Tilt MORNING ASTOKIAN. THURSDAY, JULY I'KVJ gaily sicaimt. Telephone, Main 661. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by maJl, per year...,..,. J6.W ernt by mall, per month SO Served by carrier, per month .... 0 SEMI-WEEKLY. tent by mail, per year, in advance SI 00 The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertiser the largest circulation r-r any newspaper published on the Columbia River. A SULF-MAPK MAN Ml ST EXPECT RICHES. NOT There should be no cause for de pression In recalling the fact that suc cess will not always bring the self made man tlther rich? or fame. Though these awards be lavishly dis tributed, he to whom they may not be forthcoming,, if he "ndures to the end and remains u-u? t himself and his mission, will have In his own keep ing a more valuable reward In the consciousness of duty well anJ fa!,h full' performed. Wealth W no means mu.uiu ... pawned a repressing Mi.cess. t'i-;that Tided ft is accompanied fry a ret. son able realisation of the obligations its possession Imposes. If wealth Is the UH that con be exliibited as a result of success, H cannot lo tess than to make Ms fair contribution to the wel fare to society. Ve have a right to complain of rich people. If after spend ing their live? in gathering vealth, they And in Its possession no mandate ef duty and no pleasure, save in the Inactive and sordid contemplation of their howds and i-. .-x pectins the masses to fawn before them. fVinlidness is no-- .-onSned to thoe whose only success consists in lkhes. There Is a sordid- e of education more censurable, though perhaps less ex posed. There are those whose suc cess i made up of a vast accumula tion 'of education wh) ar as m-serly In Its possession as the most avar icious am:ng he rich. No one is jus tified in hoarding :-duca:ion solely for bis stilish use. To keep It entirely in close custody, to take a greedy pleas tire in It contemplation, and to uti tlxe It only as a means of personal and unshared fnjr-ym-nt, nre'more un pardonable than the clutch of the mis er upon his money: for he, :n its ac cumulation, hr. b?'n subj?ei.'d to the crampine and narrowing influences of avarice, while he who hoirda duca tlon does violence to the broad, gen erous Influences w hich -ace .imptny Its equ'kition. The self-made man ou?h: to se his course so plainly as to mak? i: eay i fo him to avoirl t,vie wrong of pordld- ness in the possession of any of tlw regards of his su-ces. He ought e- - peelally and with elarnes !- a-pre- bend the binding force of the- active anil affirmative utilisations which are laid ujHin 'he reivards of success. Their discharge Involv? enllgf. :enfd Good enough for anybody! yu Havana Filler t J" !- , Ti 1 FL0R0D0RA " BANDS tn of stmt rolt at Hft from 'STAR," 'HORSESHOE." SPEARHEAD."" STANDARD HA VK" " OLD PEACH & HONEY." " SAW LOG." " OLE VARCINY" r "MASTER WORKMAN" ftfaccft. A A mlm and indls-rlmlnUinj? charity, the inau guration ami encouragement if ngen ries tVv lnoiva.-cd culture ami l"fir matlnn. Intelligent liberality In hust nes, a clear rf-Kard for the Interest and welfare of those who toil, a con stant exemplification of the strength and nobility of strict Intogrlly. the incitement by precept and example, to frugality ind economy, the i-.M'1'nu- al Inculcation of the benefits end use fulness of education In evry oo-nv tlon, the stimulation of genuine, patri otism, the cultivation of indepond -.at and thouirhtful iHvlillcal Judgment, and last, but by no means lea-t, a heart y healthful interest In the ministrations of religion and the extension of a nmd and moral sentiment.--Success. LOST BY LAWUSSSISS. The strike of the dyers' helpers of the Fmerson silk mills it is conceded is now lost. The appeal of this class of workers In the gre.it siik industry of that city to all the classes employ. ed to strike, or throw np their situa tions in sympathy with their move ment and in orier to bring the employ, era to terms through the fear of ar tlyiinp the industry, meets with no , respone.. nor snouk! it. 'I !u-re is mithiu!f ulmlt . hirs strike rallg ftr yro,mthy-aml. Indeed. syni pathetic strikes are always uncall ed for. It was begun without a pre vious request made to the mill own ers for better terms and was without a moments warning. Furthermore, the attempt was made at the very start to carry it by violence and ier rorism. and through that very resort to violence it is lost. No strik-s has ever succeeded wnere ,ne sinners seek to gain their ends by lawless means, and none ever will. The report to violence In a question of wages or hours of labor between employes and I employers is a chail-.ne ti regulated liberty, to law and order and tan nev er have but one resui: in this coun try the defeat of the movement. The American people will 'not stand for such methods, and the sooner the for- elgn element, which make up so large a part of the strikers in these latter days, learn this truth tire better it will be for them. Don't beirfn to smoke ciirarettes and you will never have to quit it. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ice cream, guaranteed pure, delivered to any part of the city, IS cents a pint. Ice cream soda. Best fresh candles. Private rooms. Parlor Candy Store, S3 Commercial street Rortj-n coal lasts longer, is cleaner and makes less trouble with toves and chimney flues than any other coal on the market. George W. Sanborn, agenl - epaone itu. WANTED 5 YOUNG MEN from Clatsop county at once to prepare for positions In the Government Service. (Apply to Inter State Correspondent j Institute. Cedar Rapids, la. The A. & C. R. R. Co. has announced n special Fouth or July excursion rate of one fare for the round trip between all points. Tickets on sale July 3rd snd 4th, good to return to July 6th, in- ' elusive. i The O. R. & N. will sell xcursion tickets between all stations, Astoria to I Portland, Inclusive, on July 3rd and j 4th. at rate of one fare for the round trip. Good for return up to and In cluding July 6. J Wanted. 45 youns iadies between i the ages ot 5 and 10 years to act as I riils to thr- Goddess of Liberty in lib I erty car on the 4th of July. L:ave names with Mrs. Sarah Ross, milliner, I Eleventh St. L. E. Selig, Sec. j A word to Fourth of July visitors: i The White Collar line will sell round .trip tickets Irom all points on the I river for one fare for the round trip, good going on July 3d or 4t.h, and re- turning, to and Including the Sth, for the benefit of those wishing to take i in Astoria's great celebration. On July 3 and 4 the O. P.. ,i N. - ill ' sell excursion tickets at all landings on 'he Columbia river between Port land and Astoria at rate if one f?re for the round 'trip. Tickets will be good for return up o and Including July S. At the ame tini" an 1 i ndt-r the same conditions tickets will be told to all North Ije.uh points, llwaco to Nahcottu inclusive. Stiamer T. J. Potter l-iv;s AMoria for llwaco connecting with the train for all North ISeach points on July 3 at 5:45 p. m. and on July 4 at 6:45 p. m. the steamer Nahcotta leaves Aelorla at 7:45 a. in. on July 4, giving op portunity for a full day at the beach. The extremely low rate of single fare for the round trip to llwaco and nil bearih points will be in ';ffjct and In connection with the rams rate be tween all river points, Astoria to Tort land, presents a splendid opportunity to visit the beach at the most charm ing season of ithe year or to witness the-gind oelebratloo of '.ha Fourth at Astoria. to! ooo nun. There isn't a man who would be seen running through the street munching a piece of pie. Why not? Because it would mean dysprmia and stomach trouble? Not at all; bnt because it wouldn't look well. As a matter of fact many a business man snatches a lunch in such a hurry that he might as well take it on the run. That is one reason for the prevailing "stomach trouble" among nicn of business. There is a certain remedy for diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It is Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The worst cases of dyspepsia and catarrh of the stomach have been cured bv this medicine. It cures where all 'other means have failed to cura. I took two !wt!e of Dr. Fiwre's f.oMru Medmil lheovwv iar stomach trouble. wntr CIsmce Csn. Ks-.. of Tavlorstown. Ldultnin Co., V, " tt !iJ roe so much good that I tiiiln't lake anv more, I ca l7a mt "oyllnng "w. I i C well pleacit with it I I nfl know how to thank v ii.e ny man. I can cat am o hantl vtni lor Kll ktuil iutormnthin. ' I tried a whole lot of t tun pi U-toie 1 wre to you. There was a gvuUrmail tukl me about your medi cine, au'-l how it had ctirrd hia wile, t thought t would try a bottle of it. Am now tflad 1 did, fbr 1 dou't know what t woult tmve oone if it had not Utn tur lr IVrve't iluitkn Medical Dis covery. IXx-tor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure biliousness. "3 w they slmmlate the sluggish y liver, and cleanse the svs- V tern of impurities. Tliey should always lie used with n Golden Medical Discov ery wista there is ncd of, a Ux.u.ve. TO WHOM IT MAY COXCE11N. Contractors and builders and the public generally are requested to take notice that the following planing mills, located In Portland, have been dtolar- jed unfair by the Building Trades j Council and Federated Trades Coun- en ot tnis city: The Northwest Door Company. Xicolat Brothers Company. Hand Manufacturing Company. North Pacific Planing Mill Co. George Ainslle & Co. J. A. Martin & Co. The Carpenters' Union of Astoria has taken the matter in hand and decided to use none of the products i" ' """ - I so decided In tbe union that after the &m 0 Ju,y wagva be ,3 hai to be paid every Saturday night without fall. By order of the Union. I ADOLF JOHNSON. T. SOUDEN. Secretary. President. SUITS OUR CLIMATE!. The rapidly Increasing use of shin gles as covering for the walls of build ings, both to keep out the w eather and for ornamental purposes, makes a great demand for a shingle ftala which i Prwervw the wood, prevents moss, and jrelains freh appearance, Particularly is such the case in damp - The need Is well met in a Cutbirtbs Creosote Shlnale 1 Stains are penetrative, preservative. ' handsome and durable. They are put jup in eight colors and every package I guaranteed. Dr. T. Ii. Ball DENTIST. 524 Commercial 8treet Astoria. Ore. Dr. Matthew Patton Removed to 523 Commercial St. Over Peterjan & Brotfn's Shoe Store, i FEMALE AND PRIVATE DIS EASES A SPECIALTY. C. ttl, Barr, Dentist Mansell Building. 578 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED 206L J.A.FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. FRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our care Will receive special attention. No. 528 Duane Bt W. J. COOK, Mgr. Astoria, Ore. Res. Tel. 113L Andrew Asp, Hagui Bater, Blarimiiffc ibC BneiMr FIRCT-CLAS3 WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship atd Steamboat Repalrlng.Oenerai Black smithing, Flrtt-Class Horse Shoeing, ntc CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE Vir-V ASI.ERr AMID FtiAMlCS. Hivnldim; Into a blttiiug home, som tlvemen lately dntKgnsl the sleeping lit -:nitc from death. Kanclctl Sivurlty. and death near. It's that way wher you nearb'ct ctiughs and colds, IWt ,io it IV. KIuk's New Dlseoiery tor v'onstimptlon slves protection ngiltist all Throat, Chest and l.ung TriMtbhtt. Ktp 1t near and avoid suffering death, and doctor's bills. A tenspoon ful stops a. late cough, persistent uae the most stubborn, tlarmicaa and nice tasting, It's guaranteed to satisfy by t'harles Kogvrs. Trice 5tV and Jl.W. Trial bottles free. Flnb clothes Is a good thing to have1 if they are not ,o bad to obscure a woman's view of heaven. A STAUTl.tNO si-uriusi-:. Verv few could believe in lHklng at A. T. Itondlcy, a healthy, robust, black smith of Tilden, Ind., that f-r ten y.lln ln suffert-d such tortures fiNm Rheu matism as few could endure and live, lint a wonderful change followed his taking Kloetrle Hitters, "Two li, wliolly cured me." he writes, "and t have not felt a twinge In over i year," They regulate the kidney purl, fv the blo.nl and cmv i:hiumntlsnt. NeurutglN, Nervousness, Improw dl-S-'stli-n and give perfet-t hmlth. Try thorn. Only riv- at t'harles ltog-rs' drug s-toiv. The small -si hair throwns a shadow --across a man's aveti: when he rinds it in the buster. I.CCK IN TWSITKKN. liy sending IS miles Wm. Splivy, of Wilton Furnace. Vt.. got a box of lUlckh n's Arnica Salve, that wholly cnrcl a horrible fever sore on his leg. Nothing the could. Positively iii-.vs ItrulsiM. FVlons. Fleers. Kruptloua. Itidls. Hums. Corns, and I'lhs. Only 2-c. tUuirantiHsl by Charles llom-rs, druggist. If wom.-n a iv peaches the returned missioiuiry mu-t consider h-rscir a free-stone. STAlVn.IXO. lU'T TP.FK. "If i -veryone knew what a grand nvili-lne Dr. King's New Life l"il;s is." writf-s D. H. Turner, of IVmpscy town. Pa., "you'd sell nil you have In a day. Two weeks' use has. made a now man of me." Infallible for .-on-stipation. stomach an. I liver troubles. -5c at Charles U-4ers' drug store. An.l ilentlst can emr.u t te,.th- with out i-aln; but they are false teeth. Active agents wanted for "Th World on Fire" by Murat Halstead. Burning mountains In American In people, startling history of appalling phenomena, threatening the globe; 600 big illustrated pages, only Jt.60. High est endorsements. Biggest profits guaranteed. Agents clearing from tl to 525 dally. Outfit free. Enclose 1 cents for postage. The Dominion Co., Dept. L. Chicago. Fv.-rvth-nir in nntnre .roes l,v lr.u.. nnd not luck, and what wv sow we r.tp. General Electrical Installing and Repairing Tlic IVst Ivjiiipi('(i .siioji in Oregon Outsilc tf Portland litis Just Utt-n Opened at 421 BOND ST. Estimates Made on Wiring for Light and Power, New Motors, Dynamos, and Electrical Actaratus Of ah Kinds. 5 upplies Kept in Stock Agents tor the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP i Uetd Under the Snn Reliance Electrical Works H. W. CYRUS, - Mgr CHOICE MEATS Fresh Meats Pickled Meats Cured Aleats Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMERCIAL STPEET. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Your ordi-m for meats, both FRESH AKD SALT Will be promptly and stlfa'(orlly Utended to 3. W. MORTON, Pro. Telephone !o a. ItU iNi'HITM lH TWKNTY YWAHrt Mim Mlii.-i'Mi Smith, of Danville, III., writes; ."I Im.I brom-hllls for twenty years and never got relief until I used Foley's Honey and Tar, which Is a sure cure." Sold by Km uk Itiii't, l,"iMtgtsji. lla.ste to s-t rich keeps many a man P-or. NO KAIW CLAIMS. Tne priprletor of Foley's Honey and Tar do not advertise Ibis a a " sure cur fw consuinptloii." They do not dalm I' will cmv this dread iSNitplaJnt In mlvaiweil cases, but do ikiitlvely assert that It will cure In the earllrs- siages ami never fulls to 4n coinf-vet and relief lit the worst Vises. Foley's Honey and Tar Is with out doubt the greatest throat -and lung r.medy. Kefus xutwlttutca Sold by K-.ink Hart, druggist. A diy of sot-row sivms longer tluin iiionth of Jnv. fW'ti IIHTTI KS ct'i;i:i HIM, ' i was troubled Willi kldm-y com il.,Jnt for at.nit two yiMii-s." writes A. H Dais, of Ml, Sterling, la., bill two Initios o' Foley's Kidllev Cmv elTecl si i Mkrinam-nt cure."- SoM by Flunk St., i. dnik'uist. I'lie l.iiu.-Ht room in the world i I lie i u for Inuu-ov eim ill Si.un i kidneys an- safemiaiils of life M.vke tin- kidneys hint thy with F uey's Kidney Cmv. Sold by Frank li !. druittflst, STATE NORHAL SCHOOL iMomtiotitli, Ore. iH.ADUATK.S of the school itr- In constant demand at salaries tunglng front $ to H' pi-r iimiitli. Btudeuts take the iito examinations during their course In the school and are pre pared to rtvelve slate c, i tlilca tes on graduation. KXPKNSKS range f.om jp.M to 1173 per year. Strong normal course and widl-eiiilpn"d tinliilng department. The f'tll 'eitn ojiens Sepl-Miiber IS. Fir tatal-igiie contnlnli g fu'l I'iforiiitf thin, ftllie.-s. K D UFSSLKit. Pn-sld.-ni. or I It Ht'Tl.Kfl. iH-rtary. London Assurance Corporation Incorporated by Royal Charter A. D. 1720 William J. Landers, General Agent, 205 Sansome Street, San Francisco, Cal. AN Ol.h, KK1.1AUI.K rilMC INSUllANCK IXSTITl. TION. UKl'UHSl-NTKii IN A8TOIUA BY Samuel Elmore & Co. WyMnm y Wi s m Steamer SIE H. ELMORE The Largest. Staunchest, Steadiest, and most seaworthy vessel ever on the route. Best of Table and State Room Accommoda tions. Will make round trips ev..ry live days between. Astoria and Tillamook FARE $3.BO Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad tt Navigation Co. and the. Astoria A Columbia It. R. for Portland. San Franolsco and all point Fast. For freight and passi-ng'-r rates apply to Samuel Blmorc 6c Co or to B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Or. A. & C. R. R. Co. Portland, Or. North Pacific Brewery. JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. The Popular Product of the only lirewerv in North, western Oregon enjoyH a very, large clonic tlc and ex port Bale. KOPPS BEST bottled for in keg. Free City Delivery, When itlher nu-illi-lnin have failed, lake Kttley'a Kidney t'uiv, II bus cur ed when everything else litis illmip pointed, Vr stile by Krttnk Hart, drugulst, lb-morse Is hnlched fiin tin- egg of pli-ttsure Incubnted by a wenk mind. A, It Itass, of Morgaulown, Ind.. had In got up leu or twelve lime In the night and had severe- Itackache and pnlns In the kidneys, Whs i-ured by Koli-y's Kidney Cure,- For side tiy Frank Hurl, druggM. Tin- miin who nltempts tn take all, .I'ten giMs mure tluin he cnii Inke, Foley's Kldm-y Cure purllles the IiIoimI by strnluliig out Impurities ami tones up the whole system Cure kidney and bladder troubles, Fur yni,. by Frnnk Hart. In inritist. Women are the rosis of huitiaiilly, toil I he prettiest of roses have thorns, TI!i:T YOClt KIDNKYS IIHI-H'MATISM. nut When you re miflerlng from ihiu in:!tin. Hie Idin-VS Inusl In- alien I d to at once so that they will elimi nate the uric add irom thlw bto nl Foley Kidney Cure Is the most if ferlive rfitiedy for Ibis puipose I!, y. Hopkins, of Polar. Wis., anys " After llllsucee-Mfttlly ibntoilllg for three v, mi-s for i heiiiiuiilsm w ilh the bent ,o.tois, I Hied Foley's Kidney Cure and It cuivil me, I iiinn t Sn-ak l-o iiUrhiy of this great medloliu " -For sale by Frank Hurl, druggist. Tile worst kind of poverty U dU o'llenimeni In the inliist of pbn'y ASK ANY ONE Who has used Star Batata Hang-en and they will tell you thny ars h m.Mit satisfactory they havs ever UJied. They requlra but little fuel and bake quick nnd uniform, and are eailly manaced. For sal In Aitorla only by W. J. Scully 431 BOND STREET, Between Ninth and Tenth 0. R. & N. Co. Portland. Or. Good enough for anybody! yLl Havana Fmcn mi fjkiI,l lift rm "STAR," ! " HORSE SHOE," SRARHEAO,""STANDARD HA VT" "OLD PEACH 4 HONEY." SAWL0C." "OLE VARCINY" "MASTER WORKMAN" Totef, 8 , kcU's 5-ir.trl'Pf psin Qpsuics A POSITIVE CURE ut ifc- ii r mn4 in ti .tEilT m tiT rtr4 tfck. Abtt!f Ijr hmiiit, pt ji, vt hv mail, iMtttM4. ..... ..V W W ' ' H I. i.Viw -i.iiTMi s:int.ftm co. Vt;' lltll'OilTtlM, 0ni4, Sold by Chan. Roif-rn. tit CommeraU I Htrci l, A "tur la. Oregon. . PHYn0YAL PILLS . fr. I ..it. ...i.. r 1tl M 'IH'IIK'I:U'1 KM.I.I-.II sVssVSa ht l .i t.u '.w w... i I If -. I' -, ( r M...,,!, m , in 1 I'arlUnl., rllMalol If f.' I "ll,ll.r (l. , f. .V L' i.vn!lMl. M-tmu im.im.Wi muk tef -w-"l ,.,v.... Ikl.tnhrllaWls i"m nan. l llll.i. f ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVFR RAILROAD. I.KAVK Mi m hiHTl.ASU Assirs ,11 iu ui I'-irllmul I'll mi lwu t rar Ant -na uil v. 1 I'oinm AHTtlRI A t -t I'l-rllund .mi Vi . t l-.ilulii 7 i ut 10 p I il - m 1U.J u bKA.-IHK WVIll I'. . Ill , It HA m 5 t) I (I l't in i .10 p ... 'M m ou-rul-T wrrt'iiiiii, KLiviiI, Kurt iin-iH, llaiiimniiil ami At'irl J a tOO p lu 10 4fc ffl li Nip m 7 uo p m !i'lile fur W,rri--ilipi, I rmvt , ilnitiin nil, run I Kicve ii, A'lorls Via Sunday only. AM trains make close connection at Ooble with all Northern Peclflo train to and from the East snd Bound points J. C. MAYO, Qen'l Freight and Passenger Agent. ..lortland - Astoria loule. STR. "BAILEY GaTZERT." Dally round trips except flundsy. TIME CARD lavi- Portland 7 a. in. I.wive Astoria 7 p. m. ThrouKh Portland oonneollons with steamer Nnhr-otla from llwaco and Long Hench Points. White Collar r.ine tickets Inter (hangeahle with O. It. A N. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. The Dalles Route STR. " TAK0MA." and '7OLAK0" Dally trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Sir, "TAH0MA" Leave Portland Mon.. Wed., "rl., i a. m. Leave Dalles, Tuts., Thur., Bat., 7 a. m. Mr. "MBTLAK0" Lv. Portlnnd Tucs., Thur., Bat., 7 m. Lv. IVtlles, Mon., Wed., Frl., 7 a. m. Landing at foot of Aldei Btrcet, Port land Oregon Both Phones. Main 351. AGENTS. John M. Pllloon, A. J. Taylor, J. J. Luckey, Woltord A Wyeni, J. C. Wyatt, R. B. Ollbreth,! John M. Totton, Henry Olmitead, The Dalles, Ore. Astoria, Ore. Hood River, Ore. White Salmon, Wn. Vancouver, Wn. Lyle. Wn. Stevenson, Wn. Carson, Wn. Butler. Wn. William Buuer, B. W. CRICHTON, Portland Oregon. r r ts. I -'CI