The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 15, 1902, Image 4

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mimi.s who 1)istin(ji ish.
ki tiii:msi:lm:s.
A Nplenilitl Nliowlnif for
lliN ml Tw1mt lor the
" Term .In! CIommI.
Following 1 the full reports of the
Awtorift public aclwola, excepting Hie
"report, from Adair whool which was
not received In time for publication to
day. It will appear later." The larg
list of advancements and promotions
gives a (mod showing for the pupils ami
teachers, and the honor roll also rfiow
up well, Astoria has reason to be
proud of her public school ytem, ami
her corpa of teachers, and no city in
the country can boat of a brighter set
of girl and boya than are lo be found
In Astoria.
Shlvely School. A. A. Cleveland,
Boom . Josie Larsen, Faye Ball.
Bertha Moody, Haael Robb, Harry
Allen. Procter Thomson. Kudolph
Karrfc, Willie Grwsi, Otto V winger.
Room 4. Anson Allen, Emanuel,
Odmbprg. "SSifft Siffiersen, Willie
EHfferseo. Andrew Carlson. Wesley
Welch, Onnle Haukaney, Annie Bue.
Room S. Alfred Hammarsuvm,
Ruby Crohn. Martin Brovrn. HillU
McCrosky, Jeannene Peterson. Nellie
Wtllaon, Dorothy Thomson. Annetta
Stlnson. Edward Carlson. Willie Dor-,
r&h, WHlie U Winger, Carl Ay man,
Jewrie Johnson. Sidney Heiltoorn.
Arthur Danielson.
Room S. "4B
Annie Houctauvey,
Naraia Nelson,
Harry Blew, Rob-
hie Svensen.
"3 A." Nettie Keller,
flrick, Arthur Carlson,
Tommy An
Alfred Crohn,
Albert Grrmberff-
"3R" Iottv Bail. Prainkr Mdk'-fr.
Birdie Welch, Jalmer Orgala, borenxo
Room 2. Andrew Perland. George
Oberg, Oscar Carlson. Norman Lary.
Chris Carlson. Luer Crohn, George
Riefet. Herbert Howell, Sophie Carl
son, Komillie Bue..
Room t. From
Andrlclr. Edward
7B to TA. Christie
Roentgen. Haiel
Honor Promotions. Ernest Hood,
Madge Fulton, Fanny Semi.
From JA to SB Class. Ella Eks
trom. Dora Johnson, Josephine May,
Bertha Moody, Haiel Robb.
Honor Promotions. Harry Allen,
Ira Gaston Tony Gurk-h. Procter
Thomson, Percy Tapg, Faye Ball.
Loto Foard. Birdie i Wise, -Gerwu.le
From SA to High OWiool. Tried
Foard. Clara Sabo. Willie Grussi,
Arthur Grimberg, Hans Bue, Willie
Honor Promotions. Henry Bayard,
Josephy Leatiy. Otto Utainger. Sher
man Sorrel 1.
Room 5. From A6 to BT. Hillis Mc
Crosky. Martha Foard.
Honor. Etfiel Mclntoshl Jeannetre
Peterson, Rubie Hammarstrom, Nellie
Wilson. Alf Hammarstrom.
From B6 ro A6. nei Mcintosh,
Rdwin Short. Frieda Bock. Sydner
Hellborn, Mary Jorgenson. Chaa Hitod.
Honor. Ruby Oolin. Mary Gustaf
!wn, Henry ThieL David Smith.
From A5 to B6. Arthur Dandelson.
Henry Relfel. Mable Monroe. Edward
Honor. Dorothy Thomsitn, Delbert
Grlffln. Anntte Sanson. Jas. Kearn
ey, Willie Ctitinper. Carl Nylund, Ole
Nelson, Willie Darragh.
Miss Garner, Teacher.
Room 4. From 5B to 5A. Louie
Torkelsen, Itessie Cordincr. Frank
Johnson. Reinette Whrtbeck, Jessie
Honor. Emanuel GrimiX'ig'. L'oyd
Van Pusen, Anson Allen, Niwman
Smith, Ole Jeldnetu, Willie BifTxrsen,
Siffer Siffewn, M;vj' Lovell, Carrie
From 4A to 5B. Jennie Hietanen.
Kennetl) Kinney. Joe Brown, Hayes
Norman, ndrew Franlt
Ceams. Albert D'Elia. WillifSchoene.
Walter Franette, Otto Vnnn. Johnny
Oen, Hugo Carlson. Jalmer Erlrksnn.
Honor. Mildred Smith, Hugo Ander
son, Charles Griffiths, Ctifter Mcln
toslr. From 4R to 4A. Onnle Houkancy
Ovrus Thomson. Annie Iarsen, Paul
Honor. Helen Taylor.
Miss Dealey. Teacher.
Room 3. From 415 to 4A. Myrtle
Harrison, Harry Blew, Elva Jeldness,
Fred Cordlner, Lillle Krans, Fred
Hardesty, Florence Larson, Peter
Johnn, Nsnnie Nelson, Andrew Ol
sen, Annie Houckani.-y, Jmmnie Tor
kelson. From 3A to 4B. Sophie Gu-stafsnn.
All)ert Grimberg, Xettie Kaller, Her
bert Hayes, Johanna Larson. Fillle
Johnson, Lempe Mrttsnn. Harold Mc
intosh, Hazel Munro, Victor N'ewman,
Mamie Phangland. Sea bury Short,
Tommy Andrlch Robert Taylor. Ar
thur Carlson, Willie TImnison, Willie
From !iB to 3A. Tx-ola Rail. Arthur
Johaiunm, Margaret Griffln, Frank
Medlay. Iennette Ferguson, Wayne
Maunute, Isaibel Ingleton, Ienard Aen,
Birdie WeMi.Lrvrenzo Piikington. Jen
nie Anderson, FJmma. Sorenm.
Ml! Sinnott. Teacher.
Room 2. From 2A to 3M. Andrew
Ferland, Norman Leasy, George
Oberg. Clarance Cordiner, Dennie
Brown, Orin Medley Eiick Hictanin,
Danny Johnson, Henry Jeldness,
Oscar Carlson, Steve Vragnezan. War
ren'Morse, Marie Buckman. Virginia
. Peterson, Augusta Oen, Lillie John
son, Violet Lovell, Sophia Carlson,
Lave Norman.
From m to A. Herbert Howell,
Genirge Blefel, Fred Johnson, Chris
Carlson, Victor Carlson, .
Miss Fossert, Teacher.
Room 1. From Bl to Al. John IWl
an, Frank Beckner, Mikle Cosoray,
Oscar GiJstafaon, Nugle Johnson,
David Phanahan, Fred Short, Axel
Backman. Geonye Griffltha, Albert
Johneon. Stella Johnson, Signl Koller,
Jennie Nelston, Mable Ward, Vallie
' From Al to B2. Alfred Anderson,
Fred Bower, Chester Beckner, Alfred
Gerdlng, Adoflph. fWenson, Cl'lft4n
Thomson.' Jack Smith, Oaaper Stang
Itind. Willie Ward, Dorothy H'd,
Kathle Egger. Emory Smith, Ida
Oen, Alice Wllnon. EV Voungatetul.
Hkllth Griffiths, Maud Mark.
Mi Buscy, Teacher,
MoClure School. Only the pupils In
Fourth Orade and over are on honor
for scholarship reaching an average
of over SS er cent.
Room 1.
IB. MaJYlna Itnlsajn. Alley Churcn,
Julia DahlRren. tlsther Hagenbucker,
Emma 1 .coney. Cnie Sloop. Arohle
Anderson. Stephen Cook, L-ster Hart.
Ferdinand Paulson. Thayer llndo
halRh, Oeorpe Tag. ,
1. Mvrile Brix, Kuth Carlson. Hel
en Jeffor. Stella Mooiv. PorotHy
Montgomerv. Aid. Paulson. Mar
gurita Pinnell. Knuly Sanders. Jen
nie and Winnie Stark. Kmm Wooten.
Willie Asp. Oorsv- B.vk. Kdword
Beard, Kdmund Cohen. Freeman
r..rL,- 1t.,nninv Toniboof.
Mrs. Fulton. Teacher.
Ro,m 2.
n Wallace Kukln. Thomas
Moore. Nora !.' ' Fred Noe. Al-
(bert Oranr FrodnoK McivevKme.
j Fvelea Ralsam. Puane Souden. John
Susman. Lester Brix. Eihel Rich Os-:-ar
Olsen, Almoin Ferguson, Henry
Hansen, Aileen Uoureu. Ja
!A. Clara Anderson, Florence
Unnulft. Viola Crang. Katherine
Rrrv, Marv Ward, Mary Spexarth.
Ichrtstal Bussing. Karl sanaers.
Frank Rohr. Myrtle Skibbe. Miriam
Oberg, Alden Hart. Floyd Muneon.
James Herman. Welnard Riippa. Ed
Sandhird tHung Moy).
Miss Olsen. Teacher.
Room 3.
3B. Ethel
Mary Jones.
Butts. Nellie Coffey.
Edward Blount, Ray-
mand Smith.
3A. Agnes Clark
Tvyne Junrl.
Minnie Noe.
Ernest Berk.
Marv Oswlck. Tunrt.
An-h'ie Cann, Sylvester
Clark. Karl CrouoMy.
Clark. James
Henry Hagcnbucker. Gearneart IjHT-
son, Artnur .iieAree. iranra .-ri-u.
Otto Nieml. Emmett O Knen. iro
Sohoene. Clvde Trullfnger. IP.te
Wottten. M1m Bllnn. Teacher.
Room 4. 4 B. Florence Gardiner.
Lennah Parker. Winnifretl Hardy. Ar
thur Bergman. Connie Balsam. Clyde
Rowen. Artie Susman, George Beard,
Arthur Bostrom.
4A. Eva A'sp. Elva Erk-kson. Cleone
Huden, Pearl Lowell. Agnes Miami,
Rosie Osmundson. Lime Iarsen. An
nie Larsen. Emily McMcar, Rosie
Jones. Ina Peterson. Gertie Rohr. Julia
Johnson, Irene Saunders. Gust Erick
son. Eben Fannon. Alan Fulton, Ansil
Oustavson, Felix FranHsoovich. Wil
liam Johnon. Virgil Nolnnd. Terry
Oberg. Nile Porter Lingi Serra, Saw.
fred Thompson. Theixfore Rosenberg,
John t'na, Cha. Ekstrom.
Miss MeCann. Teacher
Riwm 5. S B. Lawrence Vpshur,
Harold Jordan. Olga Rosenberg. Hilda
Yrell. Coomo Franclscovlch. Gra;
Simpson. Caliie Mitchell. Maude Hill,
Earl Pharpstein. Hjalmar Hindrickson,
Edna Kaboth, Charlie Beck. Arthur
Jivsephson. Fihoda Torrey. Mary Hin
drickson, Frank Johnson, Abel Wright,
Merwin Troyer. Pearl Davlch, Ruth
JefTery. Isabelle Paulstin. Carter Clem
ens, Muritta Tagg.
5A. Retsv Woot ton. Elsie Johnson,
Willie Mokko. Gerald IewiB. Edith
Basel. Fannie Gregory. Fred Mathlson,
Esther Nylund. Mary Campbell. Albert
Nelson. Eddie Matlin. Florence Hugh.
Amy Carlson, Jack Russell.
Mrs. MeCormark. Teacher.
Room 6. CB. Robert Bremner. Car!
Osmundson. Ktnneth Parker, Maud
Jones, Ivy Hansen, Joe Hare. Willie
Cook. Pope Trulllnger, Esther Asp.
Willie Moeller. Lutie Trell, Willie
Thompson. James Coffman.
6A. Louise Wise. Charlie Asp, Chris
tina Jacotosen, Henry Sklbbe. Ovedia
Obenr. Jeanie Bradford. Henry Ruone-
lln. Willie Wilson, Delia Jensen. Al
fred Thompson.
Miss I'tzinger, Teat-her.
Room S. SB. Leta Drain, Ruby
Huijcn, Lena Kiint, Iiise Parker. Rose
Peterson. Ina Seket, Gertrude Vpshur,
Florence Carnahan, Wilfred Coffyn.
Nelse Jeldness. Frank Parker. FriU
Sovey. Donald Stuart. Hjalmar Thomp
son. SA. Madge Baldwin. Edith Butts,
Anna Carlson, Fayette Dellinger.Es
ther Gearhart, Corinne Olsen, Marie
Basel, Glen Gardiner. Hazel Stockton.
Mi's. Krager, Teacher.
"A" Room 4.
IB. Clyde Rowao. Connie Balsam,
Florence Gflrdiner. VVinnifred Hardy,
Artie Suisman. Iennah Parker. Ar
thur Bergman.
4A. Nile Porter, Terry Oberg, An
sel Giistafsen, Lizzie Iarson, Gertie
Rohr, Theodore Rosenberg, Charlie
Ekstrom, Elna Ericksen, Pearl Lo
Well. Annie Iarsen. Gust Ericksen,
Luigi Serra, Rosie Osmundsen, Ina
Peterson, Alan Fulton, Rosie Jones,
Willkim Johnson. Cleone Huden, Vir
gil Noland. Bbbon Fannon.
IB. Robert Bremner, Carl Osmund
sen, Kenrteth Parker. Maud Jones, Ivy
Hansen. Joe Hare, Willie Cook.
5A. Louise Wise, Charlie Asp, Chris
tian Jacobsen, Henry Skibbe, Ovidia
8B. Lena Klint. Ina Recket, Nelse
Jeldnesn, Frank Parker. Fritz Sovey,
Donald Stuart, Hjalmar Thompson.
SA. Madge Baldwin, Edith Butts,
Anna Carlson Fayette Delllnger, Es
ther Gearhart, Connie Olsen, Marie
Room 1. Charley Wade, Alfred An
derson. Albin Riswlck, Oscar Peter
son, James Mo"rg, Iawrence Hen
ningsen. James Moran, Selma Riswlck,
Clara Rangsund, Esther Larson, An
nie Jorgensen, Myrtle Enberg, Hilda
Riswlck, Violet H. Olsen, Annie En
berg, Ethel Peterson, Violet Olsen.
Miss Lewis, Teacher.
Room 2. Andrew Welch Raehael
Tanzen, Arvid Enberg. Mary Hen-nings-en.
Alice Nyma.ii, Alice Peterson,
Clara Simonsen. May Enberg, Harry
Olsen, AVillie Slmonsen, Jessie Welch,
Helen Smith.
Miss O'Neill, Teacher.
Room 3. Lizzie Benieh, BHth Smith,
Mary Hennlngsen. Lillle Llndstrom
Cora Wevang, Josie Bangsund, Au-
gum Annula, Francis Norberg, An
drew Simonsen. Lillie Nordstrom.
Prof. Stupp, Principal.
Room 1.
1A. Charley Berglund, Tiny Pal
danluo, Annie Engberg, Jamea Moran.
2H. Charlev DeVVelt, Violet Olsen,
Hilda Riswlck, Fred Allen, Violet H.
Olsen, Roland Wahlgren.
2A. Arthur Anderson, Myrtle En
berg, Ruth Wikahl, Annie Jorgen
lon, Oscar Peterson, James Moberg.
3B. Alfred Anderson, Albin Ris
wlck, Esther tjarsoit. Siuh Moran,
Eleanor Smith.
SA. Selma Riswlck. Clara Rang
sund. Ruby Wahlgren, Arthur Lar
son, Charley Wade.
4B. Fanny Berglund, Helen Smith.
Jessie Welen Harry Olsen, William
Simonsen, George Pearson.
4A. Itlnlle Anderson. Julia PaMan
lus, Exlith Benson, Annie UndstnHii.
SB. Esther Nordstrom. Alice Ny
man. Alice Petersixi, IVter Henntny
sm. $A. Andrew WeVh, Arvid Enln-rg.
Hans Jorgenstm. Edwin Pelei-s.Mi. Ag
nes Wahlgren. Kachvt Tangen.
B. Jiwle Bangsuntl. Cora Wevang.
Harold Krager.
fi. Charity Oiler. Francis Norberg.
Edith Smith, Lillle Nordstrom. Ida
"B. Mary' Hennlngsen. John jorgon
sen. August Annula. Lillie Lliultim.
oi.m:y scitooi..
Room I. Charley Carlson, K raid
Jones, Hjalmar Niemi. Al'ocrt Nikka,
Willie Nlemcla. .ovl 1'mikk.i.u.
Chester Salmi, Ilael Ktrkl,
Room 2. Walter Jackson. George
Kalwth, , Edwin Jones, 'hurley Krl It
son. CharBe MaJagumba, Felix Illn
onen.Albert Thompson.. Charlleltok
onen. Sophia Berg. Milka Vrvll. Ellen
Room S. Waler Erlckon. Ilulda
Nikka. Sissllla Paulson. Liule Heln
men. Winnie Niemi. Elen Rostrum,
Rolert Ruswdl. Fred Stai-k.
Room 4. Magna Carlsen. Josle
Dovve, Mailaline Laureilsen, Funnle
Noe. Chester Klsworth. John Campl.
Elnard Johnson. John Sater,
4B. YMvrtn Hylund. Mattle Rrakka.
Robert Russell. Utsle Helnmen. Fret!
Wilson. Victoria Malagamba, Charlie
Oswek. Nora Hill.. Fred Stark. Anne
Mr. Liwrence principal.
Room 4.
TB. Vieva Clemen, Josie Done.
Madaline Lfturetlsen, Jennie Welk.
Roy Olsen.
TA. Magna Oarlsen. Mark t'lark.
Albe-rta Hagenbucher. Nalty Hen
drickson. Jennie Jeffers. Ina Weike.
Fred Bralller. Bevk l.iKitn. fin-
ard Johnson, Charles Jeffrey t
Olney School. From lower grade.
Room I.
lit. Selma Jackson. Willie Rantio,
Welna Granberg. Willie Pemllta.
Sula Pantaya. Charley Carlson, Clyde
Junttl, Alnda Ostrum. Elnard I-ebeck.
Jennie Nieml. Elnard Jones, Walter
Vrell. Hazel Karki. Celia Hall. Hjat
mar Nieml. George Gold berk, Hattle
Niemeia, Earnest Hekka. Willie John
son, Annie Mattin. Degla Weik. Jen
nie Jackson. Albert Mattson, George
Joki. Willie Bay.
JA. Willie Niemeia, Henry Jocklm-
son. Albert Anderson. Albert Mkka.
Josie Bay. HJordis Pentilhi. Florence
Carlson, Victoria Westersrung. Lyll
Maklin. Lernpl Poukkula, George
Mitchell. Johnnv Jackson. Edwin Pen
tilla. Winnie Lahtl. Chester Snlml,
Hilda Petersm. Tillle Duoich, Olga
Erickson. Ruth Hansen. Vno Gran
berg, Clara Saunders. Hjalmar Peter
ton. Miss Stockton. Teacher.
Room 2.
2B. Walter Baker. Wakka Brown,
Charlie Erickson, Adolph C'orlund,
Willie Hendrtrkson, Elnard Hendrlck
son. Felix Hinonen. Anslom Jackson,
Arthur Levibeck. Fred Laysell. An
drew Makela. Walter Matson. Martin
Nebson, Efri Neimi. Cheater Junty,
Elnard Poukata, Albert Thompson,
Charlie Rokonen. Edward Erickson,
Naima Baklla, Emma Campl, Gerda
Erickson, Sophia Granbury, Winnie
Jackson, Ingrid Lugnet, Lily Nylund.
Hllla Rautio. Ellen Stark. Sophia
2A. Sophia Berg. Asta Carlson, Jen
nie Erickson. Mary' Jackson. Efem Lu
srnet. Vileia Larson. Sophia Rantio.
Mary Francescovleh. Hilka Yrell,
Theodore Berg. Willie Bakka Willie
Jackson. Edwin Jones. George Ka
both. Charlie Mai a gam bo, Alex Sar
pola. Jalmar Wilson. Arthur Ring
stead. Miss Shively, Treacher.
Room 3.
3B. Henrv Nikka. Frank Burg, Wil
liam Ooldheck. Walter Erickson,
Ralph Nilsson, Alfred Sarpola, Henry
Heikka. Bmil Yrell. Richard Wilson.
Lena Hansen, Alma Welk. Ora San
ders, Ellen Berrv, Hazel Baldwin, So
phia Heikka.
3A. Willie Berry. Marshall Mattson.
Isak Campl. David Anderson. Elmer
Palme. Henry Bonkula, Henry Jack
son, Rudolph Klnkella. Hulda Nikka.
Sis'.-llia Piulson. Hamnah Ijihtl. Hilia
Johnson, Tersea Jakson.
Mls Morgan. Teacher.
NEW YORK, June 14 -In nviklng
what was expected to l)e a reconl run
to a fire In lower First Avenue, a Are
engine was overturned at Great Jones
str"et and the Bowery and Edward
D. Murphy, the driver, who was strap
ped to his seat, was probably fatally
in)ur"d. Captain John Walker and
Gerhardt Wi-bber, engineer, who were
riding on the step at the back, were
hurled 10 or IS feet and painfully hurt.
It was slippery when the engine made
a short turn out of Great Jones street
where the department Is situated.
When the off horse of the three draw
ing the apparatus reached the tracks
of the Fourth Avenue car line he slip
ped and fell, carrying thte others with
him. The engine careene-d and then
tumbled over on In side Murphy ha1
no chan'e to 'S tape. One of the straps
which held him to the seat, broke but
as he was carried over by the falling
engine he became jKirtially pinned un
der one of the front wheels. It was
with much difficulty that the wheel was
jack?- up and the driver released.
WASHINGTON, June 14. The civii
service commi!on has forwarded a
communication to President Roosevelt
urging that he hesitate in renominat
ing Surveyor General Peerault of Ida
ho, who has been under fire on civil
service charges for 'tome motnhs.
The commission charges that Peerault
refused to appeir before It represn
tative, sent there to Investigate
charges, and that he gave expression
to utterances derogatory to President
Proctor of the commission.
Sheriff Who Anvstod I'ndorwood Once
Arrested Noted Desperado.
Sheriff Cudlhee, of King County .who
arretted Murd'rer Vndorwovi m p.
cttlc county yesterday hus a iwoil
for arresting, unarmed "nd single
handed, the most notid ou'.Ui.v vr
captured on ;he Pacitlo ojKt, ut
barring Merrill and Tracy, 'I'll out
law g.ivi' his as Tom Blank and
after tiled and convlitil nt Seattle
for numerous nuiMers cscap -l .nil and,
armed with tt reolver, purs.ied the
sanv course ax pursued by Merrill and
Tray and 'ts pursued by hundreds
of cltixens until a man and a boy came
tipon hhn and In, a duel to the death
the outlaw was killed, til' boy doing
most of the shooting. Blank arrived
in Seattle one night, having I'-ft his
trail along the way strewn lih ill-ad
bodies. He had killed men within a
dcen miles of Seattle for no other
provocation than that they did t'ot
spea kto him civilly.
Vvn he ai:'iv ,t In ScaitK' he held
up a saloon about S o'ebn-k In the even
ing while there was a crowd resent.
and the bark.eper thinking, a practl- Joke was being perpetrated upon
him refus.'d to obey order, and was
shot dead by Itl'iuk, who ccaped.
Following day h wiunan who kept a
lodging house, found that a Mrnugcr
who had i-oine In lute the night before
was keeping hi room all day, tilthough
he was up. She had read t!i" ncrount
of the murder In the papers and sus
pected the stranger. Cudlhee, who was
a detective In Seattle, had been on
the lookout all day ind several nr
rests w-re made. The wommt came
to him on the streets and told !ilm
her story, ind although he lid not
think there was anything In The case
went to her house. He passed a loljoe
man on the streets nearby and told
him to remain la case he made an iir
rest to ring up the patrol wagon. Cudl
hee was unarmed and did Uot think of
trouble. Me Wi-ru to the room Indi
cated by the woman nrd knocked on
the door. It w.u np.-ned instantly and
a 44-caIirie pistol placed under the
detective's nxe. There was no tlnu
for partying. Cudlhee duck-d l is
head and made for l,u man ind clinch
ed with him. They had it over i'i:d
over and aroun.1 niM around, the out
law trying to ho,v ,i i ''u llli- liy
Insr to f"u's the revdver until the
indiceman having heard the -loise rush
ed up Into the rcom and iH'at he out
law over the head with his revolver
until he dropped h's own.
Blank plead gulliy - i 1 nlf dozen
murders and was sentenced to be
han?ed. Two deputy sheriffs had to
hold him all during his trial and to
and from Jail, as his ambition wus to
force them to i"hoot him. After he
was sentenced and returned to Jail, he
mad? an imitation revolver and held
the turnky if the jail up through Un
cage bars, mate him give him his own
revolver and the "eys and then un
lock rd the cage door came out and
placed the turnkey Inside and 'ocked
him In, and turned out all of the pris
oners exc pt one whom he had a
grudge agilnnt.
This was about 8 o'clock at night,
and a prisoner in for life rushed down
town and notified the authorities of the
Jail dellbery. Reivurds were offered
and the country scoured for the prls
oners. Blank . had sewed gunnysueks
in the lining of his coat so tl at bul
lets could not penetrate from behind
and lay in the brush by day and tried
to pick hUi way out of the country
by night. But the roads and traits
were thoroughly picketed and after
the third day a citizen and boy tim
upon him and fought a duel with him,
killing him in hli tracks, the man ac
companying the boy receiving two se
vere uounds.
Case Against a Judge for Having "a
Droo Too Much."
NEW YORK, June R-Justice Smith
was charge! Just 37 years ago with
having " a drop too much." and was
arrested. There Is reason to believe
that Smith ref rm-?d, that years ago
he wen: where the good Smiths go,
but un'ortunately for 'Ms memory
that charge on the official records has
just been expunged. It was on June
14, 1885, that Smith was arresti-d by
Policeman Gustav Von Busklrk. He
was arraigned before Police Judge Ho
gan In the old Tombs court and for
some reason the ease was held for fur
ther examination by the Justice, who
has i lnce beeom? a magistrate. Smith
failed to answer when his case was
called next, but a memorandum of the
postponed examination has remained
ever since for June 14, in the Tombs
court. "hief Clerk Lewis finally hand
el the old slip up to Magistrate Hol
ier. Just at that time Magistrate Ho
gan walked Into the ecrurtroom and
he and Meglstmte Zoller Hnlled over
the old M)llce court relic.
" Call that case up," said Magis
trate ZoUer. " Where is the complain
ant?" " Dead," responded Court Policeman
" Von Buskirk has been dead four
teen years. The defendant Is d"ad,
too, I attended the funerals of both."
Magistrate Zoller assumed his Judi
cial aspect and said:
"The case against Smith, charged
with being Intoxicated and disorderly
June 14, 1 HO.",, is dismissed."
NEW YORK, June 14.-In connec
tion with the anti-plumage crusade of
the Illinois Audobon Society now be
ing carried on In Chicago, It Is learned
that the millinery merchants protect
ive association of this city Is In te.
cord with lite law mid will not handle
North American blixls or foreign birds
of the same specie, but the association
asserts thwt no state can legislate for
the protection of birds not of the me
species as the birds of America, ,ind
that the collection of duties thereon
will be construed s u license to sell
such merchandise until the courm de
vice otherw 1st.
Progrc of Woman's Rights Move
ment in the World,
NEW Yt'KK. June II, -The national
olllceis of the Womau'sSuffittge Assu
cbUlon. who have been holding it bus
iness session at the home of the pres
ident, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Call, at
at Iteiisouhurst. L I , to plan for the
work of the coming year have adopt
ed resolutions expressive of re Joiclng
iver the progress made recently In the
legal rights of women In different
parts of the world. Referring to the
fact that national suffrage lias Just
been granted to the TCi.tU? women of
AusirullH. by a practically unanimous
vote of both houses of the federal par
liament, the official board added.
' We believe the women of America
are not Inferior to those of Austra
lia In Justice and chlvalvy,"
Further occasion for Jubilation was
found In the action of Massachusetts
In making mothers eipml guardians of
their minor children with the fathers,
f Maryland, In admitting to thte bur
and In the recent passage by many
other Mute of laws enlarging the per
sonal and property rights of women.
Among those who attended (he meet
ing were Susan I. Ant Bony, Murn
Clay, of Kentucky; Mrs. If. T. Vpton,
f Ohio: Kate M. Gordon, of louht-
vllle, ami Rev, Anna Shaw, of Penn
NEW YORK, June 14.-Baron K. Shi-
husanit. a ba ler if finance In Japan.
whose position In his native country
is financier, corresp-ms to that of
the M.inniis I to In statecraft, has ar
rived here from Phlhi ! ''"'' The ba
ron, who Is on a tour of th world,
and is many times a niH'lim i're nnd at
the head of 40 corporations In his na
tive country. met at the railroad
ytntl n In Jersey City by manv of the
prominent metulsrs of tip" J.iptine.
colony here toiler, at his hotel, the
baron, through his Interpreter, . xptiss
ed his surprise at (the great idviinee.
ment of the Vnlted Stte as he had
ecu It on his travels from San Fran
cisco to this port. He had Wen es
pecially Interested In Chl'Mgo nrd
Pittsburg ami the locomotive works In
RhlUidalphla. He considered 'he pro
gress of the Vnltel tats w,n due
to th" great material fotre of the
"The advance"-" - '',n." he
added. " l due to the American poiple,
Japan has taken ihe Cni' -l tt'nte for
her model. The Viltd Slate , the
greatest country in the world, and Ja
pan new Japan. Is following In 1'er
footfltepH ."
At the invitation of Ihe provident
the baron will visit the White House
Monday. He win then relur nto this
city, from which he will sail for Eng
NEW YORK. June 14.- Prices of
stocks have advanced this week, large
ly on acciiunt of a resumption of opera
tions by an Inlluenllal speculative
leader. The generally prosper its con
ditions of the country have kept the
undertone firm, but Immediate spec
ulative activity Is repressed by an
thratlc miners' strike, crop uncertain
ties and fears of a money stringency
Incident to the July 1 settl nn tits.
Time loans have been In large de
mand during the week many of them
carrying ov -r the period of crop mov
ing needs. This Is regarded as evi
dence of an anxiety to Insure against
money flurries Imposed by the ex
hauster conditions of creditors,
NEW YORK, June 14. It Is suggest
ed here, says a Herald dispatch from
Paris, that In order to commemorate
the sympathy shown by President
Roosevelt and the United States In the
recent Martinique catastrophe, a street
of Paris be named Rue de President
Roosevelt, a plate bring- affixed at
each end of the street recording thew
facts. The Soclete Francalse di Amis
Arts Is having an engraving made of
Mrs. Roosevelt's picture painted by
M. Chartran, which will be Incorporat
ed in the album given to the eoelcty's
subscribers annually.
NEW YORK, June 14 Official an
nouncement of the national amateur
golf championship conditions has been
made by Maturin BaJlou, secretary of
the Vnltwl States Golf Association.
The tournament will be played at the
links of the Olenvlew Golf Club near
Chicago, fnsn July 15 to 19, and en
tries must be received by the secre
tary not Utter tllmn 6 p. m. on Tues
day, July 8. The championship cup
valued at $1000 and four medals are
the prizes offered.
NEW YORK. June 14. Yale defeat
ed Princeton In a final game of the
series for the Inter-collegiate baseball
hamplonshlp 1102, today, by a score of
3 to 4.
Office of C, Q. M Vancouver Bar
racks, Wash,, Juno , 1SK)2, Sealed
proposals, In tripllonte, will be received
here until II . m June 1 1IKI3, and
then opened for Hie construction at
Vancouver Barracks, Wash, of one
double set otlleers' quarters. For full
Information, plans nnd specification
npply to this oftlcr. V. 8. reserves (he
right to reject or accept any or nil pro
posals or any mr thereof. Envelope
containing proposals should he marked:
"Proposals for construction, uf build
lugs at Vancouver Barriuks, Wash,"
and addressed to underslgtUHl.
W. A, ItKTHEt. A, C. t), M.
General Electrical
Installing and Repairing
Tlio Kiniiiu'(l Sliii in
Oivpm LHitsitto of 1'oilltiinl
lias Just lWfii t)itiint tit
4 21 ElOINIJ MT.
Estimates Made on
Wiring for
Light ind
Power. New
Motors, Dynamos,
and Electrical
Of Ail Kinds.
Supplies Kept in Stock
Agents lor Ibc Celebrated
!ct I'tnler I lie Sun
Reliance Electrical
H. W. CYUUH, - M'ur.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
TOBACCO AND CIGARS' of all kinds Ht lowest rukw, for (inluTiiifii,
Kanneni nnd Icet'r9.
A V ALLEIN- Ttoth and Commcntnl Street)
h vrrs:r"' --- k
Big Deal in Typewriters
Austrian Government Ordern 1200
1'rrna I'i'iHlch lo' J'oiIIhi (1 Oinoiilm , l'i I riiury "lb
Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
L. it M. Alcxiilidt & Co., Af nil.
North Pacific Brewery.
JOHN KOPP, Proprietor.
The Fopu'ur Product of the only brewery In North
western Oregon enjoys a very, larue dormnilc ami ex
port Sale,
KOPPS BEST bottled or in kegs.
Pre Clly Delivery,
Of New Zealand
y. P. THOMAS, Mgr., fan Francisco.
Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Const ovei twenty-two ycare.
SAMUEL ELM OK E & CO., Agents, Astoria, Ore.
A fnuilllar name at the Chicago,
Milwaukee A 11. I'sul lUUlway, known
till over (lis Union us the Great Railway
iiiniilng (ho "Pioneer Uuilted" tnulns
every day and night lieiween HI. I'aul
and Cliliiupi, nnd (unulm and Chicago.
'The only srfwi tnUn In the world."
Undcrslmid: Connection ar mads
with nil tmnseoniineiiial lines, securing
lo passengers the best sefvlcs known,
t.uxurlous cimohes, elwtrle llulll. sleant
hent, of a variety eiuu,leit by no other
He that your ticket rends via Tim
Milwaukee" when giu" to ny point
in the Pulled Stale or Canada, All
ticket agents sell thm,
For rates, tminplilets or other Infor
mation, ftiMcn,
Trsv, l"ns, hI 0 Agt,
Poi'lland, Ore, f'ortlniid. r.
Th, "Nonhwtrn liml'.d'' trln,
ulecirlc llghtrd Ihroughuu', both l'iHU
and nut, mid tivmn tusicd. r with
out 'tcrptloit, tht rlnsat train la th
world. Thojr smbsdy !h ltns(, rwit
an I !t Idea for comfort. ronvn4ris
and luxury tvtr nfftrtd tht trjvtlttng
public, nd allogsthsr t th men
romplet and uplendld prodnellon t th
ct bulldor' art.
These (plendld Train
Connsct With...., ,.
The Grcnt Northern
Tbc Northern I'arlflc agt)
The Canadian I'aclFIc
No tra oharca for th supsrtof
actsnmodstlons and all rbUMfM of Ura
n ara avsltabl for tmii cr. rh
train oa thl lln ar pro!ctd by lb
lnrloc king Rloc!; Pytum.
W. II. MHUU II. I. StfilJCR,
0nr Agnl. TrvN Aft.
lortUnl Oroa.
Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules
Pm tHflniHitittin r fU'rli
ut t! iltslr ml MMtal
klln7. ttu tii ft t)i,
thai t.f taara o
lirrliN4 fttti lrt,
tit' l'rrtr br lubf tb.t
I H,t, .(4Ht)(rlr hrtitkai.
Hld by 4ru;yUU, (rii
I IW, uf hf MtlU, tfOtbil.L
lU,,J !.
Who has ud Ktar Estate IUns
and they will tall you they ar hs
most aatlifactory thry have svar
u.d. They rqulr but little fuel
anJ bako quick nnd uniform, and
are rally managrd. For nl In
A ttorla only by
J. Scully
i.M a M 5rwi;t;T,
H-:lwv-n Mmh and le lh
k W
Smith Premier.
VIKNNA, Feb, 7,-Tha itnatest ln
Kle purchnna of typewritten ever
made has been ordered by the min
istry of Just Ice, uhlrh, after Hire
months of exhauatlva rompvtltlv
tenia, has contracted to equip the en
tire mlnlatry with not laa than 12o
Smith I'remler typewriters, upplylnT
every court.