THE MORNING ASTOK1AN. SATURDAY, JUNK 7. IW2 ?! it -v CIVIC IMPROVEMENT COLUMN ITEMS TO FILL THIS COLUMN REQUEST" ED FROM FRIENDS IF THE MOVEMENT (Fro Home and Flower.) Prwrldr-nt Chart. Zuehlm, First We rrw-KlMit E. U Shuey'and 9w "omi vir-e-Proi1Mt Mrs. tVmle Ham lin form the c-omtnlUw directly re sponsible for the success of the an nul convention of the American I ague for 1vlo Improvement to be hld In SW. Paul, September IT, IS, and IS, The program, wlrtc.h Is vvtll under way, consists nf addreiwea, cmferor.w. exhibits and social function. The newly orjranlwd ecMon will lie In evidence, 'he "model clly" n.l the model furm" will be exploited by the committeemen representing the I.eau. the irtory f r-uiTtmt campaign In leading rltlni will be told by their Itaders, the llvest of "live questions-' In Amwioan municipal and rural rt rreas will be discus. "How it was done and how o do it again In your town" will be the keynote of the gath ering. OonvwUom .Ovulars will be sent for distribution to all m uiber of s, society or elub. ' Thone who mix the St. Paul conven tion can find helj In the "Public Beau ty Week." August 17-SS. at Ohautau avaa. The trwgvie I agreed to con duct oonferenoea and lecture daily during thia a-eek. an J w ill have sev eral of Its most attractive jmeaker and .ffiiht worker prwwnt. Other apeci- al weeks in which Leasees sections aw tntereeWed will be those devoted to social settlements, July S-li. with Miss tw i.i.Umw Tjwrue chatrman. In charge; arts and crofts. July 1S-1: municipal proffreaa. July JT-August rwiciid.) unnmincements will be mailed to all members of any local chrb if addresses are sent to the sec twr of the League. Addresses are also desire all who expect t oattend vhe St. Paul Convention or to be pres ent during the special week at Chau tauqua. ' i The section organisation announced teat month as a significant step in the growth of the American League for Civic Improvement t approaching completion. President Charles ZueWin announce the following aertion coun cils as havnig organised for work: Parks (outdoor rt: C. M. Lortng, Minneapolis, chairman: MuniciiU Art: Albert Kelesy. Philadelphia, ohair "man;Rural Improvement: John Craig, Ithaca. chairman: Libraries and Muaeums: Jno. Thomson. Philadelphia, chairman; Social Settlement: Miss Jane Addams, Chicago, chairman; Municipal Reform: Clinton Rogers Woodruff. Philadelphia. chairman; rts and Crafts; Mr. CStnde Hamlin. St. Paul, chairman. Te Society for Heautlfytns' lUiffalo has b,en organ! tetnl to agitate against the invasion f the beautiful residence streets of the city by business blocks and factories, "to educate the itple up to an aiprecintln of the artbuic In the construction of houses, and their surroundings, ami to Institute a cru sade against such nutaxncre as the Marine Mil-board, which now defaces so many nelghlxvlioods. which might mthorvvfcv be iH'autiful." The president lr. M. IV Mann. Is also prcsUlVnt o the Ruff a to lark Commission, nnd was the cordial host o? the Ruffalo conven tton of the league. Roth Mr. Mann nnd the Ruffalo socitey have become members of the American Society for Civic Improvement. The civic committee f the Kedwa thin of Women's Clubs of Nebraska has begun a vigorous campaign for 190S with the following definite objects in view: Ret rooms In towns and cities: forestry: vacant tot cultiv-a- Hon; hnprovement of chuivh exteriors and aurrmindlngs; and cemetery Im provemem. The chairman, Mra W. 0. L. Taylor, of Lincoln, plans to take advantage of the literature and other helps provided by the American League for Chic Improvement. As a result of the work of the Rluff City (Kansas) Association, stone walks have been laid throughout the town with material transported from l miles away, the streets are well Ilsrhted with TOO-enndle-power gasoline lamps, and there are only three un- painted buildings In town 'these be ing m course of erection. The railroad station hns the reputation of being the prettiest one within S00 roitos. The women's clubs of Duluth, Minn., have formed an organisation to be known as the Women's Council, "for Che purpose of cleaning and beautify ing the city, and getting an Insight nto munk'ipal affaire, with a view to having them more properly administered." sea The annual convention of the Amer ican Park and Outdoor Art Associa tion will be hekt in Boston in August. Mrs. Herman J. Hall, president of the womans auxiliary of the association has a number of new and significant enterprises to present to the meeting. PACIFIC COAST TRADE are being built umlif A merles n ivg. rslcr, 1 cannot say what vessels we THb TKII.U NTi:il.i' ItOl'TK WII.I, UK lSKI. Prael A Cook Transfer Co 10 stherman Transfer Co. ,. ,, It) Anchor mloon It) will have on Wris side. We expect lo R, dimming , it) Nwnn Wilson 10 10 1 ..... ,. 1... ....... . ... Miimiiv iiir iiuii nuiiHm'ui ipim tut i- rti'njil lOulf ftiMtes to the Orient. In u.ldm.m .J. H. Seymour to othor frtMrflit." Slcmusldp IJhom Vrttm ,.w York I nnd Snu Priiiit isro Will CtMtnot t l Itall. TIIK LIST ?HO .'S. tllotioutii rNun th of July V! ' Assured Pact, OUR YOUNG GRADUATES. (Continued from Page One). Prof. Cleveland and Prof. MoCue. The young ladies of the class, 1n thth- white dreRwo. prwented a pleasing appear ance, and were an endorsement of the Frederickson assertion lh-t Astoria's young lady graduates are as otoarming as those of any .-f the schools In the state. The colors of the several classes were very tive and those fitted to do, by care ful preparation. He emphasized the benefits of going higher and taking the high school work, and If possible that of the university. The vocal solos of Miss Shlvely and Mrs. J. T. Ross and the Instrumental duet of Misses Young and Frederick- sun, and the instrumental solos of Miss and Miss Mary Adair were much enjoyed. Mrs. Baker prov ed a very acceptable accompanist. ILLIOi OF WOMEN Pon t marry for money, but for love, Slllt If tho frfvl hu. m.n..V t -. , . . !.,.., much In evidence; the red and white h,. of ShivtHy school, proving a pleasing . ...... ... amtrast to the blue and white of the McClure, and the purple and gold of Adair. The girls of the i-B class of the Adair school acted a ushers, and the floral offerings were many and beau- ! tifuX The following is the program: Music, violin duet. Misses Young and Frederickson. Kssay, "The Seasons," Corine 01.-en. . essay, "National Wonders of Amer ica,' Arthur Grlmhurg. Essay, "The Astoria Rgiita," NVna Moore. , Essay, "My Version uf Abraham Lincoln," Marie Basel. Music, vocal solo, Miss Shively. Kssay, " Electricity," Gus Gamble. Kssay, " The Victor!- of Peace," Madge Baldwin. Essay, "Trees of Oregon, ' Ot to Ut zinger. Essay, " The Biidg" if the Gods," Esther Anderson. . Music, violin solo. Miss Frtdoick son. Essay, " The Conquest of Peru." Wil lie Grussie. Hssay, "Class IV i y." Esther Gear art. Esttay, " Our fUlent Friends," Martha Paldnlus. Basay, " The Lewis and tiark Cen tennial," Sherman liiivell. Music, instrumental solo, Mai'y Adair Pn'sentation of diplomas by Wrn. H. Barker, of the board of cduca'.l i. Address o the class by Prs. P. L. (Campbell, of the State Normal school. Music, vocal solo. Mrs. J. T. I!osj. Accompanist, Mrs. E. M. Baker. Prof. J. O. McCue of the Adair whool presented the class to tfie hoard of i ilu cators In a few brief remarks, and Mr. W. H. Ba-rker pres?rt-a the diplo mas on behalf of the schoul Ijoard and took occasion to congratulate the class on their progress, and urged them to climb higher. At the close of the presentation of the diplomas Prof. McCue Introduced Pres. P. L. Campbell, of the Slate Normal school, who delivered the ad dress to the class. Pres. Campbell's acYdross was of muuh Interest to all preset, and he endeavored to -impress on thevbi! the value of thorough proparitltMt 'or . heir life work, and the urgent '-need Hhere Is these days for capable men and women. Compe tition 'these daya is so keen, and suc . cess In life comes to the alert, the ac- SAX FliANCISiV), j,H .-- Ry June I, l!H)X the Tehnuuteinv railroad cimss the Isthnms ,r that same name in Mexico, will come h.-r u-lt n.- Pamuna rvute ami the American over- 1 The Fourth of July ' mtflee apiointtM bv ;h" ' !!.' loll I 'li s Kctull 'A. O. Spexai'lh & jll. Kkstnim S Ifharles liogers ,,,,, ,, ft :J. W, Conn ft M. It.ihlnson , K ,l 1. littler , tS ft i ' A 'Coffi-v McMillan 0 ft ft ft II ft (T. F. Mut-tn Johnson Hims V. A'hltisst-I i- The Wonder Central Hotel OreiMii Rakerv .... I'nlon, has cstabllMhc.l itait.,, ii, the !(ttlde Bakery ... old Republican h.M.luu.irl-i's imihltnn ;'; l!'ni S"" ,' on Cmnmeivial stm-t ami appotttnl N. SlnmviMison . o . . . . Herring Munmin Mr. Scltg secretary, wh i wi!! dtvcw- v Trulllnger his time to the busln.vts uiutl a mc- K. M. Kker land lines tnr ,i ..i i.. . ..... . i "0" 'W ""v tnr mm,- itsiui ceieoiatiou uaa iw THERE IS HOPE FOR EVEN SUCH AS HAVE GLIMPSES OP THE DARK VALLEY.' It UiVOlu- 'lil.iiiihla 1jiiii..I,v iHiween me Atlantic seaboard i plished. Elaborate wan ;cni ' are i Victor Carlson and the Pacirlc coast.' Thks ttetnent ' being mode and It prim .s m b. one w.w made by J. J. Alkn of the City of the greatest In the hl.vorv ,.f As of Mexico, general tmrllc manager of jtorla. It takes money t. iv.iKe a suc the road, who Is 1n this city. icessful velebratltNi anl tlm h M not be forgotten by enicr.ti lalng cli,rns. The list Is growing ru i lly. however, and with the .ironmt uttmiioii of for 50 years. It i those who have not .iJivh ly s'lbsci-itMHl Its Atlantic ter-;lhe necessary amount mil rnon be raised. Following Is the total list with amounts subscribed to date: " The Mexican government owns the Tehauntepec rd." Said. Mr. Allen. " but has leased it te 185 miles long. minus la CoalsacoaicvM. while Sallmt Crui Is thv Pacific terminus. ' It Is the Intention between now and June 1st of next year to have a steam er line between New York and Coal laooalcos and between Sallna Crui and 9an Franclstx). For the Atlantic ser vice three modern steamers of 7000 tons each with a speed of is knots an hour I imam hock Burns A Twilight . Miller .4 Son I Mirror Baths liVmmetvlal Paths 1.. Ohler Palace Maths A Sweet Stomach cones only by having a perfect acting liver and good digestion both can easily be had by using Beecham's Pills 8oM Evsmrbem-in bans KM. sad SM. Chinese merchants t 0 John Kopp , S3 Herman wis Griffin A Reed !6 Clerks' -Union 80 M. S. Coptiand SO H. II. Hoefier SO Ross. Hlgglns Co. 20 Kenney & Grlbler SO O. F. Wise SO I August Erlckson SO iWHIl Madison I Carlson Bros SO ' S. Dansiger A Co 15 ! Foard A Stokes Co 15 P. A. Stokes 15 C. R. Morse 10 The A. Dunbar Co 10 Fisher Bros p) A. V. Mien lo Alex Tagg lo Peterson & Brown 10 I). Shanahnn 10 iCmis. Hellborn ft Son ' 10 John Halm in C. H. Cooper 10 Aug. Damelson Charles Campbell Sam Harris T. D. Hursey Christiansen & Co Central Meat Market Total ITM Ilerinidi Wise additional) I 10 00 Paine's Celery Compound Oregon SnoriT line and Union Pacific The Medicine That Saves Life and Restores Lost Health. Iprt A merciful Proviilviii'e still keeps Ihe.sinu'k of lire In thoiwands of wast ed and fivble UmIIcs, The fitful, lilt- First Nittlomtl Bank Astoria Inm Wortet Jeffs Itestaurant ... Mug Saloon Boston llestaurant New Styie chop House 0 w 5 W 10 00 ft 00 ft 00 t 00 Rising Sun Kuwtaunuit t 00 San Frnmiscii Oyster House ... SOU (."olumbhi Oyster House 3 40 IVte UurWl 1(0 John Slyness I So Arvo) King J 60 Charles Olsen ., i JO UlslngiT Sc Son i 60 Tom Peterson J io John IVntllla s 00 S. A. Olnrire J 00 Sam F. Gnlnllch S 00 M. Gclness H. H. Zapf Great Eastcni Furniture Co. Svensen llmik !ton George Eli-o V Peterson C. J. Trenchant Van Bitacn .4 Co Native Ihiuuhters Astoria Electric Co t Oil i 60 3 oo 3 00 J 00 S CO S 60 s r.a 111 All V. 011 )160 1)0 Total ....$174 00 Chios ' Portland ; Hiwclal (:00 a. in. I VlA lltll.l. AtiajtMo lenlng spark vWll burn with l j.jg Ttl, m IMiww as the hot day of suiumor hp- i via Hum pnsu h. There Is still hos for ivnu (hose who are now- onioning kIIiiiwi of the dark valley, The use of Piilnc (Vlery Compound dui-liiK the mouth of Jun will aC one arrest lite pmirrraw of wasting diseases, it will stinth- en the weak ami Inlliinieil nerves, vld the bialy of morbid wiwtte material, make the blood pun and give hciiiihy action to the stomanh, tlvw and kkl ney. NervroussnisM,, rheumatism, neuralgia, liver and kid- I ney tntublea quickly vsnlsh when Dr. Phelp s nun vi-lloiiN prescrlptkm Is ihmhI. ! Mrs, Alke Terry Wal, BI5 lllghhihd 1 D'tf street, Helima. Muni., snys:- oeolBun. " I can say Palne's i Vlery 1 Ington Hi. Paul Flit ins II I p. m. via Spokane TIM K HCHtfiD. ULIC From Porllajid. Salt t-ako.DfiiVpr, gt, worm, oma hu, Kineas City HI, Louis, Chlosgu tnd Kssl, salt Uke, Denver Fl, Worth, Unit hu, Ktnsa City. Bl. IjOUIs, Chlcai Slid Bast. Walls Walls. Lewlslnn, Bpn. knne. Mlnnapoll Ht. Paul, Dululs Milwaukee. Chi. csfn and Daai Arrlv tl aoun from PortUad No Chant of Can. to Chios fa, OCEAN AND RXVUR BC11BDCUB Tom Asian All sailing daimi subjont lo ohanfhrr-I, For Han FrsooU go tvtrjr nv jrt. I Colttmbla Rlvsr I To Portland sndl WjrJUadl4t.J i ieueve Hlmer Nahrotta leave. Astuia. , o all llsit ni)ouid m-ttclite. I should have Wn In my ' 1,h fw long llmctK Ttoga kJtU grave ir It hadn't been for the wonder- i T. 'teturnllig ful curing virtues of the Com,..uml : '"" and I can say o nil who are nnd . Q run down, to try It. and they will find relief at once. My tumble was svii. i ernl weakness, lack of aps-tti. and ! A, I CIIAJO heart tr.Hihie. I have laken four tt- Osnersi Passnnf Ag-sat, ties f Itilnes (Vlery Coin,H,mid nnd Pnrtlnd tvrejon fH-l like a new person N'nw I hnc'. a go,l apitlte and do ail , o,t DYSPE-PTIflnP f'-' jThi .V..7 ..Vf OIQCSTIOnT I-0UN8BBRRT, AgasH. Astoria. When a man Is too lasy lo hunt up a job he finds fault with the prosperity of the country. OFFICIAL VOTE OF CLATSOP COUNTY BY PRECINCTS AS CANVASSED BY the Board of Election Examiners. PkKCINCTS REPRESENTATIVE W. K. Rotrher Dcm D. T.O-rdesHoe F. R. Spsulding, rro J. N. Willi mi n. Renub GOVERNOR Geo. Cliamls?rlsin, Dem W. J. Fumi h. iU u J A. J. Huntsakrr. Pro ; R. R. Rvsn. So- islist .! SI I'REMK Jl'IXiK j R. H. Bean, Republican j B. K. Boham, Ivinorrat C. J. Briulit. Prohibib ! ECRETARY OK KTATE-i '. W. Baratc, Socialist i N. A. Davis, Proliin - j 11 F. I. Bunbar, Republican liH IMW. Hears. Democrat ! 42 STATE TREASI RER i Henry Bl cman, Dem ; ifi l. p. Mciwmei, rroiun iu at 6i 5 us! in I m i x S ! o S-i g- 8 :i l.ri7 82 : HIT, t 115 ! si 13!), 46 ai I ii 95 i lW 1 137 km i no; ian 3 i 2 31 7 7 ill , 174; 71 ! !W ! t j , 1. I I in; 5' hi: 122 ' l!Ki I i2' Ii7' XI 13 IM 102 !)' s! n a i im' II ('. S. Moore, Republican 71 ! lw ; lol , lmi i Itti W. W. Myers. Sociali t UPT. Pntl.IC IN'ST'N J. II. Ackcrnian. Re tin R. W. Kelsey. Pn.liib W. A. Wsnn, Democrat ATTORNEY GENERAL 41) 18 1 14' 13 J I lllii ll'i Hi ' m 2 12 I i UWj 147; 15 fi . 79 H i Ml 1 13 1 511 la 10 B llii :) 47 10 90 14 !' ! 51)1 fir 3 1 sr 32 t j 1: V .0 IT- i 2 I I 17 34 ! II bl 10; 15 1 l! II ll 15 31 : io 17 211' -I 14 2s '23 2Hl73 SI ' 2D ' 1711 15 I a ; 3 I 5! 3' 2i ii ; ii io i;"i ,i I 2 ' 3 2 22 17 .Hi 3,1 ' i I?! 4 ; HI; 12 21 , IH, 12 21 15 ,44 au; at, y, : 2a 15 1 7 21 m 1 53 311 ii 1 ' 1 74 : 20 34 3,5 j 3! 33 14 ! 3 1 l! 2 3! 1!) ! .Hi : 21 2 : 31 i 1 32 1 5 2; IM Is 3 t 1 i ! ! ' 2!l 70 ! 23 i 17 : 13 42 ; .1 ; 12 ; s , s ID 1 23 21 ' -VI 21) 111 . :w si II 8 12 2 II 1 ss 1 2'i ; 15 :;t' HI l.M.TJ 2 70 j 17 i 35 IS , 51 : Hi; 1 I ,2! 31 ! 5 I 32 1 4 22 : I I Preserve, Purify, and Beautify the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands with TSOAP MlLMONR OT Womeu use Coticura Soap, sssiated by (Jdtk.'Uha Ointment, for benutifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp, and tlie stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soolliiug red, tough, and sore bunds, for baby rashcn, ilebings, and irritations, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of women use Cuticuka SoAr in baths for annoying irritations, inflamma tions, and excoriations, or too free or offen sive prespiration, in washes for ulcerative weaknesses, snd for many sanative, antiseptic- purposes, which readily saggest themselves to women, especially mothers. Complete Treatment for Humours, $1. CuUhii-UDgof Cuticuka oAr(iA:.),toi'lcaiine the sktu of cruttts and wales, anil gotten the thickened i-utlcle,Ci;riruKA uintmlnti jOc.). to iii'tHiitly slluy lli hinif. Inflammatlun, and Irriutlon, snd nuotliesml neul, snd t unci; it Kknolvkmi Pills (25c.), to cool sad cleanne Uie blood, CtmcuBA Rssoltbnt Fills (Chocolate Coiled ) are a new, taste bin, odorltms. economtcsl ubttitnts for the wlebrued liquid Cuticdha Rssolvsht, u well u (or all other blood pari. Sen and humour curst, M doses, Vx Sold thmurboel ttx vorU. BritUh tkpgti V-O, ChaiUrhouM 8q.. Londoe. Puttu lisoe ABB CSSS. Oou, Soto frost, btMua, U.ii, A.M. Ira fold, Repu . 70 114 111 Hrt , 143 0 T. H. fioync. Proliib ; 41 1 7 Ii ' 18 H J2 Jas. H. Haley Democrat ' 03! 04 18' 81 IK) 48 ST ATB PRINTER I ! W. W. Brooks. Rrol-ib I 24 7! 12 li J. E. (Iisifrev, Democrat 54 s I IM 109 45 J. E, Hosmer, Sscialist ' 49 1)! ) 12 15 14 j J. R. Whitfey, Repiil) 57 S9 100 119 12!) i 85 L'. I. SENATOR , , j ! T. T. Oeer, Republican tl sj )!7 ; PJ9 110 91 C. E. 8. Wood. Demo : 82 1 8 ! W) 82 Vti 49 STATE SENATOR i C. W. Fulton. Rtpub 88 120 1 112 UA 153 88 II. I,. Henderson, ( it j 106 79 i 8JJ 03 110 7 REPRESENTATIVES : ! i!. W. Caniahan. Rcpub 57 102 1 104 159 152 81 A. Scheriieckail, Repub 1 47 80 1 W) 130 12!) W John Halm, Citizen j: 93 1 90 HU 128 84 H. M. Lorenteen, Citi 115 08 78 8H 74 COUNTY Jl'IXiK i I J. H. D. Gray, Renub 77 84 98 123 122 90 C J. Trenchard, Citizen 110 113 97 131 145 74 SHERIFF J. Jl. Hansen, Citizen 151 90 79 115 133 93 Thos. Linville, Repub 43 100 119 139 131 73 COUNTY CLERK J. 0 Clinton, Repub 137 MS 158 'Ml 206 117 B. J. Hloop, Citizen 07 29 29 42 48 39 TREASURER B. F. Allen, Citizen 144 77 90 109 127 79 Clias. Heilborn, Repub 43 103 lfi L'Xi lii 83 ASSESSOR T.8 Cornelius, Repub 7 98 105 151 152 119 C 8. Wright, Citizen 9U 84 80 93 l(i .v9 SURVEYOR R. F. C. Astbury, Repub 142 1.54 140 202 207 I3t CORONER I W. C. A. Pohl. Repub 1155 Ml 154 212 2HI ' 135 COMMISSIONER 0. C. Clarke, Republican I 59 105 110 1 124 i 88 E. F. Ulike. Citizen 1L5 78 09 103 127 "0 INITIATIVE A REF'D'M ' Yen4 "Iff' '13 135 141 187 104 ! 127 No ! 10 HU 8 12 15 1 HI B7 18' 1!) 3,5 i: 1 27' 2 32 i 1 Hi 2: 4 29 2 31 I Ii 20 3 1' m 15 : 1 hi 40 ' 33 ! 23 I II 13 31 12 . 43 ; 20 1 'I 2 11 1,1 I I 31 ; 27 78 : 12! I 13 .1'!? 15 ! ; 21 : i'.i 11 1 I2-2H' s 1113 9 22 18 l! I,' 8 i: 2 I 2 n 41 II 5 2 55 :i!i 1 2 ll 8) I I'll II II 12! 9 1 1 1 11 I I 12 it i 71 I' I "I 12 20 52 3 1 i 10 8' to II I ; 15: I 1 8, 13; It I 10 1 II I 1 12: 3111 3 1 I 71 H MI2 84 1187 l!7 1103 52 107 1313 717 121 I.-.l! li!l 1 107 515 1132 Im I2:i8 l!l 1-317 121 0811 J El ASK ANY ONE Who has used Mar KstAt and they will tell you l hey ars 't most satisfactory they have ever uhI. They require but little ttrt snJ bake quick and uniform, avt are raslly managed). For sale ss Astoria only by W. J. Scully 4J BOND 5TKEET. Betwevit Ninth and Tenth Big Deal in Typewriters 1 5i 29 i 3; 171 07 21 25 ! 24 i m 10 I 1113!) 75 ' 15 j 19 : 21 481 ti:3; I 56 j 18 23 j 1!) 1 47 50 ; 12 j 18 ! 18 ; 30 59 68 04 00 93 34 54 02 85 33 90 90 56 5V 110 5 20 i 10 44 7; 52 1 4 132 19 i 19 : 49 I 23 1 IX) 15 81 18 15 50 21 53 2 30 1 50 ; 12 -115 i 30 33 i 72 20 231.50 17 ! 1(1 i 57 ' 1:35 15159 I 11 10 I 20 24 20 18 15 ' 13 31 1 30 40 I 35 45 38; 88 ' 21' 31 , 98 20192 13 37 33 , 27 HT, 31 r- II ;i 1 1 i ; iii in ! 2 2 i:w 13 1 I0j2l j 11 ! 0; 18 I HI 7 7 I 087 i ' 'j 2! 3 l! 3; I I, 1 lol : 11 m! 20 1 7 91 14i 2; i) 7i 0 1 o7i 1 1 i t 1 7 12 1; 1 12 1; 1:1. , hi I i , i 5i:u II 7- lii J 4 sju.11 '17 7; 17 18 -.ii 27; 12; 2 i:i! 2 12 1 m 15' 7 10,12 20120, 3 7! 5 ill) l! 721 10 8 1 ii 15 52 33 4 ill) 12 1 4 1 1 1191 22; 15 'at' 25 17 27! 10 111 8 II I 13! oils I ! ' i 'lii j 18' H i-, 13 40! 28 i 13 1 4 I ft 3 IM7 12! 8 HI, 11 40 29 , 4 1 8 8 ft 2 Ittll 10 13 27 27 .18 ! 20 j H' 9 9 9 11 llSIl 15! 9,l!l 20 14 j 25 8 1 III; 0i I) 12 821 I j ' I I I 23 I 10 1 18 13; 59 '28 12 12; 13 7 ft 1079 j 19, 14 27 , 28 ! 8; 31 3 9 0 0 9 10911 I I ! ' ' i I 21 , IV 23 , 20 10 , 20 2 9 7 7 8 1017 13 ! 7 20 17 57 31 13(10 13 Ii 0 1143 1 2ft! 23 33 23 r.l 44 1 14 13 17 10 12 1089 Hi 10 I"! 8 HI 8 1 2 2 411 19,11 23 24: 10 23 2 7 8 7 Wl 13 10 211 1 44 34 1 12 12 9 5 4 10U0 1 I 14 0 24 i 10 M 3ft 15 13 17 8 10 1209 IK I 14 17 23 j ft 22 ft S ftj 3 792! 21 j 19 .19 28 ( .VI SO 14 13 18 9 1 12 1591 i ,25 '21 39 1 31 ,00 53 14 11 17 7 II 1701 Mi' 2 4 17 1 15 52 35 11 8 5 0 3 1084 : 19 j 2.1 122 9 j22 4 10 15 7 1 10 972 I ' I 20 1 19 31 1 27 30 20 11 14 18 10 12 1583 1 I 3 2 21 II 2 I 110 A Nickel Harvest will be yours mrjr day la the year If yon own MILLS COIN OPERATING MACHINES . 61 VARIETIES Wr!t for ctIoir and money msvklnff tugofftloilA. MILLS NOVELTY CO., Chicago. tl to 23 South Jeilersos Street Andrew Asp, Wagon laker, Blaeasmiti tti Bomenlixr North Pacific Brewery. JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Ausirlan Government Orders Fmlth Premiers. 134 VIENNA, Feb. 7.-The irrralest sin Kle iiuretmse uf typewriters ever inaile haa been ordi-red by (he mln Uiry of Justice, which, after three nmmhi of eihsustlvs I'utnpetiiive tests, has cmlmclrj to eriulp the rn tire ministry with not less than 12t) Hnilth Premier typewriters, aupplymn every court. I'trss J'irislt li IipJI'oiIIih il Oiiii.i.Ihi , I ' I itmrv Uki Smith Premier Typewriter Co. L. & M. Ali xiiiiilt r A Co,, A nls. ' PORTLAND OFFICE - 122 THIRD STREET FTRST-CLAS8 WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship arO Steamboat Repalring.Qeneral Black mlthing, Flrst-Class Hone ShoeinK, anc CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANB The Popu'ar Product of the only brewery In North western Oregon enjoys a very, large domestic and ex port Sale. KOPPS BEST bottled or In kegB. Free City Delivery. Steamer SIE II. ELMORE The Largest, Staunchest, Pteaillesl, anil most seaworthy vessel ever on the route. Best of Table ami Hi ate Room Accommoda tions. Will make round trips every five clays between. Astoria and Tillamook PARE $3.50 Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad aV Navigation Co. sad the Astoria Columbia R. R. for Portland. Ban Francises and all points Bast. For freight and passenger rales apply to Samuel Elmore & Co. l-iirnl A ir4iitH, Ahtorla, )r. A. & C. R. R. Co. Portland, Or. er to B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Or. O. R. A N. Co. rortlund Or, Tin ll Li n i 1 1 ii Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Has beea Underwriting on the Pacific Const ovei twenty-two yean. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., Agenta, Astoria, Ore.