NOTions Books, Periodicals, MaRaxfnej c- fire Hot to be tei to The ; Library v..!v)nt Any 'ASTORIA PUBLIC LPiEAKY ASSOCIATION, will be liable to prosecution. VOL. LIV ASTORIA. OHWiON; TIIUKSDAV, JUNK 10, 1902. NO. 113 Bp PRICE COUNTS QUALITY I'riflo without (Quality count for wuight. Quality Mioulil govern your diK-iNioii WHEN BUYING CLOTHING Of course wo quotw the lowtt price eonnwl. cut with lonont woikmaiiHliip, and lmv tut ONE - Hut it's tho quality of our clutlics Unit w pay tho most attention to. You are Bufe wht'ii you Irudo with JmanlilUt WATERMAN'S IDEAL Tho most pt'rfoct, practical and con venient Fountain lYn ever made Every Pen Oumiitccd Money refunded If uot satisfactory. Jui-t lb tiling for every Uht oin. Nolbitig mors acceptable a gilt. . GRIPFIIN & REED . UPTON TEA .nd WHITE HOUSE COFFEE FISHER BROS. KOLK AOKNTN. TAILOR 1 g PANTS LATEST STYLES NOBBIEST PATTBRNS EVERY PAIR PERFECT Hoc Our Window Display for Samples of Elegant goods at LOW PRICES SWEATERS We Have .Them' in Every V a r i e t y, Style, Kind and Color . . p- At the Loading Clothing. Hoom of P. A. STOKES DECIDES PRICE jkimanllmz MADE CONVICTS HAVE AGAIN VANISHED Men Last Seen Near the Nichol son Farm on Tuesday Afternoon. ; DOGS FAIL TO TAKE TRAIL Proof Clvfti That They Have Not Crossed Lewis Klver -Crossroads Are Behifr Closely Watt-lied. VANCOUVER, Wub June 11- Th w-a-'h for llarry Tracy and David Morrill, the escaped convict from th Oregon penlten'lnry, no far at bast a the armed poe which made ihiit city their headquarter fur the past three ily are concern'-d, ha been shandon-d for the time ! i-liig and the majority it offlow. detective and mllll'.mvn have returned hvrf lhl evening. Nothing ha bn ne-a of I ho fuirl'lvn seen yesterday afternoon iWii'ii they piwd the Nicholson (arm near Pioii.-,-r m horebick. The gen eral opinion among the puMtfit I l hut th- outlaw are (till In the wood south of Lewi rlvvr, A clone iiatrh has txx-n kept at all the of th riif, a they are reruni the desperado tint not croas the stWrn lit any of th points lat night or today Proof that th convict are located In the timber along Lewis River came today In a report liy a man named UndsU-v. who runs a lon ging camp In tlmt vMnl'y in J who Inform;! the oflV- '-t tCte Miivlets hiul appeared at hla place In the woods lute nt evening anil dftnnml;.l a mip-l-r. which waa gHvn them, after which they weit away, but In which direction ih Inforniant nulil not tell. It in nl .-riiortiHl by DetecMv' Ker- rlgl of Portland, who returned here lonlirtfT thv. Sheriff ilunllngton, of ""owllts Ciunty, bi'tween which fliirk County and the upper fork of 1-ewls Itlver Is thw dividing line, ?ia li ken up the seflj-vh on the norlih slile of the riv -r and (hitt he haa postel guard at nil th-3 croaMnga, while Sheriff Marsh 'lll maintalna armed '. atchirs on the Clark County aide of the river. As to the hunt. It Mill licks good mating mti nt. Judgment and concerted action. The ohnn-;e of capturing the convicts is am.ill, and the final get away ;io,m almost a certainty. While the oltle-'rs In charge, Sheriff Marsh, assist! by Detective Day and Wel ner. of Portland, have figured out a score of tUusihle theories, none seem lo hold water. Co-operatl n tn the ! part of fanners could be Improved on. The stiantre-rs, aa a rule, do not noti fy the posse with dispatch when they have Information. The country H wild and !n,--rcJ with mllea upon t i'lts of llmb'-r. ajid Tracey and Msrrill rl ould have no ti-ulile keeping out of alfht for wi cks or eve-i months, should thy ao elect. Even members of the posse supposed to be thowushly fanillhir wltll country are round at rault, fcnd during the tramp through the woods there were times when Mw man hunt- , era were pr.u ti I ' M-ine bax-kwootsman would mt them i.rlght with new .llrcrtlons. There are about 30 gritty men In the posse leter.nlned to bring Tracy and Merrill back to clvlHaution, dead or alive. Among these axe Sheriff Marsh, Sheriff Tot ten, Detective Day and Welner, Charl.'s Ferrell and J. L. Hklpton, of Salem: J. Prettyman and Mr. John son, of Portland; Captain W, W. Sparks. Hurt Smith, of Vancouver, and others. Many f these people are dead shout, and are here on busln?ss. if any on Started out wltJi the iiioa that hftilng convicts Is it summer outing, this supposition haa long since been eliminated from their winds, it Is work, wnlk and ride nard fiom morning until dark, and there Is no time for rest. Meals cannot le had on the "tree ,and tin poss occasional ly haa to fonue In wayside stores, buying out the entire itock of provis ion. Where Merrill and Tracy secured either brakfant or dinner, to aa nothing of supper, la a mystery, as no reporta have been received of their holding up defenaelesa farmers' wives. The hunted men probably left the military road, turning into the forest, after leaving Salmon creek bridge, but were too hard prelsed bv tho posse to delay their hike long enough to satisfy the cravlnga of hunger. Guard Carson, with his hounds, haa again demonstrated the usefulness of those Intelligent- brutes. The trail through the woods was correct, aa outlined by the hounds, and they Old f'uw of tli'" heat work l l-y liv yet al(-tn)l-.1. Tliow: honn'U have been reniHitudlile f.r rjulte a nulHiiti.'f, in-aanim-h ak (l i'im of popl-! fo.low the for no ottir re.mon than lo oeo the iVw, take th aent, 1A OKNTKJt, June 1.-N tract- of tho fugitive nulla wa lia liwn found, allhotuh m iMxtonllnnf-d rcjiort la In clnuli-Hoii to the efrpot that llu-y wer Hi-f-n crocking a ervwk near lan'l. mIx mlli-a below here. Guard CaiMtt and hla tiloodhotinda and (Vm- atalilo Tinillnaon hava ben dlaptched to that point to try to pick up a trail. The remainder of th pomw la Juat atartlng on the return lo Vancnm-r. where they will await fivjh clue. Tt la generally conceded that unleaa the convict are ha-ated at once they will eat-a entlily fnn thla tiart of the country. Bf'UAMBUJ Ftlt COWtm MINK. "SomiTii" Hii-ured IJ?at Land and M ail Promising Proapecta. POCATiOIIA Ida.. June IS. The day afu-r the opening of the Fort Hall India:) reearvatlon haa bt-en notalily quiet. An the reporta cam? In thla morning It became evident thai " Hoon. era" had aecured both- .the beat land and the moat promlalng prospects. Thla hiil left an undercurrent of bit ter 'eall.ig for nhfch tbx-re. will lie Innumerable conteaU, both for land en trtea anl for mineral loctlon. D-t.illH were received ihli morning of a ,a.'at race for the IJelle-Marah upper mln. It la believed .o be the be.t pronpet-t on the reaervatlon. There were mo.-e cnan one hundred men after it. Se.iator Clark, of Mon tana, had a party 'n tho race and bo also 'ul Jus. 'A. Murray, the llutte mllllumUre, aa well as Dr. DuiUse, brother of Setutor Dutola, of Idaho. The nv?n ot to the mine first, but found some of the Murray men In pws-sslon, and they wtre driven off by them. The Clark men will con teat. ONE THOt'SAXD PIONEERS. rOHTLASli, June IS. Fully one thousand OrJgon pioneer martvbed to day, 'n a proceailon from the Portland Hotl to the , Exposition building, where the :0 1 ti annual meeting of the Ploneera AaiookiUon waa hld. Many have paaaed four score yearn of life, but they ma-ched in the ranka with men 30 year th-elr lunlors. The ven jerablc George H. Wllllama, niayor- elect of Portland, now in his 80th year, delivered an addrea of welcome to the Pioneers, nearly ewry one of whom he hla personally acquainted with. J. C. Moreland. of Portland, was elect ed president of the association. At the conclusion of the business meeting a banquet waa servd ana more than 1000 ogad men and women sat down at the tables, which were waited upon by the Native Daughters of Oregon. ARRIVALS FOR CORONATION. NEW YORK, June 11 Colonial and Indian contingent for the coronation proceedings now in London, cables a dispatch from that city to the Trlb une, already number nearly 2000 on foot and horse. Tthe Canadian force Is in excelent form and Major T. Ly ons lliggar, as chief -of-ataff, made ex celUitu arrangements for vitertalnlng ihe troop at Alexandria palace. Lord Mlnto has returned to Eng land from Canada In excellent health, fir Wilfred Lauder and Mr. Barton, with their wives, will be in the first carriage on 4lie second day'a proces sion and will be escorted by the Ca- nadinn and Australian guards of honor. Special ambassador Reid will be in the carriage with Admirals vais and the Tuktsh special Hmbusmdors, and Dutch FORD'S WIFK TAKES MORPHINE. DlRAN0. Col., June is. Mrs. Margaret Feeney, wife of a horse Jockey, has committed suicide by taking morphine. She was separated from her husband. She was the -widow of Rob Ford, the slayer of Jesse James, and lived with iMm at Creede during the wl d days of that camp. She bore the scar of a bullet wound on her body given by Ford In one of hla outbursts. Her second huwhrind wus killed in a mine accident. NEW LINK TO BE UCILT. GUTHRIE; 0. T. June 18.-lovernor Ferguson haa ibeen notified by the general solicitor of the Rock Island that the company will abandon that part of the Choctaw Northern track though the ihllls between Geary and Salton, Oklahoma, and build a line from Salton to Hitchcock, running both the Chocti"- nnd Rock Island trains over the same line from Hitch cock through Wa tonga to Geary, Thla became necessary on account of dan gerous treaties and a grade of 80 feet to the mile in the hills. APPROVES IRRIGATION BILL. WASHINGTON, June 18. The pres ident today approved -the Hansbor-ough-Ncwlands irrigation 'bill. DEBATE ON THE CANAL MEASURE Senators Jones and Teller Are in Favor of the Panama Route. SEN. HANNA FAVORS PANAMA Chil Service Committee ! 1U- qucstcd to Inquire Into the Caws of Ml Taj lor. WASHINGTON. June IS.-Th- Re- publican aena'or held a conference tonight on the subject of the Cuban reciprocity and after a Hood of short speeches they adj-jurned until next Friday, without action of any sort. Seventeen senator, one after the oth er, announced unalterable opposition to the reudi-tion of the tariff on Cu ban sugir and the bnnouncement was made that the two others, not present stood will. them. Piatt and Spooner took the lead In behalf of the propos ed legislation and endeavored to con vince the beet-sugar senators, that the measure they had framed Jointly would not injure any American inter est, but their speeches made no Im precision on the opposition and the conferene adjourned until Friday at a desire of the friends of the Cuban reciprocity, in order that the beet su gar senators will accept. It was the general opinion, after a caucus that this session of congress would adjourn without the Cuban reciprocity legis lation of any sort. WA3HINGTON, June 18. When the senate convened today Alllsor. called up th? ho'tse resolution providing- that the conference committee on the civil sundry appropriation bill be authoriz ed to consider and recommend the in clusion of necMsary appropraltions to carry out the several objects author ised in the omnibus public buildings bill, and it was agreed to. Report of the isthmian canal com mission waa laid before the senate. Jonei, of Arkansas, believed It to be the duty of every senator to vote for the canal at the best location. He desired Spooner, who was about to ad dress the sena.e, to explain away the charge that the purpose of adoption of the Panana route was to have no canal at all. Teller said as between the two routes the Panama was the better, and that he would vote for ttie Sponer amend ment. Hanna dellv?r.d an extensive ad dress !n advx'aojr of the adoption of the Panama route, and Pcttus advo cated the selection of the Nicaragua route: A $200,000 FIRE. CREED. Col., June IS. The second terrible fire in the history cf Creed occurred this iiioming and as the re suit fully $;00.000 worth of property was burned, two 'ives are believed to have been lost and many persons ore injured. The fli-e occurrd In vhat Is knou-n as Poor Creed, and all of that section of the town Is In ruins, mak ing 60 families homeless. The names of the missing ar William Stewart ind Frits Zlnt. The fire tarted In a vacant building and is supposed to have been jf an incendiary origin. GIRL COMMITS SUICIDE. SAN FRANCISCO. June li. Adah Castello ,aged 20 years, commited sul-cld- last night in a lodging house on Eddy street, by turning on the gas. The girl's hom was In Medford, Ore gon. Scrawled ' In almost Illegible characters was a note addressed to Corporal George Brown, at the Presl die. biding him farewell. In May, her mother cam;; here to find her daugh ter. She called on the police, whose search ended today In the discovery of th? girl's dead body. DEATH Dl'E TO NARCOTICS. NEW YORK, June IS. A man par tially Identified as Mark J. Speyer, of Charleston, S. C, who was found un conscious on the sidewalk on 23d street near Seventh avenue, la dead at the New York Hospital, apparently from morphine poisoning. A young woman known under several names and who is said to have been employ ed at the Charleston exposition and la ter became a travelling saleswoman for an Atlanta, Georgia mineral water company ,was found weeping over the unconscious man when he lay on the sidewalk, f'he accompanied him to the hospital and remained at his lde until he died. Then she Is said to have returned to a room In lth street which liave been occupied by the cou ple, packed their belongings and dis appeared. From fragments of letters In the rooms R appeared that her former home was Ithaca. At the hos pital the man had been registered as " Harris ." His supposedly true name was learned when a man giving his name as Marquette visited the institu tion early today. He said a telegram had been received at the Hotel I'.art holdl addressed lo Mark . Speyer, and It wa in view to delivering this that he had set out to find the address when he recognised the dead. Speyer, It was learned, registered at -the hotel on June 4, from Charleston. He quit the hotel on Sunday, The woman who .gave her name at the hospital aa Mrs. Sarris, told the physician that her hutband was subject to heart disease, but a coroner's physician who performed an autopsy, could And uo traces of organic trouble. He aaid death had been due to opium or mor phine, but there was no evidence that he had been addicted to the use of the dray. TO MEET IN SAN FRANCISCO. MILWAUKEE, Wis., June 18. The Junior order of American Mechanics decided today to meet next yar 4n San Fwnetaco. George B. Dowsrs, of Pennsylvania, was elect--d national councillor. KING TO HE-MAIN QUIET. LONDON. June 18. It was officially announced today, Uia In view of the strain of approaching coronation. King Edward's physicians have decided that his majesty shall forego sll pub lic engag-mnts for the next few days. BASE BALL SEATTLE AND BUTTE ARE TIED FOIt FIRST PLACE Mary McLeans Walloped Queen CKy Aggregation to the Tune of 14 to 4 Yestirday. . STANDING OF THE TEAMS. . 'Won.'-Lost;' P. C. Seattle . 23 15 .593 Butte 22 15 .595 Portland 19 li .559 Spokane 18 21 .433 Tacoma 15 !1 .417 Helena 11 21 .400 SCORING WAS BASV. BUTTE, June 18. The Mary Mc Leans today took Seattle down the line to the tune of 14-4. !n a contest that proved highly satisfactory to lo cal fans. Seattle was completely .at Butte's mercy, and the slaughter ''as awful. GOOD GAME AT HELENA. HELENA. Juen 18. Helena again beat Portland today in a remarkably fine exhibition of the national game. At the end of the ninth the score was tied 5-5. but Helena won out in the tenth i to 5. SPOKANE BEAT TACOMA. SPOKANE, June 18. The home team had no difficulty today In attend ing to Taeoma's case. As the score indieatis, Spokuie slugged Tacoma's twit-ler, winning out 9 to 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Cincinnati Chicago, 2; Cincin nati, 0. At Philadelphia Brooklyn, 5; Phil adelphia, 1. At Boston 'Boston, 9: New York, 4. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Boston Boston, 8; Cleveland, X At St. Louls-St. Louis, 9; Balti more, 6. At Detroit Detroit. 4; Washington, 1. 1 The Eclipse Plumbers and Steamfitters. Steam Boat and Gasoline Boat Work a Specialty. . . Stoves and Tinware 527 BONDSTREET BABE MURDERED BY ITS PARENTS Terrible Crime Thought to Have Been Committed at Haines. POLICE TAKE UP THE CASE Couple ISHievt'd to Have Killed Child and Thrown Away Body Wa Found in Bushes, BKER CITY, Ore., June lS.-Th. authorities are looking for the mys'.er- . Inus man and woman wha are us-. pected of murdering an infant uhild last Sunday night at Haines. The cou ple went to a hotel ubout 11:30 Bun day night and asked for a room. When requested to register the man declln- . ed, saying It was not necessary. , They had a young baby with them . when they were Shown a room. ; The man left the hotel about 3 p. .ft., car- . rylng a bundle wrapped In a cloth, which he carried down to the railroad track over a half a mile and then deposited it in the bushes. He returned to the tioM and, with, the worn in, left the town, walking; down tth? railroad. The man went In- . to the bushes and secured the bundle, ' which be took with him. It was reported here late this even ing that the did body of nn Infant Wis found near the rallroal between Haines and Norrh Powder. JL'RYMAN ROBS JURYMAN. ELDORADO. Kas., June 18. Dell Beker, one of the Jesse Morrison csusa Jurymen, was .arrest! toaay, charged with the robbing of Walter Warner, another juryman, of $65. The two men slept together last night and this morning Warner missed tt'm mon el. He Jerked Bakar'a hat o ffand one of the colas dropped out Selection of the jury has not bean finished. A RELATIVE OF CHAS. HILL. BATAVIA, N. Y., June 18.-Mrs. A. Sarah Haus, 66 years old, claims to be a relative of Charles Hill, who died at Los Angeles, California, June 7. leaving $142,000. It was believed Hill had no relatives living. Mrs. Haus says Hill waa her mother's uncle and that she has documentary evidence to substantiate her claim. RIOT IN NEW JERSEY. PATTERSON, N. J., June 18. This city was in the hands of a mob today, and as a result a number of persons were shot and two at least will die on account of the riot. DECIDE UPON ST. PAUL. PORTLAND. June IS. The supreme lodge A. O. U. W. today selected St. Paul as ,he n?xt place of meeting. The vote stood St. Paul J13; Cincin nati 255. . TO BE PARDONED. MOBILE. June 18. A relative of Mrs. Maybrlck has received word that she will be pardoned by King Edward during coornation week. Hardware Co. ASTORIA, OREGON