June the department col
lected trs. Of this amount t4r..5o
was In sundry licenses, while mica
ind forfeitures In the police court ag
uremited M22.n0.
Lowest Prices
If you get hungry today roll on the
Mfthodlxt ladle, whu will erv
fourth f July lunch In tlm viote
liitlillni' on Ninth and Commercial, Ice
crifilii iuii) cak also will be served.
Hevenil of the inemlM-r of 'the Iimb)
Musti'lan' I'nlon arc out of work, lie
cently the union ral-d the ! of
wug trim tl to 12. jO nightly. The
employer granted the Increase with
out contention, but reduced their
working force.
The A. O. U, W. grand lodge I to
meet In Portland ahortly, and the an
nual reports of the ofttcer have al
ready been prepared. According to the
grand recorder"' report, there are 131
A. O, U. W. lodges In this Mtate, with
i membership of 1I,w:h, a gain over
last year of 705.
A dance will le g'lven tonight at
Kmird A Hlokes' hull by the Colum-hla
orchestra for the benefit ot niem
liers of the orchestra, An ailmlwlon
fee of 60 cent will lie rlmrged, ladles,
of course, being admitted free. A
the orchestra ha always assisted locul
events there will no doubt he a largo
crowd at tonight' ball.
Toke Point, which are Kaatern oya
tr developed In Hhoiilwater bay, are
unllk all others good at any w-aaon
of the year. Tliey are fat and deli
cious. Cniw-flh ar ihmv Just In ea
'on and are excellent eating, a arc
crab and all the other numerous de
lleaclr nerved so nkllfully at the Toke
Point oyater house on Kleventh street.
Local meri'lmtil had md exten
ive prciMtimlon for a big busine
vesterday, but the weather played ha
voc with things, and trade was not
ie:trly as btlsk a .lad been anticipat
ed. Prom this it should not be taken
thai business was dull, but that It did
not correspond with that for balance
of the year. The weather nnd the ef
fect of keeping many country people
at home.
The strike of the si en mix wit engi
neers I a fur from settlement as at
nnv niher time sln.'e the men refused
duty. Yefturday Uier were no mater
ial developments, except that some of
ihn uper river steamer were tied
up. The (Intxert Is still In operation,
as la the Potter, but a general t1e-up
I shortly expected unless the compan
lei come to the term of the men.
The second trial of Louis Kiss on a
charge at larceny was held In the cir
cuit court yesterday. The case wa
submitted without argument, and the
lury went out shortly after 5 o'clock.
Judge Wlnloii npeared for the de
fendant and District Attorney Allen
for the state. At an early hour thl
morning the Jury had not reached a
verdict, standing, It I reported, 9 to
t for acinlHal.
The annual number of the Portland
Commercial Itevlew, Just at hand, Is
one of the tltiiwt special edition ever
printed In the Northwest. It Is re
plete with splendid Illustrations and
lontnins a commercial summary that
is pnriii tihirly valuable to business In
teret. The Oriental trade come In
for a giesl share of apace in the an
nual, wlille the Industries of the Male
are bundled at length. The numlier
Is typographically perfect and a cred
it to the publishers.
The slot machines of PorlLind will
have to go again, afi'r several months
of comparative security. Chief Me-
Ijiik hlun yester lay ordered his men
to notify the owner of all 'ot ma
chine operated for money to take
them out Immediately, under pain of
arrest and tine. Whether the cigar
stand miu4i1nea are to be refeguied to
I he Junk pile at Uil time doe not
ippear, but there are strong Indica
tions that they, too, will tie tabooed.
The order is the tlrst gun of the new
lulmlnlKt ration In the battle for reform
In certain quarter, and the chief ha
a Mtrong sentiment at hi back In
making tihe order.
Hon. Victor U. Dolllvar and a party
of friend arrived In the city on Inst
night' train to conduct the Fourth
of July celebration In Astoria. The
visiting dignitaries were met at the
depot by a committee and escorted
to the O.vl'k'tlt Hotel. With
Mr. lHilllvar come Hon. L. A. McXary,
of Portland, the new odty attorney of
the metropolis; Judge William Held,
a well-known Jurist; T. C. Powell, J,
V. W. Math jui and Charles A. Bunis
hrdt, the latter a power In Itepub
Ik'im politics and an adept at bowl
ing. The imrty Is certainly a Jolly
one and can be relied upon to hold
up Its end of he celebration. .Mr.
Dolllvar I a speaker ot national re
pute and his address today will be a
rare treat. If weather should chance
to clear up, the party will go to the
bench. ' x
The money subscribed In the city for
relief of the Boer women and chil
dren In the South African concentra
tion camps has been forwarded to the
Ruropean headquarter of the Boers,
and Cieorge KabotJv, chairman of the
committee, ha received the following
acknowledgement of the gift: " Ut
recht, June m.-Oeot'flfe Kaboth. Esq.,
Astoria, Ore Mr: I am directed by
hi hoior. President Kruger. to ac
knowledge the receipt of your letter
of the 2Hth of May lust, enclosing
oheck to She amount of 1024 francs on
bebivlf of his people, His honor de
sires me to convey to you and your
comml'tee and to all those who have
contributed to this um hla heartfelt
thanks for this much, valued gift
which will be thankfully received by
the poor pe.iple for whom It Is In
tended. I am, devr air, yours sin
cerely, C. Waesonsten."
Th completion of the ah and door
factory t Hmlth Point and ho re
building of the Clatsop mill mean
much for Astoria, The sash and door
factory will b a mot Important en
terprise next mimmer, by which time
It will have about ISO men on 11 pay
roll. The Clatsop Mill ltox Company
will probably Increase It force to 125
men before ummer comes around
again, The manufactorle Cfrnimlttee
of the Charrfber of Commerce end Push
Club ha several iropoIUon pending,
and It i confidently expected that at
least one big mill will tie secured by
spring, Thl will give employment to
more than 600 men In the milling busi
ness ,to say nothing of the number
if men employed In the logging rami
In the Immediate vicinity of Astoria.
The city will oon have a big payroll,
and the propped for the future of A
torla are Indeed bright.
For many years past Astor lodge,
K, of P., and Beaslde lodge, A, O. V.
W have held a Joint la of Pythian
Castle, The. lease of the Workmen
has expired and hereafter the hall will
be rented alone by Aslor lodgtt. Sat
urday night Is now the only one on
which a meeting I not held t the
castle, and several lodge have made
application for the renUU on 'that
night. The matter will be settled at
Wednesday' meeting of tile Knight.
The hall wa built In lhsi, and has
proved a go.i l business Investment for
the owner, the Pythian lAnd Build
ing Anfsltion. On Wednesday lilght
the Installation of officers of the K.
of P. will take place. The orfWr to
be liisftnlled are; Past chancellor,
Uvorge Noland; drancellor commander,
J. F. Welch: vice-chancellor, Frank
denies; prelate, C W. ftarr; M. at A.,
Nf. Jone; M. of F., August Panhison;
M of 10., r. T. denies; K. of It. and
tf, I). P.. Wound; Inner guard. L An
derson; outer guard, J F. Welch, Jr.
Yesterday was the anniversary of
the outbreak at the' Balem peniten
tiary In 1KS3. Four of the convict who
attempted to escape were shot to
death, while several other were
wounded, some of them acrtomty. The
guard who did most of the ehooting,
(llfton Sflliwell, U a resident of this
city. He wa stationed on the wall
when the break for liberty was made
by the men, and of the nine shots
tired by him seven drew blood. He
Is credited with having killed all
four of the convicts. The last man
killed was wounded twice by SttUwell
in the tiring. Mr. Still well keenly
watches the antic of Tracy and Mer
rill. Yesterday' exciting bulletin,
jiosted at the As tor Ian office, were of
much Interest to him. He think Tra
cy's story about killing Merrill is un
true, an opinion that I generally shar
ed In this city. The last bulletin re
ceived last nlglit "wa to the effect
that Tracy hail 'been "urrionded at
Itoihel, and that he had shot three
men. The opinion prevailed that the
esoipe una fast neaiing the end of hi
rope and that he would soon be captur
ed or killed.
The German school ship Hersogin
Cecelia, from Hamburg for Portland,
oassed I.itard lost Saturday. The ar
rival of the Heraoglii Cecelia will
probably further complicate matters
in the lis-al salt market, and both the
suit trust on the Pacific coast and
the refiners of the East may be af
fected hy the arrival of tne nrw ves
sel. The Cecelia is retsirted to be
loaded with a cargo of German salt,
which she Is bringing to Portland at
a freight rate that will make the price
laid down on the docks tn this city
very attractive for buyers. Stocks of
salt on the Pacific coast are already
pretty large, and they will lie Increas
ed In a few days by the arrival tn
Portland of the British shio Sierra
Estrella. wmYh Is coming from Llver-
tHHil with something - 1S08 tons
on board. But little German salt haa
been broug-ht to this port, and It Is
said that the shipment of the Her
sogin Cecelia Is something In the na
ture of an experiment, which. If suc
cessful, will be followed by others.
A large amount of salt 1 used In thl
territory, and all that Is brought in
by sea affects freights to a certain ex
tent, as It hrlngs cheap tonnage here
to lixid wheat.
A meeting of the Plumbers' Cnton
was held yesterday afternoon for the
purpose of discussing the strike situ
ation, but nothing of Interest trans
pired. At the meeting of the employ
ers, the previous evening, a counter
proposal was submitted to the work
men by each of the employers, but
there was no reply to the union as a
body, It being agreed that each em
ployer sh.niM Interview his own men.
Evidently the plumbers did not take
this officially, for at their meeting yes
terday the matter was not acted upon.
President Hadden said last night,
when aikd about the situation, that
(he union had received nothing on
which to act, and that the matter was
in the mine shape that It had been
sines the demand for more wages and
shorter hojrs had been submitted to
the Master Plumbers' Association.
While efforts to .ecure a statement
from the members of the Master
Plumbers' Association were to no pur
dob. It was learned last night t'hat
the employers have agreed to increase
the wasres of the men to 93.50 a day,
but the eljfht ho'.ir-demand has been
objected to, the employers holding1 out
for nine hours. The Increase whk-h
the employ?rs are willing io grant Is
practically 20 per cent. ' Some of the
employers are reported to have noti
fied thlr men that they could return
to lha shops on Monday If they were
willing to accept iS 50 for a nine-hour
day. There has not yet been any of
ficial action on the part of the union.
If Weather Olnwrver Johnson can to
prevailed upon to furnish decent
weather today, the celebration of the
nation' natal day will be the greatest
ever held on the Columbia river.
Kvery preparation Jta been made to
make the event a success, and the on
ly thing doubtful 1 Che wtather. Yes
terday, aft;r a long spell of delight
ful w father, rain began falling. In
Uil rejtp?ct Astoria had been fortu
nate, a therj had been a steady
downpour through the Willamette Val
ley and In Eastern Oregon for several
day past, Mr, Johnson predict show
ers for today, but H l txi'lleved the
rain will not tie heavy enough to In
terfere eriouly with the celebration,
YentaHay's ahower did not spoil the
decontton at the different stores and
along the street, and the i.ity present
a pretty appearance. The official pro
gram a printed In the Aslorian will
be carried out today. In the event
f-f rain, th exercise woheduled to
take place at the court-house will be
held at Foard Sc Htoke' hail.
Mr. Johanna. Young, wife of County
Commll.3ier Young, died yesterday
morning at St. Mary's hospital from
the effect of an operation performed
for tlver complaint. The 'operation
wa performed Wednesday and It
seemed for a llrne that the patient
would recover. A relapse followed and
yesterday morning the end came. The
death of Mr. Young wa a sad sur
prise to the many friends of that most
estimable woman, whore kindly dispo
sition had endeared her to all with
whom she came In. contact. Deceased
wa a native of Denmark and 52 years
of a. In 1872 he came to San Fran
cisco, Where he was married. Three
years later Mr. and Mr. Young re
moved to Astoria and resided here un
til 1S3 .when they took up their res
idence on their Youngs River ranch.
Two sons, William and Daniel, and a
daughter. Agnes, survive Mr. Young.
Another son, Edwin, wa killed In the
Philippine during the war, and the
body of the mother will be laid to rest
beside that of her soldier son. The
funeral will probably be heid on Sun
day from the Lutheran church of East
Astoria. Definite arrangements will be
announced later.
T. A. Greenman, of Oystervllle, I In
the city.
Hoy Wherry was down yesterday
from Svenaen.
William Dixon, of Chinook, was in
Astoria yesterday.
Dr. C. O'Reilly, of Portland, was in
the city yesterday.
Jess Leggett. of Baker City, ia reg
istered at the Occident.
J. S. De Bevolse, of Portland, was
doing Astoria yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sale, of Knappa,
were In town yesterday.
MUs Nellie Peterson, of Portland, is
visiting with the Mlaaea Cole.
J. A. Funge Is down from Portland,
to remain until Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Rogers, of
Seattle, are visiting tn the city.
Dr. D. K. Vaveland. of Portland, was
In the city yesterday, the guest of
Dr. PUkington.
Ms Margaret Fisk. of Clatskanle,
is In Astoria to spend the Fourth with
Miss Clara Simpson.
Rev. Hargrove and wife are visit
ing with the family of Mr. Cameron.
They will stay about a mdntlr.
Miss Gertrude Sutton, assistant
principal of the Medford public school,
Is visiting the family of Rev. Foster.
Miss Elizabeth Hutchinson, of Port
land, accompanied by her friend. Miss
Ada Richards, visited her parents here
last Sunday, returning to Portland
Monday morning.
The Indies Aid Society, of the Pres
byterian chui-ch, met at Mrs. Stone's
house on Wednesday, but owing to
the rain and the consequent small at
tendance the annual election was post
poned until next Wednesday.
Notwithstanding the cool weather
and excessive rain everytning seems
to be growing rapidly. Some of the
hay Is falling but not much injury
has yet been done. Fruit of all kin is.
except berries, is rather right, especial
ly apple.
After the brilliant wedding last
week uniting the lives and fortunes of
Mr. Angus McDonald, of Montana,
and Miss Lena Warren, of this place,
a lot of young fellows met and treat
ed the couple to an old fashioned
charivari and were themselves treat
ed to strawberries and cake, after
which they waked up some of the
neighbors and retired, well satisfied
with the fun ot the evening.
B'.g reduotlon sale Of all kinds of la
dies' and children's furnishing goods,
See the large display of shirt waists,
summer skirts, trimmed hats and
children's clothing. Chance for the
$500 piano with every 6oc purchase.
Mrs. R. Insrleton, opposite Budget of
The Fraternal Order of Eagles will
meet at their hall today at 12:30 to
form for the parade. By order of
J. N. LAWS, Pres.
It Is the loose thinker who is usual
ly fast.
A man's great fault is that he ha
so many small ones.
I fnmiMisms T
Sluuialiaii IJnililiiiyr,
jfie Finest
Commercial St. Mtrket Affords.
Sale and Serviceable. Cheaper than wood or
gas. All sizes with bake oven attached.
Nothing better for summer cooking. You are
always clean and the kitchen cool.
Jobbers and Dealers in
Pips Repairing
A Specialty
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers.
V ALLBM- Tenth and Commercial Streets
Thoroughly renovated and modernized. The most
popular eating place in Astoria. Open all night.
Only white help. John Blasich, Prop., Eleventh St.
We are prepared to make them oa
short notice and of the best material.
Let us give you estimates on may kind
of castings or pattern work. Lowest
prices tor flrst-cla work.
knows ivhat a good corset
means, and how Lard it is
get to one. We carry oil
the famous lines such as
R. and G.,
In Snort Hip and
Extra Long Waist,
Boned Bast and
t'oiiunen-ial .Street
Restaurant in the City
Regular Meala, 25 cents,
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
tbe ltf Itf IVKfofila
515 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon
''Scow Bay IfcaO
? Brass Works
Cur. 18th and Frnkliu m.