THE MORNING ASTOIUAN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2. 1002 CHLORIDE, A perfect iliainfectaiit ami ilixxloriJiiR agent. I'm MiirfiMiitHl for Vaults, Water Closets, Cesspools, Drains, Cellars, cite., ami to prevent the spreading ofoontngiun. Two cans for 25 rents. Ross, Hlgglns & Co. 1k fliiUu ;utovtau. TlflLBPHONB Hi. TODAT B WBATUBB, Pul;T.ANI, July I-Oregon and WiikIiIhuI.iii - 1'i.mlily Mglu showi r Miihu-4'ltiirlMH weather. FLAGS of all sizes and ! Flag Bunting lor Decorating Ofliton sells fowl. Train nod hay. Pure mrint honey lit iiur'. ni.J pint Jam mur be hud at Johnson Bros. We are now receiving freah rap-k-iilei dally. dlreel from tho grower -JO 1 1 WON tHO You will Hud the bet ISc ntcal In the etty at tlir Rising Hun Restaurant, No, 61! Comroerelal street. Raasnn d Athena sugar wafer sre Inviting, delicious for dainty do--wia. Try thesa-JOHNHON EROB, New mock of fancy g.anU Juat ar rived m Yokohama Bnsaar. Call and see the liMeat noveltlue front Japan, fJfii.) In yitur order for your winter' aupHy of Dr. slab or hard wood to Kel ly, the lriHM' anui. Phone 1211 black. All smoker smoke the "Pride of Astoria" ii!rr. No bottler made. Manufactured by MacFarktne & Kno M. Toil tan buy Nowbro'e Herplclda, Mi great dandruff cure, fur "6 centa per bottle at Hit Occident Barber lllryclc repairing with- skill and promptnei. Supplies tit flock; work guaranteed. Itiihince Ktcctrtcal Works 421 Bond St. All the xlorin lire being kvl open now until 9 o'clock. This rule will con tinue until after I hp Fourth. On the Fourth Ihi' stoles will lie kept opn i, i nt 11 noon. Kxpaiislonlsta, enntraetloiilats, mm combatant ami all other smoker be lieve In Imperialism when 11 cornea to the ml'ctlo;i of a cigar, "La Imper , In I' I nn AfttM'la product, union in.idi'. easy to smoke and hard to boat, Rclloblc CioodH Have You Seen i rAC0MMCRCIAL.t The fine Line of Opaque Window Shades we are selling at 25 cents? Live when you live ami sleep on one of our hair mat tresses. All mattresses made to order from f.'H) down to $7.o(). See our Mantle Beds with Yum Yum Springs from $o.l'" up. One hundred useful household articles at f) cents each Wo sell oiy small profits, GREAT EASTERN Shatiahati YOUll CREDIT IS GOOD OF LIME A shipment of corn-fed Kaxt.-rn hams and ImiMin Junt In.-JOIINHON IIUOH, Our store will be open unfit 12 m. July 4th. No goial will be delivered, JOIINtfoN IIUOH. Tin- steamer Hum It. Minire leave for Tillamook Hay points Thursday. July I. at 3 a. in. will cm I t uny a ik k of rnlrrvra wtfll worth looklim Into; inlrmrn to milt all proj.i,. mill iuri. i'MAH, ItocKlw, roilliind ililitiulliti'ia havo k..i? on Mirlk mid work to th- ixint of i;o,. kki U tliM tii In eonwiuince. A niiwiII 1.1, hp nn tint roof of On. iloiKlniiin hullilliiK I'lillt-d mil tho (tu-mlntl ycali-nlny niornlna'' No diini nit" wna dune, Tli I.lndi-nln-rni-r hiivw ad vmui-d tho irl-i of atwlhrnda to 0 c.-nta a , iMiun.l. Hh-.0li. nils mv now milt iien. 'tlful and mv ul f . t nld-Ktornici-! liUiiHixi'a, i Tin- body of Hi.' luti' K, A. fhunlilll la hln-d nit nlht to Albany, jwhi'i-o th.- burial will lnJtc diu-. The tni'nilicra of T"indf tndifn of Mumum J m 'foiniutnli'd the rt'tnalna to Un train. I Tin Klntilah ItrotlifilKHKl ymrtcrday jr.-nt it ho.k for ll to tin Firtirth lif July t'oinnillli-c. Thin orvanlaatlon (Will have a tlot In tht mid I tin nitntar will turn out. The broth jirliood w ill nutki an rfforl to liavr th jlilKifi-M rirMntiitim In lltn nnd win ! tli prlau offcrnl. ! niM of tho moiit IntcrcHtliiir rai'a on the ioirrniu for ih Fourth la the . watif-oarryliig wnt. Th miu-Ht- aula an nh rovl.b with a tin pall, full of water. Th l la hld abora tin hcitd ind at a alannl 4I Mart. Th on niaklint thi -t ftnlali with tin unntt uuantlty of witter wlna the prle, Toke Point, wltli-h nr Mnatern oya tera i1eveloil In !hatlwater bay. are unlike nil othi'r-(t'H(l at any weaaon of the, year. They are fat and dell ilotiK. ('rnw-(lih are now Jual In aea ion and are excellent eutlna;, na are I'rab and all the other numerinia de Ih'rtcba erved an Hkilfillly at the Toke Point ovater houe nn Seventh KtrM. tin July 3 and 4 the l. It A N. villi HI excursion tlcki'la at all InmllnK on the t'olumlilii rtver between Port land and Aatiala at mte r .me fare for the round trln. Tli Uets will be (chmI for return up to and Including July d. At the an me tl:i au.l iniler the anme I'ondltloliH ticket will be aold to all North ItcMh iMdiita, llwaco to Nnhrotta inelualva. llecelpta of Huh were aoniewhat anialler yeatenlay limn on Monday, the fulHiiK off affiftliiK all claanea of gear. The auhnon taken, hiwtvor, were of exceptionally lnrge le and quality. The poor etitrhea were due to the unfavorable condition of the tlilea. The water In the river la fulling rap Idly, and ire Iuhk lite aelnera will tie imiklnic Inrne haul. Several of Aatorla'a teadlnv; mer chnn'm weie Interviewed yexterdny with napect lo tho biudneaa outlook, and In every liiHtance the altuatioii wua ivMirted to la better than at any similar period in five yenr. Four of the merchant aeen anld thm. their re ceipt for liie tlrat alx inoiitha of the preaeitt year hal been 80 per cent ahead of the receipt of (he name per iod laat year. Tho iiitrchant alao Hated that there waa lea credit btial nea done now than In former yeara, and one expreid 'the onvict4on Hint the credit ayatem would aoon be en thvly abollKhed, not by 'the purchna era. LovcHt Prices FURNITURE CO. Building H10NE 2145 BLACK Tht arrangement for tha free boat lo brlnif pwpla to A "ton on t he Fourth are a follow: VanguLrd, Itav Cuithlaniai. at H a, m,; Jordan, liave Icp Hlver ait a. m.j Maydw er, leave Olney t 9 a, m.; Ki.'llpae, IravH (liuya Hlver at 12 noon on Thurwlay: Mllur, leave (iilnoik 10 a. m, Thw bont. which will alwo af ford free return XiliHuane, will leave Attorla In the evenlna; avei'onliiu to the tldea. Victor II. Iiolllver, wl la to deliver tha oration here on the FtairUi will arrive In the city on the afternoon of the 3rd. He will lie ttccnMtnlcd by W. F. (Jatk) Matthew, lute chair man of the Itepifhllmiii Mtate central committee, and recently a pointed UnKed Htale niarahal fr Oregon; Judge C, II. Carey, I. C. Powell, U A. McNary, city attorneelect ; ( A. Hurkhardt and W. A. Btory, late may- or of Portland, Arthur J, niitke. aon of ('u)inln and Mr, fllak. formerly of thla illy, wa drowned In the Willamette river xhort ly after II o'clock Monday nliflit, The young man working on a log boom when he fell Into the liver. Ill I'otiipiinlotia ntade nean h for him, but It an three-nuartem of an hour be fore the luidy wila taken from the rlv er ,and eolTrta to nauaitiili him prov- d futile. Iiceaed waa 21 year of age. .The body will be brought to A torla on today' train and the Inter. nienl will be held at Greenwood cem etery. The nil) of William Hume, deceaaed. wit filed for probate In Hie Mullno tnuh rounty court yeatcrdjiy. The property coinpriaea t". S. Koveriiinent bond, valued at 9"i.Wi0; note amount ing to II2.0IK1, and caah amounting lo :iK,)ii, and I devl.M In etpml aliarea 1o the wife. Kitiuui Klltle-th I.. Hume, and two daughter .Lottie and A mora lluiin, l'nmii K. L. Hume 1 named in executrix without lajud. The will provide ilia no letter tcatuwnlary lie IkkiiimI. and that thi- et;ite Ih net tled without the Intervention of the court. The numerous atrlke now being In augurated In Oregon have fur their prlnclrttl bje t the forcing rf the elgltt-hotir day feature of the union men, In thla connection u well-known haal em)lo)er ha auggatcd the ad vlNiiblllly of the laboring men petition ing the next leglalaiture for the pa age of a law fixing the luborlng day at eight hour. " Of rourae. the legis lature nnild not regulate thla matter no far t employer are oncerned." eald the buelneax man. " but It could regulate the length of the laboring day. for corporation and all public bodlc. A the corponitlon are the aiiuiMtl employer, a law of thin kind would practically aettle one of the moat vexatloua iUetloii that arise," In dlcuHlng the labor altua tlon, h union man "aid that the ten dency to atrlke wa due to the fact that it rol almowt 40 per cent more to live now than In l'jOt), nnd that. If tlw employer were charging more for their products, the Hbning man hould ahare the profit. The time of the circuit court wa occupied yeaterdny with the cjixo of Ferguson & Houaton ngnlnat Owirge Kahoth, Aa ha been jirevlouHly atat ed. the caae Involved the title to the lot at the miuthweHt corner of Duane and Rleventh ati-eet. Thla pmperty. owned at tlw time by Judge C. H. Page, wa bought In by the county In !N!iS for delinquent tnxea. When the " old hore" Bale was made the kit wa mild to C.eorge KtUxith. Prior to the time of (he a!e by the oounty, Mr. Page had aold the property to the nlalntUT In the present ttotlon, giv ing them a warranty deed. Now Judge Page I defending the title to the land. He set up In hi complaint that the land wn erroncoualy aamwHed and that for other reason tthe county wa not Justified 1n making the sale. Thiwe lieriton who bourrht property at the aeveral ale held merely did ,so through apeculntlon, the law providing A manner of redemption by the orig inal owner. The Kniboth case wa argued before Judge Morttide yester day and taken under advisement. At noon todny August Shevle, the St. Helens murderer, will pay the pen alty for hi crime. On Monday a peti tion wa presented to Governor O'er, asking that he commute Shevie's sen tence to life imprisonment, Sheriff Ifat'tan being one of the signers. The governor declined to tnterefer. nnd the execution will take place as scheduled. The condemned man ha.s borne up well under the strain and exhibits little concern over his fate. Ho Is quite young, but, while he was convicted on chviinitnntlnl evidence, there Is no loliht nt St. Helens that he killed ShulUnwskl for his money. Several residents of this city have received invitations to attend the hanging, the form of the Invitation being as fol lows: "Mr. :As provided by law, vnu are respectfully Invited to be present at the execution of August Shevle on Wednesday, the 2nd day of July, 1W2, at the hour of 12 n, m.. within the Inclosure of the jail yard of the Columbia County jnill. Present this card. U. S. Haftan. wherlff." The Invitation la not transferable. The fol lowing "brief hMury of the crime np pears on The card: " August Shevle murdered Joseph Shulkow'skl on De cemlier 26, 1901; waa arrested Decem ber 2S, 190V; convicted May 85, 1902; sentenced May 31, 1902." Prosecuting Attorney Allen handled the state's case and collected the evidence that brought the condemned man to jus tice. ' . ',..! All the plumbers at work In the aev eral ahops In Atorl nfud ito go to work yuwterday morning, In accordance with the notice aervel on the employ er that an eight-hour uliuy would hereafter be demanded and an Increaae from t to $3,60. In some wf the shop the apjentU'e remained, but the Journeymen all walked rtit. The plumlHtr are now awaiting a reply to their notice. A member of the Mas ter Plumbers' Aoclatlon abated to a r'jKrter yeaterday afternoon tha.t a meeting ttt the tuuwaJatlon wrmld prob ably be held tonight, for the purpose t conxlderlng tlhe employes' prioaal. He expreawed fhe fiellef that, after diwuKslon of the situation, a proposi tion would be submitted to the plumb er. There seems to 1 a general feel ing that the strike will not taat long, but that the employers and employes will soon get together on terms that will preclude of the poxlMHty of fu ture difficulty of the kind. Fourth rf July headquarters pre vent a boxy appearance Jut now, and If the weaither I fine, aa Weather Man Johncon ha promlH"d, the celebration will aurpH anything of the kind here tofore attempted In this part of the country. Kntrlen are coming In for the different rcortng event and for the nitirninated bicycle parade. Thwre are several entrle in the fftt men's inee, which promises to hv the event lit event from a xvtaeular atand llnt. Hcretiiry Hcllg at night gave out the following list of conu-tftant In this nice: HherlfT Ltnville, S. F. HarrK H. Page. C. M. TVIIar. Tlvis. Ityrle, i". J. Curtl. Victor liruno, .'ha. Weiaensleln. Martin F-mrd, lr. O. B. Kit, Dudley Hlount and Dr. AlfreJ Kinney, Just what Messrs. Hyrte and Curtl are doing In the fa,t men's race 1 a question but It 1 understood the men really entitled to participate In the event will fine a protest agalnat their entries. Headquarter, la al stack ;l up with firework for the big Illumination or. the night of the Fourth (not the morning thereof, :is the Astorlnn waa lndlsrret enough 10 Intimate a few days ago), and ev ery detail of the eeh-brallon la well In hand. A little rain fell yesterday, but 11 did not spoil the decorations at the different store. The city will present a gala appearance when the commit tee finishes Its work, and streamera will lie displayed on all the principal horoughfure. The threatened tiike of the steam boat employe has not yet developed, and last ev.mlng the Bailey Gatzert and T. J. Potter arrived aa usual. The Potter brought her beach crowd and went on through lo llwaco. The Gat lert did not arrive until 7 o'clock, a rush of freight on the up trip Monday night delaying her arrival at Port land so that she did n leave down yesterday until almost . Captain Crang. of the C.auert, atated that his men had given no Intimation of a de termination to strike, though notice for an increase of w-agea had been served on the company. It waa gener ally supposed than the men would re fuse to go to work yesterday morn ing, but all were at their accustomed place when Uie different steamer pulled out of Portland. It la believed the demand of the men will be com plied with, as thla Is the busy aeaaon of the year and the advances asked are really of little consequence. That there will be furthtr developments of material Interest today la the opinion of steamboat men, Captain Crang said that all the river boats plying out of Portia id had left out aa usual ywterday morning. Prior to the de parture of the steamer Pwtter yester Jey the chief engineer and one of his assistants quit their places, but other men were secured to take their Jobs and the departure of the steamer was not prevented, although she was a few hours late In starting. WORK OF BASIN HOARD. Not as Extensive aa the Promoters In tended It Should Re. Portland J.rirnal. Ap!p.) of the organization of the Opl'imbla River Basin Board of Trade, the following letter from Jtinies W. Wei -h, of Astoria, to Secretary Jaa. M. Moore, no doubt voices the senti ments f many in '.his matter. The letter Is as follows: "Dear Sir: What has been done about thi? organliatlon scheme of the C. R. B. B. of T.? Ha any money been raised to send a man over our district, or are they going to let the thing die? Judge Seneca Smith swld to a friend of mine who was In Port land on the ISHt that we could not make the Basin Board a success as the different places did not take enough Interest In the matter; so you see how the land lies. I am of the opinion If we can make a go of It that it would be a great thing for Oregon." Secretary Moore was seen In regard to this and said that -the Columbia River Rasln Board of Trade la In ex istence now, but that there Is no use of meeting more than once or1 twice a vear, as the local Board of Trade ful fills the functions of the Basin Board In the way of sending the various Ba sin Board lists of addresses to whom literature may be aertt which would re quire the attention of the Basin Board In the way of special meetings. Sec retary Moore Is sending out about 100 names a week to the various boards of people who wish (Information re garding Oregon. 'Mr. "Woodfoy Wittte says that here are only eight jokes in the world." "I should' never have suspected from his efforts to amuse,' answered Mlas Cayenne 'languidly, that he had found so many." Washington Star. HBKE'H THB HPORT PROGRAM. Schedule of Races to Take ''lace on the Fourth of July. The Fourth of July committee on sports has arranged Hs program, aa follows: Pole-climbing conteirt at postofllce square. Bicycle race, Western Union vs. the Postal, commencing at Ninth and Commercial, Eaitt on Commercial Pi Fourteenth, north ito Bond, weal on Bond to Ninth, south on Ninth to place of beginning. Bicycle race, 75 yards, iltart at Ninth and Commercial and run east. Three-legged race, start at Kleventh and Commercial and run went. Sock race for boys, start at Twelfth and Commercial and run went. Water-carrying contest, start at Fourteenth and Commercial. Wheelbarrow race, start at Fifteenth and Commercial; run west to Four teenth and return. Bicycle race for girls, start Four teenth and return. Icycle race for girls, tart at Four tenth and CommertiaJ and run went to Tenth. Bicycle race for boys, start Fifteenth and Commercial and run earn to (Sev enteenth. Ulcyie race for amateurs, start at Twelfth and Couunt rolal and run west to Klghth. (4 Ple-eatlng contest at crossing of Kleventh and "ommerclal. Buy' race, 5o yard, start at Ninth and Bond, and run east. Girls' race, start NlnUr and Bond and run eaat. Fat men's race, mart Ninth run eajt 0 yards. Kgg race, start at Hl'.-vemh Bond and run east. 100-yard dash. Hart Twelfth and and and Bond and run west. 120-yard dash , start at Twelfth and Ilond and run west. Four-oared barge race, at Flavel's dock. The concluding vent will be the nig context. The animal will be turn ed loose at Eleventh and Commercial and the captor wins the prize. PKKSOXA I. M KNTIOX. J. F. Nylander. of Portland, Is In the city. Otto Mikkleson returned last night from Portland. , Tall Thompson was down from Port land yesterday. M.iurlce Winter was down from Portland y-fiferKy. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Gam bell, of Ne haleni. are in the ctty. Postmaster Burney. of Cathlamet. was In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Myers, of Salt Lake, ate guests at the Occident. W. O. Martin, a prominent Portland commercial traveler, Is In the clty. Sig Harris, of Seattle, waa among yesterday's arrivals at Uie Occident. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Williams, of Portland, spent yetrterday In the city. C. C. Ctzinper was at North Head vesterday, returning during the even ing. R. P. Faby. a well-known Portland insurance man, was in the city yes terday. Sheriff Llnville will go to St. Helens today to attend tthe exeoutlon of Au gust Shevle. Louis I. Hers left last evening for Mountain Home. Ida., where he has accepted a position. H. L. Fletcher returned last night from Baker City, where he spent a few dayes with friends. Miss Mabel Branson, of St. Joseph, Mo., is in the city, visiting with her aunt. Mrs. O. B. Ks:es. Mrs. Will Madison returned last night from Independence, accompan ied by hor nephew, Claude Hubbard. Mrs. Flavel and the Misses Flavel will be at home this week from 3 to S o'clock on Saturday, instead of Fri day. FOURTH OF JULY PARADE. All civic org--iniixtions intending to participate in the grand Fourth of Ju ly parade with or without floats are requested to notify Secretary Sellg at the hettdquurtrs Monday, so as they can be assl-rnsd a position in the pa rade. L. B. SELIG, Secretary. THIS WKKK ONLY. Bit; reduotion sale of all kinds of la dies' and chlldreas furnishing goods, See the large display of shirt waists, summer skirts, trimmed hats and eNldren" clothing. Chance for the $500 piano with every 5i)c purchase. Mrs. K. Injjleton, opposite Budget oi- flce. OP SIX WEEKS Beginning Monday, Juna tb, trill be con ducted in on of tha rooms ot tha Port land Business College, corner Park and Washington streets. It will be strictly a school ot study, designed to aid teachers to higher grades in the August examina tion. Further particulars on application. OPEN ALL THE YEAR The Portland Business College is open all the year. Students may enter at any time, for special branches or a regular course, and reoelTS tndlvtdaal or class In struction, as preferred. Call or send for eatalogua. Learn what and how w tench. A. P. Ar autre, as. U Prtetal. Enjoy -OUR EXPENSE For Three Days, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at SHANAHAN'S Flags, all sizes, lc each and up. Pistols, 5c eAeh and up. Bomjack Marbles, 5c ea and up Return Jjalls, 5c each .Sulphur Caps, 12 boxes for 5c These Prices Are Less Than Factory Cost Store Open Until 8 P. H. up to the Fourth of July SHANAHAN Nlianaliaii ItuiWtiiitr, There Is more SOLID COMFORT for the money and more real rest and enjoyment In our handsom MORRIS CHA?RS than In any other article made. You can make no belter tn veatmerit. See our elegant display of new COUCHES - IRON BEDS - CARPETS - RUGS Goods the very best andsold at prices the lowest H. H.'ZAPF, The House Furnisher. HOT WEATHER IS COfH -TRY OSK COAL OIL COOKING STOVES Safe and Serviceable. Cheaper than wood or pas. All sizes with bake oven attached. Nothing better for summer cooking. You are always clean and the kitchen cool. FOARD 8 STONES COMPANY TRULLIXGER, EASTABR00K & CO. SUCCISBOBS TO THEO. BRACKER Jobbers and Dealers in CIGARS, TOBACCOS, SMOKER'S ARTICLES, PLAYING CARDS, STATIONERY. AMBER GOODS, CUTLERY, ETC. MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES : Pipe Repairing A Specialty RE-OPENED Thoroughly renovated and modernized. The most popular citing place in Astoria. Open all night. Only white help. John Klasich, Prop., Eleventh St. NEW STYLE JIlC Finest Palace Everything' the Commercial St Market Affords. Castings We are prepared to make them oa short notice and of the best material. Let us give you estimates on any kind of castings or pattern work. Lowest prices tor Bret-class work. TELEPHONE NO- 251. Yourself AT- Commercial Street OF OCR SEW 515 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon CHOP HOUSE Restaurant in the City Regular Meals, 25 cents, Sunday Dinners a Specialty. W. i. Whipple IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay Ircafi Brass Werks Cor. lath sod Fraaklta are: