THE MORNING AS ft) MAN, TIURSDW. J.1NE l. ISiW gaily sstovimi. Telephone, Maid KI TE RMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by malL per year W-0 Seat fey w1L Per month Served bf carrier, per month .... W , SEMI-WEEKLY, rat ty mall, per year, In advance $1 00 The Aitortan guarantees to Its ad Yenisei the 1 arrest circulation et any newspaper published on the Columbia Rlvsr. COMING EVENTS. What next? Kin? Edward ha had a never? chill, but that might be ex pected, when aie considers the difficul ty and strain through which h must have gone in choosing the robe and matching the colors for his corona tion u'S;. Many wmen folks tive hysteria after choosing a new gown. But, with the different changes :tj going of ewnta, It 5 natural for people to look forward to greater things. With election and It many battk-s over; with Merrill and Tracy still holding the aUentSon of the country. It it difficult thing Indeed to find some way of getting new novelties or pleasures. But to the surface is brought the Fourth of July program to be given under the auspices of the Clerks' ITnlon. An entertainment for whkh no pain have been spared end far which goodly ruin lias been -aised by subscription. It is a splendid be ginning and will of course reap good results. For where a sound p'npoe is involved and a staunch determina tion shown, nothing will f.iU. It speaks well for Astoria, to have a ' body of young men. who through their leisure hours are buiiding up an or ganization to ameliorate the conditions of those employed in the wore So much for the men. The gentle sex is not without de sires and aspirations. They are de termined to have a clean city, and nndwhtedly tlwy will suceeel. Wo man always will have her way. and why not. Surely the cleanly house wife should be able to tell. Just how to clean the streets and beautify the different walks and byways. For ex amples there are many cities which can be referred to, where woman has had the authority of cleaning the streets and these places are splendid recommendations for her aMUtv. As toria with a Wc man's Society for cleanliness, and a Clerks' Union has certainly much to be prrwd of. July spirit. The every penny he can secure Is quickly Invented in storks of fire wirk anil booming cannon. He dream of nought else in hts slum hem, think of naught else in the day. In fact he spwks nothing more or less than firecrackers, and Uiigs ft" that day of extra privileges as only a tou can long. But the older men. the men of the civil war day he too, seems to have a great interest in this coming cele bration. Perhaps because the Mr of cannon and fire works will bring back to him the recollections of youngw years. of years when he too, shared in the .i-t hi grandn hxtay m enjoys. The nation is preivaring for the spending of the day. young and old. men and women all seem to feel the blood ruh, faster down their veins an the day draws near. But this Is well, so long as patrio tism f!os freely. so long wilt the na tion be a great nation. So long the feeling and love for country is the leading and upmost feeding. Awriva is safe and unconquerable. ! EIElll CHOOSING A LIFE WORK. The ocean of life is filled with dere- .- THE GLORIOUS FOURTH. It Is not necessary to refer to the calendar of works of science to know that the greatest of gheat festal days is close at hand. The youngest to the oldest school boy fa already over flowing with .the genuine Fourth of j leels of failures. Men who wander j aimlessly through the walks f Jife- and j why? The cause in most of the cases 1 is the failure to learn either a trade i or a good profession. It Is not the map j with a good mechanical training who j has difficulty in obtaining work. NJt the skilled workman who loiters about 1 the streets. But the man who neglect- j ed this and is capable only of doing such work as mostly anyone can do if he desires. It Is very important step for the youth to determine as he drifts from fco; h xxl into the more i mature life manhood." ! And If right reasoning is not used, j the remainder of his life is apt to be j i a failure and a loss. A man is better fitted for life who j has a trade of some kind behind even ! though he is of a profession. A man j who can work and do it belter than j anyone else is the man who not only j reaches the top most round of t!V lad- j der of success and reape the great ; harvest of life. j Not to be a professional man or a j merchant but to be the best in what- j ever line he chooses to fallow, is a i motto every boy should Instill in his heart and live after. ; A BOLD DEED. Good enough for anybody! yLL Havana Filler mmw Yav. -.v gvJi. 3 It seems that it is natural that some fad or craie shall be ted upon the people now and then. With two con victs at large, it seems that it should be sufficient for a while at least. But i not o. These convicts have done many dastardly deeds, but still there are others. A much fadder case is hardly known than that of Mary Sol e?ki who was robbed by two thug in St. Louis recently. under the very dome of the Union Station, she with her two children were kidnapped and robbed of II MO and then hours after- ! wards found wandering near the river ' in a delirious condition. Mrs. Soieski j in route for Astoria where she i has friends. Nothing has been heard of the thug. She is still confined in the t'ity Hospital in a dangerous con dition. Her two children, one and three ! years old. respectfully, are with her. I Cheerfulness must be cultivated, but the seeds of discontent will grow in any soil. -FL0R0D0RA" BANDS en ef stmt si tigs frtm -STAK." -HORSESHOE," SPSARHEAD.-'STANDARD M VK" - OLD PEACH A HONEY." -SAV10G." "OLE VAK1NY" m "MASTER WORKMAN" Tabocco. 9 Wliigy I.n't an automobile rather dangerous? Wagg Not if you are in it. Active agents wanted for " The Worid on Fire" by Murat Halstead. Burning mountains in American in dies explode, destroying titles full of j people, startling history of appalling i phen omena, threatening the globe; 600 j big Illustrated pages, only 11.50. High est endorsemeats. Biggest profits guaranteed. Agents clearing from 13 ;o 125 daily. Outfit free. Enclose 10 cents for postage. The Dominion Co., Dept. L, Chicago. J NOTICE FOP. BIDS. Elds will be received by the county court of Clatsop County, Oregon, un til Friday, June 27, Wrl, at 2 o'clock, r- m., for the construction of an SO foot span bridge 12 feet wide, across the Necanlcum river in section 24, township 5 north, range 10 west , in Clatsop County .Oregon. Said bridge to be constructed on a sue about one mile of Carl Johnson's place, where the county oad from Seaside crosses the said Necanicum river. Bidders will present plans and spec ifications for said work, together ith a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of their bids, or a good and sufficient bond, as a guarantee that they will construct the said bridge provided they are awarded the con tract. Preference will be given to bidders who use the old Iron which was for merly in the bridge across O'Hanna creek near Leigh ton's place. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. H. J. WHERITT, County Clerk. r5$7 mem pwf &sisy a i , hi I 41 As ft 4 Are not mow JUfijuirinjr to jnre white pajr than blotohe and" jimpls art' to the cloan uhtte skin. Rth men an.l women aro at disa.kaiit.igo when the is ni.irrvl m w.tml by att -rn.tivo .lis ea rerli.t! the woman is 0h tn.rt- ttitfxrtuimte because the U;uty of a clean sliii an.l ir com plexion i her rightful hcrtt,t. An.l while h,; has the frion.Ih- shelter of the veil, it otilv covers w hat it cannot entirely eomvat. Th. wort i;ii-f..r!une in the case of a man with a pimply face is that he is generally set .lown as disxipah.i. If I c s.-ek a position his " Jissipate.l " face .iis-ounts his nl.ilities. If he is a salesman he customers .li-inclhutl to do btisim ss with a man whose co,,,,,,,.;,, r. Hjl.ility mttjit be taken largely on trust, beeaitse his f.wv is against him. The misery ami Jiseomfort of Mich ,!'ili'urinsr eruptive .llstavs is apparent to everyone. The great pietion is;, Can the l. ,url Can this roiiH fkin t made smooth? I there any esoa;e fnm the torment of eczema and salt-rheum? Can MTf ,tliu sres be healed? T!;e answer is; "What hits been done can be done." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Pivwery has cured erttptive distases in men and womui. and cured them jerfeetly and ivrmaiiently. It !..-. cured pimptvs, boils, scrofulous son's, -rv.-ip te-m. salt-rheum and other distnVmtr a..d !t-u;urii:jr eruptive diseases. What " Golden ?,;, ;ie..l Di cov ery"ha. done for others it can do for y.. It is an aKst!utely reliable medicine. It a!w.;v heljw. It almost always cures. "It gives me great pleasure to express mv faith in the virtue of Dr. Pierce's GoUleu llethcal Dt.'nerv,- nntcs Ekiel Floro, of Graytown, ttu.i Co., v'uo. - 1 iuiicred everything for two years with a humor on mv which baffled the skill of some of the most noted phvsicuns. Was advised to go to Uie hospital; was iWtoml there for three months without success. Came h. me i!t,courneed. inen began to doctor with a "chemist." He aiso failed to help me. Then I began Dr. Pierce's tki,len Medical Itis- covery, with no faith wtatever in it. Di.i it onlv to pleise my wife; but I am hapnv to tell you tlut after tnkiiig five bottles I am entirely cured." , -rit v J P x7Tt-,nfT?,5"OU, f my wmlerful cure bv the use of your me.licie.- min I . JlTf l n ml ,'1 ki-rt pnHnjt until it went all over mv head. It f?Z Thntn. 4 na'",iwT many doctors and a!! kinds of patent mcli l00" dld V So and I Uken iick u'nd bv admit fHvtt;Iiir? m "'r and I was reotrnnendcl to try Dr Piefcr'. f, D,SCOVCry- J J,ut '-"Us,! think. About three b,it ties... medi. SS? I Wt IT5, "0t tmnkln of b IrR me in any other wav. Hit I feel so tt.nnlful in, Id J "nT,my for t!" r,,rr of t!,e 8re- I have often tl..1Kht V 7J3 bu'-n, fCted ,t, 1 -"'k it a miracle, for I I.l Riven up ,11 hope Shif. ? ,1? have 411 the the wonferful cure My hunhi'n.1 thinks Wi tl' De?ry ,0 If -vcu anl V r ask all in the neihl- hood. I am now m my frnh year ami am very strong AjItTJZSA??1 mr'Seif errlas,- writes Mra Lohu j. BHtcheH. of 1804 trl- fVT T?A?U"'i;AU!"r' i Co-California, ",T using your Maiden Me-iical Discov ery after I had been under the doctor's care and found no relief." KItJ'be!IL,reiye?r f0? I.t0ok 'roor ,Gol,l SIfl'cal Discovery.' for . fc-rulous affee N ?C l. T1?,0' the ,?:" Mr. Zefjulon B. Loltm, of Ontton. Jilt Co., v . gv t0 " t5lat 1 have h 1,1 no rctrn f he disc. I thought I would write and let you know that 1 have not forgotten you, ami never will while I live." The reason for the thorough cure of emptire diseases efj.vtwl by the use of JJr. I lercc a Golden Medical Discovery is this : It entirely clean the bl..d from the imparities which cause the diseases. Until these cornmtino- imr.i.riti..- .. ranored there can be no permanent cure. Pimply boils s.res etc., are only the outward signs of the inward disease. To cure the disease the ca-we must be cured, and Golden Medical Discovery " absolutely eliminate from the MoihI the corrupt and clogging elements which cause disfiguring eruptions. It r.t..res the ("kin to normal smoothness, and the pure, healthy blood supply produced by its means dyes the cheek with the ruddy hue of health. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with the Discovery " when the bowels are irregular or the liyer biggish. The two medioine are eninvially adapted to be used together whenever a laxative is required. The manifest motive for substitution is to enable the dealer to make the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious remedies. To accept a suWtitutc med.eine as "just ai good" as "Golden Medical Discovery" is to rrpet the folly of the familiar fable and trade substance for shadow. r I J X " r n 4 0J"Q-lll.; rr. 1 O THE BEST BOOK vom emit harm mm a mamm iiW sMrftcai guldm im Dr. nmrmmfm Cmmmh fun Mmdiemt 4rfrMv Thtm mwmmi mmtk oontaining ow a thouaana largm amgmm, mud mora lham TOO Uhtmirmtlmma, im mmnt FREE on rmcaipt ml mlampm Im may mapmnmm ml mail mm OaTLT. Mama' Ml mna-cant at am pa lor I ha cloth-bound rolumm. Of only 21 at km pa lor thm moat Im papaf-corara. Am-di Op. K. r. FIERCE, Bmffala, H. t. 6 ;0 PnOIM)!,M.S WANTKD. Olflre of C. y M. Vancouver Ui lack. W"h.. MV 3. I'MK. elrd propuaK In trtpllciite, will be rweiMv hI at th ollUe of the lVt guarter tiutsO'r, I'urtland. tr, until 2 30 p. m. June 19, l'W.', and then onel fur tht. construction of a te'lHil In nccor. Isnco with th plana and iwo!nctlunit rile In the ivpot ()uitrtrrmastrr'i ittliv at I'ortlund, where full mf.Hnw. !lon H1I be fimlh"!, Envelope con tallied proposal houtd Im niarkrd. 'Tro'"al for Steainlwttt," and ad ,lrvd W. A llKTHHI. Q. M. Ther Is a biwy rush of miners lii lir!m-r county, Wyiutii. whr it i ;Ud lhAt s,Mlle tl"h ild Vtl hVl' U'riy hn dtseov'rel lSiV! WILD KIDK rH IJPK. V . '. fmi':v ar.iiii,l hint rivting him t nt ridtnc f.r (if'. '.i m.W. t H IV Kin Ni'w IM. ..-ry f'W iiu3ittion, tVujch and Oi.'i W. H Itrin. of l.'llle, Ind . en I -ire. I dta s -M.m,, fr .vttmv4, but lb nlfu!, ine In. slant relief and m curwl him. tie nrlt. ' " I n wleej. .nitHl!y eve y iv!n!it ' Ijk marV'fl'.iHUi eur of on sumjitten. fn.-o it.Mii i Hrvnehltl, t'oiijjhs. t'ukU on. I ilrlp pnn It mat-le mnt tr H Thra.t and Atns tnib!.'. t;u.itanieit bttl at i and II. Trial b-mlea fr at t'has. liocrs' drug ;or There re ii ISu rfrteJ4ii !!! In the lctmt of e!!. N M and !! i !. ! ank in ihe near future. WARN IN' I. If y i have kidrey or Mailer tmu. file and Jo not u Foley's Kldiwy urv, t.-u have only yjunw'.f to Mime for re !:. as It (oxitively rurwi all forms of kidney tind bladder die ,as,. Sold hy Frank Hart. It takes a nm wh. ha hi-sl ii ltll 'tf the m.nkIs t.) .lev tlw Ih-ailtv In ery wman he mee;s INTKItKSTINU TO AS1IMA SCF FKItKIts). Daniel !tnte. of Ottrrulle, lewa., I have had asthma ',r thrra jor four years and have tr!d about all i tie wii.i iiBUHun pum in uie mar ket atlJ have receive,! trette-nl front physiclaml In New York and other cities, hut got viry IK'le benefit until I tried Fley'j IUmy and Tar which tta.e mo Immodlate relief and I will never be without It In my huue. I sincerely recommend It to all."--For 't by Frank Hart. Maybe girls re afrBld that if tliey't wear ..pen-w,,rk stocking they .n't is any m,.iiit,. hu.n ( laik ab-iut Good enough for anybody! ytL Havana fiut AAA mm. mm -flORODORA " BANDS cf not ailat $ llt frtm "STAR." 'HORSESHOE," "STtARHEAD."" STANDARD NA vr," - OLD PEACH 4 HONBf," "SAVLOC." "OLE V AROINT"" " MASTER WORKMAN" Tootctm, 6 . ASTORIA AMD COLUMBIA RIVFR RAILROAD. UAVX nKTl ASH A PAR.aON -J NOBLE ACT. Andrew Asp, FinT-CLASH WORK AT REASONABLK PKICE3. " I want ail the worid to know," writes Kev. J. C. Budlons, of A.sha way. P.. I.. " what a thoroughly goo.1 and reliable mwlitlne I found in Ek-c-rr-ie liiftM. Th-v f-.ireit mpn nf iatln- dice and liver troubles that had caus- , A ' cd m- great suffering for many years, j imlihinf, Flrsi-dju H jre For jrenulne, all-around cure, tpey j Shoeisif. m excel anything I ever saw." Electric COP.NER TWELFTH AND DUANE BitWrs are the surprise of all for their wonderful work In Liver, Kidney and Stomach troubles. Don't fail to try them. Only Mcts. Satisfaction Is iruar anteed by Charles Rogers. FRAEL & COOK fN3IKK COMPANY. Telephone 22L DRAY PC AND EXPRESSING All .. shipped to our care Will re-.elve special attention. Dr. T. Ii. Ball DENTIST. 524 Commercial Street Astoria. Ore. J.A.FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Insurance. Commissi in and &h pping. C. J. TRENCH RD, Agent Wells Farjjo and Pacific Kx press O'mp'ys. Custom House Broker- No VA Duane St. Astoria, Ore. W J COOK, Mr Res. Tel. 1131. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Fully 5000 miners, foreigners, have left Lockanna County, Pa., within the last week for Europe, for a holiday during the strike. It Is estimated that at least 30.000 strikers will take ad vantage of the tie-up for a trip to their old homes In Europe. NOT DOOMED FOR UFE. X W. MORTON, Pres. Telei Ouon Hit .111. " I was treated for three years by good doctors," writes W. A. Greer, McConnellsvllle, O., "for Plies and Fistula, but when all failed, Buck len's Arnica Salve cored me in two weeks." Cures Burns, Bruises, Cats, Pile or no par. 25c At Chft. Rogerf PAHmER dniff ttort. ' lhmot holtnc In thm world. V'ur ot1. r for UlrMlv I -nil F It E S If A i; I) S A L T Will be prmni tlir rd au.s. '..rlly stteiided to SALVE. Clironl.i bronchial troubles auj um mer coughs can be nut.-kiy relive I nd eur.-.l by Foley's lliiy ml far F,.r ?ttl lv Frank Hart. The day a man k.-i I .a. from Ins ive.l.liiiir irip lw feel the nme relief as the man caught In (he nt. k mar ket lumle when the e. haiiKe t.ei. WAS VAST,; tVAY. Tlw follow in letter from Rotn-rt It, Watts, of Salem. Mo. la Instructive-: "I have been troubled with kidney disease for the !at (he years. I lost ilesh and never f.dt vte',1 and d-H-tored with leading physician and tried all remedies sug;eated without relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure an less than two Ixittles completely eun-l me and I am now sound and veil." Sold hy Frank Hart I'lnif Pone -rlt i the lat.-st fah ionalile allmerrt. A salt i 11 iu m .o. a 1 11 hi i y I to pi 0o m I ("of Uaixt (' on TDupml t at A .t 'H nl ASTOHIA t i. is l" t t fnolanit -n.l y Ml lUpu. I r..lnu lOWpM a a i n p iu ! '10 l.i a at 1 14 Bp a I 1 w p m 1 a a No tr.Mid health unl tthe kidney, are sound. Foley's Honoy and Tar makes th; kidneys right. For sale by Fiank Hart. A peppery terner l not u thln to lie Kneeling at. During the summer kidney Irregular Itles are often cwue,l by excessive drinking for belli oerheaie.l. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Fo ley Kidney Cure.-For aie by Frank Hart. A neiratlv answer may be given In a positive tiianner. F'MtTI'NE FWfillH A TEXAN. " Having dlstre-Hnir p.ii.s m ,. a.l, back and stomach, an. being nlth.nit appetite, i..Raii to us.. Ir. Kings New Life Pill." writes W. Whltv hi a.l, of Kenncdale, T. x., " and soon felt like a neiv man." Infallible In stomach and liver troubles, only 2V at Chus. It'so ri" drug store. Some ..-o,.- are t.N) huihriil hi r.-ally enjoy Mailing. NfcAMPK PIVIsloM S i mi aaiorufor, lla r.irt .., t Op I lUminmel ami Anuria tttisi Sei.rSir Marrr'iUm, ISpj Hs , limn nit .'on 10 a I iie sn l A-lefi 9unday only. AH trains mak cl.ia ronntcti.m at (.lob'e with all Northern Paclflo trains to and from ih tUt and Sun t potnti J. C. MATO, 0n'l Freight nd Paswnger Agnt. ll'IIITE COLLAR LINE ..?orlland - Astoria outa. STR.4,BAILEYGATZERT." Dally round trtiis escept Hunday. TIME CARD Iave Portland T a. m. Leave Astoria 7 p. m. Through Portland conm-otlons with steamer N'abcotla from Ilwaoo and Long Ileaeh PoinU While Collar Line tickets Intar. hangeabls with O. II. A N. Co. and V. T. Co. tlckati. The Dalles Route STR. "TAHOMA," and "METLAK0" Dally trips except Sunday. TlMfc CAHD Str. "TAHOMA" Uave Portland Mon , Wed , 'rl., ; a, m. Ieave Dalles, Tuea., Thur., Sat,, 7 a. m. Mr. "MKTLAKO" Lv. Portland Tuea, Thur., Bat., 7 a, m. I.e. lnllea, Mon., Wed , rYI 7 a. m. Landing at foot of Aide Stet, Port land Oregos, Both Phones. Main 351. AGENTS. John M. Fllloon, Ths Dulles. Ors. Astoria, Ors. H.sxl River, Ors. White Salmon. Wn. Vancouver, Wn. Lyle. Wn. Htevmison, Wn. Carson, Wn. Rutier, Wa Portland Oregon. A. J. Taylor. J J. Lucksy. Wolford Wyers. J. tr. Wyatt. It. II. (Illbreth, John M- Totton, Henry Olmstmd. William Butler, K. W. CRICHTON On the first lii.ll. allnn of kidney trou ble stop it by taking Foley's Kidney 'tire. Sold by Prank Hart. M'Hl of us believe lii eternal punish. inept - for our enemies. TEN YEARS IN BED. It. A. firay, J. P. Oakvllle. Ind.. writes: "For ten years I was confined to my bed with disease of my kidneys. It was so severe that I could not move part of the time. I consulted the very best medical skill available, but r.M get no relief until Folly's Kidney cure was recommended to me. It has been a godsend to me." Sold bv Frank Mart. When the wedding bells ring. It's a can of two souls with but a single thought, two hearts Uit beat llkr one. CHOICE MEATS Fresh Meats Pickled Meats Cured Meats Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMERCIAL STREET. C. 01, Barf, Dentist Hansen Building. 171 Commerolal St. Astoria. Or. THLBPHONB ROD KXL