The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 15, 1902, Image 3

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Wo re equipped to fill order, lor groeerie,
fresh meaU of nil kind, and vegetable and
fruit in wason. Free and prompt delivery
wrvke to iiy part of the city.
Ross, Higgftis & Co.
The Morning Astorian
PORTLAND. June U.Oregoii and
Washington, fair, oiniw.r ei-pt limp
the t. (. I Jail. j. fair and turner.
O!on Mil feed, grain and bay.
Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Jergenstm brvame
tn? (Mrritia ( a baby iftrl list i.lrhi.
J lm Carlson, of Crooked Creek, a
In the tity ywrJy.
Mi. Hal I ir (aftf. of Kak-m. in via- !
ttm hr sister, Mr. A I thou, of thli
Mirs and Martha Fmd are
vHtttng Mr. and Mra. Agnus t.'or, of
Portland. I
Wnw-d. Mmn to tk charge of yard
and. ) on ni.n man.-Kniverl
Mh tt liMr Co.
Tin- Muly ijo.irt.-ii.- wilt give an
ntr!lnmnl at Heasid. Wednstay
wni, th Jih nat.
You wilt And the bnK lofl meal in
he etty at Ih HialiHC Run Restaurant,
No ftt Ctmimervial street.
Ifcin't fort today that th New
Style Chop Hi la th pht.-w to
the twiH HundAV dlnm In th city.
Awarding to th furhiaropt Hun th
irity folk f that city pnul thrm
twaullful wi-ntitKw irltlmt flahlng.
lUrkrntlnv Quh klrp will ad at
VVt!trt wttih Ivlrcranb ami
tumlHT fr !'n FVanrtm-o at on.
N't atock at fancy fiKkfa Jut ar
rlvnd a Y hm Ilaiaar. Oat) and
ro rb la(.t novfflMe from Juiwn.
M1m- 'Ur iuid Wllma YomB 111
lv. ,ai,i.irro rnm)nx for a vtait
anwHic rrl.itiv in Hrnlh t''lumbU.
SWnul in yar ardnr ftr your winter'
uiH'Iy Br, flab or hard wood to Kri
ly. th- rn(.- miii phone Jill btiuk.
All naaokora wiw the "Pr!di of
Ator1a" atKiun No bmtur nubl.
Manufrtuivd by MacFWUn Kno-
Th iswn-r ileum -r Hu II, Kl
mori III kv Aatorta for T1ilaiiH)k
IUy H4ni m Sunday. Jun IS, at'lJ
Mi-- ! tn Nwm and Mwu Knt. and
Mm. t'oi and djimshl-r. all of I'aih
mt ir- in Alrl hlnif y
lrday. Yoii aa buy Nrwhro'a !ltldd.
tho irrval dndniff rone, for Ti nt
pr bnrt M VrH,-nl lUrhrr
John llakn ta ap(olnlnt admlnla
fralor f the mtalr of John D. MMnrn
yat.rdy. th mtatr N-liut valuwl
at ITS.
A forBt glti wantMl for
inal houav-wfirk. Apply eornw rZlrhth
nd PVaiiklla rrm Omd wami for
Wmd-A nrl lor f. nwal bua
Mk and plnra onklng. Apply at th
Kndatl mdr. eonn-r Third and
(UBirrn ar nw in i-Unt i-ontll-tl'iu
a to fatnri and flavor, 'vp
rly wrvl thy form an xwdln(t
lr hwlthy and appeltiinK food. The
f rht and U-at oytr are moat
nkillfully .r'ir-d at the Toke Point
Oymer Moue on Eleventh utreet.
Rcllnblc GoocIh
Have You Seen
The fine Line of Opaque Window Shades we are
selling at 2" cents?
Live when you live and xleepon one of our hair mat
tresses. All mattresses made to order from f .'50 down
to I7..7).
Sec our Mantle Beds with Yum Yum Springs from
f.Yf.'i up.
One hundred useful household articles at cents each
We sell on small profits,
If cream, guaranteed pom, delivered
to any part of th city. It ctw a Dint.
U cream soda. Brat frh candles.
Privat room. Parlor Candy Btore,
W! Commercial street
T1i focal telephone tympany hi lm
pruvfng H rmmn dally by placing
addltionel wlr ovrhd on th prin
cipal street,
Mr W, W. Whipple, who ha bwn
looking aftr til business Inter!
hre will leave for hi nar mill al
Iti.-1. Washington, today.
Try a pound of our Perfection Wend
Moh and Jan coffee .and If It doe
not plrae you your motn-y will be
refutdrd by u.JOIIXHO.V WWW,
Mr Frariklr IIHnk irft In even
liiir f'r h-r home In Hun Francis..., aft.
t-r a two we-ks' visit with hr par-
Ml" K. C, HMn.
j llri, rh4rit and lte( fln-wotkn
to lie found In It, dry. at Jtmw fune
I o. IX OimiiH'rfl tl atrf-t. C'orne
jfarly and irk out what )u want,
If todwy 1 a pretty dy a larce num
j tier of btrycliat will t to IViuilde,
J Frank Parker and (Wiirr fmlrr are
'anion (he pr,mot,m of the outlna.
Women of Woodcraft will n down
in full fnvc tnday, from Portland.
upend a few hour at iMialde. An
ex-urlon will be run by the A. A t.
II. H.
The I'nlvrrwtl HMt A Ioor Factory
exMcta to bexln running; by the mid
dle of the weMt at Inuit, It may turn
on the marhlnery a ewrly aa neit
J John A. Montfntnery, at No. Zj
Ijnd atr(, dam at) kind of tinning,
i plumbing, gaa and aleam fitting
'promptly and aktllfulty and at very
muimmte prlve.
The M'r plltan IU trwl fr
IniitlnnM yelerdy nt the eorner of
Twelfth And i'nmmm'UI atreeta. It la
one of th " nellel" plam "f the
klixl In .he illy.
!tMln ctl lull Kngr. la olewner
and iiiak.- lma trouble with atove
ami rhlmney fluea than any other coal
n the market, George W. Wnnbom,
irent. Telephone 1311.
i Yetrrdy a one of th buie
j dayi of th wawin In Anlorin. ThTe
, vHltiwx hw from evryhrre,
l.vid all wr huylnc wmmf aupplira
frm Aatorla merchant.
A carload of cheap and medium
j priceil ledroim ult Juat rewl-ed.
jVe offer them at reduced price for
j thl week only. Oall and examine.
irius. iirii-horn HON.
i Joe M'kard. John ICHih and U K.
IWtleon. wM-e all here from Jjrwla and
CUrk yealenUy pationlalng Antort
Imerrhnnta, They rrirl artivlty on
tti- I a L and Vlark senerally.
j ron't foriret to vote early and often
; iiimnrrow and continue voting until
the " (loddeMi of liberty" l lrted.
TIxt will be several candidate In the
Held, and they have a hot of frlendn.
A lnt line of hair bruahea. all
shadi, color and price. Poaaibly
the largent aortment In the city.
UeaatwUe auflldeoUy large from whioh
to make a aatUfartory selection. Rog.
rr. druggtat.
fahcMiner Alcalde, of Pan Kranclco.
which la on her fourth trip, will load
lumber at the Northern Pacific mil!,
Portland. The owner of thla veM
contemplate putting on a large numler
of veenela on thin run bt-fore another
Lowest Prices
Bulldins .
A gay party went to Knapplon Fri
day night on the atramer Klectro.; All
report a aortal gjod time. Ther wa
dancing, luncheon and a pleaaant ear
ly trip horn In th we amall hour
of morning.
CotvihM w carry Lh largeat and
heat nHectid atock in Hi city. Th
tin Include both smooth and tufted
aouche. which we ar offortng at low
er frrtoa than other dealer. Chart
iletlborn It B"l,
H. ('o. aent M yeaterday
lo the Foirth of July committee a
a. donation toward nwklng Uie crielira
ilon a auco. Tb commit t w wait
ing for other erpralng gentlemen
tike the to help the ctuv n!ong.
The Mlion Hiuare Comany -'oaed
a urceful -k' engagement at
KUh-r' opera hou lt night In that
old familiar drama, " Ten Night In a
lljrrYKim." Thl play, a well m all
ill hem, wm natiafiM'Uirily rendered.
Mr. and Mm. P, A. gtoke and their
daufh'er, fi liiace, arrived from
Kiin FraiM lif'O on the ateanvr Oilum
liia yemerday, after a pleaeAnt voy.
,ige. Ml llracte had Juat completed
her eouriie In the llerkeley high
and her mrthe-r and father had gone to atteivl the ommeii(!ement -
The ervee of the Hun. '.n,,r H.
Iillh'er, sh Biver4jngued irator of
low, have be -ii secured by the Fourth
of July ommlttee to deliver the ota
tlon in :he Fiwrth at thl place. He
bi regirdeil a one of the ableat ora
tor of the-intry and the fieofil will
hear a ape! of pifriotbwii and lo-
IU -ik e on the rtorlou Fourth.
KchfMiner F. J, Wood. Captain Jacob
on, arrived from Hak'niate, Jain,
yestenlay afternoon, loaded with gi-
phur for Portland. Captain Jcbein
report a pleaxant voyuge, having had
fine weather all of the way. lie roa4e
the trip In juat Ua. He exiwte.1
lo gvt here earlier, but hi friend
ay that he mad the trip on good
A r.-haral of the patriotic airs to be
nung at the Fourth of July eelebra-
lon wilt be hwld at Flahter' opera
houae on Monday evening, June 11 at
o'clock. Will all thou who are will-
lug to help In this celebration of the
national birthday be on hand at the
above place ' and hour? Committee
H. C. Th.wnpwin. J. N. C.rilBn and W.
Keyromir Short.
The batMlt game at the Athletic
Park in A'torta today between Atoria
and Fort Meven will be an Intereat
Ing one. l.ovem of the port rhould
not f'irrel the giune ami go out and
give the home tooyn encour4tnent.
Thin 1 th beirlnnlng of a aerie of
itamea on the home diamond and rhe
boy expect lo nusuin Aatotia'a repu
tation from the atart.
Kir.- broke mit in Charlie H-iime'
hotn? on Irving avenue a bo it 4 e'cloi k
yeertrnlny afternoon and the lire de
partment aa called out by 'phone.
The company reeiionde-1 and the. fire
which originate from a stovepipe, wa
tonn extlnKUlsh. The annum of
danwice wa not a.certained lat even
Ine. but It will iwauSbly run up to more
than a hundred dollar.
Captain Parker, of the uteamer Nah-
rotta. mated yetrday that ummt-r
nraident were already arriving at
Ing Heni-h at a lively rate and that
the Potter will go on her reiruUr uni-
mer run June Si. The people of trng
Keach are m.iklng preparation for a
lartre wmnirr trade thl summer, and
the early fine weather Indicate rhat
there will be a long aeaaoT -here thl
(m Monday evening next at S lj
o'clock an adjourned mveUng of the
new PhoMbltlon Alliance will tie held at
the W. C. T. T. hall in the Fiavei
building, corner Tenth and Bond
reet. All Intereated In the mippre
ion of the liquor tralflc. of whatever
noliticMl affiliation. ex or age. may at
tend. Officer will be elected and oth
er matter of Interest conniiierM.
Th voting contest wiH open tomor
row mornin f.r the election of a
(ewldeiw of liberty" for the fourth of
July eek-bratton The followlnir lull
ing place have been eatablinhed: A.
Dunlwr Co.: C. H. Cooper; Morne De
partment Store; the Bee Hive; Hoef
ler Candy Parlor: Madkvm' Com
mercial Street Store: Tmlllnger, Kat
erbrooke Co.; Foard Stoke: Jotm
on Br.x.; A. V. Allen'; Bom. Hlg
trlnii tt Co.; Peterson A Brown: Hahn'
Shoe Store, and Griffin A Reed'.
The miion .-on lucted durinir the
week at St. Mary's church by the Pau
list fathers will close th eening tilth
pecial srvl-es and the bestowing of
the papal blessing. The morning n.a
will be at the uual hour, l and !0:,
and evening eri-e at 7:50. At the
early masa the flnt cmimuoion ;
will receive the sacrament of the Holy
Ku.-hariet for the first Ume. A mis
sion nernHin will be preached at that
mas- and also at 'he high mas,
while the cl.sing sermon will be
preached In the evening. Father Hop
per. oho I a forcible and persuasive
speaker, will deliver !iis Ut sermon
In the morning, and Father Smith will
preach the final sermon in the even
ing and bestow the papal blessing in
the name of the Holy Father. Hla ser
mon throughout the wek have made
a deep Impression on th congrega
tion and wilt long be remembered by
Sheriff Unvllle Returned Ijui Night
With Carksin' Net.
Sheriff Unvllle returned lat night
from hi second trip to Puget Is'and
after another uceful trip. The
herlff brought with hrni thl time th
net of P, M, Carlnon, which he found
carefully cached at the head of the
Island, near where he found the other
net Thursday and near where lie ar
rested the man Kt. whom he brought
down Thursday night. It was tate the
first day when he made the arrest and
found the net belonging to John lrag
ollrh, and not having time to make
a thorough search the same 'laj- he re
turned to the scene yesterday. The
Ihieves had built a ort of platform
at the head of a slough and had plac
ed the net on thla and then carefully
covered H oyer with live brush to
conceal It. But the, brush looked sus
picious to the sheriff, and npon in
veKtigatVm, he found Mr. Carlson'
net concealed beneath '.he brush.
There could be no mistake In the ret
a Hi leads hail Mr. Carlson's Ini
tials. " P. M. ('." cut Into them.
The sheriff came over to Clifton by
boat last night and then came by rail
to Astoria. Hent the net around
by launch, which had to go aero the
river laM night, and It will arrive thl
morning with th net.
The thieve had made extensive
preparations for a good fishing aea
sin. The)' had cut Mr. Iraoli('h' net
in two in the center In order to make
a sink net of It and were reserving
Carlson net for a floating net. But
for the interference f rhe sheriff tlr-y
would have pnaeibty mad a big sea
son's catch, and would have also made
a big run on other nets In the river.
The sheriff appreciate enterprise, but
he did not appreciate the kind pos
sessed by Kiss and his pal sufficiently
lo let them I ureue rhelr course any
The work In running the property
down and making an arrest on ihe
illgtit clue which lie had . ---' on
ihown that Ctarsoji's sheriff l "Capable
and enterprising enough to discharge
his duty on the shortest notice.
KT-s had a pal and the sheriff ha
nothing to say yet on thi point, but
it I safe to say that In a very few
day this criminal, too, will either be
entirety out of the country or will be
In the county Jail .
The value of a net brtnir a theft
of on within the statute of grand
larceny and thl mean that the de
fendants. If convicted, will have to
serve a term In th Stat penitentiary.
Popular Oriranlaxttnn Win Take a Rest
During Vacation.
The second year's work of the As
toria Woman's Club wa brought to
a clos by the regular annual meeting
held yesterday afternoon. The meet
ing was largely attended and harmony
and food enrer prevailed. A review
of the year' achievements sh meil
much ccomplthed and much In view
for future effort. The order of busi
ness was the election "f offli-er to
serve dtirlmr the ensuing year. In the
election the fair parliamentarians had
occasion to display their accumulated
knowledge of parliamentary usages,
recently augmented by the course of
lect'ire given by Mrs. Cole-Bethel.
The result of -e "lection hi a fol
lows: President. Mr. Elmore; vice Mrs. Wingate; correspond
ing s-feretary. Miss Geary; recording
aecretary, Mrs. H. F. Prael; treasurer.
Mr. J. E. Higgins; trustee. Mr. Car
rie Krager and Mrs. Isaac Bergman.
Th buii.itM of ihe year wa bn-ught
to very satisfactory ckwe. and the
ladle are delighted wiih the succes
v.nichh is be'n manifest and which
has proven the club to be a decided
ly meritorious and worthy institution.
Th pleasure of th m-eting m en
hanced by the skill of the dewratlon
committee m beiuiifying the hall with
plants, flower an! flags. After the
election the ladies held an informal
reception and we- -ved with sher
bet and fancy cake be Hoefler. The
next meeting i ! in t-t:ber.
Xorwegian-Dani.h M. K :Vsial ser
vices at 11 a.m. and p. in. Sunday
School at 19 a. m. Joseph Olseti. pas
German Jjiithern: Services at the
Advantage of a Lifetime
In any line of merchandise we arc i
kallAS akl mm 1 iafv Wttl fhilft fa n V
concern in the city. Na wi'.t-ir what
other store may offer you. you are
always- certain of saving money when
you patronixe us. Every time a com
parison Is made we gain a customer,
read on:
W and 75c SHIRT WAISTS 31c
TINS, per paper lc
Mt-M Commercial St. Astoria, Ore.
Congregational church at 1:29 p. m.
Sunday Bfhoil at 1:30 p. m. The
Orac Episcopal, Service at U .
m. and at 7: JO p.m. Sunday Bchool
at 13:30. At Holy Innocent chapel
t'l'pertown. at : p.m.
Rer. P. Carlson win conduct service
today In the First Lutheran church,
I'ppertown, Hi many friend in As
toria wHI fce glal- to know this and
Preebyt-frlui: The usual service.
Theme of morning ternvm, " Promis
ee. " Evening I heme, "Religion and
Temperament." A very "ordla! Invi
tation 1 ex ten Jed to all.
R g liar nervines at the First Congre
gational ehureh at It a. m. and t p.
m. Theme for morning, " The Mora:
Valuj of Reponibi!)ty." Topic for
evening. Forgetfulnes of God."
Sunday school at 12:15; Y, P. 8. C. E.
at 7; pryer meeting-. Wedneislay even
ing at o'clock. A yrd!;J invitation
to all.
Methodist Epi-opal: la observance
of Children' Dt, the children wHI
render an excellent program at eleven
clk service. At the close of the
(exercise a number of ehildern will
be baptised. In the evening Rev.
Hsnld Ober will preach. Subject:
"The Aridtwracy 'tt Character." A
very corHal invitation 1 ettenited to
all to attend these iiervice.
A young man in one of our large
cities was recently found in an un
conscious condition, and upon exami
nation It was fonnd that he wa dy
ing of starvation. Food wa given 12
II rmantitie and in a few days
the pet lent recovered. There are many
otne people starving themselves be
cause they are afraid to eat gjod sub
stantial food. Their stomach are
weak and cannot rherefore digest I!
properly. Consequently th patient
loes flesh and the blood and nerve
become impoverished. A few doses of
Hosteller' Stomach Bitters' win re
store the etomadi to it normal condi
tion and cure headache, indigestion,
dyspepsia, flatulency, constipation and
bilious. It is the best stomach
strengtbener and health builder In ex
istence. Try it and see for yourself.
Bids will be received by the county
court of Clatsop County, Oregon, un
til Friday, June ST. 1902. at I o'clock,
p. m.. for the construction of an W
foot span bridge 12 feet wide, across
the Necanicum river in section 24.
townehip S north, range 1 west , In
Clatsop County .Oregon. Said bridge
to be constructed on a site aiout one
mile tast of Carl Johnson' place,
where the county road from Seaside
crosses the said Necanicum river.
Bidder will present plans and spec
ifications for said work, together with
a certified check for 10 per cent of
the amount of their bids, or a good
and sufficient bond, aa a guarantee
that they will construct the said bridge
provided they are awarded the con
tract. Preference will be given to bidder
who use the old iron which was for
merly In the bridge across O'Hanna
creek near Leighton's place. The
court reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
County Clerk.
j The rapidly Increasing use of shin
; gles as covering for the walls of build
! inga, both to keep out the weather and
Ifor ornamental purpose, makes a
'great demand for a shingle ft in which
! preserves the wood, prevent moss, and
) retain a fresh, handsome appearance.
Particularly Is such the case in damp
climates. The need is well met in a
perfect article made right here in As
toria. Cutbirth Creosote Shingle
Stains are penetrative, preservative,
handsome and durable. They are pat
up In eight colors and every package
The reg ilxr meeting of Astoria No.
17 Fraternal Order of Eagle will be
called to order at VM o'clock p. m.
share Sunday, June la. on account of
InitUtiwi work after which the mid
summer social will take place. All
visiting brothers are invited to attend.
C. E. FO.-iTKIi. J. N. LAWS,
Worthy Secy. Worthy Pre.
My attractive eight-room cot
tag.?, corner Franklin Ave. and Third
street. Splendid view; fine lawn: lot
jOxIOO. Thla property in -worth 1150,
but I am leaving the city. Terms
one-half ca.-th- If cot sold, will rent
for $13 per month. E. C. LEWIS,
1110 A square grand piano, in good
condition. A bargain. E. C. LEWIS,
m Franklin Ave.
J. V. B-ir is received a telephone
message yesterday from Merrill and
Tracy, asking htm to have a supply of
his famous La Imperial cigars ready
for them when they arrive la Astoria.
" The bride ha jiEswd into the hall,
Red aa a rose is she ;
Xodding their htad before her go
The merry minrtrehiy."
Tfce Month cf Jsne Has Been Selected by
Sbanahan Ituildiiiff, Commercial Hirer! ,
, 'R HI.
Annual Clearance Sale
Fancy Crockery
Souvenir Dishes
Fancy Silver Ware
Cu t Glass , Et c .
Thoroughly renovated and modernized. The most
popular eating place in Astoria. Open all night.
Only white help. John Blasich, Prop., Eleventh St.
Special Drive on Rugs
Add Comfort and Beauty to Your Home
Handsome Patterns, Best Qualities, Prices from 35c up. .
Lovely Moquettes 95c and Upward. Handsome Pro
Brussels Art Squares, H 50 and Upward. ... . .
Nothtng Better. Price Lowest. Call and See.
H. H. ZAPF, The House Furnisher.
Jobbers and Dealer in
Pipe Repiiring
A Specialty
Everyth'sr the 7 U
Coomerclal St. Market Affords. Hi !!
We ar prepared to mak these oa
ahort notice and of th beat Btatsriala.
Let as gtr you estimate oa any kiad
of eastings or pattara work. Lowest
price (or first -das work.
ORIGINAL Indian Baskets
Cheaper tea
Asy PfcK
lata City.
fnmfOj Filtei.
515 Commercial Street
Astoria, Orcfoa
Finest Restaurant in toe City
Regular Meals, 25 cents,
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
Sccw Oaj IrcaG
Cor. Uth sad Fiaaklis ttt: