TUL MORNING ASTORIAN. THURSDAY, JULY 3. liK)2 CONHt'lRACY AGAINST CKC8TAS. plot 11 ax Hwn Discovered In a Cur ious Manner. NEW YORK, July -.-A cpi a. y stfalnct the lire of the pr?ident of Vrtmu-iy, Dr. CttrtHit. ha Wn dls covered here In a euivja manner. &ys & IJVtitII peeiul from Buetws Ayres. ; Carlos Pnganlnl found desd In the Dtwti of thin city. The police were investigating the ease when they retlved a communication raying that Psttitiir.ini wus the rtitf conspirator aralnT the life of Cuestas. The cmn miiiliesilen further stated that the Good enough for anybody! Havana Fiuei - FL0R0D0RA " BANDS en tf stmt lt t ttfs from "START -HORSESHOE," SPEARHEAD."" STANDARD NA VY." " OLD PEACH A HONEY." "SAW IOC," "OLE VARCINY" pr" MASTER WORKMAN" Tobacco. 1 v B ' . 1 mm HF OR ME 1ST OF S T Y L E I WE have ready to show to you men who care something about the way you look, and something about what it costs to look right, the best lot of Spring overcoats and suits you ever saw. We have gathered together the things that men of style and good taste want; fabrics that will give long service, tailoring that cannot be ex celled, styles that are notably correct. We know how safe it is to promise these things; the clothes are from Hart Schaffner Marx which is a sufficient guarantee of their superiority in every detail. If you have not worn clothes of this famous make it's time you found out what they're like; you'll get better results for less money than you ever had before. If you have, we probably needn't do more than tell you they're here, ready to put on, easy to pay for, satisfying to wear. Tou can't make a mistake in buying clothes with the Hart Schaffner Marx ! pollen would find In Pasrsnlni' j dwelling 15 kilo of dynamite. This ' statement proved true. j It is understood that Pairgsntnl back ed out at the last moment In the eon- j spiracy to assassinate President Oues tas and that one of Ms follow con. spira'o-s killed him to prevent an ex- 1 posure of the plot. DISOOVKR PBrRIFIKP SHIP. Indiana Bcllwe the Ship to Have Been Noah's Ark. TAOOMA. July I V. A. Held. sec retary of the Skaarway Y. M. C. A., , has'returned from the Alaska Interior, i where he talked with the Indians, whose earnest statements, ho believe, fully confirm previous tvports t!it the Indians of the lower Yukon have dis covered an immense petrified ship on Porcupine river ner the Arctic cir cle and north of Rampart, Alaska. ; When asked regarding Its slie the Indians traced Its dimensions on lh" ground. Indicating a length of 1300 feet. Stteh Indians as are familiar with the Bible ari convinced that the ship lis none other than Nonh's Ark. liid Intends to return to the Interior of Alaska this summer, when he will .take some Indians ami request army i officers to detail soldiers to accompany I Mm. The ship lies on a hiph hill j thousands of feet above the sea level. COMMITTED TO ASTLCM. i Demented Woman Found at El Paso ! OrdereJ Confined. I EL PASO, Tex., July 2. County 'judice Harper has ordered the sheriff to conv?y Miss Ada Barker to the state insane asylum at Terrell, where she will be confined. Several weeks agv, Miss Parker was found wander In? the streets In a demented, eondi- jtion md it is thought she arrived ihere ;n a westbound Southern Pacific train. Where she enme from or where she is going is a mystery. NO LIGHT ON HER DEATH. CHICAGO. July 2. The exact cause of the lea'h of Miss M. Hannah May Thompson, who died at a boarding house on May 19, last, while wearing a beauty mask, probably will never be i known. After hearing evidence on the lease, the grand Jury lias refused to j indict " Expert" E. Wesley Johnson, iw-ho was administering the facial j treatment to Miss Thompson and who j had been held on the charge of mur der. Johnson, who was arrested with his wife. Is still locked up in Jail. I When the jury's report is nrcde In j court today there will be nothing to 'bar his release. WJIJ, OP COPPRtt MAGNATN. Allnva His Children Make Charlt atole Requests. NEW YORK. July S." Having due Ing my life given largely of my means to deH-vlng charities, I make no charitable beiuests, leaving It to my children to make such gifts out of the estate which they receive under my w ill as they shall deem proper." In this paragraph of his will, Leon ard I.vrshn, the voiHer magnate of ihls otty, who died In London on the 5th of Mr.-h last, left it to the dis cretion of his nine children as to what sum should be placed aside from his .-slat for charity. rVUowtng the uwtUu contained in their father's will, the nine chil dren hive agreed to contribute $100,000 each to charity as a memorial to their fatlu-, making a total of $:xx,- W to be devoted to oht,ritable pur poses. The details of the distribution of the sum are now being considered. It Is jsalmated that the value of Mr. Lewisohn's estate Is between $'.$,000,000 and $3i,000,000. TWO LARGEST FREIGHTERS. NEW YORK, July !. Westbound lake captains, who have just come here from the St. l.awrence and put Into Charlotte fw coal, report, says a Rochester dispatch to the Tribune, that the aft section at the big ocean liner Mlnnewaska has been warped off the rocks in the St. Lawrence river. Pears' What is wanted of soap for the skin is to wash it clean and not hurt it. Pure soap does that. This is why we want pure soap; and when we say pure, we mean without alkali. Pears' is piire ; no free alkali. You can trust a soap that has no biting in it, that's Pears'. Established over ioo years. whei It struck two weeks ago. Two The two halve of a sister sltlp, the MlntHsvta, were conducted thrugh the perilous waters of knver Lake On tario and the St. Lawwrn-e In safety, and reached Quebec without a mis hap. This new marks ihv iiraetlcal com pletion of one of the most remarkable features f shipbuilding ever known on the Great Lakes. These two huge going freighters were built at t'leve land. Each of them Is 500 ftvt In length, Close ctilculutlon showed that the length of the completed vessels would not admit of thvlr passage of the leeks In the Wetland and St. lawrenee canal by several feet. Con sequently It was derided to tow them down the lakes In sections two to inch ship. AMERICANS LEAVE Lt'NUO.W Cotvtutlon Visitors Go to Pails and Els'.vhere on Continent. NEW YOitK, July 3-The end of the ptvs'nt week will witness the exit of . great many Americans from tn don, cables the correspondent there of the Hr.tf 1. Vhe boats that sail next Saturday have "argo passenger lists. Of those who came here especially for the coronation, many already have left ftr Paris and other parts of the continent. A sort of dullness seems to h.ive wttled over everything. wm J - jpjj The Standard for Over Half a Century BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Esberg-Gunst Cigar Co., Distributing Agent t'OST Olr TUB 1IOER WAR. It h h?en generally comwded that Kngland wuld eventually conquer tht Hoer forces In South Africa, but when j the vnd comes she will ftnd the cost to llmve tvmched n enormous figure, j There are many persons w ho also spend large sums of tnoney In vain search for health. They take nil kind 1 of medicines, which at Ihe best only j give temporary relief, and the patient i Is as far from recovery as ait the start, I Th result Is different with those who use Hostter'N Stomach itHtera n In i digestion, djM'psln. heartburn, con I stlpatlon, biliousness .Insomnia or ma laria, fewr and ague. It wltlveiy cur , Hundreds of persons have said so. and many prominent physicians and druggist always recommend It, He sui- :n try It, Our Private Stump Is over the nck of the bottle, this vi:i:k only. D'g reduction sale of All kinds of 'a dies' and children's furnishing goods, See the large display of shirt waists, summer iktrta, trimmed hats and children' clothing. Chance for the $J00 piano with every 5e purcha-e, Mrs R, Ingloton, opposite Itudget of flee. Suetvss Is doing your best every day. If sin he In the fashlo't, we must be out of It. NOTICE! All singers, both Indies and gentle, men, who wish to take trt In the choir singing on the Fourth of July re requested to lake suits on the stand Immediately after the parade, J. N. GRIFFIN. Chairman Mule Committee, NOTICE! All members of the Retail Clerks' I'nlon are requested to meet t tin fourth of Jute ' 'i!tnrter at L'.lfl p, in,, to take Htrt In the Fourth of July imiade, UKOUGK HM.STON, Scaviaiy, Good enough for anybody! Havana Fiuei ; FL0R0D0RA " BANDS tn of stmt vtlut ts Hfi frtm "STAR," "HORSESHOE," spearhead:,"Standard na vr." "OLD PEACH 4k HONE," ' SAW LOG," "OLE VARCINY" r "MASTER WORKMAN" Token. 8, AAA MM -'if - label in them; they are guaranteed by the makers and by us, to be satisfactory in every respect. There are lots of other good things here to show you, when you give us a chance; it's as much your interest to see them, as ours to show them. Our htt-rt" is lure,, nn.l lilil. Yii nin Meo'lmt 011 lire looking nt mnl ju-lp'of 1 1 it 1 1 1 n I i ty . Many yvitrs of lioiicst tlcii liner 1;ls jjvt-n tin- store of P. A. STOKES 11 rcjitifalifiu for liili-nitlc oid mul luir ircnliiient of which we nit; justly jronl. There in no nrlit le of Mni'a or hoys' wcitr that you will need lo go elsewhere lor. Now is (he tiiK-o'-yeiir.lo h-UH your fimiixhing goods and hats. Yon cannot run niniss in our stoic. Kveiytliing decidedly Hiinirt mid Minjipy. Our cltiksnrc nwako and anxious to jilense you. That's the reason wc draw the jnirehiiHerH, YOU CANT MAKH A MISTAKE IN MAKING YOUR ITJICIIASKS OK P. A. STOKES FOl'RTII OF JCLY PAItAt'K, All rklo oigitnl ikiJoiis jutcudiug to pnrtUitHUe In the grand Fourth of Ju ly parade with or without Moats are requested to niHlfy Hecrotary 8eg t the hcodiiuirt.ri Monday, so as they imii be assUnnl a Hiitlon in the (. titili. L. 10. fU'lLlO, His-ivtary, lllk'YCI.I'JRS' notice: All persons owning bicycles liolli, mule and fern tie, who Intend uilii lining in the lluiitliiatrd parade on ihe evening of July 4 are respectfully retUcled to register t heailnuaitem Mond.ty. Illumln tilons will lie up plied. L. K. HIOI-lil. 'CO-lMiy, EVESTRA PR0PIIETICA I'll, DK AMANM'8. ' mttlTt'AL MBPU'M AND MKNTAL H0HCNTI8T. , ' T. iiipoittiily locntfd In Ailnii it No. t; Seventeent'i street, whire he will be pleased to receive those who are In want of Spiritual, Clairvoyant ,or Pliyilc.il aid or help. I'r Ie Amainlus Is a n-lUlil - clnlr voyam f thirty-six years eti in e. He may l' consulted dally on n k-il-iM, liusliicMs, and all d.inirsio n(. fairs, Psychic readings daily except Hun lays, l'Ve are within reach of all tidi A Nickel Harvest MILLS COIN OPERATING MACHINES 01 VARKTIIS WHw for mu u4 morof nuking nttfMMtMM, MILLS NOVELTY CO., Chicago. II tO 13 South JMS ItMNtt D A N W E R 3ALVET thmotheiMniialvln tho vvu- .